MODPlugToPTPattern: Convert MODPlug pattern into a PTPattern object

View source: R/11MODPlugHelpers.r

MODPlugToPTPatternR Documentation

Convert MODPlug pattern into a PTPattern object


Convert pattern data from text or clipboard, originating from the modern MODPlug tracker and convert it into a PTPattern or PTBlock object.


MODPlugToPTPattern(text = NULL, what = c("PTPattern", "PTBlock"))



A vector of characters, representing MOD pattern data obtained from OpenMPT. If set to NULL (default), the text will be read from the system's clipboard.


A character string that indicates what type of object should be returned. Can be "PTPattern" or "PTBlock".


The Open MODPlug Tracker ( is a modern music tracker that is for free. It too can handle ProTracker modules. This function assists in moving pattern data from Open MPT to R.

Simply select and copy the pattern data to the system's clipboard and use this function to import it to R as a PTPattern or PTBlock object.


Depending on the value of the argument what, it will return either a PTPattern or PTBlock object.


Pepijn de Vries

See Also

Other MODPlug.operations: PTPatternToMODPlug()

Other pattern.operations: PTPattern-class, PTPattern-method, PTPatternToMODPlug(), appendPattern(), deletePattern(), pasteBlock(), patternLength(), patternOrderLength(), patternOrder()


## Not run: 
## This is what Mod Plug Pattern data looks like on
## the system's clipboard:
modPlugPattern <- c("ModPlug Tracker MOD",

## You could read it directly from the clipboard,
## by leaving text NULL (default). Here we provide
## the text specified above:
pat <- MODPlugToPTPattern(modPlugPattern, "PTPattern")

## look it is a "PTPattern" object now:

## we can also only import the first 10 lines as a
## PTBlock:
blk <- MODPlugToPTPattern(modPlugPattern[1:10], "PTBlock")

## End(Not run)

ProTrackR documentation built on June 22, 2024, 12:22 p.m.