
context("Examples that show how to write tests")

## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Test preparations

# Need valid 'pivotalr_port' and 'pivotalr_dbname' values
env <- new.env(parent = globalenv())
.dbname = get('pivotalr_dbname', envir=env)
.port = get('pivotalr_port', envir=env)

## connection ID
cid <- db.connect(port = .port, dbname = .dbname, verbose = FALSE)

## data in the database
dat <- as.db.data.frame(abalone, conn.id = cid, verbose = FALSE)

## data in memory
dat.im <- abalone

# ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# ## Tests
test_that("Examples of class attributes", {
    ## do some calculation inside test_that
    ## These values are not avilable outside test_that function
    fdb <- madlib.lm(rings ~ . - id - sex, data = dat)
    fm <- summary(lm(rings ~ . - id - sex, data = dat.im))
    ## 2, 3
    expect_that(fdb,      is_a("lm.madlib"))
    expect_that(fdb$data, is_a("db.data.frame"))

## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## To make the computation results available to later test_that
## need to do the calculation on the upper level
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------

fdb <- madlib.lm(rings ~ . - id - sex, data = dat)
fm <- summary(lm(rings ~ . - id - sex, data = dat.im))

test_that("Examples of value equivalent", {
    ## numeric values are the same, but names are not
    ## 4, 5, 6
    expect_that(as.numeric(fdb$coef),    equals(as.numeric(fm$coefficients[,1])))
    expect_that(fdb$coef,    is_equivalent_to(fm$coefficients[,1]))
    expect_that(fdb$std_err, is_equivalent_to(fm$coefficients[,2]))

## ----------------------------------------------------------------------

test_that("Examples of testing TRUE or FALSE", {
    ## 7, 8
    expect_false("no_such_col" %in% fdb$col.name)

## ----------------------------------------------------------------------

test_that("Example of identical", {
    ## Two values are equal but not identical
    ## expect_that(fdb$r2, is_identical_to(fm$r.squared)) # will fail

    r2 <- fdb$r2 # same object, identical
    ## 9
    expect_that(fdb$r2, is_identical_to(r2))

## ----------------------------------------------------------------------

test_that("Examples of testing string existence", {
    tmp <- dat
    tmp$new.col <- 1
    ## 10, 11
    expect_match(names(tmp), "new.col", all = FALSE) # one value matches

## ----------------------------------------------------------------------

test_that("Examples of testing warnings", {
    expect_that(madlib.elnet(rings ~ . - id, data = dat, method = "cd"),
                gives_warning("number of features is larger"))

## ----------------------------------------------------------------------

test_that("Examples of testing message", {
    expect_that(db.q("select * from", content(dat), conn.id = cid),

## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## If you want to use the combinations of multiple
## variables, use 'for' loops
## The following examples show that you can use
## 'for' loops to construct test cases.
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------

test_that("Examples of running tests in loop", {
    rows <- c(1, 5, 10)
    ## 15, 16, 17
    for (n in rows)
        expect_that(nrow(lk(dat, n)), equals(n))

## ----------------------------------------------------------------------

test_that("Examples of using multiple loops", {
    fit.this <- "rings ~ height + whole"
    vars <- c("shell", "length", "diameter", "shucked")
    rows <- c(1000, 2000, 3000)
    ## 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29
    for (var in vars) {
        fit.this <- paste(fit.this, "+", var)
        for (n in rows){
          sub_dat <- dat[dat$id < n, ]
          expect_warning(madlib.lm(formula(fit.this), data = sub_dat), NA)

## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Some complicated functions need multiple lines, which can be put inside
## a pair of {}
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------

test_that("Install-check should run without error", {
        x <- matrix(rnorm(100*20),100,20)
        y <- rnorm(100, 0.1, 2)

        dat <- data.frame(x, y) # this data is available only in this block
        delete("eldata", conn.id = cid)
        z <- as.db.data.frame(dat, "eldata", conn.id = cid, verbose = FALSE)
        g <- generic.cv(train = function (data, alpha, lambda) {
                                  madlib.elnet(y ~ ., data = data, family = "gaussian", alpha =
                                               alpha, lambda = lambda,
                                               control = list(random.stepsize=TRUE))
                        predict = predict,
                        metric = function (predicted, data) {
                          lk(mean((data$y - predicted)^2))
                        data = z,
                        params = list(alpha=1, lambda=seq(0,0.2,0.1)),
                        k = 5, find.min = TRUE, verbose = FALSE)

## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
test_that("Install-check 2", {
        err <- generic.cv(function(data) {
                          madlib.lm(rings ~ . - id - sex, data = data)
                        function(predicted, data) {
                              lookat(mean((data$rings - predicted)^2))
                        data = dat, # this dat is the global dat
                        verbose = FALSE)
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Same test, different results on different platforms
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------

test_that("Different results on different platforms", {
    expect_that(as.character(db.q("select version()", conn.id = cid,
                                  verbose = FALSE)),
                if (.get.dbms.str(cid)$db.str == "HAWQ") {
                } else if (.get.dbms.str(cid)$db.str == "PostgreSQL") {
                } else {

## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Skip tests
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------

## skip on all situations
test_that("skipping in all situations", {
    if (TRUE){
          skip("Always skip this")}
    else {
          tmp <- dat
          tmp$new.col <- 1
          expect_that(names(tmp), matches("new.col", all = FALSE))
          expect_that(db.q("\\dn", verbose = FALSE),
                      throws_error("syntax error"))

## ----------------------------------------------------------------------

db <- .get.dbms.str(cid)

# skip_if(db$db.str %in% c("HAWQ", "PostgreSQL"),
#         test_that("Skip this on HAWQ",
#                   ## 37
#                   expect_that(db.q("\\dn", verbose = FALSE),
#                               throws_error("syntax error"))))

test_that("Skip some tests", {
    tmp <- dat
    tmp$new.col <- 1
    ## 38, 39
    if(db$db.str == "HAWQ" && grepl("^1\\.2", db$version.str))
        skip("Skipping for hawq")
      expect_that(names(tmp), matches("new.col", all = FALSE))
      # expect_output(print(tmp), "*temp*")

## ----------------------------------------------------------------------

## directly test SQL
test_that("Test MADlib SQL", {
    table <- content(dat)
    madsch <- schema.madlib(conn.id = cid)
    res <- db.q(
        drop table if exists lin_out, lin_out_summary;
        select ", madsch, ".linregr_train('", table, "',
        'lin_out', 'rings', 'array[1, length, diameter, shell]');
        select coef from lin_out;
        ", conn.id = cid, verbose = FALSE, nrows = -1)
    res <- as.numeric(arraydb.to.arrayr(res))
    fit <- lm(rings ~ length + diameter + shell, data = lk(table, -1))
    expect_that(res, equals(as.numeric(fit$coefficients)))

## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Clean up

db.disconnect(cid, verbose = FALSE)

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PivotalR documentation built on March 13, 2021, 1:06 a.m.