
Defines functions model_polytomous_3dindex model_polytomous_3dresponse hermite_gauss nr_iteration estimate_3pl_debug estimate_3pl_eval estimate_gpcm_debug estimate_gpcm_eval estimate_grm_debug estimate_grm_eval

Documented in estimate_3pl_debug estimate_3pl_eval estimate_gpcm_debug estimate_gpcm_eval estimate_grm_debug estimate_grm_eval hermite_gauss model_polytomous_3dindex model_polytomous_3dresponse nr_iteration

#' Helper Functions
#' @name helpers

#' @rdname helpers
#' @description \code{model_polytomous_3dindex} creates indices extracting 3D stats
#' @param u the observed response, 2d matrix, values start from 0
#' @keywords internal
model_polytomous_3dindex <- function(u){
  n_p <- dim(u)[1]
  n_i <- dim(u)[2]
  n_c <- max(u) + 1
  cbind(rep(1:n_p, n_i), rep(1:n_i, each=n_p), as.vector(u+1))

#' @rdname helpers
#' @description \code{model_polytomous_3dresponse} converts responses from 2D to 3D
#' @keywords internal
model_polytomous_3dresponse <- function(u){
  n_c <- max(u) + 1
  x <- array(0, dim=c(dim(u), n_c))
  x[model_polytomous_3dindex(u)] <- 1

#' @rdname helpers
#' @description \code{hermite_gauss} stores pre-computed hermite gaussian 
#' quadratures points and weights
#' @param degree the degree of hermite-gauss quadrature: '20', '11', '7'
#' @keywords internal
hermite_gauss <- function(degree=c('20', '11', '7')){

#' @rdname helpers
#' @description \code{nr_iteration} updates the parameters using the Newton-Raphson method
#' @param param the parameter being estimated
#' @param free TRUE to free parameters, otherwise fix parameters
#' @param dv the first and second derivatives
#' @param h_max the maximum value of h
#' @param lr the learning rate
#' @param bound the lower and upper bounds of the parameter
#' @keywords internal
nr_iteration <- function(param, free, dv, h_max, lr, bound){
  h <- dv$dv1 / dv$dv2
  h[is.na(h)] <- 0
  h <- ifelse(abs(h) > h_max, sign(h) * h_max, h) * lr
  h[!free] <- 0
  param <- param - h
  param[param < bound[1]] <- bound[1]
  param[param > bound[2]] <- bound[2]
  list(param=param, h=h)

#' @rdname helpers
#' @param tracking estimation tracking information
#' @param k the number of iterations in estimation
#' @importFrom reshape2 melt
#' @import ggplot2
#' @keywords internal
estimate_3pl_debug <- function(tracking, k){
  xx <- with(tracking, data.frame(fit=fit, t=t, a=a, b=b, c=c))[1:k, ]
  xx$iteration <- 1:k
  xx <- melt(xx, id.vars='iteration')
  xx <- xx[!is.na(xx$value), ]
  g <- ggplot(xx, aes_string(x="iteration", y="value", color="variable")) + 
    geom_line() + facet_wrap(~variable, scales="free") + guides(color=F) + 
    xlab('Iterations') + ylab('') + theme_bw()

#' @rdname helpers
#' @param true_params a list of true parameters
#' @param t estimated ability parameters
#' @param a estimated discrimination parameters
#' @param b estimated difficulty parameters
#' @param c estimated guessing parameters
#' @param t_free TRUE to estimate ability parameters, otherwise fix
#' @param a_free TRUE to estimate discrimination parameters, otherwise fix
#' @param b_free TRUE to estimate difficulty parameters, otherwise fix
#' @param c_free TRUE to estimate guessing parameters, otherwise fix
#' @import ggplot2
#' @keywords internal
estimate_3pl_eval <- function(true_params, t, a, b, c, t_free, a_free, b_free, c_free) {
  xx <- rbind(data.frame(true=true_params$t, est=t, params='t'),
              data.frame(true=true_params$a, est=a, params='a'),
              data.frame(true=true_params$b, est=b, params='b'),
              data.frame(true=true_params$c, est=c, params='c'))
  g <- ggplot(xx, aes_string(x="true", y="est", color="params")) + 
    geom_point(alpha=.3) + geom_smooth(method='gam', se=F) + 
    facet_wrap(~params, nrow=1, scales='free') + guides(color=F) +
    xlab('True Parameters') + ylab('Est. Parameters') + theme_bw()
    cat('t: corr = ', round(cor(t, true_params$t), 3), ', rmse = ', round(rmse(t, true_params$t), 3),'\n', sep='')
    cat('a: corr = ', round(cor(a, true_params$a), 3), ', rmse = ', round(rmse(a, true_params$a), 3),'\n', sep='')
    cat('b: corr = ', round(cor(b, true_params$b), 3), ', rmse = ', round(rmse(b, true_params$b), 3),'\n', sep='')
    cat('c: corr = ', round(cor(c, true_params$c), 3), ', rmse = ', round(rmse(c, true_params$c), 3),'\n', sep='')

#' @rdname helpers
#' @keywords internal
estimate_gpcm_debug <- function(tracking, k) {
  xx <- with(tracking, data.frame(fit=fit, t=t, a=a, b=b, d=d))[1:k, ]
  xx$iteration <- 1:k
  xx <- melt(xx, id.vars='iteration')
  xx <- xx[!is.na(xx$value),]
  g <- ggplot(xx, aes_string(x="iteration", y="value", color="variable")) + 
    geom_line() + facet_wrap(~variable, scales="free") + guides(color=F) + 
    xlab('Iterations') + ylab('') + theme_bw()

#' @rdname helpers
#' @keywords internal
estimate_gpcm_eval <- function(true_params, n_c, t, a, b, d, t_free, a_free, b_free, d_free) {
  xx <- rbind(data.frame(true=true_params$t, est=t, params='t'),
              data.frame(true=true_params$a, est=a, params='a'),
              data.frame(true=true_params$b, est=b, params='b'))
  for(i in 2:n_c)
    xx <- rbind(xx, data.frame(true=true_params$d[,i], est=d[,i], params=paste('d',i,sep='')))
  g <- ggplot(xx, aes_string(x="true", y="est", color="params")) + 
    geom_point(alpha=.3) + geom_smooth(method='gam', se=F) + 
    facet_wrap(~params, nrow=1, scales='free') + guides(color=F) +
    xlab('True Parameters') + ylab('Est. Parameters') + theme_bw()
    cat('t: corr = ', round(cor(t, true_params$t), 3), ', rmse = ', round(rmse(t, true_params$t), 3),'\n', sep='')
    cat('a: corr = ', round(cor(a, true_params$a), 3), ', rmse = ', round(rmse(a, true_params$a), 3),'\n', sep='')
    cat('b: corr = ', round(cor(b, true_params$b), 3), ', rmse = ', round(rmse(b, true_params$b), 3),'\n', sep='')
  for(i in 2:n_c) 
      cat('d_', i, ': corr = ', round(cor(d[,i], true_params$d[,i]), 3), ', rmse = ', round(rmse(d[,i], true_params$d[,i]), 3),'\n', sep='')

#' @rdname helpers
#' @keywords internal
estimate_grm_debug <- function(tracking, k) {
  xx <- with(tracking, data.frame(fit=fit, t=t, a=a, b=b))[1:k,]
  xx$iteration <- 1:k
  xx <- melt(xx, id.vars='iteration')
  xx <- xx[!is.na(xx$value), ]
  g <- ggplot(xx, aes_string(x="iteration", y="value", color="variable")) + 
    geom_line() + facet_wrap(~variable, scales="free") + guides(color=F) + 
    xlab('Iterations') + ylab('') + theme_bw()

#' @rdname helpers
#' @keywords internal
estimate_grm_eval <- function(true_params, n_c, t, a, b, t_free, a_free, b_free) {
  xx <- rbind(data.frame(true=true_params$t, est=t, params='t'),
              data.frame(true=true_params$a, est=a, params='a'))
  for(i in 1:(n_c-1))
    xx <- rbind(xx, data.frame(true=true_params$b[,i], est=b[,i], params=paste('b',i,sep='')))
  g <- ggplot(xx, aes_string(x="true", y="est", color="params")) + 
    geom_point(alpha=.3) + geom_smooth(method='gam', se=F) + 
    facet_wrap(~params, nrow=1, scales='free') + guides(color=F) +
    xlab('True Parameters') + ylab('Est. Parameters') + theme_bw()
    cat('t: corr = ', round(cor(t, true_params$t), 3), ', rmse = ', round(rmse(t, true_params$t), 3),'\n', sep='')
    cat('a: corr = ', round(cor(a, true_params$a), 3), ', rmse = ', round(rmse(a, true_params$a), 3),'\n', sep='')
  for(i in 1:(n_c-1)) 
      cat('b_', i, ': corr = ', round(cor(b[,i], true_params$b[,i]), 3), ', rmse = ', round(rmse(b[,i], true_params$b[,i]), 3),'\n', sep='')

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