Man pages for ReporterScore
Generalized Reporter Score-Based Enrichment Analysis for Omics Data

c_meansTest the proper clusters k for c_means
combine_rs_resCombine the results of 'step by step GRSA'
Compound_htableCompound htable from 'KEGG'
CPDlistThe CPDlist used for enrichment.
custom_modulelistBuild a custom modulelist
custom_modulelist_from_orgCustom modulelist from a specific organism
gene2koTransfer gene symbol table to KO table
genedfhuman gene table
get_featuresget features in a modulelist
get_reporter_scoreCalculate reporter score
GOlistThe GOlist used for enrichment.
hsa_kegg_pathwaypathway information for "hsa"
KO_abundanceThe KOs abundance table and group table.
KO_enrichPerform enrichment analysis
KO_fisherPerform fisher's exact enrichment analysis
KO_gsaPerform gene set analysis
KO_gseaPerform gene set enrichment analysis
KO_gsvaPerform Gene Set Variation Analysis
KO_htableKO htable from 'KEGG'
KOlistThe KOlist used for enrichment.
KO_padogPerform Pathway Analysis with Down-weighting of Overlapping...
KO_safePerform Significance Analysis of Function and Expression
KO_seaPerform Simultaneous Enrichment Analysis
ko.testDifferential analysis or Correlation analysis for...
load_CARDinfoLoad the CARDinfo (from CARD database)
load_GOlistLoad the GOlist (from 'GO' database)
load_htableLoad the specific table (from 'KEGG')
mmu_kegg_pathwaypathway information for "mmu"
modify_descriptionModify the pathway description before plotting
Module_htableModule htable from 'KEGG'
Pathway_htablePathway htable from 'KEGG'
pipePipe operator
plot.cm_resPlot c_means result
plot_enrich_resPlot enrich_res
plot_features_boxPlot features boxplot
plot_features_distributionplot the Z-score of features distribution
plot_features_heatmapPlot features heatmap
plot_features_in_pathwayPlot features trend in one pathway or module
plot_features_networkPlot features network
plot_htablePlot htable levels
plot_reportPlot the reporter_res
plot_report_circle_packingPlot the reporter_res as circle_packing
plot_significancePlot the significance of pathway
print.reporter_scorePrint reporter_score
print.rs_by_cmPrint rs_by_cm
pvalue2zsTransfer p-value of KOs to Z-score
reporter_scoreOne step to get the reporter score of your KO abundance...
ReporterScore-packageReporterScore: Generalized Reporter Score-Based Enrichment...
reporter_score_res'reporter_score()' result from KO_abundance_test
RSA_by_cmReporter score analysis after C-means clustering
update_CARDinfoupdate CARDinfo from (from 'CARD' database)
update_GOlistUpdate the GO2gene files (from 'GO' database)
update_KEGGUpdate files from 'KEGG'
up_level_KOUpgrade the KO level
ReporterScore documentation built on June 25, 2024, 9:06 a.m.