
Defines functions summary.ICCstats print.ICCstats getResCov getModelCov getModels getTerms getPermInfo getANOVAStats focusMEonSubjects plot.interSubVar plot.measurement.error summary.measurement.error print.measurement.error plot.looCV summary.looCV print.looCV plot.ordinate print.summary.ordinate summary.ordinate print.ordinate add.trajectories plot.trajectory.analysis print.summary.trajectory.analysis summary.trajectory.analysis print.trajectory.analysis summary.lr_test print.lr_test print.summary.manova.lm.rrpp summary.manova.lm.rrpp plot.model.comparison summary.model.comparison print.model.comparison print.summary.pairwise summary.pairwise print.pairwise fitted.lm.rrpp residuals.lm.rrpp plot.predict.lm.rrpp plot_QQ plot_het plot.lm.rrpp summary.anova.lm.rrpp print.anova.lm.rrpp summary.predict.lm.rrpp print.predict.lm.rrpp summary.coef.lm.rrpp print.coef.lm.rrpp model.matrix.lm.rrpp model.frame.lm.rrpp terms.lm.rrpp print.summary.lm.rrpp summary.lm.rrpp print.lm.rrpp na.omit.rrpp.data.frame

Documented in add.trajectories fitted.lm.rrpp focusMEonSubjects getANOVAStats getModelCov getModels getPermInfo getResCov getTerms model.frame.lm.rrpp model.matrix.lm.rrpp na.omit.rrpp.data.frame plot.interSubVar plot.lm.rrpp plot.looCV plot.measurement.error plot.model.comparison plot.ordinate plot.predict.lm.rrpp plot.trajectory.analysis print.anova.lm.rrpp print.coef.lm.rrpp print.ICCstats print.lm.rrpp print.looCV print.lr_test print.measurement.error print.model.comparison print.ordinate print.pairwise print.predict.lm.rrpp print.summary.lm.rrpp print.summary.manova.lm.rrpp print.summary.ordinate print.summary.pairwise print.summary.trajectory.analysis print.trajectory.analysis residuals.lm.rrpp summary.anova.lm.rrpp summary.coef.lm.rrpp summary.ICCstats summary.lm.rrpp summary.looCV summary.lr_test summary.manova.lm.rrpp summary.measurement.error summary.model.comparison summary.ordinate summary.pairwise summary.predict.lm.rrpp summary.trajectory.analysis terms.lm.rrpp

## rrpp.data.frame

#' Handle missing values in rrpp.data.frame objects
#' @param object object (from \code{\link{rrpp.data.frame}})
#' @param ... further arguments (currently not used)
#' @method na.omit rrpp.data.frame
#' @export
#' @author Michael Collyer
#' @keywords utilities
#' @examples
#' y <- matrix(rnorm(15), 5, 3)
#' x <- rnorm(5)
#' rdf <- rrpp.data.frame(x = x, y = y, d = dist(y))
#' rdf$x[1] <- NA # create missing data
#' rdf
#' ndf <- na.omit(rdf)
#' ndf

na.omit.rrpp.data.frame <- function(object, ...) {
  nms <- names(object)
  classes <- unlist(lapply(object, function(x) class(x)[1]))
  subDF <- object[!is.na(match(classes, c("numeric", "factor", "integer", 
                                          "character", "matrix", "logical")))]
  sub.classes <- classes[!is.na(match(classes, c("numeric", "factor", "integer", 
                                                 "character", "matrix", "logical")))]
  oDF <- object[is.na(match(classes, c("numeric", "factor", "integer", 
                                       "character", "matrix", "logical")))]
  o.classes <- classes[is.na(match(classes, c("numeric", "factor", "integer", 
                                              "character", "matrix", "logical")))]
  subDF <- as.data.frame(subDF)
  newDF <- na.omit(subDF)
  omits <- attr(newDF, "na.action")
  for(i in 1:length(o.classes)){
    if(o.classes[[i]] == "array") {
      dims <- dim(oDF[[i]])
      if(length(dims) != 3)
        stop("Data are neither a vector, matrix, nor appopriate array.\n",
             call. = FALSE)
      oDF[[i]] <- oDF[[i]][,,-omits]
    if(o.classes[[i]] == "phylo") {
      cat("Part of this data frame is a class phylo object\n")
      cat("It is currently not possible to prune the tree according to missing data\n")
      cat("The following actions are recommended:\n")
      cat("1. Make a data frame with all objects or variables except the phylo object\n")
      cat("2. Omit missing data to create a new data frame\n")
      cat("3. Add a pruned tree to the new data frame; e.g., newDF$tree <- myPrunedTree\n")
      stop("na.omit terminated", call. = FALSE)

        stop("Data are netieher a vector, matrix, nor appopriate array.\n",
             call. = FALSE)
      oDF[[i]] <- oDF[[i]][,,-omits]
    if(o.classes[[i]] == "dist") {
      d <- as.matrix(oDF[[i]])
      d <- d[-omits, -omits]
      oDF[[i]] <- as.dist(d)
  outDF <- c(as.list(newDF), oDF)
  class(outDF) <- "rrpp.data.frame"
  attr(outDF, "na.action") <- omits

## lm.rrpp

#' Print/Summary Function for RRPP
#' @param x print/summary object (from \code{\link{lm.rrpp}})
#' @param ... other arguments passed to print/summary
#' @method print lm.rrpp
#' @export
#' @author Michael Collyer
#' @keywords utilities
print.lm.rrpp <- function(x, ...){
  cat("\nLinear Model fit with lm.rrpp\n")
  LM <- x$LM
  PI <- getPermInfo(x, attribute = "all")
  AN <- x$ANOVA
  if(is.null(AN$Fs)) {
    AN2 <- getANOVAStats(x, stat = "all")
    AN[c("MS", "Rsq", "F", "cohenf")] <- AN2[c("MS", "Rsq", "F", "cohenf")]
    dv <- "(dimensions of data after PCoA of distance matrix)" else
    dv <- " "
  cat(paste("\nNumber of observations:", LM$n))
  cat(paste("\nNumber of dependent variables:", LM$p, dv))
  cat(paste("\nData space dimensions:", LM$p.prime, dv))
  if(!is.null(AN$SS.type)) cat(paste("\nSums of Squares and Cross-products: Type", 
  if(!is.null(PI)) cat(paste("\nNumber of permutations:", PI$perms))
  cat("\nCall: ")
  cat(deparse(x$call), fill=TRUE)

## lm.rrpp

#' Print/Summary Function for RRPP
#' @param object print/summary object (from \code{\link{lm.rrpp}})
#' @param formula Logical argument for whether to include formula in summary table
#' @param ... other arguments passed to print/summary
#' @method summary lm.rrpp
#' @export
#' @author Michael Collyer
#' @keywords utilities
summary.lm.rrpp <- function(object, formula = TRUE, ...){
  if(inherits(object, "manova.lm.rrpp")) out <- summary.manova.lm.rrpp(object) else {
    x <- object
    LM <- x$LM
    PI <- getPermInfo(x, attribute = "all")
    AN <- x$ANOVA
    if(is.null(AN$Fs)) {
      AN2 <- getANOVAStats(object, stat = "all")
      AN[c("SS", "MS", "Rsq", "Fs", "cohenf")] <-
        AN2[c("SS", "MS", "Rsq", "Fs", "cohenf")]
    Models <- getModels(x, attribute = "all")
    perms <- PI$perms
    dv <- LM$dist.coefficients
    n <- LM$n
    p <- LM$p
    p.prime <- LM$p.prime
    SS <- AN$SS
    SSM.obs <- SS[,1]
    RSS <- AN$RSS
    TSS <- AN$TSS
    RSS.model <- AN$RSS.model[nrow(AN$RSS.model),]
    if(is.null(RSS)) RSS <- RSS.model
    if(is.null(RSS)) TSS <- RSS.model
    SS.type <- AN$SS.type
    trms <- LM$term.labels
    k <- length(trms)
    kk <- length(Models$full)
    if(k > kk){
      k <- kk
      trms <- names(Models$full)
    if(k > 0) {
      df <- AN$df
      dfe <- df[k+1]
      dfM <- sum(df[1:k])
      SSM <- (TSS[1,] - RSS.model)
      SSM.obs <- SSM[1]
      Rsq <- SSM.obs/TSS[1]
      Fs <- (SSM/dfM)/(RSS.model/dfe)
      Fs.obs <- Fs[1]
      P <- pval(as.vector(Fs))
      Z <- effect.size(as.vector(Fs))
    } else {
      df <- 0
      dfe <- AN$df
      dfM <- 1
      SSM <- Fs <- Z <- Rsq <- SSM.obs <- Fs.obs <- P <- ""
    tab <- data.frame(dfM = dfM, dfe = dfe,
                      SSM = SSM.obs, RSS = RSS[1], Rsq = Rsq,
                      F = Fs.obs, Z = Z, P = P)
    dimnames(tab)[[2]] <- c("Df",
                            "Residual Df",
                            "Residual SS",
                            "Z (from F)",
    if(formula) dimnames(tab)[[1]] <- deparse(formula(x$call$f1)[[3]]) else
      dimnames(tab)[[1]] <- deparse(substitute(object))
      pca.fitted <- prcomp(LM$fitted)
      pca.residuals <- prcomp(LM$residuals)
      pca.total <- prcomp(LM$Y)
    if(LM$gls) {
      int <- attr(LM$Terms, "intercept")
      if(!is.null(LM$Cov) && is.null(LM$Pcov))
        LM$Pcov <- Cov.proj(LM$Cov)
      if(is.null(LM$Pcov)) {
        w <- sqrt(LM$weights)
        PY <- LM$Y * w
        PX <- LM$X * w
        Pint <- as.matrix(rep(int, n) * w)
        RM <- lm.fit(PX, PY)$residuals
        Sr <- crossprod(RM)
      if(!is.null(LM$Pcov)) {
        Pcov <- LM$Pcov
        PY <- as.matrix(Pcov %*% LM$Y)
        PX <- as.matrix(Pcov %*% LM$X)
        Pint <- as.matrix(Pcov %*% rep(int, n))
        RM <- lm.fit(PX, PY)$residuals
        Sr <- crossprod(RM)
      RT <- lm.fit(Pint, PY)$residuals
      Sy <- crossprod(RT)
      Sf <- Sy - Sr
      Cf <- Sf/(n - 1)
      Cr <- Sr/(n - 1)
      Cy <- Sy/(n - 1)
      pca.fitted <- pca.residuals <- pca.total <- list()
      svd.Y <- svd(Cy)
      keep <- which(zapsmall(svd.Y$d) > 0)
      pca.total$sdev <- sqrt(svd.Y$d[keep])
      pca.total$rotation <- as.matrix(svd.Y$v[, keep])
      pca.total$x <- RT %*% as.matrix(svd.Y$v[, keep])
      svd.f <- svd(Cf)
      keep <- which(zapsmall(svd.f$d) > 0)
      if(length(keep) == 0) {
        pca.fitted$sdev <- pca.fitted$rotation <- pca.fitted$x <- 0
      } else {
        pca.fitted$sdev <- sqrt(svd.f$d[keep])
        pca.fitted$rotation <- as.matrix(svd.f$v[, keep])
        pca.fitted$x <- LM$gls.fitted %*% as.matrix(svd.f$v[, keep])
      svd.r <- svd(Cr)
      keep <- which(zapsmall(svd.r$d) > 0)
      pca.residuals$sdev <- sqrt(svd.r$d[keep])
      pca.residuals$rotation <- as.matrix(svd.r$v[, keep])
      pca.residuals$x <- RM %*% as.matrix(svd.r$v[, keep])
    d.f <- pca.fitted$sdev^2
    d.r <- pca.residuals$sdev^2
    d.t <- pca.total$sdev^2
    rank.f <- length(which(zapsmall(d.f) > 0))
    rank.r <- length(which(zapsmall(d.r) > 0))
    rank.t <- length(which(zapsmall(d.t) > 0))
    Trace <- zapsmall(c(sum(d.f), sum(d.r), sum(d.t)))
    Proportion <- zapsmall(Trace/sum(d.t))
    Rank <- c(rank.f, rank.r, rank.t)
    redund <- data.frame(Trace, Proportion, Rank)
    rownames(redund) <- c("Fitted", "Residuals", "Total")
    eigs.f <- eigs.r <- eigs.t <- rep(NA, rank.t)
    if(rank.f > rank.t) rank.f <- rank.t
    if(rank.r > rank.t) rank.r <- rank.t
    eigs.f[1:rank.f] <- d.f[1:rank.f]
    eigs.r[1:rank.r] <- d.r[1:rank.r]
    eigs.t[1:rank.t] <- d.t[1:rank.t]
    eigs <- as.table(zapsmall(rbind(eigs.f, eigs.r, eigs.t)))
    rownames(eigs) <- c("Fitted", "Residuals", "Total")
    colnames(eigs) <- paste("PC", 1:rank.t, sep="")
    reduced <- Models$reduced
    full <- Models$full
    if(k > 0) {
      if(LM$gls) {
        TY <- if(!is.null(LM$Pcov)) LM$Pcov %*% LM$Y else
      } else TY <- LM$Y
      Ur <- lapply(reduced, function(x) x$qr$Q)
      Uf <- lapply(full, function(x) x$qr$Q)
      RR <- Map(function(u) TY - fastFit(u, TY, n, p), Ur)
      RF <- Map(function(u) TY - fastFit(u, TY, n, p), Uf)
      SSCP <- lapply(1:length(RF), function(j) crossprod(RR[[j]] - RF[[j]]))
      names(SSCP) <- trms
      SSCP <- c(SSCP, list(Residuals = as.matrix(crossprod(RF[[k]]))))
    } else {
      RR <- reduced[[1]]$residuals
      RF <- full[[1]]$residuals
      if(LM$gls) {
        if(!is.null(LM$Cov)) {
          if(!is.null(LM$Cov) && is.null(LM$Pcov))
            LM$Pcov <- Cov.proj(LM$Cov)
          RR <- LM$Pcov %*% RR
          RF <- LM$Pcov %*% RF
        } else {
          RR <- RR * sqrt(LM$weights)
          RF <- RF * sqrt(LM$weights)
      SSCP <- list(Residuals = as.matrix(crossprod(RF)))
    out <- list(table = tab, SSCP = SSCP, n = n, p = p, p.prime = p.prime, k = k, 
                perms = perms, dv = dv, SS = SS, SS.type = SS.type, 
                redundancy = redund,
                eigenvalues = eigs, gls = x$LM$gls)
    class(out) <- "summary.lm.rrpp"

#' Print/Summary Function for RRPP
#' @param x print/summary object (from \code{\link{summary.lm.rrpp}})
#' @param ... other arguments passed to print/summary
#' @method print summary.lm.rrpp
#' @export
#' @author Michael Collyer
#' @keywords utilities
print.summary.lm.rrpp <- function(x, ...) {
  cat("\nLinear Model fit with lm.rrpp\n")
  cat(paste("\nNumber of observations:", x$n))
  if(!is.null(x$dv)) dv <- "(dimensions of data after PCoA of distance matrix)" else
    dv <- " "
  cat(paste("\nNumber of dependent variables:", x$p, dv))
  cat(paste("\nData space dimensions:", x$p.prime, dv))
  if(!is.null(x$SS.type)) cat(paste("\nSums of Squares and Cross-products: Type", 
  cat(paste("\nNumber of permutations:", x$perms))
  cat("\n\nFull Model Analysis of Variance\n\n")
  cat("\n\nRedundancy Analysis (PCA on fitted values and residuals)\n\n")
  if(x$gls) {
    cat("\nGLS mean used rather than center of gravity.  
        Projection is not orthogonal.\n\n")

## terms.lm.rrpp

#' Extract the terms from an lm.rrpp object
#' \code{terms.lm.rrpp} returns the terms constructed for an \code{lm.rrpp} object.
#' @param x Object from \code{\link{lm.rrpp}}
#' @param ...	further arguments passed to or from other methods
#' @export
#' @author Michael Collyer
#' @keywords utilities

terms.lm.rrpp <- function(x, ...) return(x$LM$Terms)

## model.frame.lm.rrpp

#' Extract model frame from a lm.rrpp object
#' \code{model.frame.lm.rrpp} returns the model frame constructed for 
#' an \code{lm.rrpp} object.
#' @param formula Object from \code{\link{lm.rrpp}}
#' @param ...	further arguments passed to or from other methods
#' @export
#' @author Michael Collyer
#' @keywords utilities

model.frame.lm.rrpp <- function(formula, ...) {
  res <- if(inherits(formula, "lm.rrpp")) formula$LM$data else

## model.matrix.lm.rrpp

#' Extract the model design matrix from an lm.rrpp object
#' \code{model.matrix.lm.rrpp} returns the design matrix constructed for 
#' an \code{lm.rrpp} object.
#' @param object Object from \code{\link{lm.rrpp}}
#' @param ...	further arguments passed to or from other methods
#' @export
#' @author Michael Collyer
#' @keywords utilities

model.matrix.lm.rrpp <- function(object, ...) return(object$LM$X)

## coef.lm.rrpp

#' Print/Summary Function for RRPP
#' @param x Object from \code{\link{coef.lm.rrpp}}
#' @param ... Other arguments passed onto coef.lm.rrpp
#' @method print coef.lm.rrpp
#' @export
#' @author Michael Collyer
#' @keywords utilities
print.coef.lm.rrpp <- function(x, ...){
  if(!x$test) {
    cat("\n\nObserved coefficients\n\n")
    if(!is.null(x$coef.se)) {
      cat("\n\nCoefficient standard errors\n\n")
    cat("\nLinear Model fit with lm.rrpp\n")
    cat(paste("\nNumber of observations:", x$n))
    cat(paste("\nNumber of dependent variables:", x$p))
    cat(paste("\nData space dimensions:", x$p.prime))
    cat(paste("\nSums of Squares and Cross-products: Type", x$SS.type))
    cat(paste("\nNumber of permutations:", x$nperms))
    if(is.null(x$stat.table)) {
      cat("\n\nTests on coefficients are not possible (only an intercept).")
      cat("\n\nObserved coefficients\n\n")
    } else {
      rrpp.type <- x$RRPP
      cat("\n\nStatistics (distances) of coefficients with ")
      cat(x$confidence*100, "percent confidence intervals,") 
      cat("\neffect sizes, and probabilities of exceeding observed values 
          based on\n") 
      cat(x$nperms, "random permutations using", rrpp.type, "\n\n")

#' Print/Summary Function for RRPP
#' @param object Object from \code{\link{coef.lm.rrpp}}
#' @param ... Other arguments passed onto coef.lm.rrpp
#' @method summary coef.lm.rrpp
#' @export
#' @author Michael Collyer
#' @keywords utilities
summary.coef.lm.rrpp <- function(object, ...){
  print.coef.lm.rrpp(object, ...)

## predict.lm.rrpp

#' Print/Summary Function for RRPP
#' @param x Object from \code{\link{predict.lm.rrpp}}
#' @param PC Logical argument for whether to use predicted values 
#' rotated to their PCs
#' @param ... Other arguments passed onto predict.lm.rrpp
#' @method print predict.lm.rrpp
#' @export
#' @author Michael Collyer
#' @keywords utilities
print.predict.lm.rrpp <- function(x, PC = FALSE, ...){
  cat("\nLinear Model fit with lm.rrpp\n")
  cat(paste("\nNumber of predictions:", NROW(x$mean)))
  cat(paste("\nConfidence level:", x$confidence*100, "%"))
      cat(paste("\nNumber of bootstrap permutations:", 
      if(PC)  cat(paste("\nPredicted values are rotated to their PCs"))
      cat("\n\nPredicted values (mean of bootstrapped values):\n\n")
      if(PC) print(x$pc.mean) else print(x$mean)
      cat("\n\n", x$confidence*100, "% Lower confidence limits:\n\n") 
      if(PC) print(x$pc.lcl) else print(x$lcl)
      cat("\n\n", x$confidence*100, "% Upper confidence limits:\n\n") 
      if(PC) print(x$pc.ucl) else  print(x$ucl) 

#' Print/Summary Function for RRPP
#' @param object Object from \code{\link{predict.lm.rrpp}}
#' @param ... Other arguments passed onto predict.lm.rrpp
#' @method summary predict.lm.rrpp
#' @export
#' @author Michael Collyer
#' @keywords utilities
summary.predict.lm.rrpp <- function(object, ...){
  print.predict.lm.rrpp(object, ...)

## anova.lm.rrpp

#' Print/Summary Function for RRPP
#' @param x print/summary object (from \code{\link{lm.rrpp}})
#' @param ... other arguments passed to print/summary
#' @method print anova.lm.rrpp
#' @export
#' @author Michael Collyer
#' @keywords utilities
print.anova.lm.rrpp <- function(x, ...) {
  tab <- x$table
  pm <- x$perm.method
  perms <- x$perm.number
  est <- x$est.method
  SS.type <- x$SS.type
  effect.type <- x$effect.type
  if(pm == "RRPP") pm <- "Randomization of null model residuals" else
    if(pm == "FMRP") pm <- "Randomization of the full model residuals" else 
      pm <- ("Randomization of raw values (residuals of mean)")
  if(est == "GLS") est <- "Generalized Least-Squares (via OLS projection)" else
    est <- "Ordinary Least Squares"
  if(!is.null(SS.type)) {
    cat("\nAnalysis of Variance, using Residual Randomization\n")
    cat(paste("Permutation procedure:", pm, "\n"))
    cat(paste("Number of permutations:", perms, "\n"))
    cat(paste("Estimation method:", est, "\n"))
    cat(paste("Sums of Squares and Cross-products: Type", SS.type, "\n"))
    cat(paste("Effect sizes (Z) based on", effect.type, "distributions\n\n"))
    cat("\nCall: ")
    cat(deparse(x$call), fill=TRUE)
  } else {
    cat("\nAnalysis of Variance, using Residual Randomization\n")
    cat(paste("Permutation procedure:", pm, "\n"))
    cat(paste("Number of permutations:", perms, "\n"))
    cat(paste("Estimation method:", est, "\n"))
    if(NROW(tab) == 1) cat("No model effects; simple summary provided\n\n")
    if(NROW(tab) > 1) cat(paste("Effect sizes (Z) based on", 
                                effect.type, "distributions\n\n"))
    if(NCOL(tab) == 7) {
      cat("\nCall: ")
      cat(deparse(x$call), fill=TRUE)

#' Print/Summary Function for RRPP
#' @param object Object from \code{\link{predict.lm.rrpp}}
#' @param ... Other arguments passed onto predict.lm.rrpp
#' @method summary anova.lm.rrpp
#' @export
#' @author Michael Collyer
#' @keywords utilities
summary.anova.lm.rrpp <- function(object, ...){
  print.anova.lm.rrpp(object, ...)

## plot functions

#' Plot Function for RRPP
#' @param x plot object (from \code{\link{lm.rrpp}})
#' @param type Indicates which type of plot, choosing among diagnostics,
#' regression, or principal component plots.  Diagnostic plots are similar to 
#' \code{\link{lm}} diagnostic plots, but for multivariate data.  Regression plots
#' plot multivariate dispersion in some fashion against predictor values. PC plots
#' project data onto the eigenvectors of the covariance matrix for fitted values.
#' @param resid.type If type = "diagnostics", an optional argument for whether Pearson ("p") or normalized ("n")
#' residuals should be used.  These residuals are the same for ordinary least-squares (OLS) estimation
#' but differ for generalized least-squares (GLS) estimation.  For the latter, normalizing residuals
#' requires multiplying them by the transformation matrix obtained for GLS estimation.
#' @param fitted.type As with resid.type, whether fitted values use observed ("o") or transformed ("t")
#' values.  
#' @param predictor An optional vector if "regression" plot type is chosen, 
#' and is a variable likely used in \code{\link{lm.rrpp}}.
#' This vector is a vector of covariate values equal to the number of observations.
#' @param reg.type If "regression" is chosen for plot type, this argument
#' indicates whether prediction line 
#' (PredLine) or regression score (RegScore) plotting is performed.  
#' For explanation of prediction line,
#' see Adams and Nistri (2010).  For explanation of regression score, see 
#' Drake and Klingenberg (2008).
#' @param ... other arguments passed to plot (helpful to employ
#' different colors or symbols for different groups).  See
#' \code{\link{plot.default}} and \code{\link{par}}
#' @method plot lm.rrpp
#' @export
#' @author Michael Collyer
#' @keywords utilities
#' @keywords visualization
#' @references Drake, A. G., and C. P. Klingenberg. 2008. 
#' The pace of morphological change: Historical 
#' transformation of skull shape in St Bernard dogs. Proc. R. Soc. B. 275:71-76.
#' @references Adams, D. C., and A. Nistri. 2010. Ontogenetic convergence 
#' and evolution of foot morphology 
#' in European cave salamanders (Family: Plethodontidae). BMC Evol. Biol. 10:1-10.
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' # Univariate example
#' data(PlethMorph)
#' fitGLS <- lm.rrpp(TailLength ~ SVL, data = PlethMorph, Cov = PlethMorph$PhyCov, 
#'  print.progress = FALSE, iter = 0)
#'  par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
#'  plot(fitGLS)
#'  plot(fitGLS, resid.type = "n") # use normalized (transformed) residuals
#'  plot(fitGLS, resid.type = "n", fitted.type = "t") # use also transformed fitted values
#'  # Multivariate example
#' Y <- as.matrix(cbind(PlethMorph$TailLength,
#' PlethMorph$HeadLength,
#' PlethMorph$Snout.eye,
#' PlethMorph$BodyWidth,
#' PlethMorph$Forelimb,
#' PlethMorph$Hindlimb))
#' PlethMorph$Y <- Y
#' fitGLSm <- lm.rrpp(Y ~ SVL, data = PlethMorph, 
#' Cov = PlethMorph$PhyCov,
#' print.progress = FALSE, iter = 0)
#' par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
#'  plot(fitGLSm)
#'  plot(fitGLSm, resid.type = "n") # use normalized (transformed) residuals
#'  plot(fitGLSm, resid.type = "n", fitted.type = "t") # use also transformed fitted values
#'  par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
#'  }
plot.lm.rrpp <- function(x, type = c("diagnostics", "regression",
                         resid.type = c("p", "n"),
                         fitted.type = c("o", "t"),
                         predictor = NULL,
                          reg.type = c("PredLine", "RegScore"), ...){
  plot_args <- list(...)
  type <- match.arg(type)
  resid.type <- match.arg(resid.type)
  fitted.type <- match.arg(fitted.type)
  if(!is.null(x$LM$Cov) && is.null(x$LM$Pcov))
    x$LM$Pcov <- Cov.proj(x$LM$Cov)
  if(x$LM$gls) {
    r <- as.matrix(x$LM$gls.residuals)
    f <- as.matrix(x$LM$gls.fitted)
    if(resid.type == "n"){
      if(!is.null(x$LM$Pcov)) r <- x$LM$Pcov %*% r
      if(!is.null(x$LM$weights)) r <- r * sqrt(x$LM$weights)
    if(fitted.type == "t"){
      if(!is.null(x$LM$Pcov)) f <- x$LM$Pcov %*% f
      if(!is.null(x$LM$weights)) f <- f * sqrt(x$LM$weights)
  } else {
    r <- as.matrix(x$LM$residuals)
    f <- as.matrix(x$LM$fitted)
  if(is.na(match(type, c("diagnostics", "regression", "PC")))) 
    type <- "diagnostics"
  PL <- Reg.proj <- PC.points <- NULL
  if(type == "diagnostics") {
    if(x$LM$p == 1) {
      plot_args <- NULL
      y <- x$LM$Y
      if(resid.type == "n"){
        if(!is.null(x$LM$Pcov)) y <- x$LM$Pcov %*% y
        if(!is.null(x$LM$weights)) y <- y * sqrt(x$LM$weights)
      X <- x$LM$X
      if(fitted.type == "t"){
        if(!is.null(x$LM$Pcov)) X <- x$LM$Pcov %*% X
        if(!is.null(x$LM$weights)) X <- X * sqrt(x$LM$weights)

      X <- as.matrix(X)
      y <- as.matrix(y)
      lm.new <- lm(y ~ X + 0)
      lm.new$call <- x$call
      plot(lm.new, ...)
    } else {
      plot_args <- NULL
      pca.r <- prcomp(r)
      var.r <- round(pca.r$sdev^2/sum(pca.r$sdev^2)*100,2)
      plot(pca.r$x, pch=19, asp =1,
           xlab = paste("PC 1", var.r[1],"%"),
           ylab = paste("PC 2", var.r[2],"%"),
           main = "PCA Residuals")
      pca.f <- prcomp(f)
      var.f <- round(pca.f$sdev^2/sum(pca.f$sdev^2)*100,2)
      dr <- scale(sqrt(diag(tcrossprod(center(r)))))
      plot(pca.f$x[,1], dr, pch=19, 
           xlab = paste("PC 1", var.f[1],"%"),
           ylab = "Standardized Euclidean Distance Residuals",
           main = "Residuals vs. PC 1 fitted")
      abline(h = 0, col = "gray", lty =3)
      if(length(unique(round(pca.f$x[,1], 7))) <= 2) {
        lfr <- list()
        lfr$x <- pca.f$x[,1]
        lfr$y <- dr
        fit <- lm(dr ~ pca.f$x[,1])
        lfr$fitted <- fit$fitted.values
        lfr$residuals <- fit$residuals
      } else {
        options(warn = -1)
        lfr <- loess(dr~pca.f$x[,1], span = 1)
        options(warn = 0)
      lfr <- cbind(lfr$x, lfr$fitted); lfr <- lfr[order(lfr[,1]),]
      points(lfr, type="l", col="red")
      p <- ncol(r)
  if(type == "regression"){
    PL <- prcomp(f)$x[,1]
    reg.type <- match.arg(reg.type)
    if(is.na(match(reg.type, c("PredLine", "RegScore")))) 
        stop("This plot type is not available without a predictor.")
    n <- NROW(r); p <- NCOL(r)
    if(!is.vector(predictor)) stop("Predictor must be a vector")
    if(length(predictor) != n) 
      stop("Observations in predictor must equal observations if procD.lm fit")
    plot_args$x <- predictor
    plot_args$ylab <- "Regression Score"
    if(is.null(plot_args$xlab)) plot_args$xlab <- deparse(substitute(predictor))

    xc <- predictor
    if(x$LM$gls) {
      if(!is.null(x$LM$weights)) X <- cbind(xc, x$LM$X) * sqrt(x$LM$weights) else
        X <- cbind(xc, x$LM$Pcov %*% x$LM$X)
    } else X <- cbind(xc, x$LM$X)
    X <- as.matrix(X)
    b <- as.matrix(lm.fit(X, f)$coefficients)[1, ]
    Reg.proj <- center(x$LM$Y) %*% b %*% sqrt(solve(crossprod(b)))
    plot_args$y <- Reg.proj
    if(reg.type == "RegScore") {
      do.call(plot, plot_args)
    } else {
      plot_args$y <- PL
      plot_args$ylab <- "PC 1 for fitted values"
      do.call(plot, plot_args)
  if(type == "PC"){
    pca <- prcomp(f)
    eigs <- pca$rotation
    P <- center(x$LM$Y)%*%eigs
    v <- pca$sdev^2
    ev <- round(v[1:2]/sum(v)*100, 2)
    plot_args <- if(NCOL(P) > 1) list(x = P[,1], y = P[,2],  
                        xlab = paste("PC 1 for fitted values: ",ev[1],"%", sep = "") ,
                        ylab = paste("PC 2 for fitted values: ",ev[2],"%", sep = "") ,
                        ...) else list(x = 1:length(P), y = P, 
                                       xlab = "Index", 
                                       ylab = "PC 1 for fitted values: 100%",...)
    do.call(plot, plot_args)
    PC.points <- P
    rownames(P) <- rownames(x$LM$data)
  out <- list(PredLine = PL, RegScore = Reg.proj, PC.points = PC.points, 
              plot_args = plot_args)

plot_het <- function(r,f){
  r <- center(r)
  f <- center(f)
  r <- sqrt(diag(tcrossprod(r)))
  f <- sqrt(diag(tcrossprod(f)))
  if(length(unique(round(f, 7))) <= 2) {
    lfr <- list()
    lfr$x <- f
    lfr$y <- scale(r)
    fit <- lm(scale(r) ~ f)
    lfr$fitted <- fit$fitted.values
    lfr$residuals <- fit$residuals
  } else {
    options(warn = -1)
    lfr <- loess(scale(r)~f, span = 1)
    options(warn = 0)
  lfr <- cbind(lfr$x, lfr$y, lfr$fitted)
  lfr <- lfr[order(lfr[,1]),]
  plot(lfr, pch=19,  
       xlab = "Euclidean Distance Fitted Values",
       ylab = "Standardized Euclidean Distance Residuals", 
       main = "Residuals vs. Fitted")
  abline(h = 0, col = "gray", lty =3)
  points(lfr[,1], lfr[,3], type="l", col="red")

plot_QQ <- function(r){
  r <- center(r)
  r <- sqrt(diag(tcrossprod(r)))
  r <- sort(r)
  n <- length(r)
  tq <- (seq(1,n)-0.5)/n
  tq <- qnorm(tq)
  plot(tq, r, pch=19, xlab = "Theoretical Quantiles",
       ylab = "Euclidean Distance Residuals", 
       main = "Q-Q plot")

#' Plot Function for RRPP
#' @param x plot object (from \code{\link{predict.lm.rrpp}})
#' @param PC A logical argument for whether the data space should be 
#' rotated to its 
#' principal components
#' @param ellipse A logical argument to change error bars to ellipses 
#' in multivariate plots.  
#' It has no function for univariate plots or is abscissa is not NULL.
#' @param abscissa An optional vector (numeric of factor) equal in length 
#' to predictions to use for 
#' plotting as the abscissa (x-axis), in which case predictions are the 
#' ordinate (y-axis).  This might be 
#' helpful if predictions are made for a continuous independent variable.  
#' The abscissa would be the
#' same variable used to make predictions (and can be the data.frame used 
#' for 
#' newdata in \code{\link{predict.lm.rrpp}}).
#' @param label A logical argument for whether points should be labeled 
#' (in multivariate plots).
#' @param ... other arguments passed to plot, arrows, points, or text (helpful 
#' to employ
#' different colors or symbols for different groups).  See
#' \code{\link{plot.default}},  \code{\link{arrows}}, \code{\link{points}},
#' \code{\link{par}}, and \code{\link{text}}
#' @method plot predict.lm.rrpp
#' @export
#' @author Michael Collyer
#' @keywords utilities
#' @keywords visualization
#' @examples 
#' # See lm.rrpp help file for examples.
plot.predict.lm.rrpp <- function(x, PC = FALSE, ellipse = FALSE,
                                 abscissa = NULL,
                                 label = TRUE, ...){
  oldw <- getOption("warn")
  options(warn = -1)
  m <- if(is.matrix(x$mean)) rbind(x$mean, x$lcl, x$ucl) else 
    c(x$mean, x$lcl, x$ucl)
  mpc <- if(is.matrix(x$pc.mean)) rbind(x$pc.mean, x$pc.lcl, x$pc.ucl) else 
    c(x$pc.mean, x$pc.lcl, x$pc.ucl)
  conf <- x$confidence
  k <- NROW(x$mean)
  plot_args <- dots <- list(...)
  arrow_args <- text_args <- eP <- NULL
  plot_names <- names(plot_args)
  arrows.names <- c("angle", "length", "code", "col",
                    "lty", "lwd")
  text.names <- c("adj","offset", "pos", "vfont", "labels", "cex")
  plot_args <- plot_args[!(plot_names %in% arrows.names)]
  arrow_args <- dots[names(dots) %in% arrows.names]
  arrow_args <- dots[names(dots) %in% text.names]
  absx <- FALSE
  if(!is.null(abscissa)) {
    absx <- TRUE
    if(is.list(abscissa)) {
      xlabel <- names(abscissa)[[1]]
      abscissa <- unlist(abscissa)
    } else xlabel <- deparse(substitute(abscissa))
    if(length(abscissa) != k)
      stop("\n The length of the abscissa does not match the number of 
           call. = FALSE)
  } else xlabel <-  "Predicted values"
  plot_type <- if(NCOL(mpc) == 1) "uni" else "multi"
  if(absx) plot_type <- "uni"
  response.type <- if(NCOL(mpc) == 1) "uni" else "multi"
  if(plot_type == "uni") {

    if(response.type == "uni") {
      xx <- seq(1:k)
      xf <- as.factor(rownames(x$mean))
      if(absx && is.numeric(abscissa)) xx <- abscissa
      resp <- if(PC) x$pc.mean[,1] else x$mean[,1]
      mt <- if(PC) paste("Predicted PC1 Values, +/-", 
                         conf*100, "percent confidence levels",
                         sep = " ") else
                           paste("Predicted Values, +/-", 
                                 conf*100, "percent confidence levels",
                                 sep = " ")
      lcl <- if(PC) x$pc.lcl[,1] else x$lcl[,1]
      ucl <- if(PC) x$pc.ucl[,1] else x$ucl[,1]
      plot_args$x <- xx
      plot_args$y <- resp
      if(is.null(plot_args$xlab)) plot_args$xlab <- xlabel
      if(is.null(plot_args$ylab)) plot_args$ylab <- if(PC) "PC1: 100%" else  
      if(is.null(plot_args$ylim)) plot_args$ylim <- c(min(lcl), max(ucl))
      if(is.null(plot_args$main)) plot_args$main <- mt
      if(is.null(plot_args$pch)) plot_args$pch <- 19
      if(is.null(plot_args$cex.main)) plot_args$cex.main <- 0.7
      plot_args$xaxt <- "n"
      do.call(plot, plot_args)

      if(absx && is.numeric(abscissa)) axis(1, xx) else
        axis(1, at = xx, labels = as.character(xf)) 
      arrow_args$x0 <- xx
      arrow_args$y0 <- resp
      arrow_args$x1 <- xx
      arrow_args$y1 <- lcl
      if(is.null(arrow_args$angle)) arrow_args$angle <- 90
      if(is.null(arrow_args$lemgth)) arrow_args$length <- 0.1
      do.call(arrows, arrow_args)
      arrow_args$y1 <- ucl
      do.call(arrows, arrow_args)
      do.call(points, plot_args)
    if(response.type == "multi") {
        pca <- x$pca
        mr <- mpc
        if(is.matrix(mr)) mr <- mr[,1]
        v <- pca$sdev^2
        ve <- round(v/sum(v)*100, 2)[1:2]
        ylm <- c(min(mr), max(mr))
        ylb <- paste("PC1: ", ve, "%", sep = "")
        type <- "uni"
      } else {
        mr <- m[,1]
        cn <- colnames(x$mean)[[1]]
        if(is.null(cn)) cn <- paste("V", 1, sep=".")
        ylb <- cn
        ylm <- c(min(mr), max(mr))
      mt <- if(PC) 
        paste("PC1 predicted Values, +/-", conf*100, 
              "percent confidence levels",
                         sep = " ") else 
        paste("Predicted Values (variable 1), +/-", conf*100, 
              "percent confidence levels",
                        sep = " ")
      xx <- seq(1:k)
      xf <- as.factor(rownames(x$mean))
      if(absx && is.numeric(abscissa)) xx <- abscissa
      plot_args$x <- xx
      plot_args$y <- mr[1:k]
      if(is.null(plot_args$xlab)) plot_args$xlab <- xlabel
      if(is.null(plot_args$ylab)) plot_args$ylab <- ylb
      if(is.null(plot_args$ylim)) plot_args$ylim <- c(min(mr), max(mr))
      if(is.null(plot_args$main)) plot_args$main <- mt
      if(is.null(plot_args$pch)) plot_args$pch <- 19
      if(is.null(plot_args$cex.main)) plot_args$cex.main <- 0.7
      plot_args$xaxt <- "n"
      do.call(plot, plot_args)
      if(absx && is.numeric(abscissa)) axis(1, xx) else
        axis(1, at = xx, labels = as.character(xf)) 
      la <- (k + 1):(2 * k)
      ua <- (2 * k +1):(3 * k)
      arrow_args$x0 <- xx
      arrow_args$y0 <- mr[1:k]
      arrow_args$x1 <- xx
      arrow_args$y1 <- mr[la]
      if(is.null(arrow_args$angle)) arrow_args$angle <- 90
      if(is.null(arrow_args$lemgth)) arrow_args$length <- 0.1
      do.call(arrows, arrow_args)
      arrow_args$y1 <- mr[ua]
      do.call(arrows, arrow_args)
      do.call(points, plot_args)
  if(plot_type == "multi") {
    if(PC) {
      pca <- x$pca
      mr <- mpc[,1:2]
      v <- pca$sdev^2
      ve <- round(v/sum(v)*100, 2)[1:2]
      xlb <- paste("PC1: ", ve[1], "%", sep = "")
      ylb <- paste("PC2: ", ve[2], "%", sep = "")
    if(!PC) {
      mr <- m[,1:2]
      cn <- colnames(x$mean)
      if(is.null(cn)) cn <- paste("V", 1:2, sep=".")
      xlb <- cn[1]
      ylb <- cn[2]
    mt <- if(PC) "Among-prediction PC rotation" else 
      "Plot of first two variables"
    mt <- paste(mt, "; ", conf*100, "% confidence limits", sep = "")
    eP <- if(PC) ellipse.points(m = x$pc.mean[,1:2],
                                pr = x$random.predicted.pc, conf) else
                                       ellipse.points(m = x$mean[,1:2],
                                                pr = x$random.predicted, conf)
    span <- apply(eP$ellP, 2, "c")
    xlim <- c(min(span[,1]), max(span[,1]))
    ylim <- c(min(span[,2]), max(span[,2]))
    plot_args$x <- mr[1:k, 1]
    plot_args$y <- mr[1:k, 2]
    if(is.null(plot_args$xlab)) plot_args$xlab <- xlb
    if(is.null(plot_args$ylab)) plot_args$ylab <- ylb
    if(is.null(plot_args$xlim)) plot_args$xlim <- xlim
    if(is.null(plot_args$ylim)) plot_args$ylim <- ylim
    if(is.null(plot_args$main)) plot_args$main <- mt
    if(is.null(plot_args$cex.main)) plot_args$cex.main <- 0.7
    if(is.null(plot_args$asp)) plot_args$asp <- 1
    do.call(plot, plot_args)
    if(ellipse) {
      for(i in 1:(dim(eP$ellP)[[3]])){
        points(eP$ellP[,,i], type = "l", ...)
      if(length(plot_args) == 0) points(eP$means, pch=19, cex = 0.7) else
        points(eP$means, ...)
    } else {
      la <- (k + 1):(2 * k)
      ua <- (2 * k +1):(3 * k)
      if(is.null(arrow_args$angle)) arrow_args$angle <- 90
      if(is.null(arrow_args$lemgth)) arrow_args$length <- 0.05

      arrow_args$x0 <- mr[1:k,1]
      arrow_args$y0 <- mr[1:k,2]
      arrow_args$x1 <- mr[1:k,1]
      arrow_args$y1 <- mr[la, 2]
      do.call(arrows, arrow_args)
      arrow_args$y1 <- mr[ua, 2]
      do.call(arrows, arrow_args)
      arrow_args$x1 <- mr[la, 1]
      arrow_args$y1 = mr[1:k,2]
      do.call(arrows, arrow_args)
      arrow_args$x1 <- mr[ua, 1]
      do.call(arrows, arrow_args)
      do.call(points, plot_args)
      arrow_args$y1 <- mr[la, 2] # return to original
    if(label) {
      text_args <- list(x = NULL, y = NULL, cex = 1, col = 1,
                        adj = NULL, offset = 0.5, pos = 1, vfont = NULL,
                        labels = rownames(x$mean))
      dot.match <- intersect(c("x", "y", "cex", "col", "adj", 
                               "offset", "pos", "vfont", "labels"), 
      if(length(dot.match) > 0)
        text_args[dot.match] <- dots[dot.match]
      text_args$x <- plot_args$x
      text_args$y <- plot_args$y
      do.call(text, text_args)

  options(warn = oldw)
  out <- list(plot_args = plot_args, arrow_args = arrow_args, 
           text_args = text_args, ellipse.points = eP)
  class(out) <- "plot.predict.lm.rrpp"

## resid and fitted

# residuals.lm.rrpp
# S3 generic for lm.rrpp

#' Extract residuals
#' @param object plot object (from \code{\link{lm.rrpp}})
#' @param ... Arguments passed to other functions 
#' @export
#' @author Michael Collyer
#' @keywords utilities
#' @examples 
#' # See examples for lm.rrpp
residuals.lm.rrpp <- function(object, ...) {
  if(object$LM$gls) out <- object$LM$gls.residuals else 
    out <- object$LM$residuals

# fitted.lm.rrpp
# S3 generic for lm.rrpp

#' Extract fitted values
#' @param object plot object (from \code{\link{lm.rrpp}})
#' @param ... Arguments passed to other functions 
#' @export
#' @author Michael Collyer
#' @keywords utilities
#' @examples 
#' # See examples for lm.rrpp
fitted.lm.rrpp <- function(object,  ...) {
  if(object$LM$gls) out <- object$LM$gls.fitted else 
    out <- object$LM$fitted

#' Print/Summary Function for RRPP
#' @param x Object from \code{\link{pairwise}}
#' @param ... Other arguments passed onto pairwise
#' @method print pairwise
#' @export
#' @author Michael Collyer
#' @keywords utilities
print.pairwise <- function(x, ...){
  if(is.null(x$LS.means)) type = "slopes"
  if(is.null(x$slopes)) type = "means"
  if(type == "means") {
    means <- x$LS.means
    perms <- length(means)
    groups <- rownames(means[[1]])
  if(type == "slopes") {
    slopes <- x$slopes
    perms <- length(x$slopes)
    groups <- rownames(slopes[[1]])
  perm.type <- x$PermInfo$perm.method
  cat("\nPairwise comparisons\n")
  cat("\nGroups:", groups, "\n\n")
  cat(paste(perm.type,":", sep=""), perms, "permutations\n")

#' Print/Summary Function for RRPP
#' See \code{\link{pairwise}} for further description.  
#' The following summarize the test that can be performed: 
#' #' \describe{
#' \item{\bold{Distance between vectors, "dist"}}{ Vectors for LS means or 
#' slopes originate at the origin and point to some location, having both a 
#' magnitude
#' and direction.  A distance between two vectors is the inner-product of of 
#' the vector difference, i.e., the distance between their endpoints.  For
#' LS means, this distance is the difference between means.  For multivariate 
#' slope vectors, this is the difference in location between estimated change 
#' for the dependent variables, per one-unit change of the covariate considered.  
#' For univariate slopes, this is the absolute difference between slopes.}
#' \item{\bold{Vector correlation, "VC"}}{ If LS mean or slope vectors are 
#' scaled to unit size, the vector correlation is the inner-product of the 
#' scaled vectors.
#' The arccosine (acos) of this value is the angle between vectors, which 
#' can be expressed in radians or degrees.  Vector correlation indicates 
#' the similarity of 
#' vector orientation, independent of vector length.}
#' \item{\bold{Difference in vector lengths, "DL"}}{  If the length of a 
#' vector is an important attribute -- e.g., the amount of multivariate 
#' change per one-unit
#' change in a covariate -- then the absolute value of the difference in 
#' vector lengths is a practical statistic to compare vector lengths.  
#' Let d1 and
#' d2 be the distances (length) of vectors.  Then |d1 - d2| is a statistic 
#' that compares their lengths.}
#' \item{\bold{Variance, "var"}}{  Vectors of residuals from a linear 
#' model indicate can express the distances of observed values from 
#' fitted values.  Mean
#' squared distances of values (variance), by group, can be used to 
#' measure the amount of dispersion around estimated values for groups.  
#' Absolute
#' differences between variances are used as test statistics to compare 
#' mean dispersion of values among groups.  Variance degrees of freedom 
#' equal n, 
#' the group size, rather than n-1, as the purpose is to compare mean 
#' dispersion 
#' in the sample.  (Additionally, tests with one subject in a group 
#' are possible, or at least not a hindrance to the analysis.)}
#' }
#' The argument, \code{test.type} is used to select one of the tests 
#' above.  See \code{\link{pairwise}} for examples.
#'  \subsection{Notes for RRPP 0.6.2 and subsequent versions}{ 
#'  In previous versions of pairwise, \code{\link{summary.pairwise}} had three 
#'  test types: "dist", "VC", and "var".  When one chose "dist", for LS mean 
#'  vectors, the statistic was the inner-product of the vector difference.  
#'  For slope vectors, "dist" returned the absolute value  of the difference 
#'  between vector lengths, which is "DL" in 0.6.2 and subsequent versions.  This
#'  update uses the same calculation, irrespective of vector types.  Generally,
#'  "DL" is the same as a contrast in rates for slope vectors, but might not have
#'  much meaning for LS means.  Likewise, "dist" is the distance between vector
#'  endpoints, which might make more sense for LS means than slope vectors.  
#'  Nevertheless, the user has more control over these decisions with version 0.6.2
#'  and subsequent versions.
#' }
#' @param object Object from \code{\link{pairwise}}
#' @param stat.table Logical argument for whether results should be 
#' returned in one table 
#' (if TRUE) or separate pairwise tables (if FALSE)
#' @param test.type the type of statistic to test.  See below
#' should be used in the test.
#' @param angle.type If test.type = "VC", whether angle results are 
#' expressed in radians or degrees.
#' @param confidence Confidence level to use for upper confidence 
#' limit; default = 0.95 (alpha = 0.05)
#' @param show.vectors Logical value to indicate whether vectors 
#' should be printed.
#' @param ... Other arguments passed onto pairwise
#' @method summary pairwise
#' @export
#' @author Michael Collyer
#' @keywords utilities
summary.pairwise <- function(object, stat.table = TRUE, 
                             test.type = c("dist", "VC", "DL", "var"),
                             angle.type = c("rad", "deg"),
                             confidence = 0.95, show.vectors = FALSE, ...){
  test.type <- match.arg(test.type)
  angle.type <- match.arg(angle.type)
  x <- object
  if(test.type != "var") {
    if(is.null(x$LS.means)) type = "slopes"
    if(is.null(x$slopes)) type = "means"
  } else {
    type <- "var"
    tab <- NULL
  vars <- object$vars
  if(type == "var") {
    var.diff <- lapply(1:NCOL(vars), function(j){
      v <- as.matrix(vars[,j])
    L <- d.summary.from.list(var.diff, confidence = confidence)
    tab <- makePWDTable(L)
  if(type == "means") {
    if(test.type == "dist") {
      L <- d.summary.from.list(x$means.dist, confidence = confidence)
      if(stat.table) tab <- makePWDTable(L)
    if(test.type == "VC") {
      L <- r.summary.from.list(x$means.vec.cor, confidence = confidence)
      if(angle.type == "deg") {
        options(warn = -1)
        L$angle <- L$angle * 180 / pi
        L$aCL <- L$aCL * 180 / pi
        options(warn = 0)
      if(stat.table) tab <- makePWCorTable(L)
    if(test.type == "DL") {
      L <- d.summary.from.list(x$means.diff.length, confidence = confidence)
      if(stat.table) tab <- makePWDTable(L)
  if(type == "slopes") {

    if(test.type == "dist") {
      L <- d.summary.from.list(x$slopes.dist)
      if(stat.table) tab <- makePWDTable(L)
    if(test.type == "VC") {
      L <- r.summary.from.list(x$slopes.vec.cor) 
      if(angle.type == "deg") {
        options(warn = -1)
        L$angle <- L$angle * 180 / pi
        L$aCL <- L$aCL * 180 / pi
        options(warn = 0)
      if(stat.table) tab <- makePWCorTable(L)
    if(test.type == "DL") {
      L <- d.summary.from.list(x$slopes.diff.length, confidence = confidence)
      if(stat.table) tab <- makePWDTable(L)
  out <- list()
  out$pairwise.tables <- L
    out$stat.table <- TRUE
    out$summary.table <- tab
  } else {
    out$stat.table <- FALSE
    out$summary.table <- NULL

  out$type <- type
  out$test.type <- test.type
  out$angle.type <- angle.type 
  out$confidence <- confidence
  if(!is.null(vars)) out$vars <- vars else out$vars <- NULL
  out$show.vectors <- show.vectors
  out$x <- x
  class(out) <- "summary.pairwise"

#' Print/Summary Function for RRPP
#' @param x Object from \code{\link{summary.pairwise}}
#' @param ... Other arguments passed onto summary.pairwise
#' @method print summary.pairwise
#' @export
#' @author Michael Collyer
#' @keywords utilities
print.summary.pairwise <- function(x, ...) {
  type <- x$type
  test.type <- x$test.type
  stat.table <- x$stat.table
  L <- x$pairwise.tables
  if(stat.table) tab <- x$summary.table

  if(type == "var") {
    cat("\nObserved variances by group\n\n")
    if(stat.table) {
      cat("\nPairwise distances between variances, plus statistics\n")
    } else {
      cat("\nPairwise distances between variances\n")
      cat("\nPairwise", paste(L$confidence*100, "%", sep=""), 
          "upper confidence limits between variances\n")
      cat("\nPairwise effect sizes (Z) between variances\n")
      cat("\nPairwise P-values between variances\n")
  if(type == "means") {
    cat("LS means:\n")
    if(x$show.vectors) print(x$x$LS.means[[1]]) else 
      cat("Vectors hidden (use show.vectors = TRUE to view)\n")
    if(test.type == "dist") {
      if(stat.table) {
        cat("\nPairwise distances between means, plus statistics\n")
      } else {
        cat("\nPairwise distances between means\n")
        cat("\nPairwise", paste(L$confidence*100, "%", sep=""), 
            "Upper confidence limits between means\n")
        cat("\nPairwise effect sizes (Z) between means\n")
        cat("\nPairwise P-values between means\n")
    if(test.type == "VC") {
      if(stat.table) {
        cat("\nPairwise statistics based on mean vector correlations\n")
      } else {
        cat("\nPairwise vector correlations between mean vectors\n")
        cat("\nPairwise angles between mean vectors\n")
        cat("\nPairwise", paste(L$confidence*100, "%", sep=""), 
            "Upper confidence limits for angles between mean vectors\n")
        cat("\nPairwise effect sizes (Z) for angles between mean vectors\n")
        cat("\nPairwise P-values for angles between mean vectors\n")
    if(test.type == "DL") {
      if(stat.table) {
        cat("\nPairwise absolute difference (d) between vector lengths, 
            plus statistics\n")
      } else {
        cat("\nPairwise absolute differences (d) between mean vector lengths\n")
        cat("\nPairwise", paste(L$confidence*100, "%", sep=""), 
            "Upper confidence limits between mean vector lengths\n")
        cat("\nPairwise effect sizes (Z) between mean vector lengths\n")
        cat("\nPairwise P-values between mean vector lengths\n")
  if(type == "slopes") {
    cat("Slopes (vectors of variate change per one unit of covariate 
        change, by group):\n")
    if(x$show.vectors) print(x$x$slopes[[1]]) else 
      cat("Vectors hidden (use show.vectors = TRUE to view)\n")
    if(test.type == "dist") {
      if(stat.table) {
        cat("\nPairwise distances between slope vector 
            (end-points), plus statistics\n")
      } else {
        cat("\nPairwise distances between slope vector (end-points\n")
        cat("\nPairwise", paste(L$confidence*100, "%", sep=""), 
            "Upper confidence limits between slopes\n")
        cat("\nPairwise effect sizes (Z) between slopes\n")
        cat("\nPairwise P-values between slopes\n")
    if(test.type == "VC") {
      cat("\nPairwise statistics based on slopes vector correlations (r) 
          and angles, acos(r)")
      cat("\nThe null hypothesis is that r = 1 (parallel vectors).")
      cat("\nThis null hypothesis is better treated as the angle 
          between vectors = 0\n")
      if(stat.table) print(tab)
        else {
        cat("\nPairwise vector correlations between slope vectors\n")
        cat("\nPairwise angles between slope vectors\n")
        cat("\nPairwise", paste(L$confidence*100, "%", sep=""), 
            "upper confidence limits for angles between mean vectors\n")
        cat("\nPairwise effect sizes (Z) for angles between slope vectors\n")
        cat("\nPairwise P-values for angles between slope vectors\n")
    if(test.type == "DL") {
      cat("\nSlope vector lengths\n")
      if(stat.table) {
        cat("\nPairwise absolute difference (d) between vector 
            lengths, plus statistics\n")
      } else {
        cat("\nPairwise absolute differences (d) between slope vector lengths\n")
        cat("\nPairwise", paste(L$confidence*100, "%", sep=""), 
            "Upper confidence limits between slope vector lengths\n")
        cat("\nPairwise effect sizes (Z) between slope vector lengths\n")
        cat("\nPairwise P-values between slope vector lengths\n")

#' Print/Summary Function for RRPP
#' @param x Object from \code{\link{model.comparison}}
#' @param ... Other arguments passed onto model.comparison
#' @method print model.comparison
#' @export
#' @author Michael Collyer
#' @keywords utilities
print.model.comparison <- function(x ,...){

#' Print/Summary Function for RRPP
#' @param object Object from \code{\link{model.comparison}}
#' @param ... Other arguments passed onto model.comparison
#' @method summary model.comparison
#' @export
#' @author Michael Collyer
#' @keywords utilities
summary.model.comparison <- function(object ,...){
  x <- object
  type <- colnames(x$table)[[1]]
  if(type == "cov.trace") type.name <- "traces of model covariance matrices"
  if(type == "logLik") type.name <- "model log-likelihoods"
  if(type == "Z") type.name <- "model Z-scores"
  n <- NROW(x$table)
  cat("\n\n Summary statistics for", type.name, "\n\n")
  cat(n, "Models compared.\n\n")
  tab <- x$table
  rownames(tab) <- x$names

#' Plot Function for RRPP
#' @param x plot object (from \code{\link{model.comparison}})
#' @param ... other arguments passed to plot (helpful to employ
#' different colors or symbols for different groups).  See
#' \code{\link{plot.default}} and \code{\link{par}}
#' @method plot model.comparison
#' @export
#' @author Michael Collyer
#' @keywords utilities
#' @keywords visualization
plot.model.comparison <- function(x, ...){
  object <- x
  type <- names(object$table)[[1]]
  tab <- object$table
  nms <- object$names
  spln <- if(type == "logLik") ncol(tab) == 5 else 
    if(type == "cov.trace") ncol(tab) == 3 else ncol(tab) == 2
  if(type == "cov.trace") type.name <- "Trace"
  if(type == "logLik") {
    type.name <- if(spln) "log-likelihood" else "-2 * log-likelihood"
  if(type == "Z") type.name <- "Z"
  if(type == "logLik") {
    x <- if(spln) tab[,5] else tab[,3]
    xLab <- if(spln) names(tab)[5] else names(tab)[3] 
  } else if(type == "cov.trace"){
    x <- if(spln) tab[,3] else tab[,2]
    xLab <- if(spln) names(tab)[3] else names(tab)[2]
  } else {
    x <- if(spln) tab[,2] else NULL
    xLab <- names(tab)[if(spln) 2 else NULL]
  if(type == "Z" && is.null(x)){
    cat("No predictor.  Z-scores will be plotted in the order provided.\n")
    x <- 1:nrow(tab)
  y <- tab[,1]
  if(all(is.na(x))) x <- 1:length(y)
  if(type == "logLik" && !spln) y <- -2 * y
  xrange <- range(x)
  dx <- xrange[2] - xrange[1]
  xlim <- xrange + c(-0.1*dx, 0.1*dx)
  yrange <- range(y)
  dy <- yrange[2] - yrange[1]
  ylim <- yrange + c(-0.1*dy, 0.1*dy)

  if(var(x) == 0)
    stop("There is no plot to make, as the parameter penalty is invariant.",
         call. = FALSE) 
  plot(x, y, xlab = xLab, 
       ylab = type.name, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, ...)
    if(!any(is.na(x))) {
      sp <- spline(x, y)
      points(sp$x, sp$y, col = 2, type = "l")
      xmax <- sp$x[which.max(sp$y)]
      xmin <-sp$x[which.min(sp$y)]
      text(x, y, nms, pos = 1, cex = 0.4)
      cat("max", type, "found at", xLab, "=", round(xmax, 4))
      cat("\nmin", type, "found at", xLab, "=", round(xmin, 4), "\n")
  } else {
      stop("There is no plot to make, as there is no predictor.",
           call. = FALSE) 
    f <- lm(y ~ x)
    abline(f, lty = 3, lwd = 0.8, col = "red")
    text(x, y, nms, pos = 1, cex = 0.4)


#' Print/Summary Function for RRPP
#' @param object Object from \code{\link{lm.rrpp}}, updated with 
#' \code{\link{manova.update}}
#' @param test Type of multivariate test statistic to use.
#' @param ... Other arguments passed onto manova.lm.rrpp
#' @method summary manova.lm.rrpp
#' @export
#' @author Michael Collyer
#' @keywords utilities
summary.manova.lm.rrpp <- function(object, test = c("Roy", "Pillai", "Hotelling-Lawley", "Wilks"), ...){
  if (!inherits(object, "manova.lm.rrpp")) 
    stop(gettextf("object must be of class %s", dQuote("manova.lm.rrpp"), domain = NA))
  test <- match.arg(test)
  if(test == "Hotelling-Lawley") test <- "Hotelling.Lawley"
  p <- object$LM$p
  p.prime <- object$LM$p.prime
  n <- object$LM$n
  Models <- getModels(object, attribute = "all")
  PermInfo <- getPermInfo(object, attribute = "all")
  perm.method <- object$PermInfo$perm.method
  if(perm.method == "RRPP") RRPP = TRUE else RRPP = FALSE
  ind <- PermInfo$perm.schedule
  perms <- length(ind)
  trms <- object$LM$term.labels
  k <- length(trms)
  kk <- length(Models$full)
  if(k > kk){
    k <- kk
    trms <- names(Models$full)
  df <- object$ANOVA$df
  df.model <- sum(df[1:k])
  df <- c(df[1:k], df.model, df[k+1])
  names(df) <- c(trms, "Full.Model", "Residuals")
  MANOVA <- object$MANOVA
  eigs <- MANOVA$eigs
  error <- MANOVA$error
  stats <- as.data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = k + 2, ncol = 5, byrow = FALSE,
                                dimnames <- list(names(df), 
                                    c("Df", "Rand", test, "Z", "Pr"))))
  stats$Df <- df
  if(!is.null(error)) stats$Rand[1:(k+1)] <- c(error, 
                            "Residuals") else 
                              stats$Rand[1:(k+1)] <- rep("Residuals", k+1)
  if(test == "Pillai") {
    rand.stats <- sapply(1:perms, function(j){
      y <- eigs[[j]]
      apply(y, 1, pillai)
    test.stats <- rand.stats[, 1]
    Z <- apply(rand.stats, 1, effect.size)
    P <- apply(rand.stats, 1, pval)
    stats$Z[1:(k+1)] <- Z
    stats$Pr[1:(k+1)] <- P
    stats$Pillai[1:(k+1)] <- test.stats
  else if(test == "Hotelling.Lawley") {
    rand.stats <- sapply(1:perms, function(j){
      y <- eigs[[j]]
      apply(y, 1, hot.law)
    test.stats <- rand.stats[, 1]
    Z <- apply(rand.stats, 1, effect.size)
    P <- apply(rand.stats, 1, pval)
    stats$Z[1:(k+1)] <- Z
    stats$Pr[1:(k+1)] <- P
    stats$Hotelling.Lawley[1:(k+1)] <- test.stats
  else if(test == "Wilks"){
    rand.stats <- sapply(1:perms, function(j){
      y <- eigs[[j]]
      apply(y, 1, wilks)
    test.stats <- rand.stats[, 1]
    Z <- apply(-1 * rand.stats, 1, effect.size)
    P <- apply(-1 * rand.stats, 1, pval)
    stats$Z[1:(k+1)] <- Z
    stats$Pr[1:(k+1)] <- P
    stats$Wilks[1:(k+1)] <- test.stats
  else {
    rand.stats <- sapply(1:perms, function(j){
      y <- eigs[[j]]
      apply(y, 1, max)
    test.stats <- rand.stats[,1]
    Z <- apply(rand.stats, 1, effect.size)
    P <- apply(rand.stats, 1, pval)
    stats$Z[1:(k+1)] <- Z
    stats$Pr[1:(k+1)] <- P
    stats$Roy[1:(k+1)] <- test.stats
  if(test == "Wilks") 
    names(stats)[[length(stats)]] <- paste("Pr(<", test, ")", sep = "") else
    names(stats)[[length(stats)]] <- paste("Pr(>", test, ")", sep = "")
  out <- list(stats.table = stats, rand.stats = rand.stats, stat.type = test,
              n = n, p = p, p.prime = p.prime, e.rank = MANOVA$e.rank, 
              manova.pc.dims = MANOVA$manova.pc.dims, PCA = MANOVA$PCA,
              SS.type = object$ANOVA$SS.type, SS.tot = MANOVA$SS.tot, 
              perms = object$PermInfo$perms)
  class(out) <- "summary.manova.lm.rrpp"

#' Print/Summary Function for RRPP
#' @param x Object from \code{\link{summary.manova.lm.rrpp}}
#' @param ... Other arguments passed onto summary.manova.lm.rrpp
#' @method print summary.manova.lm.rrpp
#' @export
#' @author Michael Collyer
#' @keywords utilities
print.summary.manova.lm.rrpp <- function(x, ...){
  cat("\nLinear Model fit with lm.rrpp\n")
  cat(paste("\nNumber of observations:", x$n))
  cat("\nNumber of dependent variables:", x$p)
  cat("\nData space dimensions:", x$p.prime)
  cat("\nResidual covariance matrix rank:", x$e.rank)
  pc.max <- x$manova.pc.dims
  if(pc.max < x$e.rank) {
    cat("\n   Data reduced to", pc.max, "PCs, as required or prescribed.")
    PCA <- x$PCA
    d2 <- PCA$sdev^2
    d.p <- sum(d2[1:pc.max])/x$SS.tot
    cat("\n  ", round(d.p*100, 1), 
        "% of overall variation explained by these PCs.")
    cat("\n   See $MANOVA$PCA from manova.lm.rrpp object for more information.")
    cat(paste("\nSums of Squares and Cross-products: Type", x$SS.type))
  cat(paste("\nNumber of permutations:", x$perms), "\n\n")
  tab <- as.matrix(x$stats.table)
  class(tab) <- c("anova", class(tab))
  print.table(tab, na.print = "")

#' Print/Summary Function for RRPP
#' @param x Object from \code{\link{lr_test}}
#' @param ... Other arguments passed onto print.lr_test
#' @method print lr_test
#' @export
#' @author Michael Collyer
#' @keywords utilities
print.lr_test <- function(x, ...){
  x <- if(!is.null(x$tab)) x$tab else as.data.frame(x)
  colnames(x)[4] <- "Pr(>LR)"
  class(x) <- c("anova", class(x))

#' Print/Summary Function for RRPP
#' @param object Object from \code{\link{lr_test}}
#' @param ... Other arguments passed onto print.lr_test
#' @method summary lr_test
#' @export
#' @author Michael Collyer
#' @keywords utilities
summary.lr_test <- function(object, ...){

#' Print/Summary Function for RRPP
#' @param x Object from \code{\link{trajectory.analysis}}
#' @param ... Other arguments passed onto 
#' @method print trajectory.analysis
#' @export
#' @author Michael Collyer
#' @keywords utilities
print.trajectory.analysis<- function(x, ...){
  if(is.null(x$SD)) type = "vectors" else type = "trajectories"
  perms <- length(x$MD)
  pca = x$pca
  groups <- rownames(x$LS.means[[1]])
  pca <- x$pca
  cat("\nTrajectory analysis\n\n")
  cat(perms, "permutations.\n\n")
  if(!is.null(pca)) cat("Points projected onto trajectory PCs\n")

#' Print/Summary Function for RRPP
#' @param object Object from \code{\link{trajectory.analysis}}
#' @param stat.table Logical argument for whether results should be 
#' returned in one table 
#' (if TRUE) or separate pairwise tables (if FALSE)
#' @param attribute Whether magnitude differences (MD, absolute difference 
#' in trajectory path lengths), 
#' trajectory correlations (TC), or trajectory shape differences (SD) are 
#' summarized.
#' @param angle.type If attribute = "TC", whether angle results are 
#' expressed in radians or degrees.
#' @param confidence Confidence level to use for upper confidence limit; 
#' default = 0.95 (alpha = 0.05)
#' @param show.trajectories Logical value to indicate whether trajectories 
#' should be printed.
#' @param ... Other arguments passed onto trajectory.analysis
#' @method summary trajectory.analysis
#' @export
#' @author Michael Collyer
#' @keywords utilities
summary.trajectory.analysis <- function(object, stat.table = TRUE, 
                             attribute = c("MD", "TC", "SD"),
                             angle.type = c("rad", "deg"),
                             confidence = 0.95, show.trajectories = FALSE, ...) {
  attribute <- match.arg(attribute)
  angle.type <- match.arg(angle.type)
  x <- object
  if(is.null(x$SD)) type = "vectors" else type = "trajectories"
  MD <- object$MD
  TC <- object$TC
  SD <- object$SD
  if(attribute == "MD"){
    L <- d.summary.from.list(MD, confidence = confidence)
    tab <- makePWDTable(L)
  if(attribute == "TC"){
    if(is.null(TC)) stop("Trajectory correlations not available\n", 
                         call. = FALSE)
    L <- r.summary.from.list(TC, confidence = confidence)
    if(angle.type == "deg") {
      options(warn = -1)
      L$angle <- L$angle * 180 / pi
      L$aCL <- L$aCL * 180 / pi
      options(warn = 0)
    tab <- makePWCorTable(L)
  if(attribute == "SD"){
    if(type == "trajectories") {
      L <- d.summary.from.list(SD, confidence = confidence)
      tab <- makePWDTable(L)
    } else {
      L <- NULL
      tab <- NULL
  out <- list()
  out$pairwise.tables <- L
    out$stat.table <- TRUE
    out$summary.table <- tab
  } else {
    out$stat.table <- FALSE
    out$summary.table <- NULL
  out$type <- type
  out$attribute <- attribute
  out$angle.type <- angle.type 
  out$confidence <- confidence
  out$show.trajectories <- show.trajectories
  out$x <- x
  class(out) <- "summary.trajectory.analysis"

#' Print/Summary Function for RRPP
#' @param x Object from \code{\link{summary.trajectory.analysis}}
#' @param ... Other arguments passed onto summary.trajectory.analysis
#' @method print summary.trajectory.analysis
#' @export
#' @author Michael Collyer
#' @keywords utilities
print.summary.trajectory.analysis <- function(x, ...) {
  attribute <- x$attribute
  type <- x$type
  if(attribute == "SD" && type == "vectors") 
    cat("\n\nCannot summarize trajectory shape differences for vectors.\n\n")
  stat.table <- x$stat.table
  if(attribute != "SD") print.trajectory.analysis(x$x) else 
    if(type == "trajectories") print.trajectory.analysis(x$x)

  L <- x$pairwise.tables
  if(stat.table) tab <- x$summary.table
  if(attribute == "MD") {
    if(x$show.trajectories) print(x$x$trajectories[[1]]) else 
      cat("Trajectories hidden (use show.trajectories = TRUE to view)\n")
    cat("\nObserved path distances by group\n\n")
    if(stat.table) {
      cat("\nPairwise absolute differences in path distances, plus statistics\n")
    } else {
      cat("\nPairwise absolute differences in path distancess\n")
      cat("\nPairwise", paste(L$confidence*100, "%", sep=""), 
          "upper confidence limits, absolute differences in path distancess\n")
      cat("\nPairwise effect sizes (Z) for absolute differences in path distancess\n")
      cat("\nPairwise P-values for absolute differences in path distances\n")
  if(attribute == "TC") {
    if(x$show.trajectories) print(x$x$trajectories[[1]]) else 
      cat("Trajectories hidden (use show.trajectories = TRUE to view)\n")
    if(stat.table) {
      cat("\nPairwise correlations between trajectories, plus statistics\n")
    } else {
      cat("\nPairwise statistics based on trajectory vector 
          correlations (r) and angles, acos(r)")
      cat("\nThe null hypothesis is that r = 1 (parallel vectors).")
      cat("\nThis null hypothesis is better treated as the angle 
          between vectors = 0\n")
      cat("\nPairwise vector correlations between trajectories\n")
      cat("\nPairwise angles between trajectories\n")
      cat("\nPairwise", paste(L$confidence*100, "%", sep=""), 
          "upper confidence limits for angles\n")
      cat("\nPairwise effect sizes (Z) for angles\n")
      cat("\nPairwise P-values for angles\n")
  if(type == "trajectories"  && attribute == "SD") {
    if(x$show.trajectories) print(x$x$trajectories[[1]]) else 
      cat("Trajectories hidden (use show.trajectories = TRUE to view)\n")

    if(stat.table) {
      cat("\nPairwise trajectory shape differences, plus statistics\n")
    } else {
      cat("\nPairwise trajectory shape differences\n")
      cat("\nPairwise", paste(L$confidence*100, "%", sep=""), 
          "upper confidence limits, shape differnces\n")
      cat("\nPairwise effect sizes (Z) for trajectory shape differencess\n")
      cat("\nPairwise P-values for trajectory shape differences\n")

#' Plot Function for RRPP
#'  Function generates a principal component plot for trajectories
#'  The function calculates and plots principal components of fitted values from 
#'  \code{\link{lm.rrpp}} that are passed onto \code{\link{trajectory.analysis}}, 
#'  and projects
#'  data onto them.  This function is a set.up, and \code{\link{add.trajectories}} 
#'  is needed to 
#'  add trajectories to the plot.  By having two stages of control, the plotting 
#'  functions are more 
#'  flexible.  This function also returns plotting information that can be 
#'  valuable for making
#'  individualized plots, if \code{\link{add.trajectories}} is not preferred.
#' @param x plot object (from \code{\link{trajectory.analysis}})
#' @param ... other arguments passed to plot (helpful to employ
#' different colors or symbols for different groups).  See
#' \code{\link{plot.default}} and \code{\link{par}}
#' @return If an object is assigned, it will return:
#'  \item{pca}{Principal component analysis performed using \code{\link{prcomp}}.}
#'  \item{pc.points}{Principal component scores for all data.}
#'  \item{trajectory.analysis}{Trajectory analysis passed on.}
#'  \item{trajectories}{pca Observed trajectories projected onto principal 
#'  components.}
#' @seealso 
#' \code{\link{plot.default}} and \code{\link{par}}
#' @method plot trajectory.analysis
#' @export
#' @author Michael Collyer
#' @keywords utilities
#' @keywords visualization
#' @references Adams, D. C., and M. M. Cerney. 2007. 
#' Quantifying biomechanical motion using Procrustes 
#'   motion analysis. J. Biomech. 40:437-444.
#' @references Adams, D. C., and M. L. Collyer. 2007. 
#' The analysis of character divergence along environmental 
#'   gradients and other covariates. Evolution 61:510-515.
#' @references Adams, D. C., and M. L. Collyer. 2009. 
#' A general framework for the analysis of phenotypic 
#'   trajectories in evolutionary studies. Evolution 63:1143-1154.
#' @references Collyer, M. L., and D. C. Adams. 2007. 
#' Analysis of two-state multivariate phenotypic change 
#'   in ecological studies. Ecology 88:683-692.
#' @references Collyer, M. L., and D. C. Adams. 2013. 
#' Phenotypic trajectory analysis: comparison of shape change patterns 
#' in evolution and ecology. Hystrix 24: 75-83.
#' @references Collyer, M.L., D.J. Sekora, and D.C. Adams. 2015. 
#' A method for analysis of phenotypic change for phenotypes described 
#' by high-dimensional data. Heredity. 115:357-365.
#' @examples 
#' # See trajectory.analysis help file for examples
plot.trajectory.analysis <- function(x, ...) {
  if(!is.null(x$pca)) {
    pca <- x$pca
    rot <- pca$rotation
    Y <- x$fit$LM$Y
    props <- pca$sdev^2 / sum(pca$sdev^2)
    pc.points <- center(Y) %*% rot
    trajectories <- x$trajectories[[1]]
  if(is.null(x$pca) && x$type == "factorial") {
    f <- if(x$fit$LM$gls) x$fit$LM$gls.fitted else x$fit$LM$fitted
    pca <- prcomp(f)
    rot <- pca$rotation
    Y <- x$fit$LM$Y
    Y.cent <- colMeans(Y)
    props <- pca$sdev^2 / sum(pca$sdev^2)
    pc.points <- center(Y) %*% rot
    trajectories <- x$trajectories[[1]]
    if(is.matrix(trajectories)) trajectories <- list(trajectories)
    traj.c <- matrix(Y.cent, NROW(trajectories[[1]]), 
                     NCOL(trajectories[[1]]), byrow = TRUE)
    trajectories <- lapply(trajectories, function(x) (x - traj.c) %*% rot)
  if(x$type == "single.factor") {
    f <- if(x$fit$LM$gls) x$fit$LM$gls.fitted else x$fit$LM$fitted
    tp <- x$n.points
    p <- NCOL(f)/tp
    n <- NROW(f)
    ft <- array(f, c(n, p, tp))
    ft2 <- ft[,,1]
    for(i in 2:tp) ft2 <- rbind(ft2, ft[,,i])
    pca <- prcomp(ft2)
    rot <- pca$rotation
    Y <- x$fit$LM$Y
    Y2 <- array(Y, c(n, p, tp))
    Y <- Y2[,,1]
    for(i in 2:tp) Y <- rbind(Y, Y2[,,i])
    Y.cent <- colMeans(Y)
    props <- pca$sdev^2 / sum(pca$sdev^2)
    pc.points <- center(Y) %*% rot
    trajectories <- x$trajectories[[1]]
    if(is.matrix(trajectories)) trajectories <- list(trajectories)
    traj.c <- matrix(Y.cent, NROW(trajectories[[1]]), 
                     NCOL(trajectories[[1]]), byrow = TRUE)
    trajectories <- lapply(trajectories, function(x) (x - traj.c) %*% rot)
  dots <- list(...)
    xlabel <- paste("PC 1 for fitted values: ", 
                    round(props[1] *100, 2), "%", sep = "")
    ylabel <- paste("PC 2 for fitted values: ", 
                    round(props[2] *100, 2), "%", sep = "")
  if(!is.null(dots$xlab) && !is.null(dots$ylab)) 
    plot(pc.points[,1], pc.points[,2], asp = 1, ...)
  if(!is.null(dots$xlab) && is.null(dots$ylab)) 
    plot(pc.points[,1], pc.points[,2], asp = 1, ylab = ylabel, ...)
  if(is.null(dots$xlab) && !is.null(dots$ylab)) 
    plot(pc.points[,1], pc.points[,2], asp = 1, xlab = xlabel, ...)
  if(is.null(dots$xlab) && is.null(dots$ylab))
    plot(pc.points[,1], pc.points[,2], asp = 1, xlab = xlabel, ylab = ylabel, ...)
  out <- list(pca = pca, pc.points = pc.points, 
              trajectoy.analysis = x, trajectories = trajectories)

#' Plot Function for RRPP
#'  Function adds trajectories to a principal component plot
#'  The function adds trajectories to a plot made by 
#'  \code{\link{plot.trajectory.analysis}}.
#'  This function has a restricted set of plot parameters 
#'  based on the number of trajectories
#'  to be added to the plot.
#' @param TP plot object (from \code{\link{plot.trajectory.analysis}})
#' @param traj.pch Plotting "character" for trajectory points.  
#' Can be a single value or vector 
#' of length equal to the number of trajectories.  
#' See \code{\link{par}} and its description 
#' for pch.
#' @param traj.col The color of trajectory lines.  
#' Can be a single value or vector 
#' of length equal to the number of trajectories.  
#' See \code{\link{par}} and its description 
#' for col.
#' @param traj.lty Trajectory line type.  Can be a single value or vector 
#' of length equal to the number of trajectories.  
#' See \code{\link{par}} and its description 
#' for lty.
#' @param traj.lwd Trajectory line width.  Can be a single value or vector 
#' of length equal to the number of trajectories.  
#' See \code{\link{par}} and its description 
#' for lwd.
#' @param traj.cex Trajectory point character expansion.  Can be a single value or vector 
#' of length equal to the number of trajectories.  
#' See \code{\link{par}} and its description 
#' for cex.
#' @param traj.bg Trajectory point background.  Can be a single value or vector 
#' of length equal to the number of trajectories.  
#' See \code{\link{par}} and its description 
#' for bg.
#' @param start.bg Trajectory point background, just the start points.  
#' Can be a single value or vector 
#' of length equal to the number of trajectories.  
#' See \code{\link{par}} and its description 
#' for bg.  Green start points are the default.
#' @param end.bg Trajectory point background, just the end points.  
#' Can be a single value or vector 
#' of length equal to the number of trajectories.  
#' See \code{\link{par}} and its description 
#' for bg.  Red end points are the default.
#' @seealso 
#' \code{\link{plot.default}} and \code{\link{par}}
#' @export
#' @author Michael Collyer
#' @keywords utilities
#' @keywords visualization
#' @references Adams, D. C., and M. M. Cerney. 2007. 
#' Quantifying biomechanical motion using Procrustes 
#'   motion analysis. J. Biomech. 40:437-444.
#' @references Adams, D. C., and M. L. Collyer. 2007. 
#' The analysis of character divergence along environmental 
#'   gradients and other covariates. Evolution 61:510-515.
#' @references Adams, D. C., and M. L. Collyer. 2009. 
#' A general framework for the analysis of phenotypic 
#'   trajectories in evolutionary studies. Evolution 63:1143-1154.
#' @references Collyer, M. L., and D. C. Adams. 2007. 
#' Analysis of two-state multivariate phenotypic change 
#'   in ecological studies. Ecology 88:683-692.
#' @references Collyer, M. L., and D. C. Adams. 2013. 
#' Phenotypic trajectory analysis: comparison of shape change patterns 
#' in evolution and ecology. Hystrix 24: 75-83.
#' @references Collyer, M.L., D.J. Sekora, and D.C. Adams. 2015. 
#' A method for analysis of phenotypic change for phenotypes described 
#' by high-dimensional data. Heredity. 115:357-365.
add.trajectories <- function(TP, 
                             traj.pch = 21,
                             traj.col = 1,
                             traj.lty = 1,
                             traj.lwd = 1,
                             traj.cex = 1.5,
                             traj.bg = 1,
                             start.bg = 3,
                             end.bg = 2) {
  traj <- TP$trajectories
  nt <- length(traj)
  np <- NROW(traj[[1]])
  if(length(traj.pch) != 1 && length(traj.pch) != nt)
    stop("For add.trajectories, traj.pch must be equal in length 
         to the number of trajectories or just one value\n",
         call. = FALSE) else if(length(traj.pch) == 1) 
           traj.pch <- rep(traj.pch, nt)
  if(length(traj.col) != 1 && length(traj.col) != nt)
    stop("For add.trajectories, traj.col must be equal in length 
         to the number of trajectories or just one value\n",
         call. = FALSE) else if(length(traj.col) == 1) 
           traj.col <- rep(traj.col, nt)
  if(length(traj.lty) != 1 && length(traj.lty) != nt)
    stop("For add.trajectories, traj.lty must be equal in length 
         to the number of trajectories or just one value\n",
         call. = FALSE) else if(length(traj.lty) == 1) 
           traj.lty <- rep(traj.lty, nt)
  if(length(traj.lwd) != 1 && length(traj.lwd) != nt)
    stop("For add.trajectories, traj.lwd must be equal in length 
         to the number of trajectories or just one value\n",
         call. = FALSE) else if(length(traj.lwd) == 1) 
           traj.lwd <- rep(traj.lwd, nt)
  if(length(traj.cex) != 1 && length(traj.cex) != nt)
    stop("For add.trajectories, traj.cex must be equal in length 
         to the number of trajectories or just one value\n",
         call. = FALSE) else if(length(traj.cex) == 1) 
           traj.cex <- rep(traj.cex, nt)
  if(length(traj.bg) != 1 && length(traj.bg) != nt)
    stop("For add.trajectories, traj.bg must be equal in length 
         to the number of trajectories or just one value\n",
         call. = FALSE) else if(length(traj.bg) == 1) 
           traj.bg <- rep(traj.bg, nt)
  if(length(start.bg) != 1 && length(start.bg) != nt)
    stop("For add.trajectories, start.bg must be equal in length 
         to the number of trajectories or just one value\n",
         call. = FALSE) else if(length(start.bg) == 1) 
           start.bg<- rep(start.bg, nt)
  if(length(end.bg) != 1 && length(end.bg) != nt)
    stop("For add.trajectories, end.bg must be equal in length 
         to the number of trajectories or just one value\n",
         call. = FALSE) else if(length(end.bg) == 1) 
           end.bg<- rep(end.bg, nt)     
  for(i in 1:nt){
    x <- traj[[i]][,1]
    y <- traj[[i]][,2]
    lines(x, y, col = traj.col[i], lwd = traj.lwd[i], lty = traj.lty[i])
    points(x, y, col = 1, pch = traj.pch[i], 
           lwd = traj.lwd[i], cex = traj.cex[i], bg = traj.bg[i])
    points(x[1], y[1], col = 1, pch = traj.pch[i], 
           lwd = traj.lwd[i], cex = traj.cex[i], bg = start.bg[i])
    points(x[np], y[np], col = 1, pch = traj.pch[i], 
           lwd = traj.lwd[i], cex = traj.cex[i], bg = end.bg[i])

# ordinate

#' Print/Summary Function for RRPP
#' @param x Object from \code{\link{ordinate}}
#' @param ... Other arguments passed onto print.ordinate
#' @method print ordinate
#' @export
#' @author Michael Collyer
#' @keywords utilities
print.ordinate <- function(x, ...){
  ord.type <- if(x$alignment == "principal") 
    "Principal Component Analysis" else
    "Alignment to an alternative matrix"
  cat("\nOrdination type:", ord.type, "\n")
  if(x$alignment != "principal")
    cat("Alignment matrix:", x$alignment, "\n")
  cen <- if(x$GLS) "GLS" else "OLS"
  cat("Centering by", cen, "mean\n")
  if(x$alignment == "principal") {
    if(x$GLS && x$transform)
      cat("GLS residuals transformed for orthogonal projection\n") else
        if(x$GLS) cat("Oblique projection of GLS-centered residuals\n") else
          cat("Orthogonal projection of OLS residuals\n")
  } else {
    if(x$GLS && x$transform)
      cat("GLS residuals transformed\n") else
        if(x$GLS) cat("GLS-centered residuals, not transformed\n") else
          cat("OLS residuals\n")
    cat("Alignment to ", x$alignment, 
        "means residual projection is not orthogonal.\n")
  cat("Number of observations:", NROW(x$x), "\n")
  cat("Number of vectors", NCOL(x$x), "\n\n")

#' Print/Summary Function for RRPP
#' @param object Object from \code{\link{ordinate}}
#' @param ... Other arguments passed onto print.ordinate
#' @method summary ordinate
#' @export
#' @author Michael Collyer
#' @keywords utilities
summary.ordinate <- function(object, ...){
  x <- object
  print.ordinate(x, ...)
  d <- x$d
  p <- d/sum(d)
  cp <- cumsum(d)/sum(d)
  r <- as.data.frame(rbind(d, p, cp))
  r <- r[, 1:min(length(d), NCOL(x$x), NCOL(r))]
  colnames(r) <- colnames(x$x)[1:NCOL(r)]
  rownames(r) <- c("Singular Value", 
                   "Proportion of Covariance", "Cumulative Proportion")
  if(x$alignment == "principal") rownames(r)[1:2] <- c("Eigenvalues", 
                                                       "Proportion of Variance")
  if(x$alignment != "principal") {
    rv <- x$RV
    r <- rbind(r, rv, cumsum(rv))
    rownames(r)[4:5] <- c("RV by Component", "Cumulative RV")

  cat("Importance of Components:\n")
  out <- r

#' Print/Summary Function for RRPP
#' @param x Object from \code{\link{summary.ordinate}}
#' @param ... Other arguments passed onto print.ordinate
#' @method print summary.ordinate
#' @export
#' @author Michael Collyer
#' @keywords utilities
print.summary.ordinate <- function(x, ...){
  cat("\nImportance of Components:\n")

#' Plot Function for RRPP
#' @param x An object of class \code{\link{ordinate}}
#' @param axis1 A value indicating which component should be 
#' displayed as the X-axis (default = C1)
#' @param axis2 A value indicating which component should be 
#' displayed as the Y-axis (default = C2)
#' @param flip An argument that if not NULL can be used to flip 
#' components in the plot.  
#' The values need to match axis1 or axis2.  For example, if axis1 = 3 
#' and axis2 = 4, flip = 1 will not
#' change either axis; flip = 3 will flip only the horizontal axis; 
#' flip = c(3, 4) will flip both axes.
#' @param include.axes A logical argument for whether axes should be shown at x = 0 and y = 0.  
#' This is different than the axes argument in the generic \code{\link{plot.default}} function, which
#' controls the edges of the plot (providing a box effect or not).  Using include.axes = TRUE does not 
#' allow aesthetic control of the axes.  If desired, it is better to use include.axes = FALSE and augment
#' the plot object with \code{\link{abline}} (choosing h = 0 and v = 0 in separate applications).
#' @param ... other arguments passed to plot (helpful to employ
#' different colors or symbols for different groups).  See
#' @return An object of class "plot.ordinate" is a list with components
#'  that can be used in other plot functions, such as the type of plot, points, 
#'  a group factor, and other information depending on the plot parameters used.
#' @method plot ordinate
#' @export
#' @author Michael Collyer
#' @keywords utilities
#' @keywords visualization
plot.ordinate <- function(x, axis1 = 1, axis2 = 2, flip = NULL, 
                          include.axes = TRUE, ...) {
  wrn <- options()$warn
  options(warn = -1)
  if(NCOL(x$x) == 1) 
    stop("Only one component.  No plotting capability with this function.\n", 
                          call. = FALSE)
  v <- x$d/sum(x$d)
  if(!is.null(x$RV)) rv <- x$RV
  pcdata <- x$x[, c(axis1, axis2)]
  if(!is.null(flip)) {
    if(length(flip) > 2) flip <- flip[1:2]
    flip <- flip[(flip %in% 1:ncol(pcdata))]
    if(length(flip > 0)) pcdata[, flip] <- pcdata[, flip] * -1
  plot_args <- list(...)
  plot_args$x = pcdata[,1]
  plot_args$y = pcdata[,2]
  if(x$alignment == "principal") {
    xlabel <- paste("PC ", axis1, ": ", round(v[axis1] * 100, 2), "%", sep = "")
    ylabel <- paste("PC ", axis2, ": ", round(v[axis2] * 100, 2), "%", sep = "")
  } else {
    xlabel <- paste("C ", axis1,  sep = "")
    ylabel <- paste("C ", axis2,  sep = "")

  if(is.null(plot_args$xlab)) plot_args$xlab <- xlabel
  if(is.null(plot_args$ylab)) plot_args$ylab <- ylabel
  if(is.null(plot_args$xlim)) plot_args$xlim <- 1.05*range(plot_args$x)
  if(is.null(plot_args$ylim)) plot_args$ylim <- 1.05*range(plot_args$y)
  if(is.null(plot_args$asp)) plot_args$asp <- 1
  do.call(plot.default, plot_args)
    abline(h = 0, lty=2, ...)
    abline(v = 0, lty=2, ...)
  out <- list(points = pcdata,   
              call = match.call())
  out$plot_args <- plot_args
  class(out) <- "plot.ordinate"
  options(warn = wrn)

# looCV

#' Print/Summary Function for RRPP
#' @param x Object from \code{\link{looCV}}
#' @param ... Other arguments passed onto print.looCV
#' @method print looCV
#' @export
#' @author Michael Collyer
#' @keywords utilities
print.looCV <- function(x, ...){
  cat("Cross-validated scores for", length(x$d$cv), "components,\n")
  cat("based on", NROW(x$scores$cv), "observations.\n\n")
  cat("Cross-validated scores should not be used as data in subsequent analyses.\n")

#' Print/Summary Function for RRPP
#' @param object Object from \code{\link{looCV}}
#' @param ... Other arguments passed onto print.looCV
#' @method summary looCV
#' @export
#' @author Michael Collyer
#' @keywords utilities
summary.looCV <- function(object, ...){
  x <- object
  print.looCV(x, ...)
  dobs <- x$d$obs
  dcv <- x$d$cv
  pobs <- dobs/sum(dobs)
  cpobs <- cumsum(dobs)/sum(dobs)
  pcv <- dcv/sum(dcv)
  cpcv <- cumsum(dcv)/sum(dcv)
  robs <- as.data.frame(rbind(dobs, pobs, cpobs))
  robs <- robs[, 1:min(length(dobs), NCOL(x$scores$obs), NCOL(robs))]
  rcv <- as.data.frame(rbind(dcv, pcv, cpcv))
  rcv <- rcv[, 1:min(length(dcv), NCOL(x$scores$cv), NCOL(rcv))]
  colnames(robs) <- colnames(rcv) <- colnames(x$x)[1:NCOL(robs)]
  rownames(robs) <- rownames(rcv) <- c("Eigenvalue", 
                   "Proportion of Variance", "Cumulative Proportion")
  cat("\nObserved eigenvalues")
  cat("\nCross-validated eigenvalues")

#' Plot Function for RRPP
#' @param x An object of class \code{\link{looCV}}
#' @param axis1 A value indicating which component should be 
#' displayed as the X-axis (default = C1)
#' @param axis2 A value indicating which component should be 
#' displayed as the Y-axis (default = C2)
#' @param flip An argument that if not NULL can be used to flip 
#' components in the plot.  
#' The values need to match axis1 or axis2.  For example, if axis1 = 3 
#' and axis2 = 4, flip = 1 will not
#' change either axis; flip = 3 will flip only the horizontal axis; 
#' flip = c(3, 4) will flip both axes.  Axis will only be flipped in first
#' plot.
#' @param ... other arguments passed to plot (helpful to employ
#' different colors or symbols for different groups).  See
#' @method plot looCV
#' @export
#' @author Michael Collyer
#' @keywords utilities
#' @keywords visualization
plot.looCV<- function(x, axis1 = 1, axis2 = 2, 
                      flip = NULL, ...) {
  options(warn = -1)
  if(NCOL(x$scores$obs) == 1) 
    stop("Only one component.  No plotting capability with this function.\n", 
         call. = FALSE)
  opars <- par()
  plot_args <- list(...)
  if(axis1 > length(x$d$obs) || axis2 > length(x$d$obs))
    stop("Choice of at least one axis exceeds total axes possible.\n",
         call. = FALSE)
  par(mfrow = c(1, 3))
  pcdata <- x$scores$obs[, c(axis1, axis2)]
  if(!is.null(flip)) {
    if(length(flip) > 2) flip <- flip[1:2]
    flip <- flip[(flip %in% 1:ncol(pcdata))]
    if(length(flip > 0)) pcdata[, flip] <- pcdata[, flip] * -1
  plot_args$main <- NULL
  plot_args$x <- pcdata[, 1]
  plot_args$y <- pcdata[, 2]
  plot_args$xlab <- paste("PC", axis1, "for fitted values:", 
                          round(x$d$obs[axis1]/sum(x$d$obs) * 100, 2),
  plot_args$ylab <- paste("PC", axis2, "for fitted values:", 
                          round(x$d$obs[axis2]/sum(x$d$obs) * 100, 2),
  do.call(plot, plot_args)
  abline(h = 0, lty = 3)
  abline(v = 0, lty = 3)
  title("Observed PC values")
  plot_args$x <- as.matrix(x$scores$cv)[, axis1]
  plot_args$y <- as.matrix(x$scores$cv)[, axis2]
  plot_args$xlab <- paste("PC", axis1, "for fitted values:", 
                          round(x$d$cv[axis1]/sum(x$d$cv) * 100, 2),
  plot_args$ylab <- paste("PC", axis2, "for fitted values:", 
                          round(x$d$cv[axis2]/sum(x$d$cv) * 100, 2),
  do.call(plot, plot_args)
  abline(h = 0, lty = 3)
  abline(v = 0, lty = 3)
  title("Cross-validated PC values")
  k <- seq(1, min(c(length(x$d$obs), length(x$d$cv))))
  plot_args$x <-  x$d$obs[k]
  plot_args$y <- x$d$cv[k]
  plot_args$xlab <- "Observed eigenvalues"
  plot_args$ylab <- "Cross-validated eigenvalues"
  plot_args$pch <- 19
  plot_args$cex = 1
  plot_args$col = 1
  emax <- max(c(x$d$obs, x$d$cv))
  plot_args$xlim <- c(0, emax)
  plot_args$ylim <- c(0, emax)
  plot_args$asp <- 1
  do.call(plot, plot_args)
  title("Values close to 1:1 imply robust observed scores", 
        cex.main = 0.6)
  abline(0, 1, lty = 3)

#' Print/Summary Function for RRPP
#' @param x Object from \code{\link{measurement.error}}
#' @param ... Other arguments passed onto measurement.error
#' @method print measurement.error
#' @export
#' @author Michael Collyer
#' @keywords utilities
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Measurement error analysis on simulated data of fish shapes
#' data(fishy)
#' # Analysis unconcerned with groups 
#' ME1 <- measurement.error(
#'   Y = "coords",
#'   subjects = "subj",
#'   replicates = "reps",
#'   data = fishy)
#' anova(ME1)
#' ICCstats(ME1, subjects = "Subjects", with_in = "Systematic ME")
#' plot(ME1)
#' # Analysis concerned with groups 
#' ME2 <- measurement.error(
#'   Y = "coords",
#'   subjects = "subj",
#'   replicates = "reps",
#'   groups = "groups",
#'   data = fishy)
#' anova(ME2)
#' ICCstats(ME2, subjects = "Subjects", 
#'   with_in = "Systematic ME", groups = "groups")
#' P <- plot(ME2)
#' focusMEonSubjects(P, subjects = 18:20, shadow = TRUE)
#' }
print.measurement.error <- function(x, ...){
  ev <- Re(eigen(x$SSCP.ME.product)$values)
  ev <- ev[zapsmall(ev) > 0]
  cat("\n\nNumber of SNR components (eigenvectors):", length(ev), "\n\n")
  cat("Use plot.measurement.error to visualize results\n\n")
  cat("Use function, ICCstats, to get ICC statistics.\n\n")

#' Print/Summary Function for RRPP
#' @param object Object from \code{\link{measurement.error}}
#' @param ... Other arguments passed onto measurement.error
#' @method summary measurement.error
#' @export
#' @author Michael Collyer
#' @keywords utilities
summary.measurement.error <- function(object, ...){

#' Plot Function for RRPP
#' This function produces multivariate signal-to-noise ratio plots for  
#' \code{\link{measurement.error}} objects.  See the function, 
#' \code{\link{plot.interSubVar}} for plotting the inter-subject variability
#' from a \code{\link{measurement.error}} object, after applying the function, 
#' \code{\link{interSubVar}}.
#' @param x Object from \code{\link{measurement.error}}
#' @param separate.by.groups A logical value for whether to make separate plots
#' for each group, if different groups are available.  If FALSE, groups
#' are still represented by different symbols in the plot, unless overridden
#' by plot arguments.
#' @param add.connectors A logical value for whether to add connectors, like
#' vectors, between replicate observations of the same subjects.  
#' @param titles An optional vector or list for augmenting the titles of plots produced.
#' The length of the vector or list should match the number of plots produced by 
#' other arguments.
#' @param add.labels A logical value for whether to label subjects.  
#' Labels are either subject name (if available) or number of occurrence
#' in the data set.
#' @param use.std.vectors A logical value for whether to use vectors obtained from
#' a standardized matrix, which are orthogonal.  This is not strictly necessary.
#' @param add.legend A logical value for whether to add a legend to plots.  If
#' separate.by.groups is TRUE, adding a legend to plots will be slightly redundant. If
#' certain parameters are augmented by user (point characters, colors), add.legend
#' will be made to be FALSE to prevent misinterpretation of intended plotting scheme.
#' @param ... Other arguments passed onto plot
#' @method plot measurement.error
#' @export
#' @author Michael Collyer
#' @keywords utilities
plot.measurement.error <- function(x, 
                                   separate.by.groups = TRUE,
                                   add.connectors = TRUE,
                                   add.labels = FALSE,
                                   use.std.vectors = FALSE,
                                   titles = NULL,
                                   add.legend = TRUE, ...){
  subj <- x$LM$data$subjects
  reps <- x$LM$data$replicates
  groups <- if(!is.null(x$LM$data$groups))
    as.factor(x$LM$data$groups) else NULL
  plot_args <- list(...)
  if(!is.null(titles)) titles <- as.list(titles)
  if(is.null(plot_args$pch)) {
    plot_args$pch <- 20 
    if(length(x$LM$data) > 3) {
      plot_args$pch <- plot_args$pch + as.numeric(groups)
      ldf.pch <- unique(data.frame(a = groups, 
                                  b = plot_args$pch))
    } else {
      plot_args$pch <- plot_args$pch + 1
      ldf.pch <- data.frame(a = 1, b = plot_args$pch)
  } else {
    if(length(x$LM$data) > 3) {
      ldf.pch <- unique(data.frame(a = groups, 
                                  b = plot_args$pch))
    } else {
      ldf.pch <-unique(data.frame(a = 1, b = plot_args$pch))
  if(is.null(plot_args$bg)) plot_args$bg <- as.numeric(reps)
  ldf.bg <- unique(data.frame(a = reps, b = plot_args$bg))
  if(is.null(plot_args$col)) plot_args$col <- as.numeric(reps)
  ldf.col <- unique(data.frame(a = reps, b = plot_args$col))
  if(!is.null(x$SSCP.ME.product)) {
    S <- if(use.std.vectors) svd(x$SSCP.ME.product.std) else
  } else S <- list(d = 1, u = 1, v = 1)
  Y <- center(x$LM$Y)
  if(length(x$LM$data) > 3){
    gp <- x$LM$data$groups
    Y <- resid(lm(Y ~ gp))
  d <- S$d
  dx <- d[1]/sum(d)
  dy <- if(length(d) > 1) d[2]/sum(d) else 0
  pts <- as.matrix(Y) %*% S[[3]] %*% 
    diag(sqrt(S[[1]]))[, 1:(min(length(d), 2))]
  if(NCOL(pts) == 1) pts <- cbind(pts, 0)
  plot_args$asp <- 1
    plot_args$xlab <- paste("EV 1:", round(dx *100, 2), "%")
    plot_args$ylab <- paste("EV 2:", round(dy *100, 2), "%")
    plot_args$main <- "Systematic ME / Random ME"
    plot_args$main <- titles[[1]]
    plot_args$cex.main <- 1
  add.me.connectors <- function(x, y, subj, d, maxy) {
    dindx <- which(zapsmall(d) > 0)
    if(length(dindx) == 1) {
      y <- y + 0.1 * maxy
      subjjig <- seq(0, 0.9 * maxy, (0.9 * maxy) / (nlevels(subj) - 1))
      for(i in 1:length(subjjig)) {
        y[which(subj == levels(subj)[i])] <- 
          y[which(subj == levels(subj)[i])] + subjjig[i]
    subjlv <- levels(subj)
    for(i in 1:length(subjlv)){
      xx <- x[subj == subjlv[i]]
      yy <- y[subj == subjlv[i]]
      xmean <- mean(xx)
      ymean <- mean(yy)
      for(j in 1:length(xx)) {
        arrows(xmean, ymean, xx[j], yy[j], length = 0, 
               angle = 0, lwd = 0.5, ...)
  add.me.labels <- function(x, y, subj, d, maxy) {
    dindx <- which(zapsmall(d) > 0)
    if(length(dindx) == 1) {
      y <- y + 0.1 * maxy
      subjjig <- seq(0, 0.9 * maxy, (0.9 * maxy) / (nlevels(subj) - 1))
      for(i in 1:length(subjjig)) {
        y[which(subj == levels(subj)[i])] <- 
          y[which(subj == levels(subj)[i])] + subjjig[i]
    subjlv <- levels(subj)
    for(i in 1:length(subjlv)){
      xx <- x[subj == subjlv[i]]
      yy <- y[subj == subjlv[i]]
      xmean <- mean(xx)
      ymean <- mean(yy)
      for(j in 1:length(xx)) {
        text(xmean, ymean, subjlv[i], pos = 3, cex = 0.4, offset = 0.1)
  plot_args$x <- as.matrix(pts)[,1]
  plot_args$y <- if(NCOL(as.matrix(pts)) == 1) 
    rep(0, length(pts)) else
  if(is.null(plot_args$ylim)) {
    ymax <- max(c(plot_args$y, max(plot_args$x)))
    ymin <- min(plot_args$y)
    plot_args$ylim <- c(ymin, ymax)
  if(separate.by.groups && is.null(x$LM$data$groups))
    separate.by.groups <- FALSE
  if(separate.by.groups) {
    nplots <- nlevels(x$LM$data$groups)
    point_args <- plot_args
    plot_args$type <- "n"
    plot_args$main <- NULL
    gps <- levels(x$LM$data$groups)
    if(!is.null(titles)) {
      if(length(titles) != nplots) {
        if(length(titles) > nplots)
          titles <- titles[1:nplots] else
            titles <- rep(titles, nplots)[1:nplots]
    for(i in 1:nplots) {
      do.call(plot, plot_args)
      if(is.null(titles)) {
        title(paste("Systematic ME / Random ME for", 
                    "Group", gps[[i]], sep = " "),
              cex.main = plot_args$cex.main)
      } else {
        title(titles[[i]], cex.main = plot_args$cex.main)
      point_args.b <- point_args
      point_args.b$pch[which(x$LM$data$groups != gps[[i]])] <- NA
      do.call(points, point_args.b)
      if(add.connectors) add.me.connectors(
        d, point_args.b$ylim[2])
      if(add.labels) add.me.labels(
        d, point_args.b$ylim[2])
      if(add.legend) {
               legend = ldf.col$a,
               pch = unique(na.omit(point_args.b$pch)),
               col = ldf.col$b,
               pt.bg = ldf.bg$b,
               bg = "white")
  } else {
    do.call(plot, plot_args)
      add.me.connectors(plot_args$x, plot_args$y, subj, d, plot_args$ylim[2])
      add.me.labels(plot_args$x, plot_args$y, subj, d, plot_args$ylim[2])
    if(add.legend) {
             legend = ldf.col$a,
             pch = min(ldf.pch$b),
             col = ldf.col$b,
             pt.bg = ldf.bg$b,
             bg = "white")

  plot_args$data <- x$LM$data
  class(plot_args) <- "plot.measurement.error"

#' Plot Function for RRPP
#' This function produces a heat map for inter-subject variability, based on 
#' results from a \code{\link{measurement.error}} object.  The function, 
#' \code{\link{interSubVar}}, must first be used on the \code{\link{measurement.error}} 
#' object to obtain variability statistics.  This function use the \code{\link{image}}
#' function to produce plots.  It does little to manipulate such plots, but any
#' argument for \code{\link{image}} can be manipulated here, as well as the graphical
#' parameters that can be adjusted within \code{\link{image}}.
#' @param x Object from \code{\link{interSubVar}}
#' @param ... Arguments passed onto \code{\link{image}} and \code{\link{plot}}.
#' @method plot interSubVar
#' @export
#' @author Michael Collyer
#' @keywords utilities
plot.interSubVar <- function(x, ...){
  subj <- x$subject.order
  n <- length(subj)
  names(subj) <- 1:n
  cat("If not apparent in the plot, the order of subjects on axes from 1 to",
      n, "is:\n")
  image.args <- list(...)
  d <- as.matrix(x$var.map)
  image.args$x <- image.args$y <- 1:n
  image.args$z <- d
  image.args$xlab <- image.args$ylab <- "Subjects"
  do.call(image, image.args)
  out <- image.args
  out$subj <- subj
  class(out) <- "plot.interSubVar"

#' Plot Function for RRPP
#' Reduces a plot.measurement.error to a single research subject.  This can be 
#' for cases when many overlapping subjects in a plot obscure interpretation 
#' for specific subjects.
#' @param x Plot from \code{\link{plot.measurement.error}}
#' @param subjects The specific subject to plot
#' @param shadow A logical value for whether to show other subject values as
#' shadows of their locations.
#' @param ... Other arguments passed onto plot
#' @export
#' @author Michael Collyer
#' @keywords utilities
focusMEonSubjects <- function(x, subjects = NULL, 
                              shadow = TRUE, ...){
    stop("Please specify at least 
         one subject to plot.\n", call. = FALSE)
  if(length(unique(subjects)) > length(x$x)) 
    stop("Please specify subjects within the vector origianlly used.\n",
         call. = FALSE)
  keep <- which(x$data$subj %in% unique(subjects))
  if(length(keep) == 0)
  stop("Subjects names not found within subject factor.\n", call. = FALSE)

  no.trm <- which(names(x) == "data")
  plot_args <- x[-no.trm]
  plot_args$type <- "n"
  do.call(plot, plot_args)
    plot_args$type <- "p"
    plot_args$cex <- if(!is.null(plot_args$cex)) 
      min(c(plot_args$cex / 2, 0.5)) else 0.5
    if(!is.null(plot_args$col)) plot_args$col <- alpha(plot_args$col, 0.1)
    if(!is.null(plot_args$bg)) plot_args$bg <- alpha(plot_args$bg, 0.1)
    do.call(points, plot_args)

  point_args <- list(x = x$x[keep], y = x$y[keep])
  if(!is.null(x$pch)) point_args$pch <- if(length(x$pch) > 1)
    x$pch[keep] else x$pch
  if(!is.null(x$col)) point_args$col <- if(length(x$col) > 1)
    x$col[keep] else x$col
  if(!is.null(x$bg)) point_args$bg <- if(length(x$bg) > 1)
    x$bg[keep] else x$bg
  if(!is.null(x$lty)) point_args$lty <- if(length(x$lty) > 1)
    x$lty[keep] else x$lty
  if(!is.null(x$lwd)) point_args$lwd <- if(length(x$lwd) > 1)
    x$lwd[keep] else x$lwd
  if(!is.null(x$cex)) point_args$cex <- x$cex
  do.call(points, point_args)

  for(i in 1:length(subjects)) {
    keep <- which(x$data$subj %in% subjects[i])
    xx <- x$x[keep]
    yy <- x$y[keep]
    xmean <- mean(xx)
    ymean <- mean(yy)
    for(j in 1:length(xx)) {
      arrows(xmean, ymean, xx[j], yy[j], length = 0, 
             angle = 0, lwd = 0.5, ...)

#' Utility Function for RRPP
#' A function mostly for internal processing but can be used to extract
#' ANOVA statistics for other uses, such as plotting histograms
#' @param fit Object from \code{\link{lm.rrpp}}.
#' @param stat The ANOVA statistic to extract.  Returns every RRPP permutation of 
#' the statistic.  If "all", a list of each statistic is returned.  
#' @export
#' @author Michael Collyer
#' @keywords utilities
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(Pupfish)
#' fit <- lm.rrpp(coords ~ log(CS) + Sex*Pop, SS.type = "I", 
#' data = Pupfish, print.progress = FALSE, iter = 999) 
#' anova(fit)
#' Fstats <- getANOVAStats(fit, stat = "F")
#' par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
#' hist(Fstats$Fs[1,], breaks = 50, main = "log(CS)", xlab = "F")
#' abline(v = Fstats$Fs[1, 1])
#' hist(Fstats$Fs[2,], breaks = 50, main = "Sex", xlab = "F")
#' abline(v = Fstats$Fs[2, 1])
#' hist(Fstats$Fs[3,], breaks = 50, main = "Pop", xlab = "F")
#' abline(v = Fstats$Fs[3, 1])
#' hist(Fstats$Fs[4,], breaks = 50, main = "Sex:Pop", xlab = "F")
#' abline(v = Fstats$Fs[4, 1])
#' }
getANOVAStats <- function(fit, stat = c("SS", "MS", "Rsq", "F", "cohenf", "all")){
  ANOVA <- fit$ANOVA
  verbose <- fit$verbose
  Fs <- ANOVA$Fs
  cohenf <- ANOVA$cohenf
  Rsq <- ANOVA$Rsq
  Df <- ANOVA$df
  SS.type <- ANOVA$SS.type
  k <- length(fit$LM$term.labels)
    k <- 0
    SS <- ANOVA$RSS.model
    MS <- SS/Df
    Rsq <- rep(1, length(SS))
    names(Rsq) <- names(SS)
    Fs <- cohenf <- rep(0, length(SS))
    names(Fs) <- names(cohenf) <- names(SS)
    verbose <- TRUE
  if(!verbose) {
    MS <- SS / Df[1:k]
    MSE <- RSS / Df[k + 1]
    Fs <- MS / MSE
    Rsq <- SS/TSS
    cohenf <- Rsq / (1 - Rsq)
    if(SS.type != "III"){
      etas <- Rsq
      if(k == 1) unexp <- 1 - etas else unexp <- 1 - apply(etas, 2, cumsum)
      cohenf <- etas/unexp
  out <- list(SS = SS, MS = MS, Rsq = Rsq, Fs = Fs, cohenf = cohenf)
  stat <- match.arg(stat)
  keep <- which(c("SS", "MS", "Rsq", "F", "cohenf", "all") %in% stat)
  if(keep == 6) keep <- 1:5

#' Utility Function for RRPP
#' A function mostly for internal processing but can be used to extract
#' RRPP permutation information for other reasons.
#' @param fit Object from \code{\link{lm.rrpp}}
#' @param attribute The various attributes that are used to generate RRPP
#'  permutation schedules.  If there are n observations, each iteration has
#'  some randomization of 1:n, restricted by the arguments that match attributes
#'  provided by this function.
#' @export
#' @author Michael Collyer
#' @keywords utilities

getPermInfo <- function(fit, attribute = c("perms", "perm.method",
                                           "block", "perm.seed",
                                           "perm.schedule", "all")){
  PermInfo <- fit$PermInfo
  perms <- PermInfo$perms
  perm.method <- PermInfo$perm.method
  block <- PermInfo$block
  perm.seed <- PermInfo$perm.seed
  perm.schedule <- PermInfo$perm.schedule
  n <- fit$LM$n
  if(is.null(perm.schedule)) {
    if(perms == 1) perms <- 2
    perm.schedule <- perm.index(n, perms - 1, block = block, 
                                seed = perm.seed)
  out <- list(perms = perms, perm.method = perm.method, block = block,
              perm.seed = perm.seed, perm.schedule = perm.schedule)
  attribute <- match.arg(attribute)
  keep <- which(c("perms", "perm.method",
                  "block", "perm.seed",
                  "perm.schedule", "all") %in% attribute)
  if(keep == 6) keep <- 1:5

#' Utility Function for RRPP
#' A function mostly for internal processing but can be used to extract
#' The terms for each reduced and full model used in an \code{\link{lm.rrpp}} fit.
#' @param fit Object from \code{\link{lm.rrpp}}
#' @export
#' @author Michael Collyer
#' @keywords utilities

getTerms <- function(fit){
  Model.Terms <- .getTerms(fit)
  Model.Terms <- lapply(Model.Terms, function(x){
    lapply(x, function(y){
      attr(y, "dataClasses") <- NULL
  names(Model.Terms) <- c("reduced", "full")

#' Utility Function for RRPP
#' A function mostly for internal processing but can be used to obtain terms,
#' design matrices, or QR decompositions used for each reduced or full
#' model that is fitted in an \code{\link{lm.rrpp}} fit.
#' @param fit Object from \code{\link{lm.rrpp}}
#' @param attribute The various attributes that are used to extract RRPP
#'  Model information, including "terms", "X" (design matrices), "qr" (QR
#'  decompositions), or "all".
#' @export
#' @author Michael Collyer
#' @keywords utilities

getModels <- function(fit, attribute = c("terms", "X", "qr", "all")) {
  attribute <- match.arg(attribute)
  create <- is.null(fit$Models)
  if(!create) Models <- fit$Models else Models <- NULL
  Pcov <- if(!is.null(fit$LM$Pcov)) fit$LM$Pcov else
    if(!is.null(fit$LM$Cov)) Cov.proj(fit$LM$Cov) else NULL
  w <- if(!is.null(fit$LM$weights)) sqrt(fit$LM$weights) else NULL

  Model.Terms <- getTerms(fit)
  STerm <- if(fit$subTest)
    which(fit$LM$term.labels == fit$subjects.var) else NULL
    Xs <- suppressWarnings(getXs(Terms = fit$LM$Terms, 
                                  Y = fit$LM$Y, 
                                  SS.type = fit$ANOVA$SS.type,
                                  model = fit$LM$data,
                                 subjects.term = STerm)) 
  } else {
    Xs <- lapply(Models, function(x){
      lapply(x, function(y) y$X )
  names(Xs) <- c("reduced", "full")
  k <- length(Xs[[1]])
  Xs <- lapply(Xs, function(x){
    lapply(x, removeRedundant)
  if(attribute == "all" || attribute == "qr") {
    if(create) {
      Models <-lapply(1:2, function(j){
        res <- lapply(1:max(1, k), function(jj){
          X <- Xs[[j]][[jj]]
          X <- removeRedundant(X)
          TX <- if(!is.null(Pcov)) Pcov %*% X else if(!is.null(w)) X*w else X
          qr <- QRforX(TX, reduce = FALSE)
          out <- list(X = X, qr = qr)
      for(i in 1:2){
        for(j in 1:max(1, k)){
          Models[[i]][[j]]$terms <- Model.Terms[[i]][[j]]
      names(Models) <- c("reduced", "full")
      names(Models$reduced) <- names(Xs[[1]])
      names(Models$full) <- names(Xs[[2]])
    } else Models <- fit$Models
  } else Models <- NULL
    Models <- lapply(Models, function(x){
      lapply(x, function(y){
        attr(y$terms, "dataClasses") <- NULL
  if(attribute == "all")
    out <- Models
  if(attribute == "terms")
    out <- Model.Terms
  if(attribute == "X")
    out <- Xs
  if(attribute == "qr"){
    QR <- lapply(Models, function(x){
      lapply(x, function(y) y$qr)
    out <- QR

#' Utility Function for RRPP
#' A function mostly for internal processing but can be used to extract either
#' the model covariance matrix (Cov) or the projection matrix for transformations made 
#' from the covariance matrix (Pcov), which is basically the square-root of 
#' the covariance matrix.  This matrix is the model covariance used for estimation,
#' not the residual covariance matrix (see \code{\link{getResCov}}). 
#' There are also options for S3 or S4 format versions, or
#' a forcing of symmetry for Pcov.
#' @param fit Object from \code{\link{lm.rrpp}}
#' @param type Whether the Cov or Pcov matrix is returned
#' @param format Whether an S3 or S4 format is returned
#' @param forceSym Logical value for whether a symmetric matrix should 
#' be returned for Pcov, even if Pcov was triangular as a solution.
#' @export
#' @author Michael Collyer
#' @keywords utilities

getModelCov <- function(fit, type = c("Cov", "Pcov"), 
                        format = c("S3", "S4"),
                        forceSym = TRUE) {
    stop("There was no model covariance matrix used in this lm.rrpp fit.\n",
         call. = FALSE)
  if(is.null(fit$LM$Pcov)) fit$LM$Pcov <- Cov.proj(fit$LM$Cov)
  type <- match.arg(type)
  format <- match.arg(format)
  res <- if(type == "Pcov") fit$LM$Pcov else fit$LM$Cov
  res <- if(format == "S4") Matrix(res, sparse = TRUE) else
  isSym <- (res[2, 1] == res[1, 2])
  if(!isSym && forceSym && type == "Pcov"){
    res <- Cov.proj(fit$LM$Cov, symmetric = TRUE)
    res <- if(format == "S4") Matrix(res, sparse = TRUE) else

#' Utility Function for RRPP
#' A function mostly for internal processing but can be used to extract the residual
#' covariance matrix.  This matrix is the residual covariance matrix,
#' not the model covariance matrix used for estimation (see \code{\link{getModelCov}}). 
#' Options for averaging over degrees of freedom or number of
#' observations, plus standardization, are also available.
#' @param fit Object from \code{\link{lm.rrpp}}
#' @param useDf Logical value for whether the degrees of freedom from the linear model
#' fit should be used (if TRUE), as opposed to the number of observations (if FALSE).
#' @param standardize Logical value for whether residuals should be standardized.  If TRUE,
#' a correlation matrix is produced.
#' @export
#' @author Michael Collyer
#' @keywords utilities

getResCov <- function(fit, useDf = TRUE, standardize = FALSE) {
  gls <- fit$LM$gls
  if(gls && is.null(fit$LM$Pcov) && !is.null(fit$LM$Cov)) 
    fit$LM$Pcov <- Cov.proj(fit$LM$Cov)
  if(gls && !is.null(fit$LM$Pcov)) R <- fit$LM$Pcov %*% fit$LM$gls.residuals
  if(gls && is.null(fit$LM$Pcov)) R <- fit$LM$gls.residuals * sqrt(fit$LM$weights)
  if(!gls) R <-  fit$LM$residuals
  S <- as.matrix(crossprod(R))
    df <- fit$ANOVA$df
    if(length(df) > 1) df <- df[(length(df) - 1)] 
  } else df <- fit$LM$n
  S <- S / df
  if(standardize && length(S) > 1) {
    w <- diag(1 / sqrt(diag(S))) 
    S <- w %*% S %*% w
  } else if(standardize && length(S) == 1) S <- 1

#' Print/Summary Function for RRPP
#' @param x print/summary object (from \code{\link{ICCstats}})
#' @param ... other arguments passed to print/summary
#' @method print ICCstats
#' @export
#' @author Michael Collyer
#' @keywords utilities
print.ICCstats <-function(x, ...){
  cat("\nICC stats based on dispersion of values\n\n")
  if(!is.null(x$ICC_mult)) {
    cat("\nICC stats by Eignevector of multivariate ICC matrix\n\n")

#' Print/Summary Function for RRPP
#' @param object print/summary object (from \code{\link{ICCstats}})
#' @param ... other arguments passed to print/summary
#' @method summary ICCstats
#' @export
#' @author Michael Collyer
#' @keywords utilities
summary.ICCstats <-function(object, ...){
  print.ICCstats(object, ...)

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