# R package for Singular Spectrum Analysis
# Copyright (c) 2014 Alex Shlemov <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it
# and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
# either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
# useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
# PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
# License along with this program; if not, write to the
# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge,
# MA 02139, USA.
orthopoly <- function(d, L) {
if (is.character(d)) {
d <- match.arg(d,
choices = c("none", "constant", "centering", "linear", "quadratic", "qubic"))
d <- switch(d,
none = 0, constant =, centering = 1, linear = 2, quadratic = 3, qubic = 4)
stopifnot(is.numeric(d) && length(d) == 1)
# Check dimension
if (length(L) > 1 && d > 1) {
stop("Polynomial projection is not implemented for multidimensional SSA yet")
L <- prod(L) # TODO Think about MSSA case
if (d == 0) {
# Return matrix with zero columns
matrix(NA_real_, L, 0)
} else if (d == 1) {
matrix(1 / sqrt(L), L, 1)
} else {
cbind(1 / sqrt(L), poly(seq_len(L), d - 1))
.phmat <- function(x) {
hmat <- .get.or.create.trajmat(x)
column.projector <- .get(x, "column.projector")
row.projector <- .get(x, "row.projector")
matmul <- function(v) {
v <- v - row.projector %*% crossprod(row.projector, v)
v <- hmatmul(hmat, v, transposed = FALSE)
v <- v - column.projector %*% crossprod(column.projector, v)
tmatmul <- function(v) {
v <- v - column.projector %*% crossprod(column.projector, v)
v <- hmatmul(hmat, v, transposed = TRUE)
v <- v - row.projector %*% crossprod(row.projector, v)
extmat(matmul, tmatmul, hrows(hmat), hcols(hmat))
.get.or.create.phmat <- function(x)
.get.or.create(x, "phmat", .phmat(x))
.calc.projections <- function(x, force.update = FALSE) {
if (!is.null(.decomposition(x)) && !force.update)
hmat <- .get.or.create.trajmat(x)
LU <- .get(x, "column.projector")
RV <- .get(x, "row.projector")
RU <- hmat %*% RV
LV <- crossprod(hmat, LU) - RV %*% crossprod(RU, LU)
Rsigma <- sqrt(colSums(RU^2))
RU <- RU / rep(Rsigma, each = nrow(RU))
Lsigma <- sqrt(colSums(LV^2))
LV <- LV / rep(Lsigma, each = nrow(LV))
nPR = ncol(RV), nPL = ncol(LU),
sigma = c(Rsigma, Lsigma), U = cbind(RU, LU), V = cbind(RV, LV))
nspecial.pssa <- function(x) {
sum(unlist(.decomposition(x, c("nPL", "nPR"))))
decompose.pssa <- function(x,
neig = NULL,
force.continue = FALSE) {
## Check, whether continuation of decomposition is requested
if (!force.continue && nsigma(x) > nspecial(x) &&
!capable(x, "decompose.continue"))
stop("Continuation of decomposition is not yet implemented for this method.")
if (is.null(neig))
neig <- .default.neig(x, ...)
# Compute special eigentriples if needed
nspecial <- nspecial(x)
# Extract special components
ssigma <- .sigma(x)[seq_len(nspecial)]
sU <- .U(x)[, seq_len(nspecial), drop = FALSE]
sV <- .V(x)[, seq_len(nspecial), drop = FALSE]
if (identical(x$svd.method, "svd")) {
S <- svd(as.matrix(.get.or.create.phmat(x)), nu = neig, nv = neig)
sigma = c(ssigma, S$d), U = cbind(sU, S$u), V = cbind(sV, S$v))
} else if (identical(x$svd.method, "eigen")) {
S <- eigen(tcrossprod(.get.or.create.phmat(x)), symmetric = TRUE)
## Fix small negative values
S$values[S$values < 0] <- 0
sigma = c(ssigma, sqrt(S$values[seq_len(neig)])),
U = cbind(sU, S$vectors[, seq_len(neig), drop = FALSE]),
V = sV)
} else if (identical(x$svd.method, "propack")) {
S <- propack.svd(.get.or.create.phmat(x), neig = neig, ...)
## Save results
sigma = c(ssigma, S$d), U = cbind(sU, S$u), V = cbind(sV, S$v))
} else if (identical(x$svd.method, "nutrlan")) {
S <- trlan.svd(.get.or.create.phmat(x), neig = neig, ...,
lambda = .sigma(x)[-seq_len(nspecial)], U = .U(x)[, -seq_len(nspecial), drop = FALSE])
sigma = c(ssigma, S$d), U = cbind(sU, S$u), V = cbind(sV, S$v))
} else if (identical(x$svd.method, "rspectra")) {
if (!requireNamespace("RSpectra", quietly = TRUE))
stop("RSpectra package is requireNamespaced for SVD method `rspectra'")
h <- .get.or.create.phmat(x)
A <- function(x, args) ematmul(args, x)
Atrans <- function(x, args) ematmul(args, x, transposed = TRUE)
S <- RSpectra::svds(A, k = neig, Atrans = Atrans, dim = dim(h), args = h, ...)
## RSpectra sometimes returns unsorted results
idx <- order(S$d, decreasing = TRUE)
sigma = c(ssigma, S$d[idx]), U = cbind(sU, S$u[, idx]), V = cbind(sV, S$v[, idx]))
} else if (identical(x$svd.method, "primme")) {
if (!requireNamespace("PRIMME", quietly = TRUE))
stop("PRIMME package is requireNamespaced for SVD method `primme'")
h <- .get.or.create.phmat(x)
pA <-function(x, trans) if (identical(trans, "c")) crossprod(h, x) else h %*% x
S <- PRIMME::svds(pA, NSvals = neig, m = nrow(h), n = ncol(h), isreal = TRUE, ...)
sigma = c(ssigma, S$d), U = cbind(sU, S$u), V = cbind(sV, S$v))
} else if (identical(x$svd.method, "irlba")) {
if (!requireNamespace("irlba", quietly = TRUE))
stop("irlba package is required for SVD method `irlba'")
h <- .get.or.create.phmat(x)
S <- irlba::irlba(h, nv = neig, ...)
sigma = c(ssigma, S$d), U = cbind(sU, S$u), V = cbind(sV, S$v))
} else if (identical(x$svd.method, "rsvd")) {
if (!requireNamespace("irlba", quietly = TRUE))
stop("irlba package is required for SVD method `rsvd'")
h <- .get.or.create.phmat(x)
S <- irlba::svdr(h, k = neig, ...)
sigma = c(ssigma, S$d), U = cbind(sU, S$u), V = cbind(sV, S$v))
} else
stop("unsupported SVD method")
calc.v.pssa <- function(x, idx, ...) {
nV <- nv(x)
V <- matrix(NA_real_, .traj.dim(x)[2], length(idx))
idx.old <- idx[idx <= nV] <- idx[idx > nV]
if (length(idx.old) > 0) {
V[, idx <= nV] <- .V(x)[, idx.old]
if (length( > 0) {
sigma <- .sigma(x)[]
if (any(sigma <= .Machine$double.eps)) {
sigma[sigma <= .Machine$double.eps] <- Inf
warning("some sigmas are equal to zero. The corresponding vectors will be zeroed")
U <- .U(x)[,, drop = FALSE]
h <- .get.or.create.phmat(x)
V[, idx > nV] <- crossprod(h, U) / rep(sigma, each = nrow(V))
.colspan.pssa <- function(x, idx) {
decomposition <- .decomposition(x, c("U", "nPR"))
span <- decomposition$U[, idx, drop = FALSE]
# Perform orthogonalization only if it is really needed
if (any(idx <= decomposition$nPR)) {
# TODO It can be implemented little more efficiently
span <- qr.Q(qr(span))
.rowspan.pssa <- function(x, idx) {
decomposition <- .decomposition(x, c("nPR", "nPR"))
span <- calc.v(x, idx)
# Perform orthogonalization only if it is really needed
if (any((idx > decomposition$nPR) & (idx <= decomposition$nPR + decomposition$nPL))) {
# TODO It can be implemented little more efficiently
span <- qr.Q(qr(span))
enlarge.basis <- function(B, len, ...) {
N <- nrow(B)
if (ncol(B) == 0) {
return(matrix(NA_real_, N + len, 0))
P <- Conj(.shift.matrix.1d(B, ...))
B <- rbind(B, matrix(NA, len, ncol(B)))
for (i in seq_len(len)) {
B[N + i, ] <- B[N + i - 1, ] %*% P
rforecast.pssa.1d.ssa <- function(x, groups, len = 1,
base = c("reconstructed", "original"), = TRUE,
reverse = FALSE,
drop = TRUE, drop.attributes = FALSE, cache = TRUE) {
if (!capable(x, "rforecast"))
stop("recurrent forecasting is not implemented for this SSA kind yet")
L <- x$window
K <- x$length - L + 1
base <- match.arg(base)
if (missing(groups))
groups <- as.list(seq_len(min(nsigma(x), nu(x))))
# Continue decomposition, if necessary
desired <- .maybe.continue(x, groups = groups, ...)
# Grab the reconstructed series if we're basing on them
if (identical(base, "reconstructed"))
r <- reconstruct(x, groups = groups, ..., cache = cache)
right.special.triples <- seq_len(.decomposition(x, "nPR"))
right.groups <- lapply(groups, function(group) intersect(group, right.special.triples))
nonright.groups <- lapply(groups, function(group) setdiff(group, right.special.triples))
# Calculate the LRR corresponding to groups
lf <- lrr(x, groups = nonright.groups, reverse = reverse, drop = FALSE)
stopifnot(length(lf) == length(groups))
rlf <- lapply(right.groups,
function(group) {
lrr.default(.rowspan(x, group),
reverse = reverse,
orthonormalize = FALSE)
stopifnot(length(rlf) == length(groups))
rlf.all <- lrr.default(.rowspan(x, right.special.triples),
reverse = reverse,
orthonormalize = FALSE)
sigma <- .sigma(x)
U <- .U(x)
V <- if (nv(x) >= desired) .V(x) else NULL
out <- list()
for (i in seq_along(groups)) {
group <- groups[[i]] <- if (identical(base, "reconstructed")) right.groups[[i]] else right.special.triples
right.lrr <- if (identical(base, "reconstructed")) rlf[[i]] else rlf.all
# Calculate drifts
Uet <- U[,, drop = FALSE]
Vet <- if (is.null(V)) calc.v(x, idx = else V[,, drop = FALSE]
drift <- (((if (!reverse) c(-lf[[i]], 1) else c(1, -lf[[i]])) %*% Uet) *
sigma[]) %*% t(Vet)
drift <- apply.lrr(drift, right.lrr,
reverse = reverse,
len = len, = TRUE)
# Calculate the forecasted values
out[[i]] <- apply.lrr(if (identical(base, "reconstructed")) r[[i]] else .get(x, "F"),
reverse = reverse,
len, =, drift = drift)
out[[i]] <- .apply.attributes(x, out[[i]],
fixup = TRUE,
reverse = reverse, =, drop = drop.attributes)
names(out) <- .group.names(groups)
if (length(out) == 1 && drop)
out <- out[[1]]
# Forecasted series can be pretty huge...
vforecast.pssa.1d.ssa <- function(x, groups, len = 1, = TRUE,
drop = TRUE, drop.attributes = FALSE) {
if (!capable(x, "vforecast"))
stop("vector forecasting is not implemented for this SSA kind yet")
L <- x$window
K <- x$length - L + 1
N <- K + L - 1 + len + L - 1
N.res <- K + L - 1 + len
if (missing(groups))
groups <- as.list(1:min(nsigma(x), nu(x)))
groups <- lapply(groups, unique)
# Continue decomposition, if necessary
desired <- .maybe.continue(x, groups = groups, ...)
right.special.triples <- seq_len(.decomposition(x, "nPR"))
right.groups <- lapply(groups, function(group) intersect(group, right.special.triples))
nonright.groups <- lapply(groups, function(group) setdiff(group, right.special.triples))
sigma <- .sigma(x)
U <- .U(x)
V <- if (nv(x) >= desired) .V(x) else NULL
# Grab the FFT plan
fft.plan <- fft.plan.1d(N, L = L)
out <- list()
for (i in seq_along(groups)) {
group <- groups[[i]] <- right.groups[[i]] <- nonright.groups[[i]]
Uet.right <- U[,, drop = FALSE]
Uet.nonright <- U[,, drop = FALSE]
Vet.right <- if (is.null(V)) calc.v(x, idx = else V[,, drop = FALSE]
Vet.nonright <- if (is.null(V)) calc.v(x, idx = else V[,, drop = FALSE]
Z.right <- Vet.right * rep(sigma[], each = nrow(Vet.right))
Z.nonright <- Vet.nonright * rep(sigma[], each = nrow(Vet.nonright))
Pright <- t(Conj(.shift.matrix.1d(Z.right)))
Pnonright <- Conj(.shift.matrix.1d(Uet.nonright))
PP <- qr.solve(Uet.nonright[-L,, drop = FALSE],
Uet.right[-1,, drop = FALSE] - Uet.right[-L,, drop = FALSE] %*% Pright)
Uet <- cbind(Uet.right, Uet.nonright)
Z <- rbind(cbind(Z.right, Z.nonright), matrix(NA, len + L - 1, length(group)))
P <- rbind(cbind(Pright, matrix(0, length(, length(,
cbind(PP, Pnonright))
for (j in (K + 1):(K + len + L - 1)) {
Z[j, ] <- P %*% Z[j - 1, ]
res <- rowSums(.hankelize.multi(Uet, Z, fft.plan = fft.plan))
out[[i]] <- res[(if ( (K+L):N.res else 1:N.res)]
out[[i]] <- .apply.attributes(x, out[[i]],
fixup = TRUE, =, drop = drop.attributes)
names(out) <- .group.names(groups)
if (length(out) == 1 && drop)
out <- out[[1]]
# Forecasted series can be pretty huge...
.default.neig.pssa <- function(x, ...) {
nPR <- max(0, ncol(.get(x, "column.projector")))
nPL <- max(0, ncol(.get(x, "row.projector")))
tjdim <- .traj.dim(x)
min(50, tjdim - max(nPR, nPL))
.init.fragment.pssa <- function(this)
## First, initialize the main object
## We cannot use NextMethod here due to non-standard evaluation
class.wo.pssa <- class(this)[!grepl("^pssa", class(this))]
eval(getS3method(".init.fragment", class.wo.pssa[1])(this))
## eval(.init.fragment.1d.ssa(this))
# unwind all dimentions except last
.unwind.dim.except.last <- function(x) {
d <- dim(x)
if (is.null(d) || length(d) <= 2) {
dim(x) <- c(prod(d[-length(d)]), d[length(d)])
column.projector <- .unwind.dim.except.last(column.projector)
row.projector <- .unwind.dim.except.last(row.projector)
## Next, calculate the projectors
column.projector <- if (length(column.projector) == 1) orthopoly(column.projector, L) else qr.Q(qr(column.projector))
row.projector <- if (length(row.projector) == 1) orthopoly(row.projector, K) else qr.Q(qr(row.projector))
## Check projector dimensions
## TODO Think about MSSA case
stopifnot(nrow(column.projector) == prod(L))
stopifnot(nrow(row.projector) == prod(K))
## Shape projectors if needed
if (!is.null(wmask)) {
column.projector <- column.projector[as.vector(wmask),, drop = FALSE]
column.projector <- qr.Q(qr(column.projector))
if (!is.null(fmask)) {
row.projector <- row.projector[as.vector(fmask),, drop = FALSE]
row.projector <- qr.Q(qr(row.projector))
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