
Defines functions print.PhecapValidation print.PhecapModel print.PhecapFeatureExtraction print.PhecapData phecap_predict_phenotype phecap_validate_phenotyping_model phecap_train_phenotyping_model phecap_generate_feature_matrix phecap_run_feature_extraction phecap_impose_dropout phecap_check_surrogates PhecapSurrogate PhecapData phecap_read_or_set_frame phecap_get_roc_auc_with_splits phecap_restore_rng_seed phecap_set_rng_seed

Documented in PhecapData phecap_predict_phenotype phecap_run_feature_extraction PhecapSurrogate phecap_train_phenotyping_model phecap_validate_phenotyping_model

phecap_set_rng_seed <- function(seed)
  if (exists(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv)) {
    oldseed <- .GlobalEnv$.Random.seed
  } else {
    oldseed <- NULL

phecap_restore_rng_seed <- function(oldseed)
  if (!is.null(oldseed)) {
    .GlobalEnv$.Random.seed <- oldseed
  } else {
    rm(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv)

phecap_get_roc_auc_with_splits <- function(
  x, y, subject_weight, penalty_weight = NULL,
  method = "lasso_bic",
  train_percent = 0.7, num_splits = 200L,
  start_seed = 1L, verbose = 0L)
  oldseed <- phecap_set_rng_seed(start_seed)

  if (!is.matrix(x)) {
    x <- as.matrix(x)
  n_total <- length(y)
  n_train <- as.integer(n_total * train_percent)
  n_test <- n_total - n_train

  if (is.character(method)) {
    known <- c(
      "plain", "ridge_cv", "lasso_cv", "lasso_bic",
      "alasso_cv", "alasso_bic", "svm", "rf", "xgb")
    unknown <- setdiff(method, known)
    if (length(unknown) > 0L) {
      stop(paste0("Unknown values for 'method': ",
                  paste0(unknown, collapse = ", ")))
    fit_function <- function(...) fit_multiple(method, ...)
    predict_function <- function(...) predict_multiple(...)
  } else if (is.list(method) && all(
    c("fit", "predict") %in% names(method))) {
    fit_function <- method$fit
    predict_function <- method$predict
    method <- "(custom)"
  } else {
    stop("Unrecognize specification for method")

  train_beta <- fit_function(x, y, subject_weight, penalty_weight)
  train_prob <- predict_function(train_beta, x)
  train_roc <- get_roc(y, train_prob, subject_weight)
  train_auc <- get_auc(y, train_prob, subject_weight)

  split_roc <- vector("list", num_splits)
  split_auc <- vector("list", num_splits)
  for(sp in seq_len(num_splits)) {
    if (verbose > 0L && (sp %% verbose == 0L ||
                         sp == 1L || sp == num_splits)) {
      cat(sprintf("Split %d/%d\n", sp, num_splits))
    set.seed(start_seed + sp)
    i_train <- sort.int(sample.int(n_total, n_train, FALSE))
    i_test <- setdiff(seq_len(n_total), i_train)
    split_beta <- fit_function(
      x[i_train, , drop = FALSE], y[i_train],
      subject_weight[i_train], penalty_weight)
    split_prob <- predict_function(
      split_beta, x[i_test, , drop = FALSE])
    split_roc[[sp]] <- get_roc(
      y[i_test], split_prob, subject_weight[i_test])
    split_auc[[sp]] <- get_auc(
      y[i_test], split_prob, subject_weight[i_test])
  split_roc <- Reduce(`+`, split_roc) / num_splits
  split_auc <- Reduce(`+`, split_auc) / num_splits

    coefficients = train_beta, method = method,
    fit_function = fit_function,
    predict_function = predict_function,
    train_roc = train_roc, train_auc = train_auc,
    split_roc = split_roc, split_auc = split_auc))

phecap_read_or_set_frame <- function(source)
  data <- NULL
  if (is.character(source)) {
    if (endsWith(source, ".csv")) {
      data <- read.csv(
        source, header = TRUE, sep = ",",
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    } else {
      data <- read.table(
        source, header = TRUE, sep = "\t",
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  } else {
    data <- as.data.frame(source)
  if (nrow(data) == 0L || ncol(data) == 0L) {
    stop("An empty dataset encountered")


PhecapData <- function(
  data, hu_feature, label, validation,
  patient_id = NULL, subject_weight = NULL,
  seed = 12300L, feature_transformation = log1p)
  if (is.list(data) && !is.data.frame(data)) {
    if (length(data) == 0L) {
      stop("'data' is an empty list")
    if (is.null(patient_id)) {
      stop("'patient_id' cannot be NULL when 'data' is a list")
    patient_id <- as.character(patient_id)
    data <- lapply(data, phecap_read_or_set_frame)
    for (i in seq_along(data)) {
      columns <- names(data[[i]])
      if (!all(patient_id %in% columns)) {
          "Some 'patient_id' are not found in the %d-th dataset: %s",
          i, paste0(setdiff(patient_id, columns), collapse = ", ")))
    dt <- data[[1L]]
    for (i in seq_along(data)[-1L]) {
      dt <- merge(dt, data[[i]], by = patient_id, all = TRUE)
    data <- dt
    patient_id_part <- data[patient_id]
    data[patient_id] <- NULL
  } else {
    data <- phecap_read_or_set_frame(data)
    patient_id <- as.character(patient_id)
    patient_id_part <- data[intersect(names(data), patient_id)]
    data <- data[setdiff(names(data), patient_id)]
  patient_id <- patient_id_part

  if (is.null(subject_weight)) {
    subject_weight <- rep.int(1.0, nrow(data))
  if (!is.numeric(subject_weight)) {
    stop("'subject_weight' should be of type numeric")
  } else if (length(subject_weight) != nrow(data)) {
    stop("'subject_weight' has an inconsistent size with 'data'")

  bad <- !sapply(data, is.numeric)
  if (any(bad)) {
      "Ignoring non-numeric columns: %s",
      paste0(names(bad)[bad], collapse = ", ")))
    data <- data[names(bad)[!bad]]
  columns <- names(data)

  if (!is.character(hu_feature)) {
    stop("'hu_feature' should be of type character")
  if (!all(hu_feature %in% columns)) {
      "Some 'hu_feature' are not found in the data: %s",
      paste0(setdiff(hu_feature, columns), collapse = ", ")))

  if (!is.character(label)) {
    stop("'label' should be of type character")
  if (length(label) != 1L) {
    stop("'label' should specify a single column")
  if (!all(label %in% columns)) {
    stop(sprintf("%s is not found in the data", label))

  label_part <- data[[label]]
  eps <- sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)
  label_part[abs(label_part) < eps] <- 0
  label_part[abs(label_part - 1) < eps] <- 1
  data[is.na(data)] <- 0
  data[[label]] <- label_part

  index_labeled <- which(!is.na(data[[label]]))
  if (is.character(validation)) {
    index_masked <- which(as.logical(dt[[validation]]))
    training_set <- sort.int(setdiff(index_labeled, index_masked))
    validation_set <- sort.int(intersect(index_labeled, index_masked))
    data[[validation]] <- NULL
  } else {
    oldseed <- phecap_set_rng_seed(seed)
    num_labeled <- length(index_labeled)
    if (length(validation) != 1L || !all(is.numeric(validation))) {
      stop("Unrecognized value for 'validation'")
    if (validation > 0.0 && validation < 1.0) {
      size <- as.integer(num_labeled * validation + 0.5)
    } else {
      size <- as.integer(validation + 0.5)
    if (size > num_labeled) {
      stop("The size of validation samples exceeds that of labeled samples")
    size <- min(max(size, 0L), num_labeled)
    index_masked <- sample(index_labeled, size, replace = FALSE)
    training_set <- sort.int(setdiff(index_labeled, index_masked))
    validation_set <- sort.int(intersect(index_labeled, index_masked))

  if (is.null(feature_transformation)) {
    feature_transformation <- function(x) x
  } else if (!is.function(feature_transformation)) {
    stop("'feature_transformation' should be a function or NULL")

  data <- list(
    frame = data,
    hu_feature = hu_feature,
    label = label,
    patient_id = patient_id,
    subject_weight = subject_weight,
    training_set = training_set,
    validation_set = validation_set,
    feature_transformation = feature_transformation)
  class(data) <- "PhecapData"


PhecapSurrogate <- function(
  lower_cutoff = 1L, upper_cutoff = 10L)
  result <- list(
    variable_names = variable_names,
    lower_cutoff = lower_cutoff,
    upper_cutoff = upper_cutoff)
  class(result) <- "PhecapSurrogate"


phecap_check_surrogates <- function(
  surrogates, variable_list)
  for (surrogate in surrogates) {
    if (!all(surrogate$variable_names %in% variable_list)) {
      stop(sprintf("Variable(s) %s not found", paste0(
        setdiff(surrogate$variable_names, variable_list),
        collapse = ", ")))

phecap_impose_dropout <- function(x, dropout_proportion)
  x <- as.matrix(x)
  count <- as.integer(dropout_proportion * nrow(x) + 0.5)
  x <- apply(x, 2, function(x1) {
    ii <- sort.int(sample.int(nrow(x), count, replace = FALSE))
    x1[ii] <- 0.0

phecap_run_feature_extraction <- function(
  data, surrogates,
  subsample_size = 1000L, num_subsamples = 200L,
  dropout_proportion = 0, frequency_cutoff = 0.5,
  start_seed = 45600L, verbose = 0L)
  oldseed <- phecap_set_rng_seed(start_seed)

  variable_list <- setdiff(names(data$frame), data$label)
  variable_matrix <- as.matrix(data$frame[, variable_list, drop = FALSE])
  phecap_check_surrogates(surrogates, variable_list)

  extremes <- lapply(
    surrogates, function(surrogate) {
      x <- rowSums(variable_matrix[, surrogate$variable_names,
                                   drop = FALSE])
      cases <- which(x >= surrogate$upper_cutoff)
      controls  <- which(x <= surrogate$lower_cutoff)
      if (length(cases) <= subsample_size %/% 2L) {
        stop(sprintf("'%s' has too few cases; %s or %s",
             paste0(surrogate$variable_names, collapse = "&"),
             "decrease upper_cutoff", "decrease subsample_size"))
      if (length(controls) <= subsample_size %/% 2L) {
        stop(sprintf("'%s' has too few controls; %s or %s",
             paste0(surrogate$variable_names, collapse = "&"),
             "increase lower_cutoff", "decrease subsample_size"))
      list(cases = cases, controls = controls)
  if (verbose > 0L) {
    message <- sapply(
      extremes, function(z)
        c(NumCases = length(z$cases),
          NumControls = length(z$controls)))
    colnames(message) <- sapply(surrogates, function(surrogate)
      paste0(surrogate$variable_names, collapse = "&"))

  variable_matrix <- data$feature_transformation(variable_matrix)
  selection <- lapply(seq_along(surrogates), function(k) {
    surrogate <- surrogates[[k]]
    exclusion <- match(surrogate$variable_names, variable_list)
    cases <- extremes[[k]]$cases
    controls <- extremes[[k]]$controls
    half_size <- subsample_size %/% 2L
    if (verbose > 0L) {
      cat("Using surrogate",
          paste0(surrogate$variable_names, collapse = "&"), "\n")

    # subsampling
    nonzero <- t(sapply(seq_len(num_subsamples), function(ss) {
      if (verbose > 0L && (ss %% verbose == 0L ||
                           ss == 1L || ss == num_subsamples)) {
        cat(sprintf("Subsample %d/%d\n", ss, num_subsamples))
      set.seed(start_seed + ss)
      ipos <- sort.int(sample(cases, subsample_size %/% 2L, FALSE))
      ineg <- sort.int(sample(controls, subsample_size %/% 2L, FALSE))

      y <- c(rep(1.0, length(ipos)), rep(0.0, length(ineg)))
      x <- variable_matrix[c(ipos, ineg), -exclusion, drop = FALSE]
      if (dropout_proportion > 0) {
        x <- phecap_impose_dropout(x, dropout_proportion)

      alpha <- fit_lasso_bic(x, y)
      alpha <- alpha[-1L]  # drop intercept
      as.integer(alpha != 0.0)

    nonzero_final <- matrix(1, nrow(nonzero), ncol(variable_matrix))
    nonzero_final[, -exclusion] <- nonzero

  selection <- do.call("rbind", selection)
  frequency <- colMeans(selection)
  names(frequency) <- variable_list
  selected <- variable_list[frequency >= frequency_cutoff]

  result <- list(selected = selected, frequency = frequency)
  class(result) <- "PhecapFeatureExtraction"

phecap_generate_feature_matrix <- function(
  data, surrogates, feature_selected)
  if (is.list(feature_selected) &&
      "selected" %in% names(feature_selected)) {
    feature_selected <- feature_selected$selected
  } else {
    feature_selected <- as.character(feature_selected)

  frame <- data$frame
  surrogate_matrix <- sapply(surrogates, function(surrogate) {
    rowSums(frame[, surrogate$variable_names, drop = FALSE])
  surrogate_matrix <- data$feature_transformation(surrogate_matrix)
  colnames(surrogate_matrix) <- sapply(surrogates, function(surrogate) {
    paste0(surrogate$variable_names, collapse = "&")

  hu_matrix <- as.matrix(frame[, data$hu_feature, drop = FALSE])
  hu_matrix <- data$feature_transformation(hu_matrix)

  other_matrix <- as.matrix(
    frame[, setdiff(feature_selected, c(
      colnames(surrogate_matrix), colnames(hu_matrix))),
      drop = FALSE])
  other_matrix <- data$feature_transformation(other_matrix)
  other_matrix <- qr.resid(qr(cbind(
    1.0, surrogate_matrix, hu_matrix)), other_matrix)

  result <- cbind(
  attr(result, "free") <- ncol(surrogate_matrix) + ncol(hu_matrix)

phecap_train_phenotyping_model <- function(
  data, surrogates, feature_selected,
  method = "lasso_bic",
  train_percent = 0.7, num_splits = 200L,
  start_seed = 78900L, verbose = 0L)
  if (length(data$training_set) < 2L) {
    stop("Too few training samples")
  if (is.list(feature_selected) &&
      "selected" %in% names(feature_selected)) {
    feature_selected <- feature_selected$selected
  } else {
    feature_selected <- as.character(feature_selected)

  feature <- phecap_generate_feature_matrix(
    data, surrogates, feature_selected)
  label <- data$frame[, data$label]
  ii <- data$training_set
  x <- feature[ii, , drop = FALSE]
  y <- label[ii]
  subject_weight <- data$subject_weight[ii]
  penalty_weight <- c(
    rep.int(0.0, attr(feature, "free")),
    rep.int(1.0, ncol(feature) - attr(feature, "free")))
  result <- phecap_get_roc_auc_with_splits(
    x, y, subject_weight, penalty_weight,
    method = method,
    train_percent = train_percent, num_splits = num_splits,
    start_seed = start_seed, verbose = verbose)
  if (is.numeric(result$coefficients[[1]])) {
    names(result$coefficients[[1]]) <- c("(Intercept)", colnames(x))
  result$surrogates <- surrogates
  result$feature_selected <- feature_selected

  class(result) <- "PhecapModel"

phecap_validate_phenotyping_model <- function(
  data, model)
  if (length(data$validation_set) < 2L) {
    stop("Too few validation samples")

  surrogates <- model$surrogates
  feature_selected <- model$feature_selected

  feature <- phecap_generate_feature_matrix(
    data, surrogates, feature_selected)
  label <- data$frame[, data$label]
  ii <- data$validation_set
  x <- feature[ii, , drop = FALSE]
  y <- label[ii]
  subject_weight <- data$subject_weight[ii]

  prediction <- model$predict_function(model$coefficients, x)
  valid_roc <- get_roc(y, prediction, subject_weight)
  valid_auc <- get_auc(y, prediction, subject_weight)

  result <- list(
    coefficients = model$coefficients,
    method = model$method,
    train_roc = model$train_roc,
    train_auc = model$train_auc,
    split_roc = model$split_roc,
    split_auc = model$split_auc,
    valid_roc = valid_roc,
    valid_auc = valid_auc)
  class(result) <- "PhecapValidation"


phecap_predict_phenotype <- function(
  data, model)
  surrogates <- model$surrogates
  feature_selected <- model$feature_selected

  feature <- phecap_generate_feature_matrix(
    data, surrogates, feature_selected)
  prediction <- model$predict_function(
    model$coefficients, feature)

  result <- data.frame(
    prediction = prediction)

print.PhecapData <- function(x, ...)
  cat("PheCAP Data\n")
    "Feature: %d observations of %d variables\n",
    nrow(x$frame), ncol(x$frame) - 1L))
    "Label: %d yes, %d no, %d missing\n",
    sum(x$frame[[x$label]] == 1, na.rm = TRUE),
    sum(x$frame[[x$label]] == 0, na.rm = TRUE),
    "Size of training samples: %d\n",
    "Size of validation samples: %d\n",
  if (sd(x$subject_weight) > 1e-8) {
      "Subject weights are specified\n"))

print.PhecapFeatureExtraction <- function(x, ...)
  cat("Feature(s) selected by",
      "surrogate-assisted feature extraction (SAFE)\n")
  print(x$selected, ...)

print.PhecapModel <- function(x, ...)
  cat("Phenotyping model:\n")
  print(x$coefficients, ...)
  cat("AUC on training data:",
      format(x$train_auc, digits = 3L), "\n")
  cat("Average AUC on random splits:",
      format(x$split_auc, digits = 3L), "\n")

print.PhecapValidation <- function(x, ...)
  cat("AUC on validation data:",
      format(x$valid_auc, digits = 3L), "\n")
  cat("AUC on training data:",
      format(x$train_auc, digits = 3L), "\n")
  cat("Average AUC on random splits:",
      format(x$split_auc, digits = 3L), "\n")

phecap_plot_roc_curves <-function (x, axis_x = "1 - spec", axis_y = "sen", what = c("training", "random-splits", "validation"), ggplot = TRUE, ...) 
  object <- x
  if (is(x, "PhecapModel") || is(x, "PhecapValidation")) {
    object <- list(x)
    names(object) <- deparse(substitute(x))
  else if (!is.list(x)) {
    stop("Not a PhecapModel / PhecapValidation object or a list of them")
  else if (is.null(names(x))) {
    stop("List should be named")
  df <- vector("list", length(object) * 3L)
  ii <- 1L
  for (kk in seq_along(object)) {
    oo <- object[[kk]]
    for (ww in what) {
      if (ww == "training" && "train_roc" %in% names(oo)) {
        df[[ii]] <- data.frame(cut = oo$train_roc[,"cutoff"], 
                               value_x = oo$train_roc[,"FPR"], 
                               value_y = oo$train_roc[,"TPR"], 
                               kk = names(object)[kk], ww = ww)
      else if (ww == "random-splits" && "split_roc" %in% 
               names(oo)) {
        df[[ii]] <- data.frame(cut = oo$split_roc[,"cutoff"], 
                               value_x = oo$split_roc[,"FPR"], 
                               value_y = oo$split_roc[,"TPR"], 
                               kk = names(object)[kk], ww = ww)
      else if (ww == "validation" && "valid_roc" %in% names(oo)) {
        df[[ii]] <- data.frame(cut = oo$valid_roc[,"cutoff"], 
                               value_x = oo$valid_roc[,"FPR"], 
                               value_y = oo$valid_roc[,"TPR"], 
                               kk = names(object)[kk], ww = ww)
      ii <- ii + 1L
  df <- do.call("rbind", df)
  df <- aggregate(cbind(cut, value_y) ~ kk + ww + value_x, 
                  df, max)
  df <- df[order(df$kk, df$ww, df$cut, df$value_x, df$value_y), 
  if (length(unique(df$kk)) > 1L) {
    if (length(unique(df$ww)) > 1L) {
      df$type <- paste(df$kk, df$ww, sep = ":")
    else {
      df$type <- df$kk
  else if (length(unique(df$ww)) > 1L) {
    df$type <- df$ww
  if (ggplot && requireNamespace("ggplot2", quietly = TRUE)) {
    pp <- ggplot2::ggplot(df)
    if ("type" %in% names(df)) {
      pp <- pp + ggplot2::geom_path(ggplot2::aes(x = df$value_x, 
                                                 y = df$value_y, color = type))
    else {
      pp <- pp + ggplot2::geom_path(ggplot2::aes(x = df$value_x, 
                                                 y = df$value_y))
    pp <- pp + ggplot2::xlab(axis_x) + ggplot2::ylab(axis_y)
  else {
    plot(NULL, NULL, xlim = range(df$value_x), ylim = range(df$value_y), 
         xlab = axis_x, ylab = axis_y)
    if ("type" %in% names(df)) {
      col <- 1L
      for (type in unique(df$type)) {
        lines(df[df$type == type, "value_x"], df[df$type == 
                                                   type, "value_y"], col = col)
        col <- col + 1L
    else {
      lines(df[, "value_x"], df[, "value_y"])
    legend("bottomright", legend = unique(df$type), lty = 1, 
           col = seq_along(unique(df$type)))

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PheCAP documentation built on Sept. 17, 2020, 5:07 p.m.