
Defines functions LightResponseCurveFitter_computeLRCGradient LightResponseCurveFitter_predictGPP LightResponseCurveFitter_predictLRC LightResponseCurveFitter_computeCost LightResponseCurveFitter_optimLRC LightResponseCurveFitter_isParameterInBounds LightResponseCurveFitter_optimLRCOnAdjustedPrior LightResponseCurveFitter_getOptimizedParameterPositions LightResponseCurveFitter_optimLRCBounds LightResponseCurveFitter_getParameterInitials LightResponseCurveFitter_getPriorScale LightResponseCurveFitter_getPriorLocation LightResponseCurveFitter_fitLRC LightResponseCurveFitter_getParameterNames

Documented in LightResponseCurveFitter_computeCost LightResponseCurveFitter_computeLRCGradient LightResponseCurveFitter_fitLRC LightResponseCurveFitter_getOptimizedParameterPositions LightResponseCurveFitter_getParameterInitials LightResponseCurveFitter_getParameterNames LightResponseCurveFitter_getPriorLocation LightResponseCurveFitter_getPriorScale LightResponseCurveFitter_isParameterInBounds LightResponseCurveFitter_optimLRC LightResponseCurveFitter_optimLRCBounds LightResponseCurveFitter_optimLRCOnAdjustedPrior LightResponseCurveFitter_predictGPP LightResponseCurveFitter_predictLRC

#' R5 reference parent class for describing the NEP ~ PAR relationship
#' @import methods
#' @export LightResponseCurveFitter
#' @exportClass LightResponseCurveFitter
LightResponseCurveFitter <- setRefClass('LightResponseCurveFitter')

#' @export
LightResponseCurveFitter_getParameterNames <- function(
	### return the parameter names used by this Light Response Curve Function
) {
	# if this method is adjusted in subclass
	# , then also adjust getPriorLocation, getPriorScale
	##value<< string vector of parameter names. Positions are important.
	c(k = "k"						##<< VPD effect
	, beta = "beta"				##<< saturation of GPP at high radiation
	, alpha = "alpha"				##<< initial slope
	, RRef = "RRef"				##<< basal respiration (units of provided NEE,
	  ## usually mumol CO2 m-^-2 s^-2)
	, E0 = "E0")					##<< temperature sensitivity estimated
    ## from night-time data (K)
LightResponseCurveFitter$methods(getParameterNames =

#' @export
LightResponseCurveFitter_fitLRC <- function(
		### Optimize rectangular hyperbolic light response curve in one window
		dsDay		##<< data.frame with columns NEE, Rg, Temp_C, VPD, and no NAs in NEE
		, E0		##<< temperature sensitivity of respiration
		, sdE0				##<< standard deviation of E_0.n
		, RRefNight			##<< basal respiration estimated from night time data
		, controlGLPart = partGLControl()	##<< further default parameters
		  ## (see \code{\link{partGLControl}})
		, lastGoodParameters = rep(NA_real_, 7L)	##<< numeric vector returned
		  ## by last reasonable fit
) {
	##author<< TW, MM
	##seealso<< \code{partGLFitLRCWindows}
	# Definition of initial guess theta, theta2 and theta3.
	#Three initial guess vectors are defined according to Lasslop et al., 2010
	parNames <- .self$getParameterNames()  	# hook method from derived classes
	nPar <- length(parNames)
	## Optimization is performed for three initial parameter sets that differ
	## by \code{beta0 (* 1.3, * 0.8)}.
	## From those three, the optimization result is selected that yielded
	## the lowest misfit.
	## Starting values are: \code{k = 0},
	## \code{beta = interpercentileRange(0.03, 0.97)} of
	## respiration, \code{alpha = 0.1}, \code{R_ref}
	## from nightTime estimate.
	## \code{E0} is fixed to the night-time estimate, but varies for estimating
	## parameter uncertainty.
	parameterPrior <-  .self$getPriorLocation(dsDay$NEE, RRefNight = RRefNight
	                                                                  , E0 = E0)
	thetaInitials <- .self$getParameterInitials(parameterPrior)
	##seealso<< \code{\link{LightResponseCurveFitter_optimLRCBounds}}
	resOpt3 <- apply(thetaInitials, 1, function(theta0) {
				resOpt <- .self$optimLRCBounds(theta0, parameterPrior, dsDay = dsDay
				  , ctrl = controlGLPart
					, lastGoodParameters = lastGoodParameters)
	iValid <- which(sapply(resOpt3, function(resOpt) { is.finite(resOpt$theta[1]) }))
	resOpt3Valid <- resOpt3[iValid]
	optSSE <- sapply(resOpt3Valid, "[[", "value")
	getNAResult <- function(convergenceCode) {
				thetaOpt = structure(rep(NA_real_, nPar), names = colnames(thetaInitials) )
				, iOpt = integer(0)			##<< index of parameters that have been optimized
				, thetaInitialGuess =			##<< the initial guess from data
						thetaInitials[1, ]
				, covParms = matrix(NA_real_, nPar, nPar, dimnames = list(
				    colnames(thetaInitials), colnames(thetaInitials)))
				, convergence = convergenceCode
	if (sum(!is.na(optSSE)) == 0L) {
		return(getNAResult(resOpt3[[1]]$convergence) )
	} else {
		resOpt <- resOpt3Valid[[iBest <- which.min(optSSE)]] # select lowest cost
		thetaOpt<- resOpt$theta
		if (controlGLPart$nBootUncertainty == 0L) {
			##details<< If \code{controlGLPart$nBootUncertainty == 0L} then the
			## covariance matrix of the
			## parameters is estimated by the Hessian of the LRC curve at optimum.
			## Then, the additional uncertainty and covariance with uncertainty E0
			## is neglected.
			#seParmsHess <- seParmsHess0 <- sqrt(abs(diag(solve(resOpt$hessian))))
		  covParmsLRC <- try(if ( (resOpt$hessian[1L, 1L] < 1e-8) ) {
		    # case where k = 0 and not varying: cov(k, :) = cov(:, ) = 0
		    covParmsLRC <- structure(diag(0, nrow = nrow(resOpt$hessian))
		                             , dimnames = dimnames(resOpt$hessian))
		    covParmsLRC[-1L, -1L] <- solve(resOpt$hessian[-1L, -1L])
		  } else {
		  }, silent = TRUE)
		  if (inherits(covParmsLRC, "try-error")) {
		    return(getNAResult(1006L)) # count not invert the Hessian
		  covParms <- structure(diag(0, nrow = length(resOpt$theta))
			                      , dimnames = list(parNames, parNames))
			covParms[5L, 5L] <- sdE0^2
			covParms[resOpt$iOpt, resOpt$iOpt] <- covParmsLRC
			if (any(diag(covParms) < 0)) {
				#ggplot(dsDay, aes(Rg, -NEE, color = Temp)) + geom_point()
				return(getNAResult(1005L) )
		} else {
			## If \code{controlGLPart.l$nBootUncertainty > 0L} then the
			## covariance matrix of the
			## parameters is estimated by a bootstrap of the data.
			## In each draw, E0 is drawn from N ~ (E_0, sdE_0).
			# #seealso<< \code{\link{.bootStrapLRCFit}}
			resBoot  <- .bootStrapLRCFit(resOpt$theta, resOpt$iOpt, dsDay, sdE0
			                     , parameterPrior, controlGLPart, lrcFitter = .self)
			iFiniteRows <- which(is.finite(resBoot[, 1L]))
			##details<< If there are no estimates for more than 20% of the
			## bootstrapped samples
			## The an NA-result with convergence code 1001L is returned.
			if (length(iFiniteRows)  < 0.8 * nrow(resBoot))
				return(getNAResult(1001L) )
			covParms <- cov(resBoot[iFiniteRows, ])
			if (covParms[2, 2] < 1e-8) getNAResult(1004L)
	# further parameter checking after parameter uncertainty has been computed
	# (before here, other parameter checking is done in optimLRCBounds)
	sdTheta <- thetaOpt; sdTheta[] <- NA
	sdTheta[resOpt$iOpt] <- sqrt(diag(covParms)[resOpt$iOpt])
	if (!.self$isParameterInBounds(thetaOpt, sdTheta, RRefNight = RRefNight
	                                  , ctrl = controlGLPart) )
	# debugging: tracing specific LRC fits:
	##value<< a list, If none of the optimizations from different starting
	## conditions converged, the parameters are NA.
	ans <- list(
			thetaOpt = thetaOpt			##<< numeric vector of optimized parameters
			  ## including the fixed ones and E0
			, iOpt = c(resOpt$iOpt, 5L)		##<< index of parameters that have been
			  ## optimized, here including E0, which has been optimized prior to
			  ## this function.
			, thetaInitialGuess =			##<< the initial guess from data
					thetaInitials[1, ]
			, covParms = covParms			##<< numeric matrix of the covariance matrix
			  ## of parameters, including E0
			, convergence = resOpt$convergence	##<< integer code specifying
			  ## convergence problems: \\
				## 0: good convergence \\
				## , 1-1000: see \code{\link{optim}} \\
				## , 1001: too few bootstraps converged \\
				## , 1002: fitted parameters were outside reasonable bounds \\
				## , 1003: too few valid records in window \\
				## , 1004: near zero covariance in bootstrap indicating bad fit \\
				## , 1005: covariance from curvature of fit yielded negative variances
				##              indicating bad fit \\
				## , 1006: prediction of highest PAR in window was far from saturation
				##               indicating insufficient data to constrain LRC \\
				## , 1010: no temperature-respiration relationship found \\
				## , 1011: too few valid records in window
				##              (from different location: partGLFitLRCOneWindow) \\
LightResponseCurveFitter$methods(fitLRC = LightResponseCurveFitter_fitLRC)

#' @export
LightResponseCurveFitter_getPriorLocation <- function(
		### return the prior distribution of parameters
		NEEDay 		##<< numeric vector of daytime NEE
		, RRefNight	##<< numeric scalar of basal respiration estimated
		  ## from night-time data
		, E0			##<< numeric scalar of night-time estimate of temperature sensitivity
) {
	##value<< a numeric vector with prior estimates of the parameters
	parameterPrior <- c(
			k = 0.05
			#, beta = as.vector(abs(quantile(NEEDay, 0.03)-quantile(NEEDay, 0.97)))
			, beta = as.vector(abs(quantile(NEEDay, 0.03, na.rm = TRUE) -
			                         quantile(NEEDay, 0.97, na.rm = TRUE)))
			, alpha = 0.1
			#, RRef = mean(NEENight.V.n, na.rm = T)
			, RRef = if (is.finite(RRefNight) ) as.vector(RRefNight) else stop(
			  "must provide finite RRefNight") #mean(NEENight.V.n, na.rm = T)
			, E0 = as.vector(E0)
LightResponseCurveFitter$methods(getPriorLocation =

#' @export
LightResponseCurveFitter_getPriorScale <- function(
		### return the prior distribution of parameters
		thetaPrior 	##<< numeric vector of location of priors
		, medianRelFluxUncertainty	##<< numeric scalar: median across the
		  ## relative uncertainty of the flux values, i.e. sdNEE / NEE
		, nRec		##<< integer scalar: number of finite observations
		, ctrl		##<< list of further controls, with entry
		  ## \code{isLasslopPriorsApplied}
) {
	##value<< a numeric vector with prior estimates of the parameters
	sdParameterPrior <- if (ctrl$isLasslopPriorsApplied) {
	      #twutz: changed to no prior for logitconv
				c(k = 50, beta = 600, alpha = 10, RRef = 80, E0 = NA)
			} else {
				##details<< The beta parameter is quite well defined. Hence use a prior with
				##a standard deviation. The specific results are sometimes a bit sensitive
				##to the uncertainty of the beta prior. This uncertainty is set
				##corresponding to 20 times the median relative flux uncertainty. The prior
				##is weighted n times the observations in the cost. Hence, overall it is
				##using a weight of 1 / 20 of the weight of all observations.
				##However, its not well defined if PAR does not reach saturation. Need to
				##check before applying this prior
				sdBetaPrior <- 20 * medianRelFluxUncertainty * thetaPrior[2] / sqrt(nRec)
				c(k = NA, beta = as.vector(sdBetaPrior), alpha = NA, RRef = NA, E0 = NA)
LightResponseCurveFitter$methods(getPriorScale = LightResponseCurveFitter_getPriorScale)

#' @export
LightResponseCurveFitter_getParameterInitials <- function(
		### return the prior distribution of parameters
		thetaPrior 	##<< numeric vector prior estimate of parameters
) {
	# only beta (second parameter)  is varied between different initial guesses
	##value<< a numeric matrix (3, nPar) of initial values for fitting parameters
	thetaInitials <- matrix(rep(thetaPrior, each = 3), 3, length(thetaPrior)
	                        , dimnames = list(NULL, names(thetaPrior)))
	thetaInitials [2, 2] <- thetaPrior[2] * 1.3
	thetaInitials [3, 2] <- thetaPrior[2] * 0.8
LightResponseCurveFitter$methods(getParameterInitials =

#' @export
LightResponseCurveFitter_optimLRCBounds <- function(
		### Optimize parameters with refitting with some fixed parameters if outside bounds
		theta0			##<< initial parameter estimate
		, parameterPrior	##<< prior estimate of model parameters
		, ...			  ##<< further parameters to \code{.optimLRC},
		, dsDay     ##<< argument to \code{.optimLRC}, here checked
		## for occurrence of high VPD
		, lastGoodParameters ##<< parameters vector of last successful fit
		, ctrl					##<< list of further controls, such as
		  ## \code{isNeglectVPDEffect = TRUE}
) {
	##author<< TW, MM
	##seealso<< \code{\link{LightResponseCurveFitter_fitLRC}}
	# twutz 161014: default alpha
	if (!is.finite(lastGoodParameters[3L]) ) lastGoodParameters[3L] <- 0.22
	isNeglectVPDEffect <- isTRUE(ctrl$isNeglectVPDEffect)
	VPD0 = 10 			##<< VPD0 [hPa] -> Parameters VPD0 fixed to 10 hPa
	## according to Lasslop et al 2010
	isUsingFixedVPD <- isNeglectVPDEffect ||
	  (sum(dsDay$VPD >= VPD0, na.rm = TRUE) == 0)
	isUsingFixedAlpha <- FALSE
	getIOpt <- .self$getOptimizedParameterPositions
	theta0Adj <- theta0	# initial estimate with some parameters adjusted to bounds
	if (isNeglectVPDEffect) theta0Adj[1] <- 0
	resOpt <- resOpt0 <- .self$optimLRCOnAdjustedPrior(theta0Adj, iOpt =
        getIOpt(isUsingFixedVPD, isUsingFixedAlpha)
        , parameterPrior = parameterPrior, ctrl, dsDay = dsDay, ...)
	## If parameters alpha or k are outside bounds (Table A1 in Lasslop 2010),
	## refit with some parameters fixed
	## to values from fit of previous window.
	#dsDay <- list(ctrl, ...)$dsDay
	if (is.na(resOpt$theta[1L]) || (resOpt$theta[1L] < 0) ) { #k
		isUsingFixedVPD <- TRUE
		theta0Adj[1L] <- 0
		resOpt <- .self$optimLRCOnAdjustedPrior(theta0Adj, iOpt = getIOpt(
		    isUsingFixedVPD, isUsingFixedAlpha)
		    , parameterPrior = parameterPrior, ctrl, dsDay = dsDay, ...)
		# check alpha, in case refit with fixed alpha of last window
		if ( (is.na(resOpt$theta[3L]) || (resOpt$theta[3L] > 0.22)) &&
		     is.finite(lastGoodParameters[3L]) ) {
			isUsingFixedAlpha <- TRUE
			theta0Adj[3L] <- lastGoodParameters[3L]
			resOpt <- .self$optimLRCOnAdjustedPrior(theta0Adj, iOpt = getIOpt(
			  isUsingFixedVPD, isUsingFixedAlpha)
			  , parameterPrior = parameterPrior, ctrl, dsDay = dsDay, ...)
	} else {
		# check alpha, if gt 0.22 estimate parameters with fixed alpha of last window
		# if not last window exists, let alpha > 0.22
		if ( (is.na(resOpt$theta[3L]) || (resOpt$theta[3L] > 0.22))
		     && is.finite(lastGoodParameters[3L]) ) {
			isUsingFixedAlpha <- TRUE
			theta0Adj[3L] <- lastGoodParameters[3L]
			resOpt <- .self$optimLRCOnAdjustedPrior(theta0Adj, iOpt = getIOpt(
			    isUsingFixedVPD, isUsingFixedAlpha)
				, parameterPrior = parameterPrior, ctrl, dsDay = dsDay, ...)
			# check k, if less than zero estimate parameters without VPD effect
			# and with fixed alpha of last window
			if (is.na(resOpt$theta[1L]) || (resOpt$theta[1L] < 0)) {
				isUsingFixedVPD <- TRUE
				theta0Adj[1L] <- 0
				resOpt <- .self$optimLRCOnAdjustedPrior(theta0Adj, iOpt = getIOpt(
				  isUsingFixedVPD, isUsingFixedAlpha)
				  , parameterPrior = parameterPrior, ctrl, dsDay = dsDay, ...)
	## No parameters are reported if alpha<0 or RRef < 0 or beta0 < 0
	## or beta0 > 250
	# positions in theta0: "k"     "beta0" "alpha"  "RRef"    "E0"
	if (resOpt$convergence != 0) {
		resOpt$theta <- NA
	if (!is.na(resOpt$theta[1L]) && ((resOpt$theta[3L] < 0) ||
	    (resOpt$theta[4L] < 0) || (resOpt$theta[2L] < 0) ||
	    (resOpt$theta[2L] >= 250))
	) {
		# TODO estimate RRef from daytime data?
		#stop("case with alpha or beta < 0")
		resOpt$theta[] <- NA
		resOpt$convergence <- 1002
	## Not parameters are reported if the data did not contain records that
	## are near light saturation.
	## This is checked by comparing the prediction at highest PAR with the
	## beta parameter
	if (is.finite(resOpt$theta[1]) & !isTRUE(ctrl$isUsingLasslopQualityConstraints) &
	) {
		dsDay <- list(...)$dsDay
		iMaxRg <- which.max(dsDay$Rg)
		dsDayMax <- dsDay[iMaxRg, ,drop = FALSE]
		# compute prediction at maximum observed PAR and and PAR = 2000 and
		# compare how close its to saturation
		predMaxGPP <- .self$predictLRC(theta = resOpt$theta,
				, Rg = c(dsDayMax$Rg, 2000)
				, VPD = 0 #dsDayMax$VPD
				, Temp = NA#dsDayMax$Temp
				#, VPD0 = 10 			# TODO: think of providing VPD0 and TRef to function
				#, TRef = 15
		if (predMaxGPP[1] < ctrl$minPropSaturation * predMaxGPP[2]) {
			#plot(-NEE ~ Rg, dsDay)
			resOpt$theta[] <- NA
			resOpt$convergence <- 1006
	# Further checks are done, after parameter uncertainty has been determined,
	# by call from fitLRC to isParameterInBounds
	##value<< list result of optimization as of
	## \code{\link{LightResponseCurveFitter_optimLRCOnAdjustedPrior}} with entries
	## \item{theta}{ numeric parameter vector that includes the fixed components}
	## \item{iOpt}{ integer vector of indices of the vector that have been optimized}
	## \item{convergence}{ scalar integer indicating bad conditions on fitting
	## (see \code{\link{LightResponseCurveFitter_fitLRC}}) }
LightResponseCurveFitter$methods(optimLRCBounds =

#' @export
LightResponseCurveFitter_getOptimizedParameterPositions <- function(
		### get the positions of the parameters to optimize for given Fixed
		isUsingFixedVPD			##<< boolean scalar: if TRUE,
		  ## VPD effect set to zero and is not optimized
		, isUsingFixedAlpha		##<< boolean scalar: if TRUE,
		  ## initial slope is fixed and is not optimized
) {
	##details<< If subclasses extend the parameter vector, they need
	## to override this method.
	iOpt <-
			if (!isUsingFixedVPD & !isUsingFixedAlpha) c(1:4) else
			if ( isUsingFixedVPD & !isUsingFixedAlpha) 2:4 else
			if (!isUsingFixedVPD &  isUsingFixedAlpha) c(1L, 2L, 4L) else
			if ( isUsingFixedVPD &  isUsingFixedAlpha) c(2L, 4L)
	##value<< integer vector of positions in parameter vector
LightResponseCurveFitter$methods(getOptimizedParameterPositions =

#' @export
LightResponseCurveFitter_optimLRCOnAdjustedPrior = function(
		### Lower bound flux uncertainty and adjust prior uncertainty before calling optimLRC
		theta  					##<< numeric vector of starting values
		, iOpt					##<< integer vector: positions of subset of parameters
		## that are optimized
		, dsDay					##<< dataframe of NEE, sdNEE and predictors Rg, VPD and Temp
		, parameterPrior		##<< numeric vector of prior parameter estimates
		## (corresponding to theta) # TODO rename to thetaPrior
		, ctrl					##<< list of further controls
		, ...					##<< further arguments to
		## \code{\link{LightResponseCurveFitter_optimLRC}}
		## (passed to \code{\link{LightResponseCurveFitter_computeCost}})
) {
  if (!all(is.finite(theta))) stop("need to provide finite starting values.")
  ## Only those records are used for optimization where both NEE
  ## and sdNEE are finite.
  ## In larger settings, already filtered at
  dsDayFinite <- dsDay[is.finite(dsDay$NEE) & is.finite(dsDay$sdNEE), ]
  if (nrow(dsDayFinite) < ctrl$minNRecInDayWindow) {
    stop("inspect too few records, should be already filtered "
         ,"in partGLFitLRCOneWindow")
      theta = {theta[] <- NA; theta}
      , iOpt = integer(0)
      , convergence = 1003L
  ##details<< Optimization of LRC parameters takes into account the uncertainty
  ##of the flux values. In order to avoid very strong leverage, values with a
  ##very low uncertainty (< a lower quantile) are assigned the lower quantile is
  ##assigned. This procedure downweighs records with a high uncertainty, but does
  ##not apply a large leverage for records with a very low uncertainty. Avoid
  ##this correction by setting \code{ctrl$isBoundLowerNEEUncertainty =
  minUnc <- quantile(dsDayFinite$sdNEE, 0.3)
  if (minUnc == 0) stop(
    "Too many zeros in uncertainty of NEE.",
    " This cannot be handled in daytime partitioning.")
  Fc_unc <- if (isTRUE(ctrl$isBoundLowerNEEUncertainty) ) {
    #twutz: avoid excessive weights by small uncertainties (of 1 / unc^2)
    pmax(dsDayFinite$sdNEE, minUnc )
  } else {
  #plot(Fc_unc ~ dsDayFinite$sdNEE)
  medianRelFluxUncertainty <- abs(median(Fc_unc / dsDayFinite$NEE))
  ## The uncertainty of the prior, that maybe derived from fluxes)  is allowed to
  ## adapt to the uncertainty of the fluxes.
  ## This is done in \code{link{LightResponseCurveFitter_getPriorScale}}
  sdParameterPrior <- .self$getPriorScale(parameterPrior, medianRelFluxUncertainty
                                          , nrow(dsDayFinite), ctrl = ctrl)
  sdParameterPrior[-iOpt] <- NA
  isUsingHessian <- (ctrl$nBootUncertainty == 0L)
                 , iOpt = iOpt
                 , flux = -dsDayFinite$NEE
                 , sdFlux = Fc_unc
                 , sdParameterPrior = sdParameterPrior
                 , parameterPrior = parameterPrior
                 , Rg = dsDayFinite$Rg
                 , VPD = dsDayFinite$VPD
                 , Temp = dsDayFinite$Temp
                 , isUsingHessian = isUsingHessian
                 , ctrl = ctrl
  ##value<< result of \code{\link{LightResponseCurveFitter_optimLRC}} with
  ## items theta, iOpt and convergence
LightResponseCurveFitter$methods(optimLRCOnAdjustedPrior =

#' @export
LightResponseCurveFitter_isParameterInBounds <- function(
  ### Check if estimated parameter vector is within reasonable bounds
  theta					##<< estimate of parameter
		, sdTheta			##<< estimate of uncertainty of the parameter
		, RRefNight		##<< numeric scalar: night-time based estimate of
		  ## basal respiration
		, ctrl				##<< list of further controls
) {
	##author<< TW, MM
	##details<< check the Beta bounds that depend on uncertainty:
	## outside if (beta > 100 and sdBeta >= beta)
	if (!is.finite(theta[2]) ) return(FALSE)
	if (isTRUE(as.vector( (theta[2] > 100) && (sdTheta[2] >= theta[2]) )))
	##value<< FALSE if parameters are outside reasonable bounds, TRUE otherwise
LightResponseCurveFitter$methods(isParameterInBounds =

#' @export
LightResponseCurveFitter_optimLRC <- function(
		### call the optimization function
		theta				  ##<< numeric vector: starting parameters
		, iOpt				##<< integer vector: positions of parameters to optimize
		, sdParameterPrior	##<< numeric vector: prior uncertainty
		, ...				  ##<< further arguments to the cost function
		, ctrl				##<< list of further controls
		, isUsingHessian	##<< scalar boolean: set to TRUE to compute
		  ## Hessian at optimum
) {
	thetaOrig <- theta
	resOptim <- optim(thetaOrig[iOpt], .self$computeCost
			#resOptim <- optim(theta, .partGLRHLightResponseCost
			#tmp <- .partGLRHLightResponseCost(theta[iOpt]
			, theta = thetaOrig
			, iOpt = iOpt
			, sdParameterPrior = sdParameterPrior
			, ...
			, control = list(reltol = ctrl$LRCFitConvergenceTolerance)
			, method = "BFGS", hessian = isUsingHessian)
	## list of result of \code{\link{optim}} amended with list
	thetaOpt <- theta; thetaOpt[iOpt] <- resOptim$par
	ans <- list(
			theta = thetaOpt	##<< numeric vector: optimized parameter
			  ## vector including the fixed components
			, iOpt = iOpt		##<< integer vector: position of
			  ## parameters that have been optimized
	c(resOptim, ans)
LightResponseCurveFitter$methods(optimLRC = LightResponseCurveFitter_optimLRC)

#' @export
LightResponseCurveFitter_computeCost <- function(
		### Computing residual sum of squares for predictions vs. data of NEE
		thetaOpt   ##<< parameter vector with components of theta0 that are optimized
		, theta		##<< parameter vector with positions as in argument of
		  ## \code{\link{LightResponseCurveFitter_getParameterNames}}
		, iOpt		##<< position in theta that are optimized
		, flux 		##<< numeric: NEP (-NEE) or GPP time series [umolCO2 / m2 / s],
		  ## should not contain NA
		, sdFlux 	##<< numeric: standard deviation of Flux [umolCO2 / m2 / s],
		  ##should not contain NA
		, parameterPrior		##<< numeric vector along theta: prior estimate of
		  ## parameter (range of values)
		, sdParameterPrior	##<< standard deviation of parameterPrior
		#, weightMisfitPar2000 = NA	##<< weight of misfit of difference between
		  ## saturation and prediction at PAR = 2000
		, ...				##<< other arguments to
		  ##\code{\link{LightResponseCurveFitter_predictLRC}}, such as VPD0, fixVPD
) {
	theta[iOpt] <- thetaOpt
	resPred <- .self$predictLRC(theta, ...)
	NEP_mod <- resPred$NEP
	#if (is.na(mean(NEP_mod)) == TRUE) {
	#  recover()
	misFitPrior <- (((theta - parameterPrior)) / (sdParameterPrior))^2
	misFitObs <- sum(((NEP_mod-flux) / sdFlux)^2)
	RSS <- misFitObs + sum(misFitPrior, na.rm = TRUE)
	#if (!is.finite(RSS) ) recover()	# debugging the fit
LightResponseCurveFitter$methods(computeCost =

#' @export
LightResponseCurveFitter_predictLRC <- function(
		### Light Response Function
		theta   ##<< numeric vector of parameters
		, Rg   	##<< ppfd [numeric] -> photosynthetic flux density
		  ## [umol / m2 / s] or Global Radiation
		, VPD 	##<< VPD [numeric] -> Vapor Pressure Deficit [hPa]
		, Temp 	##<< Temp [degC] -> Temperature [degC]
		, VPD0 = 10 			##<< VPD0 [hPa] -> Parameters VPD0 fixed to 10 hPa
		  ## according to Lasslop et al 2010
		, fixVPD = (k == 0)   	##<< boolean scalar or vector of nrow theta:
		  ## fixVPD if TRUE the VPD effect is not considered and VPD is not part
		  ## of the computation
		, TRef = 15			##<< numeric scalar of Temperature (degree Celsius) for
		  ## reference respiration RRef
) {
	## Predict ecosystem fluxes (Reco, GPP, NEP = GPP-Reco) for given parameters
	## and environmental conditions.
	## The VPD effect is included according to Lasslop et al., 2010.
	## If theta is a matrix, a different row of parameters is used for different
	## entries of other inputs
	if (is.matrix(theta) ) {
		k <- theta[, 1]
		beta <- theta[, 2]
		alpha <- theta[, 3]
		RRef <- theta[, 4]
		E0 <- theta[, 5]
	} else {
		k <- theta[1]
		beta <- theta[2]
		alpha <- theta[3]
		RRef <- theta[4]
		E0 <- theta[5]
	if (length(fixVPD) != length(VPD) )
		if (length(fixVPD) == 1L) fixVPD <- rep(fixVPD, length(VPD) ) else
			stop("Length of vector argument fixVPD must correspond to rows in theta.")
	Amax <- ifelse(fixVPD, beta,
				#ifelse(is.finite(VPD) & (VPD > VPD0), beta * exp(-k * (VPD-VPD0)), beta)
				#deprecated: better filter for k: twutz: 170927: introduced pmin(1, ...)
				# after looking at pvWave code, can happen if k is negative
				ifelse((VPD > VPD0), beta * exp(-k * (VPD - VPD0)), beta)
	Reco <- RRef * exp(E0 * (1 / ((273.15 + TRef) - 227.13) - 1 /
	                           (Temp + 273.15 - 227.13)))
	GPP <- .self$predictGPP(Rg, Amax = Amax, alpha = alpha)
	NEP <- GPP - Reco
	## a data.frame of length of Rg of computed
	ans <- list(
			NEP = NEP		##<< Net ecosystem production (-NEE), vector of length(Rg)
			, Reco = Reco	##<< Ecosystem respiration
			, GPP = GPP	##<< Gross primary production
LightResponseCurveFitter$methods(	predictLRC = LightResponseCurveFitter_predictLRC)

#' @export
LightResponseCurveFitter_predictGPP  <- function(
		### Light Response function for GPP
		Rg   	##<< ppfd [numeric] -> photosynthetic flux density [mumol / m2 / s]
		  ## or Global Radiation
		, ...	##<< further parameters to the LRC

) {
	##seealso<< \code{\link{partitionNEEGL}}
	## This method must be be implemented by a specific subclass.
	## Currently there are several alternatives: \cr
	## \itemize{
	## \item Rectangular: \code{\link{RectangularLRCFitter_predictGPP}}
	## \item Nonrectangular: \code{\link{NonrectangularLRCFitter_predictGPP}}
	## \item Rectangular: \code{\link{LogisticSigmoidLRCFitter_predictGPP}}
	## }
	stop("Abstract method. Need to define in derived LRC class.")
	##value<< numeric vector of length(Rg) of GPP
LightResponseCurveFitter$methods(predictGPP = LightResponseCurveFitter_predictGPP)

#' @export
LightResponseCurveFitter_computeLRCGradient <- function(
		### Gradient of \code{\link{LightResponseCurveFitter_predictLRC}}
		theta 	##<< theta [numeric] -> parameter vector
		  ## (theta[1] = k (k), theta[2] = beta (beta), theta[3] = alpha,
		  ## theta[4] = RRef (rb), theta[4] = E0)
		, Rg   	##<< ppfd [numeric] -> photosynthetic flux density
		  ## [umol / m2 / s] or Global Radiation
		, VPD 	##<< VPD [numeric] -> Vapor Pressure Deficit [hPa]
		, Temp 	##<< Temp [degC] -> Temperature [degC]
		, VPD0 = 10 			##<< VPD0 [hPa] -> Parameters VPD0 fixed to 10
		  ## hPa according to Lasslop et al 2010
		, fixVPD = (k == 0)   	##<< boolean scalar or vector of nrow(theta):
		  ## fixVPD if TRUE the VPD effect is not considered and VPD is not part
		  ## of the computation
		, TRef = 15			##<< numeric scalar of Temperature (degree Celsius) for
		  ## reference respiration RRef
) {
	if (is.matrix(theta) ) {
		k <- theta[, 1]
		beta <- theta[, 2]
		alpha <- theta[, 3]
		RRef <- theta[, 4]
		E0 <- theta[, 5]
	} else {
		k <- theta[1]
		beta <- theta[2]
		alpha <- theta[3]
		RRef <- theta[4]
		E0 <- theta[5]
	if (length(fixVPD) != length(VPD) )
		if (length(fixVPD) == 1L) fixVPD <- rep(fixVPD, length(VPD) ) else
			stop("Length of vector argument fixVPD must correspond to rows in theta.")
	Amax <- ifelse(fixVPD, beta,
			#ifelse(is.finite(VPD) & (VPD > VPD0), beta * exp(-k * (VPD-VPD0)), beta)
			ifelse((VPD > VPD0), beta * exp(-k * (VPD - VPD0)), beta)
	#ex <- expression(beta * exp(-k * (VPD - VPD0)) ); deriv(ex, c("beta", "k"))
	dAmax_dkVPD <- ifelse(fixVPD, 0,
				ifelse(VPD > VPD0, beta * -(VPD - VPD0) * exp(-k * (VPD - VPD0)), 0)
	dAmax_dbeta0 <- ifelse(fixVPD, 0,
				ifelse(VPD > VPD0, exp(-k * (VPD - VPD0)), 1)
	#Reco<- RRef * exp(E0 * (1 / ((273.15 + 10)-227.13)-1 / (Temp + 273.15-227.13)))
	#ex <- expression(RRef * exp(E0 * (1 / ((273.15 + TRef)-227.13)-1 /
	#  (Temp + 273.15-227.13))) ); deriv(ex, c("RRef", "E0"))
	.expr7 <- 1 / (273.15 + TRef - 227.13) - 1 / (Temp + 273.15 - 227.13)
	.expr9 <- exp(E0 * .expr7)
	gradReco <- matrix(0, ncol = 2L, nrow = length(.expr9), dimnames =
	                     list(NULL, c("RRef", "E0")))
	gradReco[, "RRef"] <- dReco_dRRef <- .expr9
	gradReco[, "E0"] <- dReco_dE0 <- RRef * (.expr9 * .expr7)
	gradGPP <- array(0, c(nrow(gradReco), 3L), list(NULL, c("k", "beta", "alpha")))
	dGPP_dAMax <- .self$computeGPPGradient(Rg, Amax, alpha)
	gradGPP[, "beta"] <- dGPP_dAMax[, 1] * dAmax_dbeta0
	gradGPP[, "k"] <- dGPP_dAMax[, 1] * dAmax_dkVPD
	gradGPP[, "alpha"] <- dGPP_dAMax[, 2]
	#NEP <- GPP - Reco
	gradNEP <- cbind(gradGPP, -gradReco)
	## list with gradient matrices. For each record
	## (length(Rg)), c("k", "beta", "alpha", "RRef")
	ans <- list(
			NEP = gradNEP
			, Reco = gradReco
			, GPP = gradGPP
LightResponseCurveFitter$methods(computeLRCGradient =

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