loopLength: The loop length of a PTSample

loopLengthR Documentation

The loop length of a PTSample


Extract or replace the loop length of a PTSample.


## S4 method for signature 'PTSample'

## S4 replacement method for signature 'PTSample'
loopLength(sample) <- value



A PTSample for which the loop length needs to be extracted or replace.


An even numeric value giving the loop length in samples ranging from 2 up to 131070 (It can be 0 when the sample is empty). The sum of the loopStart and loopLength should not exceed the sampleLength.

Use a value of either character "off" or logical "FALSE", in order to turn off the loop all together.


PTSamples can have loops, marked by a starting position and length of the loop (in samples), for more details see the PTSample-class. This method can be used to extract the loop length or safely replace its value.


For loopLength the loop length (in samples), represented by an even integer value ranging from 0 up to 131070, is returned.

For loopLength<- A PTSample sample, updated with the loop length 'value', is returned.


Pepijn de Vries

See Also

Other loop.methods: loopSample(), loopStart(), loopState()

Other sample.operations: PTSample-class, PTSample-method, fineTune(), loopSample(), loopStart(), loopState(), name, playSample(), read.sample(), sampleLength(), volume(), waveform(), write.sample()



## get the loop length of the
## first sample of mod.intro:

loopLength(PTSample(mod.intro, 1))

## Let's change the length of
## the loop to 200

loopLength(PTSample(mod.intro, 1)) <- 200

## Let's turn off the loop all together:

loopLength(PTSample(mod.intro, 1)) <- FALSE

ProTrackR documentation built on Aug. 23, 2023, 1:07 a.m.