
Defines functions checkdb_load checkdb_down

Documented in checkdb_down checkdb_load

## checkdb
## @include cnsc.R

#' @title CRAN checks file (check_results.rds)
#' @description
#' \code{checkdb_down} downloads from CRAN the file \emph{check_results.rds},
#' saves it unchanged in the designated directory and loads it in .GlobalEnv
#' under the name \code{checkdb}.
#' \code{checkdb_load} loads the file \code{check_results.rds} in .GlobalEnv
#' under the name \code{checkdb}.
#' \code{checkdb} is a data.frame of dimension 200000 x 10 (approximatively). It is
#' used by the functions \code{\link{p_check_lst}} and \code{\link{p_checkdeps_lst}}.
#' @param   dir        character. The directory where \code{filename} or tar.gz files
#'                     are saved. Default value \code{"."} is the current directory.
#' @param   repos      character. The address of your local CRAN.
#' @param   filename   character. The path to file "check_results.rds" (or equivalent).
#' @examples
#' ### zcheck_results.rds is a subset of 107 packages synchronized with zcrandb.
#' checkdb_load(system.file("aabb", "zcheck_results.rds", package = "RWsearch"))
#' dim(checkdb)
#' head(checkdb, 15)
#' unique(checkdb$Package)
#' @name checkdb

#' @export
#' @name checkdb
checkdb_down <- function(dir = ".", repos = getOption("repos")[1]) {
    if (!dir.exists(dir)) dir.create(dir, recursive = TRUE)
    destfile <- file.path(dir, "check_results.rds")
    urlrds   <- file.path(repos, "web/checks/check_results.rds")
    trdl     <- trydownloadurl(urlrds, destfile)
    if (trdl == 0) {
        message("check_results.rds downloaded.")
    } else {
        message(paste("URL does not exist:", urlrds))
        message("Is your repository out of service? Check with cranmirrors_down().")

#' @export
#' @rdname checkdb
checkdb_load <- function(filename = "check_results.rds") {
    if (!file.exists(filename)) stop(
        paste("File", basename(filename), "does not exist in this directory."))
    checkdb <- readRDS(filename)
    checkdb <<- checkdb
    txt2    <- "checkdb loaded."
    txt3    <- length(unique(checkdb$Package))
    txt4    <- "packages were checked on"
    txt5    <- length(unique(checkdb$Flavor))
    txt6    <- "architectures:"
    message(paste(txt2, txt3, txt4, txt5, txt6))

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RWsearch documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:42 a.m.