
Defines functions rmixdiff qmixdiff pmixdiff dmixdiff mixnormdiff

Documented in dmixdiff pmixdiff qmixdiff rmixdiff

#' Difference of mixture distributions
#' Density, cumulative distribution function, quantile
#' function and random number generation for the difference of two mixture
#' distributions.
#' @param mix1 first mixture density
#' @param mix2 second mixture density
#' @param x vector of values for which density values are computed
#' @param q vector of quantiles for which cumulative probabilities are computed
#' @param p vector of cumulative probabilities for which quantiles are computed
#' @param n size of random sample
#' @param lower.tail logical; if \code{TRUE} (default), probabilities are P[X <= x], otherwise P[X > x].
#' @details If \eqn{x_1 \sim f_1(x_1)}{x_1 ~ f_1(x_1)} and \eqn{x_2 \sim
#' f_2(x_2)}{x_2 ~ f_2(x)}, the density of the difference \eqn{d
#' \equiv x_1 - x_2}{d = x_1 - x_2} is given by
#' \deqn{f_d(d) = \int f_1(u) \, f_2(u - d) \, du.}{f_d(d) = \int f_1(u) f_2(u - d)  du.}
#' The cumulative distribution function equates to
#' \deqn{F_d(d) = \int f_1(u) \, (1-F_2(u-d)) \, du.}{F_d(d) = \int f_1(u) (1-F_2(u-d)) du.}
#' Both integrals are performed over the full support of the
#' densities and use the numerical integration function
#' \code{\link{integrate}}.
# The quantile function is implemented using a gradient based
# minimization of the squared difference of the cumulative
# distribution function with the quantile requested, i.e. making use
# of the fact that the cumulative distribution increases
# monotonically.
#' @return Respective density, quantile, cumulative density or random
#' numbers.
#' @examples
#' # 1. Difference between two beta distributions, i.e. Pr( mix1 - mix2 > 0)
#' mix1 <- mixbeta(c(1, 11, 4))
#' mix2 <- mixbeta(c(1, 8, 7))
#' pmixdiff(mix1, mix2, 0, FALSE)
#' # Interval probability, i.e. Pr( 0.3 > mix1 - mix2 > 0)
#' pmixdiff(mix1, mix2, 0.3) - pmixdiff(mix1, mix2, 0)
#' # 2. two distributions, one of them a mixture
#' m1 <- mixbeta( c(1,30,50))
#' m2 <- mixbeta( c(0.75,20,50),c(0.25,1,1))
#' # random sample of difference
#' set.seed(23434)
#' rM <- rmixdiff(m1, m2, 1E4)
#' # histogram of random numbers and exact density
#' hist(rM,prob=TRUE,new=TRUE,nclass=40)
#' curve(dmixdiff(m1,m2,x), add=TRUE, n=51)
#' # threshold probabilities for difference, at 0 and 0.2
#' pmixdiff(m1, m2, 0)
#' mean(rM<0)
#' pmixdiff(m1,m2,0.2)
#' mean(rM<0.2)
#' # median of difference
#' mdn <- qmixdiff(m1, m2, 0.5)
#' mean(rM<mdn)
#' # 95%-interval
#' qmixdiff(m1, m2, c(0.025,0.975))
#' quantile(rM, c(0.025,0.975))
#' @name mixdiff

mixnormdiff <- function(mix1, mix2) {
    w  <- outer(mix1[1,],   mix2[1,],   "*")
    mu <- outer(mix1[2,],   mix2[2,],   "-")
    v  <- outer(mix1[3,]^2, mix2[3,]^2, "+")
    mixdiff <- rbind(w=as.vector(w), m=as.vector(mu), s=sqrt(as.vector(v)))
    class(mixdiff) <- c("normMix", "mix")
        sigma(mixdiff) <- sigma(mix1)
    likelihood(mixdiff) <- "normal"
    dlink(mixdiff) <- dlink(mix1)

#' @rdname mixdiff
#' @export
dmixdiff <- function(mix1, mix2, x) {
    assert_that(!inherits(mix1, "mvnormMix") & !inherits(mix2, "mvnormMix"), msg="Multivariate normal mixture density not supported.")
    if(inherits(mix1, "normMix") & inherits(mix2, "normMix"))
        return(dmix(mixnormdiff(mix1, mix2), x=x))
    interval <- support(mix1)
    if(!all(interval == support(mix2)))
        warning("Support of variates mix1 and mix2 do not match.")

    Nc1 <- ncol(mix1)
    Nc2 <- ncol(mix2)

    ## rescale integrand to ensure stability of integration when
    ## default 1E-4 tolerances are used
    scale <- 1E3
    lscale <- log(scale)

    ## in case we know that mix2 is only a single-component density,
    ## then we swap the integration order
    if(Nc2 == 1) {
        .dens <- function(sx) {
            integrate_density_log(function(x) lscale + dmix(mix1, x+sx, log=TRUE), mix2) / scale
    } else {
        .dens <- function(sx) {
            integrate_density_log(function(x) lscale + dmix(mix2, x-sx, log=TRUE), mix1) / scale

    vapply(x, .dens, c(d=0.1))

#' @rdname mixdiff
#' @export
pmixdiff <- function(mix1, mix2, q, lower.tail=TRUE) {
    assert_that(!inherits(mix1, "mvnormMix") & !inherits(mix2, "mvnormMix"), msg="Multivariate normal mixture density not supported.")
    if(inherits(mix1, "normMix") & inherits(mix2, "normMix"))
        return(pmix(mixnormdiff(mix1, mix2), q=q, lower.tail=lower.tail))
    interval <- support(mix1)
    if(!all(interval == support(mix2)))
        warning("Support of variates mix1 and mix2 do not match.")

    Nc1 <- ncol(mix1)
    Nc2 <- ncol(mix2)

    ## should the second density only have a single component, then we
    ## take advantage of this
    if(Nc2 == 1) {
        .prob <- function(sx) {
            integrate_density_log(function(x) pmix(mix1, sx+x, lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=TRUE), mix2)
    } else {
        .prob <- function(sx) {
            ##integrate_density_log(function(x) pmix(mix2, x-sx, lower.tail=FALSE, log.p=TRUE), mix1)
            1-integrate_density_log(function(x) pmix(mix2, x-sx, lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=TRUE), mix1)

    p <- pmin(pmax(vapply(q, .prob, c(p=0.1)), 0), 1)
        p <- 1-p

#' @rdname mixdiff
#' @export
qmixdiff <- function(mix1, mix2, p, lower.tail = TRUE) {
    assert_that(!inherits(mix1, "mvnormMix") & !inherits(mix2, "mvnormMix"), msg="Multivariate normal mixture density not supported.")
    if(inherits(mix1, "normMix"))
        return(qmix(mixnormdiff(mix1, mix2), p=p, lower.tail=lower.tail))
    interval <- support(mix1)
    if(!all(interval == support(mix2)))
        warning("Support of variates mix1 and mix2 do not match.")
    assert_that(all(p >= 0 & p <= 1))
    assert_that(abs(sum(mix1["w",])-1) < sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))
    assert_that(abs(sum(mix2["w",])-1) < sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))
    ## first get the support of the mixture, i.e. the 99% CI of each
    ## mixture or lower, if the requested quantile is more in the
    ## tails
    plow <- min(c(p, (1-p))) / 2
    ##plow <- if(log.p) min(c(0.01, exp(p), (1-exp(p)))) / 2 else min(c(0.01, p, (1-p))) / 2
    phigh <- 1-plow
    qlow  <- qmix(mix1, plow)  - qmix(mix2, phigh)
    qhigh <- qmix(mix1, phigh) - qmix(mix2, plow )
    res <- rep.int(NA, length(p))
    for(i in seq_along(p)) {
        ## take advantage of the monotonicity of the CDF function such
        ## that we can use a gradient based method to find the root
        o <- optimise(function(x) { (pmixdiff(mix1,mix2,x,lower.tail=lower.tail) - p[i])^2 }, c(qlow, qhigh))
        res[i] <- o$minimum
        if(o$objective > 1e-3) {
            ## in that case fall back to binary search which is more robust
            u <- uniroot(function(x) { pmixdiff(mix1,mix2,x,lower.tail=lower.tail) - p[i] }, c(qlow, qhigh))
            res[i] <- u$root
            if(u$estim.prec > 1E-3)
                warning("Quantile ", p[i], " possibly imprecise.\nEstimated precision= ", u$estim.prec, ".\nRange = ", qlow, " to ", qhigh, "\n")

#' @rdname mixdiff
#' @export
rmixdiff <- function(mix1, mix2, n) {
    rmix(mix1, n) - rmix(mix2, n)

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