period_table: ProTracker Period Table

period_tableR Documentation

ProTracker Period Table


Table of ProTracker period values and corresponding, octave, tone and fine tune


a data.frame with fourteen columns:

  • The column named 'octave': integer value [1,3]

  • The column named 'finetune': integer value [-8, 7] used to tune a sample

  • The columns named 'C-' to ‘B-’: represent the twelve (semi)tones. The values in these columns are the period values for the corresponding tone, octave and finetune.


Table of ProTracker period values used in calculating the playback sampling rate of samples for specific tones. These are the values that are actually used by ProTracker, they cannot be calculated directly due to undocumented rounding inconsistencies. This lookup table is therefore a requirement.

See Also

Other period.operations: noteToPeriod(), note(), octave(), periodToChar(), sampleRate



ProTrackR documentation built on June 22, 2024, 12:22 p.m.