
Defines functions gc.survival

Documented in gc.survival

gc.survival<-function(object, data, group, times, failures, max.time,
                      effect="ATE", iterations=1000, n.cluster=1, cluster.type="PSOCK"){
  ### Controls - Start
  if(object$call[1] != "coxph()"){
    stop("The argument \"object\" needs to be a coxph object") }
  if(length(unlist(strsplit(as.character(object$formula[2]), ","))) != 2){
    stop("The argument \"object\" needs to be a proportional hazard model")}
  form <- object$formula
  if(!is.data.frame(data) & !is.matrix(data)){
    stop("The argument \"data\" needs to be a data.frame or a matrix") }
  if(!is.character(group) & !is.numeric(group)){
    stop("The argument \"group\" needs to be scalar or a character string") }
  if(length(grep("$", form, fixed = TRUE)) > 0 | length(grep("[", form,
                                                             fixed = TRUE)) > 0){
    stop("Incorrect formula specified in the argument \"object\": don't
use the syntax data$var or data[,var]") } #a reformuler
      times <- colnames(data)[times]
    }else{ stop("The argument \"times\" needs to be scalar or a character
string")  } }
  mod <- unique(data[,group])
  if(length(mod) != 2 | ((mod[1] != 0 & mod[2] != 1) & (mod[1] != 1 & mod[2]
                                                        != 0))){
    stop("Two modalities encoded 0 (for non-treated/non-exposed patients) and
1 (for treated/exposed patients) are required in the argument \"group\"
") }
  mod <- unique(data[,failures])
  if(length(mod) != 2 | ((mod[1] != 0 & mod[2] != 1) & (mod[1] != 1 & mod[2]
                                                        != 0))){
    stop("Two modalities encoded 0 (for censored patients) and 1 (for
uncensored patients) are required in the argument \"failures\" ") }
  if(is.na(match(effect,c("ATT","ATU","ATE"))) | length(effect)!=1){
    stop("Incorrect modality specified in the argument \"effect\": only one
option among \"ATE\", \"ATT\" or \"ATU\" are possible") }
  if(length(names(object$coef)) < 2){
    stop("Incorrect formula specified in the argument \"object\": at least
2 covariables, including exposure, are requiered") }
  if(is.na(match(group,names(object$coef))) &
    stop("Incorrect formula specified in the argument \"object\": exposure
is requiered") }
  if(max.time > max(data[,times], na.rm=T) | max.time < min(data[,times],
    stop("The argument \"max.time\" needs to be a number includes between the
min and the max of the vector \"times\" ") }
  if(!is.null(attr(object$terms,"specials")$strata) |
     !is.null(attr(object$terms,"specials")$tt) |
    stop("Incorrect argument in the argument \"object\": time-transform
functions, stratification and clustering are not implemented") }
  ties <- object$method
  ### Controls - End
  explp <-function(object, newdata){
    return( exp(predict(object, newdata, type="lp") +
                  sum(setNames(object$means, names(coef(object)))*coef(object))) )
  if(effect=="ATE"){ ttt <- which(data[,group] %in% c(0,1))
  }else if(effect=="ATT"){ ttt <- which(data[,group] == 1)
  }else ttt <- which(data[,group] == 0 )
  d1 <- d0 <- d <- data[ttt,]
  d1[,group] <- 1
  d0[,group] <- 0
  b <- basehaz(object, centered=FALSE)
  H0.multi <- b$hazard[b$time %in% sort(unique(d[d[,failures]==1,times]))]
  T.multi  <- b$time[b$time %in% sort(unique(d[d[,failures]==1,times]))]
  D1 <- data.frame(
    S = colMeans(exp(explp(object, d1) %o% -H0.multi), na.rm=TRUE),
    T = T.multi)
  D0 <- data.frame(
    S = colMeans(exp(explp(object, d0) %o% -H0.multi), na.rm=TRUE),
    T = T.multi)
  D1$h <- differentiation(x=D1$T, fx=-1*log(D1$S))
  D0$h <- differentiation(x=D0$T, fx=-1*log(D0$S))
  logHR <- log(mean(D1$h/D0$h))
  table.surv <- data.frame(
      sapply(D1$T, function(temps) {
        sum(d[d[,group]==1,times] >= temps)} ),
      sapply(D0$T, function(temps) {
        sum(d[d[,group]==0,times] >= temps)})),
      rep(0,dim(D0)[1])) )
  RMST1 <- rmst(D1$T, D1$S, max.time, type="s")
  RMST0 <- rmst(D0$T, D0$S, max.time, type="s")
  logHR.s <- RMST1.s <- RMST0.s <- rep(-99, iterations)
      for(i in 1:iterations){
        data.b <- data[sample(1:nrow(data), size=nrow(data), replace = TRUE),]
        cox.s <- coxph(form, data=data.b, ties=ties, x=TRUE, y=TRUE)
        sfit <- survfit(cox.s, data=data.b, se.fit=FALSE)
        .d1 <- .d0 <- data.b
        .d1[,group] <- 1
        .d0[,group] <- 0
        .H0.multi <- sfit$cumhaz[sfit$n.event>0] * exp(-sum(cox.s$means *
        .T.multi  <- sfit$time[sfit$n.event>0]
        .D1 <- data.frame(
          S = colMeans(exp(explp(cox.s,.d1) %o% -.H0.multi ), na.rm=TRUE),	T = .T.multi)
        .D0 <- data.frame(
          S = colMeans(exp(explp(cox.s,.d0) %o% -.H0.multi ), na.rm=TRUE),	T = .T.multi)
        logHR.s[i] <- log( mean(
          differentiation(x=.D1$T, fx=-1*log(.D1$S)) /
            differentiation(x=.D0$T, fx=-1*log(.D0$S))) )
        RMST1.s[i] <- rmst(.D1$T, .D1$S, max.time, type="s")
        RMST0.s[i] <- rmst(.D0$T, .D0$S, max.time, type="s")
        for(i in 1:iterations){
          data.b <- data[sample(1:nrow(data), size=nrow(data), replace = TRUE),]
          cox.s <- coxph(form, data=data.b, ties=ties, x=TRUE, y=TRUE)
          sfit <- survfit(cox.s, data=data.b, se.fit=FALSE)
          .d1 <- .d0 <- data.b[data.b[,group] == 1,]
          .d1[,group] <- 1
          .d0[,group] <- 0
          .H0.multi <- sfit$cumhaz[sfit$n.event>0] * exp(-sum(cox.s$means *
          .T.multi  <- sfit$time[sfit$n.event>0]
          .D1 <- data.frame(
            S = colMeans(exp(explp(cox.s,.d1) %o% -.H0.multi ), na.rm=TRUE),	T = .T.multi)
          .D0 <- data.frame(
            S = colMeans(exp(explp(cox.s,.d0) %o% -.H0.multi ), na.rm=TRUE),	T = .T.multi)
          logHR.s[i] <- log( mean(
            differentiation(x=.D1$T, fx=-1*log(.D1$S)) /
              differentiation(x=.D0$T, fx=-1*log(.D0$S))) )
          RMST1.s[i] <- rmst(.D1$T, .D1$S, max.time, type="s")
          RMST0.s[i] <- rmst(.D0$T, .D0$S, max.time, type="s")
        for(i in 1:iterations){
          data.b <- data[sample(1:nrow(data), size=nrow(data), replace = TRUE),]
          cox.s <- coxph(form, data=data.b, ties=ties, x=TRUE, y=TRUE)
          sfit <- survfit(cox.s, data=data.b, se.fit=FALSE)
          .d1 <- .d0 <- data.b[data.b[,group] == 0,]
          .d1[,group] <- 1
          .d0[,group] <- 0
          .H0.multi <- sfit$cumhaz[sfit$n.event>0] * exp(-sum(cox.s$means *
          .T.multi  <- sfit$time[sfit$n.event>0]
          .D1 <- data.frame(
            S = colMeans(exp(explp(cox.s,.d1) %o% -.H0.multi ), na.rm=TRUE),	T = .T.multi)
          .D0 <- data.frame(
            S = colMeans(exp(explp(cox.s,.d0) %o% -.H0.multi ), na.rm=TRUE),	T = .T.multi)
          logHR.s[i] <- log( mean(
            differentiation(x=.D1$T, fx=-1*log(.D1$S)) /
              differentiation(x=.D0$T, fx=-1*log(.D0$S))) )
          RMST1.s[i] <- rmst(.D1$T, .D1$S, max.time, type="s")
          RMST0.s[i] <- rmst(.D0$T, .D0$S, max.time, type="s")
      simul <- function(){
        data.b <- data[sample(1:nrow(data), size=nrow(data), replace = TRUE),]
        cox.s <- coxph(form, data=data.b, ties=ties, x=TRUE, y=TRUE)
        sfit <- survfit(cox.s, data=data.b, se.fit=FALSE)
        .d1 <- .d0 <- data.b
        .d1[,group] <- 1
        .d0[,group] <- 0
        .H0.multi <- sfit$cumhaz[sfit$n.event>0] * exp(-sum(cox.s$means *
        .T.multi  <- sfit$time[sfit$n.event>0]
        .D1 <- data.frame(
          S = colMeans(exp(explp(cox.s,.d1) %o% -.H0.multi ), na.rm=TRUE),	T = .T.multi)
        .D0 <- data.frame(
          S = colMeans(exp(explp(cox.s,.d0) %o% -.H0.multi ), na.rm=TRUE),	T = .T.multi)
        return(c(logHR.s = log(mean(differentiation(x=.D1$T,
                                                    fx=-1*log(.D1$S))/differentiation(x=.D0$T, fx=-1*log(.D0$S)))), RMST1.s
                 = rmst(.D1$T, .D1$S, max.time, type="s"), RMST0.s = rmst(.D0$T, .D0$S, max.time, type="s")))
        simul <- function(){
          data.b <- data[sample(1:nrow(data), size=nrow(data), replace = TRUE),]
          cox.s <- coxph(form, data=data.b, ties=ties, x=TRUE, y=TRUE)
          sfit <- survfit(cox.s, data=data.b, se.fit=FALSE)
          .d1 <- .d0 <- data.b[data.b[,group] == 1,]
          .d1[,group] <- 1
          .d0[,group] <- 0
          .H0.multi <- sfit$cumhaz[sfit$n.event>0] * exp(-sum(cox.s$means *
          .T.multi  <- sfit$time[sfit$n.event>0]
          .D1 <- data.frame(
            S = colMeans(exp(explp(cox.s,.d1) %o% -.H0.multi), na.rm=TRUE),	T = .T.multi)
          .D0 <- data.frame(
            S = colMeans(exp(explp(cox.s,.d0) %o% -.H0.multi), na.rm=TRUE),	T = .T.multi)
          return(c(logHR.s = log(mean(differentiation(x=.D1$T,
                                                      fx=-1*log(.D1$S))/differentiation(x=.D0$T, fx=-1*log(.D0$S)))), RMST1.s
                   = rmst(.D1$T, .D1$S, max.time, type="s"), RMST0.s = rmst(.D0$T, .D0$S, max.time, type="s")))
        simul <- function(){
          data.b <- data[sample(1:nrow(data), size=nrow(data), replace = TRUE),]
          cox.s <- coxph(form, data=data.b, ties=ties, x=TRUE, y=TRUE)
          sfit <- survfit(cox.s, data=data.b, se.fit=FALSE)
          .d1 <- .d0 <- data.b[data.b[,group] == 0,]
          .d1[,group] <- 1
          .d0[,group] <- 0
          .H0.multi <- sfit$cumhaz[sfit$n.event>0] * exp(-sum(cox.s$means *
          .T.multi  <- sfit$time[sfit$n.event>0]
          .D1 <- data.frame(
            S = colMeans(exp(explp(cox.s,.d1) %o% -.H0.multi ), na.rm=TRUE),	T = .T.multi)
          .D0 <- data.frame(
            S = colMeans(exp(explp(cox.s,.d0) %o% -.H0.multi ), na.rm=TRUE),	T = .T.multi)
          return(c(logHR.s = log(mean(differentiation(x=.D1$T,
                                                      fx=-1*log(.D1$S))/differentiation(x=.D0$T, fx=-1*log(.D0$S)))), RMST1.s
                   = rmst(.D1$T, .D1$S, max.time, type="s"), RMST0.s = rmst(.D0$T, .D0$S, max.time, type="s")))
    cl <- makeCluster(n.cluster, type=cluster.type)
    clusterEvalQ(cl, {library(splines); library(survival)})
    res <- NULL
    res <- foreach(i = 1:iterations, .combine=rbind, .inorder=TRUE) %dopar% {simul()}
    logHR.s <- as.numeric(res[,"logHR.s"])
    RMST1.s <- as.numeric(res[,"RMST1.s"])
    RMST0.s <- as.numeric(res[,"RMST0.s"])
  se.logHR <- sd(logHR.s, na.rm=TRUE)
  se.RMST1 <- sd(RMST1.s, na.rm=TRUE)
  se.RMST0 <- sd(RMST0.s, na.rm=TRUE)
  pv <- function(m, x){
    ztest <- m/sd(x, na.rm=TRUE)
  p.value.HR <- pv(m=logHR, x=logHR.s)
  if(p.value.HR==0){ p.value.HR <- "<0.001" }
  ci.low.logHR <- logHR - qnorm(0.975, 0, 1)*se.logHR
  ci.upp.logHR <- logHR + qnorm(0.975, 0, 1)*se.logHR
  ci.low.RMST1 <- RMST1 - qnorm(0.975, 0, 1)*se.RMST1
  ci.upp.RMST1 <- RMST1 + qnorm(0.975, 0, 1)*se.RMST1
  ci.low.RMST0 <- RMST0 - qnorm(0.975, 0, 1)*se.RMST0
  ci.upp.RMST0 <- RMST0 + qnorm(0.975, 0, 1)*se.RMST0
  delta.s <- RMST1.s - RMST0.s
  se.delta <- sd(delta.s, na.rm=TRUE)
  p.value.delta <- pv(m=(RMST1-RMST0), x=delta.s)
  if(p.value.delta==0){ p.value.delta <- "<0.001" }
  ci.low.delta <- (RMST1-RMST0) - qnorm(0.975, 0, 1)*sd(delta.s, na.rm=TRUE)
  ci.upp.delta <- (RMST1-RMST0) + qnorm(0.975, 0, 1)*sd(delta.s, na.rm=TRUE)
  .obj <- list(
    RMST0=data.frame(estimate=RMST0, std.error=se.RMST0, ci.lower=ci.low.RMST0,
    RMST1=data.frame(estimate=RMST1, std.error=se.RMST1, ci.lower=ci.low.RMST1,
    delta=data.frame(estimate=RMST1-RMST0, std.error=se.delta,
                     ci.lower=ci.low.delta, ci.upper=ci.upp.delta, p.value=p.value.delta),
    logHR=data.frame(estimate=logHR, std.error=se.logHR, ci.lower=ci.low.logHR,
                     ci.upper=ci.upp.logHR, p.value=p.value.HR) )
  class(.obj) <- "survrisca"

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