
# See also: test-QuartetStates.R

TreePath <- function (fileName) {
  paste0(system.file(package = "Quartet"), "/trees/", fileName, ".new")
quartets <- ape::read.tree(TreePath("all_quartets"))

test_that("QuartetStates() works", {
  expect_equal(3L, QuartetStates(quartets[[1]]))
  expect_equal(2L, QuartetStates(as.Splits(quartets[[2]], letters[1:4])))
  expect_equal(c(3L, 2L, 1L, 0L), QuartetStates(quartets)[1, ])

  expect_equal(as.raw(3L), QuartetStates(quartets[[1]], TRUE))
               QuartetStates(as.Splits(quartets[[2]], letters[1:4]), TRUE))
  expect_equal(as.raw(c(3L, 2L, 1L, 0L)), QuartetStates(quartets, TRUE)[1, ])
  expect_equal(c(3, 3, 3, 3, 3), QuartetStates(BalancedTree(5), asRaw = FALSE))
  expect_equal(c(2, 2, 1, 3, 2),
               QuartetStates(RenumberTips(BalancedTree(c(1, 3, 5, 4, 2)), 
                             asRaw = FALSE))
  funnyNodes5 <- structure(list(
    edge = matrix(c(6, 6, 6, 8, 8, 7, 7,
                    1, 2, 8, 3, 7, 4, 5), 7L, 2L),
    tip.label = paste0("t", 1:5),
    Nnode = 3L), class = "phylo")
  expect_equal(rep(3L, 5), QuartetStates(funnyNodes5))

test_that("QuartetState() works", {
  expect_equal(QuartetState(letters[1:4], as.Splits(quartets[[1]]), asRaw = TRUE),
  expect_equal(QuartetState(letters[1:4], as.Splits(quartets[[2]]), asRaw = TRUE),
  expect_equal(QuartetState(letters[1:4], as.Splits(quartets[[3]]), asRaw = TRUE),
  expect_equal(QuartetState(letters[1:4], as.Splits(quartets[[4]]), asRaw = TRUE),
  expect_equal(QuartetState(letters[2:5], as.Splits(quartets[[2]])), 0L)
  expect_warning(expect_equal(QuartetState(2:5, as.Splits(quartets[[2]])), 0L),
                 "`splits` contains 4 leaves but `tips` includes \"5\"")

test_that("QuartetStates() == QuartetState()", {
  tree <- TreeTools::BalancedTree(8)
               apply(all_quartets(8), 2, QuartetState, as.Splits(tree)))

test_that("CompareQuartets() works", {
  expect_equal(c(N = 16L, Q = 8L, s = 1, d = 2, r1 = 1, r2 = 1, u = 3),
               CompareQuartets(c(3, 3, 1, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0),
                               c(3, 2, 2, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0)))

test_that("CompareQuartetsMulti() fails if leaves don't match", {
  expect_error(CompareQuartetsMulti(PectinateTree(1:8), PectinateTree(2:9)))

test_that("CompareQuartetsMulti() gets values correct", {
  bal <- BalancedTree(6L)
  pec <- PectinateTree(6L)
  rnd <- CollapseNode(as.phylo(1337, 6L), 8:9)
  part <- CollapseNode(pec, 9:10)
  star <- CollapseNode(bal, 8:11)
  index <- cbind(
    rnd = QuartetStates(RenumberTips(rnd, bal), T),
    bal = QuartetStates(RenumberTips(bal, bal), T),
    pec = QuartetStates(RenumberTips(pec, bal), T),
    prt = QuartetStates(RenumberTips(part, bal), T)
  rownames(index) <- apply(AllQuartets(6), 2, paste0, collapse = "")
  expect_equivalent(as.raw(c(1, 2, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 0, 1, 3, 2, 2, 2)), 
                    index[, "rnd"])
  expect_equivalent(as.raw(c(3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 1, 3, 3, 3, 1, 1)), 
                    index[, "bal"])
  expect_equivalent(as.raw(rep(3, 15)),
                    index[, "pec"])
  expect_equivalent(as.raw(c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 3, 3, 0, 0, 3, 3, 3)), 
                    index[, "prt"])
  # par (mfrow = c(2, 2), mar = rep(0.1, 4))
  # plot(rnd, main="rnd"); plot(bal, main="bal")
  # plot(pec, main = "pec"); plot(part, main = "part")
  expect_equal(c(N = 15 * 4, Q = 15, s_all = 0, s_any = 6, #1..4
                 d_all = 0, d_any = 6, r1_all = 0, r1_any = 1, # 5..8
                 r2_all = 7, r2_any = 9, u_all = 0, u_any = 2, x_only = 0),
               CompareQuartetsMulti(x = part, cf = list(bal, pec, rnd)))
  expect_equal(c(N = 15 * 4, Q = 15, s_all = 0, s_any = 1,
                 d_all = 5, d_any = 11, r1_all = 0, r1_any = 7,
                 r2_all = 1, r2_any = 3, u_all = 0, u_any = 2, x_only = 11),
               CompareQuartetsMulti(x = rnd, cf = list(bal, pec, part)))
  expect_equal(c(N = 15 * 2, Q = 15, s_all = 0, s_any = 0, d_all = 0, d_any = 0,
                 r1_all = 6, r1_any = 6, r2_all = 0, r2_any = 0, u_all = 9,
                 u_any = 9, x_only = 6),
               CompareQuartetsMulti(part, star))
  expect_equal(c(N = 15 * 2, Q = 15, s_all = 0, s_any = 0, d_all = 0, d_any = 0,
                 r1_all = 0, r1_any = 0, r2_all = 6, r2_any = 6, u_all = 9,
                 u_any = 9, x_only = 0),
               CompareQuartetsMulti(star, part))

test_that("CompareQuartetsMulti() insensitive to label order", {
  all_same <- c(Q = 70, s_all = 70, s_any = 70, d_all = 0, d_any = 0,
                r1_all = 0, r1_any = 0, r2_all = 0, r2_any = 0, u_all = 0,
                u_any = 0, x_only = 0)
  expect_equal(CompareQuartetsMulti(PectinateTree(1:8), PectinateTree(8:1))[-1],
                              BalancedTree(c(1, 2, 4, 3, 8:5))))[-1],
  # Same representation, different labels
                         list(BalancedTree(c(1, 3, 2, 4, 5:8)),
                              BalancedTree(c(1, 3, 2, 4, 8:5))))),
    c(210, 70, 53, 53, 17, 17, rep(0, 6), 17))

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Quartet documentation built on July 8, 2022, 5:08 p.m.