## asymptotic covariance
setMethod("getRiskIC", signature(IC = "IC",
risk = "asCov",
neighbor = "missing",
L2Fam = "missing"),
function(IC, risk, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25){
L2Fam <- eval(IC@CallL2Fam)
trafo <- L2Fam@param@trafo
IC1 <- as(diag(nrow(trafo)) %*% IC@Curve, "EuclRandVariable")
bias <- E(L2Fam, IC1)
Cov <- E(L2Fam, IC1 %*% t(IC1))
slots = slotNames(L2Fam@distribution@param)
slots = slots[slots != "name"]
nrvalues = length(slots)
if (nrvalues > 0) {
values = numeric(nrvalues)
for (i in 1:nrvalues)
values[i] = attributes(attributes(L2Fam@distribution)$param)[[slots[i]]]
paramstring = paste("(", paste(values, collapse = ", "), ")", sep = "")
distr <- paste(class(L2Fam@distribution)[1], paramstring, sep = "")
prec <- checkIC(IC, out = FALSE)
if(prec > tol)
warning("The maximum deviation from the exact IC properties is", prec,
"\nThis is larger than the specified 'tol' ",
"=> the result may be wrong")
return(list(asCov = list(distribution = distr, value = Cov - bias %*% t(bias))))
setMethod("getRiskIC", signature(IC = "IC",
risk = "asCov",
neighbor = "missing",
L2Fam = "L2ParamFamily"),
function(IC, risk, L2Fam, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25){
if(dimension(Domain(IC@Curve[[1]])) != dimension(img(L2Fam@distribution)))
stop("dimension of 'Domain' of 'Curve' != dimension of 'img' of 'distribution' of 'L2Fam'")
trafo <- L2Fam@param@trafo
IC1 <- as(diag(dimension(IC@Curve)) %*% IC@Curve, "EuclRandVariable")
bias <- E(L2Fam, IC1)
Cov <- E(L2Fam, IC1 %*% t(IC1))
slots = slotNames(L2Fam@distribution@param)
slots = slots[slots != "name"]
nrvalues = length(slots)
if (nrvalues > 0) {
values = numeric(nrvalues)
for (i in 1:nrvalues)
values[i] = attributes(attributes(L2Fam@distribution)$param)[[slots[i]]]
paramstring = paste("(", paste(values, collapse = ", "), ")", sep = "")
distr <- paste(class(L2Fam@distribution)[1], paramstring, sep = "")
prec <- checkIC(IC, L2Fam, out = FALSE)
if(prec > tol)
warning("The maximum deviation from the exact IC properties is", prec,
"\nThis is larger than the specified 'tol' ",
"=> the result may be wrong")
return(list(asCov = list(distribution = distr, value = Cov - bias %*% t(bias))))
## trace of asymptotic covariance
setMethod("getRiskIC", signature(IC = "IC",
risk = "trAsCov",
neighbor = "missing",
L2Fam = "missing"),
function(IC, risk, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25){
trCov <- getRiskIC(IC, risk = asCov())$asCov
trCov$value <- sum(diag(trCov$value))
prec <- checkIC(IC, out = FALSE)
if(prec > tol)
warning("The maximum deviation from the exact IC properties is", prec,
"\nThis is larger than the specified 'tol' ",
"=> the result may be wrong")
return(list(trAsCov = trCov))
setMethod("getRiskIC", signature(IC = "IC",
risk = "trAsCov",
neighbor = "missing",
L2Fam = "L2ParamFamily"),
function(IC, risk, L2Fam, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25){
if(dimension(Domain(IC@Curve[[1]])) != dimension(img(L2Fam@distribution)))
stop("dimension of 'Domain' of 'Curve' != dimension of 'img' of 'distribution' of 'L2Fam'")
trCov <- getRiskIC(IC, risk = asCov(), L2Fam = L2Fam)$asCov
trCov$value <- sum(diag(trCov$value))
prec <- checkIC(IC, L2Fam, out = FALSE)
if(prec > tol)
warning("The maximum deviation from the exact IC properties is", prec,
"\nThis is larger than the specified 'tol' ",
"=> the result may be wrong")
return(list(trAsCov = trCov))
## asymptotic Bias
setMethod("getRiskIC", signature(IC = "IC",
risk = "asBias",
neighbor = "ContNeighborhood",
L2Fam = "missing"),
function(IC, risk, neighbor, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25){
L2Fam <- eval(IC@CallL2Fam)
D1 <- L2Fam@distribution
trafo <- L2Fam@param@trafo
IC1 <- as(diag(nrow(trafo)) %*% IC@Curve, "EuclRandVariable")
absIC1 <- sqrt(IC1 %*% IC1)
x <- as.matrix(r(D1)(1e5))
x <- as.matrix(x[!duplicated(x),])
Bias <- max(evalRandVar(absIC1, x))
slots = slotNames(L2Fam@distribution@param)
slots = slots[slots != "name"]
nrvalues = length(slots)
if (nrvalues > 0) {
values = numeric(nrvalues)
for (i in 1:nrvalues)
values[i] = attributes(attributes(L2Fam@distribution)$param)[[slots[i]]]
paramstring = paste("(", paste(values, collapse = ", "), ")", sep = "")
distr <- paste(class(L2Fam@distribution)[1], paramstring, sep = "")
prec <- checkIC(IC, out = FALSE)
if(prec > tol)
warning("The maximum deviation from the exact IC properties is", prec,
"\nThis is larger than the specified 'tol' ",
"=> the result may be wrong")
return(list(asBias = list(distribution = distr, neighborhood = neighbor@type, value = Bias)))
setMethod("getRiskIC", signature(IC = "IC",
risk = "asBias",
neighbor = "ContNeighborhood",
L2Fam = "L2ParamFamily"),
function(IC, risk, neighbor, L2Fam, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25){
D1 <- L2Fam@distribution
if(dimension(Domain(IC@Curve[[1]])) != dimension(img(D1)))
stop("dimension of 'Domain' of 'Curve' != dimension of 'img' of 'distribution' of 'L2Fam'")
trafo <- L2Fam@param@trafo
IC1 <- as(diag(dimension(IC@Curve)) %*% IC@Curve, "EuclRandVariable")
absIC1 <- sqrt(IC1 %*% IC1)
x <- as.matrix(r(D1)(1e5))
Bias <- max(evalRandVar(absIC1, x))
slots = slotNames(L2Fam@distribution@param)
slots = slots[slots != "name"]
nrvalues = length(slots)
if (nrvalues > 0) {
values = numeric(nrvalues)
for (i in 1:nrvalues)
values[i] = attributes(attributes(L2Fam@distribution)$param)[[slots[i]]]
paramstring = paste("(", paste(values, collapse = ", "), ")", sep = "")
distr <- paste(class(L2Fam@distribution)[1], paramstring, sep = "")
prec <- checkIC(IC, L2Fam, out = FALSE)
if(prec > tol)
warning("The maximum deviation from the exact IC properties is", prec,
"\nThis is larger than the specified 'tol' ",
"=> the result may be wrong")
return(list(asBias = list(distribution = distr, neighborhood = neighbor@type, value = Bias)))
setMethod("getRiskIC", signature(IC = "IC",
risk = "asBias",
neighbor = "TotalVarNeighborhood",
L2Fam = "missing"),
function(IC, risk, neighbor, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25){
L2Fam <- eval(IC@CallL2Fam)
trafo <- L2Fam@param@trafo
if(nrow(trafo) > 1)
stop("not yet implemented for dimension > 1")
D1 <- L2Fam@distribution
IC1 <- as(diag(1) %*% IC@Curve, "EuclRandVariable")
x <- as.matrix(r(D1)(1e5))
res <- evalRandVar(IC1, x)
Bias <- max(res) - min(res)
slots = slotNames(L2Fam@distribution@param)
slots = slots[slots != "name"]
nrvalues = length(slots)
if (nrvalues > 0) {
values = numeric(nrvalues)
for (i in 1:nrvalues)
values[i] = attributes(attributes(L2Fam@distribution)$param)[[slots[i]]]
paramstring = paste("(", paste(values, collapse = ", "), ")", sep = "")
distr <- paste(class(L2Fam@distribution)[1], paramstring, sep = "")
prec <- checkIC(IC, out = FALSE)
if(prec > tol)
warning("The maximum deviation from the exact IC properties is", prec,
"\nThis is larger than the specified 'tol' ",
"=> the result may be wrong")
return(list(asBias = list(distribution = distr, neighborhood = neighbor@type, value = Bias)))
setMethod("getRiskIC", signature(IC = "IC",
risk = "asBias",
neighbor = "TotalVarNeighborhood",
L2Fam = "L2ParamFamily"),
function(IC, risk, neighbor, L2Fam, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25){
if(dimension(Domain(IC@Curve[[1]])) != dimension(img(L2Fam@distribution)))
stop("dimension of 'Domain' of 'Curve' != dimension of 'img' of 'distribution' of 'L2Fam'")
if(dimension(IC@Curve) > 1)
stop("not yet implemented for dimension > 1")
D1 <- L2Fam@distribution
IC1 <- as(diag(1) %*% IC@Curve, "EuclRandVariable")
x <- as.matrix(r(D1)(1e5))
res <- evalRandVar(IC1, x)
Bias <- max(res) - min(res)
slots = slotNames(L2Fam@distribution@param)
slots = slots[slots != "name"]
nrvalues = length(slots)
if (nrvalues > 0) {
values = numeric(nrvalues)
for (i in 1:nrvalues)
values[i] = attributes(attributes(L2Fam@distribution)$param)[[slots[i]]]
paramstring = paste("(", paste(values, collapse = ", "), ")", sep = "")
distr <- paste(class(L2Fam@distribution)[1], paramstring, sep = "")
prec <- checkIC(IC, L2Fam, out = FALSE)
if(prec > tol)
warning("The maximum deviation from the exact IC properties is", prec,
"\nThis is larger than the specified 'tol' ",
"=> the result may be wrong")
return(list(asBias = list(distribution = distr, neighborhood = neighbor@type, value = Bias)))
## asymptotic MSE
setMethod("getRiskIC", signature(IC = "IC",
risk = "asMSE",
neighbor = "UncondNeighborhood",
L2Fam = "missing"),
function(IC, risk, neighbor, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25){
rad <- neighbor@radius
if(rad == Inf) return(Inf)
trCov <- getRiskIC(IC = IC, risk = trAsCov())
Bias <- getRiskIC(IC = IC, risk = asBias(), neighbor = neighbor)
L2Fam <- eval(IC@CallL2Fam)
slots = slotNames(L2Fam@distribution@param)
slots = slots[slots != "name"]
nrvalues = length(slots)
if (nrvalues > 0) {
values = numeric(nrvalues)
for (i in 1:nrvalues)
values[i] = attributes(attributes(L2Fam@distribution)$param)[[slots[i]]]
paramstring = paste("(", paste(values, collapse = ", "), ")", sep = "")
distr <- paste(class(L2Fam@distribution)[1], paramstring, sep = "")
nghb <- paste(neighbor@type, "with radius", neighbor@radius)
prec <- checkIC(IC, out = FALSE)
if(prec > tol)
warning("The maximum deviation from the exact IC properties is", prec,
"\nThis is larger than the specified 'tol' ",
"=> the result may be wrong")
return(list(asMSE = list(distribution = distr, neighborhood = nghb,
value = trCov$trAsCov$value + rad^2*Bias$asBias$value^2)))
setMethod("getRiskIC", signature(IC = "IC",
risk = "asMSE",
neighbor = "UncondNeighborhood",
L2Fam = "L2ParamFamily"),
function(IC, risk, neighbor, L2Fam, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25){
if(dimension(Domain(IC@Curve[[1]])) != dimension(img(L2Fam@distribution)))
stop("dimension of 'Domain' of 'Curve' != dimension of 'img' of 'distribution' of 'L2Fam'")
rad <- neighbor@radius
if(rad == Inf) return(Inf)
trCov <- getRiskIC(IC = IC, risk = trAsCov(), L2Fam = L2Fam)
Bias <- getRiskIC(IC = IC, risk = asBias(), neighbor = neighbor, L2Fam = L2Fam)
slots = slotNames(L2Fam@distribution@param)
slots = slots[slots != "name"]
nrvalues = length(slots)
if (nrvalues > 0) {
values = numeric(nrvalues)
for (i in 1:nrvalues)
values[i] = attributes(attributes(L2Fam@distribution)$param)[[slots[i]]]
paramstring = paste("(", paste(values, collapse = ", "), ")", sep = "")
distr <- paste(class(L2Fam@distribution)[1], paramstring, sep = "")
prec <- checkIC(IC, L2Fam, out = FALSE)
if(prec > tol)
warning("The maximum deviation from the exact IC properties is", prec,
"\nThis is larger than the specified 'tol' ",
"=> the result may be wrong")
return(list(asMSE = list(distribution = distr, neighborhood = neighbor@type,
radius = neighbor@radius,
value = trCov$trAsCov$value + rad^2*Bias$asBias$value^2)))
## asymptotic under-/overshoot risk
setMethod("getRiskIC", signature(IC = "TotalVarIC",
risk = "asUnOvShoot",
neighbor = "UncondNeighborhood",
L2Fam = "missing"),
function(IC, risk, neighbor){
radius <- neighbor@radius
L2Fam <- eval(IC@CallL2Fam)
L2deriv <- L2Fam@L2derivDistr[[1]]
if((length(L2Fam@L2derivDistr) > 1) | !is(L2deriv, "UnivariateDistribution"))
stop("restricted to 1-dimensional parameteric models")
bound <- risk@width*(-m1df(L2deriv, 0))
if(is(neighbor, "ContNeighborhood")){
if(radius > 2*bound)
stop("boundedness condition is violated!")
if(radius == 2*bound){
zi <- sign(as.vector(trafo))
A <- as.matrix(zi)
b <- zi*as.vector(trafo)*2*risk@width/radius
p0 <- p(L2deriv)(0)
if(is(L2deriv, "AbscontDistribution"))
ws0 <- 0
ws0 <- d(L2deriv)(0)
if(zi == 1)
a <- -b*(1-p0)/(1-ws0)
a <- b*(p0-ws0)/(1-ws0)
asCov <- a^2*(p0-ws0) + (zi*a+b)^2*(1-p0)
erg <- pnorm(-risk@width*sqrt(asCov))
if(is(neighbor, "TotalVarNeighborhood")){
if(radius > bound)
stop("boundedness condition is violated!")
if(radius == bound){
zi <- sign(as.vector(trafo))
A <- as.matrix(zi)
b <- zi*as.vector(trafo)*risk@width/radius
p0 <- p(L2deriv)(0)
if(is(L2deriv, "AbscontDistribution"))
ws0 <- 0
ws0 <- d(L2deriv)(0)
if(zi == 1)
a <- -b*(1-p0)/(1-ws0)
a <- b*(p0-ws0)/(1-ws0)
asCov <- a^2*(p0-ws0) + (zi*a+b)^2*(1-p0)
erg <- pnorm(-risk@width*sqrt(asCov))
stand <- as.vector(stand(IC))
g0 <- clipLo(IC)/abs(stand)
c0 <- clipUp(IC)/abs(stand) - g0
s <- sqrt(g0^2*p(L2deriv)(g0)
+ (g0+c0)^2*(1 - p(L2deriv)(g0+c0))
+ m2df(L2deriv, g0+c0) - m2df(L2deriv, g0))
erg <- pnorm(-risk@width*s)
slots = slotNames(L2Fam@distribution@param)
slots = slots[slots != "name"]
nrvalues = length(slots)
if (nrvalues > 0) {
values = numeric(nrvalues)
for (i in 1:nrvalues)
values[i] = attributes(attributes(L2Fam@distribution)$param)[[slots[i]]]
paramstring = paste("(", paste(values, collapse = ", "), ")", sep = "")
distr <- paste(class(L2Fam@distribution)[1], paramstring, sep = "")
nghb <- paste(neighbor@type, "with radius", neighbor@radius)
return(list(asUnOvShoot = list(distribution = distr, neighborhood = nghb, value = erg)))
## finite-sample under-/overshoot risk
setMethod("getRiskIC", signature(IC = "IC",
risk = "fiUnOvShoot",
neighbor = "ContNeighborhood",
L2Fam = "missing"),
function(IC, risk, neighbor, sampleSize, Algo = "A", cont = "left"){
L2Fam <- eval(IC@CallL2Fam)
Distr <- L2Fam@distribution
if(!is(Distr, "Norm"))
stop("restricted to 1-dimensional normal location")
eps <- neighbor@radius
tau <- risk@width
if(!(is(IC, "ContIC") | is(IC, "TotalVarIC")))
stop("'IC' has to be of class 'ContIC' or 'TotalVarIC'")
if(is(IC, "ContIC"))
clip <- clip(IC)/as.vector(stand(IC))
if(is(IC, "TotalVarIC"))
clip <- clipUp(IC)/as.vector(stand(IC))
n <- sampleSize
m <- getdistrOption("DefaultNrFFTGridPointsExponent")
if(eps >= 1 - 1/(2*pnorm(risk@width))){
warning("disjointness condition is violated!")
erg <- 0.5
if(Algo == "B"){
if(cont == "left"){
delta1 <- (1-eps)*(pnorm(-clip+tau) + pnorm(-clip-tau)) + eps
K1 <- dbinom(0:n, size = n, prob = delta1)
P1 <- (1-eps)*pnorm(-clip-tau) + eps
p1 <- P1/delta1
summe1 <- numeric(n+1)
summe1[1] <- 1 - conv.tnorm(z = 0, A = -clip, B = clip, mu = -tau, n = n, m = m)
summe1[n+1] <- (1 - 0.5*(pbinom(q = n/2, size = n, prob = p1)
+ pbinom(q = n/2-0.1, size = n, prob = p1)))
for(k in 1:(n-1)){
j <- 0:k
z <- clip*(k-2*j)
P1.ste <- sapply(z, conv.tnorm, A = -clip, B = clip, mu = -tau, n = n-k, m = m)
summe1[k+1] <- sum((1-P1.ste)*dbinom(j, size = k, prob = p1))
erg <- sum(summe1*K1)
delta2 <- (1-eps)*(pnorm(-clip+tau) + pnorm(-clip-tau)) + eps
K2 <- dbinom(0:n, size = n, prob = delta2)
P2 <- (1-eps)*pnorm(-clip+tau)
p2 <- P2/delta2
summe2 <- numeric(n+1)
summe2[1] <- conv.tnorm(z = 0, A = -clip, B = clip, mu = tau, n = n, m = m)
summe2[n+1] <- 0.5*(pbinom(q = n/2, size = n, prob = p2)
+ pbinom(q = n/2-0.1, size = n, prob = p2))
for(k in 1:(n-1)){
j <- 0:k
z <- clip*(k-2*j)
P2.ste <- sapply(z, conv.tnorm, A = -clip, B = clip, mu = tau, n = n-k, m = m)
summe2[k+1] <- sum(P2.ste*dbinom(j, size=k, prob=p2))
erg <- sum(summe2*K2)
M <- 2^m
h <- 2*clip/M
x <- seq(from = -clip, to = clip, by = h)
if(cont == "right"){
p1 <- pnorm(x+tau)
p1 <- (1-eps)*(p1[2:(M + 1)] - p1[1:M])
p1[1] <- p1[1] + (1-eps)*pnorm(-clip+tau)
p1[M] <- p1[M] + (1-eps)*pnorm(-clip-tau) + eps
p1 <- pnorm(x-tau)
p1 <- (1-eps)*(p1[2:(M + 1)] - p1[1:M])
p1[1] <- p1[1] + (1-eps)*pnorm(-clip-tau) + eps
p1[M] <- p1[M] + (1-eps)*pnorm(-clip+tau)
## FFT
pn <- c(p1, numeric((n-1)*M))
## convolution theorem for DFTs
pn <- Re(fft(fft(pn)^n, inverse = TRUE)) / (n*M)
pn <- (abs(pn) >= .Machine$double.eps)*pn
pn <- cumsum(pn)
k <- n*(M-1)/2
erg <- ifelse(n%%2 == 0, (pn[k]+pn[k+1])/2, pn[k+1])
if(cont == "right") erg <- 1 - erg
L2Fam <- eval(IC@CallL2Fam)
slots = slotNames(L2Fam@distribution@param)
slots = slots[slots != "name"]
nrvalues = length(slots)
if (nrvalues > 0) {
values = numeric(nrvalues)
for (i in 1:nrvalues)
values[i] = attributes(attributes(L2Fam@distribution)$param)[[slots[i]]]
paramstring = paste("(", paste(values, collapse = ", "), ")", sep = "")
distr <- paste(class(L2Fam@distribution)[1], paramstring, sep = "")
nghb <- paste(neighbor@type, "with radius", neighbor@radius)
return(list(fiUnOvShoot = list(distribution = distr, neighborhood = nghb, value = erg)))
setMethod("getRiskIC", signature(IC = "IC",
risk = "fiUnOvShoot",
neighbor = "TotalVarNeighborhood",
L2Fam = "missing"),
function(IC, risk, neighbor, sampleSize, Algo = "A", cont = "left"){
L2Fam <- eval(IC@CallL2Fam)
Distr <- L2Fam@distribution
if(!is(Distr, "Norm"))
stop("restricted to 1-dimensional normal location")
delta <- neighbor@radius
tau <- risk@width
if(!(is(IC, "ContIC") | is(IC, "TotalVarIC")))
stop("'IC' has to be of class 'ContIC' or 'TotalVarIC'")
if(is(IC, "ContIC"))
clip <- clip(IC)/as.vector(stand(IC))
if(is(IC, "TotalVarIC"))
clip <- clipUp(IC)/as.vector(stand(IC))
n <- sampleSize
m <- getdistrOption("DefaultNrFFTGridPointsExponent")
if(delta >= pnorm(risk@width) - 0.5){
warning("disjointness condition is violated!")
erg <- 0.5
if(Algo == "B"){
if(cont == "left"){
delta1 <- min(pnorm(-clip-tau)+delta, 1) + 1 - min(pnorm(clip-tau)+delta, 1)
K1 <- dbinom(0:n, size = n, prob = delta1)
P1 <- min(pnorm(-clip-tau) + delta, 1)
p1 <- min(P1/delta1, 1)
summe1 <- numeric(n+1)
summe1[1] <- 1 - conv.tnorm(z = 0, A = -clip, B = clip, mu = -tau, n = n, m = m)
for(k in 1:(n-1)){
j <- 0:k
z <- clip*(k-2*j)
P1.ste <- sapply(z, conv.tnorm, A = -clip, B = clip, mu = -tau, n = n-k, m = m)
summe1[k+1] <- sum((1-P1.ste)*dbinom(j, size = k, prob = p1))
summe1[n+1] <- 1 - 0.5*(pbinom(q = n/2, size = n, prob = p1)
+ pbinom(q = n/2-0.1, size = n, prob = p1))
erg <- sum(summe1*K1)
delta2 <- max(0, pnorm(-clip+tau)-delta) + 1 - max(0, pnorm(clip+tau)-delta)
K2 <- dbinom(0:n, size = n, prob = delta2)
P2 <- max(0, pnorm(-clip+tau) - delta)
p2 <- P2/delta2
summe2 <- numeric(n+1)
summe2[1] <- conv.tnorm(z = 0, A = -clip, B = clip, mu = tau, n = n, m = m)
for(k in 1:(n-1)){
j <- 0:k
z <- clip*(k-2*j)
P2.ste <- sapply(z, conv.tnorm, A = -clip, B = clip, mu = tau, n = n-k, m = m)
summe2[k+1] <- sum(P2.ste*dbinom(j, size = k, prob = p2))
summe2[n+1] <- 0.5*(pbinom(q = n/2, size = n, prob = p2)
+ pbinom(q = n/2-0.1, size = n, prob = p2))
erg <- sum(summe2*K2)
M <- 2^m
h <- 2*clip/M
x <- seq(from = -clip, to = clip, by = h)
if(cont == "right"){
p1 <- pnorm(x+tau)
p1 <- p1[2:(M + 1)] - p1[1:M]
p1[1] <- p1[1] + pnorm(-clip+tau) - delta
p1[M] <- p1[M] + pnorm(-clip-tau) + delta
p1 <- pnorm(x-tau)
p1 <- p1[2:(M + 1)] - p1[1:M]
p1[1] <- p1[1] + pnorm(-clip-tau) + delta
p1[M] <- p1[M] + pnorm(-clip+tau) - delta
## FFT
pn <- c(p1, numeric((n-1)*M))
## convolution theorem for DFTs
pn <- Re(fft(fft(pn)^n, inverse = TRUE)) / (n*M)
pn <- (abs(pn) >= .Machine$double.eps)*pn
pn <- cumsum(pn)
k <- n*(M-1)/2
erg <- ifelse(n%%2 == 0, (pn[k]+pn[k+1])/2, pn[k+1])
if(cont == "right") erg <- 1-erg
L2Fam <- eval(IC@CallL2Fam)
slots = slotNames(L2Fam@distribution@param)
slots = slots[slots != "name"]
nrvalues = length(slots)
if (nrvalues > 0) {
values = numeric(nrvalues)
for (i in 1:nrvalues)
values[i] = attributes(attributes(L2Fam@distribution)$param)[[slots[i]]]
paramstring = paste("(", paste(values, collapse = ", "), ")", sep = "")
distr <- paste(class(L2Fam@distribution)[1], paramstring, sep = "")
nghb <- paste(neighbor@type, "with radius", neighbor@radius)
return(list(fiUnOvShoot = list(distribution = distr, neighborhood = nghb, value = erg)))
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