
Defines functions complexity_break_point sum.partitions sum.partitions.cardFixed sum.prod.comb prod.index update.partitionsNumber.gen update.partitionsNumber.bin init.partitionsNumber extract.partitionsNumber print.partitionsNumber partitionsNumber

Documented in extract.partitionsNumber partitionsNumber prod.index sum.partitions sum.partitions.cardFixed sum.prod.comb update.partitionsNumber.gen

# {Partitions Number}
# Copyright (C) {2014} {SR, MM, PB}
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

## Here is a function to compute the number of partitions of the tips with a
## given number of groups.
## Dependencies : generic_functions.R

## Main functions
#' @title Number of different models
#' @description
#' \code{partitionsNumber} computes the number of different models with a given
#' number of shifts K. It is also the number of colorings of the tips to the 
#' tree in npart = K + 1 colors.
#' @param phylo a phylogenetic tree of class \code{\link[ape]{phylo}}.
#' @param npart the numbers of partitions (colors) allowed at the tips. This
#' is the number of shifts plus one (npart = K + 1).
#' @return an object of class \code{partitionsNumber}. This is made of a matrix
#' with (Nnode + ntaxa) rows and (2*npart) columns. Each column contains two vectors:
#' for k=1:npart it contains the number of partitions with k groups compatible
#' with the tree and the shift process; and for k=(npart+1):2*npart, it contains
#' the number of "marked" partitions with (k-npart) groups compatible with the
#' tree and the shift process. The actual number can be extracted with function
#' \code{\link{extract.partitionsNumber}} (see examples below).
#' @seealso \code{\link{extract.partitionsNumber}}, \code{\link{parsimonyNumber}},
#' \code{\link{equivalent_shifts}}
#' @examples 
#' if (requireNamespace("combinat", quietly = TRUE)) {
#'   npart <- 8 # number of colors at the tips allowed
#'   tree <- read.tree(text="(A,(A,(A,A,A),A,A));") # a tree with polytomies
#'   plot(tree)
#'   parts_num <- partitionsNumber(tree, npart)
#'   parts_num
#'   ## Number of possible colorings of the tips in npart colors
#'   extract(parts_num)
#'   ## Get all the solutions for colorings with 1 to nparts colors
#'   extract(parts_num, npart = 1:npart)
#'   ## Number of possible colorings of the tips in npart colors
#'   ## For the sub-tree starting at node 17
#'   extract(parts_num, node = 10)
#'   ## Number of possible colorings of the tips in npart colors
#'   ## with one marked color
#'   extract(parts_num, marked = TRUE)
#' }
# @references
# Paul Bastide, Mahendra Mariadassou, Stéphane Robin:
# Detection of adaptive shifts on phylogenies using shifted stochastic processes
# on a tree.
#' @export
partitionsNumber <- function(phylo, npart){
  if (!is.rooted(phylo)) stop("The tree must be rooted !")
  if (is.binary(phylo)){
    update.partitionsNumber <- update.partitionsNumber.bin
  } else {
    if (!requireNamespace("combinat", quietly = TRUE)) {
      stop("Pakage 'combinat' needed for function partitionsNumber to work on a non-binary tree. Please install it before running the function again.",
           call. = FALSE)
    update.partitionsNumber <- update.partitionsNumber.gen
  phy <- reorder(phylo,"postorder")
  ntaxa <- length(phy$tip.label)
  ## Initialization
  nbrCompatiblePartitions <- init.partitionsNumber(phy,npart)
  ## Tree recursion
  nbrCompatiblePartitions <- recursionUp(phy, nbrCompatiblePartitions, update.partitionsNumber)
  attr(nbrCompatiblePartitions, "ntaxa") <- ntaxa
  attr(nbrCompatiblePartitions, "npart") <- npart
  class(nbrCompatiblePartitions) <- "partitionsNumber"

# @title Display the number of models
# @description
# \code{print.partitionsNumber} prints the number of tree-compatible colorings of
# the tips of the tree, using functio \code{\link{extract.partitionsNumber}}.
# @param x an object of class \code{\link{partitionsNumber}}.
# @param ... unused
# @return NULL
# @seealso \code{\link{partitionsNumber}}, \code{\link{extract.partitionsNumber}}
#' @export
#' @method print partitionsNumber
print.partitionsNumber <- function(x, ...){
  cat(paste0("\nNumber of models with ", attr(x, "npart") - 1, " shifts: ", extract(x), ".\n\n"))

#' @title Extract from object \code{partitionsNumber}
#' @description
#' \code{extract.partitionsNumber} extracts the number of partitions for a 
#' given sub-tree, either marked or non-marked.
#' @param x an object of class \code{partitionsNumber}, result of function
#' \code{\link{partitionsNumber}}.
#' @param node the root node of the subtree where to get the result.
#' Default to the root of the tree.
#' @param npart the number of partitions (colors) allowed at the tips.
#' Default to the value used in the call of function
#' \code{\link{partitionsNumber}} (the maximum).
#' @param marked whether to extract the marked (TRUE) or un-marked (FALSE)
#' partitions. The number of models is the number of un-marked partitions.
#' Default to FALSE.
#' @param ... unused.
#' @return the number of partitions with npart colors, on the sub-tree starting
#' at node, marked or not.
#' @seealso \code{\link{partitionsNumber}}
#' @export
extract.partitionsNumber <- function(x,
                                     node = attr(x, "ntaxa") + 1,
                                     npart = attr(x, "npart"),
                                     marked = FALSE, ...){
  if (marked) return(x[node, attr(x, "npart") + npart])

# init.partitionsNumber (phy,clusters)
# @(phy,npart) see note above
# (matrix) matrix with Nnode+ntaxa rows and 2*npart columns. All rows from 1 to ntaxa are set to 0, except for columns 1 and npart+1, set to one. All rows from ntaxa to the end are set to NAs
# none
# Initialise the matrix for function partitionsNumber
# none
# 26/05/14 - Initial release
init.partitionsNumber <- function(phy,npart){
  ntaxa <- length(phy$tip.label)
  nbrCompatiblePartitions <- matrix(NA, nrow = 1 + nrow(phy$edge), ncol = 2*npart)
  nbrCompatiblePartitions[1:ntaxa, ] <- 0
  nbrCompatiblePartitions[1:ntaxa, 1] <- rep(1,ntaxa)
  nbrCompatiblePartitions[1:ntaxa, npart + 1] <- rep(1,ntaxa)

# update.partitionsNumber.bin (daughtersParams, ...)
# @daughtersParams (matrix) matrix with 2*npart columns. Each row contains the result of partitionsNumber for the children of a given node
# (vector) vector of size 2*npart. For k=1:npart it contains the number of partitions with k groups compatible with the sub tree starting at the current node ; and for k=(npart+1):2*npart, it contains the number of "marked" partitions with (k-npart) groups compatible with the sub tree starting at the current node.
# none
# Update
# none
# 26/05/14 - Initial release
update.partitionsNumber.bin <- function(daughtersParams, ...){
  npart <- dim(daughtersParams)[2]%/%2
  if (npart == 1) return( c(1,1) )
  nbrComp <- rep(NA, npart)
  nbrMarkedComp <- rep(NA, npart)
  nbrComp[1] <- 1; nbrMarkedComp[1] <- 1 # Always 1 way for one color
  left_nbrComp <- daughtersParams[1, 1:npart]
  right_nbrComp <- daughtersParams[2, 1:npart]
  left_nbrMarkedComp <- daughtersParams[1, (npart+1):(2*npart)]
  right_nbrMarkedComp <- daughtersParams[2, (npart+1):(2*npart)]
  for (k in 2:npart){
    nbrComp[k] <- sum( left_nbrComp[1:(k-1)] * rev(right_nbrComp[1:(k-1)]) ) + sum( left_nbrMarkedComp[1:k] * rev(right_nbrMarkedComp[1:k]) )
    nbrMarkedComp[k] <- sum( left_nbrComp[1:(k-1)] * rev(right_nbrMarkedComp[1:(k-1)]) ) + sum( right_nbrComp[1:(k-1)] * rev(left_nbrMarkedComp[1:(k-1)]) ) + sum( left_nbrMarkedComp[1:k] * rev(right_nbrMarkedComp[1:k]) )
  nbrAdm <- c(nbrComp, nbrMarkedComp)

#' @title Update formula in the general case
#' @description
#' \code{update.partitionsNumber.gen} apply the actualization formula to get
#' Nk and Ak of a node given its daughters.
#' @details
#' Uses functions \code{sum.partitions} and \code{sum.simplex} to compute
#' the needed sums.
#' @param daughtersParams : matrix with 2*npart columns. Each row contains
#' the result of partitionsNumber for the children of a given node
#' @return vector of size 2*npart. For k=1:npart it contains the number of
#' partitions with k groups compatible with the sub tree starting at the
#' current node ; and for k=(npart+1):2*npart, it contains the number of
#' "marked" partitions with (k-npart) groups compatible with the sub tree
#' starting at the current node.
#' @keywords internal
#05/06/14 - Initial release
update.partitionsNumber.gen <- function(daughtersParams, ...){
  npart <- dim(daughtersParams)[2]%/%2
  if (npart == 1) return( c(1,1) )
  nbrComp <- rep(NA, npart)
  nbrMarkedComp <- rep(NA, npart)
  nbrComp[1] <- 1; nbrMarkedComp[1] <- 1 # Always 1 way for one color
  N_daughters <- daughtersParams[, 1:npart]
  A_daughters <- daughtersParams[, (npart+1):(2*npart)]
  p <- dim(N_daughters)[1]
  for (K in 2:npart){
    N <- N_daughters[,1:K]
    A <- A_daughters[,1:K]
    nbrComp[K] <- sum.simplex(N, K, p) + sum.partitions(A, N, K, p, 2)
    nbrMarkedComp[K] <- sum.partitions(A, N, K, p, 1)
  nbrAdm <- c(nbrComp, nbrMarkedComp)

# extract.partitionsNumber (nbrCompatiblePartitions, node=attr(nbrCompatiblePartitions, "ntaxa")+1, npart=attr(nbrCompatiblePartitions, "npart"), marked=FALSE)
# @nbrCompatiblePartitions (matrix) return of the function partitionsNumber
# @node (int) : node from which to start (default value : root)
# @npart (int) : number of groups to be maximized (default value : npart from the previous partitionsNumber call)
# @marked (bool) if true, return the number of marked partitions
# (int) Number of partitions with npart groups compatible with the tree and the shift process, for sub-tree starting at node node.
# partitionsNumber
# Extract the values wanted from the raw result of function partitionsNumber
# none
# 26/05/14 - Initial release
# 27/05/14 - Add "marked"

## Some small technical functions
#' @title Product of elements of a matrix
#' @description
#' \code{prod.index} return the product of chosen elements of a matrix.
#' @details
#' This function is to be used in \code{sum.simplex} to be applied to all the
#' elements given by \code{xsimplex}.
#' Performs the product : X[1,Id[1]]*X[2,Id[2]]*...*X[p,Id[p]] if all the
#' elements of Id are positive. Otherwise, just return 0.
#' @param X a matrix with p rows and K column. Each row contains the number of
#' partition in 1<=k<=K groups for one of the p children of a given node
#' @param Id a vector of length p, result of the function \code{xsimplex}.
#' @return double : the result of the product.
#' @keywords internal
#05/06/14 - Initial release
prod.index <- function(X,Id){
  if (0 %in% Id) return(0) # Indice hors limites

#' @title Sum on a simplex
#' @description
#' \code{sum.simplex} returns the sum on k_1+...+k_p=K, k_i>0 of the products
#' of NN[i,k_i].
#' @details
#' This function uses \code{xsimplex} to perform the product of NN[i,k_i] for
#' all combination of k_i such that k_1+...+k_p=K, k_i>0, using function
#' \code{prod.index}. Then sum all the products.
#' @param NN a matrix with p rows and K column. Each row contains the number of
#' partition in 1<=k<=K groups for one of the p children of a given node
#' @param K an integer. The number of groups wanted.
#' @param p an integer. The number of daughters of a node.
#' @return double : the result of the sum.
#' @keywords internal
#05/06/14 - Initial release
sum.simplex <- function (NN, K, p) {
  return(sum(combinat::xsimplex(p, K, fun = prod.index,
                                simplify = TRUE,
                                X = NN)))

#' @title Sum on a simplex
#' @description
#' \code{sum.prod.comb} returns the sum on k_1+...+k_p=K+|I|-1, k_i>0 of the
#' products of prod(A[i,k_i], i in I)*prod(N[i,k_i], i not in I).
#' @details
#' This function uses \code{sum.simplex} to perform the wanted sum on a ad-hoc
#' matrix, combination of rows of A and N.
#' @param I a vector of integers representing a subset of [1,p]
#' @param A a matrix with p rows and K column. Each row contains the number of
#' marked partition in 1<=k<=K groups for one of the p children of a
#' given node.
#' @param N a matrix with p rows and K column. Each row contains the number of
#' partition in 1<=k<=K groups for one of the p children of a given node
#' @param K an integer. The number of groups wanted.
#' @param p an integer. The number of daughters of a node.
#' @return double : the result of the sum.
#' @keywords internal
#05/06/14 - Initial release
sum.prod.comb <- function(I, A, N, K, p){
  KK <- K + length(I) - 1
  AN <- matrix(NA, nrow = p, ncol = K)
  AN[I, ] <- A[I, ]
  AN[-I, ] <- N[-I, ]
  return(sum.simplex(AN, KK, p))

#' @title Sum on subsets of a given cardinal.
#' @description
#' \code{sum.partitions.cardFixed} returns the sum on I subset of [1,p], |I|
#' fixed, of the sums computed by \code{sum.prod.comb}.
#' @details
#' This function uses \code{combn} to enumerate all the subsets I of [1,p] of
#' a given cardinal, and then performs the wanted sum on these subsets.
#' @param A a matrix with p rows and K column. Each row contains the number of
#' marked partition in 1<=k<=K groups for one of the p children of a
#' given node.
#' @param N a matrix with p rows and K column. Each row contains the number of
#' partition in 1<=k<=K groups for one of the p children of a given node
#' @param K an integer. The number of groups wanted.
#' @param p an integer. The number of daughters of a node.
#' @param cardI an integer. The cardinal of the subset wanted.
#' @return double : the result of the sum.
#' @keywords internal
#05/06/14 - Initial release
sum.partitions.cardFixed <- function(A, N, K, p, cardI){
  return(sum(combinat::combn(p, cardI,
                             fun = sum.prod.comb,
                             simplify = TRUE,
                             A = A, N = N, K = K, p = p)))

#' @title Sum on all subsets.
#' @description
#' \code{sum.partitions} returns the sum on all I subset of [1,p], with |I|>m.
#' @details
#' This function applies \code{sum.partitions.cardFixed} to all integer between
#' m and p, and sum the results.
#' @param A a matrix with p rows and K column. Each row contains the number of
#' marked partition in 1<=k<=K groups for one of the p children of a
#' given node.
#' @param N a matrix with p rows and K column. Each row contains the number of
#' partition in 1<=k<=K groups for one of the p children of a given node
#' @param K an integer. The number of groups wanted.
#' @param p an integer. The number of daughters of a node.
#' @param m an integer. The minimum cardinal of a subset allowed.
#' @return double : the result of the sum.
#' @keywords internal
#05/06/14 - Initial release
sum.partitions <- function(A, N, K, p, m) {
  return(sum(sapply(m:p, function(x) sum.partitions.cardFixed(A, N, K, p, x))))

## Complexity Break Point

complexity_break_point <- function(n){
  return(floor((10 * n - 13 - sqrt(20 * n^2 - 20 * n + 9)) / 10) + 1)

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