
# @RdocDefault readMat
# @title "Reads a MAT file structure from a connection or a file"
# \description{
#  @get "title".
#  Both the MAT version 4 and MAT version 5 file formats are
#  supported. The implementation is based on [1-5].
#  Note: Do not mix up version numbers for the MATLAB software and
#  the MATLAB file formats.
# }
# @synopsis
# \arguments{
#   \item{con}{Binary @connection from which the MAT file structure
#     should be read.
#     If a @character string, it is interpreted as filename, which then
#     will be opened (and closed afterwards).
#     If a @raw @vector, it will be read via as a raw binary @connection.
#   }
#   \item{maxLength}{The maximum number of bytes to be read from the input
#     stream, which should be equal to the length of the MAT file structure.
#     If \code{NULL}, data will be read until End Of File has been reached.}
#   \item{fixNames}{If @TRUE, underscores within names of MATLAB variables
#     and fields are converted to periods.}
#   \item{drop}{A @character @vector specifying cases when one or more dimensions
#     of elements should be dropped in order to decrease the amount of "nestedness"
#     of the returned data structure.  This only applies to the MAT v5 file format.}
#   \item{sparseMatrixClass}{If \code{"matrix"}, a sparse matrix is expanded to
#     a regular @matrix.  If either \code{"Matrix"} (default) or \code{"SparseM"},
#     the sparse matrix representation by the package of the same name will be used.
#     These packages are only loaded if the a sparse matrix is read.}
#   \item{verbose}{Either a @logical, a @numeric, or a @see "R.utils::Verbose"
#     object specifying how much verbose/debug information is written to
#     standard output. If a Verbose object, how detailed the information is
#     is specified by the threshold level of the object. If a numeric, the
#     value is used to set the threshold of a new Verbose object. If @TRUE,
#     the threshold is set to -1 (minimal). If @FALSE, no output is written.
#   }
#   \item{...}{Not used.}
# }
# \value{
#   Returns a named @list structure containing all variables in the
#   MAT file structure.
# }
# \section{Speed performance}{
#   This function uses a MAT file parser implemented completely using
#   pure R. For MAT files containing large vectorized objects, for instance
#   long vectors and large matrices, the R implementation is indeed fast
#   enough because it can read and parse each such objects in one go.
#   On the other hand, for MAT files containing a large number of small
#   objects, e.g. a large number of cell structures, there will be a
#   significant slowdown, because each of the small objects has to be
#   parsed individually.
#   In such cases, if possible, try to (re)save the data in MATLAB
#   using larger ("more vectorized") objects.
# }
# \section{MAT cell structures}{
#   For the MAT v5 format, \emph{cell} structures are read into
#   \R as a @list structure.
# }
# \section{Unicode strings}{
#  Recent versions of MATLAB store some strings using Unicode
#  encodings.  If the R installation supports \code{\link{iconv}},
#  these strings will be read correctly.  Otherwise non-ASCII codes
#  are converted to NA.  Saving to an earlier file format version
#  may avoid this problem as well.
# }
# \section{Reading compressed MAT files}{
#  From MATLAB v7, \emph{compressed} MAT version 5 files are used by
#  default [3-5], which is supported by this function.
#  If for some reason it fails, use \code{save -V6} in MATLAB to write
#  non-compressed MAT v5 files (sic!).
# }
# \section{About MAT files saved in MATLAB using '-v7.3'}{
#  MAT v7.3 files, saved using for instance \code{save('foo.mat', '-v7.3')},
#  stores the data in the Hierarchical Data Format (HDF5) [6, 7], which
#  is a format not supported by this function/package.
#  However, there exist other R packages that can parse HDF5, e.g.
#  CRAN package \pkg{h5} and Bioconductor package \pkg{rhdf5}.
# }
# \section{Reading MAT file structures input streams}{
#  Reads a MAT file structure from an input stream, either until End of File
#  is detected or until \code{maxLength} bytes has been read.
#  Using \code{maxLength} it is possible to read MAT file structure over
#  socket connections and other non-terminating input streams. In such cases
#  the \code{maxLength} has to be communicated before sending the actual
#  MAT file structure.
# }
# @examples "../incl/readMat.R"
# \author{
#   Henrik Bengtsson.
#   The internal MAT v4 reader was written by
#   Andy Jacobson (Princeton University).
#   Support for reading sparse matrices, UTF-encoded strings and
#   compressed files, was contributed by Jason Riedy (UC Berkeley).
# }
# \seealso{
#   @see "writeMat".
# }
# \references{
#   [1] The MathWorks Inc., \emph{MATLAB - MAT-File Format, version 5}, June 1999.\cr
#   [2] The MathWorks Inc., \emph{MATLAB - Application Program Interface Guide, version 5}, 1998.\cr
#   [3] The MathWorks Inc., \emph{MATLAB - MAT-File Format, version 7}, September 2009.\cr
#   [4] The MathWorks Inc., \emph{MATLAB - MAT-File Format, version R2012a}, September 2012.\cr
#   [5] The MathWorks Inc., \emph{MATLAB - MAT-File Format, version R2015b}, September 2015.\cr
#   [6] The MathWorks Inc., \emph{MATLAB - MAT-File Versions}, December 2015.
#       \url{https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/import_export/mat-file-versions.html}\cr
#   [7] Undocumented Matlab, \emph{Improving save performance}, May 2013.
#       \url{https://undocumentedmatlab.com/articles/improving-save-performance/}\cr
#   [8] J. Gilbert et al., {Sparse Matrices in MATLAB: Design and Implementation}, SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl., 1992.
#       \url{https://www.mathworks.com/help/pdf_doc/otherdocs/simax.pdf}\cr
#   [9] J. Burkardt, \emph{HB Files: Harwell Boeing Sparse Matrix File Format}, Apr 2010.
#       \url{https://people.sc.fsu.edu/~jburkardt/data/hb/hb.html}
# }
# @keyword file
# @keyword IO
setMethodS3("readMat", "default", function(con, maxLength = NULL, fixNames = TRUE, drop = c("singletonLists"), sparseMatrixClass = c("Matrix", "SparseM", "matrix"), verbose = FALSE, ...) {
  # To please R CMD check
  .require <- require

  # The object 'this' is actually never used, but we might put 'con' or
  # similar in the structure some day, so we keep it for now. /HB 2007-06-10
  this <- list()

  # General functions to read both MAT v4 and MAT v5 files.              BEGIN
  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  # Emulate support for argument 'keep.source' in older versions of R
  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  if (getRversion() < "3.0.0") {  ## covr: skip=8
    # Look up base::parse() once; '::' is very expensive
    base_parse <- base::parse
    parse <- function(..., keep.source = getOption("keep.source")) {
      oopts <- options(keep.source = keep.source)
    } # parse()

  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  # readBinMat() need to know what endian the numerics in the stream are
  # written with. From the beginning we assume Little Endian, but that might
  # be updated when we have read the MAT-file header.
  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  detectedEndian <- "little"

  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  # ASCII is the 8-bit ASCII table with ASCII characters from 0-255.
  # Extracted from the R.oo package.
  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  ASCII <- c(
    "",     "\001", "\002", "\003", "\004", "\005", "\006", "\007", # 000-007
    "\010", "\011", "\012", "\013", "\014", "\015", "\016", "\017", # 010-017
    "\020", "\021", "\022", "\023", "\024", "\025", "\026", "\027", # 020-027
    "\030", "\031", "\032", "\033", "\034", "\035", "\036", "\037", # 030-037
    "\040", "\041", "\042", "\043", "\044", "\045", "\046", "\047", # 040-047
    "\050", "\051", "\052", "\053", "\054", "\055", "\056", "\057", # 050-057
    "\060", "\061", "\062", "\063", "\064", "\065", "\066", "\067", # 060-067
    "\070", "\071", "\072", "\073", "\074", "\075", "\076", "\077", # 070-077
    "\100", "\101", "\102", "\103", "\104", "\105", "\106", "\107", # 100-107
    "\110", "\111", "\112", "\113", "\114", "\115", "\116", "\117", # 110-117
    "\120", "\121", "\122", "\123", "\124", "\125", "\126", "\127", # 120-127
    "\130", "\131", "\132", "\133", "\134", "\135", "\136", "\137", # 130-137
    "\140", "\141", "\142", "\143", "\144", "\145", "\146", "\147", # 140-147
    "\150", "\151", "\152", "\153", "\154", "\155", "\156", "\157", # 150-157
    "\160", "\161", "\162", "\163", "\164", "\165", "\166", "\167", # 160-167
    "\170", "\171", "\172", "\173", "\174", "\175", "\176", "\177", # 170-177
    "\200", "\201", "\202", "\203", "\204", "\205", "\206", "\207", # 200-207
    "\210", "\211", "\212", "\213", "\214", "\215", "\216", "\217", # 210-217
    "\220", "\221", "\222", "\223", "\224", "\225", "\226", "\227", # 220-227
    "\230", "\231", "\232", "\233", "\234", "\235", "\236", "\237", # 230-237
    "\240", "\241", "\242", "\243", "\244", "\245", "\246", "\247", # 240-247
    "\250", "\251", "\252", "\253", "\254", "\255", "\256", "\257", # 250-257
    "\260", "\261", "\262", "\263", "\264", "\265", "\266", "\267", # 260-267
    "\270", "\271", "\272", "\273", "\274", "\275", "\276", "\277", # 270-277
    "\300", "\301", "\302", "\303", "\304", "\305", "\306", "\307", # 300-307
    "\310", "\311", "\312", "\313", "\314", "\315", "\316", "\317", # 310-317
    "\320", "\321", "\322", "\323", "\324", "\325", "\326", "\327", # 320-327
    "\330", "\331", "\332", "\333", "\334", "\335", "\336", "\337", # 330-337
    "\340", "\341", "\342", "\343", "\344", "\345", "\346", "\347", # 340-347
    "\350", "\351", "\352", "\353", "\354", "\355", "\356", "\357", # 350-357
    "\360", "\361", "\362", "\363", "\364", "\365", "\366", "\367", # 360-367
    "\370", "\371", "\372", "\373", "\374", "\375", "\376", "\377"  # 370-377

  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  # Function to convert a vector of integers into a vector of ASCII chars.
  # Extracted from the R.oo package.
  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  intToChar <- function(i) {
    ASCII[i %% 256 + 1L]

  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  # Gets a vector of bits for an integer
  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
##   getBits <- function(i, nbits) {
##     ready <- FALSE
##     bits <- integer(nbits)
##     while (!ready) {
##       bit <- i %% 2
##       bits <- c(bits, bit)
##       i <- i %/% 2
##       ready <- (i == 0L)
##     }
##     bits <- as.integer(bits)
##     bits
##   } # getBits()

  rawBuffer <- NULL
  rawBufferSize <- getOption("R.matlab::readMat/rawBufferSize", 10e6)

  rawBufferOffset <- 0L

  shortenRawBuffer <- function() {
    # Shorten existing raw buffer?
    nTotal <- length(rawBuffer)
    if (rawBufferOffset > 0L && nTotal > 0L) {
      idxs <- (rawBufferOffset+1L):nTotal
      rawBuffer <<- rawBuffer[idxs]
      rawBufferOffset <<- 0L
    ### stop_if_not(rawBufferOffset == 0L)
  } # shortenRawBuffer()

  fillRawBuffer <- function(need) {
    nTotal <- length(rawBuffer)
    nAvail <- nTotal - rawBufferOffset
    nMissing <- (need - nAvail)
    if (nMissing <= 0L) {
      verbose && cat(verbose, level = -500, "Not filling, have enough data.")

    # Read and append, if more data exists
    nRead <- max(nMissing, rawBufferSize)
    raw <- readBin(con = con, what = raw(), n = nRead)
    if (length(raw) > 0L) {
      rawBuffer <<- c(rawBuffer, raw)


  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  # Function to push back a raw vector to the main input stream
  # This is used to push back a decompressed stream of data.
  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  pushBackRawMat <- function(con, raw) {
    if (length(raw) > 0L) {
      # Insert pushback 'raw' data
      rawBuffer <<- c(raw, rawBuffer)
      rawBufferOffset <<- 0L
  } # pushBackRawMat()

  readRawBuffer <- function(nbrOfBytes) {
    nTotal <- length(rawBuffer)
    # Nothing to read?
    if (nTotal == 0L) {
    # Sanity check
    ### stop_if_not(nbrOfBytes <= nTotal)
    idxs <- seq.int(from = rawBufferOffset+1L, to = rawBufferOffset+nbrOfBytes, by = 1L)
    ### stop_if_not(length(idxs) == nbrOfBytes)

  eatRawBuffer <- function(eaten) {
    nTotal <- length(rawBuffer)
    nAvail <- nTotal - rawBufferOffset
    if (eaten < nAvail) {
      rawBufferOffset <<- rawBufferOffset + eaten
      # Sanity check
      ### stop_if_not(rawBufferOffset <= nTotal)
    } else if (eaten == nAvail) {
      rawBuffer <<- raw(0L)
      rawBufferOffset <<- 0L
    } else {
      stop("INTERNAL ERROR: More bytes was read from the raw buffer than existed: ", eaten, " > ", nAvail)

  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  # Function to read 'n' binary values of a data type of type 'what'
  # and size 'size', cf. readBin().
  # This function will also keep track of the actual number of bytes read.
  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  readBinMat <- function(con, what, size = 1L, n, signed = TRUE, endian = detectedEndian) {
    # Nothing to do?
    if (n == 0L) {

    if (is.na(signed)) {
      signed <- TRUE
    } else if (!signed && size > 2L && typeof(what) == "integer") {
      # Avoid warnings
      signed <- TRUE

    nbrOfBytes <- size*n

    # Extract the subset to read
    rawBufferT <- readRawBuffer(nbrOfBytes)
    bfr <- readBin(con = rawBufferT, what = what, size = size, n = n, signed = signed, endian = endian)
    nbfr <- length(bfr)
    if (nbfr > 0L) {
      ### stop_if_not(nbfr == n && nbfr*size == nbrOfBytes)

  } # readBinMat()

  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  # Function to read 'nchars' characters from the input connection.
  # This function will also keep track of the actual number of bytes read.
  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  readCharMat <- function(con, nchars) {
    # Check maxLength to see if we are done.
    if (nchars == 0L) {


    # Extract the subset to read
    bfr <- readRawBuffer(nchars)

    ### stop_if_not(length(bfr) == nchars)

    # Coerce to a string
    bfr <- rawToChar(bfr)
    ## Was:
    ## bfr <- as.integer(bfr)
    ## bfr <- intToChar(bfr)
    ## bfr <- paste(bfr, collapse = "")


  } # readCharMat()

  ## convert* are internal helper functions.  They handle type dispatch
  ## and defaults for charset conversions.
  convertUTF8 <- function(ary) {
    if (length(ary) > 0L) {
      ary <- as.raw(ary)
      ary <- rawToChar(ary)
    } else {
      ary <- ""
    Encoding(ary) <- "UTF-8"
##   Was:
##   convertUTF8 <- function(ary) {
##     if (length(ary) > 0L) {
##       ary <- as.integer(ary)
##       ary <- intToChar(ary)
##       ary <- paste(ary, collapse = "")
##     } else {
##       ary <- ""
##     }
##     Encoding(ary) <- "UTF-8"
##     ary
##   }

  convertASCII <- function(ary) {
    ## WAS: The below would also drop newlines etc. /HB 2014-04-29
    ## Set entires outside the ASCII range to NA except for NUL.
    # ary[ary > 127L | (ary != 0L & ary < 32L)] <- NA_integer_

    ## (a) From http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTF-8:
    ## "The first 128 characters of Unicode, which correspond
    ##  one-to-one with ASCII, are encoded using a single octet
    ##  with the same binary value as ASCII, making valid ASCII
    ##  text valid UTF-8-encoded Unicode as well.".
    ## (b) From [4]:
    ## "Note that the elements of a text matrix are stored as
    ##  floating-point numbers between 0 and 255 representing
    ##  ASCII-encoded characters."
    ## From (a) + (b), we infer that we can keep characters in
    ## Matlab text that is non-UTF encoded (when this function
    ## is used/called) as 8-bit ASCII characters (0-255).  So,
    ## if we for some odd reason get symbols outside this range,
    ## we drop them, because they cannot be interpreted as ASCII
    ## and our ASCII-to-UTF8 converted does not know how to
    ## interpret/translate such symbols). /HB 2014-04-29
    ary[ary > 255L] <- NA_integer_

    # Can't we use base::intToUtf8(ary) here? /HB 2014-04-29
  } # convertASCII()

  ## By default, just pick out the ASCII range, ...
  convertUTF16 <- convertUTF32 <- convertASCII

  ## However, if there's support for more on the current system,
  ## use that instead.
  if (capabilities("iconv")) {
    utfs <- grep("UTF", iconvlist(), value = TRUE)
    ## The convertUTF{16, 32} routines below work in big-endian, so
    ## look for UTF-16BE or UTF16BE, etc..
    utf16 <- head(grep("UTF-?16BE", utfs, value = TRUE), n = 1L)
    if (length(utf16) > 0L) {
      convertUTF16 <- function(ary) {
        ary16 <- paste(intToChar(c(sapply(ary, FUN = function(x) {
          c(x%/%256, x%%256)
        }))), collapse = "")
        iconv(ary16, from = utf16, to = "UTF-8")
    utf32 <- head(grep("UTF-?32BE", utfs, value = TRUE), n = 1L)
    if (length(utf32) > 0L) {
      convertUTF32 <- function(ary) {
        ary32 <- paste(intToChar(c(sapply(ary, FUN = function(x) {
          c((x%/%16777216)%%256, (x%/%65536)%%256, (x%/%256)%%256, x%%256)
        }))), collapse = "")
        iconv(ary32, from = utf32, to = "UTF-8")
  } # if (capabilities("iconv"))

  charConverter <- function(type) {
           miUTF8 = convertUTF8,
           miUTF16 = convertUTF16,
           miUTF32 = convertUTF32,

  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  # Function to convert an array of numbers to a UTF-8 string.  If the
  # type is miUTF16 or miUTF32, iconv-supporting implementations will
  # convert the charset correctly.  Otherwise non-ASCII characters are
  # replaced by NA.
  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  matToString <- function(ary, type) {
    do.call(charConverter(type), list(ary))
  } # matToString

  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  # Function to convert an array of numbers to an array of UTF-8
  # characters.  If the type is miUTF16 or miUTF32, iconv-supporting
  # implementations will convert the charset correctly.  Otherwise
  # non-ASCII characters are replaced by NA.
  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  # sapply(X, ...) function that treats length(X) == 0 specially
  sapply0 <- function(X, FUN, ...) {
    if (length(X) == 0L) {
      FUN(X, ...)
    } else {
      sapply(X, FUN = FUN, ...)
  } # sapply0()

  matToCharArray <- function(ary, type) {
    # AD HOC/special/illegal case?  /HB 2013-09-11
    if (length(ary) == 0L) {
      return(matrix(character(0L), nrow = 0L, ncol = 0L))
    fn <- charConverter(type)
    sapply0(ary, FUN = fn)

  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  # Function to make a variable name into a safe R variable name.
  # For instance, underscores ('_') are replaced by periods ('.').
  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  if (fixNames) {
    asSafeRName <- function(name) gsub("_", ".", name, fixed = TRUE)
  } else {
    asSafeRName <- function(name) name

  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  # \description{
  #  Function to uncompress zlib compressed data.
  #  We'll utilize base::memDecompress() which was introduced in R 2.10.0.
  # }
  # \arguments{
  #  \item{zraw}{A @raw @vector to be uncompressed.}
  #  \item{asText}{If @TRUE, a @character string is returned,
  #    otherwise a @raw @vector.}
  #  \item{...}{Not used.}
  # }
  # \value{
  #   Returns a @raw @vector (or a @character string if 'asText' is TRUE).
  # }
  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  typeOfCompression <- function(zraw, ...) {
    # Guess type of compression by inspecting the header bytes
    # Source: http://www.groupsrv.com/science/about474488.html
    known <- list(
      compress = matrix(c(c(0x1f, 0x9d)), nrow = 2L),
      gzip     = matrix(c(c(0x1f, 0x8b)), nrow = 2L),
      zip      = matrix(c(c(0x50, 0x4b)), nrow = 2L),
      bzip2    = matrix(c(c(0x42, 0x5a)), nrow = 2L),
      pack     = matrix(c(c(0x1f, 0x1e)), nrow = 2L),
      LZH      = matrix(c(c(0x1f, 0x50)), nrow = 2L),
      zlib     = matrix(c(
        # zlib ("common")
        c(0x78, 0x01), c(0x78, 0x5e), c(0x78, 0x9c), c(0x78, 0xda),
        # zlib ("rare"),
        c(0x08, 0x1d), c(0x08, 0x5b), c(0x08, 0x99), c(0x08, 0xd7), c(0x18, 0x19), c(0x18, 0x57), c(0x18, 0x95), c(0x18, 0xd3), c(0x28, 0x15), c(0x28, 0x53), c(0x28, 0x91), c(0x28, 0xcf), c(0x38, 0x11), c(0x38, 0x4f), c(0x38, 0x8d), c(0x38, 0xcb), c(0x48, 0x0d), c(0x48, 0x4b), c(0x48, 0x89), c(0x48, 0xc7), c(0x58, 0x09), c(0x58, 0x47), c(0x58, 0x85), c(0x58, 0xc3), c(0x68, 0x05), c(0x68, 0x43), c(0x68, 0x81), c(0x68, 0xde),
        # zlib ("very rare")
        c(0x08, 0x3c), c(0x08, 0x7a), c(0x08, 0xb8), c(0x08, 0xf6), c(0x18, 0x38), c(0x18, 0x76), c(0x18, 0xb4), c(0x18, 0xf2), c(0x28, 0x34), c(0x28, 0x72), c(0x28, 0xb0), c(0x28, 0xee), c(0x38, 0x30), c(0x38, 0x6e), c(0x38, 0xac), c(0x38, 0xea), c(0x48, 0x2c), c(0x48, 0x6a), c(0x48, 0xa8), c(0x48, 0xe6), c(0x58, 0x28), c(0x58, 0x66), c(0x58, 0xa4), c(0x58, 0xe2), c(0x68, 0x24), c(0x68, 0x62), c(0x68, 0xbf), c(0x68, 0xfd), c(0x78, 0x3f), c(0x78, 0x7d), c(0x78, 0xbb), c(0x78, 0xf9)
      ), nrow = 2L) # zlib

    byte1 <- zraw[1L]
    byte2 <- zraw[2L]
    for (type in names(known)) {
      bytes <- known[[type]]
      a <- (byte1 == bytes[1L, ])
      b <- (byte2 == bytes[2L, ])
      if (any((byte1 == bytes[1L, ] & byte2 == bytes[2L, ])))
    } # for (type ...)

    # Nothing found
  } # typeOfCompression()

  uncompressZlib <- function(zraw, ..., addGzip = TRUE, BFR.SIZE = 1e7) {
    # From a few runs, it looks like memDecompress(..., type = "gzip") can be
    # emulated by the follow.  The idea of adding a GZIP header comes from
    # http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/22834/how-to-uncompress-zlib-data-in-unix
    # /HB 2014-04-06
    if (addGzip) {
      crc <- function(x) {
        tail <- tail(x, n = 4L)
        truth <- rev(tail)
        crcTruth <- paste(truth, collapse = "")

        n <- length(x)
        x2 <- x[1:(n-4)]

###        message(sprintf("CRC in: (tail = %s, calc = %s)", crcTruth, digest::digest(x2, algo = "crc32")))

        # FIXME: If we can figure out how to calculate the checksum
        # then returning it here and replacing the 4-byte tail below
        # is the correct way to update the checksum. /HB 2014-05-06
        ## Ex: rawCRC <- rev(as.raw(c(0xf3, 0x53, 0x5e, 0x68)))

        # For now, we don't return anything
        rawCRC <- raw(0L)

      } # crc()

      rawCRC <- crc(zraw) # reqs digest()
      rawH <- as.raw(c(0x1F, 0x8B, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00))
      zraw <- c(rawH, zraw)

      rawCRC <- crc(zraw) # reqs digest()

      # Update checksum
      if (length(rawCRC) == 4L) zraw[length(zraw)-c(3:0)] <- rawCRC

      # NOTE: It won't fix the problem to just drop the checksum
      ## zraw <- zraw[1:(length(zraw)-4)]
    } # if (addGzip)

    con <- gzcon(rawConnection(zraw, open = "rb"))

    res <- raw(0L)
    repeat {
      # Call readBin() while capturing standard error, because gzcon()
      # in uncompressZlip() will output "crc error nnnnnn mmmmmm" until
      # we figure out how to regenerate the crc32 checksum. /HB 2014-05-06
      bfr <- local({
        conT <- rawConnection(raw(0L), open = "wb")
        sink(conT, type = "message")
          sink(type = "message")
          conT <- NULL
        readBin(con, what = "raw", n = BFR.SIZE)

      n <- length(bfr)
      res <- c(res, bfr)
      bfr <- NULL  # Not needed anymore

      # Done?
      if (n < BFR.SIZE) break

      # ...and just in case (should not happen)
      if (n == 0L) break
    } # repeat()

###    message(sprintf("CRC out: (calc = %s)", digest::digest(res, algo = "crc32")))

  } # uncompressZlib()

  uncompressMemDecompress <- function(zraw, type = "gzip", asText = TRUE, method = c("internal", "emulated"), ...) {
    # Argument 'type':
    if (is.na(type)) type <- "gzip"

    # Argument 'method':
    method <- match.arg(method)

    if (type == "zlib") {
      unzraw <- uncompressZlib(zraw, addGzip = TRUE)
      if (asText) unzraw <- rawToChar(unzraw)
    } else if (type == "gzip") {
      if (method == "internal") {
        # To please R CMD check for R versions before R v2.10.0
        memDecompress <- NULL; rm(list = "memDecompress")
        unzraw <- memDecompress(zraw, type = type, asChar = asText, ...)
      } else if (method == "emulated") {
        unzraw <- uncompressZlib(zraw, addGzip = TRUE)
        if (asText) unzraw <- rawToChar(unzraw)
    } else {
      # To please R CMD check for R versions before R v2.10.0
      memDecompress <- NULL; rm(list = "memDecompress")
      unzraw <- memDecompress(zraw, type = type, asChar = asText, ...)

  } # uncompressMemDecompress()

  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  # Decompression method
  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  uncompress <- uncompressMemDecompress
  attr(uncompress, "label") <- "memDecompress"

##  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
##  # Debug functions
##  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
##  debugIndent <- 0L
##  debug <- function(..., sep = "") {
##    if (debugIndent > 0L)
##      cat(paste(rep(" ", times = debugIndent), collapse = ""))
##    cat(..., sep = sep)
##    cat("\n")
##  }
##  debugPrint <- function(...) {
##    print(...)
##  }
##  debugStr <- function(...) {
##    str(...)
##  }
##  debugEnter <- function(..., indent = +1L) {
##    debug(..., "...")
##    debugIndent <<- debugIndent + indent
##  }
##  debugExit <- function(..., indent = -1L) {
##    debugIndent <<- debugIndent + indent
##    debug(..., "...done\n")
##  }

  # General functions to read both MAT v4 and MAT v5 files.                END

  # MAT v4 specific                                                      BEGIN

  # "Programming Note When creating a MAT-file, you must write data in the
  #  first four bytes of this header. MATLAB uses these bytes to determine
  #  if a MAT-file uses a Version 5 format or a Version 4 format. If any of
  #  these bytes contain a zero, MATLAB will incorrectly assume the file is
  #  a Version 4 MAT-file."
  isMat4 <- function(MOPT) {
    any(MOPT == 0L)

  # Debug function to generate more informative error messages.
  moptToString <- function(MOPT) {
    # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    # MOPT[1] "indicates the numeric format of binary numbers on the machine
    #          that wrote the file.
    #          0 IEEE Little Endian (PC, 386, 486, DEC Risc)
    #          1 IEEE Big Endian (Macintosh, SPARC, Apollo, SGI, HP 9000/300,
    #            other Motorola)
    #          2 VAX D-float  [don't know how to read these]
    #          3 VAX G-float  [don't know how to read these]
    #          4 Cray         [don't know how to read these]"
    # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    MOPT1 <- MOPT[1L]
    if (MOPT1 == 0L)
      mStr <- "IEEE Little Endian (PC, 386, 486, DEC Risc)"
    else if (MOPT1 == 1L)
      mStr <- "IEEE Big Endian (Macintosh, SPARC, Apollo, SGI, HP 9000/300, other Motorola)"
    else if (MOPT1 == 2L)
      mStr <- "VAX D-float"
    else if (MOPT1 == 3L)
      mStr <- "VAX G-float"
    else if (MOPT1 == 4L)
      mStr <- "Cray"
      mStr <- sprintf("<Unknown value of MOPT[1]. Not in range [0, 4]: %d.>", as.integer(MOPT1))

    # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    # MOPT[2] "is always 0 (zero) and is reserved for future use."
    # I've only seen a non-default value for ocode used once, by a
    # matfile library external to the MathWorks.  I believe it stands
    # for "order" code...whether a matrix is written in row-major or
    # column-major format.  Its value here will be ignored. /Andy November 2003
    # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    if (MOPT[2L] == 0L)
      oStr <- "Reserved for future use"
      oStr <- sprintf("<Unknown value of MOPT[2]. Should be 0: %d.>", as.integer(MOPT[2L]))

    # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    # MOPT[3] "indicates which format the data is stored in according to the
    #          following table:
    #          0 double-precision (64-bit) floating point numbers
    #          1 single-precision (32-bit) floating point numbers
    #          2 32-bit signed integers
    #          3 16-bit signed integers
    #          4 16-bit unsigned integers
    #          5 8-bit unsigned integers
    #          The precision used by the save command depends on the size and
    #          type of each matrix. Matrices with any noninteger entries and
    #          matrices with 10,000 or fewer elements are saved in floating
    #          point formats requiring 8 bytes per real element. Matrices
    #          with all integer entries and more than 10,000 elements are
    #          saved in the following formats, requiring fewer bytes per element."
    # precision defines the number of type of data written and thus the number of
    # bytes per datum.
    # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    MOPT3 <- MOPT[3L]
    if (MOPT3 == 0L)
      pStr <- "64-bit double"
    else if (MOPT3 == 1L)
      pStr <- "32-bit single"
    else if (MOPT3 == 2L)
      pStr <- "32-bit signed integer"
    else if (MOPT3 == 3L)
      pStr <- "16-bit signed integer"
    else if (MOPT3 == 4L)
      pStr <- "16-bit unsigned integer"
    else if (MOPT3 == 5L)
      pStr <- "8-bit unsigned integer"
      pStr <- sprintf("<Unknown value of MOPT[3]. Not in range [0, 5]: %d.>", as.integer(MOPT3))

    # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    # MOPT[4]  "indicates the matrix type according to the following table:
    #          0 Numeric (Full) matrix
    #          1 Text matrix
    #          2 Sparse matrix
    #          Note that the elements of a text matrix are stored as floating
    #          point numbers between 0 and 255 representing ASCII-encoded
    #          characters."
    # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    MOPT4 <- MOPT[4L]
    if (MOPT4 == 0L)
      tStr <- "Numeric (Full) matrix"
    else if (MOPT4 == 1L)
      tStr <- "Text matrix"
    else if (MOPT4 == 2L)
      tStr <- "Sparse matrix"
      tStr <- sprintf("<Unknown value of MOPT[4]. Not in range [0, 2]: %d.>", as.integer(MOPT4))

    moptStr <- paste("MOPT[1]: ", mStr, ". MOPT[2]: ", oStr, ". MOPT[3]: ", pStr, ". MOPT[4]: ", tStr, ".", sep = "")
  } # moptToString()

  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  # Function to convert four signed or unsigned integers in big or little
  # endian order into a (MOPT) vector c(M, O, P, T) of unsigned integers.
  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  getMOPT <- function(fourBytes) {
    if (length(fourBytes) != 4L)
      stop("Argument 'fourBytes' must a vector of 4 bytes: ", length(fourBytes))

    # Make sure the four bytes are non-signed integers
    fourBytes <- as.integer(fourBytes)
    neg <- (fourBytes < 0L)
    if (any(neg))
      fourBytes[neg] <- fourBytes[neg] + 256L

    base <- 256^(0:3)
    MOPT <- integer(4L)
    for (endian in c("little", "big")) {
      mopt <- sum(base*fourBytes)
      for (kk in 4:1) {
        MOPT[kk] <- mopt %% 10
        mopt <- mopt %/% 10

      isMOPT <- (MOPT[1L] %in% 0:4 && MOPT[2L] == 0L && MOPT[3L] %in% 0:5 && MOPT[4L] %in% 0:2)
      if (isMOPT)

      base <- rev(base)
    } # for (endian ...)

    if (!isMOPT) {
      stop("File format error: Not a valid MAT v4. The first four bytes (MOPT) were: ", paste(MOPT, collapse = ", "))

    verbose && cat(verbose, level = -50, "Read MOPT bytes: ", moptToString(MOPT))

  } # getMOPT()

  readMat4 <- function(con, maxLength = NULL, firstFourBytes = NULL) {
    # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    # Function to read a MAT v4 Matrix Header Format
    # Fix length: 20 bytes
    # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    readMat4Header <- function(con, firstFourBytes = NULL) {
      header <- list()

      # "A MAT-file may contain one or more matrices. The matrices are written
      #  sequentially on disk, with the bytes forming a continuous stream. Each matrix
      #  starts with a fixed-length 20-byte header that contains information describing
      #  certain attributes of the Matrix. The 20-byte header consists of five long
      #  (4-byte) integers."

      # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      # The 'type' field, a.k.a. MOPT
      # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      if (is.null(firstFourBytes)) {
        firstFourBytes <- readBinMat(con, what = integer(), size = 1L, n = 4L)

      # If no bytes are read, we have reached the End Of Stream.
      if (length(firstFourBytes) == 0L)

      # Assert that it really is a MAT v4 file we are reading and get MOPT bytes
      MOPT <- getMOPT(firstFourBytes)

      # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      # MOPT[1] "indicates the numeric format of binary numbers on the machine
      #          that wrote the file.
      #          0 IEEE Little Endian (PC, 386, 486, DEC Risc)
      #          1 IEEE Big Endian (Macintosh, SPARC, Apollo, SGI, HP 9000/300,
      #            other Motorola)
      #          2 VAX D-float  [don't know how to read these]
      #          3 VAX G-float  [don't know how to read these]
      #          4 Cray         [don't know how to read these]"
      # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      MOPT1 <- MOPT[1L]
      if (MOPT1 == 0L) {
        detectedEndian <<- "little"
      } else if (MOPT1 == 1L) {
        detectedEndian <<- "big"
      } else if (MOPT1 %in% 2:4) {
        stop("Looks like a MAT v4 file, but the storage format of numerics (VAX D-float, VAX G-float or Cray) is not supported. Currently only IEEE numeric formats in big or little endian are supported.")
      } else {
        stop("Unknown first byte in MOPT header (not in [0, 4]): ", paste(MOPT, collapse = ", "))

      # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      # MOPT[2] "is always 0 (zero) and is reserved for future use."
      # I've only seen a non-default value for ocode used once, by a
      # matfile library external to the MathWorks.  I believe it stands
      # for "order" code...whether a matrix is written in row-major or
      # column-major format.  Its value here will be ignored. /Andy November 2003
      # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      header$ocode <- MOPT[2L]

      # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      # MOPT[3] "indicates which format the data is stored in according to the
      #          following table:
      #          0 double-precision (64-bit) floating point numbers
      #          1 single-precision (32-bit) floating point numbers
      #          2 32-bit signed integers
      #          3 16-bit signed integers
      #          4 16-bit unsigned integers
      #          5 8-bit unsigned integers
      #          The precision used by the save command depends on the size and
      #          type of each matrix. Matrices with any noninteger entries and
      #          matrices with 10,000 or fewer elements are saved in floating
      #          point formats requiring 8 bytes per real element. Matrices
      #          with all integer entries and more than 10,000 elements are
      #          saved in the following formats, requiring fewer bytes per element."
      # precision defines the number of type of data written and thus the number of
      # bytes per datum.
      # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      MOPT3 <- MOPT[3L]
      if (MOPT3 == 0L) {
        # "64-bit double"
        header$what <- double()
        header$size <- 8L
        header$signed <- NA
      } else if (MOPT3 == 1L) {
        # "32-bit single"
        header$what <- double()
        header$size <- 4L
        header$signed <- NA
      } else if (MOPT3 == 2L) {
        # "32-bit signed integer"
        header$what <- integer()
        header$size <- 4L
        header$signed <- TRUE  # Ignored by readBin() because 32-bit ints are always signed!
      } else if (MOPT3 == 3L) {
        # "16-bit signed integer"
        header$what <- integer()
        header$size <- 2L
        header$signed <- TRUE
      } else if (MOPT3 == 4L) {
        # "16-bit unsigned integer"
        header$what <- integer()
        header$size <- 2L
        header$signed <- FALSE
      } else if (MOPT3 == 5L) {
        # "8-bit unsigned integer"
        header$what <- integer()
        header$size <- 1L
        header$signed <- FALSE
      } else {
        stop("Unknown third byte in MOPT header (not in [0, 5]): ", paste(MOPT, collapse = ", "))

      # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      # MOPT[4]  "indicates the matrix type according to the following table:
      #          0 Numeric (Full) matrix
      #          1 Text matrix
      #          2 Sparse matrix
      #          Note that the elements of a text matrix are stored as floating
      #          point numbers between 0 and 255 representing ASCII-encoded
      #          characters."
      # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      MOPT4 <- MOPT[4L]
      header$matrixType <- "numeric"
      if (MOPT4 == 0L) {
        header$matrixType <- "numeric"
      } else if (MOPT4 == 1L) {
        header$matrixType <- "text"
      } else if (MOPT4 == 2L) {
        header$matrixType <- "sparse"
      } else {
###        stop("Unknown fourth byte in MOPT header (not in [0, 2]): ", paste(MOPT, collapse = ", "))

      # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      # The 'mrows' and 'ncols' fields
      # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      # "The row dimension contains an integer with the number of rows in the matrix."
      header$mrows  <- readBinMat(con, what = integer(), size = 4L, n = 1L)

      # "The column dimension contains an integer with the number of columns in the matrix."
      header$ncols  <- readBinMat(con, what = integer(), size = 4L, n = 1L)

      verbose && cat(verbose, level = -50, "Matrix dimension: ", header$mrows, "x", header$ncols)

      # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      # The 'imagf' fields
      # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      # "The imaginary flag is an integer whose value is either 0 or 1. If 1,
      #  then the matrix has an imaginary part. If 0, there is only real data."
      header$imagf  <- readBinMat(con, what = integer(), size = 4L, n = 1L)

      verbose && cat(verbose, level = -60, "Matrix contains imaginary values: ", as.logical(header$imagf))

      # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      # The 'namelen' fields
      # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      # "The name length contains an integer with 1 plus the length of the matrix name."
      header$namlen <- readBinMat(con, what = integer(), size = 4L, n = 1L)

      verbose && cat(verbose, level = -100, "Matrix name length: ", header$namlen-1)


    # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    # Function to read a MAT v4 Matrix Data Format
    # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    textMatrixCollapse <- getOption("R.matlab::readMat/v4/textMatrixCollapse", "byrow")
    textMatrixCollapse <- match.arg(textMatrixCollapse, choices = c("byrow", "bycolumn", "none"))
    if (textMatrixCollapse == "byrow") {
      mat4TextMatrixToString <- function(data) {
        apply(data, MARGIN = 1L, FUN = paste, collapse = "", sep = "")
    } else if (textMatrixCollapse == "bycolumn") {
      mat4TextMatrixToString <- function(data) {
        apply(data, MARGIN = 2L, FUN = paste, collapse = "", sep = "")
    } else {
      mat4TextMatrixToString <- function(data) data

    readMat4Data <- function(con, header) {
      # "Immediately following the fixed length header is the data whose length
      #  is dependent on the variables in the fixed length header:"

      # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      # The 'name' field
      # "The matrix name consists of 'namlen' ASCII bytes, the last one of which
      #  must be a null character ('\0')."
      # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      name <- readCharMat(con, header$namlen)

      verbose && cat(verbose, level = -50, "Matrix name: '", name, "'")

      name <- asSafeRName(name)

      verbose && cat(verbose, level = -51, "Matrix safe name: '", name, "'")

      # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      # The 'real' field
      # "Real part of the matrix consists of mrows * ncols numbers in the format
      #  specified by the MOPT[3] element of the type flag. The data is stored
      #  column-wise such that the second column follows the first column, etc."
      # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      n <- header$mrows * header$ncols
      if (header$matrixType == "text") {
        data <- readBinMat(con, what = header$what, size = header$size,
                                                     signed = header$signed, n = n)
        data <- intToChar(data)

        ## Special case: Empty MATLAB matrices are read as NULL, but
        ## we want an empty vector of the intended data type
        if (is.null(data)) data <- header$what
        dim(data) <- c(header$mrows, header$ncols)
        # Turn text matrix intro strings (if at all)
        data <- mat4TextMatrixToString(data)
      } else if (header$matrixType %in% c("numeric", "sparse")) {
        real <- readBinMat(con, what = header$what, size = header$size, signed = header$signed, n = n)
        if (header$imagf != 0L) {
          verbose && cat(verbose, level = -2, "Reading imaginary part of complex data set.")
          imag <- readBinMat(con, what = header$what, size = header$size, signed = header$signed, n = n)
          data <- complex(real = real, imaginary = imag)
        } else {
          data <- real
          real <- NULL # Not needed anymore

        # Make into a matrix or an array
        ## Special case: Empty MATLAB matrices are read as NULL, but
        ## we want an empty vector of the intended data type
        if (is.null(data)) data <- header$what

        dim(data) <- c(header$mrows, header$ncols)

        if (header$matrixType == "sparse") {
          # From help sparse in MATLAB:
          # "S = SPARSE(i, j, s, m, n, nzmax) uses the rows of [i, j, s] to generate an
          #  m-by-n sparse matrix with space allocated for nzmax nonzeros.  The
          #  two integer index vectors, i and j, and the real or complex entries
          #  vector, s, all have the same length, nnz, which is the number of
          #  nonzeros in the resulting sparse matrix S .  Any elements of s
          #  which have duplicate values of i and j are added together."

          # The last entry in 'data' is (only) used to specify the size of the
          # matrix, i.e. to infer (m, n).
          i <- as.integer(data[, 1L])
          j <- as.integer(data[, 2L])
          s <- data[, 3L]
          data <- NULL # Not needed anymore

          if (verbose) {
            str(verbose, level = -102, header)
            str(verbose, level = -102, i)
            str(verbose, level = -102, j)
            str(verbose, level = -102, s)

          # When saving a sparse matrix, MATLAB is making sure that one can infer
          # the size of the m-by-n sparse matrix for the index matrix [i, j]. If
          # there are no non-zero elements in the last row or last column, MATLAB
          # saves a zero elements in such case.
          n <- max(i)
          m <- max(j)

          # Note that it can be the case that MATLAB save the above extra element
          # just in case, meaning it might actually contain an repeated element.
          # If so, remove it. /HB 2008-02-12
          last <- length(i)
          if (last > 1L && i[last] == i[last-1L] && j[last] == j[last-1L]) {
            i <- i[-last]
            j <- j[-last]
            s <- s[-last]

          if (sparseMatrixClass == "Matrix" && .require("Matrix", quietly = TRUE)) {
            i <- i-1L
            j <- j-1L
            dim <- as.integer(c(n, m))
            data <- new("dgTMatrix", i = i, j = j, x = s, Dim = dim)
            ## as(data, "dgCMatrix") is deprecated in Matrix (>= 1.4.2)
            data <- as(data, "dMatrix")
            data <- as(data, "generalMatrix")
            data <- as(data, "CsparseMatrix")
          } else if (sparseMatrixClass == "SparseM" && .require("SparseM", quietly = TRUE)) {
            dim <- as.integer(c(n, m))
            data <- new("matrix.coo", ra = s, ia = i, ja = j, dimension = dim)
          } else {
            # Instead of applying row-by-row, we calculate the position of each
            # sparse element in an hardcoded fashion.
            pos <- (j-1L)*n + i
            i <- j <- NULL # Not needed anymore

            data <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = m)
            data[pos] <- s
            pos <- s <- NULL # Not needed anymore
      } else {
        stop("MAT v4 file format error: Unknown 'type' in header: ", header$matrixType)

      if (verbose) {
        cat(verbose, level = -60, "Matrix elements:\n")
        str(verbose, level = -60, data)
        if (header$matrixType == "text") {
          cat(verbose, level = -60, "Distribution of string lengths:")
          t <- table(nchar(data))
          names(t) <- paste("n = ", names(t), sep = "")
          print(verbose, level = -60, t)

      data <- list(data)
      names(data) <- name

    } # readMat4Data()

    # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    # "Main program"
    # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    # Since readMat4() is wrapped inside the readMat() function, we can assume
    # that 'con' really is a connection.

    result <- list()

    repeat {
      header <- readMat4Header(con, firstFourBytes = firstFourBytes)
      verbose && str(verbose, level = -102, header)
      if (is.null(header))

      data <- readMat4Data(con, header)
      verbose && str(verbose, level = -102, data)

      result <- c(result, data)
      data <- NULL # Not needed anymore

      firstFourBytes <- NULL
    } # repeat

    header <- list(version = "4", endian = detectedEndian)
    attr(result, "header") <- header
  } # readMat4()
  # MAT v4 specific                                                        END

  # MAT v5 specific                                                      BEGIN
  readMat5 <- function(con, maxLength = NULL, firstFourBytes = NULL) {
    # Used to test if a matrix read contains an imaginary part too.
    left <- NA_integer_

    # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    # Function to read the MAT-file header, which contains information of what
    # version of the MAT file we are reading, if it used little or big endian
    # etc.
    # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    readMat5or73Header <- function(this, firstFourBytes = NULL) {
      # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      # "MATLAB uses the first four bytes to determine if a MAT-file uses a
      #  Version 5 format or a Version 4 format. If any of these bytes
      #  contain a zero, MATLAB will assume the file is a Version 4 MAT-file."
      # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      if (is.null(firstFourBytes))
        firstFourBytes <- readBinMat(con, what = integer(), size = 1L, n = 4L)

      MOPT <- firstFourBytes

      if (MOPT[1L] %in% 0:4 && MOPT[2L] == 0L && MOPT[3L] %in% 0:5 && MOPT[4L] %in% 0:2) {
        stop("Detected MAT file format v4. Do not use readMat5() explicitly, but use readMat().")

      # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      #  Text [124 bytes] (we already have read four of them)
      # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      # Paste the 'MOPT' above to the rest.
      description <- c(MOPT, readBinMat(con, what = integer(), size = 1L, n = 120L))
      description <- paste(intToChar(description), collapse = "")

      # - - - - - - - - - -
      #  Version
      # - - - - - - - - - -
      # At this point we can not know which the endian is and we just have to
      # make a guess and adjust later.
      version <- readBinMat(con, what = integer(), size = 2L, n = 1L, endian = "little")

      # - - - - - - - - - -
      #  Endian Indicator
      # - - - - - - - - - -
      endian <- readCharMat(con, nchars = 2L)
      if (endian == "MI") {
        detectedEndian <<- "big"
      } else if (endian == "IM") {
        detectedEndian <<- "little"
      } else {
        warning("Unknown endian: ", endian, ". Will assume Bigendian.")
        detectedEndian <<- "big"

      if (detectedEndian == "big") {
         hi <- version %/% 256
         low <- version %% 256
         version <- 256*low + hi

      if (version == 256) {           # version == 0x0100
        version <- "5"
      } else if (version == 512) {    # version == 0x0200
        ## Not officially documented (as of July 2016), but used in
	## https://github.com/tbeu/matio and suggested by
	## Thomas Beutlich in Issue #23
	## (https://github.com/HenrikBengtsson/R.matlab/issues/23)
        version <- "7.3"
      } else {
        warning("Unknown MAT version tag: ", version, ". Will assume version 5.")
        version <- as.character(version)

      list(description = description, version = version, endian = detectedEndian)
    } # readMat5or73Header()

    # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    # Data sizes and types according to [5]
    KNOWN_TYPES <- c(
                                  # Value  Symbol        MAT-File Data Type
      "miMATRIX" = 0L,              # ----------------------------------------------------------
      "miINT8" = 8L,                #     1  miINT8        8 bit, signed
      "miUINT8" = 8L,               #     2  miUINT8       8 bit, unsigned
      "miINT16" = 16L,              #     3  miINT16       16-bit, signed
      "miUINT16" = 16L,             #     4  miUINT16      16-bit, unsigned
      "miINT32" = 32L,              #     5  miINT32       32-bit, signed
      "miUINT32" = 32L,             #     6  miUINT32      32-bit, unsigned
      "miSINGLE" = 32L,             #     7  miSINGLE      IEEE 754 single format
      "--" = NA_integer_,           #     8  --            Reserved
      "miDOUBLE" = 64L,             #     9  miDOUBLE      IEEE 754 double format
      "--" = NA_integer_,           #    10  --            Reserved
      "--" = NA_integer_,           #    11  --            Reserved
      "miINT64" = 64L,              #    12  miINT64       64-bit, signed
      "miUINT64" = 64L,             #    13  miUINT64      64-bit, unsigned
      "miMATRIX" = NA_integer_,     #    14  miMATRIX      MATLAB array
      "miCOMPRESSED" = NA_integer_, #    15  miCOMPRESSED  Compressed Data
      "miUTF8" = 8L,                #    16  miUTF8        Unicode UTF-8 Encoded Character Data
      "miUTF16" = 16L,              #    17  miUTF16       Unicode UTF-16 Encoded Character Data
      "miUTF32" = 32L               #    18  miUTF32       Unicode UTF-32 Encoded Character Data


    KNOWN_WHATS <- list(
      "miMATRIX" = double(),
      "miINT8" = integer(),
      "miUINT8" = integer(),
      "miINT16" = integer(),
      "miUINT16" = integer(),
      "miINT32" = integer(),
      "miUINT32" = integer(),
      "miSINGLE" = double(),
      "--" = NA,
      "miDOUBLE" = double(),
      "--" = NA,
      "--" = NA,
      "miINT64" = integer(),
      "miUINT64" = integer(),
      "miMATRIX" = NA,
      "miCOMPRESSED" = NA,
      "miUTF8" = integer(),
      "miUTF16" = integer(),
      "miUTF32" = integer()
    stop_if_not(length(KNOWN_WHATS) == NBR_OF_KNOWN_TYPES)

    # Known array types [5] and the number of bytes they occupy.
    # NOTE: The index corresponds to its encoded value.
    KNOWN_ARRAY_FLAGS <- c(           # MATLAB Array Type (Class)  Value
                                      # ---------------------------------
      "mxCELL_CLASS" = NA_integer_,     # Cell array                 1
      "mxSTRUCT_CLASS" = NA_integer_,   # Structure                  2
      "mxOBJECT_CLASS" = NA_integer_,   # Object                     3
      "mxCHAR_CLASS" = 8L,              # Character array            4
      "mxSPARSE_CLASS" = NA_integer_,   # Sparse array               5
      "mxDOUBLE_CLASS" = NA_integer_,   # Double precision array     6
      "mxSINGLE_CLASS" = NA_integer_,   # Single precision array     7
      "mxINT8_CLASS" = 8L,              # 8-bit, signed integer      8
      "mxUINT8_CLASS" = 8L,             # 8-bit, unsigned integer    9
      "mxINT16_CLASS" = 16L,            # 16-bit, signed integer     10
      "mxUINT16_CLASS" = 16L,           # 16-bit, unsigned integer   11
      "mxINT32_CLASS" = 32L,            # 32-bit, signed integer     12
      "mxUINT32_CLASS" = 32L,           # 32-bit, unsigned integer   13
      "mxINT64_CLASS" = 64L,            # 64-bit, signed integer     14
      "mxUINT64_CLASS" = 64L,           # 64-bit, unsigned integer   15
      "mxFUNCTION_CLASS" = 8L,          # Function                   16 ## Undocumented!
      "mxOPAQUE_CLASS" = NA_integer_    # Function handle, ...?      17 ## Undocumented!

    # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    # Utility functions for readMat5DataElement()
    # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      # -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
      # "Each data element begins with an 8-byte tag followed immediately
      #  by the data in the element."
      # From [1, page 6]:
      #      1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8
      #   +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+
      #   |    Data type      |  Number of Bytes  |  Tag
      #   +---------------------------------------+
      #   :                                       :
      # but also [1, page 9]:
      #      1    2    3    4   ...
      #   +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+
      #   | Nbr of. | Data t. | ...               |  Tag
      #   +---------------------------------------+
      #   :                                       :
      mat5ReadTag <- function(this) {
        if (verbose) {
          enter(verbose, level = -80, "Reading Tag")

        type <- readBinMat(con, what = integer(), size = 4L, n = 1L)

        # Did we read EOF?
        if (length(type) == 0L)

        left <<- left - 4L

        nbrOfBytes <- NULL

        # From [1, page 9]:
        # "Programming Note - When reading a MAT-file, you can tell if you
        #  are processing a compressed data element by comparing the value
        #  of the first two bytes of the tag with the value zero (0). If
        #  these two bytes are not zero, the tag uses the compressed format."
        tmp <- type
        bytes <- rep(NA_integer_, times = 4L)
        for (kk in 1:4) {
          bytes[kk] <- (tmp %% 256)
          tmp <- tmp %/% 256
        compressed <- any(bytes[3:4] != 0L)

        verbose && cat(verbose, level = -100, "Compressed tag: ", compressed)

        if (compressed) {
          # NOTE: Do not swap for different endians here. /HB 020827
          nbrOfBytes <- type %/% 65536
          type <- type %% 65536
          if (detectedEndian == "big") {
            tmp <- type
          if (type+1L < 1L || type+1L > NBR_OF_KNOWN_TYPES)
            stop("Unknown data type. Not in range [1, ", NBR_OF_KNOWN_TYPES, "]: ", type)

          # Treat unsigned values too.
          padding <- 4L - ((nbrOfBytes-1L) %% 4L + 1L)
        } else {
          nbrOfBytes <- readBinMat(con, what = integer(), size = 4L, n = 1L)
          left <<- left - 4L
          padding <- 8L - ((nbrOfBytes-1L) %% 8L + 1L)

        type <- type+1L
        sizeOf <- KNOWN_TYPES[type]
        what <- KNOWN_WHATS[[type]]
        signed <- SIGNED_KNOWN_TYPES[type]
        type <- NAMES_OF_KNOWN_TYPES[type]
#       str(list(type = type, sizeOf = sizeOf, what = what, signed = signed))

        tag <- list(type = type, signed = signed, sizeOf = sizeOf, what = what, nbrOfBytes = nbrOfBytes, padding = padding, compressed = compressed)

        verbose && print(verbose, level = -100, unlist(tag))

        if (tag$type == "miCOMPRESSED") {
          n <- tag$nbrOfBytes
          zraw <- readBinMat(con = con, what = raw(), n = n)

          # Guess type of compression by inspecting the header bytes
          # Source: http://www.groupsrv.com/science/about474488.html
          type <- typeOfCompression(zraw)

          if (verbose) {
            cat(verbose, level = -110, "Decompressing ", n, " bytes")
            printf(verbose, level = -110, "zraw [%d bytes; compression type: %s]: %s\n", length(zraw), type, hpaste(zraw, maxHead = 8, maxTail = 8))
          # Sanity check
          stop_if_not(identical(length(zraw), n))
            unzraw <- uncompress(zraw, type = type, asText = FALSE)

            verbose && printf(verbose, level = -110,
                    "Inflated %.3f times from %d bytes to %d bytes.\n",
                    length(unzraw)/length(zraw), length(zraw), length(unzraw))

            pushBackRawMat(con, unzraw)
            unzraw <- NULL # Not needed anymore
          }, error = function(ex) {
            msg <- ex$message
            env <- globalenv()  # To please 'R CMD check'
            assign("R.matlab.debug.zraw", zraw, envir = env)

            # Guess type of compression by inspecting the header bytes
            # Source: http://www.groupsrv.com/science/about474488.html
            if (is.na(type)) type <- "<unknown>"

            # Translate the integer error code in error messages such as
            # "internal error -3 in memDecompress(2)".
            pattern <- "(.*internal error )([-0-9]*)( in memDecompress[(])([0-9])([)].*)"
            if (regexpr(pattern, msg) != -1L) {
              zCode <- gsub(pattern, "\\2", msg)
              tCode <- gsub(pattern, "\\4", msg)

              zCodes <- c(Z_OK = 0, Z_STREAM_END = 1, Z_NEED_DICT = 2,
                          Z_ERRNO = -1, Z_STREAM_ERROR = -2, Z_DATA_ERROR = -3,
                          Z_MEM_ERROR = -4, Z_BUF_ERROR = -5, Z_VERSION_ERROR = -6)
              zLabel <- names(zCodes)[match(zCode, zCodes)]

              tCodes <- c(none = 1, gzip = 2, bzip2 = 3, xz = 4, unknown = 5)
              tLabel <- names(tCodes)[match(tCode, tCodes)]

              msgT <- gsub(pattern, sprintf("\\1%s\\3%s\\5", zLabel, tLabel), msg)
              msg <- sprintf("'%s' (translated from '%s')", msgT, msg)

            msg <- sprintf("INTERNAL ERROR: Failed to decompress data (%s [%d bytes; first two bytes => '%s']) using '%s'. Please report to the R.matlab (v%s) package maintainer (%s). The reason was: %s", hpaste(zraw, maxHead = 8, maxTail = 8), length(zraw), type, attr(uncompress, "label"), getVersion(R.matlab), getMaintainer(R.matlab), msg)
            onError <- getOption("R.matlab::readMat/onDecompressError", "error")
            if (identical(onError, "warning")) {
              if (verbose) {
                enter(verbose, "Skipping")
                cat(verbose, msg)
            } else {
          }) # tryCatch()
          zraw <- NULL  # Not needed anymore

          tag <- mat5ReadTag(this)
        } # if (tag$type == "miCOMPRESSED")

      } # mat5ReadTag()

    # Subelement     Data Type  Number of Bytes
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Array Flags    miUINT32   2*sizeOf(miUINT32) (8 bytes)
    mat5ReadArrayFlags <- function(this) {
      if (verbose) {
        enter(verbose, level = -70, "Reading Array Flags")

      # Read the first miUINT32 integer
      arrayFlags <- readBinMat(con, what = integer(), size = 4L, n = 1L)
      left <<- left - 4L

      # Byte 4 - Class
      # "Class. This field contains a value that identifies the MATLAB
      # array type (class) represented by the data element."
      class <- arrayFlags %% 256
      if (class < 1L || class > NBR_OF_KNOWN_ARRAY_FLAGS) {
        stop("Unknown array type (class). Not in [1, ", NBR_OF_KNOWN_ARRAY_FLAGS, "]: ", class)

      symbol <- NAMES_OF_KNOWN_ARRAY_FLAGS[class]
      classSize <- KNOWN_ARRAY_FLAGS[class]

      arrayFlags <- arrayFlags %/% 256

      # Byte 3 - Flags
      # "Flags. This field contains three, single-bit flags that indicate
      #  whether the numeric data is complex, global, or logical. If the
      #  complex bit is set, the data element includes an imaginary part
      #  (pi). If the global bit is set, MATLAB loads the data element as
      #  a global variable in the base workspace. If the logical bit is
      #  set, it indicates the array is used for logical indexing."
      flags <- arrayFlags %% 256

      # Was:
      ## bits <- as.logical(getBits(flags + 256L, nbits = 9L)[-9L])
      ## logical <- bits[2L]
      ## global  <- bits[3L]
      ## complex <- bits[4L]

      f1 <- flags %% 2
      f2 <- (flags - f1) %% 4
      f3 <- (flags - f1 - f2) %% 8
      f4 <- (flags - f1 - f2 - f3) %% 16
      logical <- as.logical(f2)
      global  <- as.logical(f3)
      complex <- as.logical(f4)

      # Bytes 1 & 2 - The two hi-bytes are "undefined".

      # Used for Sparse Arrays, otherwise undefined
      # Read the second miUINT32 integer
      nzmax <- readBinMat(con, what = integer(), size = 4L, n = 1L)
      left <<- left - 4L

      flags <- list(logical = logical, global = global, complex = complex, class = symbol, classSize = classSize, nzmax = nzmax)

      if (verbose) {
        cat(verbose, level = -100, "Flags:")
        print(verbose, level = -100, unlist(flags[-1L]))

    } # mat5ReadArrayFlags()

    mat5ReadDimensionsArray <- function(this) {
      if (verbose) {
        enter(verbose, level = -70, "Reading Dimensions Array")

      tag <- mat5ReadTag(this)
      if (!tag$type %in% c("miINT8", "miINT32")) {
        if (verbose) {
          cat(verbose, "Tag:")
          str(verbose, tag)
        throw("Tag type not supported: ", tag$type)

      sizeOf <- tag$sizeOf %/% 8
      len <- tag$nbrOfBytes %/% sizeOf
      verbose && cat(verbose, level = -100, "Reading ", len, " integers each of size ", sizeOf, " bytes.")
      dim <- readBinMat(con, what = integer(), size = sizeOf, n = len)
      left <<- left - sizeOf*len

      verbose && cat(verbose, level = -101, "Reading ", tag$padding, " padding bytes.")
      padding <- readBinMat(con, what = integer(), size = 1L, n = tag$padding)
      left <<- left - tag$padding

      dimArray <- list(tag = tag, dim = dim)

      verbose && print(verbose, level = -100, list(dim = dim))

    } # mat5ReadDimensionsArray()

    mat5ReadName <- function(this) {
      if (verbose) {
        enter(verbose, level = -70, "Reading Array Name")

      tag <- mat5ReadTag(this)

      sizeOf <- tag$sizeOf %/% 8
      nchars <- tag$nbrOfBytes %/% sizeOf
      verbose && cat(verbose, level = -100, "Reading ", nchars, " characters.")
      name <- readBinMat(con, what = tag$what, size = sizeOf, n = nchars)
      ## Be generous in what types are accepted for names; MATLAB(tm) has
      ## a habit of sprouting new file features.
      name <- matToString(name, tag$type)
      name <- asSafeRName(name)
      left <<- left - nchars

      verbose && cat(verbose, level = -101, "Reading ", tag$padding, " padding bytes.")
      padding <- readBinMat(con, what = integer(), size = 1L, n = tag$padding)
      left <<- left - tag$padding

      verbose && cat(verbose, level = -50, "Name: '", name, "'")

      list(tag = tag, name = name)
    } # mat5ReadName()

    mat5ReadFieldNameLength <- function(this) {
      if (verbose) {
        enter(verbose, level = -70, "Reading Field Name Length")

      tag <- mat5ReadTag(this)
      if (tag$type != "miINT32") {
        throw("Tag type not supported: ", tag$type)

      sizeOf <- tag$sizeOf %/% 8
      len <- tag$nbrOfBytes %/% sizeOf
      maxLength <- readBinMat(con, what = integer(), size = sizeOf, n = len)

      left <<- left - len

      padding <- readBinMat(con, what = integer(), size = 1L, n = tag$padding)
      left <<- left - tag$padding

     verbose && cat(verbose, level = -100, "Field name length+1: ", maxLength)

      list(tag = tag, maxLength = maxLength)
    } # mat5ReadFieldNameLength()

    mat5ReadFieldNames <- function(this, maxLength) {
      if (verbose) {
        enter(verbose, level = -70, "Reading Field Names")

      tag <- mat5ReadTag(this)
      ## Be generous in what types are accepted for names; MATLAB(tm) has
      ## a habit of sprouting new file features.

      sizeOf <- tag$sizeOf %/% 8
      nbrOfNames <- tag$nbrOfBytes %/% maxLength
      names <- character(length = nbrOfNames)
      for (kk in seq_len(nbrOfNames)) {
        name <- readBinMat(con, what = tag$what, size = sizeOf, n = maxLength)
        left <<- left - maxLength
        name <- matToString(name, tag$type)
        name <- asSafeRName(name)
        names[kk] <- name

      verbose && cat(verbose, level = -101, "Reading ", tag$padding, " padding bytes.")
      padding <- readBinMat(con, what = integer(), size = 1L, n = tag$padding)
      left <<- left - tag$padding

      verbose && cat(verbose, level = -50, "Field names: ", paste(paste("'", names, "'", sep = ""), collapse = ", "))

      list(tag = tag, names = names)
    } # mat5ReadFieldNames()

    # -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
    # From [1, page 26]:
    # "Fields Subelement - This subelement contains the value stored in a
    #  field. These values are MATLAB arrays, represented using the
    #  miMATRIX format specific to the array type: numeric array, sparse
    #  array, cell, object or other structure. See the appropriate section
    #  of this document for details about the MAT-file format of each of
    #  these array type. MATLAB reads and writes these fields in
    #  column-major order."
    mat5ReadFields <- function(this, names) {
      if (verbose) {
        enter(verbose, level = -70, "Reading Fields")

      # Precalculations
      dropSingletonLists <- is.element("singletonLists", drop)

      fields <- vector("list", length = length(names))
      for (kk in seq_along(names)) {
        verbose && enter(verbose, level = -3, "Reading field: ", sQuote(names[kk]))
        field <- readMat5DataElement(this)
        # If read element is a list with a single element, then return that
        # latter element by itself to decrease the amount of nestedness.
        if (dropSingletonLists) {
          if (is.list(field) && length(field) <= 1L &&
              (is.null(names(field)) || identical(names(field), ""))) {
            field <- field[[1L]]
        if (!is.null(field)) {
          fields[[kk]] <- field
        verbose && exit(verbose)
      names(fields) <- names

    } # mat5ReadFields()

    mat5ReadValues <- function(this, logical = FALSE) {
      if (verbose) {
        enter(verbose, level = -70, "Reading Values")

      tag <- mat5ReadTag(this)

      # "If the 'logical' bit is set, it indicates the array is used for
      # logical indexing." [4].  This is a rather vague explanation, but
      # by comparing the byte content of sparse matrices containing
      # doubles to those containing logical, it appears as if the latter
      # are stored as single 0/1 bytes, regardless of what the "tag"
      # is indicating.
      if (logical) {
        # Override tag parameters.
        sizeOf <- 1L
        what <- logical(0L)
      } else {
        sizeOf <- tag$sizeOf %/% 8
        what <- tag$what

      len <- tag$nbrOfBytes %/% sizeOf

      verbose && cat(verbose, level = -100, "Reading ", len, " values each of ", sizeOf, " bytes. In total ", tag$nbrOfBytes, " bytes.")

      ## stop_if_not(is.finite(tag$nbrOfBytes), is.finite(tag$sizeOf))

      value <- readBinMat(con, what = what, size = sizeOf, n = len, signed = tag$signed)
      verbose && str(verbose, level = -102, value)
      verbose && str(verbose, level = -102, intToChar(value))

      left <<- left - sizeOf*len

      verbose && cat(verbose, level = -101, "Reading ", tag$padding, " padding bytes.")

      padding <- readBinMat(con, what = integer(), size = 1L, n = tag$padding)

      left <<- left - tag$padding

      list(tag = tag, value = value)
    } # mat5ReadValues()

    mat5ReadMiMATRIX <- function(this, tag) {
      if (verbose) {
        enter(verbose, level = -70, "Reading miMATRIX")
        cat(verbose, level = -60, "Argument 'tag':")
        str(verbose, level = -60, tag)

      # Sanity check
      if (tag$nbrOfBytes == 0L) {
        throw("INTERNAL ERROR: Zero bytes to read in miMATRIX.")

      tag <- mat5ReadTag(this)

      if (is.null(tag)) {
        verbose && cat(verbose, "Nothing more to read. Returning NULL.")

      if (tag$type == "miMATRIX") {
        verbose && enter(verbose, level = -70, "Reading a nested miMATRIX")
        node <- mat5ReadMiMATRIX(this, tag)
        verbose && exit(verbose)

      if (tag$type != "miUINT32") {
        throw("Tag type not supported: ", tag$type)

      arrayFlags <- mat5ReadArrayFlags(this)
      if (verbose) {
        cat(verbose, level = -100, "Array flags:")
        str(verbose, level = -70, arrayFlags)

      # Update the array flag tag.  "Why?" /HB 2013-05-23
      arrayFlags$tag <- tag
      arrayFlags$signed <- tag$signed

      dimensionsArray <- mat5ReadDimensionsArray(this)
      verbose && cat(verbose, level = -70, "DimensionsArray: ", dimensionsArray$dim)
      arrayName <- mat5ReadName(this)
      verbose && cat(verbose, "Array name: ", sQuote(arrayName$name))

      # -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
      # (a) mxCELL_CLASS
      # -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
      if (arrayFlags$class == "mxCELL_CLASS") {
        nbrOfCells <- prod(dimensionsArray$dim)
        verbose && enter(verbose, level = -4, "Reading mxCELL_CLASS with ", nbrOfCells, " cells.")
        matrix <- vector("list", length = nbrOfCells)
        for (kk in seq_len(nbrOfCells)) {
          tag <- mat5ReadTag(this)
          if (tag$nbrOfBytes > 0L) {
            matrix[[kk]] <- mat5ReadMiMATRIX(this, tag)

        # Set the dimension of the cell array
        ## FIXME: Issue #30 may apply here also? /Tofof 2022-06-21
        if (prod(dimensionsArray$dim) > 0) {
          matrix <- structure(matrix, dim = dimensionsArray$dim)

        matrix <- list(matrix)
        names(matrix) <- arrayName$name
        verbose && exit(verbose)
      } # (a) mxCELL_CLASS
      # -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
      # (b) mxSTRUCT_CLASS
      # -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
      else if (arrayFlags$class == "mxSTRUCT_CLASS") {
        nbrOfCells <- prod(dimensionsArray$dim)
        verbose && enter(verbose, level = -4, "Reading mxSTRUCT_CLASS with ", nbrOfCells, " cells in structure.")
        maxLength <- mat5ReadFieldNameLength(this)
        names <- mat5ReadFieldNames(this, maxLength = maxLength$maxLength)
        verbose && cat(verbose, level = -100, "Field names: ", paste(names$names, collapse = ", "))
        nbrOfFields <- length(names$names)
        matrix <- list()
        for (kk in seq_len(nbrOfCells)) {
          fields <- mat5ReadFields(this, names = names$names)
          matrix <- c(matrix, fields)
        names(matrix) <- NULL

        # Set the dimension of the structure
        ## FIXME: Is this really correct?, cf. Issue #30. /HB 2015-12-29
        dim <- c(nbrOfFields, dimensionsArray$dim)
        if (prod(dim) > 0) {
          matrix <- structure(matrix, dim = dim)
          dimnames <- rep(list(NULL), times = length(dim(matrix)))
          dimnames[[1L]] <- names$names
          dimnames(matrix) <- dimnames

        # Finally, put the structure in a named list.
        matrix <- list(matrix)
        names(matrix) <- arrayName$name

        if (verbose) {
          cat(verbose, level = -60, "Read a 'struct':")
          str(verbose, level = -60, matrix)
        verbose && exit(verbose)
      } # (b) mxSTRUCT_CLASS
      # -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
      # (c) mxOBJECT_CLASS
      # -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
      else if (arrayFlags$class == "mxOBJECT_CLASS") {
        className <- mat5ReadName(this)$name
        maxLength <- mat5ReadFieldNameLength(this)
        verbose && enter(verbose, level = -4, "Reading mxOBJECT_CLASS of class '", className, "' with ", maxLength, " fields.")
        names <- mat5ReadFieldNames(this, maxLength = maxLength$maxLength)
        fields <- mat5ReadFields(this, names = names$names)
        class(fields) <- className
        matrix <- list(fields)
        names(matrix) <- arrayName$name
      } else if (arrayFlags$complex) {
        verbose && enter(verbose, level = -4, "Reading complex matrix")
        pr <- mat5ReadValues(this, logical = arrayFlags$logical)
        if (left > 0L) {
          pi <- mat5ReadValues(this, logical = arrayFlags$logical)
        } else {
          pi <- NULL
        matrix <- complex(real = pr$value, imaginary = pi$value)

        # Set dimension of complex matrix
        dim(matrix) <- dimensionsArray$dim
        verbose && str(verbose, level = -10, matrix)

        # Put into a named list
        matrix <- list(matrix)
        names(matrix) <- arrayName$name
        verbose && exit(verbose, suffix = paste("...done: '", names(matrix), "' [",
                 mode(matrix), ": ", paste(dim(matrix), collapse = "x"),
                                               " elements]", sep = ""))
        verbose && exit(verbose)
      } # (c) mxOBJECT_CLASS
      # -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
      # (d) mxSPARSE_CLASS
      # -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
      else if (arrayFlags$class == "mxSPARSE_CLASS") {
        # Dimensions of the sparse matrix
        nrow <- dimensionsArray$dim[1L]
        ncol <- dimensionsArray$dim[2L]

        verbose && enter(verbose, level = -4, "Reading mxSPARSE_CLASS ", nrow, "x", ncol, " matrix.")

        # From [2, page5-6]
        # "Sparse Matrices
        #  Sparse matrices have a different storage convention in MATLAB. The
        #  parameters pr and pi are still arrays of double-precision numbers,
        #  but there are three additional parameters, nzmax, ir, and jc:
        #  * nzmax - is an integer that contains the length of ir, pr, and,
        #    if it exists, pi. It is the maximum possible number of nonzero
        #    elements in the sparse matrix.
        #  * ir - points to an integer array of length nzmax containing the
        #    row indices of the corresponding elements in pr and pi.
        #  * jc - points to an integer array of length N+1 that contains
        #    column index information. For j, in the range 0 <= j <= N-1,
        #    jc[j] is the index in ir and pr (and pi if it exists) of the
        #    first nonzero entry in the jth column and jc[j+1] - 1 index of
        #    the last nonzero entry. As a result, jc[N] is also equal to nnz,
        #    the number of nonzero entries in the matrix. If nnz is less
        #    than nzmax, then more nonzero entries can be inserted in the
        #    array without allocating additional storage."

        # From mxGetIr in [2]:
        # "The nzmax field holds an integer value that signifies the number
        #  of elements in the ir, pr, and, if it exists, the pi arrays. The
        #  value of nzmax is always greater than or equal to the number of
        #  nonzero elements in a sparse mxArray. In addition, the value of
        #  nzmax is always less than or equal to the number of rows times
        #  the number of columns."
        nzmax <- arrayFlags$nzmax
        ir <- c()
        jc <- c()
        pr <- c()
        if (nzmax > 0L) {
          # Read the row indices for non-zero values (index start at zero!)
          # From mxGetIr in [2]:
          # "Each value in an ir array indicates a row (offset by 1) at which
          #  a nonzero element can be found. (The jc array is an index that
          #  indirectly specifies a column where nonzero elements can be found.)"
          # and from mxSetIr in [2]:
          # "The ir array must be in column-major order. That means that the
          #  ir array must define the row positions in column 1 (if any) first,
          #  then the row positions in column 2 (if any) second, and so on through
          #  column N. Within each column, row position 1 must appear prior to
          #  row position 2, and so on."
          ir <- mat5ReadValues(this)$value

          # Note that the indices for MAT v5 sparse arrays start at 0 (not 1).
          if (any(ir < 0L) || (nrow > 0 && any(ir > nrow-1L))) {
            stop("MAT v5 file format error: Some elements in row vector 'ir' (sparse arrays) are out of range [0, ", nrow-1L, "].")

          #  "* jc - points to an integer array of length N+1 that contains..."
          jc <- mat5ReadValues(this)$value
          if (length(jc) != ncol+1L) {
            stop("MAT v5 file format error: Length of column vector 'jc' (sparse arrays) is not ", ncol, "+1 as expected: ", length(jc))

          # Read vector
          pr <- mat5ReadValues(this, logical = arrayFlags$logical)$value

          if (verbose) {
            str(verbose, level = -102, header)
            str(verbose, level = -102, ir)
            str(verbose, level = -102, jc)
            str(verbose, level = -102, pr)

          # "This subelement contains the imaginary data in the array, if one
          #  or more of the numeric values in the MATLAB array is a complex
          #  number (if the complex bit is set in Array Flags)." [1, p20]
          if (arrayFlags$complex) {
            # Read imaginary part
            pi <- mat5ReadValues(this, logical = arrayFlags$logical)$value
            verbose && str(verbose, level = -102, pi)

          ## Deal with odd MATLAB(tm) discrepancies.
          nzmax <- min(nzmax, jc[ncol+1L])
          if (nzmax < length(ir)) { ir <- ir[1:nzmax] }
          if (nzmax < length(pr)) { pr <- pr[1:nzmax] }
          if (arrayFlags$complex) {
            if (nzmax < length(pi)) { pi <- pi[1:nzmax] }
            pr <- complex(real = pr, imaginary = pi)
            pi <- NULL # Not needed anymore
        } # if (nzmax > 0)

        if (sparseMatrixClass == "Matrix"
            && .require("Matrix", quietly = TRUE)) {
          # Logical or numeric sparse Matrix?
          if (is.logical(pr)) {
            className <- "lgCMatrix"
          } else {
            pr <- as.double(pr)
            className <- "dgCMatrix"

          # The "sparse" values
          # x = pr

          # (from, to) indices for each column (=> length(p) == ncol+1)
          p <- as.integer(jc)

          # Row indices
          i <- as.integer(ir)
          # Special case
          if (length(pr) == 0L && i == 0L) i <- integer(0L)

          # Matrix dimension
          Dim <- as.integer(c(nrow, ncol))

          if (verbose && isVisible(verbose, level = -102)) {
            verbose && cat(verbose, "x = pr:")
            verbose && str(verbose, pr)
            verbose && cat(verbose, "p:")
            verbose && str(verbose, p)
            verbose && cat(verbose, "i:")
            verbose && str(verbose, i)
            verbose && printf(verbose, "Dim = c(%d, %d)\n", Dim[1L], Dim[2L])

          matrix <- new(className, x = pr, p = p, i = i, Dim = Dim)
          matrix <- list(matrix)
          names(matrix) <- arrayName$name
        } else if (sparseMatrixClass == "SparseM"
                 && .require("SparseM", quietly = TRUE)) {
          # Special case
          if (is.logical(pr)) {
            # Sparse matrices of SparseM cannot hold logical values.
            pr <- as.double(pr)
          } else {
            pr <- as.double(pr)

          if (nrow == 0L || ncol == 0L) {
            matrix <- matrix(pr, nrow = nrow, ncol = ncol)
          } else if (length(pr) == 0L) {
            # Special case
            str(list(nrow = nrow, ncol = ncol))
            matrix <- SparseM::as.matrix.csc(0, nrow = nrow, ncol = ncol)
          } else {
            matrix <- new("matrix.csc",
                          ra = pr, ja = as.integer(ir)+1L, ia = as.integer(jc+1L),
                          dimension = as.integer(c(nrow, ncol)))
          matrix <- list(matrix)
          names(matrix) <- arrayName$name
        } else {
          # Create an expanded plain R matrix...
          if (is.logical(pr)) {
            zeroValue <- FALSE
          } else {
            zeroValue <- 0
          matrix <- matrix(zeroValue, nrow = nrow, ncol = ncol)
          attr(matrix, "name") <- arrayName$name

          # Now, for each column insert the non-zero elements
          #  "* jc - points to an integer array of length N+1 that contains
          #    column index information. For j, in the range 0 <= j <= N-1,
          #    jc[j] is the index in ir and pr (and pi if it exists) of the
          #    first nonzero entry in the jth column and jc[j+1] - 1 index of
          #    the last nonzero entry. As a result, jc[N] is also equal to nnz,
          #    the number of nonzero entries in the matrix. If nnz is less
          #    than nzmax, then more nonzero entries can be inserted in the
          #    array without allocating additional storage."
          #    Note: This is *not* how MAT v4 works.

          ## jc[N] = number of non-zero entries
##          stop_if_not(all(jc <= length(pr)))
##          stop_if_not(jc[length(jc)] == length(pr))

          ## Infer column indices 'ic' from 'jc'
          djc <- diff(jc)
          cols <- which(djc > 0)
          each <- djc[cols]
          ic <- rep(cols, times = each)
          djc <- cols <- each <- jc <- NULL
          ## (ir, ic) -> ii matrix indices (column first)
          ii <- (ic-1L)*nrow + ir + 1L
          ir <- ic <- NULL
          matrix[ii] <- pr
          # Not needed anymore
          pr <- NULL

          matrix <- list(matrix)
          names(matrix) <- arrayName$name
        verbose && exit(verbose)
      } # (d) mxSPARSE_CLASS
      # -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
      # (e) mxFUNCTION_CLASS (undocumented)
      # -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
      else if (arrayFlags$class %in% c("mxFUNCTION_CLASS", "mxOPAQUE_CLASS")) {
       ## NOTE: These are unknown territories and only reverse engineered
       ## since these array types/classes are undocumented [5]
       ## * mxFUNCTION_CLASS (== 16):
       ##   https://github.com/HenrikBengtsson/R.matlab/issues/28
       ## * mxOPAQUE_CLASS (== 17):
       ##   https://github.com/HenrikBengtsson/R.matlab/issues/32
       ##   Thread 'saveing/loading symbol table of annymous functions',
       ##   Octave Maintainers, April-May 2007:
       ##   - https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/octave-maintainers/2007-04/msg00031.html
       ##   - https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/octave-maintainers/2007-05/msg00032.html

       ## Next block
       tag <- mat5ReadTag(this)

       ## Read object as raw data
       raw <- readBinMat(con, what = raw(), size = 1L, n = tag$nbrOfBytes)
       verbose && str(verbose, raw)

       ## Skip padding
       padding <- readBinMat(con, what = raw(), size = 1L, n = tag$padding)

       matrix <- list(raw)
       names(matrix) <- arrayName$name
      # -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
      # (f) Everything else but:
      #     (a) mxCELL_CLASS, (b) mxSTRUCT_CLASS, (c) mxOBJECT_CLASS,
      #   , (d) mxSPARSE_CLASS and (e) mxFUNCTION_CLASS.
      # -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
      else {
        data <- mat5ReadValues(this, logical = arrayFlags$logical)
        matrix <- data$value

        verbose && cat(verbose, level = -5, "Converting to ", arrayFlags$class, " matrix.")
        if (arrayFlags$class == "mxDOUBLE_CLASS") {
          matrix <- as.double(matrix)
          dim(matrix) <- dimensionsArray$dim
        } else if (arrayFlags$class == "mxSINGLE_CLASS") {
          matrix <- as.single(matrix)
          dim(matrix) <- dimensionsArray$dim
        } else if (is.element(arrayFlags$class, c("mxINT8_CLASS", "mxUINT8_CLASS", "mxINT16_CLASS", "mxUINT16_CLASS", "mxINT32_CLASS", "mxUINT32_CLASS"))) {
          matrix <- as.integer(matrix)
          dim(matrix) <- dimensionsArray$dim
        } else if (is.element(arrayFlags$class, c("mxINT64_CLASS", "mxUINT64_CLASS"))) {
          # Coerce 64-bit integers to doubles.
          matrix <- as.integer(matrix)
          dim(matrix) <- dimensionsArray$dim
        } else if (arrayFlags$class == "mxCHAR_CLASS") {
          verbose && cat(verbose, level = -5, "Encoding type: ", tag$type)
          matrix <- matToCharArray(matrix, tag$type)
          dim <- dimensionsArray$dim
          # AD HOC/special/illegal case?  /HB 2010-09-18
          if (length(matrix) == 0L && prod(dim) > 0) {
            matrix <- ""
          dim(matrix) <- dim
          matrix <- apply(matrix, MARGIN = 1L, FUN = paste, collapse = "")
          matrix <- as.matrix(matrix)
        } else {
          stop("Unknown or unsupported class id in array flags: ", arrayFlags$class)

        matrix <- list(matrix)
        names(matrix) <- arrayName$name
      } # (e) Everything else

    } # mat5ReadMiMATRIX()

    # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    # Function to read a MAT v5 Data Element
    # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    readMat5DataElement <- function(this) {
      # -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
      # General structure of a MAT v5 Data Element:
      #      1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8
      #   +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+
      #   |    Data type      |  Number of Bytes  |  Tag
      #   +---------------------------------------+
      #   |                                       |
      #   |             Variable size             |  Data
      #   |                                       |
      #   +---------------------------------------+
      # -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
      tag <- mat5ReadTag(this)
      if (is.null(tag))

      if (tag$nbrOfBytes == 0L)

      if (tag$type == "miMATRIX") {
        verbose && enter(verbose, level = -3, "Reading (outer) miMATRIX")
        # Used to test if a matrix read contains an imaginary part too.
        left <<- tag$nbrOfBytes

        data <- mat5ReadMiMATRIX(this, tag)
        if (verbose) {
          str(verbose, level = -4, data)
      } else {
        verbose && printf(verbose, level = -3, "Reading (outer) %.0f integers\n", tag$nbrOfBytes)
        ## FIXME: Is this really correct?, cf. Issue #30. /HB 2015-12-29
        ## Should it be: data <- mat5ReadMiMATRIX(this, tag)
        data <- readBinMat(con, what = integer(), size = 1L, n = tag$nbrOfBytes, signed = tag$signed)
        verbose && str(verbose, level = -50, data)

    } # readMat5DataElement()

    # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    # "Main program"
    # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    # Since readMat5() is wrapped inside the readMat() function, we can
    # assume that 'con' really is a connection.

    detectedEndian <<- "little"

    header <- readMat5or73Header(this, firstFourBytes = firstFourBytes)

    if (verbose) {
      cat(verbose, level = -100, "Read MAT v5 header:")
      print(verbose, level = -100, header)
      cat(verbose, level = -100, "Endian: ", detectedEndian)

    if (header$version == "7.3") {
      stop("Reading of MAT v7.3 files, which use the Hierarchical Data Format (HDF5), is not supported. If possible, save the data in MATLAB using 'save -V6'. Alternatively, use HDF5 file readers available in other R packages.")

    result <- list()
    repeat {
      verbose && enter(verbose, level = -2, "Reading data element")
      data <- readMat5DataElement(this)
      if (is.null(data)) {
        verbose && exit(verbose)
      result <- c(result, data)
      verbose && exit(verbose, suffix = paste("...done: '", names(data), "' [",
                   mode(data[[1L]]), ": ", paste(dim(data[[1L]]), collapse = "x"),
                                                                "]", sep = ""))

    attr(result, "header") <- header
  } # readMat5()
  # MAT v5 specific                                                        END

  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  # Validate arguments
  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  # Argument 'sparseMatrixClass':
  sparseMatrixClass <- match.arg(sparseMatrixClass)

  # Argument 'drop':
  if (is.logical(drop)) {
    stop_if_not(length(drop) == 1L)
    if (drop) {
      # Use defaults
      drop <- eval(formals(sys.function(sys.parent()))$drop)
      drop <- match.arg(drop)
    } else {
      drop <- NULL
  } else if (is.character(drop)) {
    drop <- match.arg(drop)
  } else {
    stop("Argument 'drop' should either be a logical or a character vector: ", class(drop)[1L])

  # Argument 'verbose':
  if (inherits(verbose, "Verbose")) {
  } else if (is.numeric(verbose)) {
    verbose <- Verbose(threshold = verbose)
  } else {
    verbose <- as.logical(verbose)
    if (verbose) {
      verbose <- Verbose(threshold = -1)

  if (inherits(con, "connection")) {
    if (!isOpen(con)) {
      verbose && cat(verbose, level = -1, "Opens binary connection.")
      open(con, open = "rb")
        verbose && cat(verbose, level = -1, "Binary connection closed.")
  } else if (inherits(con, "raw")) {
    verbose && cat(verbose, level = -1, "Opens raw connection: ", paste(head(raw), collapse = ", "))
    con <- rawConnection(con, open = "rb")
      verbose && cat(verbose, level = -1, "Binary file closed.")
  } else {
    # For all other types of values of 'con' make it into a character string.
    # This will for instance also make it possible to use object of class
    # File in the R.io package to be used.
    con <- as.character(con)

    # Now, assume that 'con' is a filename specifying a file to be opened.
    verbose && cat(verbose, level = -1, "Opens binary file: ", con)
    con <- file(con, open = "rb")
      verbose && cat(verbose, level = -1, "Binary file closed.")

  # Assert that it is a binary connection that we are reading from
  if (summary(con)$text != "binary")
    stop("Can only read a MAT file structure from a *binary* connection.")

  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  # Debug information
  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  if (verbose && isVisible(verbose, -100)) {
    enter(verbose, "R.matlab options")
    cat(verbose, "R.matlab::readMat/rawBufferSize: ", rawBufferSize)
    cat(verbose, "R.matlab::readMat/onDecompressError: ", getOption("R.matlab::readMat/onDecompressError", "error"))


  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  # "MATLAB uses the first four bytes to determine if a MAT-file uses a
  #  Version 5 format or a Version 4 format. If any of these bytes
  #  contain a zero, MATLAB will assume the file is a Version 4 MAT-file."
  # Details:
  # For MAT v5 the first 124 bytes is free text followed by 2 bytes
  # specifying the version and 2 bytes specifying the endian, but for
  # MAT v4 the first four bytes represents the 'type'.
  # Thus, we read the first four bytes and test if it can be a MAT v4 file.
  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  nbrOfBytesRead <- 0L
  firstFourBytes <- readBinMat(con, what = integer(), size = 1L, n = 4L)
  if (is.null(firstFourBytes))
    stop("MAT file format error: Nothing to read. Empty input stream.")

  if (isMat4(firstFourBytes)) {
    verbose && cat(verbose, level = 0, "Trying to read MAT v4 file stream.")
    readMat4(con, firstFourBytes = firstFourBytes, maxLength = maxLength)
  } else {
    verbose && cat(verbose, level = 0, "Trying to read MAT v5 file stream.")
    readMat5(con, firstFourBytes = firstFourBytes, maxLength = maxLength)

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R.matlab documentation built on Aug. 26, 2022, 1:07 a.m.