
Defines functions semi.markov.4states.rsadd

Documented in semi.markov.4states.rsadd

semi.markov.4states.rsadd <-function(times1, times2, sequences, weights=NULL, dist, cuts.12=NULL, cuts.13=NULL,cuts.14=NULL,cuts.23=NULL,cuts.24=NULL,ini.dist.12=NULL, ini.dist.13=NULL, ini.dist.14=NULL, ini.dist.23=NULL, ini.dist.24=NULL, cov.12=NULL, init.cov.12=NULL, names.12=NULL, cov.13=NULL, init.cov.13=NULL, names.13=NULL, cov.14=NULL, init.cov.14=NULL, names.14=NULL, cov.23=NULL, init.cov.23=NULL, names.23=NULL, cov.24=NULL, init.cov.24=NULL, names.24=NULL, p.age, p.sex, p.year, p.rate.table, conf.int=TRUE, silent=TRUE, precision=10^(-6))

#check conditions
if (missing(times1)) 
        stop("Argument 'times1' is missing with no default")
if (missing(times2)) 
        stop("Argument 'times2' is missing with no default")
if (missing(sequences)) 
        stop("Argument 'sequences' is missing with no default")
if (missing(dist)) 
        stop("Argument 'dist' is missing with no default")
if (missing(p.age)) 
        stop("Argument 'p.age' is missing with no default")
if (missing(p.sex)) 
        stop("Argument 'p.sex' is missing with no default")
if (missing(p.year)) 
        stop("Argument 'p.year' is missing with no default")        
if (missing(p.rate.table)) 
        stop("Argument 'p.rate.table' is missing with no default") 
if (!is.vector(times1) | !is.numeric(times1))
        stop("Argument 'times1' must be a numeric vector")
if (min(times1,na.rm=T)<0)
		stop("Negative values for 'times1'")
if (is.na(min(times1)))
		warning("individuals with missing values for 'times1' will be removed \n")
if (!is.vector(times2) | !is.numeric(times2))
        stop("Argument 'times2' must be a numeric vector")
if (min(times2,na.rm=T)<0)
		stop("Negative values for 'times2'")
if (!is.vector(sequences) | !is.numeric(sequences) | (min(names(table(sequences)) %in% c(1,12,13,14,123,124))==0) )
        stop("Argument 'sequences' must be a numeric vector with values 1, 12, 13, 14, 123, or 124")
if (min( c(1,12,13,14,123,124) %in% names(table(sequences))) ==0)
        warning("all sequencess (1, 12, 13, 14, 123, 124) are not present \n ")
if (min(length(times1),length(times2),length(sequences)) != max(length(times1),length(times2),length(sequences)))
        stop("Arguments 'times1', 'times2', and 'sequences' need to have the same number of rows")
if (!all(is.na(times2[which(sequences==1 | sequences==13 | sequences==14)])))		
		stop("Arguments 'times2' should be NA for individuals right-censored in X=1 or individuals who directly transited from X=1 to X=3 or to X=1 to X=4")	
if (min(times2-times1,na.rm=T)<=0)
		stop("Some values for 'times2' are lower or equal to 'times1'")
	if (!is.vector(weights) | !is.numeric(weights))
        stop("Argument 'weights' must be a numeric vector")
	if (min(weights,na.rm=T)<0)
		stop("Negative values for 'weights'")
	if (is.na(min(weights)))
		warning("individuals with missing values for 'weights' will be removed \n")

 {stop("Argument 'dist' have to contain 5 values")} 
if(!(dist[1] %in% c("PE","E","W","WG")))
 {stop("Argument 'dist': incorrect distribution for transition 12")} 
if(!(dist[2] %in% c("PE","E","W","WG")))
 {stop("Argument 'dist': incorrect distribution for transition 13")} 
if(!(dist[3] %in% c("PE","E","W","WG")))
 {stop("Argument 'dist': incorrect distribution for transition 14")} 
if(!(dist[4] %in% c("PE","E","W","WG")))
 {stop("Argument 'dist': incorrect distribution for transition 23")} 
if(!(dist[5] %in% c("PE","E","W","WG")))
 {stop("Argument 'dist': incorrect distribution for transition 24")} 
if(dist[1]!="PE" & (!is.null(cuts.12)))
 {stop("Arguments 'cuts.12' is only allowed with exponential distribution for transition 12 (piecewise model)")} 
if(dist[2]!="PE" & (!is.null(cuts.13)))
 {stop("Arguments 'cuts.13' is only allowed with exponential distribution for transition 13 (piecewise model)")}
if(dist[3]!="PE" & (!is.null(cuts.14)))
 {stop("Arguments 'cuts.14' is only allowed with exponential distribution for transition 14 (piecewise model)")}  
if(dist[4]!="PE" & (!is.null(cuts.23)))
 {stop("Arguments 'cuts.23' is only allowed with exponential distribution for transition 23 (piecewise model)")}
if(dist[5]!="PE" & (!is.null(cuts.24)))
 {stop("Arguments 'cuts.24' is only allowed with exponential distribution for transition 24 (piecewise model)")}  
if(dist[1]=="PE" & !is.null(cuts.12))
 if (!all(is.numeric(cuts.12)) | !all(!is.na(cuts.12)) | !all(cuts.12>0) | !all(is.finite(cuts.12)) | is.unsorted(cuts.12)) 
 {stop("Arguments 'cuts.12' must be a sorted vector with only positive and finite numeric values (internal timepoints)")}
if(dist[1]=="PE" & !is.null(cuts.12))
 if (max(cuts.12)>=max(times1,na.rm=T)) 
 {stop("Arguments 'cuts.12': check internal timepoints or time units (last internal timepoint is greater or equal to the maximum value for times1)")}
if(dist[2]=="PE" & !is.null(cuts.13))
 if (!all(is.numeric(cuts.13)) | !all(!is.na(cuts.13)) | !all(cuts.13>0) | !all(is.finite(cuts.13)) | is.unsorted(cuts.13)) 
 {stop("Arguments 'cuts.13' must be a sorted vector with only positive and finite numeric values (internal timepoints)")}
if(dist[2]=="PE" & !is.null(cuts.13))
 if (max(cuts.13)>=max(times1,na.rm=T)) 
 {stop("Arguments 'cuts.13': check internal timepoints or time units (last internal timepoint is greater or equal to the maximum value for times1)")}
if(dist[3]=="PE" & !is.null(cuts.14))
 if (!all(is.numeric(cuts.14)) | !all(!is.na(cuts.14)) | !all(cuts.14>0) | !all(is.finite(cuts.14)) | is.unsorted(cuts.14)) 
 {stop("Arguments 'cuts.14' must be a sorted vector with only positive and finite numeric values (internal timepoints)")}
if(dist[3]=="PE" & !is.null(cuts.14))
 if (max(cuts.14)>=max(times1,na.rm=T)) 
 {stop("Arguments 'cuts.14': check internal timepoints or time units (last internal timepoint is greater or equal to the maximum value for times1)")}
if(dist[4]=="PE" & !is.null(cuts.23))
 if (!all(is.numeric(cuts.23)) | !all(!is.na(cuts.23)) | !all(cuts.23>0) | !all(is.finite(cuts.23)) | is.unsorted(cuts.23)) 
 {stop("Arguments 'cuts.23' must be a sorted vector with only positive and finite numeric values (internal timepoints)")}
if(dist[4]=="PE" & !is.null(cuts.23))
 if (max(cuts.23)>=max(times1,na.rm=T)) 
 {stop("Arguments 'cuts.23': check internal timepoints or time units (last internal timepoint is greater or equal to the maximum value for times1)")}
if(dist[5]=="PE" & !is.null(cuts.24))
 if (!all(is.numeric(cuts.24)) | !all(!is.na(cuts.24)) | !all(cuts.24>0) | !all(is.finite(cuts.24)) | is.unsorted(cuts.24)) 
 {stop("Arguments 'cuts.24' must be a sorted vector with only positive and finite numeric values (internal timepoints)")}
if(dist[5]=="PE" & !is.null(cuts.24))
 if (max(cuts.24)>=max(times1,na.rm=T)) 
 {stop("Arguments 'cuts.24': check internal timepoints or time units (last internal timepoint is greater or equal to the maximum value for times1)")}
if(!is.null(ini.dist.12) & !is.numeric(ini.dist.12))
 {stop("Argument 'ini.dist.12' must be a numeric vector (default is NULL)")} 
if(!is.null(ini.dist.13) & !is.numeric(ini.dist.13))
 {stop("Argument 'ini.dist.13' must be a numeric vector (default is NULL)")} 
if(!is.null(ini.dist.14) & !is.numeric(ini.dist.13))
 {stop("Argument 'ini.dist.14' must be a numeric vector (default is NULL)")} 
if(!is.null(ini.dist.23) & !is.numeric(ini.dist.23))
 {stop("Argument 'ini.dist.23' must be a numeric vector (default is NULL)")}  
if(!is.null(ini.dist.24) & !is.numeric(ini.dist.23))
 {stop("Argument 'ini.dist.24' must be a numeric vector (default is NULL)")}  

if(dist[1]=="PE" & !is.null(ini.dist.12) & length(ini.dist.12)!=(length(cuts.12)+1))
 {stop("Incorrect number of parameters initialized for transition 12 (piecewise model)")} 
if(dist[2]=="PE" & !is.null(ini.dist.13) & length(ini.dist.13)!=(length(cuts.13)+1))
 {stop("Incorrect number of parameters initialized for transition 13 (piecewise model)")}
if(dist[3]=="PE" & !is.null(ini.dist.14) & length(ini.dist.14)!=(length(cuts.14)+1))
 {stop("Incorrect number of parameters initialized for transition 14 (piecewise model)")}
if(dist[4]=="PE" & !is.null(ini.dist.23) & length(ini.dist.23)!=(length(cuts.23)+1))
 {stop("Incorrect number of parameters initialized for transition 23 (piecewise model)")}
if(dist[5]=="PE" & !is.null(ini.dist.24) & length(ini.dist.24)!=(length(cuts.24)+1))
 {stop("Incorrect number of parameters initialized for transition 24 (piecewise model)")} 

if( (dist[1]=="E" & is.null(cuts.12) & !is.null(ini.dist.12) & length(ini.dist.12)!=1) )
 {stop("Exponential distribution (transition 12) needs initialization of one parameter")} 
if( (dist[1]=="W" & is.null(cuts.12) & !is.null(ini.dist.12) & length(ini.dist.12)!=2) )
 {stop("Weibull distribution (transition 12) needs initialization of two parameters")} 
if( (dist[1]=="WG" & is.null(cuts.12) & !is.null(ini.dist.12) & length(ini.dist.12)!=3) )
 {stop("Generalized Weibull distribution (transition 12) needs initialization of three parameters")}  

if( (dist[2]=="E" & is.null(cuts.13) & !is.null(ini.dist.13) & length(ini.dist.13)!=1) )
 {stop("Exponential distribution (transition 13) needs initialization of one parameter")} 
if( (dist[2]=="W" & is.null(cuts.13) & !is.null(ini.dist.13) & length(ini.dist.13)!=2) )
 {stop("Weibull distribution (transition 13) needs initialization of two parameters")} 
if( (dist[2]=="WG" & is.null(cuts.13) & !is.null(ini.dist.13) & length(ini.dist.13)!=3) )
 {stop("Generalized Weibull distribution (transition 13) needs initialization of three parameters")}
 if( (dist[3]=="E" & is.null(cuts.14) & !is.null(ini.dist.14) & length(ini.dist.14)!=1) )
 {stop("Exponential distribution (transition 14) needs initialization of one parameter")} 
if( (dist[3]=="W" & is.null(cuts.14) & !is.null(ini.dist.14) & length(ini.dist.14)!=2) )
 {stop("Weibull distribution (transition 14) needs initialization of two parameters")} 
if( (dist[3]=="WG" & is.null(cuts.14) & !is.null(ini.dist.14) & length(ini.dist.14)!=3) )
 {stop("Generalized Weibull distribution (transition 14) needs initialization of three parameters")}
 if( (dist[4]=="E" & is.null(cuts.23) & !is.null(ini.dist.23) & length(ini.dist.23)!=1) )
 {stop("Exponential distribution (transition 23) needs initialization of one parameter")} 
if( (dist[4]=="W" & is.null(cuts.23) & !is.null(ini.dist.23) & length(ini.dist.23)!=2) )
 {stop("Weibull distribution (transition 23) needs initialization of two parameters")} 
if( (dist[4]=="WG" & is.null(cuts.23) & !is.null(ini.dist.23) & length(ini.dist.23)!=3) )
 {stop("Generalized Weibull distribution (transition 23) needs initialization of three parameters")}

 if( (dist[5]=="E" & is.null(cuts.24) & !is.null(ini.dist.24) & length(ini.dist.24)!=1) )
 {stop("Exponential distribution (transition 24) needs initialization of one parameter")} 
if( (dist[5]=="W" & is.null(cuts.24) & !is.null(ini.dist.24) & length(ini.dist.24)!=2) )
 {stop("Weibull distribution (transition 24) needs initialization of two parameters")} 
if( (dist[5]=="WG" & is.null(cuts.24) & !is.null(ini.dist.24) & length(ini.dist.24)!=3) )
 {stop("Generalized Weibull distribution (transition 24) needs initialization of three parameters")}

if ((!is.vector(cov.12) & !is.data.frame(cov.12) & !is.matrix(cov.12)) | !all(sapply(cov.12,is.numeric)))
 {stop("Argument 'cov.12' must be a numeric matrix or data.frame (default is NULL)")} 
if (nrow(data.frame(cov.12))!=length(times1))
 {stop("Argument 'cov.12' needs to have the same number of rows than 'times1'")}
if (sum(apply(sapply(data.frame(cov.12),is.na),1,sum))>0)
		warning(sum(apply(sapply(data.frame(cov.12),is.na),1,sum))," individuals with missing values on 'cov.12' will be removed \n")
	if (!is.numeric(init.cov.12))
	{stop("Argument 'init.cov.12' must be a numeric vector (default is NULL)")} 
	if (ncol(data.frame(cov.12))!=length(init.cov.12))
	{stop("Argument 'init.cov.12' needs to have the same length than number of columns of 'cov.12'")}
if (!is.null(names.12))
	if (!is.character(names.12))
	{stop("Argument 'names.12' must be a character vector (default is NULL)")} 
	if (ncol(data.frame(cov.12))!=length(names.12))
	{stop("Argument 'names.12' needs to have the same length than number of columns of 'cov.12'")}

if ((!is.vector(cov.13) & !is.data.frame(cov.13) & !is.matrix(cov.13)) | !all(sapply(cov.13,is.numeric)))
 {stop("Argument 'cov.13' must be a numeric matrix or data.frame (default is NULL)")} 
if (nrow(data.frame(cov.13))!=length(times1))
 {stop("Argument 'cov.13' needs to have the same number of rows than 'times1'")}
if (sum(apply(sapply(data.frame(cov.13),is.na),1,sum))>0)
		warning(sum(apply(sapply(data.frame(cov.13),is.na),1,sum))," individuals with missing values on 'cov.13' will be removed \n")
	if (!is.numeric(init.cov.13))
	{stop("Argument 'init.cov.13' must be a numeric vector (default is NULL)")} 
	if (ncol(data.frame(cov.13))!=length(init.cov.13))
	{stop("Argument 'init.cov.13' needs to have the same length than number of columns of 'cov.13'")}
if (!is.null(names.13))
	if (!is.character(names.13))
	{stop("Argument 'names.13' must be a character vector (default is NULL)")} 
	if (ncol(data.frame(cov.13))!=length(names.13))
	{stop("Argument 'names.13' needs to have the same length than number of columns of 'cov.13'")}

if ((!is.vector(cov.14) & !is.data.frame(cov.14) & !is.matrix(cov.14)) | !all(sapply(cov.14,is.numeric)))
 {stop("Argument 'cov.14' must be a numeric matrix or data.frame (default is NULL)")} 
if (nrow(data.frame(cov.14))!=length(times1))
 {stop("Argument 'cov.14' needs to have the same number of rows than 'times1'")}
if (sum(apply(sapply(data.frame(cov.14),is.na),1,sum))>0)
		warning(sum(apply(sapply(data.frame(cov.14),is.na),1,sum))," individuals with missing values on 'cov.14' will be removed \n")
	if (!is.numeric(init.cov.14))
	{stop("Argument 'init.cov.14' must be a numeric vector (default is NULL)")} 
	if (ncol(data.frame(cov.14))!=length(init.cov.14))
	{stop("Argument 'init.cov.14' needs to have the same length than number of columns of 'cov.14'")}
if (!is.null(names.14))
	if (!is.character(names.14))
	{stop("Argument 'names.14' must be a character vector (default is NULL)")} 
	if (ncol(data.frame(cov.14))!=length(names.14))
	{stop("Argument 'names.14' needs to have the same length than number of columns of 'cov.14'")}

if ((!is.vector(cov.23) & !is.data.frame(cov.23) & !is.matrix(cov.23)) | !all(sapply(cov.23,is.numeric)))
 {stop("Argument 'cov.23' must be a numeric matrix or data.frame (default is NULL)")} 
if (nrow(data.frame(cov.23))!=length(times2))
 {stop("Argument 'cov.23' needs to have the same number of rows than 'times2'")}
if (sum(apply(sapply(data.frame(cov.23),is.na),1,sum))>0)
		warning(sum(apply(sapply(data.frame(cov.23),is.na),1,sum))," individuals with missing values on 'cov.23' will be removed \n")
	if (!is.numeric(init.cov.23))
	{stop("Argument 'init.cov.23' must be a numeric vector (default is NULL)")} 
	if (ncol(data.frame(cov.23))!=length(init.cov.23))
	{stop("Argument 'init.cov.23' needs to have the same length than number of columns of 'cov.23'")}
if (!is.null(names.23))
	if (!is.character(names.23))
	{stop("Argument 'names.23' must be a character vector (default is NULL)")} 
	if (ncol(data.frame(cov.23))!=length(names.23))
	{stop("Argument 'names.23' needs to have the same length than number of columns of 'cov.23'")}
if ((!is.vector(cov.24) & !is.data.frame(cov.24) & !is.matrix(cov.24)) | !all(sapply(cov.24,is.numeric)))
 {stop("Argument 'cov.24' must be a numeric matrix or data.frame (default is NULL)")} 
if (nrow(data.frame(cov.24))!=length(times2))
 {stop("Argument 'cov.24' needs to have the same number of rows than 'times1'")}
if (sum(apply(sapply(data.frame(cov.24),is.na),1,sum))>0)
		warning(sum(apply(sapply(data.frame(cov.24),is.na),1,sum))," individuals with missing values on 'cov.24' will be removed \n")
	if (!is.numeric(init.cov.24))
	{stop("Argument 'init.cov.24' must be a numeric vector (default is NULL)")} 
	if (ncol(data.frame(cov.24))!=length(init.cov.24))
	{stop("Argument 'init.cov.24' needs to have the same length than number of columns of 'cov.24'")}
if (!is.null(names.24))
	if (!is.character(names.24))
	{stop("Argument 'names.24' must be a character vector (default is NULL)")} 
	if (ncol(data.frame(cov.24))!=length(names.24))
	{stop("Argument 'names.24' needs to have the same length than number of columns of 'cov.24'")}
 {stop("Argument 'p.age' must be a numeric vector")} 
 {warning("some ages at the baseline are very low (<1 year), check that 'p.age' is given in days")} 
if (is.na(min(p.age)))
		warning("individuals with missing values for 'p.age' will be removed \n")
 {stop("Argument 'p.sex' must be a character vector")} 
if(min(names(table(p.sex)) %in% c("female","male"))==0)
 {stop("Argument 'p.sex' must be 'male' or 'female'")}
if (is.na(min(p.sex)))
		warning("individuals with missing values for 'p.sex' will be removed \n")
 {stop("Argument 'p.year' must be a numeric vector")} 
 {stop("Some entry dates in the study are greater than current date: check that 'p.year' is a date format (number of days since 01.01.1960)")}
if (is.na(min(p.year)))
		warning("individuals with missing values for 'p.year' will be removed \n")
 {stop("p.rate.table must be a ratetable object with the expected mortality rates by age, sex, and cohort year")}

if(attributes(p.rate.table)$dimid[1]!=c("age") | attributes(p.rate.table)$dimid[2]!=c("sex") | attributes(p.rate.table)$dimid[3]!=c("year"))
 {print("Check that expected mortality rates in p.rate.table are given by age, sex, and cohort year")}

if(round(abs(min(attributes(p.rate.table)$cutpoints[[1]][-1]-attributes(p.rate.table)$cutpoints[[1]][-length(attributes(p.rate.table)$cutpoints[[1]])])-365.241),3)>0.001 | round(abs(max(attributes(p.rate.table)$cutpoints[[1]][-1]-attributes(p.rate.table)$cutpoints[[1]][-length(attributes(p.rate.table)$cutpoints[[1]])])-365.241),3)>0.001)
{stop("p.rate.table must have one-year age groups (365.24 or 365.241 days)")}

if(min(attributes(p.rate.table)$cutpoints[[3]][-1]-attributes(p.rate.table)$cutpoints[[3]][-length(attributes(p.rate.table)$cutpoints[[3]])])!=365 | max(attributes(p.rate.table)$cutpoints[[3]][-1]-attributes(p.rate.table)$cutpoints[[3]][-length(attributes(p.rate.table)$cutpoints[[3]])])!=366)
 {stop("p.rate.table must have one-year time intervals (365 or 366 days)")}

 {stop("Some entry dates in the study are lower than starting year in the table of event rates: check that 'p.year' is a date format (number of days since 01.01.1960)")}

if(!(conf.int %in% c("TRUE","FALSE")))
 {stop("Argument 'conf.int' must be TRUE or FALSE (default is TRUE)")} 

 {stop("Argument 'precision' must be numeric (default is 0)")} 
 {stop("Argument 'precision' must be greater or equal to 0 (default is 0)")}
if(!(silent %in% c("TRUE","FALSE")))
 {stop("Argument 'silent' must be TRUE or FALSE (default is TRUE)")} 
warning("the table of event rates stops at:",as.character(max(attributes(p.rate.table)$cutpoints[[3]])),"\n") 





#sojourn time distributions
if(dist[1]=="WG" | dist[1]=="W" | (dist[1]=="E" & is.null(cuts.12)))
 H12<-function(t,z,cuts) { exp(as.matrix(z) %*% coef12) * ((((1+(t/sigma12)^nu12))^(1/theta12))-1) }
 log.h12<-function(t,z,cuts) { (as.matrix(z) %*% coef12) - log(theta12) + ((1/theta12)-1) * log1p((t/sigma12)^nu12) + log(nu12) + (nu12-1)*log(t) - nu12*log(sigma12) }

if(dist[1]=="PE" & !is.null(cuts.12))
cuts.12 <- sort(cuts.12)/365.24
if ((cuts.12[1] <= 0) || (cuts.12[length(cuts.12)] == Inf)) 
   stop("'cuts.12' must be positive and finite.")
cuts.12 <- c(0, cuts.12, Inf)

H12<-function(t,z,cuts) {
for (i in (1:(length(cuts)-1)))
  H<-H+(1*(t>=cuts[i]))*exp(as.matrix(z) %*% coef12)*((pmin(cuts[i+1],t)-cuts[i])/sigma12[i])
log.h12<-function(t,z,cuts) {
 for (i in (1:(length(cuts)-1)))
  log.h<-log.h+(1*(t>=cuts[i])*(t<cuts[i+1]))*(as.matrix(z) %*% coef12-log(sigma12[i]))

if(dist[2]=="WG" | dist[2]=="W" | (dist[2]=="E" & is.null(cuts.13)))
 H13<-function(t,z,cuts) { exp(as.matrix(z) %*% coef13) * ((((1+(t/sigma13)^nu13))^(1/theta13))-1) }
 log.h13<-function(t,z,cuts) { (as.matrix(z) %*% coef13) - log(theta13) + ((1/theta13)-1) * log1p((t/sigma13)^nu13) + log(nu13) + (nu13-1)*log(t) - nu13*log(sigma13) }

if(dist[2]=="PE" & !is.null(cuts.13))
cuts.13 <- sort(cuts.13)/365.24
if ((cuts.13[1] <= 0) || (cuts.13[length(cuts.13)] == Inf)) 
   stop("'cuts.13' must be positive and finite.")
cuts.13 <- c(0, cuts.13, Inf)

H13<-function(t,z,cuts) {
for (i in (1:(length(cuts)-1)))
  H<-H+(1*(t>=cuts[i]))*exp(as.matrix(z) %*% coef13)*((pmin(cuts[i+1],t)-cuts[i])/sigma13[i])
log.h13<-function(t,z,cuts) {
 for (i in (1:(length(cuts)-1)))
  log.h<-log.h+(1*(t>=cuts[i])*(t<cuts[i+1]))*(as.matrix(z) %*% coef13-log(sigma13[i]))

if(dist[3]=="WG" | dist[3]=="W" | (dist[3]=="E" & is.null(cuts.14)))
 H14<-function(t,z,cuts) { exp(as.matrix(z) %*% coef14) * ((((1+(t/sigma14)^nu14))^(1/theta14))-1) }
 log.h14<-function(t,z,cuts) { (as.matrix(z) %*% coef14) - log(theta14) + ((1/theta14)-1) * log1p((t/sigma14)^nu14) + log(nu14) + (nu14-1)*log(t) - nu14*log(sigma14) }

if(dist[3]=="PE" & !is.null(cuts.14))
cuts.14 <- sort(cuts.14)/365.24
if ((cuts.14[1] <= 0) || (cuts.14[length(cuts.14)] == Inf)) 
   stop("'cuts.14' must be positive and finite.")
cuts.14 <- c(0, cuts.14, Inf)

H14<-function(t,z,cuts) {
for (i in (1:(length(cuts)-1)))
  H<-H+(1*(t>=cuts[i]))*exp(as.matrix(z) %*% coef14)*((pmin(cuts[i+1],t)-cuts[i])/sigma14[i])
log.h14<-function(t,z,cuts) {
 for (i in (1:(length(cuts)-1)))
  log.h<-log.h+(1*(t>=cuts[i])*(t<cuts[i+1]))*(as.matrix(z) %*% coef14-log(sigma14[i]))

if(dist[4]=="WG" | dist[4]=="W" | (dist[4]=="E" & is.null(cuts.23)))
 H23<-function(t,z,cuts) { exp(as.matrix(z) %*% coef23) * ((((1+(t/sigma23)^nu23))^(1/theta23))-1) }
 log.h23<-function(t,z,cuts) { (as.matrix(z) %*% coef23) - log(theta23) + ((1/theta23)-1) * log1p((t/sigma23)^nu23) + log(nu23) + (nu23-1)*log(t) - nu23*log(sigma23) }

if(dist[4]=="PE" & !is.null(cuts.23))
cuts.23 <- sort(cuts.23)/365.24
if ((cuts.23[1] <= 0) || (cuts.23[length(cuts.23)] == Inf)) 
   stop("'cuts.23' must be positive and finite.")
cuts.23 <- c(0, cuts.23, Inf)

H23<-function(t,z,cuts) {
for (i in (1:(length(cuts)-1)))
  H<-H+(1*(t>=cuts[i]))*exp(as.matrix(z) %*% coef23)*((pmin(cuts[i+1],t)-cuts[i])/sigma23[i])
log.h23<-function(t,z,cuts) {
 for (i in (1:(length(cuts)-1)))
  log.h<-log.h+(1*(t>=cuts[i])*(t<cuts[i+1]))*(as.matrix(z) %*% coef23-log(sigma23[i]))

if(dist[5]=="WG" | dist[5]=="W" | (dist[5]=="E" & is.null(cuts.24)))
 H24<-function(t,z,cuts) { exp(as.matrix(z) %*% coef24) * ((((1+(t/sigma24)^nu24))^(1/theta24))-1) }
 log.h24<-function(t,z,cuts) { (as.matrix(z) %*% coef24) - log(theta24) + ((1/theta24)-1) * log1p((t/sigma24)^nu24) + log(nu24) + (nu24-1)*log(t) - nu24*log(sigma24) }

if(dist[5]=="PE" & !is.null(cuts.24))
cuts.24 <- sort(cuts.24)/365.24
if ((cuts.24[1] <= 0) || (cuts.24[length(cuts.24)] == Inf)) 
   stop("'cuts.24' must be positive and finite.")
cuts.24 <- c(0, cuts.24, Inf)

H24<-function(t,z,cuts) {
for (i in (1:(length(cuts)-1)))
  H<-H+(1*(t>=cuts[i]))*exp(as.matrix(z) %*% coef24)*((pmin(cuts[i+1],t)-cuts[i])/sigma24[i])
log.h24<-function(t,z,cuts) {
 for (i in (1:(length(cuts)-1)))
  log.h<-log.h+(1*(t>=cuts[i])*(t<cuts[i+1]))*(as.matrix(z) %*% coef24-log(sigma24[i]))

#contributions to the log-likelihood
c1<-function(times1, z12, z13, z14, cutimes12, cutimes13, cutimes14, H4P.times1)
 {return( -H12(times1, z12, cutimes12) - H13(times1, z13, cutimes13)- H14(times1, z14, cutimes14)- H4P.times1)}

c12<-function(times1, times2, z12, z13, z14, z23, z24, cutimes12, cutimes13, cutimes14, cutimes23, cutimes24, H4P.times2)
 {return(log.h12(times1, z12, cutimes12) - H12(times1, z12, cutimes12) - H13(times1, z13, cutimes13) - H14(times1, z14, cutimes14) - H23(times2, z23, cutimes23) - H24(times2, z24, cutimes24)- H4P.times2)}

c13<-function(times1, z12, z13, z14, cutimes12, cutimes13, cutimes14, H4P.times1)
 {return(log.h13(times1, z13, cutimes13) - H12(times1, z12, cutimes12) - H13(times1, z13, cutimes13) - H14(times1, z14, cutimes14)- H4P.times1)}

c14<-function(times1, z12, z13, z14, cutimes12, cutimes13, cutimes14, H4P.times1, h4P.times1)
 {return(log(exp(log.h14(times1, z14, cutimes14))+ h4P.times1) - H12(times1, z12, cutimes12) - H13(times1, z13, cutimes13) - H14(times1, z14, cutimes14)- H4P.times1)}

c123<-function(times1, times2, z12, z13, z14, z23, z24, cutimes12, cutimes13, cutimes14, cutimes23, cutimes24, H4P.times2)
 {return(log.h12(times1, z12, cutimes12) - H12(times1, z12, cutimes12) - H13(times1, z13, cutimes13) - H14(times1, z14, cutimes14) + log.h23(times2, z23, cutimes23) - H23(times2, z23, cutimes23) - H24(times2, z24, cutimes24) - H4P.times2)}

c124<-function(times1, times2, z12, z13, z14, z23, z24, cutimes12, cutimes13, cutimes14, cutimes23, cutimes24, H4P.times2, h4P.times2)
 {return(log.h12(times1, z12, cutimes12) - H12(times1, z12, cutimes12) - H13(times1, z13, cutimes13) - H14(times1, z14, cutimes14) + log(exp(log.h24(times2, z24, cutimes24))+ h4P.times2) - H23(times2, z23, cutimes23) - H24(times2, z24, cutimes24) - H4P.times2)}

#sojourn time

#non missing data
.D <- cbind(d1, cov.12, cov.13, cov.14, cov.23, cov.24, p.age, p.sex, p.year)
.na <- (pmin(apply(!is.na(.D),FUN="min",MARGIN=1))==1)

#initialization of the parameters
if (is.null(cov.12)) {cov.12.mat <- cbind(rep(0, length(d1))); n.12 <- NULL} else { cov.12.mat <- cbind(cov.12); n.12 <- paste("covariate(s) on trans. 12:  num", 1:ncol(data.frame(cov.12))); if(!is.null(names.12)) {n.12 <- names.12} }

if (is.null(cov.13)) {cov.13.mat <- cbind(rep(0, length(d1))); n.13 <- NULL} else { cov.13.mat <- cbind(cov.13); n.13 <- paste("covariate(s) on trans. 13:  num", 1:ncol(data.frame(cov.13))); if(!is.null(names.13)) {n.13 <- names.13} }

if (is.null(cov.14)) {cov.14.mat <- cbind(rep(0, length(d1))); n.14 <- NULL} else { cov.14.mat <- cbind(cov.14); n.14 <- paste("covariate(s) on trans. 14:  num", 1:ncol(data.frame(cov.14))); if(!is.null(names.14)) {n.14 <- names.14} }

if (is.null(cov.23)) {cov.23.mat <- cbind(rep(0, length(d1))); n.23 <- NULL} else { cov.23.mat <- cbind(cov.23); n.23 <- paste("covariate(s) on trans. 23:  num", 1:ncol(data.frame(cov.23))); if(!is.null(names.23)) {n.23 <- names.23} }

if (is.null(cov.24)) {cov.24.mat <- cbind(rep(0, length(d1))); n.24 <- NULL} else { cov.24.mat <- cbind(cov.24); n.24 <- paste("covariate(s) on trans. 24:  num", 1:ncol(data.frame(cov.24))); if(!is.null(names.24)) {n.24 <- names.24} }

if (is.null(ini.dist.12)) {i.12.dist<-rep(0, 1*(dist[1]=="E" & is.null(cuts.12)) + 2*(dist[1]=="W") + 3*(dist[1]=="WG") + 1*(dist[1]=="PE" & !is.null(cuts.12))*(length(cuts.12)-1))}
 else {i.12.dist<-ini.dist.12}

if (is.null(ini.dist.13)) {i.13.dist<-rep(0, 1*(dist[2]=="E" & is.null(cuts.13)) + 2*(dist[2]=="W") + 3*(dist[2]=="WG") + 1*(dist[2]=="PE" & !is.null(cuts.13))*(length(cuts.13)-1))}
 else {i.13.dist<-ini.dist.13}

 if (is.null(ini.dist.14)) {i.14.dist<-rep(0, 1*(dist[3]=="E" & is.null(cuts.14)) + 2*(dist[3]=="W") + 3*(dist[3]=="WG") + 1*(dist[3]=="PE" & !is.null(cuts.14))*(length(cuts.14)-1))}
 else {i.14.dist<-ini.dist.14}

if (is.null(ini.dist.23)) {i.23.dist<-rep(0, 1*(dist[4]=="E" & is.null(cuts.23)) + 2*(dist[4]=="W") + 3*(dist[4]=="WG") + 1*(dist[4]=="PE" & !is.null(cuts.23))*(length(cuts.23)-1))}
 else {i.23.dist<-ini.dist.23}

 if (is.null(ini.dist.24)) {i.24.dist<-rep(0, 1*(dist[5]=="E" & is.null(cuts.24)) + 2*(dist[5]=="W") + 3*(dist[5]=="WG") + 1*(dist[5]=="PE" & !is.null(cuts.24))*(length(cuts.24)-1))}
 else {i.24.dist<-ini.dist.24}

if (!is.null(init.cov.12)) {i.12<-init.cov.12}
if (is.null(init.cov.12) & is.null(cov.12)) {i.12<-NULL}
if (is.null(init.cov.12) & !is.null(cov.12)) {i.12<-rep(0, ncol(data.frame(cov.12)))}

if (!is.null(init.cov.13)) {i.13<-init.cov.13}
if (is.null(init.cov.13) & is.null(cov.13)) {i.13<-NULL}
if (is.null(init.cov.13) & !is.null(cov.13)) {i.13<-rep(0, ncol(data.frame(cov.13)))}

if (!is.null(init.cov.14)) {i.14<-init.cov.14}
if (is.null(init.cov.14) & is.null(cov.14)) {i.14<-NULL}
if (is.null(init.cov.14) & !is.null(cov.14)) {i.14<-rep(0, ncol(data.frame(cov.14)))}

if (!is.null(init.cov.23)) {i.23<-init.cov.23}
if (is.null(init.cov.23) & is.null(cov.23)) {i.23<-NULL}
if (is.null(init.cov.23) & !is.null(cov.23)) {i.23<-rep(0, ncol(data.frame(cov.23)))}

if (!is.null(init.cov.24)) {i.24<-init.cov.24}
if (is.null(init.cov.24) & is.null(cov.24)) {i.24<-NULL}
if (is.null(init.cov.24) & !is.null(cov.24)) {i.24<-rep(0, ncol(data.frame(cov.24)))}

ini <- c(i.12.dist, i.13.dist, i.14.dist, i.23.dist, i.24.dist, i.12, i.13, i.14, i.23, i.24)

{w <- rep(1, length(d1))}

#instantaneous risk of death in general population
#return(mapply(FUN=function(age,sex,year) {rate.table[age,sex,year]},trunc(trunc(age.year)+t.year)-minage.year.ratetable+1,sex,as.character(pmin(maxyear.ratetable,trunc(year.year+t.year))))*365.24)
return(mapply(FUN=function(age,sex,year) {rate.table[age,sex,year]},trunc(trunc(age.year)+t.year)-minage.year.ratetable+1,sex,as.character(pmin(maxyear.ratetable,trunc(year.year+t.year)))))


#cumulative risk between age at year 'year' and age at year ('year' + 't')
  j<-0   #time loop
  i<-1   #subject loop
  while (i<=length(age)){
  while (j<trunc(t.year[i])) {
    } #end of time loop
  } #end of subject loop

#parameters for contributions associated to each transition
.w1 <- w[(sequences==1 & .na)]
.d1.1 <- d1[(sequences==1 & .na)]
.c1.12 <- cov.12.mat[(sequences==1 & .na),]
.c1.13 <- cov.13.mat[(sequences==1 & .na),]
.c1.14 <- cov.14.mat[(sequences==1 & .na),]
.c1.p.age <- p.age[(sequences==1 & .na)]
.c1.p.sex <- p.sex[(sequences==1 & .na)]
.c1.p.year <- p.year[(sequences==1 & .na)]

.w12 <- w[(sequences==12 & .na)]
.d12.1 <- d1[(sequences==12 & .na)]
.d12.2 <- d2[(sequences==12 & .na)]
.c12.12 <- cov.12.mat[(sequences==12 & .na),]
.c12.13 <- cov.13.mat[(sequences==12 & .na),]
.c12.14 <- cov.14.mat[(sequences==12 & .na),]
.c12.23 <- cov.23.mat[(sequences==12 & .na),]
.c12.24 <- cov.24.mat[(sequences==12 & .na),]
.c12.p.age <- p.age[(sequences==12 & .na)]
.c12.p.sex <- p.sex[(sequences==12 & .na)]
.c12.p.year <- p.year[(sequences==12 & .na)]

.w13 <- w[(sequences==13 & .na)]
.d13.1 <- d1[(sequences==13 & .na)]
.c13.12 <- as.matrix(cov.12.mat[(sequences==13 & .na),])
.c13.13 <- as.matrix(cov.13.mat[(sequences==13 & .na),])
.c13.14 <- as.matrix(cov.14.mat[(sequences==13 & .na),])
.c13.p.age <- p.age[(sequences==13 & .na)]
.c13.p.sex <- p.sex[(sequences==13 & .na)]
.c13.p.year <- p.year[(sequences==13 & .na)]

.w14 <- w[(sequences==14 & .na)]
.d14.1 <- d1[(sequences==14 & .na)]
.c14.12 <- cov.12.mat[(sequences==14 & .na),]
.c14.13 <- cov.13.mat[(sequences==14 & .na),]
.c14.14 <- cov.14.mat[(sequences==14 & .na),]
.c14.p.age <- p.age[(sequences==14 & .na)]
.c14.p.sex <- p.sex[(sequences==14 & .na)]
.c14.p.year <- p.year[(sequences==14 & .na)]

.w123 <- w[(sequences==123 & .na)]
.d123.1 <- d1[(sequences==123 & .na)]
.d123.2 <- d2[(sequences==123 & .na)]
.c123.12 <- cov.12.mat[(sequences==123 & .na),]
.c123.13 <- cov.13.mat[(sequences==123 & .na),]
.c123.14 <- cov.14.mat[(sequences==123 & .na),]
.c123.23 <- cov.23.mat[(sequences==123 & .na),]
.c123.24 <- cov.24.mat[(sequences==123 & .na),]
.c123.p.age <- p.age[(sequences==123 & .na)]
.c123.p.sex <- p.sex[(sequences==123 & .na)]
.c123.p.year <- p.year[(sequences==123 & .na)]

.w124 <- w[(sequences==124 & .na)]
.d124.1 <- d1[(sequences==124 & .na)]
.d124.2 <- d2[(sequences==124 & .na)]
.c124.12 <- cov.12.mat[(sequences==124 & .na),]
.c124.13 <- cov.13.mat[(sequences==124 & .na),]
.c124.14 <- cov.14.mat[(sequences==124 & .na),]
.c124.23 <- cov.23.mat[(sequences==124 & .na),]
.c124.24 <- cov.24.mat[(sequences==124 & .na),]
.c124.p.age <- p.age[(sequences==124 & .na)]
.c124.p.sex <- p.sex[(sequences==124 & .na)]
.c124.p.year <- p.year[(sequences==124 & .na)]

if (dist[1]=="E" & is.null(cuts.12)) {assign("sigma12",exp(x[1]), inherits = TRUE); assign("nu12",1, inherits = TRUE); assign("theta12",1, inherits = TRUE); i<-1}
if (dist[1]=="W") { assign("sigma12",exp(x[1]), inherits = TRUE); assign("nu12",exp(x[2]), inherits = TRUE); assign("theta12",1, inherits = TRUE); i<-2}
if (dist[1]=="WG") {assign("sigma12",exp(x[1]), inherits = TRUE); assign("nu12",exp(x[2]), inherits = TRUE); assign("theta12",exp(x[3]), inherits = TRUE); i<-3}
if (dist[1]=="PE" & !is.null(cuts.12)) {assign("sigma12",exp(x[1:(length(cuts.12)-1)]), inherits = TRUE); i<-(length(cuts.12)-1)}

if (dist[2]=="E" & is.null(cuts.13)) {assign("sigma13",exp(x[i+1]), inherits = TRUE); assign("nu13",1, inherits = TRUE); assign("theta13",1, inherits = TRUE); i<-i+1}
if (dist[2]=="W") { assign("sigma13",exp(x[i+1]), inherits = TRUE); assign("nu13",exp(x[i+2]), inherits = TRUE); assign("theta13",1, inherits = TRUE); i<-i+2}
if (dist[2]=="WG") {assign("sigma13",exp(x[i+1]), inherits = TRUE); assign("nu13",exp(x[i+2]), inherits = TRUE); assign("theta13",exp(x[i+3]), inherits = TRUE); i<-i+3}
if (dist[2]=="PE" & !is.null(cuts.13)) {assign("sigma13",exp(x[(i+1):(i+length(cuts.13)-1)]), inherits = TRUE); i<-(i+length(cuts.13)-1)}

if (dist[3]=="E" & is.null(cuts.14)) {assign("sigma14",exp(x[i+1]), inherits = TRUE); assign("nu14",1, inherits = TRUE); assign("theta14",1, inherits = TRUE); i<-i+1}
if (dist[3]=="W") { assign("sigma14",exp(x[i+1]), inherits = TRUE); assign("nu14",exp(x[i+2]), inherits = TRUE); assign("theta14",1, inherits = TRUE); i<-i+2}
if (dist[3]=="WG") {assign("sigma14",exp(x[i+1]), inherits = TRUE); assign("nu14",exp(x[i+2]), inherits = TRUE); assign("theta14",exp(x[i+3]), inherits = TRUE); i<-i+3}
if (dist[3]=="PE" & !is.null(cuts.14)) {assign("sigma14",exp(x[(i+1):(i+length(cuts.14)-1)]), inherits = TRUE); i<-(i+length(cuts.14)-1)}

if (dist[4]=="E" & is.null(cuts.23)) {assign("sigma23",exp(x[i+1]), inherits = TRUE); assign("nu23",1, inherits = TRUE); assign("theta23",1, inherits = TRUE); i<-i+1}
if (dist[4]=="W") { assign("sigma23",exp(x[i+1]), inherits = TRUE); assign("nu23",exp(x[i+2]), inherits = TRUE); assign("theta23",1, inherits = TRUE); i<-i+2}
if (dist[4]=="WG") {assign("sigma23",exp(x[i+1]), inherits = TRUE); assign("nu23",exp(x[i+2]), inherits = TRUE); assign("theta23",exp(x[i+3]), inherits = TRUE); i<-i+3}
if (dist[4]=="PE" & !is.null(cuts.23)) {assign("sigma23",exp(x[(i+1):(i+length(cuts.23)-1)]), inherits = TRUE); i<-(i+length(cuts.23)-1)}

if (dist[5]=="E" & is.null(cuts.24)) {assign("sigma24",exp(x[i+1]), inherits = TRUE); assign("nu24",1, inherits = TRUE); assign("theta24",1, inherits = TRUE); i<-i+1}
if (dist[5]=="W") { assign("sigma24",exp(x[i+1]), inherits = TRUE); assign("nu24",exp(x[i+2]), inherits = TRUE); assign("theta24",1, inherits = TRUE); i<-i+2}
if (dist[5]=="WG") {assign("sigma24",exp(x[i+1]), inherits = TRUE); assign("nu24",exp(x[i+2]), inherits = TRUE); assign("theta24",exp(x[i+3]), inherits = TRUE); i<-i+3}
if (dist[5]=="PE" & !is.null(cuts.24)) {assign("sigma24",exp(x[(i+1):(i+length(cuts.24)-1)]), inherits = TRUE); i<-(i+length(cuts.24)-1)}

if (is.null(cov.12)) {assign("coef12",0, inherits = TRUE)}
 else {assign("coef12",x[(i+1):(i+ncol(data.frame(cov.12)))], inherits = TRUE); i <-i+ncol(data.frame(cov.12))}
 if (is.null(cov.13)) {assign("coef13",0, inherits = TRUE)}
 else {assign("coef13",x[(i+1):(i+ncol(data.frame(cov.13)))], inherits = TRUE); i <-i+ncol(data.frame(cov.13))}
if (is.null(cov.14)) {assign("coef14",0, inherits = TRUE)}
 else {assign("coef14",x[(i+1):(i+ncol(data.frame(cov.14)))], inherits = TRUE); i <-i+ncol(data.frame(cov.14))}
if (is.null(cov.23)) {assign("coef23",0, inherits = TRUE)}
 else {assign("coef23",x[(i+1):(i+ncol(data.frame(cov.23)))], inherits = TRUE); i <-i+ncol(data.frame(cov.23))}
if (is.null(cov.24)) {assign("coef24",0, inherits = TRUE)}
 else {assign("coef24",x[(i+1):(i+ncol(data.frame(cov.24)))], inherits = TRUE); i <-i+ncol(data.frame(cov.24))}

return( -1*(
 sum( .w1 * c1(.d1.1, .c1.12, .c1.13, .c1.14, cuts.12, cuts.13, cuts.14, .c1.H4P.times1) ) +
 sum( .w12 * c12(.d12.1, .d12.2, .c12.12, .c12.13, .c12.14, .c12.23, .c12.24, cuts.12, cuts.13, cuts.14, cuts.23, cuts.24, .c12.H4P.times2) ) +
 sum( .w13 * c13(.d13.1, .c13.12, .c13.13, .c13.14, cuts.12, cuts.13, cuts.14, .c13.H4P.times1) ) +
 sum( .w14 * c14(.d14.1, .c14.12, .c14.13, .c14.14, cuts.12, cuts.13, cuts.14, .c14.H4P.times1, .c14.h4P.times1) ) +
 sum( .w123 * c123(.d123.1, .d123.2, .c123.12, .c123.13, .c123.14, .c123.23, .c123.24, cuts.12, cuts.13, cuts.14, cuts.23, cuts.24, .c123.H4P.times2) ) +
 sum( .w124 * c124(.d124.1, .d124.2, .c124.12, .c124.13, .c124.14, .c124.23, .c124.24, cuts.12, cuts.13, cuts.14, cuts.23, cuts.24, .c124.H4P.times2, .c124.h4P.times2) ) ) )


#warning("logV(ini)=",logV(ini), "\n")

#first maximum likelihood optimization
res<-tryCatch(optim(ini, logV, hessian=conf.int, control=list(maxit=100000)))

if(inherits(res, "error"))  {
warning("Maximum likelihood optimization fails to converge", "\n")
  } else  {
if(silent==FALSE) {warning("\n",-1*res$value, "\n")}  

#further maximum likelihood optimizations
if(is.null(precision)) {delta <- 10^(-6)} else {delta <-precision}

while (n<=2 & !(inherits(res, "error"))) {
res<-tryCatch(optim(res$par, logV, hessian=conf.int, control=list(maxit=100000)))

if (!(inherits(res, "error"))) {
   n<-1*((temp.value-res$value)>delta) + (n+1)*((temp.value-res$value)<=delta)
   if(silent==FALSE) {warning(-1*res$value, "\n")} }
if(inherits(res, "error")) {
warning("Maximum likelihood optimization fails to converge", "\n")
  } else {

if (conf.int==TRUE) {
  if (max(!is.na(tryCatch(solve(res$hessian), error=function(e) NA)),na.rm=F)==1){
  table.res <- data.frame(Estimate = round(res$par, 4),
  SE = round(sqrt(diag(solve(res$hessian))), 4),
  Wald = round(res$par/sqrt(diag(solve(res$hessian))), 4),
  Pvalue = round(2*(1-pnorm(abs(res$par/sqrt(diag(solve(res$hessian)))), 0, 1)) , 4) )
  else {
  table.res <- data.frame(Estimate = round(res$par, 4) )
  warning("Hessian matrix not defined", "\n")
  } #end else for hessian matrix condition

if (conf.int==FALSE) {
table.res <- data.frame(Estimate = round(res$par, 4) )

if (dist[1]=="E" & is.null(cuts.12))  { lab12<-c("log(sigma) on trans. 12")}
if (dist[1]=="W" & is.null(cuts.12))  { lab12<-c("log(sigma) on trans. 12", "log(nu) on trans. 12")}
if (dist[1]=="WG" & is.null(cuts.12)) { lab12<-c("log(sigma) on trans. 12", "log(nu) on trans. 12", "log(theta) on trans. 12")}
if (dist[1]=="PE" & !is.null(cuts.12)) {
 for (i in (1:(length(cuts.12)-1)))
  lab12[i]<-paste("log(sigma) on trans. 12, interval [",round(cuts.12[i],3),";",round(cuts.12[i+1],3),"[",sep="")

if (dist[2]=="E" & is.null(cuts.13))  { lab13<-c("log(sigma) on trans. 13")}
if (dist[2]=="W" & is.null(cuts.13))  { lab13<-c("log(sigma) on trans. 13", "log(nu) on trans. 13")}
if (dist[2]=="WG" & is.null(cuts.13)) { lab13<-c("log(sigma) on trans. 13", "log(nu) on trans. 13", "log(theta) on trans. 13")}
if (dist[2]=="PE" & !is.null(cuts.13)) {
 for (i in (1:(length(cuts.13)-1)))
  lab13[i]<-paste("log(sigma) on trans. 13, interval [",round(cuts.13[i],3),";",round(cuts.13[i+1],3),"[",sep="")

if (dist[3]=="E" & is.null(cuts.14))  { lab14<-c("log(sigma) on trans. 1E")}
if (dist[3]=="W" & is.null(cuts.14))  { lab14<-c("log(sigma) on trans. 1E", "log(nu) on trans. 1E")}
if (dist[3]=="WG" & is.null(cuts.14)) { lab14<-c("log(sigma) on trans. 1E", "log(nu) on trans. 1E", "log(theta) on trans. 1E")}
if (dist[3]=="PE" & !is.null(cuts.14)) {
 for (i in (1:(length(cuts.14)-1)))
  lab14[i]<-paste("log(sigma) on trans. 1E, interval [",round(cuts.14[i],3),";",round(cuts.14[i+1],3),"[",sep="")

if (dist[4]=="E" & is.null(cuts.23))  { lab23<-c("log(sigma) on trans. 23")}
if (dist[4]=="W" & is.null(cuts.23))  { lab23<-c("log(sigma) on trans. 23", "log(nu) on trans. 23")}
if (dist[4]=="WG" & is.null(cuts.23)) { lab23<-c("log(sigma) on trans. 23", "log(nu) on trans. 23", "log(theta) on trans. 23")}
if (dist[4]=="PE" & !is.null(cuts.23)) {
 for (i in (1:(length(cuts.23)-1)))
  lab23[i]<-paste("log(sigma) on trans. 23, interval [",round(cuts.23[i],3),";",round(cuts.23[i+1],3),"[",sep="")

if (dist[5]=="E" & is.null(cuts.24))  { lab24<-c("log(sigma) on trans. 2E")}
if (dist[5]=="W" & is.null(cuts.24))  { lab24<-c("log(sigma) on trans. 2E", "log(nu) on trans. 2E")}
if (dist[5]=="WG" & is.null(cuts.24)) { lab24<-c("log(sigma) on trans. 2E", "log(nu) on trans. 2E", "log(theta) on trans. 2E")}
if (dist[5]=="PE" & !is.null(cuts.24)) {
 for (i in (1:(length(cuts.24)-1)))
  lab24[i]<-paste("log(sigma) on trans. 2E, interval [",round(cuts.24[i],3),";",round(cuts.24[i+1],3),"[",sep="")

lab<-c(lab12, lab13, lab14, lab23,lab24, n.12, n.13, n.14, n.23, n.24)

rownames(table.res) <- paste(1:length(lab), lab)

warning("\n Number of data rows:",nrow(.D))
warning("\n Number of data rows with missing values (deleted):",nrow(.D)-sum(.na),"\n")

object="sm4rs (4-state relative survival semi-Markov model with additive risks)",
covariates=c( max(0, length(n.12)), max(0, length(n.13)), max(0, length(n.14)), max(0, length(n.23)), max(0, length(n.24)) ),
  } #end else for maximum likelihood optimization
  } #end else for first maximum likelihood optimization

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RISCA documentation built on June 22, 2024, 12:22 p.m.