PTCell-method: Coerce to or replace PTCell

PTCell-methodR Documentation

Coerce to or replace PTCell


This method will coerce a set of objects to a PTCell object. It can also be used to select specific cells from PTModule, PTPattern and PTTrack objects and replace the selected PTCell.


## S4 method for signature 'raw,missing,missing,missing'

## S4 method for signature 'character,missing,missing,missing'

## S4 method for signature 'PTModule,numeric,numeric,numeric'
PTCell(x, row, track, pattern)

## S4 replacement method for signature 'PTModule,numeric,numeric,numeric,PTCell'
PTCell(x, row, track, pattern) <- value

## S4 method for signature 'PTPattern,numeric,numeric,missing'
PTCell(x, row, track)

## S4 replacement method for signature 'PTPattern,numeric,numeric,missing,PTCell'
PTCell(x, row, track) <- value

## S4 method for signature 'PTTrack,numeric,missing,missing'
PTCell(x, row)

## S4 replacement method for signature 'PTTrack,numeric,missing,missing,PTCell'
PTCell(x, row) <- value



Object (any of raw data, a character string, a PTTrack, a PTPattern or a PTModule) to coerce to a PTCell. See details below for the required format of x.


When x is a PTTrack, a PTPattern, or a PTModule, provide an index [1,64] of the row that needs to be coerced to a PTCell.


When x is a PTPattern, or a PTModule, provide an index [1,4] of the track that needs to be coerced to a PTCell.


When x is a PTModule, provide an index of the pattern that needs to be coerced to a PTCell. Note that ProTracker uses indices for patterns that start at zero, whereas R uses indices that start at one. Hence add one to an index obtained from a PTModule object (e.g., x$pattern.order)


An object of PTCell with which the PTCell object at the specified indices in object x needs to be replaced.


Method to coerce x to class PTCell.

When x is raw data, it should consist of a vector of 4 elements, formatted as specified in the PTCell.

When x is a character string, it should be formatted as follows: "⁠NNO SS EEE⁠", where NN is the note (for instance "C-" or "A#", where the dash has no particular meaning and may be omitted, the hash sign indicates a sharp note). Use a dash if the cell holds no note. O is the octave (with a value of 0, or a dash, if a note is missing, otherwise any of 1, 2 or 3). SS is the sample index number, formatted as two hexadecimal digits (for example ⁠1A⁠). EEE is a three hexadecimal digit effect or trigger code (for more details see the PTCell). The method is not case sensitive, so you can use both upper and lower case. White spaces are ignored, you can use as many as you would like. A correct character input for x would be for example: "A#2 01 A0F". A blank character representation would look like this: "--- 00 000".

When x is of class PTTrack, PTPattern, or PTModule, the PTCell at the specified indices (row, track and pattern) is returned, or can be replaced.


When PTCell is used, a PTCell object based on x is returned.

When ⁠PTCell<-⁠ is used, object x is returned in which the selected PTCell is replaced with value.


Pepijn de Vries

See Also

Other cell.operations: PTCell-class, effect(), note(), sampleNumber()


## This will create an empty PTCell (equivalent
## to new("PTCell"):

## Use a character representation to create
## a new PTCell object. A cell with note
## B in octave 2, sample number 10 and with
## effect '105':
cell <- PTCell("B-2 0A 105")


## replace PTCell at pattern number 1, track
## number 2, and row number 3:
PTCell(mod.intro, 3, 2, 1) <- cell

ProTrackR documentation built on June 22, 2024, 12:22 p.m.