effect: Extract or replace effect/trigger codes

effectR Documentation

Extract or replace effect/trigger codes


The 3 right-hand symbols of a character representation of a PTCell represent an effect or trigger code. This method can be used to extract or replace this code.


## S4 method for signature 'PTCell'

## S4 replacement method for signature 'PTCell,character'
effect(x) <- value



A PTCell from which the effect code needs to be extracted.


A character string containing a three hexadecimal digit effect code. All hexadecimal codes are accepted, not all will produce meaningful effects.


When a PTCell is represented by a character string, the last three symbols represent a hexadecimal effect or trigger code. In general the first of the three symbols indicates a type of effect or trigger, whereas the latter two generally indicate a magnitude or a position for effects and triggers.

Effects can for instance be volume or frequency slides. The codes can also affect the module tempo or cause position jumps.

When replacing this code, all three digit hexadecimal character strings are accepted, although not all codes will represent a valid effect or trigger. See https://wiki.openmpt.org/Manual:_Effect_Reference#MOD_Effect_Commands for a valid list of effect codes.


For effect, a character string with the three hexadecimal digit effect code will be returned.

For ⁠effect<-⁠, a copy of object x with effect code value will be returned.


Pepijn de Vries

See Also

Other cell.operations: PTCell-class, PTCell-method, note(), sampleNumber()



## the PTCell in row #1, of pattern #1, track #1
## has effect code "A08", which is a volume slide down (0xA)
## with speed 0x8:
effect(PTCell(mod.intro, 1, 1, 1))

## this is how you can change an effect:
cell <- PTCell("C-2 01 000")
effect(cell) <- "C20"

## the above expression sets the volume (effect 0xC)
## to 50% (0x20 which is halve of the maximum 0x40)

ProTrackR documentation built on June 22, 2024, 12:22 p.m.