
Defines functions .checkBoundaries .checkCV trendAnchor .deltaMethodObs .deltaMethodState .SSmodelfit inference .SSresultsBayesian .SSresults .printSSModelFit .printSSModel .initializeLoc .accessDfSystem initializeExo .modifySSSystem .updateSSSystem .SSSystem fit

Documented in .accessDfSystem .checkBoundaries .checkCV .deltaMethodObs .deltaMethodState fit inference initializeExo .initializeLoc .modifySSSystem .printSSModel .printSSModelFit .SSmodelfit .SSresults .SSresultsBayesian .SSSystem trendAnchor .updateSSSystem

#' Fit Method
#' @description Defines the fit method.
#' @param model Some model.
#' @param ... Some stuff passed on to methods.
#' @return Depends on the model object, see documentation of specific methods.
#' @family fitting methods
#' @export
fit <- function(model, ...) UseMethod("fit")

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Prepares state space model system matrices to create an object of type \code{NAWRUmodel}
#' or \code{TFPmodel}.
#' @param tsl A list of input time series computed during the procedure \code{NAWRUmodel}
#'   or \code{TFPmodel}.
#' @param errorARMA A vector with non-negative integers specifying the AR and MA degree of
#'   the error term in the second observation equation.
#' @inheritParams NAWRUmodel
#' @importFrom stats start end window ts lag frequency time
#' @keywords internal
.SSSystem <- function(tsl, cycle, trend, cycleLag, type = NULL, errorARMA) {

  # ----- T, R, Q

  # cycle
  cycleLagMax <- max(cycleLag)
  T_cycle <- rbind(
    c(rep(NA, 2), rep(0, max(0, cycleLagMax - 1))),
    cbind(diag(1, max(1, cycleLagMax)), rep(0, max(1, cycleLagMax)))
  R_cycle <- matrix(c(1, rep(0, max(1, cycleLagMax))), max(1, cycleLagMax) + 1, 1)
  names_cycle <- c("cycle", paste0("cycleLag", 1:(max(1, cycleLagMax))))
  if (cycle == "AR1") {
    T_cycle[1, 2] <- 0

  # trend
  T_trend <- matrix(c(1, 1, 0, 1), 2, 2, byrow = TRUE)
  R_trend <- diag(1, 2)
  names_trend <- c("trend", "trendDrift")
  if (trend == "RW1") {
    T_trend[2, 2] <- 0
    R_trend <- matrix(c(1, 0), 2, 1)
  } else if (trend == "DT") {
    T_trend <- matrix(c(1, 1, 0, NA), 2, 2, byrow = TRUE)
    # constant needs to be added later

  # 2nd equation error
  p <- errorARMA[1]
  q <- errorARMA[2]
  T_error11 <- rbind(
    rep((p > 0) * NA, max(1, p)),
    cbind(diag(1, max(0, p - 1)), rep(0, max(0, p - 1)))
  if (p == 0) {
    T_error11[1, 1] <- 0
  T_error12 <- rbind(
    rep(NA, q),
    matrix(0, max(0, p - 1), q)
  T_error21 <- matrix(0, q, max(1, p))
  T_error22 <- rbind(
    rep(0, q),
    cbind(diag(1, max(0, q - 1)), rep(0, max(0, q - 1)))
  if (q > 0) {
    T_error <- rbind(
      cbind(T_error11, T_error12),
      cbind(T_error21, T_error22)
  } else {
    T_error <- T_error11

  R_error1 <- matrix(c(1, rep(0, max(0, p - 1))), max(1, p), 1)
  R_error2 <- matrix(c(rep(1, min(1, q)), rep(0, max(0, q - 1))), q, 1)
  R_error <- rbind(R_error1, R_error2)
  names_error1 <- paste0("E2errorL", 0:p)[1:(1 + p - 1)]
  names_error2 <- paste0("E2innoL", 0:q)[1:(1 + q - 1)]
  names_error <- c(names_error1, names_error2[rep(q > 0, length(names_error2))])

  # constant
  T_constant <- matrix(1, 1, 1)
  names_const <- "const"

  # merge
  Tt <- rbind(
    cbind(T_cycle, matrix(0, nrow(T_cycle), ncol(T_trend) + ncol(T_error) + ncol(T_constant))),
    cbind(matrix(0, nrow(T_trend), ncol(T_cycle)), T_trend, matrix(0, nrow(T_trend), ncol(T_error) + ncol(T_constant))),
    cbind(matrix(0, nrow(T_error), ncol(T_cycle) + ncol(T_trend)), T_error, matrix(0, nrow(T_error), ncol(T_constant))),
    cbind(matrix(0, nrow(T_constant), ncol(T_cycle) + ncol(T_trend) + ncol(T_error)), T_constant)
  Rt <- rbind(
    cbind(R_cycle, matrix(0, nrow(R_cycle), ncol(R_trend) + ncol(R_error))),
    cbind(matrix(0, nrow(R_trend), ncol(R_cycle)), R_trend, matrix(0, nrow(R_trend), ncol(R_error))),
    cbind(matrix(0, nrow(R_error), ncol(R_cycle) + ncol(R_trend)), R_error),
    cbind(matrix(0, 1, ncol(R_cycle) + ncol(R_trend) + ncol(R_error)))
  Qt <- diag(1, ncol(Rt))
  diag(Qt) <- NA

  # name matrices
  obsNames <- names(tsl[1:2])
  stateNames <- c(names_cycle, names_trend, names_error, names_const)
  varNames <- stateNames[apply(Rt, 1, sum) > 0][1:ncol(Rt)]
  colnames(Tt) <- rownames(Tt) <- rownames(Rt) <- stateNames
  colnames(Rt) <- colnames(Qt) <- rownames(Qt) <- varNames

  # add constants
  if (trend != "RW2") {
    Tt[names_trend[2], names_const] <- NA

  # ----- Z, H

  # initialize
  Zt <- matrix(0, 2, ncol(Tt))
  Ht <- diag(0, nrow(Zt))

  # name matrices
  rownames(Zt) <- colnames(Ht) <- rownames(Ht) <- obsNames
  colnames(Zt) <- stateNames

  # assign Z
  Zt[1, c(names_cycle[1], names_trend[1])] <- 1
  Zt[2, c(names_cycle[cycleLag + 1], names_const)] <- NA
  Zt[2, names_error[1]] <- 1

  # ----- P1, P1inf, a1
  # P1:     variance of stationary part should be assigned
  # P1inf:  diffuse parts should be set to 1
  # a1:     diffuse parts should be set to 0

  # initialize
  a1 <- matrix(0, nrow(Tt), 1)
  P1 <- P1inf <- diag(0, nrow(Tt))

  # name matrices
  colnames(P1) <- rownames(P1) <- colnames(P1inf) <- rownames(P1inf) <- rownames(a1) <- stateNames

  # assign
  a1[names_const, ] <- 1
  diag(P1[c(names_cycle, names_error[1]), c(names_cycle, names_error[1])]) <- NA
  diag(P1inf[names_trend, names_trend]) <- 1

  # ----- model dimensions
  nPar <- sum(is.na(Tt)) + sum(is.na(Zt)) + sum(is.na(Qt))
  nObs <- nrow(Zt)
  nState <- nrow(Tt)
  nStateV <- nrow(Qt)

  # return
  sys <- list(Zt = Zt, Tt = Tt, Qt = Qt, Rt = Rt, Ht = Ht, a1 = a1, P1 = P1, P1inf = P1inf)
  res <- list(
    tsl = tsl,
    nPar = nPar,
    nObs = nObs,
    nState = nState,
    nStateV = nStateV,
    stateNames = stateNames,
    sys = sys

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Updates the system matrices of an object of class \code{NAWRUmodel} or \code{TFPmodel}
#' during optimization or during a Bayesian Gibbs procedure.
#' @param pars A vector of parameters.
#' @param SSModel An object of class \code{SSModel} specifying the state-space model.
#' @param loc A data frame containing information on each involved parameter, for instance
#'   its corresponding system matrix, variable names, and parameter restrictions.
#' @param errorARMA A vector with non-negative integers specifying the AR
#'   and MA degree of the error term in the second observation equation.
#' @param bayes A logical indicating whether the update is part of a Bayesian procedure, i.e.,
#'   the parameter constraints do not need to be enforced.
#' @inheritParams NAWRUmodel
#' @inheritParams fit.NAWRUmodel
#' @importFrom stats start end window ts lag frequency time
#' @keywords internal
.updateSSSystem <- function(pars, SSModel, loc, cycle, trend, errorARMA, signalToNoise = NULL, type = NULL, bayes = FALSE) {

  # assign location information
  locT <- loc[loc$sysMatrix == "T", ]
  locZ <- loc[loc$sysMatrix == "Z", ]
  locQ <- loc[loc$sysMatrix == "Q", ]
  locTt <- loc[loc$sysMatrix == "Tt", ]
  locExo <- loc[loc$sysMatrix == "exo", ]

  # assign parameter constraints
  if (!bayes) {
    parConstr <- assignConstraints(pars, loc = loc)
  else {
    parConstr <- pars

  # assign stationary and non stationary variables
  indexStat <- c(
    colnames(SSModel$T)[grepl("cycle", colnames(SSModel$T))],
    colnames(SSModel$T)[grepl("error", colnames(SSModel$T))],
    colnames(SSModel$T)[grepl("inno", colnames(SSModel$T))]
  indexRoot <- colnames(SSModel$T)[grepl("trend", colnames(SSModel$T))]

  # assign name of second observation equation
  nameE2 <- colnames(SSModel$y)[2]

  # ----- assign parameters

  # observation equation
  SSModel$Z[nameE2, locZ$variableRow, ] <- parConstr[locZ$varName]
  if (!is.null(type)) {
    if (type == "NKP" & cycle == "AR2") {
      SSModel$Z[nameE2, "cycleLag1", ] <- 0.99 * parConstr[locZ$varName[locZ$variableRow == "cycle"]] * parConstr[locT$varName[locT$variableRow == "cycleLag1"]]
  # variance
  if (!is.null(signalToNoise)) {
    k <- dim(SSModel["Q"])[1] - 1
    SSModel["Q"][-(2:k), -(2:k), ] <- diag(parConstr[locQ$varName])
    SSModel["Q"][k, k, ] <- parConstr["cSigma"] * signalToNoise
  } else {
    SSModel["Q"] <- diag(parConstr[locQ$varName])
    # SSModel$R[locQ$variableRow,,] <- diag(parConstr[locQ$varName]) ##### neu
  # cycle
  if (cycle == "AR1") {
    SSModel$T["cycle", locT$variableRow, ] <- parConstr[locT$varName]
  } else if (cycle == "AR2") {
    SSModel$T["cycle", locT$variableRow[grepl("cycle", locT$variableRow)], ] <- parConstr[locT$varName[grepl("cycle", locT$variableRow)]]
  } else if (cycle == "RAR2") {
    A <- parConstr[locT$varName[locT$variableRow == "cycle"]]
    tau <- parConstr[locT$varName[locT$variableRow == "cycleLag1"]]
    SSModel$T["cycle", "cycle", ] <- 2 * A * cos(2 * pi / tau)
    SSModel$T["cycle", "cycleLag1", ] <- -(A^2)
  # trend
  if (trend == "DT") {
    SSModel$T["trendDrift", "const", ] <- parConstr[locTt$varName[locTt$variableRow == "const"]] * (1 - parConstr[locTt$varName[locTt$variableRow == "trendDrift"]])
    SSModel$T["trendDrift", "trendDrift", ] <- parConstr[locTt$varName[locTt$variableRow == "trendDrift"]]
    indexRoot <- indexRoot[!(indexRoot %in% "trendDrift")]
    indexStat <- c(indexStat, "trendDrift")
  } else if (trend == "RW1") {
    SSModel$T["trendDrift", "const", ] <- parConstr[locT$varName[locT$variableRow == "trendDrift"]]
    indexRoot <- indexRoot[!(indexRoot %in% "trendDrift")]
    indexStat <- c(indexStat, "trendDrift")
  # options
  if (errorARMA[1] > 0) {
    SSModel$T["E2errorL0", "E2errorL0", ] <- parConstr[locT$varName[locT$variableRow == "E2errorL0"]]
  if (errorARMA[1] == 2) {
    SSModel$T["E2errorL0", "E2errorL1", ] <- parConstr[locT$varName[locT$variableRow == "E2errorL1"]]
  if (errorARMA[2] > 0) {
    SSModel$T["E2errorL0", locT$variableRow[grepl("E2innoL", locT$variableRow)], ] <- parConstr[locT$varName[grepl("E2innoL", locT$variableRow)]]

  # assign P1 and P1inf for diffuse inizialization
  nStat <- length(indexStat)
  nRoot <- length(indexRoot)
      modR <- SSModel$R[, , 1] %*% chol(SSModel$Q[, , 1])
    error = function(cont) {
      stop("The stationary part of the model is close to being non-stationary, please respecify.")
  modR <- modR[indexStat, ]
  modR <- modR[, colSums(modR) > 0]
      SSModel$P1[indexStat, indexStat] <- matrix(solve(diag(nStat^2) - kronecker(SSModel$T[indexStat, indexStat, 1], SSModel$T[indexStat, indexStat, 1])) %*%
        c(modR %*% t(modR)), nStat, nStat)
    error = function(cont) {
      stop("The stationary part of the model is close to being non-stationary, please respecify.")
  SSModel$P1inf[] <- 0
  SSModel$P1inf[indexRoot, indexRoot] <- diag(nRoot)

  # update unconditional mean
  SSModel$a1[indexStat, ] <- solve(diag(nStat) - SSModel$T[indexStat, indexStat, 1]) %*% SSModel$T[indexStat, "const", 1]
  SSModel$a1[locExo$variableRow, ] <- parConstr[locExo$varName]

  # return

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Modifies a an object of type \code{NAWRUmodel} or \code{TFPmodel} in case the variance
#' constraint for the trend is set to zero or in case a signal-to-noise ratio is specified.
#' @inheritParams fit.TFPmodel
#' @importFrom KFAS SSModel SSMcustom
#' @keywords internal
.modifySSSystem <- function(model, signalToNoise) {

  # get trend
  trend <- attr(model, "trend")

  # obtain system variances
  Z <- model$SSModel$Z
  T <- model$SSModel$T
  R <- model$SSModel$R
  Q <- model$SSModel$Q
  a1 <- model$SSModel$a1
  P1 <- model$SSModel$P1
  P1inf <- model$SSModel$P1inf
  H <- model$SSModel$H
  stateNames <- colnames(model$SSModel$T)

  # get rid of trend variance
  if (trend != "RW1") {
    varNames <- model$loc$variableRow[model$loc$sysMatrix == "Q"]
    name_delete <- stateNames[grepl("trend", stateNames)][1]
    index_delete <- which(R[name_delete, , ] == 1)
    R <- R[, -index_delete, ]
    Q <- Q[-index_delete, -index_delete, ]
    model$loc <- model$loc[!(model$loc$sysMatrix == "Q" & model$loc$variableRow == "trend"), ]

  # signal to noise ratio specified
  if (!is.null(signalToNoise)) {
    model$loc <- model$loc[!(model$loc$sysMatrix == "Q" & grepl("trend", model$loc$variableRow)), , drop = FALSE]
    if (trend != "RW1") {
      varNames <- model$loc$variableRow[model$loc$sysMatrix == "Q"]
      index <- varNames != "trend"
      Q <- Q[index, index]
      R <- R[, index]

  # ----- state space model
  if (inherits(model, "TFPmodel")) {
    modelSS <- SSModel(cbind(logtfp, cubs) ~ -1 + SSMcustom(Z = Z, T = T, R = R, Q = Q, a1 = a1, P1 = P1, P1inf = P1inf, state_names = stateNames),
      H = H,
      data = model$tsl
  } else if (inherits(model, "NAWRUmodel")) {
    modelSS <- SSModel(cbind(ur, pcInd) ~ -1 + SSMcustom(Z = Z, T = T, R = R, Q = Q, a1 = a1, P1 = P1, P1inf = P1inf, state_names = stateNames),
      H = H,
      data = model$tsl
  } else if (inherits(model, "KuttnerModel")) {
    modelSS <- SSModel(cbind(loggdp, dinfl) ~ -1 +
      +SSMcustom(Z = Z, T = T, R = R, Q = Q, a1 = a1, P1 = P1, P1inf = P1inf, state_names = stateNames),
    H = H,
    data = model$tsl

  # return
  model$SSModel <- modelSS

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Initialization of exogenous variables
#' Initializes the transformations applied to exogenous variables.
#' @param varNames A \code{(k x 1)} character vector containing the names of the exogenous
#'   variables.
#' @param D A \code{(n x k)} matrix containing the difference transformations, see details.
#' @param L A \code{(n x k)} matrix containing the lag transformations, see details.
#' @details For the matrices \code{D} and \code{L}, the rows denote different transformations 
#'   to each of the variables in the columns. \code{NA} indicates no transformation.
#' @return An array of size \code{(n, k, 2)}. The \code{[, , 1]} specifies
#'   the difference order and \code{[, , 2]} the lag order.
#' @export
initializeExo <- function(varNames, D = NULL, L = NULL) {
  k <- length(varNames)
  # n <- max(maxLag, maxDiff) + 1
  n <- 2
  if (is.null(D) & is.null(L)) {
    D <- L <- matrix(NA, n, k)
  } else if (is.null(D) & !is.null(L)) {
    L <- as.matrix(L)
    D <- L
    D[] <- NA
    n <- dim(L)[1]
  } else if (is.null(D) & !is.null(L)) {
    D <- as.matrix(D)
    L <- D
    L[] <- NA
    n <- dim(D)[1]
  } else {
    L <- as.matrix(L)
    D <- as.matrix(D)
    n <- dim(D)[1]
    if (!all(dim(D) == dim(L))) {
      stop("If both D and L are supplied, they need to have the same dimension.")

  # check consistency of varNames
  if (k != dim(D)[2]) {
    stop("The dimension of D or L does not match the number or variables in varNames.")
  # initialize
  exoType <- array(NA, dim = c(n, k, 2))
  dimnames(exoType)[[3]] <- c("difference", "lag")
  colnames(exoType) <- varNames
  exoType[, , 1] <- D
  exoType[, , 2] <- L


# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Accesses the internal data frame dfSystem which contains data on the parameters to be
#' estimated.
#' @param model A model of class \code{NAWRUmodel} or \code{TFPmodel}.
#' @return A data frame containing information on each involved parameter, for instance
#'   its corresponding system matrix, variable names, and parameter restrictions.
#' @keywords internal
.accessDfSystem <- function(model) {

  # model attributes
  trend <- attr(model, "trend")
  cycle <- attr(model, "cycle")

  # initialize
  tmp <- list()
  type <- NULL

  # access cycle and trend data
  tmp$cycle <- dfSystem[dfSystem$equation == "cycle" & dfSystem$variant == cycle, ]
  tmp$trend <- dfSystem[dfSystem$equation == "trend" & dfSystem$variant == trend, ]

  if (inherits(model, "TFPmodel")) {
    nameE2 <- "cubs"
    # tfp attributes
    cycleLag <- attr(model, "cubs")$cycleLag
    cubsAR <- attr(model, "cubs")$cubsAR
    errorARMA <- attr(model, "cubs")$errorARMA
    errorAR <- errorARMA[1]
    errorMA <- errorARMA[2]
    tmp[[nameE2]] <- NULL
    if (cubsAR > 0) {
      tmp[[nameE2]] <- rbind(tmp[[nameE2]], dfSystem[dfSystem$equation == nameE2 & dfSystem$variant == paste0("cubsAR", cubsAR), ])
  } else if (inherits(model, "NAWRUmodel")) {
    nameE2 <- "pcInd"
    # nawru attributes
    type <- attr(model, "phillips curve")$type
    cycleLag <- attr(model, "phillips curve")$cycleLag
    errorARMA <- attr(model, "phillips curve")$errorARMA
    errorAR <- errorARMA[1]
    errorMA <- errorARMA[2]
    exoNames <- attr(model, "phillips curve")$exoVariables

    tmp[[nameE2]] <- NULL
    if (length(exoNames) > 0) {
      for (name in exoNames) {
        if (grepl("pcInd", name)) {
          tmp[[nameE2]] <- rbind(tmp[[nameE2]], dfSystem[dfSystem$equation == "pcInd" & dfSystem$variant == "pcIndAR", ])
        } else {
          tmp[[nameE2]] <- rbind(tmp[[nameE2]], dfSystem[dfSystem$equation == "pcInd" & dfSystem$variant == "exo", ])
          tmp[[nameE2]]$varName[grepl("XXX", tmp[[nameE2]]$varName)] <- name
  } else if (inherits(model, "KuttnerModel")) {
    nameE2 <- "infl"
    # kuttner attributes
    cycleLag <- attr(model, "inflation equation")$cycleLag
    errorARMA <- attr(model, "inflation equation")$errorARMA
    errorAR <- errorARMA[1]
    errorMA <- errorARMA[2]

    tmp[[nameE2]] <- NULL

  tmp[[nameE2]] <- rbind(
    dfSystem[dfSystem$equation == nameE2 & dfSystem$variant == "base", ],
    dfSystem[dfSystem$equation == "E2error" & dfSystem$variant == "base", ]
  if (!(0 %in% cycleLag)) {
    tmp[[nameE2]] <- tmp[[nameE2]][!(tmp[[nameE2]]$sysMatrix == "Z" & tmp[[nameE2]]$variableRow == "cycle"), ]
  if (max(cycleLag) > 0) {
    tmp[[nameE2]] <- rbind(tmp[[nameE2]], dfSystem[dfSystem$equation == nameE2 & dfSystem$variant == "cycleLag", ][cycleLag[cycleLag != 0], ])
  if (errorAR > 0) {
    tmp[[nameE2]] <- rbind(tmp[[nameE2]], dfSystem[dfSystem$equation == "E2error" & dfSystem$variant == paste0("errorAR", errorAR), ])
  if (errorMA > 0) {
    tmp[[nameE2]] <- rbind(tmp[[nameE2]], dfSystem[dfSystem$equation == "E2error" & dfSystem$variant == "errorMA", ][1:errorMA, ])
  if (!is.null(type) && type == "NKP" && all(cycleLag == c(0, 1))) {
    tmp[[nameE2]] <- tmp[[nameE2]][!(tmp[[nameE2]]$sysMatrix == "Z" & tmp[[nameE2]]$variableRow == "cycleLag1"), ]


# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Initializes the location file containing default parameter constraints, among other things.
#' @param model A model of class \code{NAWRUmodel} or \code{TFPmodel}.
#' @return A data frame containing information on each involved parameter, for instance
#'   its corresponding system matrix, variable names, and parameter restrictions.
#' @keywords internal
.initializeLoc <- function(model) {

  # model attributes
  trend <- attr(model, "trend")
  cycle <- attr(model, "cycle")

  # initialize
  tmp <- list()

  # load model data
  namesExtract <- c("equation", "variant", "sysMatrix", "variableRow", "varName", "LB", "UB", "statRestr", "distribution")
  tmp <- .accessDfSystem(model = model)
  tmp <- lapply(tmp, function(x) {
    x[, namesExtract]

  # merge equations
  tmpAll <- rbind(tmp$cycle, tmp$trend, tmp[[3]])

  # create column "restriction"
  loc <- cbind(tmpAll, data.frame(restriction = rep("NA", dim(tmpAll)[1]), stringsAsFactors = FALSE))

  for (k in tmpAll$varName) {
    lb <- tmpAll[tmpAll$varName == k, "LB"]
    ub <- tmpAll[tmpAll$varName == k, "UB"]
    stat <- tmpAll[tmpAll$varName == k, "statRestr"]
    if (!is.na(lb) & !is.na(ub)) {
      tmp <- paste0("I", lb, "_", ub)
    } else if (is.na(lb) & !is.na(ub)) {
      tmp <- paste0("I", "-Inf", "_", ub)
    } else if (!is.na(lb) & is.na(ub)) {
      tmp <- paste0("I", lb, "_", "Inf")
    } else if (stat != "") {
      tmp <- stat
    } else {
      tmp <- "NA"
    loc$restriction[loc$varName == k] <- tmp


# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Prints the model specifications.
#' @param x An object of class \code{NAWRUmodel}, \code{TFPmodel}, or \code{KuttnerModel}.
#' @inheritParams print.NAWRUmodel
#' @keywords internal
.printSSModel <- function(x, call = TRUE, check = TRUE) {

  ARterms <- 0
  type <- NULL
  if (inherits(x, "NAWRUmodel")) {
    nameE2 <- "pcInd"
    nameE2long <- "phillips curve"
    checkFUN <- is.NAWRUmodel

    type <- attr(x, nameE2long)$type
  } else if (inherits(x, "TFPmodel")) {
    nameE2 <- "cubs"
    nameE2long <- "cubs"
    checkFUN <- is.TFPmodel

    ARterms <- attr(x, "cubs")$cubsAR
  } else if (inherits(x, "KuttnerModel")) {
    nameE2 <- "infl"
    nameE2long <- "inflation equation"
    checkFUN <- is.KuttnerModel
  anchor <- attr(x, "anchor")$value
  anchor.h <- attr(x, "anchor")$horizon

  # attributes
  cycleLag <- attr(x, nameE2long)$cycleLag
  errorARMA <- attr(x, nameE2long)$errorARMA
  exoNames <- attr(x, nameE2long)$exoVariables
  trend <- attr(x, "trend")
  cycle <- attr(x, "cycle")
  freq <- attr(x, "period")$frequency
  start <- attr(x, "period")$start
  end <- attr(x, "period")$end
  n <- attr(x$SSModel, "n")

  digits <- 3
  if (call) {
    cat("Call:\n", paste(deparse(x$call), sep = "\n", collapse = "\n"), "\n\n",
      sep = ""
  cat(paste0("\tState space model object of class ", class(x)[1], "\n\n"))
  cat(paste0("cycle ", "\t\t\t\t", cycle, "\n"))
  cat(paste0("trend ", "\t\t\t\t", trend, "\n"))
  cat(paste0(nameE2long, "\n"))
  if (!is.null(type)) {
    cat(paste0("  type ", "\t\t\t\t", type, "\n"))
  cat(paste0("  cycle lags ", "\t\t\t", paste0(cycleLag, collapse = ","), "\n"))
  if (ARterms > 0) {
    cat(paste0("  AR terms ", "\t\t\t", paste0(1:ARterms, collapse = ","), "\n"))
  cat(paste0("  error term", "\t\t\t", ifelse(any(errorARMA > 0),
    paste0("ARMA(", errorARMA[1], ",", errorARMA[2], ")"), "iid normal"
  ), "\n"))
  cat(paste0("  exogenous variables", "\t\t", ifelse(is.null(exoNames), "-", paste0(exoNames, collapse = ", ")), "\n"))
  if (!is.null(attr(x, "anchor"))) {
    cat(paste0("  value ", "\t\t\t", ifelse(is.null(anchor), "-", format(anchor, digits = digits)), "\n"))
    cat(paste0("  horizon ", "\t\t\t", ifelse(is.null(anchor.h), "-", anchor.h), "\n"))
  cat(paste0("  number of observations", "\t", attr(x$SSModel, "n"), "\n"))
  cat(paste0("  period ", "\t\t\t", start, " - ", end, "\n"))
  cat(paste0("  frequency ", "\t\t\t", freq, "\n\n"))
  if (check) {
    if (checkFUN(x, return.logical = TRUE)) {
      cat(paste0("Object is a valid object of class ", class(x)[1], ".\n"))
    } else {
      checkFUN(x, return.logical = FALSE)

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Prints the model fit and possibly specifications.
#' @param x An object of class \code{NAWRUmodel}, \code{TFPmodel}, or \code{KuttnerModel}.
#' @param print.model A logical indicating whether the model specification should be printed.
#' @inheritParams print.NAWRUmodel
#' @keywords internal
.printSSModelFit <- function(x, call = TRUE, check = TRUE, print.model = TRUE) {

  if (attr(x, "method") == "bayesian") {
    bayes <- TRUE
    title <- "MCMC estimation results"
    dfIndex <- c(1:2, 4:5)
  } else {
    bayes <- FALSE
    title <- "Maximum likelihood estimation results"
    dfIndex <- 1:4

  if (inherits(x$model, "NAWRUmodel")) {
    nameE2 <- "pcInd"
    nameE2long <- "phillips curve"
    nameE2short <- "pc"
  } else if (inherits(x$model, "TFPmodel")) {
    nameE2 <- "cubs"
    nameE2long <- "cubs"
    nameE2short <- "cu"
  } else if (inherits(x$model, "KuttnerModel")) {
    nameE2 <- "infl"
    nameE2long <- "inflation equation"
    nameE2short <- "infl"

  digits <- 3
  if (call) {
    cat("Call:\n", paste(deparse(x$call), sep = "\n", collapse = "\n"), "\n\n", sep = "")
  # print nawru model
  .printSSModel(x = x$model, call = FALSE, check = FALSE)

  # print estimation results
  dfParBase <- x$parameters[, dfIndex]
  index <- list()
  index[c("cycle", "trend", nameE2, "E2error")] <- lapply(c("cycle", "trend", nameE2, "E2error"), function(y) {
    rownames(dfParBase) %in% x$model$loc$varName[x$model$loc$equation == y]
  index[[nameE2]] <- index[[nameE2]] | index$E2error
  rownames(dfParBase) <- gsub("E2", nameE2short, rownames(dfParBase))
  rownames(dfParBase) <- paste0("  ", rownames(dfParBase))
  cat(paste0("\n\t", title, "\n\n"))
  # cycle
  dfPar <- dfParBase[index$cycle, ]
  print(dfPar[order(rownames(dfPar)), ], digits = digits, quote = FALSE, right = TRUE, row.names = TRUE)
  # trend
  dfPar <- dfParBase[index$trend, ]
  if (dim(dfPar)[1] > 0) {
    print(dfPar[order(rownames(dfPar)), ], digits = digits, quote = FALSE, right = TRUE, row.names = TRUE)
  # E2
  cat(paste0("\n", nameE2long, "\n"))
  dfPar <- dfParBase[index[[nameE2]], ]
  print(dfPar[order(rownames(dfPar)), ], digits = digits, quote = FALSE, right = TRUE, row.names = TRUE)
  if (bayes) {
    print(unlist(x$fit[c("MRMSE","signal-to-noise")]), digits = 4)
  } else {
    cat(paste0("  RMSE: ", format(x$fit$RMSE, digits = digits), "\n"))
    cat(paste0("  R2: ", format(x$fit$R2, digits = digits), "\n"))
      "  Box-Ljung test: X-squared = ", format(x$fit$LjungBox$statistic, digits = digits),
      ", df = ", format(x$fit$LjungBox$parameter, digits = digits),
      ", p-value = ", format(x$fit$LjungBox$p.value, digits = digits), "\n\n"
    print(unlist(x$fit[c("loglik", "AIC", "BIC", "HQC", "signal-to-noise")]), digits = 4)

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Computes additional results of the Kalman filter and smoother.
#' @param out The return object of the function \code{KFS} from the package \code{KFAS}.
#' @param model An object of class \code{NAWRUmodel}, \code{TFPmodel}, or \code{KuttnerModel}.
#' @param prediction Logical indicating whether \code{out} includes predictions.
#' @importFrom KFAS mvInnovations
#' @importFrom stats coef ts start frequency
#' @keywords internal
.SSresults <- function(out, model, prediction = FALSE) {
  namesObs <- colnames(out$model$y)
  namesState <- colnames(out$model$T)

  start <- start(out$model$y)
  freq <- frequency(out$model$y)

  tsl <- list()
  tsl$obs <- out$model$y
  tsl$obsFitted <- out$m
  tsl$obsFittedSE <- ts(t(sqrt(apply(out$P_mu, 3, diag))), start = start, frequency = freq)
  tsl$stateSmoothed <- coef(out)
  tsl$stateFiltered <- out$att
  tsl$stateSmoothedSE <- ts(t(sqrt(apply(out$V, 3, diag))), start = start, frequency = freq)
  tsl$stateFilteredSE <- ts(t(sqrt(apply(out$Ptt, 3, diag))), start = start, frequency = freq)
  colnames(tsl$stateSmoothedSE) <- colnames(tsl$stateFilteredSE) <- namesState

  # standardized one step ahead residuals (=recursive residuals)
  tmp <- mvInnovations(out)
  FF <- tmp$F
  FF <- FF[, , !apply(FF, 3, function(x) any(is.na(x)))]
  v <- tmp$v
  B <- array(apply(FF, 3, function(x) chol(solve(x))), dim = dim(FF))

  vstd <- sapply(1:dim(FF)[3], function(x) B[, , x] %*% v[x, ])
  tsl$obsResidualsRecursive <- ts(t(vstd), start = start, frequency = freq)
  colnames(tsl$obsResidualsRecursive) <- namesObs[1:dim(v)[2]]
  # model specific series
  if (inherits(model, "NAWRUmodel")) {
    tsl$nawru <- with(tsl, stateSmoothed[, "trend"])
    tsl$nawruSE <- with(tsl, stateSmoothedSE[, "trend"])

  } else if (inherits(model, "TFPmodel")) {
    tsl$tfpTrend <- with(tsl, exp(stateSmoothed[, "trend"] / 100))
    tsl$tfpTrendGrowth <- with(tsl, growth(tfpTrend))
    tsl$tfp <- with(tsl, exp(obs[, 1] / 100))
    tsl$tfpGrowth <- with(tsl, growth(tfp))

    tsl[c("tfpTrendSE", "tfpTrendGrowthSE")] <- .deltaMethodState(out = out, nameState = "trend", constant = 100)[c("expStateSE", "diffStateSE")]
    if (prediction) {
      tsl[c("tfpSE", "tfpGrowthSE")] <- .deltaMethodObs(out = out, nameObs = "logtfp", model = model, constant = 100)[c("expObsSE", "diffObsSE")]
  } else if (inherits(model, "KuttnerModel")) {
    tsl$potential <- with(tsl, exp(stateSmoothed[, "trend"] / 100))
    tsl$potentialGrowth <- with(tsl, growth(potential))
    tsl$gap <- with(tsl, stateSmoothed[, "cycle"])
    tsl$gdp <- with(tsl, exp(obs[, 1] / 100))
    tsl$gdpGrowth <- with(tsl, growth(gdp))

    tsl[c("potentialSE", "potentialGrowthSE")] <- .deltaMethodState(out = out, nameState = "trend", constant = 100)[c("expStateSE", "diffStateSE")]
    tsl[[c("gapSE")]] <- .deltaMethodState(out = out, nameState = "cycle")$StateSE
    if (prediction) {
      tsl[c("gdpSE", "gdpGrowthSE")] <- .deltaMethodObs(out = out, nameObs = "loggdp", model = model, constant = 100)[c("expObsSE", "diffObsSE")]



# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Computes additional results of the Kalman filter and smoother for Bayesian output.
#' @param model The return object of the function \code{fitSSM} from the package \code{KFAS}.
#' @param state An array with the smoothed state.
#' @param obsFitted An array with the fitted observables.
#' @inheritParams fit.TFPmodel
#' @importFrom KFAS mvInnovations
#' @importFrom stats coef ts start frequency
#' @keywords internal
.SSresultsBayesian <- function(model, HPDIprob, state, obsFitted, FUN) {
  start <- start(model$y)
  freq <- frequency(model$y)
  tsl <- list()
  # smoothed states
  tsl$stateSmoothedSummary <- lapply(setdiff(colnames(state), "const"), function(x) {
    ts(mcmcSummary(x = t(state[, x, ]), HPDIprob = HPDIprob),
       start = start, frequency = freq
  names(tsl$stateSmoothedSummary) <- setdiff(colnames(state), "const")
  tsl$stateSmoothedSummary <- do.call(cbind, tsl$stateSmoothedSummary)
  # fitted obs
  tsl$obsFittedSummary <- lapply(colnames(obsFitted), function(x) {
    ts(mcmcSummary(x = t(obsFitted[, x, ]), HPDIprob = HPDIprob),
       start = start, frequency = freq
  names(tsl$obsFittedSummary) <- colnames(obsFitted)
  tsl$obsFittedSummary <- do.call(cbind, tsl$obsFittedSummary)
  tsl$stateSmoothed <- ts(apply(state, c(1, 2), FUN), start = start, frequency = freq)
  tsl$obsFitted <- ts(apply(obsFitted, c(1, 2), FUN), start = start, frequency = freq)
  tsl$obs <- model$y

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

#' Computes standard errors, t-statistics, and p-values for the estimated state space parameters
#' using the delta method.
#' @param parOptim The vector of optimized parameters, without transformations.
#' @param hessian The hessian from the optimization.
#' @param loc A \code{3 x n} array where \code{n} is the number of optimized parameters. The array
#'     contains information on the estimated parameters's name (\code{loc[1, ]}), its location
#'     (\code{loc[2, ]}) and possible parameter constraints (\code{loc[3, ]}).
#' @importFrom stats pnorm
#' @keywords internal
inference <- function(parOptim, hessian, loc) {

  # set up data frame for optimized parameters
  dfRes <- data.frame(
    estim = assignConstraints(parOptim, loc = loc),
    se = NA,
    tstat = NA,
    pvalue = NA,
    row.names = names(parOptim)

  # compute fisher information and covariance matrix
  fisherInfo <- hessian
  CV <- tryCatch(
    error = function(cont) {
  # not invertible
  if (all(is.na(CV))) {
    ind <- !(loc$boundaries | apply(hessian == 0, 2, all))
    CV <- tryCatch(
        solve(fisherInfo[ind, ind])
      error = function(cont) {
        message("The fisher information matrix is not invertible.")
  # invertible
  } else {
    ind <- !(loc$boundaries | apply(hessian == 0, 2, all))
    CV <- CV[ind, ind]
  if (!all(is.na(CV))) {
    # compute covariance for constrained parameters
    Covar <- computeCovar(par = parOptim[ind], loc = loc[ind, ], CV = CV)
    # check diagonal values
    if (any(diag(Covar) < 0)) {
      ind[ind] <- ind[ind] & diag(Covar) > 0
      Covar <- Covar[diag(Covar) > 0, diag(Covar) > 0]
    # compute standard error, t statistic and p values
    dfRes[loc$varName[ind], "se"] <- sqrt(diag(Covar))[loc$varName[ind]]
    dfRes[loc$varName[ind], "tstat"] <- dfRes[loc$varName[ind], "estim"] / dfRes[loc$varName[ind], "se"]
    dfRes[loc$varName[ind], "pvalue"] <- 2 * (1 - pnorm(abs(dfRes[loc$varName[ind], "tstat"])))
  colnames(dfRes) <- c("Coefficient", "Standard Error", "t-statistic", "p-value")

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Computes figures regarding the model fit of the maximum likelihood estimation.
#' @param out The return object of the function \code{KFS} from the package \code{KFAS}.
#' @param nPar A scalar specifying the number of estimated parameters.
#' @keywords internal
.SSmodelfit <- function(out, nPar) {
  nTime <- out$dims$n

  # one step ahead residuals
  residuals <- mvInnovations(out)$v[, 2]

  info <- list()
  info$loglik <- out$logLik
  info$AIC <- 2 * nPar - 2 * out$logLik
  info$BIC <- log(nTime) * nPar - 2 * out$logLik
  info$HQC <- 2 * nPar * log(log(nTime)) - 2 * out$logLik
  info$RMSE <- sqrt(mean(residuals^2, na.rm = TRUE)) # sqrt(mean((residuals(out)[,"cubs"])^2, na.rm = TRUE)) # sqrt(mean(out$v[,2]^2))
  info$R2 <- 1 - sum((residuals)^2, na.rm = TRUE) / sum((out$model$y[, 2] - mean(out$model$y[, 2], na.rm = TRUE))^2, na.rm = TRUE) # 1 - sum((residuals(out)[,"cubs"])^2, na.rm = TRUE) / sum( (out$model$y[,"cubs"] - mean(out$model$y[,"cubs"], na.rm = TRUE) )^2, na.rm = TRUE)
  info$LjungBox <- stats::Box.test(residuals, lag = min(10, length(residuals) / 5), type = "Ljung-Box") # see https://robjhyndman.com/hyndsight/ljung-box-test/

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Computes standard errors of the state using the delta method.
#' @param out The return object of the function \code{KFS} from the package \code{KFAS}.
#' @param nameState The name of the state as character.
#' @param constant A constant used in the transformation functions.
#' @keywords internal
.deltaMethodState <- function(out, nameState, constant = 1) {
  tsl <- list()
  nTime <- out$dims$n
  tsStateSmoothed <- out$alphahat

  start <- start(out$model$y)
  freq <- frequency(out$model$y)

  indexState <- (colnames(tsStateSmoothed) %in% nameState)

  # function g = identity
  Dg <- matrix(0, nTime, nTime)
  diag(Dg) <- 1 / constant #tsStateSmoothed[, nameState]
  # variance of trend
  varState <- diag(out$V[indexState, indexState, 1:nTime])
  tsl$StateSE <- ts(sqrt(diag(t(Dg) %*% varState %*% Dg)), start = start, frequency = freq)

  # function g = exponential
  Dg <- matrix(0, nTime, nTime)
  diag(Dg) <- exp(tsStateSmoothed[, nameState] / constant) / constant
  # variance of trend
  varState <- diag(out$V[indexState, indexState, 1:nTime])
  tsl$expStateSE <- ts(sqrt(diag(t(Dg) %*% varState %*% Dg)), start = start, frequency = freq)

  # function g = difference
  Dg <- matrix(0, nTime, nTime)
  diag(Dg) <- -1 / constant
  diag(Dg[-nrow(Dg), -1]) <- 1 / constant
  Dg <- Dg[1:(nrow(Dg) - 1), ]
  # variance of trend
  varState <- diag(out$V[indexState, indexState, 1:nTime])
  tsl$diffStateSE <- ts(sqrt(diag(Dg %*% varState %*% t(Dg))), start = start + c(0, 1), frequency = freq)


# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Computes standard errors of the observation equation using the delta method (for forecast).
#' @param out The return object of the function \code{KFS} from the package \code{KFAS}.
#' @param nameObs The name of the observation equation as character.
#' @param constant A constant used in the transformation functions.
#' @inheritParams .SSresults
#' @keywords internal
.deltaMethodObs <- function(out, nameObs, model, constant = 1) {
  tsl <- list()
  nTime <- out$dims$n
  nData <- attr(model$SSModel, "n")
  nForecast <-  nTime - nData
  V <- out$V_mu[, ,(nTime - nForecast + 1):nTime]
  y <- out$model$y
  tsObs <- y[, nameObs]
  start <- start(y) + c(0, nData)
  freq <- frequency(y)
  indexObs <- (colnames(y) %in% nameObs)
  # function g = identity
  Dg <- matrix(0, nForecast, nForecast)
  diag(Dg) <- 1 / constant #tsObs[, nameObs]
  # variance of trend
  varObs <- diag(V[indexObs, indexObs, ])
  tsl$ObsSE <- ts(sqrt(diag(t(Dg) %*% varObs %*% Dg)), start = start, frequency = freq)
  # function g = exponential
  Dg <- matrix(0, nForecast, nForecast)
  diag(Dg) <- exp(y[(nTime - nForecast + 1):nTime, nameObs] / constant) / constant
  # variance of trend
  varObs <- diag(V[indexObs, indexObs, ])
  tsl$expObsSE <- ts(sqrt(diag(t(Dg) %*% varObs %*% Dg)), start = start, frequency = freq)
  # function g = difference
  Dg <- matrix(0, nForecast, nForecast)
  diag(Dg) <- -1 / constant
  diag(Dg[-nrow(Dg), -1]) <- 1 / constant
  Dg <- Dg[1:(nrow(Dg) - 1), ]
  # variance of trend
  varObs <- diag(V[indexObs, indexObs, ])
  tsl$diffObsSE <- ts(sqrt(diag(Dg %*% varObs %*% t(Dg))), start = start + c(0, 1), frequency = freq)
  tsl <- lapply(tsl, function(x) {
    window(x, start = start(y), extend = TRUE)

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Trend anchor
#' @description Computes the anchored trend given a fitted object of class \code{NAWRUfit},
#'   \code{TFPfit}, or \code{KuttnerFit}.
#' @param fit An object of class \code{NAWRUfit}, \code{TFPfit}, or \code{KuttnerFit}.
#' @param anchor A numeric specifying the anchor value. If unspecified, \code{anchor} is
#'   taken from the object \code{fit} (if specified).
#' @param h An integer specifying the anchor horizon in the frequency of the underlying model.
#'   If unspecified, \code{h} is taken from the object \code{fit} (if specified).
#' @param returnFit A logical. If \code{TRUE}, an object of the same class as \code{fit}
#'   including the anchored trend is returned. If \code{FALSE}, only the anchored trend time
#'   series is returned.
#' @return A fitted object if \code{returnFit = TRUE} or a time series with the anchored 
#'   trend.
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats start end window ts lag frequency time window<-
#' @examples
#' # define nawru model for France
#' data("gap")
#' tsList <- amecoData2input(gap$France)
#' model <- NAWRUmodel(tsl = tsList)
#' # estimate nawru model
#' \donttest{
#' f <- fit(model = model)
#' # compute anchored nawru
#' anchoredNawru <- trendAnchor(fit = f, anchor = 6.5, h = 10)
#' }
trendAnchor <- function(fit, anchor = NULL, h = NULL, returnFit = FALSE) {
  if (attr(fit, "method") == "bayesian") {
    stop("Anchor only implemented for MLE.")
  if (is.null(anchor)) {
    anchor <- attr(fit$model, "anchor")$value
  if (is.null(h)) {
    h <- attr(fit$model, "anchor")$horizon
  if (is.null(anchor) | is.null(h)) {
    stop("Please specify 'anchor' and/or 'h'.")

  # filtering object
  out <- fit$SSMout

  # nawru
  trend <- out$alphahat[, "trend"]

  # timing
  start <- start(trend)
  end <- end(trend)
  freq <- frequency(trend)
  timetrend <- time(trend)
  nTime <- length(trend)

  # selection vector
  nState <- length(colnames(out$model$T))
  nObs <- length(rownames(out$model$Z))
  s <- rep(0, nState)
  s[which(colnames(out$model$T) == "trend")] <- 1

  # initialize
  Tpower <- array(NA, c(nState, nState, h))
  Tpower[, , 1] <- out$model$T[, , 1]
  varTmp <- array(NA, c(nState, nState, h))
  varTmp[, , 1] <- Tpower[, , 1] %*% out$Ptt[, , nTime] %*% t(Tpower[, , 1]) + out$model$R[, , 1] %*% out$model$Q[, , 1] %*% t(out$model$R[, , 1])
  varMultiplier1 <- varMultiplier <- out$model$R[, , 1] %*% out$model$Q[, , 1] %*% t(out$model$R[, , 1])

  # matrix power and variance of predicted states
  for (ii in 1:(h - 1)) {
    varMultiplier <- varMultiplier1 + out$model$T[, , 1] %*% varMultiplier %*% t(out$model$T[, , 1])
    Tpower[, , ii + 1] <- out$model$T[, , 1] %*% Tpower[, , ii]
    varTmp[, , ii + 1] <- Tpower[, , ii + 1] %*% out$Ptt[, , nTime] %*% t(Tpower[, , ii + 1]) + varMultiplier

  # correction factor
  correction <- (anchor - t(s) %*% Tpower[, , h] %*% out$alphahat[nTime, ])

  # location of constant (for inverse computation of P)
  locConst <- (1:nState)[rowSums(out$P[, , nTime]) == 0] # locate constants
  locConstInv <- (1:nState)[-locConst]

  # initialize
  covTmp <- array(NA, c(nState, nState, nTime))
  AA <- array(0, c(nState, nState, nTime))
  weight <- rep(1, nTime + h)
  anchoredtrend <- ts(NA, start, end + c(0, h), freq)

  # first step backward (at nTime)
  covTmp[, , nTime] <- out$Ptt[, , nTime]
  weight[nTime] <- (t(s) %*% covTmp[, , nTime] %*% t(Tpower[, , h]) %*% s) / (t(s) %*% varTmp[, , h] %*% s)
  window(anchoredtrend, start = timetrend[nTime], end = timetrend[nTime]) <- out$alphahat[nTime, "trend"] + weight[nTime] * correction

  # create temporary Pinf with zeros in all times > out$d
  PinfTmp <- array(0, dim = c(nState, nState, nTime))
  PinfTmp[, , (1:out$d)] <- out$Pinf

  # loop backward
  for (tt in ((nTime - 1):(1))) { # (out$d))) {

    ### De Jong& Mackinnon (1988)
    Pinv <- tryCatch(
        solve(out$P[locConstInv, locConstInv, tt + 1] + PinfTmp[locConstInv, locConstInv, tt + 1])
      error = function(cont) {
        warning("Error covariance matrix of predicted states is singular. The anchored trend could not be computed.")
    if (all(is.na(Pinv))) { return(NA) }
    AA[locConstInv, locConstInv, tt] <- out$Ptt[locConstInv, locConstInv, tt] %*% t(out$model$T[locConstInv, locConstInv, 1]) %*% Pinv
    covTmp[, , tt] <- AA[, , tt] %*% covTmp[, , tt + 1]

    weight[tt] <- (t(s) %*% covTmp[, , tt] %*% t(Tpower[, , h]) %*% s) / (t(s) %*% varTmp[, , h] %*% s)

    # place value
    window(anchoredtrend, start = timetrend[tt], end = timetrend[tt]) <- out$alphahat[tt, "trend"] + weight[tt] * correction

  # loop forward
  for (tt in 1:(h - 1)) {
    weight[nTime + tt] <- (t(s) %*% varTmp[, , tt] %*% t(Tpower[, , h - tt]) %*% s) / (t(s) %*% varTmp[, , h] %*% s)
    window(anchoredtrend, start = timetrend[nTime] + tt / freq, end = timetrend[nTime] + tt / freq) <- t(s) %*% Tpower[, , tt] %*% out$alphahat[nTime, ] + weight[nTime + tt] * correction

  # last step in forward loop
  window(anchoredtrend, start = timetrend[nTime] + h / freq, end = timetrend[nTime] + h / freq) <- t(s) %*% Tpower[, , h] %*% out$alphahat[nTime, ] + correction

  # return
  if (returnFit) {
    if (inherits(fit, "NAWRUfit")) {
      fit$tsl$nawruAnchored <- anchoredtrend
    } else if (inherits(fit, "TFPfit")) {
      fit$tsl$tfpTrendAnchored <- exp(anchoredtrend / 100)
    } else {
      fit$tsl$trendAnchored <- anchoredtrend
    attr(fit$model, "anchor")$value <- anchor
    attr(fit$model, "anchor")$horizon <- h
  } else {

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Checks the covariance matrix for invertibility and negative entries on the diagonal.
#' @param fit Output of \code{fitSSM} from \code{KFAS}.
#' @param loc A data frame containing information on each involved parameter (list element
#'   of objects of class \code{NAWRUmodel}, \code{TFPmodel}, \code{KuttnerModel}).
#' @keywords internal
.checkCV <- function(fit, loc) {
      CV <- solve(fit$optim.out$hessian)
      Covar <- computeCovar(par = fit$optim.out$par, loc = loc, CV = CV)
      any(diag(Covar) < 0)
    error = function(cont) {
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Checks whether estimated parameters lie on boundaries.
#' @inheritParams .checkCV
#' @keywords internal
.checkBoundaries <- function(fit, loc) {
  ub <- loc$UB
  lb <- loc$LB
  par <- assignConstraints(par = fit$optim.out$par, loc = loc)
  par_index_lb <- round((lb - par) / (ub - lb), 4) >= 0
  par_index_ub <- round((ub - par) / (ub - lb), 4) <= 0
  par_index <- par_index_lb | par_index_ub
  par_index[is.na(par_index)] <- FALSE
  loc$boundaries <- par_index

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RGAP documentation built on Nov. 2, 2023, 6:02 p.m.