
Defines functions knn

Documented in knn

#' k nearest neighbor algorithm for multi-variate data
#' @param X data matrix, i.e. observations X dimensions
#' @param K number of clusters to use
#' @param init list of p and mu used for initialization
#' @param Ninit number of samples used per cluster if no init argument is given
#' @param verbose allows print out of progress information; in verbose mode the cluster memberships are added to the output
#' @param tol smaller changes than tol in the objective function indicate convergence, if missing chosen automatically to be 1/5 of the smallest sample variance per dimension
#' @param Niter.max maximum number of admissible iterations
#' @keywords internal
knn <- function(X, K=2, init, Ninit=50, verbose=FALSE, tol, Niter.max=500) {
    ## in case X is no matrix, interpret it as uni-variate case
        X <- matrix(X,ncol=1)

    if(missing(tol)) {
        ## if tol is missing, then set it well below the minimial
        ## length-scale in the data set
        sdSq <- colVars(X)
        ## use k means clustering with K=Nc as init
        tol <- min(sdSq)/5

    N <- dim(X)[1]
    Nd <- dim(X)[2]

    if(missing(init)) {
        ## initialize randomly
        pEst <- runif(K)/K
        pEst <- pEst/sum(pEst)
        muEst <- matrix(0, K, Nd)
        ## sample for each component from the base data
        for(i in seq(K))
            muEst[i,] <- colMeans(X[sample.int(N,min(Ninit, N),replace=FALSE),,drop=FALSE])
    } else {
        pEst <- init$p
        muEst <- init$mu

    ## init 1-of-K coding matrix indicating cluster membership
    Kresp <- matrix(1:K,nrow=N,ncol=K,byrow=TRUE)

    ## distance matrix which gets updated in each iteration
    DM <- matrix(0, N, K)

    iter <- 1
    J <- Inf

    if(verbose) {
        message("K nearest neighbors clustering with K =", K, ":\n")

    while(iter < Niter.max) {
        Jprev <- J

        ## "E" step, i.e. find for each data point the cluster with the
        ## smallest euclidean distance

        for(i in seq(K))
            DM[,i] <- rowSums(scale(X, muEst[i,], FALSE)^2)

        ##resp <- 1*(Kresp == apply(DM, 1, which.min))
        resp <- 1*(1 == matrixStats::rowRanks(DM, ties.method="first"))
        respM <- matrixStats::colSums2(resp)
        if(any(respM == 0)) {
            warning("Some components are assigned the empty set! Try reducing K.")
            respM[respM==0] <- 1

        ## "M" step, i.e. given cluster membership, calculate new means
        ##muEst <- sweep(t(resp) %*% X, 1, respM, "/")
        muEst <- sweep(crossprod(resp, X), 1, respM, "/", FALSE)

        ## functional to be minimized
        J <- sum( (X - resp %*% muEst)^2 )
        delta <- Jprev - J

            message("Iteration", iter, ": J =", J, "; delta =", delta, "\n")
        if(delta < tol) {
        iter <- iter + 1
    if(iter == Niter.max)
        warning("Maximum number of iterations reached.")

    res <- list(center=muEst, p=colMeans(resp), J=J, delta=delta, niter=iter)
    ##res$cluster <- apply(resp==1, 1, which)
    ## 10x faster
    res$cluster <- ((which(t(resp==1)) - 1) %% K) + 1


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RBesT documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:40 a.m.