#' Functional Singular Spectrum Analysis Recurrent and Vector Forecasting
#' Perform functional singular spectrum analysis (FSSA) recurrent forecasting
#' (FSSA R-forecasting) or vector forecasting (FSSA V-forecasting) on univariate
#' or multivariate functional time series (\code{\link{funts}}) observed over a
#' one-dimensional domain.
#' @param U an object of class \code{\link{fssa}} holding the decomposition.
#' @param groups a list of numeric vectors where each vector includes indices
#' of elementary components of a group used for reconstruction and
#' forecasting.
#' @param len integer, the desired length of the forecasted FTS.
#' @param method a character string specifying the type of forecasting to perform:
#' - "recurrent" for FSSA R-forecasting.
#' - "vector" for FSSA V-forecasting.
#' @param logical, if 'TRUE' then only forecasted FTS are returned, whole FTS otherwise.
#' @param tol a double specifying the tolerated error in the approximation of
#' the matrix used in forecasting algorithms.
#' @return An object of class `fforecast` which is a list of objects of class
#' \code{\link{funts}}, where each one corresponds to a forecasted group.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data("Callcenter")
#' U <- fssa(Callcenter, L = 28)
#' groups <- list(1, 1:7)
#' ## Perform FSSA R-forecast
#' pr_R <- fforecast(
#' U = U, groups = groups, = FALSE,
#' len = 30, method = "recurrent"
#' )
#' plot(pr_R, group_index = 1 )
#' plotly_funts(pr_R[[2]], main = "group = '1:7'")
#' ## Perform FSSA V-forecast
#' pr_V <- fforecast(U = U, groups = groups, len= 30, method = "vector")
#' plot(pr_V, group_index = 1)
#' plotly_funts(pr_V[[2]], type = "3Dline" , main = "group = '1:7'")
#' # Multivariate forecasting example:
#' data("Montana")
#' time <- Montana$time
#' grid <- list(0:23, list(1:33, 1:33))
#' montana <- eval.funts(Montana, argvals = grid)
#' montana[[2]] <- array(
#' scale(montana[[2]][, , ],
#' center = min(montana[[2]][, , ]),
#' scale = max(montana[[2]][, , ]) - min(montana[[2]][, , ])
#' ),
#' dim = c(33, 33, 133)
#' )
#' ## Kernel density estimation of pixel intensity
#' NDVI <- matrix(NA, nrow = 512, ncol = 133)
#' for (i in 1:133) NDVI[, i] <- (density(montana[[2]][, , i], from = 0, to = 1)$y)
#' ## Define functional objects
#' bs1 <- Montana$basis[[1]]
#' require(fda)
#' bs2 <- create.bspline.basis(nbasis = 15)
#' Y <- funts(X = list(montana[[1]], NDVI), basisobj = list(bs1, bs2),
#' vnames = c("Temperature", "NDVI Density"),
#' dnames = c("Time", "NDVI"),
#' tname = "Date")
#' plotly_funts(Y,
#' main = c("Temperature", "NDVI"),
#' xticklocs = list(c(0, 6, 12, 18, 23), seq(1, 512, len = 9)),
#' xticklabels = list(c(0, 6, 12, 18, 23), seq(0, 1, len = 9))
#' )
#' U <- fssa(Y = Y, L = 45)
#' plotly_funts(U$Lsingf[[1]])
#' plot(U$Lsingf[[2]])
#' groups <- list(1, 1:3)
#' pr_R <- fforecast(U = U, groups = groups,
#' = FALSE, len = 10, method = "recurrent")
#' plot(pr_R)
#' plotly_funts(pr_R[[2]], main = "Recurrent method, group = '1:3'")
#' pr_V <- fforecast(U = U, groups = groups, len = 10, method = "vector")
#' plot(pr_V, group_index = 1)
#' plotly_funts(pr_V[[2]], main = "Vector method, group = '1:3'")
#' }
#' @export
fforecast <- function(U, groups= as.list(1L:10L), len = 1, method = "recurrent", = TRUE, tol = NULL) {
if (is.null(tol)) tol <- 10^(-3)
for (j in 1:length(U$Y$coefs)) {
if (U$Y$dimSupp[[j]] > 1) {
stop("Current forecasting routines only support fts whose variables are observed over one-dimensional domains. Forecasting of fts variables whose domains have dimension greater than one is under development.")
if (is.numeric(groups) & !is.list(groups)) groups <- list(groups)
cat("Running, please wait...\n")
if (class(U[[1]])[[1]] != "list") {
out <- ufforecast(U = U, groups = groups, len = len, method = method, =, tol = tol)
} else {
out <- mfforecast(U = U, groups = groups, len = len, method = method, =, tol = tol)
Y <- U$Y
N <- U$N
time_dif <- Y$time[N] - Y$time[N-1]
time_st <- (Y$time[N] + time_dif)
time_en <- Y$time[N] + len * time_dif
out$predicted_time <- seq(from = time_st, to = time_en, length.out = len)
out$groups <- groups
out$original_funts <- U$Y
out$method <- method
class(out) <- "fforecast"
# FSSA Recurrent and Vector Forecasting of univariate FTS
ufforecast <- function(U, groups, len = 1, method = "recurrent", = TRUE, tol = 10^-3) {
out <- list()
Y <- U$Y
N <- Y$N
basis <- U$Y$B_mat[[1]]
d <- ncol(basis)
L <- U$L
K <- N - L + 1
G <- t(basis) %*% basis
G_inv <- solve(G)
basisobj <- Y$basis[[1]]
time_dif <- Y$time[N] - Y$time[N-1]
if ( time_st <- (Y$time[N] + time_dif) else time_st <- Y$time[1]
time_en <- Y$time[N] + len * time_dif
for (a in 1:length(groups)) {
g <- groups[[a]]
# Define prediction space
k <- length(g)
D <- matrix(data = NA, nrow = d, ncol = k)
for (n in 1:k) D[, n] <- G_inv %*% t(basis) %*% U[[g[n]]][, L]
# Define Truncated Neumann Series
NU_1 <- D %*% t(D)
NU <- list()
NU[[1]] <- diag(1, d)
norm <- 1
l <- 0
while (norm > tol) {
l <- l + 1
norm <- norm(NU[[l]])
NU[[(l + 1)]] <- NU_1 %*% NU[[l]]
Neu <- NU[[1]]
for (n in 2:l) Neu <- Neu + NU[[n]]
if (method == "recurrent") {
# FSSA R-forecasting
# Reconstruct signal
Q <- freconstruct(U, groups = list(g))
fore_r <- matrix(data = 0, nrow = d, ncol = len )
for (m in 1:len ) {
for (j in 1:(L - 1)) {
E_j <- matrix(data = NA, nrow = d, ncol = k)
for (n in 1:k) {
E_j[, n] <- G_inv %*% t(basis) %*% U[[g[n]]][, j]
A_j <- Neu %*% D %*% t(E_j)
fore_r[, m] <- fore_r[, m] + A_j %*% as.matrix(Q[[1]]$coefs[[1]][, (N + j - L + m)])
Q[[1]]$coefs[[1]] <- cbind(Q[[1]]$coefs[[1]], fore_r[, m])
if (! {
fore_r <- cbind(U$Y$coefs[[1]], fore_r)
funts_out <- funts(X = (basis %*% fore_r), basisobj = basisobj, argval = Y$argval[[1]],
start = time_st, end = time_en, vnames = Y$vnames, dnames = Y$dnames, tname = Y$tname)
out[[a]] <- funts_out
} else if (method == "vector") {
# FSSA V-forecasting
F_matrix <- matrix(data = NA, nrow = ((L - 1) * d), ncol = k)
for (n in 1:k) {
F_matrix[, n] <- matrix(data = G_inv %*% t(basis) %*% U[[g[n]]][, 1:(L - 1)], nrow = ((L - 1) * d), ncol = 1)
P <- F_matrix %*% t(F_matrix) + F_matrix %*% t(D) %*% Neu %*% D %*% t(F_matrix)
S <- array(data = 0, dim = c(d, (K + len ), L))
for (j in 1L:length(g)) {
S[, (1:K), ] <- S[, (1:K), ] + ufproj(U, g[j], d)
for (m in 1:len) {
obs <- matrix(data = S[, (K + (m - 1)), 2:L], nrow = ((L - 1) * d), ncol = 1)
pr <- P %*% obs
pr <- matrix(data = pr, nrow = d, ncol = (L - 1))
pr_1 <- matrix(data = 0, nrow = d, ncol = 1)
for (j in 1:(L - 1)) {
E_j <- matrix(data = NA, nrow = d, ncol = k)
for (n in 1:k) {
E_j[, n] <- G_inv %*% t(basis) %*% U[[g[n]]][, j]
A_j <- Neu %*% D %*% t(E_j)
pr_1[, 1] <- pr_1[, 1] + A_j %*% S[, (K + m - 1), (j + 1)]
pr <- cbind(pr, pr_1)
S[, (K + m), ] <- pr
S <- fH(S, d)
fore_v <- S[, (K + 1):(K + len), L]
if (! {
fore_v <- cbind(U$Y$coefs[[1]], fore_v)
funts_out <- funts(X = (basis %*% fore_v), basisobj = basisobj, argval = Y$argval[[1]],
start = time_st, end = time_en, vnames = Y$vnames, dnames = Y$dnames, tname = Y$tname)
out[[a]] <- funts_out
# FSSA Recurrent and Vector Forecasting of Multivariate FTS
mfforecast <- function(U, groups, len = 1, method = "recurrent", = TRUE, tol = 10^-3) {
out <- list()
Y <- U$Y
N <- Y$N
basis <- U$Y$B_mat
G_inv <- lapply(basis, function(x) {
solve(t(x) %*% x)
d <- sapply(basis, ncol)
p <- length(Y$dimSupp)
L <- U$L
K <- N - L + 1
shifter <- matrix(data = 0, nrow = 2, ncol = (p + 1))
for (j in 1:p) {
shifter[1, j + 1] <- shifter[2, j] + 1
shifter[2, j + 1] <- shifter[2, j] + ncol(U$Y$B_mat[[j]])
basisobj <- Y$basis
time_dif <- Y$time[N] - Y$time[N-1]
if ( time_st <- (Y$time[N] + time_dif) else time_st <- Y$time[1]
time_en <- Y$time[N] + len * time_dif
for (a in 1:length(groups)) {
g <- groups[[a]]
k <- length(g)
D <- matrix(data = NA, nrow = 1, ncol = k)
for (j in 1:p) {
D_j <- matrix(data = NA, nrow = d[j], ncol = k)
for (n in 1:k) D_j[, n] <- solve(t(basis[[j]]) %*% basis[[j]]) %*% t(basis[[j]]) %*% U[[g[n]]][[j]][, L]
D <- rbind(D, D_j)
D <- D[(2:nrow(D)), ]
# Define Truncated Neumann Series
NU_1 <- D %*% t(D)
NU <- list()
NU[[1]] <- diag(1, sum(d))
norm <- 1
l <- 0
while (norm > tol) {
l <- l + 1
norm <- norm(NU[[l]])
NU[[(l + 1)]] <- NU_1 %*% NU[[l]]
Neu <- NU[[1]]
for (n in 2:l) Neu <- Neu + NU[[n]]
if (method == "recurrent") {
# MFSSA R-forecasting
out_g <- list()
Q <- freconstruct(U, groups = list(g))
fore_r <- matrix(data = 0, nrow = sum(d), ncol = len)
for (m in 1:len) {
for (j in 1:(L - 1)) {
my_obs <- matrix(data = 0, nrow = sum(d), ncol = 1)
E_j <- matrix(data = NA, nrow = sum(d), ncol = k)
for (q in 1:p) {
for (n in 1:k) {
E_j[(shifter[1, (q + 1)]:shifter[2, (q + 1)]), n] <- G_inv[[q]] %*% t(basis[[q]]) %*% U[[g[n]]][[q]][, j]
my_obs[(shifter[1, (q + 1)]:shifter[2, (q + 1)]), 1] <- Q[[1]]$coefs[[q]][, (N + j - L + m)]
A_j <- Neu %*% D %*% t(E_j)
fore_r[, m] <- fore_r[, m] + A_j %*% my_obs
for (q in 1:p) Q[[1]]$coefs[[q]] <- cbind(Q[[1]]$coefs[[q]], fore_r[(shifter[1, (q + 1)]:shifter[2, (q + 1)]), m])
for (q in 1:p) {
if ({
X0 <- fore_r[(shifter[1, (q + 1)]:shifter[2, (q + 1)]), ]
} else {
X0 <- cbind(U$Y$coefs[[q]], fore_r[(shifter[1, (q + 1)]:shifter[2, (q + 1)]), ])
out_g[[q]] <- basis[[q]] %*% X0
funts_out <- funts(X = out_g, basisobj = basisobj, argval = Y$argval,
start = time_st, end = time_en, vnames = U$Y$vnames,
dnames = U$Y$dnames, tname = U$Y$tname)
out[[a]] <- funts_out
} else if (method == "vector") {
# MFSSA V-forecasting
out_g <- list()
Y <- matrix(data = NA, nrow = ((L - 1) * sum(d)), ncol = k)
Lshifter <- matrix(data = 0, nrow = 2, ncol = (p + 1))
for (j in 1:p) {
Lshifter[1, (j + 1)] <- Lshifter[2, j] + 1
Lshifter[2, (j + 1)] <- Lshifter[2, j] + (L - 1) * ncol(U$Y$B_mat[[j]])
for (n in 1:k) {
Y[(Lshifter[1, (j + 1)]:Lshifter[2, (j + 1)]), n] <- matrix(data = G_inv[[j]] %*% t(basis[[j]]) %*% U[[g[n]]][[j]][, 1:(L - 1)], nrow = ((L - 1) * d[j]), ncol = 1)
P <- Y %*% t(Y) + Y %*% t(D) %*% Neu %*% D %*% t(Y)
S <- list()
for (j in 1:p) S[[j]] <- array(data = 0, dim = c(d[j], (K + len), L))
for (k in 1L:length(g)) {
projection <- mfproj(U, g[k])
for (j in 1:p) {
S[[j]][, 1:K, ] <- S[[j]][, 1:K, ] + projection[[j]]
for (m in 1:len) {
obs <- matrix(data = NA, nrow = ((L - 1) * sum(d)), ncol = 1)
for (j in 1:p) {
obs[(Lshifter[1, (j + 1)]:Lshifter[2, (j + 1)]), 1] <- matrix(data = S[[j]][, (K + (m - 1)), 2:L], nrow = ((L - 1) * d[j]), ncol = 1)
pr <- P %*% obs
pr_mat <- matrix(data = NA, nrow = sum(d), ncol = L - 1)
pr_1 <- matrix(data = 0, nrow = sum(d), ncol = 1)
for (j in 1:(L - 1)) {
my_obs <- matrix(data = 0, nrow = sum(d), ncol = 1)
E_j <- matrix(data = NA, nrow = sum(d), ncol = k)
for (q in 1:p) {
pr_mat[(shifter[1, (q + 1)]:shifter[2, (q + 1)]), ] <- pr[(Lshifter[1, (q + 1)]:Lshifter[2, (q + 1)]), 1]
for (n in 1:k) {
E_j[(shifter[1, (q + 1)]:shifter[2, (q + 1)]), n] <- G_inv[[q]] %*% t(basis[[q]]) %*% U[[g[n]]][[q]][, j]
my_obs <- pr_mat[, j]
A_j <- Neu %*% D %*% t(E_j)
pr_1 <- pr_1 + A_j %*% my_obs
for (q in 1:p) S[[q]][, (K + m), ] <- matrix(data = cbind(pr_mat, pr_1)[(shifter[1, (q + 1)]:shifter[2, (q + 1)]), ], nrow = d[q], ncol = L)
for (q in 1:p) {
S[[q]] <- fH(S[[q]], d[q])
if ({
X0 <- S[[q]][, (K + 1):(K + len), L]
} else {
X0 <- cbind(U$Y$coefs[[q]], S[[q]][, (K + 1):(K + len), L])
out_g[[q]] <- basis[[q]] %*% X0
funts_out <- funts(X = out_g, basisobj = basisobj, argval = U$Y$argval,
start = time_st, end = time_en, vnames = U$Y$vnames,
dnames = U$Y$dnames, tname = U$Y$tname)
out[[a]] <- funts_out
# =======================================================================
#' Plot Method for FSSA Forecast (fforecast) Class
#' Create visualizations of FSSA Forecast (fforecast) class. This function supports
#' plotting `fforecast` data with one-dimensional or two-dimensional domains.
#' @param x an object of class \code{fforecast}.
#' @param group_index an integer specifying the group index for the plot.
#' @param ask logical: If `TRUE`, and `group_index` be `NULL`, after printing the first grouping graphic, it will pause when the user asks for the next group graphic and wait.
#' @param npts number of grid points for the plots.
#' @param obs observation number (for two-dimensional domains).
#' @param main main title for the plot.
#' @param col specify the predicted FTS color; if it is `NULL`, it will be set as the default.
#' @param ori_col specify the original FTS color; if it is `NULL`, it will be set as the default.
#' @param type type of plot ("l" for line, "p" for points, etc.).
#' @param lty line type (1 for solid, 2 for dashed, etc.).
#' @param ... additional graphical parameters passed to plotting functions.
#' @seealso \code{\link{fforecast}}
#' @examples
#' # Example with one-dimensional domain
#' data("Callcenter")
#' # FSSA Decomposition step:
#' fssa_results <- fssa(Callcenter, L = 28)
#' # Perform FSSA R-forecasting
#' pr_V <- fforecast(U = fssa_results, groups = list(1,1:7),
#' len = 14, method = "vector", = FALSE)
#' plot(pr_V)
#' @export
plot.fforecast <- function(x, group_index = NULL, ask = TRUE, npts = 100, obs = 1,
main = NULL, col = NULL, ori_col = NULL, type = "l",
lty = 1, ...) {
old <- par()
exclude_pars <- c("cin", "cra", "csi", "cxy", "din", "page")
ind <- which(!(names(old) %in% exclude_pars))
N <- x$original_funts$N
h <- length(x$predicted_time)
if(is.null(ori_col)) ori_col <- rep('snow3', N)
if(is.null(col)) col <- rep("deepskyblue4", h)
N1 <- x[[1]]$N
if (N1 == h) col1 <- col else col1 <- c(ori_col, col)
flag <- FALSE
if (is.null(group_index)) {
group_index <- 1:length(x$groups)
if (length(x$groups) > 1) flag <- TRUE
if (flag) {
par(ask = ask)
for (ipc in group_index) {
obj <- x[[ipc]]
plot(obj,col = col1, npts = npts, obs = obs, main = paste(main, "Group index:", ipc), type = type, lty = lty, ...)
} else {
obj <- x[[group_index]]
plot(obj,col = col1, npts = npts, obs = obs, main = paste(main, "Group index:", group_index), type = type, lty = lty, ...)
# =======================================================================
#' Custom Print Method for FSSA Forecast (fforecast) class
#' This custom print method is designed for objects of the FSSA Forecast (fforecast) class.
#' It provides a summary of the fforecast object.
#' @param x an object of class "fforecast" to be printed.
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @examples
#' # Example with one-dimensional domain
#' data("Callcenter")
#' # FSSA Decomposition step:
#' fssa_results <- fssa(Callcenter, L = 28)
#' # Perform FSSA R-forecasting
#' pr_R <- fforecast(U = fssa_results,
#' groups = c(1:3),
#' len = 14,
#' method = "recurrent")
#' print(pr_R)
#' @export
print.fforecast <- function(x, ...) {
cat("\nFSSA Forecast (fforecast) class:")
cat("\nGroups: ")
cat("Prediction method: ", x$method)
cat("\nPredicted series length: ", length(x$predicted_time))
cat("\nPredicted time: ")
cat("\n---------The original series-----------")
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