nybbleToSignedInt: Get signed integer values from nybbles

View source: R/01supporting_functions.r

nybbleToSignedIntR Documentation

Get signed integer values from nybbles


Get signed integer values from one or more nybble.


nybbleToSignedInt(raw_dat, which = c("low", "high"))



raw data (either a single value or a vector), from which a nybble will be extracted and converted.


A character string indicating whether the "low" (default) or "high" nybble of raw_dat needs to be converted into a signed integer.


Nybbles are 4 bit values, where each byte (8 bits) holds two nybbles. A high nybble (left-hand side of a byte) and a low nybble (right-hand side of a byte). This function extracts a nybble from raw data and converts it into a signed integer value ranging from -8 up to 7.


Returns integer values of the same length as raw_dat, ranging from -8 up to 7.


Pepijn de Vries

See Also

Other nybble.functions: nybble(), signedIntToNybble()

Other raw.operations: as.raw(), nybble(), rawToCharNull(), rawToPTModule(), rawToSignedInt(), rawToUnsignedInt(), signedIntToNybble(), signedIntToRaw(), unsignedIntToRaw()

Other integer.operations: nybble(), rawToSignedInt(), rawToUnsignedInt(), signedIntToNybble(), signedIntToRaw(), unsignedIntToRaw(), waveform()


## generate some raw data:

rdat <- as.raw(255*runif(100))

## get signed integers of low nybbles:

sintl <- nybbleToSignedInt(rdat)

## get signed integers of high nybbles:

sinth <- nybbleToSignedInt(rdat, "high")

ProTrackR documentation built on June 22, 2024, 12:22 p.m.