
Defines functions f.targ.jump f.tmodel SARMCMCard SARMCMCpl SARMCMCnone mcmcSAR

Documented in mcmcSAR

#' @title Bayesian Estimator of SAR model
#' @description \code{mcmcSAR} implements the Bayesian estimator of the linear-in-mean SAR model when only the linking probabilities are available or can be estimated.
#' @param formula object of class \link[stats]{formula}: a symbolic description of the model. The `formula` should be as for example \code{y ~ x1 + x2 | x1 + x2}
#' where `y` is the endogenous vector, the listed variables before the pipe, `x1`, `x2` are the individual exogenous variables and
#' the listed variables after the pipe, `x1`, `x2` are the contextual observable variables. Other formulas may be
#' \code{y ~ x1 + x2} for the model without contextual effects, \code{y ~ -1 + x1 + x2 | x1 + x2} for the model
#' without intercept, or \code{ y ~ x1 + x2 | x2 + x3} to allow the contextual variables to be different from the individual variables.
#' @param  contextual (optional) logical; if true, this means that all individual variables will be set as contextual variables. Set 
#' `formula` as `y ~ x1 + x2` and `contextual` as `TRUE` is equivalent to set formula as `y ~ x1 + x2 | x1 + x2`.
#' @param  start (optional) vector of starting value of the model parameter as \eqn{(\beta' ~ \gamma' ~ \alpha ~ \sigma^2)'}{(\beta'  \gamma'  \alpha  se^2)'},
#' where \eqn{\beta} is the individual variables parameter, \eqn{\gamma} is the contextual variables parameter, \eqn{\alpha} is the peer effect parameter
#' and \eqn{\sigma^2}{se^2} the variance of the error term. If the `start` is missing, a Maximum Likelihood estimator will be used, where
#' the network matrix is that given through the argument `G0` (if provided) or generated from it distribution.
#' @param G0.obs list of matrices (or simply matrix if the list contains only one matrix) indicating the part of the network data which is observed. If the (i,j)-th element
#' of the m-th matrix is one, then the element at the same position in the network data will be considered as observed and will not be inferred in the MCMC. In contrast, 
#' if the (i,j)-th element of the m-th matrix is zero, the element at the same position in the network data will be considered as a starting value of the missing link which will be inferred. 
#' `G0.obs` can also take `"none"` when no part of the network data is observed (equivalent to the case where all the entries are zeros) and `"all"` when the network data is fully 
#' observed (equivalent to the case where all the entries are ones).
#' @param G0 list of sub-network matrices (or simply network matrix if there is only one sub-network). `G0` is made up of starting values for the entries with missing network data and observed values for the entries with
#' observed network data. `G0` is optional when `G0.obs = "none"`. 
#' @param mlinks list specifying the network formation model (see Section Network formation model in Details).
#' @param hyperparms (optional) is a list of hyperparameters (see Section Hyperparameters in Details). 
#' @param ctrl.mcmc list of MCMC controls (see Section MCMC control in Details).
#' @param iteration number of MCMC steps to be performed.
#' @param data optional data frame, list or environment (or object coercible by \link[base]{as.data.frame} to a data frame) containing the variables
#' in the model. If missing, the variables are taken from \code{environment(formula)}, typically the environment from which `mcmcSAR` is called.
#' @details 
#' ## Outcome model
#' The model is given by
#' \deqn{\mathbf{y} = \mathbf{X}\beta + \mathbf{G}\mathbf{X}\gamma + \alpha \mathbf{G}\mathbf{y} + \epsilon.}{y = X\beta + GX\gamma + \alpha Gy + \epsilon,}
#' where \deqn{\epsilon \sim N(0, \sigma^2).}{\epsilon ~ N(0, se^2).}
#' The parameters to estimate in this model are the matrix \eqn{\mathbf{G}}{G}, the vectors \eqn{\beta}, \eqn{\gamma} and the scalar \eqn{\alpha}, \eqn{\sigma}{se}.
#' Prior distributions are assumed on \eqn{\mathbf{A}}, the adjacency matrix in which \eqn{\mathbf{A}_{ij} = 1}{A[i,j] = 1} if i is  connected to j and
#' \eqn{\mathbf{A}_{ij} = 0}{A[i,j] = 0} otherwise, and on \eqn{\beta}, \eqn{\gamma}, \eqn{\alpha} and \eqn{\sigma^2}{se^2}.
#' \deqn{\mathbf{A}_{ij} \sim Bernoulli(\mathbf{P}_{ij})}{A[i,j] ~ Bernoulli(P[i,j])}
#' \deqn{(\beta' ~ \gamma')'|\sigma^2 \sim \mathcal{N}(\mu_{\theta}, \sigma^2\Sigma_{\theta})}{(\beta' \gamma')'|se^2 ~ N(mutheta, se^2*stheta)}
#' \deqn{\zeta = \log\left(\frac{\alpha}{1 - \alpha}\right) \sim \mathcal{N}(\mu_{\zeta}, \sigma_{\zeta}^2)}{\zeta = log(\alpha/(1 - \alpha)) ~ N(muzeta, szeta)}
#' \deqn{\sigma^2 \sim IG(\frac{a}{2}, \frac{b}{2})}{se^2 ~ IG(a/2, b/2)}
#' where \eqn{\mathbf{P}}{P} is the linking probability. The linking probability is an hyperparameters that can be set fixed or updated using a network formation model.
#' ## Network formation model
#' The linking probability can be set fixed or updated using a network formation model. Information about how \eqn{\mathbf{P}}{P} should be handled in in the MCMC can be set through the
#' argument `mlinks` which should be a list with named elements. Divers specifications of network formation model are possible. The list assigned to `mlist` should include
#' an element named `model`. The expected values of `model` are `"none"` (default value), `"logit"`, `"probit"`, and `"latent space"`.
#' \itemize{
#' \item `"none"` means that the network distribution \eqn{\mathbf{P}}{P} is set fixed throughout the MCMC,
#' \item `"probit"` or `"logit"` implies that the network distribution \eqn{\mathbf{P}}{P} will be updated using a Probit or Logit model,
#' \item `"latent spate"` means that \eqn{\mathbf{P}}{P} will be updated following Breza et al. (2020).}
#' ### Fixed network distribution
#' To set \eqn{\mathbf{P}}{P} fixed, `mlinks` could contain,
#' \itemize{
#' \item `dnetwork`, a list, where the m-th elements is the matrix of
#' link probability in the m-th sub-network. 
#' \item `model = "none"` (optional as `"none"` is the default value).
#' }
#' ### Probit and Logit models
#' For the Probit and Logit specification as network formation model, the following elements could be declared in `mlinks`.
#' \itemize{
#' \item `model = "probit"` or `model = "logit"`.
#' \item `mlinks.formula` object of class \link[stats]{formula}: a symbolic description of the Logit or Probit model. The `formula` should only specify the explanatory variables, as for example \code{~ x1 + x2},
#' the variables `x1` and `x2` are the dyadic observable characteristics. Each variable should verify `length(x) == sum(N^2 - N)`,
#' where `N` is a vector of the number of individual in each sub-network. Indeed, `x` will be associated with the entries
#' \eqn{(1, 2)}; \eqn{(1, 3)}; \eqn{(1, 4)}; ...; \eqn{(2, 1)}; \eqn{(2, 3)}; \eqn{(2, 4)}; ... of the linking probability and 
#' as so, in all the sub-networks. Functions \code{\link{mat.to.vec}} and \code{\link{vec.to.mat}} can be used to convert a list of dyadic variable as in matrix form to a format that suits `mlinks.formula`.
#' \item `weights` (optional) is a vector of weights of observed entries. This is important to address the selection problem of observed entries. Default is a vector of ones.
#' \item `estimates` (optional when a part of the network is observed) is a list containing `rho`, a vector of the estimates of the Probit or Logit
#' parameters, and `var.rho` the covariance matrix of the estimator. These estimates can be automatically computed when a part of the network data is available.
#' In this case, `rho` and the unobserved part of the network are updated without using the observed part of the network. The latter is assumed non-stochastic in the MCMC. 
#' In addition, if `G0.obs = "none"`, `estimates` should also include `N`, a vector of the number of individuals in each sub-network.
#' \item `prior` (optional) is a list containing `rho`, a vector of the prior beliefs on `rho`, and `var.rho` the prior covariance matrix of `rho`. This input 
#' is relevant only when the observed part of the network is used to update `rho`, i.e. only when `estimates = NULL` (so, either `estimates` or `prior` should be `NULL`). \cr
#' To understand the difference between 
#' `estimates` and `prior`, note that `estimates` includes initial estimates of `rho` and `var.rho`, meaning that the observed part of the network is not used in the MCMC 
#' to update `rho`. In contrast, `prior` contains the prior beliefs of the user, and therefore, `rho` is updated using this prior and information from the observed part of the network.
#' In addition, if `G0.obs = "none"`, `prior` should also include `N`, a vector of the number of individuals in each sub-network.
#' \item `mlinks.data` optional data frame, list or environment (or object coercible by \link[base]{as.data.frame} to a data frame) containing the dyadic observable characteristics
#' If missing, the variables will be taken from \code{environment(mlinks.formula)}, typically the environment from which `mcmcARD` is called.
#' }
#' ### Latent space models
#' The following element could be declared in `mlinks`.
#' \itemize{
#' \item `model = "latent space"`.
#' \item `estimates` a list of objects of class `mcmcARD`, where the m-th element is Breza et al. (2020) estimator as returned by the function \code{\link{mcmcARD}}
#' in the m-th sub-network.
#' \item `mlinks.data` (required only when ARD are partially observed) is a list of matrices, where the m-th element is the variable matrix to use to compute distance between individuals (could be the list of traits) in the m-th sub-network.
#' The distances will be used to compute gregariousness and coordinates for individuals without ARD by k-nearest neighbors approach.
#' \item `obsARD` (required only when ARD are partially observed) is a list of logical vectors, where the i-th entry of the m-th vector indicates by `TRUE` or `FALSE` if  the i-th individual in the m-th
#' sub-network has ARD or not.
#' \item `mARD` (optional, default value is `rep(1, M`)) is a vector indicating the number of neighbors to use in each sub-network.
#' \item `burninARD` (optional) set the burn-in to summarize the posterior distribution in `estimates`. 
#' }
#' ## Hyperparameters
#' All the hyperparameters can be defined through the argument `hyperparms` (a list) and should be named as follow.
#' \itemize{
#' \item `mutheta`, the prior mean of \eqn{(\beta' ~ \gamma')'|\sigma^2}{(\beta' \gamma')'|se^2}. The default value assumes that
#' the prior mean is zero.
#' \item `invstheta` as \eqn{\Sigma_{\theta}^{-1}}{inverse of `stheta`}. The default value is a diagonal matrix with 0.01 on the diagonal.
#' \item `muzeta`, the prior mean of \eqn{\zeta}. The default value is zero.
#' \item `invszeta`, the inverse of the prior variance of \eqn{\zeta} with default value equal to 2.
#' \item `a` and `b` which default values equal to 4.2 and 2.2 respectively. This means for example that the prior mean of \eqn{\sigma^2}{se^2} is 1.
#' }
#' Inverses are used for the prior variance through the argument `hyperparms`  in order to allow non informative prior. Set the inverse of the prior
#' variance to 0 is equivalent to assume a non informative prior.
#' ## MCMC control
#' During the MCMC, the jumping scales of \eqn{\alpha} and \eqn{\rho} are updated following Atchade and Rosenthal (2005) in order to target the acceptance rate to the `target` value. This
#' requires to set a minimal and a maximal jumping scales through the parameter `ctrl.mcmc`. The parameter `ctrl.mcmc` is a list which can contain the following named components.
#' \itemize{
#' \item{`target`}: the default value is \code{c("alpha" = 0.44, "rho" = 0.234)}.
#' \item{`jumpmin`}: the default value is \code{c("alpha" = 1e-5, "rho" = 1e-5)}. 
#' \item{`jumpmax`}: the default value is \code{c("alpha" = 10, "rho" = 10)}. 
#' \item{`print.level`}: an integer in \{0, 1, 2\} that indicates if the MCMC progression should be printed in the console.
#'  If 0, the MCMC progression is not be printed. If 1 (default value), the progression is printed and if 2,
#'  the simulations from the posterior distribution are printed.
#' \item{`block.max`}: The maximal number of entries that can be updated simultaneously in \eqn{\mathbf{A}}{A}. It might be 
#' more efficient to update simultaneously 2 or 3 entries (see Boucher and Houndetoungan, 2022). 
#' }
#' If `block.max` > 1, several entries are randomly chosen from the same row and updated simultaneously. The number of entries chosen is randomly 
#' chosen between 1 and `block.max`. In addition, the entries are not chosen in order. For example, on the row i, the entries (i, 5) and (i, 9) can be updated simultaneously,
#' then the entries (i, 1), (i, 3), (i, 8), and so on. 
#' @return A list consisting of:
#'     \item{n.group}{number of groups.}
#'     \item{N}{vector of each group size.}
#'     \item{time}{elapsed time to run the MCMC in second.}
#'     \item{iteration}{number of MCMC steps performed.}
#'     \item{posterior}{matrix (or list of matrices) containing the simulations.}
#'     \item{hyperparms}{return value of `hyperparms`.}
#'     \item{mlinks}{return value of `mlinks`.}
#'     \item{accept.rate}{acceptance rates.}
#'     \item{prop.net}{proportion of observed network data.}
#'     \item{method.net}{network formation model specification.}
#'     \item{start}{starting values.}
#'     \item{formula}{input value of `formula` and `mlinks.formula`.}
#'     \item{contextual}{input value of `contextual`.}
#'     \item{ctrl.mcmc}{return value of `ctrl.mcmc`.}
#' @examples 
#' \donttest{
#' # We assume that the network is fully observed 
#' # See our vignette for examples where the network is partially observed 
#' # Number of groups
#' M             <- 50
#' # size of each group
#' N             <- rep(30,M)
#' # individual effects
#' beta          <- c(2,1,1.5)
#' # contextual effects
#' gamma         <- c(5,-3)
#' # endogenous effects
#' alpha         <- 0.4
#' # std-dev errors
#' se            <- 1
#' # prior distribution
#' prior         <- runif(sum(N*(N-1)))
#' prior         <- vec.to.mat(prior, N, normalise = FALSE)
#' # covariates
#' X             <- cbind(rnorm(sum(N),0,5),rpois(sum(N),7))
#' # true network
#' G0            <- sim.network(prior)
#' # normalise
#' G0norm        <- norm.network(G0)
#' # simulate dependent variable use an external package
#' y             <- CDatanet::simsar(~ X, contextual = TRUE, Glist = G0norm,
#'                                   theta = c(alpha, beta, gamma, se))
#' y             <- y$y
#' # dataset
#' dataset       <- as.data.frame(cbind(y, X1 = X[,1], X2 = X[,2]))
#' out.none1     <- mcmcSAR(formula = y ~ X1 + X2, contextual = TRUE, G0.obs = "all",
#'                          G0 = G0, data = dataset, iteration = 1e4)
#' summary(out.none1)
#' plot(out.none1)
#' plot(out.none1, plot.type = "dens")
#' }
#' @importFrom Formula as.Formula
#' @importFrom stats model.frame
#' @importFrom Matrix rankMatrix
#' @importFrom stats glm
#' @importFrom stats pnorm
#' @importFrom stats plogis
#' @importFrom stats binomial
#' @importFrom stats cov
#' @importFrom utils tail
#' @seealso \code{\link{smmSAR}}, \code{\link{sim.IV}}
#' @export
mcmcSAR <- function(formula,
                    G0         = NULL,
                    mlinks     = list(),
                    hyperparms = list(),
                    ctrl.mcmc  = list(),
                    iteration  = 2000L,
  t1                <- Sys.time()
  stopifnot(is.null(mlinks$estimates) | is.null(mlinks$prior))
  # data
  if (missing(contextual)) {
    contextual <- FALSE
  f.t.data     <- formula.to.data(formula = formula, contextual = contextual, data = data)
  formula      <- f.t.data$formula
  Xone         <- f.t.data$Xone
  X            <- f.t.data$X
  y            <- f.t.data$y
  kbeta        <- ncol(Xone)
  kgamma       <- 0
  if (!is.null(X)) {
    kgamma     <- ncol(X)
  ktheta       <- kbeta + kgamma
  col.Xone     <- colnames(Xone)
  col.x        <- colnames(X)
  col.post     <- c(col.Xone)
  if (is.null(X)) {
    col.post   <- c(col.post, "Gy", "se2")
  } else {
    col.post   <- c(col.post, paste0("G: ", col.x), "Gy", "se2")
  ### model of links
  lmodel       <- toupper(mlinks$model)
  name.mlinks  <- names(mlinks)
  estimates    <- mlinks$estimates
  prior        <- mlinks$prior
  dZ           <- mlinks$mlinks.data
  Zformula     <- mlinks$mlinks.formula
  mARD         <- mlinks$mARD
  burninARD    <- mlinks$burninARD
  obsARD       <- mlinks$obsARD
  dnetwork     <- mlinks$dnetwork
  murho        <- NULL
  Vrho         <- NULL
  ListIndex    <- NULL
  Krho         <- NULL
  P            <- NULL
  typeprob     <- NULL
  lFdZrho1     <- NULL
  lFdZrho0     <- NULL
  cn.rho       <- NULL
  dest         <- NULL
  zetaest      <- NULL
  neighbor     <- NULL
  weights      <- NULL
  iARD         <- NULL
  inonARD      <- NULL
  propARD      <- NULL
  Gobsvec      <- numeric()
  tmodel       <- f.tmodel(lmodel, G0.obs, G0, dZ, Zformula, estimates, dnetwork, obsARD, name.mlinks)
  dZ           <- tmodel$dZ
  Zformula     <- tmodel$Zformula
  M            <- tmodel$M
  N            <- tmodel$N
  N1           <- tmodel$N1
  N2           <- N - N1
  obsARD       <- tmodel$obsARD
  sumG0.obs    <- tmodel$sumG0.obs
  lmodel       <- tmodel$lmodel  #NONE PROBIT LOGIT or LATENT SPACE
  tmodel       <- tmodel$tmodel  #NONE PARTIAL ALL
  # target, jumping
  target        <- f.targ.jump(x = ctrl.mcmc$target, sval = c(0.44, 0.234), lmodel) 
  jumpmin       <- f.targ.jump(x = ctrl.mcmc$jumpmin, sval = rep(1e-5, 2), lmodel) 
  jumpmax       <- f.targ.jump(x = ctrl.mcmc$jumpmax, sval = rep(10, 2), lmodel) 
  print.level   <- ctrl.mcmc$print.level
  block.max     <- ctrl.mcmc$block.max
  cpar          <- ctrl.mcmc$c
  if (is.null(cpar)) {
    cpar        <- 0.6
  if (is.null(block.max)) {
    block.max   <- 1
  if (is.null(print.level)) {
    print.level <- 1
  block.max     <- block.max[1]
  cpar          <- cpar[1]
  print.level   <- print.level[1]
  block.max     <- round(block.max)
  if (block.max < 1 | block.max > 10) {
    stop("block.max should is less than 1 or greater than 10")
  ctrl.mcmc    <- list(
    target          = target,
    jumpmin         = jumpmin,
    jumpmax         = jumpmax,
    block.max       = block.max,
    print.level     = print.level,
    c               = cpar
  # hyperparameter
  mutheta      <- hyperparms$mutheta
  invstheta    <- hyperparms$invstheta
  muzeta       <- hyperparms$muzeta
  invszeta     <- hyperparms$invszeta
  a            <- hyperparms$a
  b            <- hyperparms$b
  if (is.null(mutheta)) {
    mutheta    <- rep(0,ktheta)
  if (is.null(invstheta)) {
    invstheta  <- diag(ktheta)/100
  if (is.null(muzeta)) {
    muzeta     <- 0
  if (is.null(invszeta)) {
    invszeta   <- 2
  if (is.null(a)) {
    a          <- 4.2
  if (is.null(b)) {
    b          <- (a - 2)/1
  hyperparms   <- list(
    mutheta   = mutheta,
    invstheta = invstheta,
    muzeta    = muzeta,
    invszeta  = invszeta,
    a         = a,
    b         = b
  # model NONE
  if(lmodel == "NONE") {
    if(tmodel == "NONE") {#tmodel indicated the type of partial information available
      if(!inherits(G0.obs, "list")) {
        G0.obs <- lapply(N, function(x) matrix(0, x, x))
    if(tmodel == "ALL") {
      if(!inherits(G0.obs, "list")) {
        G0.obs <- lapply(N, function(x) matrix(1, x, x))
      dnetwork <- G0.obs
    ListIndex  <- fListIndex(dnetwork, G0.obs, M, N)
  # model Probit and logit
  if(lmodel %in% c("PROBIT", "LOGIT")) {
    if(tmodel == "NONE") {#tmodel indicated the type of partial information available
      if(!inherits(G0.obs, "list")) {
        G0.obs <- lapply(N, function(x) matrix(0, x, x))
    typeprob   <- ifelse(lmodel == "PROBIT", 1, 2)
    if (!is.null(dZ)) {
      dZ       <- as.matrix(dZ)
    Krho       <- ncol(dZ)
    cn.rho     <- colnames(dZ)
    murho      <- NULL
    Vrho       <- NULL
    Afix       <- FALSE
    if(!is.null(estimates$rho) & !is.null(estimates$var.rho)){
      stopifnot(all(names(estimates) %in% c("rho", "var.rho", "N")))
      murho    <- estimates$rho
      Vrho     <- estimates$var.rho
      Afix     <- TRUE
    if(!is.null(prior$rho) & !is.null(prior$var.rho)){
      stopifnot(all(names(prior) %in% c("rho", "var.rho", "N")))
      murho    <- prior$rho
      Vrho     <- prior$var.rho
    weights    <- c(mlinks$weights)
    Gobsvec    <- as.logical(frMceiltoV(G0.obs, N, M))
    if (is.null(murho) | is.null(Vrho)) {
      G0vec    <- frMceiltoV(G0, N, M)
      G0vec    <- c(G0vec[Gobsvec])
        weights<- rep(1, length(G0vec))
      } else{
        if(length(weights) != length(G0vec)){
          stop("length(weights) is different from the number of observed entries")

      dZtmp    <- dZ[Gobsvec, ]
      myp      <- glm(G0vec ~ -1 + dZtmp, family = binomial(link = ifelse(typeprob == 1, "probit", "logit")), weights = weights)
      smyp     <- summary(myp)
      murho    <- smyp$coefficients[,1]
      Vrho     <- smyp$cov.unscaled
    tmpwei     <- rep(1, length(Gobsvec)); if(!is.null(weights)) tmpwei[Gobsvec] <- weights
    weights    <- tmpwei
    pfit       <- ifelse(typeprob == 1, pnorm, plogis)(c(dZ%*%murho))
    lFdZrho1   <- log(pfit)*weights
    lFdZrho0   <- log(1- pfit)*weights
    dnetwork   <- frVtoM(pfit, N, M)
    if(tmodel == "NONE") { #else is necessary partial
      if(!inherits(G0.obs, "list")) {
        G0.obs <- lapply(N, function(x) matrix(0, x, x))
    ListIndex  <- fListIndex(dnetwork, G0.obs, M, N)
    Gobsvec    <- as.numeric(Gobsvec)
  # latent space model
  if(lmodel == "LATENT SPACE") {
    propARD          <- sum(N1)/sum(N)
    murho            <- list()  # mean z nu
    Vrho             <- list()  # covariance z nu
    dnetwork         <- list()
    dest             <- list()  
    neighbor         <- lapply(1:M, function(x) matrix(0, 0, 0))
    weights          <- lapply(1:M, function(x) matrix(0, 0, 0))
    iARD             <- lapply(1:M, function(x) matrix(0, 0, 0))
    inonARD          <- lapply(1:M, function(x) matrix(0, 0, 0))
    zetaest          <- c()
    Krho             <- c()
    P                <- c()
    burninARD        <- as.numeric(burninARD)
    if(length(burninARD) > 0) {
      burninARD[1:M] <- burninARD
    if(is.null(mARD)) {
      mARD           <- rep(1, M)
    } else {
      mtp            <- mARD
      mARD[1:M]      <- mtp
    typeprob         <- unlist(lapply(estimates, function(x){
      if(is.numeric(x$accept.rate$d) & is.numeric(x$accept.rate$zeta)) return(0)
      if(is.character(x$accept.rate$d) & is.numeric(x$accept.rate$zeta)) return(1)
      if(is.numeric(x$accept.rate$d) & is.character(x$accept.rate$zeta)) return(2)
      if(is.character(x$accept.rate$d) & is.character(x$accept.rate$zeta)) return(3)
    for (m in 1:M) {
      estimatesm     <- estimates[[m]]
      T              <- estimatesm$iteration
      z              <- estimatesm$simulations$z
      d              <- estimatesm$simulations$d
      zeta           <- estimatesm$simulations$zeta
      P[m]           <- estimatesm$p
      out            <- NULL
      Mst            <- round(T/2) + 1
      if (!is.na(burninARD[m])){
        Mst          <- burninARD[m] + 1
      if (Mst >= T) {
        stop("BurninARD is too high")
      ngraph         <- T - Mst + 1
      if(ngraph < 30) {
        stop("Number of simulations performed in the latent space model (after burnin) is low")
      lspaceZNU      <- NULL
      if (is.null(dZ[[m]])) {
        # estimate Z and NU
        lspaceZNU    <- flspacerho1(T, P[m], z, d, zeta, N[m],  Mst)
      } else {
        obsARDm      <- obsARD[[m]]
        iARDm        <- which(obsARDm)
        inonARDm     <- which(!obsARDm)
        XARDm        <- dZ[[m]][iARDm,,drop = FALSE]
        XnonARDm     <- dZ[[m]][inonARDm,,drop = FALSE]
        iARD[[m]]    <- iARDm - 1
        inonARD[[m]] <- inonARDm - 1

        # estimate rho
        lspaceZNU      <- flspacerho2(T, P[m], z, d, zeta, XARDm, XnonARDm, N1[m], N2[m], mARD[m], Mst) 
        neighbor[[m]]  <- lspaceZNU$neighbor
        weights[[m]]   <- lspaceZNU$weights
      # estimates murho and Vrho
      lzeta_z_nu       <- lspaceZNU$rho
      lzeta_z_nu[,1]   <- log(lzeta_z_nu[,1])
      murhom           <- colMeans(lzeta_z_nu)
      dest[[m]]        <- c(lspaceZNU$degree)
      zetaest[m]       <- exp(murhom[1])
      zm               <- matrix(murhom[2:(N1[m]*P[m] + 1)], ncol = P[m])
      num              <- tail(murhom, N1[m])
      dnetwork[[m]]    <-  fdnetARD(zm, num,  dest[[m]], N1[m], N2[m], N[m], P[m], zetaest[m], logCpvMF(P[m], zetaest[m]),
                                    neighbor[[m]], weights[[m]], iARD[[m]], inonARD[[m]])
      if (typeprob[m] == 0){
        murho[[m]]     <- murhom
        Vrho[[m]]      <- cov(lzeta_z_nu)
        Krho[m]        <- N1[m]*(P[m] + 1) + 1
      if (typeprob[m] == 1){
        murho[[m]]     <- murhom[1:(N1[m]*P[m] + 1)]
        Vrho[[m]]      <- cov(lzeta_z_nu[,1:(N1[m]*P[m] + 1)])
        Krho[m]        <- N1[m]*P[m] + 1
      if (typeprob[m] == 2){
        murho[[m]]     <- murhom[-1]
        Vrho[[m]]      <- cov(lzeta_z_nu[,-1])
        Krho[m]        <- N1[m]*(P[m] + 1)
      if (typeprob[m] == 3){
        murho[[m]]     <- murhom[2:(N1[m]*P[m] + 1)]
        Vrho[[m]]      <- cov(lzeta_z_nu[,2:(N1[m]*P[m] + 1)])
        Krho[m]        <- N1[m]*P[m]
    if(tmodel == "NONE") { #else is necessary partial
      if(!inherits(G0.obs, "list")) {
        G0.obs    <- lapply(N, function(x) matrix(0, x, x))
    ListIndex     <- fListIndex(dnetwork, G0.obs, M, N)
  # add value to hyperparms
  if (lmodel != "NONE"){
    hyperparms   <- c(hyperparms, 
                        rho     = murho,
                        var.rho = Vrho
  # Network and starting values
  if (is.null(X)) {
    if (is.null(G0)) {
      tmp      <- flistGnorm1nc(dnetwork, y, Xone, M)
      G0       <- tmp$G
      y        <- tmp$ly
      Xone     <- tmp$lXone
    } else {
      tmp      <- flistGnorm2nc(G0, y, Xone, M)
      G0       <- tmp$G
      y        <- tmp$ly
      Xone     <- tmp$lXone
    if (missing(start)) {
      start    <- sartpointnoc(G0, M, N, kbeta, y, Xone);
  } else {
    if (is.null(G0)) {
      tmp      <- flistGnorm1(dnetwork, y, Xone, X, M)
      G0       <- tmp$G
      y        <- tmp$ly
      Xone     <- tmp$lXone
      X        <- tmp$lX
    } else {
      tmp      <- flistGnorm2(G0, y, Xone, X, M)
      G0       <- tmp$G
      y        <- tmp$ly
      Xone     <- tmp$lXone
      X        <- tmp$lX
    if (missing(start)) {
      start    <- sartpoint(G0, M, N, kbeta, kgamma, y, X, Xone)
  start        <- c(start)
  names(start) <- col.post
  out          <- NULL
  if (lmodel == "NONE") {
    out        <- SARMCMCnone(y, X, Xone, G0, start, M, N, kbeta, kgamma, dnetwork, ListIndex, mutheta, invstheta, 
                              muzeta, invszeta, a, b, iteration, target, jumpmin, jumpmax,
                              cpar, print.level, block.max)
    colnames(out$posterior)      <- col.post
  if(lmodel %in% c("PROBIT", "LOGIT")) {
    out        <- SARMCMCpl(y, X, Xone, G0, G0.obs, weights, start, M, N, kbeta, kgamma, dnetwork, ListIndex, mutheta, invstheta, 
                            muzeta, invszeta, a, b, dZ, murho, Vrho, Krho, lFdZrho1, lFdZrho0, iteration,
                            target, jumpmin, jumpmax, cpar, print.level, typeprob, block.max, Afix, Gobsvec)
    colnames(out$posterior$theta) <- col.post
    colnames(out$posterior$rho)   <- cn.rho
  if(lmodel == "LATENT SPACE") {
    out        <- SARMCMCard(y, X, Xone, G0, G0.obs, start, M, N, N1, kbeta, kgamma, dnetwork, ListIndex, mutheta, invstheta, 
                             muzeta, invszeta, a, b, dest, zetaest, murho, Vrho, Krho, neighbor, weights, iARD, inonARD, P, iteration,
                             target, jumpmin, jumpmax, cpar, typeprob, print.level, block.max)
    colnames(out$posterior$theta) <- col.post
    out$acceptance$rho            <- c(out$acceptance$rho)
    for (m in 1:M) {
      tmpm                              <- (1:N[m])[obsARD[[m]]]
      outr.nam                          <-  paste0("z", paste0(rep(1:P[m], each = N1[m]), "_", tmpm))
      if (typeprob[m] %in% c(0, 1)) {
        outr.nam                        <- c("logzeta", outr.nam)
      if (typeprob[m] %in% c(0, 2)) {
        outr.nam                        <- c(outr.nam,  paste0("nu", tmpm))
      colnames(out$posterior$rho[[m]])  <- outr.nam
    if(any(out$acceptance$rho == 0)) {
      warning("Network distribution set fixed for at least one sub-network because initial estimate of the distribution is zero for couples who are friends (or one for couples who are not friends)")
  cat("The program successfully executed \n")
  cat("*************SUMMARY************* \n")
  cat("Number of group        : ", M, "\n")
  cat("Iteration              : ", iteration, "\n")
  # Print the processing time
  t2          <- Sys.time()
  timer       <- as.numeric(difftime(t2, t1, units = "secs")) 
  nhours      <- floor(timer/3600)
  nminutes    <- floor((timer-3600*nhours)/60)%%60
  nseconds    <- timer-3600*nhours-60*nminutes
  if (print.level > 0) {
    cat("Elapsed time           : ", nhours, " HH ", nminutes, " mm ", round(nseconds), " ss \n \n")
    if (lmodel == "NONE") {
      cat("Peer effects acceptance rate: ", out$acceptance, "\n", sep = "")
    if (lmodel %in% c("PROBIT", "LOGIT")) {
      cat("Peer effects acceptance rate: ", out$acceptance["alpha"], "\n", sep = "")
      cat("rho acceptance rate         : ", out$acceptance["rho"], "\n", sep = "")
    if (lmodel == "LATENT SPACE") {
      cat("Peer effects acceptance rate: ", out$acceptance$alpha, "\n", sep = "")
      cat("rho acceptance rate         : ", mean(out$acceptance$rho), "\n", sep = "")
  out        <- c(list("n.group"     = M,
                       "N"           = c(N),
                       "time"        = timer,
                       "iteration"   = iteration,
                       "posterior"   = out$posterior,
                       "hyperparms"  = hyperparms, 
                       "accept.rate" = out$acceptance, 
                       "prop.net"    = as.list(c("propG0.obs" = sum(sumG0.obs)/sum(N*(N - 1)), 
                                                 "propARD"    = propARD)),
                       "method.net"  = tolower(lmodel),
                       "start"       = start,
                       "formula"     = c("outcome.model" = formula, 
                                         "network.model" = Zformula),
                       "contextual"  = contextual,
                       "ctrl.mcmc"   = ctrl.mcmc))
  class(out) <- "mcmcSAR"

# MCMC for the model none
SARMCMCnone    <- function(y, X, Xone, G0, start, M, N, kbeta, kgamma, dnetwork, ListIndex, mutheta, invstheta, 
                           muzeta, invszeta, a, b, iteration, target, jumpmin, jumpmax,
                           cpar, print.level, block.max) {
  out          <- NULL
  if (is.null(X)) {
    if (block.max == 1) {
      out      <- peerMCMCnoc_none(y             = y, 
                                   V             = Xone, 
                                   Gnorm         = G0,
                                   prior         = dnetwork, 
                                   ListIndex     = ListIndex, 
                                   M             = M, 
                                   N             = N,
                                   kbeta         = kbeta, 
                                   theta0        = mutheta, 
                                   invsigmatheta = invstheta, 
                                   zeta0         = muzeta,
                                   invsigma2zeta = invszeta, 
                                   a             = a, 
                                   b             = b, 
                                   parms0        = start, 
                                   iteration     = iteration,
                                   target        = target, 
                                   jumpmin       = jumpmin, 
                                   jumpmax       = jumpmax, 
                                   c             = cpar, 
                                   progress      = print.level)
    } else {
      out      <- peerMCMCblocknoc_none(y             = y, 
                                        V             = Xone, 
                                        Gnorm         = G0,
                                        prior         = dnetwork, 
                                        ListIndex     = ListIndex, 
                                        M             = M, 
                                        N             = N,
                                        kbeta         = kbeta, 
                                        theta0        = mutheta, 
                                        invsigmatheta = invstheta, 
                                        zeta0         = muzeta,
                                        invsigma2zeta = invszeta, 
                                        a             = a, 
                                        b             = b, 
                                        parms0        = start, 
                                        iteration     = iteration,
                                        target        = target, 
                                        jumpmin       = jumpmin, 
                                        jumpmax       = jumpmax, 
                                        c             = cpar, 
                                        progress      = print.level,
                                        nupmax        = block.max)
  } else {
    if (block.max == 1) {
      out      <- peerMCMC_none(y             = y,
                                X             = X,
                                Xone          = Xone,
                                Gnorm         = G0,
                                prior         = dnetwork, 
                                ListIndex     = ListIndex, 
                                M             = M, 
                                N             = N,
                                kbeta         = kbeta,
                                kgamma        = kgamma,
                                theta0        = mutheta, 
                                invsigmatheta = invstheta, 
                                zeta0         = muzeta,
                                invsigma2zeta = invszeta, 
                                a             = a, 
                                b             = b, 
                                parms0        = start, 
                                iteration     = iteration,
                                target        = target, 
                                jumpmin       = jumpmin, 
                                jumpmax       = jumpmax, 
                                c             = cpar, 
                                progress      = print.level)
    } else {
      out      <- peerMCMCblock_none(y             = y,
                                     X             = X,
                                     Xone          = Xone,
                                     Gnorm         = G0,
                                     prior         = dnetwork, 
                                     ListIndex     = ListIndex, 
                                     M             = M, 
                                     N             = N,
                                     kbeta         = kbeta,
                                     kgamma        = kgamma,
                                     theta0        = mutheta, 
                                     invsigmatheta = invstheta, 
                                     zeta0         = muzeta,
                                     invsigma2zeta = invszeta, 
                                     a             = a, 
                                     b             = b, 
                                     parms0        = start, 
                                     iteration     = iteration,
                                     target        = target, 
                                     jumpmin       = jumpmin, 
                                     jumpmax       = jumpmax, 
                                     c             = cpar, 
                                     progress      = print.level,
                                     nupmax        = block.max)

# MCMC for the models PL
SARMCMCpl      <- function(y, X, Xone, G0, G0.obs, weights, start, M, N, kbeta, kgamma, dnetwork, ListIndex, mutheta, invstheta, 
                           muzeta, invszeta, a, b, dZ, murho, Vrho, Krho, lFdZrho1, lFdZrho0, iteration,
                           target, jumpmin, jumpmax, cpar, print.level,
                           typeprob, block.max, Afix, Gobsvec) {
  out          <- NULL
  if (is.null(X)) {
    if (block.max == 1) {
      out      <- peerMCMCnoc_pl(y             = y, 
                                 V             = Xone, 
                                 Gnorm         = G0,
                                 G0obs         = G0.obs,
                                 prior         = dnetwork, 
                                 ListIndex     = ListIndex, 
                                 M             = M, 
                                 N             = N,
                                 kbeta         = kbeta, 
                                 theta0        = mutheta, 
                                 invsigmatheta = invstheta, 
                                 zeta0         = muzeta,
                                 invsigma2zeta = invszeta, 
                                 a             = a, 
                                 b             = b, 
                                 weight        = weights,
                                 dZ            = dZ,
                                 murho         = murho,
                                 Vrho          = Vrho,
                                 Krho          = Krho,
                                 lFdZrho1      = lFdZrho1,
                                 lFdZrho0      = lFdZrho0,
                                 parms0        = start, 
                                 iteration     = iteration,
                                 target        = target,
                                 jumpmin       = jumpmin, 
                                 jumpmax       = jumpmax, 
                                 c             = cpar, 
                                 progress      = print.level,
                                 type          = typeprob,
                                 Afixed        = Afix,
                                 G0obsvec      = Gobsvec)
    } else {
      out      <- peerMCMCblocknoc_pl(y             = y, 
                                      V             = Xone, 
                                      Gnorm         = G0,
                                      G0obs         = G0.obs,
                                      prior         = dnetwork, 
                                      ListIndex     = ListIndex, 
                                      M             = M, 
                                      N             = N,
                                      kbeta         = kbeta, 
                                      theta0        = mutheta, 
                                      invsigmatheta = invstheta, 
                                      zeta0         = muzeta,
                                      invsigma2zeta = invszeta, 
                                      a             = a, 
                                      b             = b, 
                                      weight        = weights,
                                      dZ            = dZ,
                                      murho         = murho,
                                      Vrho          = Vrho,
                                      Krho          = Krho,
                                      lFdZrho1      = lFdZrho1,
                                      lFdZrho0      = lFdZrho0,
                                      parms0        = start, 
                                      iteration     = iteration,
                                      target        = target,
                                      jumpmin       = jumpmin, 
                                      jumpmax       = jumpmax, 
                                      c             = cpar, 
                                      progress      = print.level,
                                      nupmax        = block.max,
                                      type          = typeprob,
                                      Afixed        = Afix,
                                      G0obsvec      = Gobsvec)
  } else {
    if (block.max == 1) {
      out      <- peerMCMC_pl(y             = y,
                              X             = X,
                              Xone          = Xone,
                              Gnorm         = G0,
                              G0obs         = G0.obs,
                              prior         = dnetwork, 
                              ListIndex     = ListIndex, 
                              M             = M, 
                              N             = N,
                              kbeta         = kbeta,
                              kgamma        = kgamma,
                              theta0        = mutheta, 
                              invsigmatheta = invstheta, 
                              zeta0         = muzeta,
                              invsigma2zeta = invszeta, 
                              a             = a, 
                              b             = b, 
                              weight        = weights,
                              dZ            = dZ,
                              murho         = murho,
                              Vrho          = Vrho,
                              Krho          = Krho,
                              lFdZrho1      = lFdZrho1,
                              lFdZrho0      = lFdZrho0,
                              parms0        = start, 
                              iteration     = iteration,
                              target        = target,
                              jumpmin       = jumpmin, 
                              jumpmax       = jumpmax, 
                              c             = cpar,  
                              progress      = print.level,
                              type          = typeprob,
                              Afixed        = Afix,
                              G0obsvec      = Gobsvec)
    } else {
      out      <- peerMCMCblock_pl(y             = y,
                                   X             = X,
                                   Xone          = Xone,
                                   Gnorm         = G0,
                                   G0obs         = G0.obs,
                                   prior         = dnetwork, 
                                   ListIndex     = ListIndex, 
                                   M             = M, 
                                   N             = N,
                                   kbeta         = kbeta,
                                   kgamma        = kgamma,
                                   theta0        = mutheta, 
                                   invsigmatheta = invstheta, 
                                   zeta0         = muzeta,
                                   invsigma2zeta = invszeta, 
                                   a             = a, 
                                   b             = b, 
                                   weight        = weights,
                                   dZ            = dZ,
                                   murho         = murho,
                                   Vrho          = Vrho,
                                   Krho          = Krho,
                                   lFdZrho1      = lFdZrho1,
                                   lFdZrho0      = lFdZrho0,
                                   parms0        = start, 
                                   iteration     = iteration,
                                   target        = target,
                                   jumpmin       = jumpmin, 
                                   jumpmax       = jumpmax, 
                                   c             = cpar, 
                                   progress      = print.level,
                                   nupmax        = block.max,
                                   type          = typeprob,
                                   Afixed        = Afix,
                                   G0obsvec      = Gobsvec)

# MCMC for the latent space model
SARMCMCard     <- function(y, X, Xone, G0, G0.obs, start, M, N, N1, kbeta, kgamma, dnetwork, ListIndex, mutheta, invstheta, 
                          muzeta, invszeta, a, b,  dest, zetaest, murho, Vrho, Krho, neighbor, weights, iARD, inonARD, P,
                          iteration, target, jumpmin, jumpmax, cpar,  typeprob, print.level, block.max) {
  out          <- NULL
  if (is.null(X)) {
    if (block.max == 1) {
      out      <- peerMCMCnoc_ard(y             = y, 
                                  V             = Xone, 
                                  Gnorm         = G0,
                                  G0obs         = G0.obs,
                                  prior         = dnetwork, 
                                  ListIndex     = ListIndex, 
                                  M             = M, 
                                  N             = N,
                                  N1            = N1,
                                  kbeta         = kbeta, 
                                  theta0        = mutheta, 
                                  invsigmatheta = invstheta, 
                                  zeta0         = muzeta,
                                  invsigma2zeta = invszeta, 
                                  a             = a, 
                                  b             = b, 
                                  d             = dest,
                                  zetaard       = zetaest,   
                                  murho         = murho,
                                  Vrho          = Vrho,
                                  Krho          = Krho,
                                  neighbor      = neighbor,
                                  weight        = weights,
                                  iARD          = iARD,
                                  inonARD       = inonARD,
                                  P             = P,
                                  parms0        = start, 
                                  iteration     = iteration,
                                  target        = target,
                                  jumpmin       = jumpmin, 
                                  jumpmax       = jumpmax, 
                                  c             = cpar, 
                                  type          = typeprob, 
                                  progress      = print.level)
    } else {
      out      <- peerMCMCblocknoc_ard(y             = y, 
                                       V             = Xone, 
                                       Gnorm         = G0,
                                       G0obs         = G0.obs,
                                       prior         = dnetwork, 
                                       ListIndex     = ListIndex, 
                                       M             = M, 
                                       N             = N,
                                       N1            = N1,
                                       kbeta         = kbeta, 
                                       theta0        = mutheta, 
                                       invsigmatheta = invstheta, 
                                       zeta0         = muzeta,
                                       invsigma2zeta = invszeta, 
                                       a             = a, 
                                       b             = b,
                                       d             = dest,
                                       zetaard       = zetaest,   
                                       murho         = murho,
                                       Vrho          = Vrho,
                                       Krho          = Krho,
                                       neighbor      = neighbor,
                                       weight        = weights,
                                       iARD          = iARD,
                                       inonARD       = inonARD,
                                       P             = P,
                                       parms0        = start, 
                                       iteration     = iteration,
                                       target        = target,
                                       jumpmin       = jumpmin, 
                                       jumpmax       = jumpmax, 
                                       c             = cpar, 
                                       type          = typeprob, 
                                       progress      = print.level,
                                       nupmax        = block.max)
  } else {
    if (block.max == 1) {
      out      <- peerMCMC_ard(y             = y,
                               X             = X,
                               Xone          = Xone,
                               Gnorm         = G0,
                               G0obs         = G0.obs,
                               prior         = dnetwork, 
                               ListIndex     = ListIndex, 
                               M             = M, 
                               N             = N,
                               N1            = N1,
                               kbeta         = kbeta,
                               kgamma        = kgamma,
                               theta0        = mutheta, 
                               invsigmatheta = invstheta, 
                               zeta0         = muzeta,
                               invsigma2zeta = invszeta, 
                               a             = a, 
                               b             = b, 
                               d             = dest,
                               zetaard       = zetaest,   
                               murho         = murho,
                               Vrho          = Vrho,
                               Krho          = Krho,
                               neighbor      = neighbor,
                               weight        = weights,
                               iARD          = iARD,
                               inonARD       = inonARD,
                               P             = P,
                               parms0        = start, 
                               iteration     = iteration,
                               target        = target,
                               jumpmin       = jumpmin, 
                               jumpmax       = jumpmax, 
                               c             = cpar,  
                               type          = typeprob, 
                               progress      = print.level)
    } else {
      out      <- peerMCMCblock_ard(y             = y,
                                    X             = X,
                                    Xone          = Xone,
                                    Gnorm         = G0,
                                    G0obs         = G0.obs,
                                    prior         = dnetwork, 
                                    ListIndex     = ListIndex, 
                                    M             = M, 
                                    N             = N,
                                    N1            = N1,
                                    kbeta         = kbeta,
                                    kgamma        = kgamma,
                                    theta0        = mutheta, 
                                    invsigmatheta = invstheta, 
                                    zeta0         = muzeta,
                                    invsigma2zeta = invszeta, 
                                    a             = a, 
                                    b             = b, 
                                    d             = dest,
                                    zetaard       = zetaest,   
                                    murho         = murho,
                                    Vrho          = Vrho,
                                    Krho          = Krho,
                                    neighbor      = neighbor,
                                    weight        = weights,
                                    iARD          = iARD,
                                    inonARD       = inonARD,
                                    P             = P,
                                    parms0        = start, 
                                    iteration     = iteration,
                                    target        = target,
                                    jumpmin       = jumpmin, 
                                    jumpmax       = jumpmax, 
                                    c             = cpar, 
                                    type          = typeprob, 
                                    progress      = print.level,
                                    nupmax        = block.max)

# This function compute the type of the model and also return N, M
f.tmodel         <- function(lmodel, G0.obs, G0, dZ, Zformula, estimates, dnetwork, obsARD, name.mlinks) {
  # Object's class
  if(!is.null(G0)) {
    if (!is.list(G0)) {
      if (is.matrix(G0)) {
        G0        <- list(G0)
      } else {
        stop("G0 is neither null, nor a matrix nor a list")
  if(!inherits(G0.obs, c("list", "character"))){
    if (is.matrix(G0.obs)) {
      G0.obs  <- list(G0.obs)
    } else {
      stop("G0.obs should be 'none', 'all', a matrix, or list of matrices")
  if(inherits(G0.obs, "character")){
    G0.obs       <- toupper(G0.obs)
    if(length(G0.obs) != 1 | !all(G0.obs %in% c("ALL", "NONE"))){
      stop("G0.obs should be 'none', 'all', a matrix, or list of matrices")
  if(length(lmodel) == 0) {
    lmodel       <- "NONE"
  if(!(lmodel %in% c("PROBIT", "LOGIT", "LATENT SPACE", "NONE"))) {
    stop("model in mlinks should be either none, probit, logit, or latent space")
  ## Know the type
  N              <- NULL
  N1             <- NULL
  M              <- NULL
  tmodel         <- NULL
  sumG0.obs      <- NULL
  # Redefine G0.obs if needed
  if(!inherits(G0.obs, "character")){
    tmp          <- do.call(rbind, lapply(G0.obs, function(x) c(sum(x > 0) - sum(diag(x) > 0), nrow(x)))) 
    sumG0.obs    <- tmp[,1]   
    N            <- tmp[,2]
    M            <- length(G0.obs)
    tmp          <- all((sumG0.obs - N*(N-1)) == 0) 
    if (all((sumG0.obs == 0))) {
      tmodel     <- "NONE"
    } else {
      if (tmp) {
        tmodel   <- "ALL"
      } else {
        tmodel   <- "PARTIAL"
  } else {
    tmodel       <- G0.obs
  # type of models
  if (tmodel == "ALL") {
    if(is.null(G0)) {
      stop("G0 should be a network matrix or list of sub-network matrices if G0.obs != none")
    M          <- length(G0)
    N          <- unlist(lapply(G0, nrow))
    if(lmodel != "NONE") warning("network fully observed whereas mlinks$model is not 'none'")
    lmodel     <- "NONE"
    sumG0.obs  <- N*(N-1)
  } else{
    # none
    if (lmodel == "NONE") {
      if(any(!(name.mlinks %in% c("dnetwork", "model")))) 
        stop("At least one input in mlink is not expected if mlinks$model == 'none'")
      if(!inherits(dnetwork, "list")) {
        if (is.matrix(dnetwork)) {
          dnetwork  <- list(dnetwork)
        } else {
          stop("dnetwork in mlinks should be a matrix or list of matrices if mlinks$model == 'none'")
      M        <- length(dnetwork)
      N        <- unlist(lapply(dnetwork, nrow))
    # latent space
    if (lmodel == "LATENT SPACE") { 
      if(any(!(name.mlinks %in% c("model", "estimates", "mlinks.data", "obsARD", "mARD", "burninARD"))))
        stop("At least one input in mlink is not expected if mlinks$model = 'latent space'")
      if(!is.list(estimates)) {
        stop("For the latent space model, estimates in mlinks should be a list of objects returned by the function mcmcARD")
      if(!all(sapply(estimates, function(x_) inherits(x_, "estim.ARD")))) {
        stop("for the latent space model, estimates in mlinks should be a list of objects returned by the function mcmcARD")
      M        <- length(estimates)
      N        <- unlist(lapply(estimates, function(x)x$n))
      N1       <- N
          stop(paste0("obsARD is missing in mlinks or is not a list"))
        if(!all(unlist(lapply(obsARD, function(x) is.vector(x) & is.logical(x))))){
          stop("at least one element in obsARD is not a logical vector")
        # covariates
          stop(paste0("for the ",
                      " model, mlinks.data should be a list of M (where M is number of sub-networks) matrices to be used to compute distances between individuals."))
        Ntmp  <- unlist(lapply(obsARD, length))
        if(any(Ntmp < N)){
          stop("nrow(mlinks.data[[m]]) != length(obsARD[[m]]) for at least one m")
        N     <- Ntmp
    # probit and logit
    if (lmodel %in% c("PROBIT", "LOGIT")) { 
      if(any(!(name.mlinks %in% c("model", "mlinks.formula", "weights", "estimates", "prior", "mlinks.data"))))
        stop("At least one input in mlink is not expected if mlinks$model %in% c('probit', 'logit')")
      murho    <- estimates$rho
      Vrho     <- estimates$var.rho
      if(is.null(Zformula)) {
        stop("mlinks.formula is missing")

      f.t.data     <- formula.to.data(formula = Zformula, contextual = FALSE, data = dZ, type = "mlinks")
      Zformula     <- f.t.data$formula
      dZ           <- f.t.data$Xone
      if (tmodel == "NONE") {
        if(is.null(N)) N  <- estimates$N
        if (is.null(murho) | is.null(Vrho) | is.null(N)) {
          stop(paste0("For the ",
                      " model without partial information in G0, estimates in mlinks should be a list containing 'rho', the estimate of rho, 'var.rho', the variance of the estimation, and 'N', the vector of the number of individuals in each sub-network)."))
        M                <- length(N)
      if(nrow(dZ) != sum(N^2 - N)) {
        stop(paste0("explanatory variables of the ", lmodel, " model does not have sum(N^2 - N) elements"))
  return(list("M" = M, "N" = N, "N1" = N1, "tmodel" = tmodel, "lmodel" = lmodel, "sumG0.obs" = sumG0.obs, "obsARD" = obsARD, "dZ" = dZ, "Zformula" = Zformula))

# this function set target and jumping
f.targ.jump      <- function(x, sval, lmodel) {
  if (is.null(x)) {
    if (lmodel == "NONE"){
      x          <- c("alpha" = sval[1])
    } else {
      x          <- c("alpha" = sval[1], "rho" = sval[2])
  } else {
    if (is.null(names(x))) {
      if (lmodel == "NONE"){
        x        <- c("alpha" = x[1])
      } else {
        xtmp     <- x
        x        <- c()
        x[1:2]   <- xtmp   
        names(x) <- c("alpha", "rho")
    } else {
      x           <- x[c("alpha", "rho")]
      x[is.na(x)] <- sval[is.na(x)]
      names(x)    <- c("alpha", "rho")
      if (lmodel == "NONE"){
        x         <- c("alpha" = x[1])

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PartialNetwork documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:08 a.m.