# R package for Singular Spectrum Analysis
# Copyright (c) 2014 Alex Shlemov <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it
# and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
# either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
# useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
# PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
# License along with this program; if not, write to the
# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge,
# MA 02139, USA.
Cond <- function(A) {
# Condition number for basis
d <- svd(A)$d
d[1] / d[length(d)]
# TODO move this functionality to `clone.ssa()`
.remove.ossa.pssa <- function(class) {
class <- class[(class != "ossa") & !grepl("^pssa", class)]
} <- function(x, F, ...) {
# Get conversion
conversion <- .inner.fmt.conversion(x)
s <- clone(x, copy.cache = FALSE, = FALSE)
.set(s, "F", conversion(F))
class(s) <- .remove.ossa.pssa(class(s))
high.rank.rate <- function(F, rank, ssaobj = ssa(F), ...) {
s <-, F)
# Decompose for computation leading singular values
.maybe.continue(s, groups = seq_len(rank), ...)
1 - sum(.sigma(s)[seq_len(rank)]^2) / wnorm(s)^2
pseudo.inverse <- function(A) {
# Moore-Penrose pseudo-inverse
qrA <- qr(A)
solve(qr.R(qrA), t(qr.Q(qrA)))
orthogonalize <- function(Y, Z, sigma, side = c("bi", "left", "right"), normalize = TRUE) {
side <- match.arg(side)
if (missing(sigma)) {
sigma <- rep(1, ncol(Y))
rank <- length(sigma)
# Check parameters' dims
stopifnot(ncol(Y) == rank, ncol(Z) == rank)
if (identical(side, "bi")) {
# Low-rank SVD
qrY <- qr(Y)
qrZ <- qr(Z)
dec <- svd(qr.R(qrY) %*% (sigma * t(qr.R(qrZ))))
list(d = dec$d, u = qr.Q(qrY) %*% dec$u, v = qr.Q(qrZ) %*% dec$v)
} else if (identical(side, "left")) {
qrY <- qr(Y)
u <- qr.Q(qrY)
v <- Z %*% (sigma * t(qr.R(qrY)))
if (normalize) {
d <- sqrt(colSums(v^2))
v <- v / matrix(d, nrow = nrow(v), ncol = rank, byrow = TRUE)
} else {
d <- rep(1, rank)
list(d = d, u = u, v = v)
} else if (identical(side, "right")) {
dec <- Recall(Y = Z, Z = Y, sigma = sigma, side = "left", normalize = normalize)
list(d = dec$d, u = dec$v, v = dec$u)
# TODO Make emat really polymorphic class. Such wrappings are very ugly
.traj.matrix <- function(x, ...)
.traj.matrix.1d.ssa <- .traj.matrix.toeplitz.ssa <- function(x, ...)
.get.or.create.hmat(x, ...)
.traj.matrix.nd.ssa <- function(x, ...)
.get.or.create.hbhmat(x, ...)
.traj.matrix.mssa <- function(x, ...)
.get.or.create.mhmat(x, ...)
.traj.matrix.cssa <- function(x, ...)
.get.or.create.chmat(x, ...)
.traj.matrix.ssa <- function(x, ...)
stop("`.traj.matrix' is not implemented for this kind of SSA")
.frob.dist.series.lowrank <- function(F, sigma, Y, Z, ssaobj) {
# This is efficient implementation of |T(F) - Y diag(sigma) Z^T|^2_F
s <-, F)
TF <- .traj.matrix(s)
sZ <- Z * rep(sigma, each = nrow(Z))
res <- sum((sZ %*% crossprod(Y)) * sZ) + wnorm(s)^2 - 2*sum(crossprod(TF, Y) * sZ)
# Fix possible numeric error, force dist be nonnegative
if (res < 0)
res <- 0
.owcor <- function(Fs, LM, RM, ssaobj) {
mx <- lapply(Fs,
function(F) {
s <-, F)
TF <- .traj.matrix(s)
as.vector(LM %*% tcrossprod(TF, RM))
mx <-, mx)
# Compute covariations
cov <- crossprod(mx)
# Convert to correlations
cor <- cov2cor(cov)
# Fix possible numeric error
cor[cor > 1] <- 1; cor[cor < -1] <- -1
# Add class
class(cor) <- "wcor.matrix"
# Return
print.iossa.result <- function(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), ...) {
max.abs.nodiag <- function(mx) {
diag(mx) <- 0
cat("\nIterative O-SSA result:\n")
cat("\tConverged: ", ifelse(x$converged, "yes", "no"), "\n", sep = "")
cat("\tIterations: ", x$iter, "\n", sep = "")
cat("\tInitial mean(tau): ", format(mean(x$initial.tau), digits = digits), "\n", sep = "")
cat("\tInitial tau: ", paste0(format(x$initial.tau, digits = digits), collapse = ", "), "\n", sep = "")
cat("\tI. O-SSA mean(tau): ", format(mean(x$tau), digits = digits), "\n", sep = "")
cat("\tI. O-SSA tau: ", paste0(format(x$tau, digits = digits), collapse = ", "), "\n", sep = "")
cat("\tInitial max wcor: ", format(max.abs.nodiag(x$initial.wcor), digits = digits), "\n", sep = "")
cat("\tI. O-SSA max wcor: ", format(max.abs.nodiag(x$wcor), digits = digits), "\n", sep = "")
cat("\tI. O-SSA max owcor: ", format(max.abs.nodiag(x$owcor), digits = digits), "\n", sep = "")
summary.iossa.result <- function(object, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), ...)
print.iossa.result(x = object, digits = digits, ...)
print.ossa <- function(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), ...) {
iossa.result <- .get(x, "iossa.result", allow.null = TRUE)
if (!is.null(iossa.result))
print(iossa.result, digits = digits)
summary.ossa <- function(object, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), ...)
print(x = object, digits = digits, ...)
.save.oblique.decomposition <- function(x, nosigma, Y, Z, idx) {
sigma <- .sigma(x)
U <- .U(x)
V <- if (nv(x) < max(idx)) calc.v(x, seq_len(max(idx))) else .V(x)
ynorms <- sqrt(colSums(Y^2))
znorms <- sqrt(colSums(Z^2))
nosigma <- nosigma * ynorms * znorms
Y <- Y / rep(ynorms, each = nrow(Y))
Z <- Z / rep(znorms, each = nrow(Z))
for (i in seq_along(idx)) {
sigma[idx[i]] <- nosigma[i]
U[, idx[i]] <- Y[, i]
V[, idx[i]] <- Z[, i]
.set.decomposition(x, sigma = sigma, U = U, V = V)
.make.ossa.result <- function(x, Fs, ranks, idx, initial.Fs) {
IBL <- pseudo.inverse(.U(x)[, idx, drop = FALSE])
IBR <- pseudo.inverse(calc.v(x, idx))
tau <- sapply(seq_along(Fs),
function(i) {
high.rank.rate(Fs[[i]], ranks[i], ssaobj = x)
initial.tau <- sapply(seq_along(initial.Fs),
function(i) {
high.rank.rate(initial.Fs[[i]], ranks[i], ssaobj = x)
names(Fs) <- paste("F", seq_along(Fs), sep = "")
out <- list(cond = c(Cond(IBL), Cond(IBR)),
owcor = .owcor(Fs, IBL, IBR, ssaobj = x), #MB just call owcor(x) here?
wcor = wcor(x, Fs = Fs),
initial.wcor = wcor(x, Fs = initial.Fs),
tau = tau,
initial.tau = initial.tau,
initial.rec = initial.Fs)
class(out) <- "iossa.result"
svd2LRsvd <- function(d, u, v, basis.L, basis.R, need.project = TRUE, fast = TRUE) {
rank <- length(d)
# Check parameters' dims
stopifnot(ncol(u) == rank, ncol(v) == rank)
ub.L <- if (is.null(basis.L)) {
basis.L <- u
diag(nrow = rank, ncol = rank)
} else {
crossprod(u, basis.L)
vb.R <- if (is.null(basis.R)) {
basis.R <- v
diag(nrow = rank, ncol = rank)
} else {
crossprod(v, basis.R)
if (fast) {
dec <- svd(t(ub.L) %*% (vb.R / d))
dec$d <- 1 / dec$d
# Reverse order
dec$d <- rev(dec$d)
dec$u <- dec$u[, rank:1, drop = FALSE]
dec$v <- dec$v[, rank:1, drop = FALSE]
} else {
dec <- svd(solve(ub.L) %*% (d * t(solve(vb.R))))
if (need.project) {
basis.L <- u %*% ub.L
basis.R <- v %*% vb.R
list(sigma = dec$d, Y = basis.L %*% dec$u, Z = basis.R %*% dec$v)
.get.orth.triples <- function(x, idx, eps = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps),
do.orthogonalize = TRUE) {
# Determine the upper bound of desired eigentriples
desired <- max(idx)
# Continue decomposition, if necessary
if (desired > min(nsigma(x), nu(x)))
decompose(x, neig = desired)
sigma <- .sigma(x)[idx]
U <- .U(x)[, idx, drop = FALSE]
V <- if (nv(x) < desired) calc.v(x, idx) else .V(x)[, idx, drop = FALSE]
if (do.orthogonalize) {
dec <- orthogonalize(U, V, sigma, side = "bi")
sigma <- dec$d; U <- dec$u; V <- dec$v
if (min(sigma) < eps)
warning("Decomposition isn't minimal. Some singular values equal to zero")
list(sigma = sigma, U = U, V = V)
iossa <- function(x, ...)
iossa.ssa <- function(x, nested.groups, ..., tol = 1e-5, kappa = 2,
maxiter = 100,
norm = function(x) sqrt(mean(x^2)),
trace = FALSE,
kappa.balance = 0.5) {
if (!capable(x, "iossa"))
stop("I-OSSA is not implemented for Complex SSA yet")
# Get mask
mask <- .hweights(x) > 0
if (missing(nested.groups))
nested.groups <- as.list(1:min(nsigma(x), nu(x)))
# Continue decomposition, if necessary
.maybe.continue(x, groups = nested.groups, ...)
nested.groups <- lapply(nested.groups, unique)
if (length(unique(unlist(nested.groups))) != sum(sapply(nested.groups, length)))
stop("Intersected nested groups")
Fs <- rec <- reconstruct(x, groups = nested.groups) # Get initial approx
idx <- sort(unique(unlist(nested.groups)))
triples <- .get.orth.triples(x, idx)
osigma <- triples$sigma; U <- triples$U; V <- triples$V
# Replace (in nested.groups) ET's numbers for their ranks (order numbers) in set of signal ETs
nested.groups <- lapply(nested.groups, function(group) match(group, idx))
ranks <- sapply(nested.groups, length)
# If we use reordering, reorder components
if (!is.null(kappa)) {
cumranks <- cumsum(ranks)
for (i in seq_along(nested.groups)) {
nested.groups[[i]] <- seq(to = cumranks[i], length.out = ranks[i])
converged <- FALSE
for (iter in seq_len(maxiter)) {
lrss <- numeric(length(nested.groups))
triples.list <- list()
for (i in seq_along(nested.groups)) {
cur.ssa <-, Fs[[i]])
.maybe.continue(cur.ssa, seq_len(ranks[i]))
lrss[i] <- sum(cur.ssa$sigma[-seq_len(ranks[i])]^2)
triples.list[[i]] <- .get.orth.triples(cur.ssa, seq_len(ranks[i]))
if (trace) cat(sprintf("LRSS(%d): %s\n", iter, paste0(sqrt(lrss), collapse = " ")))
osigmas <- lapply(triples.list, function(el) el$sigma)
Us <- lapply(triples.list, function(el) el$U)
Vs <- lapply(triples.list, function(el) el$V)
if (!is.null(kappa)) {
# If we use reordering, force separability
for (i in seq_along(nested.groups[-length(nested.groups)])) {
div <- osigmas[[i]][ranks[i]] / osigmas[[i + 1]][1]
if (div < kappa) {
mul <- kappa / div
osigmas[[i + 1]] <- osigmas[[i + 1]] / mul
Us[[i + 1]] <- Us[[i + 1]] * mul^kappa.balance
Vs[[i + 1]] <- Vs[[i + 1]] * mul^(1 - kappa.balance)
basU <-, Us)
basV <-, Vs)
# Oblique SVD
dec <- svd2LRsvd(osigma, U, V, basU, basV, need.project = TRUE)
sigma <- dec$sigma; Y <- dec$Y; Z <- dec$Z
# Clone is used for hankelization
# We copy storage for saving quasi-hankel circulant, it is used for stored fft_plan
# TODO Separate circulants and plans just like in 1d-SSA
s <- clone(x, copy.cache = FALSE, = TRUE)
# Add `ossa` class for prevent redecomposition
class(s) <- c("ossa", class(s)[class(s) != "ossa"])
.set.decomposition(s, sigma = sigma, U = Y, V = Z) <- reconstruct(s, groups = nested.groups)
if (trace) {
svddist <- sapply(seq_along(nested.groups),
function(i) .frob.dist.series.lowrank(Fs[[i]],
Y[, nested.groups[[i]], drop = FALSE],
Z[, nested.groups[[i]], drop = FALSE],
nonhank <- sapply(seq_along(nested.groups),
function(i) .frob.dist.series.lowrank([[i]],
Y[, nested.groups[[i]], drop = FALSE],
Z[, nested.groups[[i]], drop = FALSE],
cat(sprintf("SVDD(%d): %s\n", iter, paste0(sqrt(svddist), collapse = " ")))
cat(sprintf("NHNK(%d): %s\n", iter, paste0(sqrt(nonhank), collapse = " ")))
deltas <- sapply(seq_along(nested.groups), function(i) .series.dist([[i]], Fs[[i]], norm, mask))
if (max(deltas) < tol) {
converged <- TRUE
Fs <-
Fs <-
x <- clone(x, copy.cache = FALSE) # TODO Maybe preserve relevant part of cache?
.save.oblique.decomposition(x, sigma, Y, Z, idx)
# Update class for x
if (!inherits(x, "ossa")) {
class(x) <- c("ossa", class(x))
# Save call info
x$call <-
out <- .make.ossa.result(x, Fs, ranks, idx, rec)
out[c("iter", "converged", "kappa", "maxiter", "tol", "call")] <-
list(iter, converged, kappa, maxiter, tol,
.set(x, "iossa.result", out)
# Return to real group numbers
nested.groups <- lapply(nested.groups, function(group) idx[group])
# Grab old iossa.groups.all value
iossa.groups.all <- .get(x, "iossa.groups.all", allow.null = TRUE)
if (is.null(iossa.groups.all)) {
iossa.groups.all <- list()
valid.groups <- as.logical(sapply(iossa.groups.all,
function(group) length(intersect(group, idx)) == 0))
.set(x, "iossa.groups", nested.groups)
.set(x, "iossa.groups.all", c(nested.groups, iossa.groups.all[valid.groups]))
# Save nested components
.set(x, "ossa.set", idx)
if (!is.null(.decomposition(x, "nPR"))) {
if (any(idx <= .decomposition(x, "nPR"))) {
.set.decomposition(x, nPR = 0, nPL = 0)
} else if (any(idx <= sum(unlist(.decomposition(x, c("nPR", "nPL")))))){
.set.decomposition(x, nPL = 0)
.wmask <- function(x) {
wmask <- .get(x, "wmask", NULL)
if (!is.null(wmask)) {
L <- x$window
if (inherits(x, "mssa")) {
L <- c(L, 1)
array(TRUE, dim = L)
.fmask <- function(x) {
fmask <- .get(x, "fmask", NULL)
if (!is.null(fmask)) {
N <- x$length
L <- x$window
if (inherits(x, "mssa")) {
n <- length(N)
N <- N[1]
K <- ifelse(x$circular, N, N - L + 1)
K <- c(K, n)
} else {
K <- ifelse(x$circular, N, N - L + 1)
array(TRUE, dim = K)
.dim <- function(x) {
if (inherits(x, "mssa")) {
} else {
.prepare.v.filter <- function(x, filter, r) {
wmask <- !
mask <- .fmask(x) #TODO: Cache it
circular <- x$circular
if (inherits(x, "mssa")) {
circular <- c(circular, FALSE)
fmask <- .factor.mask.2d(mask, wmask, circular = circular)
if (!all(wmask) || !all(fmask) || any(circular)) {
weights <- .field.weights.2d(wmask, fmask, circular = circular)
ommited <- sum(mask & (weights == 0))
if (ommited > 0) {
warning(sprintf("Some field elements were not covered by shaped window. %d elements will be ommited", ommited))
if (all(weights == 0)) {
warning("Nothing to filter: the given field shape is empty")
} else {
weights <- NULL
.multilayer <- function(a, n) {
if (is.null(dim(a))) dim(a) <- length(a)
array(a, dim = c(dim(a), n))
list(mask = .multilayer(mask, r),
wmask = .multilayer(wmask, 1),
fmask = .multilayer(fmask, r),
weights = if (!is.null(weights)) .multilayer(weights, r) else weights,
circular = c(circular, FALSE))
.filter.vectors <- function(x, vectors, filter) {
r <- ncol(vectors)
args <- .prepare.v.filter(x, filter, r)
F <- array(NA_real_, dim = dim(args$mask))
F[args$mask] <- as.numeric(vectors)
w <- array(NA_real_, dim = dim(args$wmask))
w[args$wmask] <- as.numeric(filter[!])
h <- new.hbhmat(F,
wmask = args$wmask,
fmask = args$fmask,
weights = args$weights,
circular = args$circular)
res <- as.vector(w) %*% h
matrix(res, nrow = length(res) / r, ncol = r)
fossa <- function(x, ...)
fossa.ssa <- function(x, nested.groups,
filter = c(-1, 1),
gamma = Inf,
normalize = TRUE,
...) {
ndim <- .dim(x)
effndim <- if (inherits(x, "mssa")) 1 else ndim
if (!is.list(filter)) {
if (!is.array(filter)) {
filter <- rep(list(filter), effndim)
} else {
filter <- list(filter)
if (effndim > 1) {
for (i in seq_along(filter)) {
if (!is.array(filter[[i]])) {
d <- rep(1, ndim)
d[(i - 1) %% ndim + 1] <- length(filter[[i]])
filter[[i]] <- array(filter[[i]], dim = d)
} else if (inherits(x, "mssa")) {
for (i in seq_along(filter)) {
d <- c(length(filter[[i]]), 1)
filter[[i]] <- array(filter[[i]], dim = d)
} else {
filter <- lapply(filter, as.array)
if (missing(nested.groups))
nested.groups <- as.list(1:min(nsigma(x), nu(x)))
# Continue decomposition, if necessary
.maybe.continue(x, groups = nested.groups, ...)
idx <- sort(unique(unlist(nested.groups)))
triples <- .get.orth.triples(x, idx)
osigma <- triples$sigma; U <- triples$U; V <- triples$V
Z <- V * rep(osigma, each = nrow(V))
Y <- if (normalize) V else Z
fYs <- lapply(filter, .filter.vectors, x = x, vectors = Y)
fY <-, fYs)
newV <- if (is.infinite(gamma)) fY else rbind(Y, gamma * fY)
dec <- eigen(crossprod(newV), symmetric = TRUE)
if (normalize) {
U <- (U * rep(osigma, each = nrow(U))) %*% dec$vectors
Z <- V %*% dec$vectors
sigma <- rep(1, ncol(U))
} else {
U <- U %*% dec$vectors
Z <- Z %*% dec$vectors
sigma <- rep(1, ncol(U))
x <- clone(x, copy.cache = FALSE) # TODO Maybe preserve relevant part of cache?
.save.oblique.decomposition(x, sigma, U, Z, idx)
if (!is.null(.get(x, "iossa.groups", allow.null = TRUE))) {
.set(x, "iossa.groups", .fix.iossa.groups(.get(x, "iossa.groups", allow.null = TRUE), idx))
.set(x, "iossa.groups.all", .fix.iossa.groups(.get(x, "iossa.groups.all", allow.null = TRUE), idx))
# Save nested components
.set(x, "ossa.set", idx)
if (!is.null(.decomposition(x, "nPR"))) {
if (any(idx <= .decomposition(x, "nPR"))) {
.set.decomposition(x, nPR = 0, nPL = 0)
} else if (any(idx <= sum(unlist(.decomposition(x, c("nPR", "nPL")))))){
.set.decomposition(x, nPL = 0)
if (!inherits(x, "ossa")) {
class(x) <- c("ossa", class(x))
# Save call info
x$call <-
.fix.iossa.groups <- function(iossa.groups, group) {
if (length(iossa.groups) == 0) {
touched <- sapply(iossa.groups, function(g) length(intersect(g, group)) > 0)
if (any(touched)) {
iossa.groups <- c(iossa.groups[!touched], union(group, unlist(iossa.groups[touched])))
decompose.ossa <- function(x, ...) {
# We can simply implement continuation if we store reference to initial decomposition
stop("Continuation of decomposition is impossible for ObliqueSSA")
.colspan.ossa <- function(x, idx) {
qr.Q(qr(.U(x)[, idx, drop = FALSE]))
.rowspan.ossa <- function(x, idx) {
qr.Q(qr(calc.v(x, idx)))
owcor <- function(x, groups, ..., cache = TRUE) {
# Check class
stopifnot(inherits(x, "ossa"))
# Get basis
basis <- .get(x, "ossa.set")
if (missing(groups)) {
groups <- x$iossa.groups
if (is.null(groups)) {
groups <- as.list(basis)
if (!all(unlist(groups) %in% basis))
stop(sprintf("groups in `groups' must consist of components from current OSSA set (%s)",
paste0(basis, collapse = ", ")))
# Compute reconstruction.
Fs <- reconstruct(x, groups, ..., cache = cache)
LM <- pseudo.inverse(.U(x)[, basis, drop = FALSE]) # No colspan here!!!!
RM <- pseudo.inverse(calc.v(x, basis)) # No rowspan here!!!!
# Compute oblique w-correlations and return
res <- .owcor(Fs, LM, RM, ssaobj = x)
colnames(res) <- rownames(res) <- names(Fs)
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