callOutliers.CBS: Calls outliers

callOutliers.CBSR Documentation

Calls outliers


Calls outliers.


## S3 method for class 'CBS'
callOutliers(fit, adjust=1, method=c("ucsf-mad"), ...)



A positive scale factor adjusting the sensitivity of the caller, where a value less (greater) than 1.0 makes the caller less (more) sensitive.


A character string specifying the calling algorithm to use.


Additional/optional arguments used to override the default parameters used by the caller.


Returns a CBS object where logical columns 'negOutlierCall' and 'posOutlierCall' have been appended to the segmentation table.

The UCSF caller

If method == "ucsf-mad", then loci are called using [1] "Finally, to identify single technical or biological outliers such as high level amplifications, the presence of the outliers within a segment was allowed by assigning the original observed log2ratio to the clones for which the observed values were more than four tumor-specific MAD away from the smoothed values." [1; Suppl. Mat.]


Henrik Bengtsson


[1] Fridlyand et al. Breast tumor copy number aberration phenotypes and genomic instability, BMC Cancer, 2006.

See Also

*callGainsAndLosses(). *callAmplifications(). For more information see CBS.

PSCBS documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:59 a.m.