
Defines functions getAll clear_all reporter sdreport bodysub TMB_patch MakeADFun GetTape DataEval TapeConfig .newton .laplace .atomic .spjacfun .jacfun .copy .pointer print.Tape .expose MakeTape .MakeTape .anstype .adv2num .adv2adv Summary.advector Complex.advector as.double.advector is.numeric.advector prod.advector mean.advector sum.advector is.na.advector is.infinite.advector is.finite.advector is.nan.advector detachADoverloads attachADoverloads ADoverload c.advector aperm.advector as.complex.advector as.vector.advector AD advector

Documented in AD ADoverload advector aperm.advector as.complex.advector as.double.advector as.vector.advector c.advector Complex.advector DataEval getAll GetTape is.finite.advector is.infinite.advector is.na.advector is.nan.advector is.numeric.advector MakeADFun MakeTape mean.advector print.Tape prod.advector sdreport sum.advector Summary.advector TapeConfig

## This file contains:
## - The 'advector' and its core methods
## - The AD tape (MakeTape)
## - RTMB::MakeADFun

##' @describeIn ADvector Construct a new advector
##' @return Object of class \code{"advector"}.
advector <- function(x) {
    if (inherits(x, "advector"))
        return (x)
    if (is.complex(x))
        stop("Invalid argument to 'advector' (lost class attribute?)")
    ans <- advec(x)
    ## FIXME: Handling of attributes has to be carefully considered
    a <- attributes(x)
    if (!is.null(a)) {
        a$class <- c("advector", a$class)
        attributes(ans) <- a
##' Convert R object to AD
##' Signify that this object should be given an AD interpretation if evaluated in an active AD context. Otherwise, keep object as is.
##' @details \code{AD} is a generic constructor, converting plain R structures to RTMB objects if in an autodiff context. Otherwise, it does nothing (and adds virtually no computational overhead).
##' \code{AD} knows the following R objects:
##' - Numeric objects from \pkg{base}, such as `numeric()`, `matrix()`, `array()`, are converted to class \link{advector} with other attributes kept intact.
##' - Complex objects from \pkg{base}, such as `complex()`, are converted to class \link{adcomplex}.
##' - Sparse matrices from \pkg{Matrix}, such as `Matrix()`, `Diagonal()`, are converted to `adsparse` which is essentially a `dgCMatrix` with \link{advector} x-slot.
##' \code{AD} provides a reliable way to avoid problems with method dispatch when mixing operand types. For instance, sub assigning `x[i] <- y` may be problematic when `x` is numeric and `y` is `advector`. A prior statement `x <- AD(x)` solves potential method dispatch issues and can therefore be used as a reliable alternative to \link{ADoverload}.
##' @param x Object to be converted.
##' @param force Logical; Force AD conversion even if no AD context? (for debugging)
##' @examples
##' ## numeric object to AD
##' AD(numeric(4), force=TRUE)
##' ## complex object to AD
##' AD(complex(4), force=TRUE)
##' ## Convert sparse matrices (Matrix package) to AD representation
##' F <- MakeTape(function(x) {
##'   M <- AD(Matrix::Matrix(0,4,4))
##'   M[1,] <- x
##'   D <- AD(Matrix::Diagonal(4))
##'   D@x[] <- x
##'   M + D
##' }, 0)
##' F(2)
AD <- function(x, force = FALSE) {
    if (!force && !ad_context()) return (x)
    if (inherits(x, "advector")) return (x)
    if (inherits(x, "anysparse")) {
        x <- as(x, "adsparse")
    } else if (is.double(x) || is.integer(x) || is.logical(x)) {
        x <- advector(x)
    } else if (is.complex(x)) {
        x <- adcomplex(advector(Re(x)), advector(Im(x)))
    } else
        stop("'AD' does not know this object")
.Compare <- getGroupMembers("Compare")
##' @describeIn ADvector Binary operations
"Ops.advector" <- function(e1, e2) {
    if (compare_allow() && (.Generic %in% .Compare)) {
        e1 <- getValues(advector(e1))
        e2 <- getValues(advector(e2))
        return (NextMethod())
    if (missing(e2)) {
        if (.Generic=="-" || .Generic=="+") {
            e2 <- e1; e1 <- 0
##' @describeIn ADvector Unary operations
"Math.advector" <- function(x, ...) {
    Math1(x, .Generic, ...)

##' @describeIn ADvector Makes \code{array(x)} work.
as.vector.advector <- function(x, mode = "any") {
    ans <- NextMethod()
    if (is.list(ans)) lapply(ans, as_advector)
    else as_advector(ans)

##' @describeIn ADvector Convert to \link{ADcomplex}. Note that dimensions are dropped for consistency with base R.
as.complex.advector <- function(x, ...) {
    ans <- adcomplex(x)
    dim(ans) <- NULL ## For base R consistency

## unlist.advector <- function (x, recursive = TRUE, use.names = TRUE)  {
##     structure(NextMethod(), class="advector")
## }

##' @describeIn ADvector Equivalent of \link[base]{aperm}
aperm.advector <- function(a, perm, ...) {
##' @describeIn ADvector Equivalent of \link[base]{c}. However note the limitation for mixed types: If `x` is an AD type, `c(x,1)` works while `c(1,x)` does not!
c.advector <- function(...) {
    ans <- unlist(lapply(list(...), advector))
##' @describeIn ADvector Equivalent of \link[base]{[}
"[.advector" <- function(x, ...) {

## Extra RTMB overloads
xtra <- local({
    "[<-" <- function(x, ..., value) {
        if (inherits(value, "advector")) {
            if (is.numeric(x))
                x <- advector(x)
        base::"[<-" (x, ..., value=value)
    "diag<-" <- function(x, value) {
        if (inherits(value, "advector")) {
            if (is.numeric(x)) {
                x <- advector(x)
            } else
                if (inherits(x, "sparseMatrix")) {
                    x <- as(x, "adsparse")
        base::"diag<-" (x, value)
    c <- function(...) {
        args <- list(...)
        if (any(unlist(lapply(args, inherits, "advector")))) {
            args <- lapply(args, advector)
            ans <- as_advector(unlist(args))
        base::"c" (...)
##' Enable extra RTMB convenience methods
##' @details Work around limitations in R's method dispatch system by overloading some selected primitives, currently:
##' - Inplace replacement, so you can do `x[i] <- y` when `x` is numeric and `y` is AD.
##' - Mixed combine, so you can do e.g. `c(x, y)` when `x` numeric and `y` is AD.
##' - Diagonal assignment, so you can do `diag(x) <- y` when `x` is a numeric matrix and `y` is AD.
##' In all cases, the result should be AD.
##' The methods are automatically **temporarily** attached to the search path (`search()`) when entering \link{MakeTape} or \link{MakeADFun}.
##' Alternatively, methods can be overloaded locally inside functions using e.g. `"[<-" <- ADoverload("[<-")`. This is only needed when using RTMB from a package.
##' @examples
##' MakeTape(function(x) {print(search()); x}, numeric(0))
##' MakeTape(function(x) c(1,x), 1:3)
##' MakeTape(function(x) {y <- 1:3; y[2] <- x; y}, 1)
##' MakeTape(function(x) {y <- matrix(0,3,3); diag(y) <- x; y}, 1:3)
##' @param x Name of primitive to overload
##' @return Function representing the overload.
ADoverload <- function(x = c("[<-", "c", "diag<-")) {
    x <- match.arg(x)
    if (!ad_context())
        get(x, envir=baseenv())
        get(x, envir=xtra, inherits=FALSE)
## For internal use
attachADoverloads <- function() {
    attached <- ( "AD-overloads" %in% search() )
    if (!attached)
        base::attach(xtra, length(search()),name="AD-overloads", warn=FALSE)
detachADoverloads <- function(enable=TRUE, ...) {
    attached <- ( "AD-overloads" %in% search() )
    if (attached && !ad_context())

##' @describeIn ADvector Equivalent of \link[base]{[<-}
"[<-.advector" <- function(x, ..., value) {
    value <- advector(value)
##' @describeIn ADvector Equivalent of \link[base]{[[}
"[[.advector" <- function(x, ...) {
##' @describeIn ADvector Equivalent of \link[base]{rep}. Makes \code{outer(x,x,...)} work.
rep.advector <- function (x, ...) {
##' @describeIn ADvector Equivalent of \link[base]{is.nan}. Check NaN status of a *constant* `advector` expression. If not constant throw an error.
is.nan.advector <- function(x) {
    if (!compare_allow() && any(getVariables(x)))
        stop("Can only determine NaN status of constant expressions")
##' @describeIn ADvector Equivalent of \link[base]{is.finite}. Check finite status of a *constant* `advector` expression. If not constant throw an error.
is.finite.advector <- function(x) {
    if (!compare_allow() && any(getVariables(x)))
        stop("Can only determine finite status of constant expressions")
##' @describeIn ADvector Equivalent of \link[base]{is.infinite}. Check infinity status of a *constant* `advector` expression. If not constant throw an error.
is.infinite.advector <- function(x) {
    if (!compare_allow() && any(getVariables(x)))
        stop("Can only determine infinity status of constant expressions")
##' @describeIn ADvector Equivalent of \link[base]{is.na}. Check NA status of an `advector`. NAs can only occur directly (as constants) or indirectly as the result of an operation with NA operands. For a tape built with non-NA parameters the NA status of any expression is constant and can therefore safely be used as part of the calculations. (assuming correct propagation of NAs via C-level arithmetic).
is.na.advector <- function(x) {
##' @describeIn ADvector Equivalent of \link[base]{sum}. \code{na.rm=TRUE} is allowed, but note that this feature assumes correct propagation of NAs via C-level arithmetic.
sum.advector <- function(x, ..., na.rm = FALSE) {
    if (na.rm) {
        x <- x[!is.na(x)]
    Reduce1(x, "+") + sum(..., na.rm = na.rm)
##' @describeIn ADvector Equivalent of \link[base]{mean} except no arguments beyond `x` are supported.
mean.advector <- function(x, ...) {
    if (length(list(...))) stop("AD mean only works for single argument")
    sum(x) / length(x)
##' @describeIn ADvector Equivalent of \link[base]{prod} except \code{na.rm} not allowed.
prod.advector <- function(x, ..., na.rm) {
  if (na.rm) stop("'na.rm=TRUE' not implemented for AD prod")
  Reduce1(x, "*") * prod(...)
## Make cov2cor() work. FIXME: Any unwanted side-effects with this?
##' @describeIn ADvector Makes \code{cov2cor()} work. FIXME: Any unwanted side-effects with this?
is.numeric.advector <- function(x) TRUE
##' @describeIn ADvector Makes \code{as.numeric()} work.
as.double.advector <- function(x, ...) {
    ## Clear all attributes except class and preserve S4 bit
    attributes(x) <- attributes(x)["class"]
##' @describeIn ADvector \link{Complex} operations are redirected to \link{adcomplex}.
##' @param z Complex (not allowed)
Complex.advector <- function(z) {
##' @describeIn ADvector Non differentiable \link{Summary} operations (e.g. \code{min} \code{max}) are not allowed and will throw an error.
Summary.advector <- function(..., na.rm = FALSE)
    stop("'advector' does not allow operation ", sQuote(.Generic))
## If an overload has issues we can patch it:
diff_patch <- base::diff.default
environment(diff_patch) <- local({unclass <- function(x)x; environment()})
##' @describeIn ADvector Equivalent of \link[base]{diff}
##' @param lag As \link[base]{diff}
##' @param differences As \link[base]{diff}
diff.advector <- function (x, lag = 1L, differences = 1L, ...) {
    diff_patch(x, lag = lag, differences = differences, ...)

##' @describeIn ADvector Print method
print.advector <- function (x, ...)  {
    y <- .adv2num(x)
    print(y, ...)

## Helpers to autogenerate a numeric version of a function that is only available for AD types.
.adv2adv <- function(x) x
.adv2num <- function(x) {
    a <- attributes(x)
    a$class <- NULL
    ans <- getValues(x)
    attributes(ans) <- a
.anstype <- function(...) {
    if (any(unlist(lapply(list(...), inherits, "advector"))))

## Low level version: Everything available
.MakeTape <- function(f, x) {
    F <- new(adfun)
    ## Start and attach overloads
    ## Make sure to stop and detach overloads (even in case of failure)
    activate <- function(x) {
        x <- advector(x)
        x[] <- independent(x)
    if (is.list(x)) {
        for (i in seq_along(x))
            x[[i]] <- activate(x[[i]])
    } else {
        x <- activate(x)
    y <- f(x)
    ## Result might be sparse matrix => Store pattern as an attribute
    Pattern <- NULL
    if (inherits(y, "adsparse")) {
        Pattern <- new("ngCMatrix", i=y@i, p=y@p, Dim=y@Dim)
        y <- y@x
    y <- advector(y)
    if (is.null(Pattern))
        attr(F, "Dim") <- dim(y)
        attr(F, "Pattern") <- Pattern
## High level version: Not everything available
##' @describeIn Tape Generate a 'Tape' of an R function.
##' @return Object of class \code{"Tape"}.
MakeTape <- function(f, x) {
    f <- match.fun(f)
    mod <- .MakeTape(f, x)
.expose <- function(mod) {
    Dim <- attr(mod, "Dim")
    Pattern <- attr(mod, "Pattern")
    output <- function(x) {
        if (!is.null(Dim))
            dim(x) <- Dim
        if (!is.null(Pattern)) {
            if (inherits(x, "advector"))
                x <- new("adsparse", x=x, i=Pattern@i, p=Pattern@p, Dim=Pattern@Dim)
                x <- new("dgCMatrix", x=x, i=Pattern@i, p=Pattern@p, Dim=Pattern@Dim)
    eval <- mod$eval ## cache
    evalAD <- mod$evalAD ## cache
        function(x) {
            if (is.list(x))
                x <- do.call("c", x)
            if (ad_context()) {
                ## Note: Tape might contain references to an outer
                ## context (and we have no way to know), so we must
                ## choose AD evaluation regardless of class(x).
                x <- advector(x)
            } else {
        methods = list(
            jacobian = mod$jacobian,
            simplify = function(method=c("optimize", "eliminate")) {
                method <- match.arg(method)
                if (method == "optimize")
                else if (method == "eliminate")
                    stop("Unknown method")
            print = function(depth=0) mod$print(as.integer(depth)),
            jacfun = function(sparse=FALSE) {
                if (!sparse)
            atomic = function() {
            laplace = function(random, sparse=TRUE, SPA=FALSE, ...) {
                .laplace(mod, random, sparse=sparse, SPA=SPA, ...)
            newton = function(random, sparse=TRUE, ...) {
                .newton(mod, random, sparse=sparse, ...)
            graph = function() {
                G <- get_graph(.pointer(mod))
                colnames(G) <- rownames(G) <- sub("Op","",colnames(G))
            data.frame = function() {
            node = function(i) {
                mod <- .copy(mod)
                get_node(.pointer(mod), i)
            par = mod$domainvec
##' @describeIn Tape Get a tape method.
"$.Tape" <- function(x, name) {
    if (name == "methods") return (function()names(attr(x, "methods")))
    attr(x, "methods")[[name]]
##' @describeIn Tape Print method
##' @param ... Ignored
print.Tape <- function(x,...){
    cat("Object of class='Tape'\n")
    mod <- environment(x)$mod
    txt <- paste0(" : ","R^",mod$domain(), " -> " , "R^", mod$range(), "\n")
    ## cat( c( "Methods:\n", paste0("$", names(attr(x,"methods")), "()\n")) )
.pointer <- function(mod) { ## FIXME: Is this safe Rcpp?
    env <- as.environment(mod)
    get(".pointer", envir = env)
.copy <- function(mod) {
    ans <- new(adfun)
.jacfun <- function(mod) {
    jacdim <- c(mod$range(), mod$domain())
    mod <- .copy(mod)
    ans <- .expose(mod)
    environment(ans)$Dim <- jacdim
.spjacfun <- function(mod) {
    ptr <- .pointer(mod)
    jac <- SpJacFun(ptr)
    P <- new("dgTMatrix",
             i = jac@i,
             j = jac@j,
             x = as.double(seq_along(jac@i) - 1L),
             Dim = jac@Dim )
    P <- as(P, "CsparseMatrix") ## Permutes @x and calculates @i and @p
    RangeProj(jac@tape, P@x) ## Permute tape output to match new pattern
    mod <- new(adfun)
    e <- as.environment(mod)
    e$.pointer <- jac@tape
    ans <- .expose(mod)
    environment(ans)$Pattern <- new("ngCMatrix", i=P@i, p=P@p, Dim=P@Dim)
.atomic <- function(mod) {
    mod <- .copy(mod)
.laplace <- function(mod, random, ...) {
    mod <- .copy(mod)
    random <- as.integer(random)
    cfg <- lapply(list(...), as.double)
    mod$laplace(random, cfg)
.newton <- function(mod, random, ...) {
    mod <- .copy(mod)
    random <- as.integer(random)
    cfg <- lapply(list(...), as.double)
    mod$newton(random, cfg)
##' @describeIn Tape Global configuration parameters of the tape (experts only!)
##' \bold{comparison} By default, AD comparison gives an error
##' (\code{comparison="forbid"}).
##' This is the safe and recommended behaviour, because comparison is a
##' non-differentiable operation. If you are building a tape that
##' requires indicator functions e.g. \code{f(x)*(x<0)+g(x)*(x>=0)}
##' then use \code{comparison="tape"} to add the indicators to the
##' tape. A final option \code{comparison="allow"} exists for
##' testing/illustration purposes. Do not use.
##' @param comparison Set behaviour of AD comparison (\code{">"},\code{"=="}, etc).
##' @param atomic Set behaviour of AD BLAS operations (notably matrix multiply).
##' @param vectorize Enable/disable AD vectorized 'Ops' and 'Math'.
TapeConfig <- function(comparison = c("NA", "forbid", "tape", "allow"),
                       atomic = c("NA", "enable", "disable"),
                       vectorize = c("NA", "disable", "enable")) {
    if (missing(comparison) || !is.integer(comparison))
        comparison <- c("NA"=-1L, forbid=0L, tape=1L, allow=2L)[match.arg(comparison)]
    if (missing(atomic) || !is.integer(atomic))
        atomic <- c("NA"=-1L, enable=1L, disable=0L)[match.arg(atomic)]
    if (missing(vectorize) || !is.integer(vectorize))
        vectorize <- c("NA"=-1L, enable=1L, disable=0L)[match.arg(vectorize)]
    ans <- unlist(set_tape_config(comparison, atomic, vectorize))

##' @describeIn Tape Move a chunk of data from R to the tape by evaluating a normal R function (replaces TMB functionality 'DATA_UPDATE').
##' @examples
##' ## Taped access of an element of 'rivers' dataset
##' F <- MakeTape(function(i) DataEval( function(i) rivers[i] , i), 1 )
##' F(1)
##' F(2)
DataEval <- function(f, x) {
    if (ad_context())
        TapedEval(f, x)

##' @describeIn Tape Extract tapes from a model object created by `MakeADFun`.
##' @param obj Output from `MakeADFun`
##' @param warn Give warning if `obj` was created using another DLL?
GetTape <- function(obj, name = c("ADFun", "ADGrad", "ADHess"), warn=TRUE) {
    name <- match.arg(name)
    if (name == "ADHess")
        env <- environment(obj$env$spHess)
        env <- obj$env
    ADFun <- get(name, env, inherits=FALSE)
    stopifnot(is(ADFun$ptr ,"externalptr"))
    if (ADFun$DLL != "RTMB") {
        ok <- "getSetGlobalPtr" %in% names(getDLLRegisteredRoutines(ADFun$DLL)$.Call)
        if (!ok) {
            message("'getSetGlobalPtr' not found in '", ADFun$DLL, "'")
            stop("Please update TMB and recompile DLL '", ADFun$DLL, "'")
        if (! exists("getSetGlobalPtr", getNamespace("RTMB")) ) {
            message("'getSetGlobalPtr' not found in 'RTMB'")
            stop("Please update TMB and recompile 'RTMB'")
        fwrtmb <- .Call((getFramework))
        fwdll <- .Call(("getFramework"), PACKAGE=ADFun$DLL)
        if (!identical(fwrtmb, fwdll)) {
            info <- function(x) c(framework=x, attributes(x))
            null2na <- function(x) if (is.null(x)) NA else x
            df1 <- as.data.frame(info(fwrtmb))
            names(df1) <- names(info(fwrtmb))
            df2 <- as.data.frame(lapply(info(fwdll)[names(info(fwrtmb))], null2na ))
            names(df2) <- names(info(fwrtmb))
            df <- rbind(df1, df2)
            row.names(df) <- c('RTMB', ADFun$DLL)
            message("Note: DLL '", ADFun$DLL, "' is not binary compatible with 'RTMB'")
            message("- Compile with framework='TMBad'")
            message("- Compile with openmp=FALSE")
            message("- Compile with '-DTMBAD_INDEX_TYPE=uint64_t'")
        getSetGlobalPtr <- get("getSetGlobalPtr", getNamespace("RTMB"))
        RTMBptr <- .Call((getSetGlobalPtr), NULL)
        DLLptr <- .Call(("getSetGlobalPtr"), NULL, PACKAGE=ADFun$DLL)
        if (!identical(RTMBptr, DLLptr)) {
            if (warn) warning("Permanently changing the global pointer of DLL '", ADFun$DLL, "'")
            .Call(("getSetGlobalPtr"), RTMBptr, PACKAGE=ADFun$DLL)
    ans <- new(adfun)

## Visible bindings:
observation.name <- NULL
data.term.indicator <- NULL
data <- NULL
##' @describeIn TMB-interface Interface to \link[TMB]{MakeADFun}.
##' @details \link{MakeADFun} builds a TMB model object mostly compatible with the \pkg{TMB} package and with an almost identical interface.
##' The main difference in \pkg{RTMB} is that the objective function **and** the data is now given via a single argument \code{func}. Because \code{func} can be a *closure*, there is no need for an explicit data argument to \link{MakeADFun} (see examples).
##' @param func Function taking a parameter list (or parameter vector) as input.
##' @param parameters Parameter list (or parameter vector) used by \code{func}.
##' @param random As \link[TMB]{MakeADFun}.
##' @param profile As \link[TMB]{MakeADFun}.
##' @param integrate As \link[TMB]{MakeADFun}.
##' @param intern As \link[TMB]{MakeADFun}.
##' @param map As \link[TMB]{MakeADFun}.
##' @param ADreport As \link[TMB]{MakeADFun}.
##' @param silent As \link[TMB]{MakeADFun}.
##' @param ridge.correct Experimental
##' @param ... Passed to TMB
##' @return TMB model object.
##' @examples
##' ## Single argument vector function with numeric 'parameters'
##' fr <- function(x) {   ## Rosenbrock Banana function
##'     x1 <- x[1]
##'     x2 <- x[2]
##'     100 * (x2 - x1 * x1)^2 + (1 - x1)^2
##' }
##' obj <- MakeADFun(fr, numeric(2), silent=TRUE)
##' nlminb(c(-1.2, 1), obj$fn, obj$gr, obj$he)
MakeADFun <- function(func, parameters, random=NULL, profile=NULL, integrate=NULL, intern=FALSE, map=list(), ADreport=FALSE, silent=FALSE, ridge.correct=FALSE, ...) {
    setdata <- NULL
    if (is.list(func)) {
        setdata <- attr(func, "setdata")
        func <- attr(func, "func")
    if (is.numeric(parameters)) {
        parnames <- names(formals(args(func)))
        if (length(parnames) != 1)
            stop("When 'parameters' is numeric 'func' must have a single argument")
        func1 <- func
        func <- function(p) do.call(func1, p)
        parameters <- structure(list(parameters), names=parnames)
    ## Make empty object
    TMBArgs <- list(data=list(),
    TMBArgs[duplicated(names(TMBArgs))] <- NULL
    TMBArgs$DLL <- "RTMB" ## Override if included in ...
    obj <- do.call(TMB::MakeADFun, TMBArgs)
    ## Handling maps (copied and modified parList)
    parList <- function (parameters, par) {
        ans <- parameters
        ans[] <- lapply(ans, advector) ## (!)
        nonemp <- lengths(ans) > 0
        nonempindex <- which(nonemp)
        skeleton <- as.relistable(ans[nonemp])
        li <- relist(par, skeleton)
        reshape <- function(x) {
            if (is.null(attr(x, "map")))
            y <- attr(x, "shape")
            y <- advector(y) ## (!)
            f <- attr(x, "map")
            i <- which(f >= 0)
            y[i] <- x[f[i] + 1]
        for (i in seq(skeleton)) {
            ans[[nonempindex[i]]][] <- as.vector(li[[i]])
        for (i in seq(ans)) {
            ans[[i]] <- reshape(ans[[i]])
    ## Overload and retape
    obj$env$MakeADFunObject <- function(data,parameters, reportenv, ADreport = FALSE,...) {
        mapfunc <- function(par) {
            ## obj$env$data is normally empty, however some TMB
            ## functions (checkConsistency, others?) modifies the data
            ## and retapes. Let's make this data visible from
            ## objective:
            if (length(obj$env$data) > 0) {
                OBS_ENV$ans <- obj$env$data
            pl <- parList(parameters, par)
            ## TMB is allowed to move data items to parameter list. We
            ## move such parmeters to the exchange environment OBS_ENV
            ## so can be obtained by 'OBS()' rather than 'parameters':
            if (length(obj$env$data) == 0) {
                setnm <- attr(obj$env$data, "setdata")
                if (!is.null(setnm)) {
                    for (nm in setnm) {
                        OBS_ENV$set(nm, pl[[nm]])
                        pl[[nm]] <- NULL
            bias.correct <- ("TMB_epsilon_" %in% names(pl))
            do.osa <- ("_RTMB_keep_" %in% names(pl))
            if (bias.correct) {
                eps <- pl$TMB_epsilon_
                pl$TMB_epsilon_ <- NULL
            if (do.osa) {
                obn <- obj$env$observation.name
                dti <- obj$env$data.term.indicator
                x <- if (!is.null(pl[[obn]]))
                obs <- new("osa",
                           x = x,
                           keep = pl[[dti]])
                OBS_ENV$set(obn, obs)
                pl[[obn]] <- NULL
                pl[[dti]] <- NULL
            ans <- func(pl)
            if (!do.osa) {
                asnum <- function(x) {
                    if (inherits(x, "advector"))
                        structure(getValues(x), dim=dim(x))
                    else x
                ## Place OSA marked observations in obj
                obj$env$obs <- lapply(OBS_ENV$result(), asnum)
            if (ADreport || bias.correct) {
                adrep <- do.call("c", lapply(ADREPORT_ENV$result(), advector) )
                if (length(adrep) == 0) adrep <- advector(numeric(0))
                if (bias.correct)
                    ans <- ans + sum(adrep * eps)
                    ans <- adrep
        ## In TMB the 'par' is created on the C++ side
        obj$env$par <- unlist(parameters, use.names=FALSE)
        lgt <- lengths(parameters)
        names(obj$env$par) <- rep(names(lgt), lgt)
        ## 'mapfunc' uses the 'exchange environments'. Clear before and after use:
        rcpp <- .MakeTape(mapfunc, obj$env$par)
        if (!ADreport) {
            if (rcpp$range() != 1) {
                stop("'func' must return a *scalar* (forgot to sum?)")
        if (TMB::config(DLL="RTMB")$optimize.instantly)
        ans <- rcpp$ptrTMB()
        ans$DLL <- obj$env$DLL
        attr(ans$ptr, "par") <- obj$env$par
        if (ADreport) {
            attr(ans$ptr, "range.names") <- ADREPORT_ENV$namevec()
            obj$env$ADreportDims <- ADREPORT_ENV$dims()
        attr(ans, "rcpp") <- rcpp ## rcpp manages this ptr (no need for finalizer)
    ## OSA
    obj$env$observation.name <- observation.name
    obj$env$data.term.indicator <- data.term.indicator
    if (length(observation.name) && !is.null(data[[observation.name]]))
        obj$env$data[[observation.name]] <- data[[observation.name]]
    ## Simulate
    obj$simulate <- function(par=obj$env$last.par,...) {
        p <- obj$env$parList(par=par)
        for (nm in obj$env$.random) {
            p[[nm]] <- simref2(p[[nm]], nm)
        for (nm in names(obj$env$obs)) {
            obs <- simref2(obj$env$obs[[nm]], nm)
            OBS_ENV$set(nm, obs)
    ## Report
    obj$report <- function(par=obj$env$last.par,...) {
        p <- obj$env$parList(par=par)
    ## FIXME: Skip for now
    obj$env$MakeDoubleFunObject <- function(...)NULL
    obj$env$EvalDoubleFunObject <- function(...)NULL
    attr(obj$env$data, "func") <- func
    attr(obj$env$data, "setdata") <- setdata
    obj$env$ADreport <- ADreport
    obj$env$profile <- profile
    obj$env$integrate <- integrate
    obj$env$intern <- intern
    obj$par <- obj$env$par[obj$env$lfixed()]
    if (ridge.correct) {
        obj$env$ridge.correct <- ridge.correct
        p <- ridge.correct
        p <- if (is.numeric(p)) p else .5
        obj$env$altHess <- altHessFun(obj, p)

## 'Patch' a TMB function by overloading 'TMB::MakeADFun' with
## 'RTMB::MakeADFun', possibly accounting for TMB/RTMB argument
## differences.
## FIXME (?): The current patching takes place in RTMB namespace at
## RTMB install time. It follows, that changes to TMB
## (e.g. TMB::sdreport, TMB::oneStepPredict, ...) require
## re-installation of RTMB to take place ! We could alternatively
## apply the patches from inside the '.onLoad' function.
TMB_patch <- function(fun, ...) {
    environment(fun) <- new.env( parent = environment(fun) )
    environment(fun)$MakeADFun <- MakeADFun ## RTMB::MakeADFun
    dotargs <- list(...)
    formals(environment(fun)$MakeADFun)[names(dotargs)] <- dotargs

## Text substitution in function body (without changing environment)
bodysub <- function(fun, pattern, replacement, ...) {
    body(fun) <- parse(text=gsub(pattern,
sdreport_patch <- TMB_patch(TMB::sdreport)
sdreport_patch <- bodysub(sdreport_patch,

##' @describeIn TMB-interface Interface to \link[TMB]{sdreport}.
##' @param obj TMB model object (output from \link{MakeADFun})
sdreport <- function(obj, ...) {
    sdreport_patch(obj, ...)

reporter <- function() {
    ans <- list()
    set <- function(nm, x) {
        ans[[nm]] <<- x
    get <- function(nm) ans[[nm]]
    report <- function(x) {
        nm <- deparse(substitute(x))
        set(nm, x)
    result <- function() ans
    namevec <- function() {
        lgts <- lengths(ans)
        rep(names(lgts), lgts)
    dims <- function() {
        getd <- function(x) { d <- dim(x); if(is.null(d)) length(x) else d}
        lapply(ans, getd)
    clear <- function() ans <<- list()
ADREPORT_ENV <- reporter()
REPORT_ENV <- reporter()
##' @describeIn TMB-interface Can be used inside the objective function to report quantities for which uncertainties will be calculated by \link{sdreport}.
##' @param x Object to report
##' @describeIn TMB-interface Can be used inside the objective function to report quantities via the model object using \code{obj$report()}.

## Clear *all* exchange environments:
clear_all <- function() {

##' @describeIn TMB-interface Can be used to assign all parameter or data objects from a list inside the objective function.
##' @param warn Give a warning if overwriting an existing object?
getAll <- function(..., warn=TRUE) {
    fr <- parent.frame()
    x <- c(...)
    if (!is.list(x)) stop("'getAll' is for lists only")
    nm <- names(x)
    if (is.null(nm) || any(nm==""))
        stop("'getAll' is for *named* lists only")
    anyADvars <- FALSE ## For warn=TRUE case
    for (i in seq_along(x)) {
        if (warn) {
            if (!is.null(fr[[nm[i]]]))
                warning("Object '", nm[i], "' already defined")
            anyADvars <- anyADvars || inherits(x[[i]], "advector")
        fr[[nm[i]]] <- x[[i]]
    if (warn) {
        if (ad_context() && !anyADvars)
            warning("No active parameters found")

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RTMB documentation built on Sept. 12, 2024, 6:45 a.m.