estimateDeltaABBySmallDH.PairedPSCBS: Estimate a threshold for calling allelic balance from DH

estimateDeltaABBySmallDH.PairedPSCBSR Documentation

Estimate a threshold for calling allelic balance from DH


Estimate a threshold for calling allelic balance from DH.


## S3 method for class 'PairedPSCBS'
estimateDeltaABBySmallDH(fit, q1=0.05, q2=0.9, ..., verbose=FALSE)



A numeric value specifying the weighted quantile of the segment-level DHs used to identify segments with small DH means.


A numeric value specifying the quantile of the locus-level DH signals for those segments with small DH mean levels.


Not used.


See Verbose.


Returns the threshold estimate as a numeric scalar.


  • Grabs the segment-level DH estimates.

  • Calculate segment weights proportional to the number of heterozygous SNPs.

  • Calculate \Delta as the 5% quantile of the weighted DH means.

  • Choose the segments with means less than \Delta.

  • Calculate threshold \Delta_{AB} as the 90% "symmetric" quantile of the observed locus-level DHs from the selected segments in Step 4. The q:th "symmetric" quantile is estimated by estimating the ((1-q), 50%) quantiles, calculating their distance as "50%-(1-q)" and add to the median (50%), i.e. "median + (median-(1-q))" = "2*median-1 + q", which should equal q if the distribution is symmetric.


Henrik Bengtsson

See Also

Instead of calling this method explicitly, it is recommended to use the *estimateDeltaAB() method.

PSCBS documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:59 a.m.