# Functions for plot data preparation
# 1. RCircos.Validate.Genomic.Data()
# 2. RCircos.Get.Single.Point.Positions()
# 3. RCircos.Get.Paired.Points.Positions()
# 4. RCircos.Multiple.Species.Dataset()
# 5. RCircos.Sort.Genomic.Data()
# 6. RCircos.Get.Data.Point.Height()
# 7. RCircos.Get.Plot.Layers()
# Last debug done on September 14, 2016
# ________________________________________________________________________
# <RCircos><RCircos><RCircos><RCircos><RCircos><RCircos><RCircos><RCircos>
# ========================================================================
# 1. RCircos.Validate.Genomic.Data()
# Validate input dataset for correct chromosome names, chromosome start,
# and chromosome end positions. Chromosome names will be converted to
# character vectors if they are factor variables.
# Arguments:
# Data frame with genomic position data. Sorting is
# not required.
# genomic.columns: Non-negative integer, total number of columns for
# genomic position (chromosome name, start and/or end
# position)
# plot.type: Character vector, either "plot" or "link"
# Return value: None. If there is error, exit.
# Example: RCircos.Validate.Genomic.Data(, "plot")
RCircos.Validate.Genomic.Data <- function(,
plot.type=c("plot", "link"), genomic.columns=3)
if(is.null( stop("Missing genomic data.\n");
if(genomic.columns < 2 || genomic.columns > 3)
stop("Incorrect number of genomic position columns defined.\n");
# Plot data has only one chromosome column and link data has two
# ===============================================================
plot.type <- tolower(plot.type);
if(plot.type=="plot") { chromCol <- 1;
} else if(plot.type=="link") {
chromCol <- c(1, genomic.columns + 1);
} else { stop("Plot type must be \"plot\" or \"link\"") }
RCircos.Cyto <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Ideogram();
cytoChroms <- unique(as.character(RCircos.Cyto$Chromosome));
for (aCol in seq_len(length(chromCol)))
# Make sure chromosomes in input data are all included
# in chromosome ideogram data
# ====================================================
theCol <- chromCol[aCol];
dataChroms <- unique(as.character([, theCol]));
if(sum(dataChroms %in% cytoChroms) < length(dataChroms))
stop("Some chromosomes in plot data is not in ideogram.");
# Make sure chromosome start and end positions in genomic
# data are not negative.
# ==============================================
if(min([, theCol+1]) < 0)
{ stop("One or more chromStart position less than 0."); }
# if there are three columns for genomic positions, end
# position must be greater or equal to start position
# ======================================================
if(genomic.columns == 3)
if(min([, theCol+2]) < 0)
stop("One or more chromEnd position less than 0.");
# Make sure in genomic data all chromosome start positions
# are smaller than their paired chromosome end positions
# ========================================================
startPos <- as.numeric([, theCol+1]);
endPos <- as.numeric([, theCol+2]);
stop("\nOne or more chromStart greater than chromEnd.\n");
# Make sure chromosome start and end locations in genomic
# data are not out of chromosome length
# ========================================================
startCol <- theCol + 1;
if(genomic.columns == 3) {
endCol <- startCol + 1;
} else { endCol <- startCol; }
for(aChr in seq_len(length(dataChroms)))
theChr <- dataChroms[aChr];
inData <-[[,theCol] == theChr,];
# Be careful for the cases of grep("1", "1") and ("1", "12")
# ===========================================================
cytoData <- RCircos.Cyto[grep(paste(theChr, "$", sep=""),
if(max(inData[, startCol]) > max(cytoData[,3]) ||
max(inData[, endCol]) > max(cytoData[,3]))
stop("One or more genomic position in plot data is\n",
"outside of chromosome length for ", theChr, ".\n");
# ========================================================================
# 2. RCircos.Get.Single.Point.Positions()
# Convert input genomic data to plot data by adding x and y coordinates
# for each row of a data set. A set of points for a circle is held in the
# RCircos session. We only need the index of the point for each chromosome
# position
# Auguments:
# A data frame contains genomic positions (at least
# two or three columns for chromosome names, start
# and/or end positions). It does not need to be sorted.
# genomic.columns: Non-negative integer, total number of columns for
# genomic position (chromosome name, start and/or end
# position).
# Returned value: A data frame same as input but with a new column
# for index of plot positions on circular line.
# Example: data(RCircos.Heatmap.Data)
# Last revised on July 6, 2015
RCircos.Get.Single.Point.Positions <- function(,
stop("Missing in RCircos.Get.Track.Plot.Position().\n");
# Check chromosome names, chromStart, and chromEnd positions,
# if failed, function will exit here. No more processing.
# ==========================================================
RCircos.Validate.Genomic.Data(, "plot", genomic.columns);
# Calculate the point index for each chromosome location. If both
# start and end positions are defined, the location will be in the
# mid of start and end positions
# _______________________________________________________________
# xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
dataPoints <- rep(0, nrow(;
if(genomic.columns == 3) {
location <- round(([, 2] +[, 3])/2,
} else if(genomic.columns == 2) {
location <- as.numeric([, 2]);
} else { stop("Incorrect genomic column numbers.\n"); }
for(aRow in seq_len(nrow(
chromosome <- as.character([aRow, 1]);
dataPoints[aRow] <- RCircos.Data.Point(chromosome, location[aRow]);
}["Location"] <- dataPoints;
# Sort the data by plot position
# ===============================================
# <-[order($Location),];
# The data needs to be held for the RCircos session
# =================================================
return (;
# ========================================================================
# 3. RCircos.Get.Paired.Points.Positions()
# Convert genomic link data to plot data by adding two columns for start
# and end plot positions as start and end of link line/ribbon/hLine. A
# set of points for a circle is held in the RCircos session. We only need
# the index of the point for each chromosome position.
# Auguments:
# A data frame contains paired genomic positions (
# chromosome names, start and end positions). The
# data does not need to be sorted.
# genomic.columns: Non-negative integer, total number of columns for
# genomic position (chromosome name, start and/or
# end position).
# plot.type: Chraracter vector, either "link", "ribbon", "pLink",
# "polygon", or "tile",
# Returned value: A data frame same as input but with two new columns
# for index of plot positions on circular line.
# Example: data(RCircos.Heatmap.Data)
# linkData<-RCircos.Get.Paired.Points.Positions(RCircos.Link.Data,
# genomic.columns=3, plot.type="link")
# Last revised on June 29, 2015
RCircos.Get.Paired.Points.Positions <- function(,
plot.type=c("link", "ribbon", "pLink", "polygon", "tile"))
if(is.null( || is.null(plot.type))
stop("Missing or plot.type in ",
# Calculate the point index for each chromosome location
# _______________________________________________________________
# xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
linkStart <- rep(0, nrow(;
linkEnd <- rep(0, nrow(;
startChrCol <- 1;
startPosCol <- 2;
# Plot types are "pLink", "polygon", "tile", which need two points
# on same chromosome. The first point uses start position and the
# second point uses the end position.
supportedTypes <- RCircos.Get.Supported.Plot.Types();
if(plot.type %in% supportedTypes[3:5])
if(genomic.columns != 3)
stop("Incorrect column number for genomic position.\n");
RCircos.Validate.Genomic.Data(, "plot", genomic.columns);
endChrCol <- 1; endPosCol <- 3;
# plot types are "link" and "ribbon" which need two points but not
# necessarily be on same chromosome. Position columns could be 2
# and 4 or 2 and 5.
} else if(plot.type %in% supportedTypes[1:2]){
if(genomic.columns == 2) {
endChrCol <- 3; endPosCol <- 4;
} else if(genomic.columns == 3){
endChrCol <- 4; endPosCol <- 5;
} else { stop("Incorrect number for genomic position.\n"); }
RCircos.Validate.Genomic.Data(, "link", genomic.columns);
} else { stop("Incorrect plot type for paired positions."); }
for(aRow in seq_len(nrow(
chromosome <- as.character([aRow, startChrCol]);
location <- as.numeric([aRow, startPosCol]);
linkStart[aRow] <- RCircos.Data.Point(chromosome, location);
chromosome <- as.character([aRow, endChrCol]);
location <- as.numeric([aRow, endPosCol]);
linkEnd[aRow] <- RCircos.Data.Point(chromosome, location);
}["LinkStart"] <- linkStart;["LinkEnd"] <- linkEnd;
# Sort the data by plot position
# ===============================================
# <-[order($LinkStart),];
# The data needs to be held for the RCircos session
# =================================================
return (;
# ========================================================================
# 4. RCircos.Multiple.Species.Dataset()
# Combine and modify the chromosome names in multiple species datasets to
# match the chromosomes in multiple species cytoband data
# Arguments:
# data.list: List of genomic data from multiple species
# species: Character vector for prefix of chromosome names to
# identify different species
# Note: The order of each dataset in data list and species in
# species list must match.
# Return value: A data frame contain all data in the input data list with
# chromosome names modified
# Example: dataSets <- list(,
# species.list <- c("m", "r")
# dataset <- RCircos.Get.Multiple.Species.Dataset(dataSets,
# species.list)
RCircos.Multiple.Species.Dataset <- function(data.list, species)
# Number of datasets and species must be same
# ===========================================
if(length(data.list) != length(species))
{ stop("Error! Number of datasets and species must be same") }
# Modify chromosome names in each dataset then combine them as one
# ================================================================
numOfData <- length(data.list);
numOfColumns <- ncol(data.frame(data.list[1]));
for(aData in seq_len(numOfData))
dataset <- data.frame(data.list[aData]);
prefix <- species[aData];
# Number of columns of each dataset must be same
# ==============================================
if(ncol(dataset)!= numOfColumns)
{ stop("Error! Datasets have different columns.") }
dataset[,1] <- paste(prefix, dataset[,1], sep="")
if(aData==1) {
newData <- dataset;
} else { newData <- rbind(newData, dataset) }
return (newData);
# =========================================================================
# 5. RCircos.Sort.Genomic.Data()
# Sort genomics/ideogram data. The order of chromosome names should be
# numeric names (integers or Roman numbers) first then character names.
# If chromosome names are all characters alphabets order will be used. This
# function could be used before RCircos plot.
# Argument:
# A data frame with the first three columns for
# chromosome names, start and end positions. If it is
# ideogram data, next two columns must be band names,
# and Giemsa stain status
# is.ideo: Logic, if the data is ideogram or not
# Return value: The input data ordered by chromosome names then start
# positions
# Example: ideogram <- RCircos.Sort.Genomic.Data(, TURE);
# <- RCircos.Sort.Genomic.Data(, FALSE);
# Last debugged on June 27, 2015
RCircos.Sort.Genomic.Data <- function(, is.ideo=FALSE)
stop("Missing argument in RCircos.Sort.Genomic.Data().\n");
stop("Input data must be in data frame.\n");
# Check out the ideogram data since this function could
# be called before RCircos core component initialization
if(is.ideo) {
if( ncol( <5 ) {
stop( paste("Cytoband data must have columns for Chromosome,",
"ChromStart, ChromEnd, Band, Stain\n",
"Current columns:", ncol(;
} else {
colnames([1:5] <- c("Chromosome", "ChromStart",
"ChromEnd", "Band", "Stain");
} else {
if( ncol( < 2 )
stop("Genomic data must have two or more columns.\n");
colnames([1:2] <- c("Chromosome", "ChromStart");
# Get chromosome order
# ========================================================
chromosomes <- unique($Chromosome);
chromosomes <- RCircos.Get.Chromosome.Order(chromosomes);
# Reconstruct ideogram data and sort by chromStart for
# each chromosome
# =====================================================
rows <- which($Chromosome %in% chromosomes[1]);
sortedData <-[rows, ];
sortedData <- sortedData[order(sortedData$ChromStart), ];
for(aChr in seq_len(length(chromosomes))[-1])
rows <- which($Chromosome %in% chromosomes[aChr]);
theData <-[rows, ];
theData <- theData[order(theData$ChromStart), ];
sortedData <- rbind(sortedData, theData);
return (sortedData);
# =========================================================================
# 6. RCircos.Get.Data.Point.Height()
# Calculate data point height inside a plot track such as scatter location,
# top or bottom location of a bar, layer of a tile or parallel link line.
# Note: if user does not provide min.value and max.value, the smallest value
# in data will be plot on the bottom border of data track and the highest one
# will be on the top border of data track.
# Argument:
# plot.values: Numeric, the data to be plotted on a data track
# min.value: Numeric, the minimum value of data range
# max.value: Numeric, the maximum value of data range
# plot.type: Character vector, plot type, valid values are
# "bar", "histogram", "uniform", or "points"
# height.range: Non-negative numeric, height of plot track
# Return value: Numeric vector with values between 0 ~ 1
# Example: data.values <- runif(1000, -4, 11)
# data.height <- RCircos.Get.Data.Point.Height(data.values,
# min.value=-4, max.value=14, plot.type="point",
# height.range=NULL)
RCircos.Get.Data.Point.Height <- function(plot.values=NULL, min.value=NULL,
max.value=NULL, plot.type=NULL, track.height=NULL)
if(is.null(plot.values) || is.null(plot.type))
stop("Missing argument in RCircos.Get.Data.Point.Height().\n");
if(!is.vector(plot.values) || !is.numeric(plot.values))
stop("Plot values must be in a numeric vector.\n");
supportedTypes <- RCircos.Get.Supported.Plot.Types();
if(!plot.type %in% supportedTypes[c(3, 8, 9, 10, 12)])
stop("The plot type has no height property.\n");
# If height.range is not defined from customized track
# height, use track height for height range base.
# ===================================================
if(is.null(track.height)) {
RCircos.Par <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Parameters();
track.height <- RCircos.Par$track.height;
# when plot values is between 0 and 1. No converting needed.
# =========================================================
if(min(plot.values) >= 0 && max(plot.values) <= 1) {
dataHeight <- plot.values*track.height;
# Converting plot values to ratios to track.height
# ===========================================================
} else {
if(is.null(min.value) || is.null(max.value)) {
min.value <- min(plot.values);
max.value <- max(plot.values);
} else {
if(is.numeric(min.value) == FALSE ||
is.numeric(max.value) == FALSE ||
length(min.value) > 1 || length(max.value) > 1)
stop("Values for data height must be one numeric value.\n");
outliers <- which(plot.values > max.value);
if(length(outliers) > 0 ) plot.values[outliers] <- max.value;
outliers <- which(plot.values < min.value);
if(length(outliers) > 0 ) plot.values[outliers] <- min.value;
dataScale <- max.value - min.value;
dataHeight <- (plot.values-min.value)/dataScale*track.height;
return (dataHeight);
# ===========================================================================
# 7. RCircos.Get.Plot.Layers()
# Check out overlaps between different genomic positions on same chromosome
# and get layer numbers for each line
# Argument:
# A data frame with genomic positions (chromosomes,
# start and end positions) and the positions should
# be already validated and sorted by chromosome then
# start position.
# genomic.columns: Non-negative integer, total number of columns for
# genomic positions.
# Return value: A non-negative integer vector with length same as the
# total rows of input data
# Example: data(RCircos.Tile.Data)
# layers <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Layers(RCircos.Tile.Data, 3);
RCircos.Get.Plot.Layers <- function(, genomic.columns=NULL)
stop("Missing argument in RCircos.Check.Position.Overlaps().\n");
if(is.null(genomic.columns) || genomic.columns != 3)
stop("Start and end position are needed for layer assignment.\n");
theLayer <- 1;
theChr <- as.character([1, 1]);
theStart <- as.numeric([1, 2]);
theEnd <- as.numeric([1, 3]);
segLayers <- rep(1, nrow(;
for(aRow in seq_len(nrow([-1])
# Meet a new region without overlap with previous or
# a different chromosome, reset relevant variables
# ==================================================
if ([aRow, 2] >= theEnd ) {
theLayer <- 1;
theStart <-[aRow, 2];
theEnd <-[aRow, 3];
} else if ([aRow, 1] != theChr) {
theLayer <- 1;
theChr <-[aRow, 1];
theStart <-[aRow, 2];
theEnd <-[aRow, 3];
} else {
theLayer <- theLayer + 1;
if([aRow, 3] > theEnd)
{ theEnd <-[aRow, 3]; }
segLayers[aRow] <- theLayer;
# End of RCircosGenomicData.R
# ________________________________________________________________________
# <RCircos><RCircos><RCircos><RCircos><RCircos><RCircos><RCircos><RCircos>
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