loopLength: The loop length of a PTSample

loopLengthR Documentation

The loop length of a PTSample


Extract or replace the loop length of a PTSample.


## S4 method for signature 'PTSample'

## S4 replacement method for signature 'PTSample'
loopLength(sample) <- value



A PTSample for which the loop length needs to be extracted or replace.


An even numeric value giving the loop length in samples ranging from 2 up to 131070 (It can be 0 when the sample is empty). The sum of the loopStart and loopLength should not exceed the sampleLength.

Use a value of either character "off" or logical FALSE, in order to turn off the loop all together.


PTSamples can have loops, marked by a starting position and length of the loop (in samples), for more details see the PTSample. This method can be used to extract the loop length or safely replace its value.


For loopLength the loop length (in samples), represented by an even integer value ranging from 0 up to 131070, is returned.

For ⁠loopLength<-⁠ A PTSample sample, updated with the loop length value, is returned.


Pepijn de Vries

See Also

Other loop.methods: loopSample(), loopStart(), loopState()

Other sample.operations: PTSample-class, PTSample-method, fineTune(), loopSample(), loopStart(), loopState(), name, playSample(), read.sample(), sampleLength(), volume(), waveform(), write.sample()



## get the loop length of the
## first sample of mod.intro:

loopLength(PTSample(mod.intro, 1))

## Let's change the length of
## the loop to 200

loopLength(PTSample(mod.intro, 1)) <- 200

## Let's turn off the loop all together:

loopLength(PTSample(mod.intro, 1)) <- FALSE

ProTrackR documentation built on June 22, 2024, 12:22 p.m.