PTPattern-class: The PTPattern class

PTPattern-classR Documentation

The PTPattern class


The PTPattern (or simply pattern) is a table that determines which samples are played at which notes in which octave, in which order and with which effects.


When a PTPattern table (or simply pattern) is played, each of the 64 rows (see the green mark in the illustration below for an example of a row) are played subsequently at a specified speed/tempo.

Note that ProTracker uses row indices that start at zero. However, this package uses indices starting at one, conform R language definitions.

Pattern Table

The table has four columns (see the purple outline in the illustration above as an example of a column), representing the four audio channels (PTTrack) of the Commodore Amiga. Samples listed in the same row at different tracks will be played simultaneously.

An element at a specific row and track will be referred to as a PTCell (or simply cell). The cell determines which sample needs to be played at which note and octave and what kind of effect or trigger should be applied.

With the PTPattern-method, objects can be coerced to a pattern table. This method can also be used to extract or replace patterns in PTModule objects.



A matrix (64 rows, 16 columns) of class raw. Each row contains the raw concatenated data of 4 PTCell objects, representing each of the 4 audio channels/tracks (as each PTCell object holds 4 raw values, each row holds 4 x 4 = 16 raw values). The raw data is formatted conform the specifications given in the PTCell documentation.


Pepijn de Vries

See Also

Other pattern.operations: MODPlugToPTPattern(), PTPattern-method, PTPatternToMODPlug(), appendPattern(), deletePattern(), pasteBlock(), patternLength(), patternOrderLength(), patternOrder()

ProTrackR documentation built on June 22, 2024, 12:22 p.m.