
Defines functions adjust.df sw.u mgg.u covariateTest correlationTest randomEffectTest residualTest testmlx

Documented in testmlx

#' Statistical tests for model assessment
#' Perform several statistical tests using the results of a Monolix run to assess the statistical
#' components of the model in use.
#' The tests used are:  
#' 1) F-tests (or, equivalently, correlation tests) to evaluate the effect of each covariate 
#' on each parameter ("covariate"), 
#' 2) correlation tests to assess the correlation structure of the random effects ("correlation"), 
#' 3) Shapiro-Wilk and Miao-Gel-Gastwirth tests to assess, respectively the normality and the
#' symmetry of the distribution of the random effects (""randomEffect"), 
#' 4) Shapiro-Wilk and Miao-Gel-Gastwirth tests to assess, respectively the normality and the
#' symmetry of the distribution of residual errors ("residual").
#' By default, the four tests are performed.
#' When several samples of the conditional distributions are used, two methods are proposed in order 
#' to take into the dependance of the samples for the Shapiro-Wilk and Miao-Gel-Gastwirth tests: 
#' "edf" computes an effective degrees of freedom, "BH" performs one test per replicates and adjust 
#' the smallest p-value using the Benjamini-Hochberg correction.
#' @param project a Monolix project
#' @param tests  a vector of strings: the list of tests to perform 
#' among c("covariate","randomEffect","correlation","residual")
#' @param plot  FALSE/TRUE  display some diagnostic plots associated to the tests (default=FALSE)
#' @param adjust method to take into account the dependency of MCMC sample  c("edf","BH") (default="edf")
#' @param n.sample number of samples from the conditional distribution to be used (default = number of available samples in the project)
#' @return a list of data frames and ggplot objects if plot=TRUE
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # RsmlxDemo2.mlxtran is a Monolix project for modelling the PK of warfarin using a PK model 
#' # with parameters ka, V, Cl.
#' #testmlx will perform statistical tests for the different component of the statistical model:
#' r1 <- testmlx(project="RsmlxDemo2.mlxtran")
#' #testmlx will perform statistical tests for the covariate model and the correlation model only.
#' r2 <- testmlx(project="RsmlxDemo2.mlxtran", tests=c("covariate","correlation"))
#' }
#' # See http://monolix.lixoft.com/rsmlx/testmlx/ for detailed examples of use of testmlx
#' # Download the demo examples here: http://monolix.lixoft.com/rsmlx/installation
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot geom_point theme theme_set theme_bw aes geom_line xlab ylab facet_wrap facet_grid stat_ecdf aes_string
#'             geom_abline geom_boxplot geom_smooth
#' @importFrom gridExtra grid.arrange
#' @importFrom grDevices palette
#' @importFrom tidyr spread
#' @importFrom stats quantile anova binom.test cor cov dnorm lm logLik nlm p.adjust pchisq dchisq pnorm qnorm
#'             quantile rnorm runif sd shapiro.test spline t.test optimize median
#' @importFrom utils ls.str read.csv read.table write.table
#' @export

testmlx <- function(project=NULL, 
                    plot=FALSE, adjust="edf", n.sample=NULL) 
  if (!is.null(project)) {
    r <- prcheck(project, f="test", tests=tests)
    if (r$demo)
    project <- r$project
  } else {
    project <- mlx.getProjectSettings()$project
  launched.tasks <- mlx.getLaunchedTasks()
  if (!launched.tasks[["populationParameterEstimation"]]) {
    cat("\nEstimation of the population parameters... \n")
  if (!launched.tasks[["conditionalDistributionSampling"]]) {
    cat("Sampling of the conditional distribution... \n")
  if (!any(mlx.getIndividualParameterModel()$variability$id))
    stop("\nA least one parameter with random effects is required\n", call.=FALSE)
  method.adjust <- adjust
  res <- list()
  if ("covariate" %in% tests)
    res$covariate <- covariateTest(plot=plot, n.sample=n.sample)
  if ("residual" %in% tests)
    res$residual <- residualTest(plot=plot, method.adjust=method.adjust, n.sample=n.sample)
  if ("randomEffect" %in% tests)
    res$randomEffect <- randomEffectTest(plot=plot, method.adjust = method.adjust, n.sample=n.sample)
  if ("correlation" %in% tests)
    res$correlation <- correlationTest(plot=plot, n.sample=n.sample)

residualTest <- function(project=NULL, method.adjust="edf", n.sample=NULL, plot=FALSE) {
  if (!is.null(project)) 
  if (is.null(mlx.getContinuousObservationModel()))  return(list())
  if (!is.null(n.sample) && n.sample=="mode") {
    residual <- getEstimatedResiduals()
    for (i.out in (1:length(residual))) {
      if (is.null(residual[[i.out]]$conditionalMode))
        stop("the conditional modes (EBE's) have not been estimated...", call.=FALSE)
      residual[[i.out]] <- data.frame(rep=1, residual=residual[[i.out]]$conditionalMode)
    n.sample <- 1
  } else if (!is.null(n.sample) && n.sample=="mean") {
    residual <- getEstimatedResiduals()
    for (i.out in (1:length(residual))) {
      if (is.null(residual[[i.out]]$conditionalMean))
        stop("the conditional means have not been estimated...", call.=FALSE)
      residual[[i.out]] <- data.frame(rep=1, residual=residual[[i.out]]$conditionalMean)
    n.sample <- 1
  } else {
    residual <- getSimulatedResiduals()
    for (i.out in (1:length(residual))) 
      nrep <- max(residual[[i.out]]$rep)
    if (is.null(n.sample))  n.sample <- nrep
    if (n.sample<1)
      stop("the number of replicates n.sample should be greater than or equal to 1", call. = FALSE)
    if (n.sample>nrep)
      stop(paste0("the number of replicates should be less than or equal to  ", nrep), call. = FALSE)
    residual[[i.out]] <- subset(residual[[i.out]], rep<=n.sample)
  n.out <- length(residual)
  res.errorModel <- NULL
  for (i.out in (1:n.out)) {
    resi <- residual[[i.out]]
    nrep <- max(resi$rep)
    resi <- matrix(resi$residual, ncol=nrep)
    # adf1 <- adjust.df(resi)
    # ndf1 <- nrow(resi)*adf1
    ri1 <- sw.test(resi, method=method.adjust)
    ri2 <- mgg.test(resi, method=method.adjust)
    res.errorModel <- rbind(res.errorModel, c(normality=ri1, symmetry=ri2))
    #res.errorModel[[i.out]] <- list(normality=ri1, symmetry=ri2)
  res.errorModel <- as.data.frame(res.errorModel)
  rownames(res.errorModel) <- names(residual)
  if (plot) {
    x <- seq(-3,3,length.out=100)
    dn <- data.frame(x,F=pnorm(x))
    pl <- list()
    for (i.out in (1:n.out)) {
      ri <- residual[[i.out]]$residual
      ni <- paste0("residual_",names(residual)[i.out])
      pl[[i.out]] <- ggplot() + stat_ecdf(aes_string(ri), geom = "step", size=1) + 
        geom_line(data=dn, aes_string(x,"F"), colour="red", size=1) + ylab("F") + 
    return(list(p.value=res.errorModel, plot=pl))
  } else

randomEffectTest <- function(project=NULL, method.adjust="edf", n.sample=NULL, plot=FALSE) {
  if (!is.null(project)) 
  if (!is.null(n.sample) && n.sample=="mode") {
    sim.randeff <- mlx.getEstimatedRandomEffects()$conditionalMode
    if (is.null(sim.randeff))
      stop("the conditional modes (EBE's) have not been estimated...", call.=FALSE)
    n.sample <- 1
  } else if (!is.null(n.sample) && n.sample=="mean") {
    sim.randeff <- mlx.getEstimatedRandomEffects()$conditionalMean
    if (is.null(sim.randeff))
      stop("the conditional means have not been estimated...", call.=FALSE)
    n.sample <- 1
  } else {
    sim.randeff <- mlx.getSimulatedRandomEffects()
  if (is.null(sim.randeff$rep)) 
    sim.randeff$rep <- 1
  nrep <- max(sim.randeff$rep)
  if (is.null(n.sample))  n.sample <- nrep
  if (n.sample<1)
    stop("the number of replicates n.sample should be greater than or equal to 1", call. = FALSE)
  if (n.sample>nrep)
    stop(paste0("the number of replicates should be less than or equal to  ", nrep), call. = FALSE)
  sim.randeff <- subset(sim.randeff, rep<=n.sample)
  nrep <- n.sample
  pop <- mlx.getEstimatedPopulationParameters()
  var.param <- names(which(mlx.getIndividualParameterModel()$variability$id))
  var.randeff <- paste0("eta_",var.param)
  omega <- paste0("omega_",var.param)
  res.randeff <- NULL
  k <- 0
  for (nj in var.randeff) {
    k <- k+1
    refi <- matrix(sim.randeff[[nj]], ncol=nrep)/pop[omega[k]]
    # if (method.adjust=="edf") {
    #   adf1 <- adjust.df(refi)
    #   ndf1 <- nrow(refi)*adf1
    # } else {
    #   adf1 <- ndf1 <- NULL
    # }
    ri1 <- sw.test(refi, method=method.adjust)
    ri2 <- mgg.test(refi, method=method.adjust)
    res.randeff <- rbind(res.randeff, c(normality=ri1, symmetry=ri2))
  res.randeff <- as.data.frame(res.randeff)
  rownames(res.randeff) <- var.randeff
  if (plot) {
    x <- seq(-3,3,length.out=100)
    dn <- data.frame(x,F=pnorm(x))
    pop.param <- mlx.getEstimatedPopulationParameters()
    names.pop.param <- gsub(" ","",names(pop.param))
    ind.param.omega <- grep("omega_",names.pop.param)
    iop.omega2 <- FALSE
    if (length(ind.param.omega)==0) {
      ind.param.omega <- grep("omega2_",names.pop.param)
      iop.omega2 <- TRUE
    pl <- list()
    j <- 0
    for (nj in var.randeff) {
      j <- j+1
      nj0 <- grep(gsub("eta_","",nj),names.pop.param[ind.param.omega])
      if (iop.omega2)
        oj <- sqrt(pop.param[ind.param.omega[nj0]])
        oj <- pop.param[ind.param.omega[nj0]]
      rj <- sim.randeff[[nj]]/oj
      pl[[j]] <- ggplot() + stat_ecdf(aes_string(rj), geom = "step", size=1) + 
        geom_line(data=dn, aes_string("x","F"), colour="red", size=1) + 
        ylab("F") + xlab(nj)
    return(list(p.value=res.randeff, plot=pl))
  } else 

correlationTest <- function(project=NULL, n.sample=NULL, plot=FALSE) {
  if (!is.null(project)) 
  if (!is.null(n.sample) && n.sample=="mode") {
    sim.randeff <- mlx.getEstimatedRandomEffects()$conditionalMode
    if (is.null(sim.randeff))
      stop("the conditional modes (EBE's) have not been estimated...", call.=FALSE)
    n.sample <- 1
  } else if (!is.null(n.sample) && n.sample=="mean") {
    sim.randeff <- mlx.getEstimatedRandomEffects()$conditionalMean
    if (is.null(sim.randeff))
      stop("the conditional means have not been estimated...", call.=FALSE)
    n.sample <- 1
  } else {
    sim.randeff <- mlx.getSimulatedRandomEffects()
  if (is.null(sim.randeff$rep)) 
    sim.randeff$rep <- 1
  nrep <- max(sim.randeff$rep)
  if (is.null(n.sample))  n.sample <- nrep
  if (n.sample<1)
    stop("the number of replicates n.sample should be greater than or equal to 1", call. = FALSE)
  if (n.sample>nrep)
    stop(paste0("the number of replicates should be less than or equal to  ", nrep), call. = FALSE)
  sim.randeff <- subset(sim.randeff, rep<=n.sample)
  nrep <- n.sample
  var.param <- names(which(mlx.getIndividualParameterModel()$variability$id))
  var.randeff <- paste0("eta_",var.param)
  col.el <- which((names(sim.randeff) %in% var.randeff))
  nel <- length(col.el)
  list.cor <- mlx.getIndividualParameterModel()$correlationBlocks$id
  se <- mlx.getEstimatedStandardErrors()
  p <- mlx.getEstimatedPopulationParameters()
  if (!is.null(se$linearization)) {
    se.lin <- se$linearization$se
    names(se.lin) <- se$linearization$parameter
    z <- as.numeric(p)/as.numeric(se.lin[names(p)])
    names(z) <- names(p)
    pv <- pnorm(-abs(z))*2
    pv.wald_lin <- pv[grep("corr_", names(pv))]
  if (!is.null(se$stochasticApproximation)) {
    se.SA <- se$stochasticApproximation$se
    names(se.SA) <- se$stochasticApproximation$parameter
    z <- as.numeric(p)/as.numeric(se.SA[names(p)])
    names(z) <- names(p)
    pv <- pnorm(-abs(z))*2
    pv.wald_SA <- pv[grep("corr_", names(pv))]
  if (nel>1) {
    nref <- names(sim.randeff)
    res.cor <- NULL
    for (i1 in (1:(nel-1))) {
      for (i2 in ((i1+1):nel)) {
        refi1 <- matrix(sim.randeff[,col.el[i1]],ncol=nrep)
        refi2 <- matrix(sim.randeff[,col.el[i2]],ncol=nrep)
        nref1 <- nref[col.el[i1]]
        nref2 <- nref[col.el[i2]]
        in.model <- F
        if (length(list.cor)>0) {
          for (k.cor in 1:length(list.cor)) {
            if (gsub("eta_","",nref1) %in% list.cor[[k.cor]] & gsub("eta_","",nref2) %in% list.cor[[k.cor]])
              in.model <- T
        ri <- rowSums(refi1*refi2)
        ci <- cor(matrix(refi1,ncol=1),matrix(refi2,ncol=1))
        pv <- signif(t.test(ri)$p.value, 4)
        # pjc <- signif(anova(lm0, lmc)$`Pr(>F)`[2],4)
        # plrt <- signif(1-pchisq(2*c(logLik(lmc)-logLik(lm0)),1),4)
        # dnc <- data.frame(random.effect=ne,covariate=nc,p.value=pjc,p.ttest=pjc,p.lrt=plrt,in.model=g[[nj]][[nc]])
        resi <- data.frame(randomEffect.1=nref1, randomEffect.2=nref2, correlation=ci, p.cortest=pv)
        if (!is.null(se$linearization)) {
          if (in.model) {
            ii <- which(sapply(names(pv.wald_lin), function(x) { grepl(gsub("eta_","",nref1),x) & grepl(gsub("eta_","",nref2),x)}))
            resi$p.wald_lin <- pv.wald_lin[ii] 
          } else {
            resi$p.wald_lin <- NaN
        if (!is.null(se$stochasticApproximation)) {
          if (in.model) {
            ii <- which(sapply(names(pv.wald_SA), function(x) { grepl(gsub("eta_","",nref1),x) & grepl(gsub("eta_","",nref2),x)}))
            resi$p.wald_SA <- pv.wald_SA[ii] 
          } else {
            resi$p.wald_SA <- NaN
        resi$in.model <- in.model
        if (is.null(res.cor))
          res.cor <- resi
          res.cor <- rbind(res.cor, resi)
      foo <- res.cor[order(res.cor$p.cortest),]
      res.cor <- foo[order(foo$in.model, decreasing=TRUE),]
    if (plot) {
      pop.param <- mlx.getEstimatedPopulationParameters()
      names.pop.param <- gsub(" ","",names(pop.param))
      ind.param.omega <- grep("omega_",names.pop.param)
      iop.omega2 <- FALSE
      if (length(ind.param.omega)==0) {
        ind.param.omega <- grep("omega2_",names.pop.param)
        iop.omega2 <- TRUE
      for (i in col.el) {
        ni <- names(sim.randeff)[i]
        ni0 <- grep(gsub("eta_","",ni),names.pop.param[ind.param.omega])
        if (iop.omega2)
          oi <- sqrt(pop.param[ind.param.omega[ni0]])
          oi <- pop.param[ind.param.omega[ni0]]
        sim.randeff[,i] <- sim.randeff[,i]/oi
      nel <- length(col.el)
      pl <- list()
      j <- 0
      for (i1 in (1:(nel-1))) {
        for (i2 in ((i1+1):nel)) {
          j <- j+1
          ni <- names(sim.randeff)[c(col.el[i1],col.el[i2])]
          mi <- as.matrix(sim.randeff[ni])
          vi <- eigen(t(mi)%*%mi)$vectors
          slopei <- vi[2]/vi[1]
          yb2 <- mean(sim.randeff[[ni[2]]])
          yb1 <- mean(sim.randeff[[ni[1]]])
          ini <- yb2 - slopei*yb1
          ci <- cov(mi)
          a1 <- ci[2]/ci[1]
          b1 <- yb2 - a1*yb1
          a2 <- ci[4]/ci[2]
          b2 <- yb2 - a2*yb1
          pl[[j]] <- ggplot(sim.randeff, aes_string(ni[1],ni[2])) + geom_point(color="blue") +
            #           geom_abline(intercept=ini, slope=slopei, color="green") + 
            geom_abline(intercept=b1, slope=a1, color="red") + 
            geom_abline(intercept=b2, slope=a2, color="cyan") + 
            ylab(ni[2]) + xlab(ni[1])
      return(list(p.value=res.cor, plot=pl))
    } else 

covariateTest <- function(project=NULL, n.sample=NULL, plot=FALSE) {
  id <- p.value <- statistics <- method <- in.model <- p.ori <- NULL
  if (!is.null(project)) 
  cov.info <- mlx.getCovariateInformation()
  if (is.null(cov.info)) return(list())
  cov.names <- cov.info$name
  cov.types <- cov.info$type
  j.cat <- grep("categorical",cov.types)
  j.cont <- grep("continuous",cov.types)
  cont.cov <- cov.names[j.cont]
  cat.cov <- cov.names[j.cat]
  covariates <- cov.info$covariate
  covariates[cat.cov] <-  lapply(covariates[cat.cov],as.factor)
  #covariates["id"] <- NULL
  covariates <- covariates[order(covariates$id),]
  cov.names <- names(g[[1]])
  covariates <- covariates %>% select(id,cov.names)
  # sim.randeff <- mlx.getSimulatedRandomEffects()
  # if (is.null(sim.randeff$rep)) 
  #   sim.randeff$rep <- 1
  # nrep <- max(sim.randeff$rep)
  name.param <- names(mlx.getIndividualParameterModel()$variability$id)
  var.param <- name.param
  iiv <- mlx.getIndividualParameterModel()$variability$id
  #var.param <- names(which(mlx.getIndividualParameterModel()$variability$id))
  ind.dist <- mlx.getIndividualParameterModel()$distribution[var.param]
  var.randeff <- paste0("eta_",var.param)
  n.param <- length(var.param)
  # m.indparam <- mlx.getEstimatedIndividualParameters()$conditionalMean[var.param]
  # m.randeff <- mlx.getEstimatedRandomEffects()$conditionalMean[var.randeff]
  if (!is.null(n.sample) && n.sample=="mode") {
    m.indparam <- mlx.getEstimatedIndividualParameters()$conditionalMode[c("id",var.param)]
    m.randeff <- mlx.getEstimatedRandomEffects()$conditionalMode[c("id",var.randeff)]
    if (is.null(m.indparam))
      stop("the conditional modes (EBE's) have not been estimated...", call.=FALSE)
    n.sample <- 1
  } else if (!is.null(n.sample) && n.sample=="mean") {
    m.indparam <- mlx.getEstimatedIndividualParameters()$conditionalMean[c("id",var.param)]
    m.randeff <- mlx.getEstimatedRandomEffects()$conditionalMean[c("id",var.randeff)]
    if (is.null(m.indparam))
      stop("the conditional means have not been estimated...", call.=FALSE)
    n.sample <- 1
  } else {
    m.indparam <- mlx.getSimulatedIndividualParameters()
    m.randeff <- mlx.getSimulatedRandomEffects()
  if (is.null(m.indparam$rep)) {
    m.indparam$rep <- 1
    m.randeff$rep <- 1
  nrep <- max(m.indparam$rep)
  if (is.null(n.sample))  n.sample <- nrep
  if (n.sample<1)
    stop("the number of replicates n.sample should be greater than or equal to 1", call. = FALSE)
  if (n.sample>nrep)
    stop(paste0("the number of replicates should be less than or equal to  ", nrep), call. = FALSE)
  m.indparam <- subset(m.indparam, rep<=n.sample)[c("id",var.param)]
  m.randeff <- subset(m.randeff, rep<=n.sample)[c("id",var.randeff)]
  lnj <- NULL
  for (nj in var.param) {
    dj <- tolower(ind.dist[nj])
    yj <- m.indparam[[nj]]
    n.yj <- nj
    if (dj == "lognormal") {
      yj <- log(yj)
      n.yj <- paste0("log.",nj)
    } else if (dj == "logitnormal") {
      yj <- log(yj/(1-yj))
      n.yj <- paste0("logit.",nj)
    } else if (dj == "probitnormal") {
      yj <- qnorm(yj)
      n.yj <- paste0("probit.",nj)
    m.indparam[[nj]] <- yj
    lnj <- c(lnj, n.yj)
  m.indparam <- aggregate(m.indparam[var.param],list(m.indparam$id),mean)
  m.indparam <- m.indparam[order(m.indparam[,1]),]
  d1 <- NULL  
  j <- 0
  for (nj in var.param) {
    j <- j+1
    yj <- m.indparam[[nj]]
    lm0 <- lm(yj ~1)
    for (nc in cov.names) {
      if (iiv[[nj]]) {
        lmc <- lm(yj ~ covariates[[nc]])
        pjc <- signif(anova(lm0, lmc)$`Pr(>F)`[2],4)
        plrt <- signif(1-pchisq(2*c(logLik(lmc)-logLik(lm0)),1),4)
      } else {
        pjc <- plrt <- NA
      dnc <- data.frame(p.ori=var.param[j],parameter=lnj[j],covariate=nc,p.ttest=pjc,p.lrt=plrt,in.model=g[[nj]][[nc]])
      d1 <- rbind(d1,dnc)
  foo <- d1[order(d1$parameter, d1$p.ttest),]
  d1 <- foo[order(foo$in.model, decreasing=TRUE),]
  d1 <- tryCatch({
    i.in <- which(d1$in.model)
    if (length(i.in)>0 & !is.null(mlx.getTests()$wald)) {
      wald <- mlx.getTests()$wald %>% mutate(p.value=as.numeric(gsub("<", "", p.value)))
      w1 <-wald %>% select(-statistics) %>% spread(key=method, value=p.value)
      if (!is.null(w1$fisher_linearization))
        d1$p.wald_lin <- NA
      if (!is.null(w1$fisher_stochasticApproximation))
        d1$p.wald_SA <- NA
      for (i in i.in) {
        di <- d1[i,]
        ij <- which(paste0("beta_",di$p.ori,"_",di$covariate) == w1$parameter)
        if (length(ij)==0)
          ij <- grep(paste0("beta_",di$p.ori,"_",di$covariate),w1$parameter)[1]
        if (!is.null(w1$fisher_linearization))
          d1$p.wald_lin[i] <- w1$fisher_linearization[ij] 
        if (!is.null(w1$fisher_stochasticApproximation))
          d1$p.wald_SA[i] <- w1$fisher_stochasticApproximation[ij] 
      d1 <- cbind(d1 %>% select(-in.model), in.model=d1$in.model)
  } , 
  error=function(e) {
#    print('Error in Wald')
    return(d1) }
  d1 <- d1 %>% select(-p.ori)
  m.randeff <- aggregate(m.randeff[var.randeff],list(m.randeff$id),mean)
  m.randeff <- m.randeff[order(m.randeff[,1]),]
  d2 <- NULL
  for (ne in var.randeff) {
    nj <- gsub("eta_","",ne)
    yj <- m.randeff[[ne]]
    lm0 <- lm(yj ~1)
    for (nc in cov.names) {
      if (iiv[[nj]]) {
        lmc <- lm(yj ~ covariates[[nc]])
        pjc <- signif(anova(lm0, lmc)$`Pr(>F)`[2],4)
        plrt <- signif(1-pchisq(2*c(logLik(lmc)-logLik(lm0)),1),4)
      } else {
        pjc <- plrt <- NA
      dnc <- data.frame(random.effect=ne,covariate=nc,p.ttest=pjc,p.lrt=plrt,in.model=g[[nj]][[nc]])
      d2 <- rbind(d2,dnc)
  d2 <- d2[order(d2$in.model, decreasing=TRUE),]
  if (plot) {
    sim.param <- mlx.getSimulatedIndividualParameters()
    sim.param$rep <- NULL
    tr.param <- NULL
    for (nj in var.param) {
      dj <- tolower(ind.dist[nj])
      yj <- sim.param[[nj]]
      n.yj <- nj
      if (dj == "lognormal") {
        yj <- log(yj)
        n.yj <- paste0("log.",nj)
      } else if (dj == "logitnormal") {
        yj <- log(yj/(1-yj))
        n.yj <- paste0("logit.",nj)
      } else if (dj == "probitnormal") {
        yj <- qnorm(yj)
        n.yj <- paste0("probit.",nj)
      sim.param[[nj]] <- yj
      names(sim.param)[names(sim.param)==nj] <- n.yj
      tr.param <- c(tr.param, n.yj)
    pl <- list()
    j <- 0
    for (nj in tr.param) {
      yj <- m.indparam[[nj]]
      for (nc in cov.names) {
        j <- j+1
        if (nc %in% cont.cov) {
          pl[[j]] <- ggplot(r, aes_string(nc,nj)) + geom_point(color="blue") +
            geom_smooth(method="lm", color="red", se=FALSE) + xlab(nc) + ylab(nj)
        } else {
          pl[[j]] <- ggplot(r, aes_string(nc,nj)) + geom_boxplot() 
    return(list(p.value.parameters=d1, p.value.randomEffects=d2, plot=pl))
  } else 
    return(list(p.value.parameters=d1, p.value.randomEffects=d2))

mgg.u <- function(x, en=NULL) {
  if (is.null(en))
    en <- length(x)
  dmx <- mean(x)-median(x)
  T <- sqrt(en)/0.9468922*dmx/mean(abs(x-median(x)))
  pT <- pnorm(T)
  return(2*min(pT, 1-pT))

sw.u <- function(x, en=NULL) {
  n <- length(x)
  if (is.null(en))
    en <- n
  if (n <4)
    stop("n should be greater than 3")
  mt <- qnorm(((1:n)- 3/8)/(n+0.25))
  c  <- 1/sqrt(sum(mt^2))*mt
  xn <- 1/sqrt(n)
  at <- vector(length=n)
  at[n] <- c[n] + 0.221157*xn - 0.147981*xn^2 - 2.071190*xn^3 + 4.434685*xn^4 - 2.706056*xn^5
  at[n-1] <- c[n-1] + 0.042981*xn - 0.293762*xn^2 - 1.752461*xn^3 + 5.682633*xn^4 - 3.582663*xn^5
  if (n<=5) {
    phi <- (sum(mt^2) - 2*(mt[n]^2))/(1 - 2*(at[n]^2))
    at[2:(n-1)] <- mt[2:(n-1)]/sqrt(phi)
    at[1] <- -at[n]
  } else {
    phi <- (sum(mt^2) - 2*(mt[n]^2) - 2*(mt[n-1]^2))/(1 - 2*(at[n]^2) - 2*(at[n-1]^2))
    at[3:(n-2)] <- mt[3:(n-2)]/sqrt(phi)
    at[1:2] <- -at[c(n, n-1)]
  xs <- sort(x)
  W <- sum(at*xs)^2/sum((x-mean(x))^2)
  if (en <= 11) {
    mu <-  0.5440 - 0.39978*en + 0.025054*en^2 - 0.0006714*en^3
    sigma <- exp( 1.3822 - 0.77857*en + 0.062767*en^2 - 0.0020322*en^3 ) 
    gamma <- -2.273 + 0.459*en
    w <- -log(gamma - log(1-W))
  } else {
    ln <- log(en)
    mu <- - 1.5861 - 0.31082*ln - 0.083751*(ln^2) + 0.0038915*(ln^3)
    sigma <- exp( -0.4803 - 0.082676*ln + 0.0030302*(ln^2)) 
    w <- log(1-W)

mgg.test <- function (x,  method="edf") {
  my.test(x=x, method=method, FUN=mgg.u)

sw.test <- function (x,  method="edf") {
  my.test(x=x, method=method, FUN=sw.u)

my.test <- function (x,  method="edf", FUN=NULL) {
  if (is.vector(x)) 
    x <- matrix(x,ncol=1)
  x <- (x -mean(x))/sd(x)
  K <- ncol(x)
  if (K==1)
  if (method=="ortho") {
    rho <- mean((rowSums(x)^2-rowSums(x^2)))/(K*(K-1))
    Q <- matrix(rho,K,K)  + diag(rep(1-rho, K))
    z <- x%*%solve(chol(Q))
  if (method=="cov") {
    z <- x%*%solve(chol(cov(x)))
  if (method=="BH") {
    p <- NULL
    for (k in (1:K)) 
      p <- c(p, FUN(x[,k]))
    p <- p.adjust(sort(p), method="BH")[1]
  if (method=="edf") {
    en <- nrow(x)*adjust.df(x)
    return(FUN(x, en))

# ----------------------------------------
adjust.df <- function(e) {
  e1.df <- function(x,y,K) {
    n <- length(y)
    M <- K/x
    ofv <- n*log(M) - sum(dchisq(x=y/M, df=x, log=TRUE))
  K <- ncol(e)
  if (K==1) {
    nu <- 1
  } else {
    s <- rowSums(e^2)
    s <- s[s>0]
    nu <- optimize(e1.df, c(1,K), y=s, K=K)$minimum

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