
Defines functions multiCOBRA

Documented in multiCOBRA

# multiCOBRA
# Samineh Bagheri, Wolfgang Konen
# Jan-May 2015
# Cologne University of Applied Sciences

# multiCOBRA
#' Perform multiple COBRA runs
#' Perform multiple COBRA runs. Each run starts with a different seed so that a different
#' start point, a different initial design and different random restarts are choosen.
#' Side effect: An error plot showing each run and the mean and median of all runs (see  
#' \code{\link{multiRunPlot}}). The results (\code{dfAll} and others) are saved to
#' \code{<fName>.Rdata}.
#' @param fn         objective function that is to be minimized, should return a vector of the 
#'                   objective function value and the constraint values
#' @param lower      lower bound of search space
#' @param upper      upper bound of search space
#' @param nrun       [10] number of runs
#' @param feval      [200] function evaluations per run
#' @param funcName   ["GXX"] name of the problem
#' @param fName      the results (\code{dfAll} and others) are saved to \code{<fname>.Rdata}
#'                   (only if saveRdata==TRUE)
#' @param path       [NULL] optional path 
#' @param cobra      [NULL] list with COBRA settings. If NULL, initialize \code{cobra}
#'                   with a suitable call to \code{\link{cobraInit}}. 
#' @param optim      [NULL] the true optimum (or best known value) of the problem (only for diagnostics)
#' @param target     [0.05] a single run meets the target, if the final error is smaller than \code{target}
#' @param ylim       the y limits
#' @param plotPDF    [FALSE] if TRUE, plot not only to current graphics device but 
#'                   to \code{<fName>.pdf} as well
#' @param saveRdata  [FALSE] if TRUE, save results (dfAll,optim,target,fName,funcName) on \code{<fName>.Rdata}                  
#' @param startSeed  [41] after each run the seed is incremented by 1, starting with \code{startSeed}
#' @return \code{mres}, a list containing
#'      \item{\code{cobra}}{ the settings and results from \strong{last} run }
#'      \item{\code{dfAll}}{ a data frame with a result summary for \strong{all} runs (see below) }
#'      \item{\code{z}}{ a vector containing for each run the ever-best feasible objective value}
#'      \item{\code{z2}}{ a data frame containing for each run the minimum error 
#'                        (if \code{optim} is available)} \cr 
#'   The data frame \code{dfAll} contains one row per iteration with columns (among others)
#'   \describe{
#'      \item{ffc}{ fitness function calls (i.e. the iterations \code{cobra$iter}) }
#'      \item{fitVal}{ true fitness function value }
#'      \item{fitSur}{ surrogate fitness function value }
#'      \item{feas}{  is current iterate feasible on the true constraints?}
#'      \item{feval}{ number of evaluations of the internal optimizer on the surrogate functions
#'                  (\code{NA} if it is a repairInfeasible-step)  }
#'      \item{XI}{  the DRC element used in the current iteration }
#'      \item{everBestFeas}{  the ever-best feasible fitness function value}
#'      \item{run}{ the number of the current run }
#'      \item{X1,X2,...}{ the solution in (original) input space }
#'   }
#' @examples
#' ## solve G11 problem nrun times  and plot the results of all nrun runs
#' nrun=4
#' feval=25
#' ## Defining the constrained problem (G11)
#' fn <- function(x) {
#'   y<-x[1]*x[1]+((x[2]-1)^2)
#'   y<-as.numeric(y)
#'   g1 <- as.numeric(+(x[2] - x[1]^2))
#'   return(c(objective=y, g1=g1))
#' }
#' funcName="G11"
#' lower<-c(-1,-1) 
#' upper<-c(+1,+1) 
#' ## Initializing and running cobra
#' cobra <- cobraInit(xStart=c(0,0), fn=fn, fName=funcName, lower=lower, upper=upper,
#'                    feval=feval, initDesPoints=3*2, DOSAC=1, cobraSeed=1)
#' mres <- multiCOBRA(fn,lower,upper,nrun=nrun,feval=feval,optim=0.75
#'                   ,cobra=cobra,funcName=funcName
#'                   ,ylim=c(1e-12,1e-0),plotPDF=FALSE,startSeed=42)
#' ## There are two true solutions at 
#' ## solu1 = c(-sqrt(0.5),0.5) and solu2 = c(+sqrt(0.5),0.5)
#' ## where the true optimum is f(solu1) = f(solu2) = -0.75
#' ## The solution from SACOBRA is close to one of the true solutions:
#' print(getXbest(mres$cobra))
#' print(getFbest(mres$cobra))
#' print(mres$z2)
#' @seealso   \code{\link{multiRunPlot}}, \code{\link{cobraPhaseII}}
#' @author Wolfgang Konen, Samineh Bagheri, Cologne University of Applied Sciences
#' @export
multiCOBRA <- function(fn,lower,upper,nrun=10,feval=200
                      ,cobra=NULL,optim=NULL,target=0.05, saveRdata=FALSE
                      ,ylim=c(1e-05,1e+04),plotPDF=FALSE, startSeed=41)
  dimension <- d<- length(lower)
  nConstraints <- m<- length(fn(lower))-1
  if (is.null(optim)) {
  } else {
  runG <- function(cobraSeed){
    cobraRun <- cobraInit(xStart=xStart, 
                       lower=lower, # lower bound constraints
                       upper=upper, # upper bound constraints
                       #nConstraints=nConstraints,  # number of inequality constraints
                       feval=feval,       # maximum number of function evaluations
    # if cobra is not NULL, set remaining elements of cobraRun from cobra
    cobraRun <- setOpts(cobra,cobraRun)       # setOpts def'd in defaultSAC.R
    cobraRun <- startCobra(cobraRun)
  } # runG
  ptm <- proc.time();
  dfAll = NULL
  for (run in 1:nrun) {
    cobraSeed = startSeed+run 
    cobraRun <- runG(cobraSeed) 
    df = data.frame( ffc=cobraRun$df$iter
                     ,data.frame(cobraRun$A[,],row.names=NULL)  # 'row.names' needed to suppress a warning
    # browser()
    #df = tail(df,niter)
    dfAll = rbind(dfAll,df)
  cat(paste("Proc time for all runs on ",funcName,": ",sep=""),(proc.time()-ptm)[1],"\n");
  if (saveRdata) {
    if (!is.null(path)) filename <- paste(path,fName,sep="/")
    save(dfAll,optim,target,fName,funcName, file=filename)
  z=multiRunPlot(dfAll,optim, target=target
                 ,main=paste(funcName ,"Problem")
  if (plotPDF)
    z=multiRunPlot(dfAll,optim, target=target
                   ,fName=fName, plotPDF=TRUE, legendWhere="bottomleft"
                   ,main=paste(funcName ,"Problem")
  z2 = stats::aggregate(dfAll$everBestFeas,list(dfAll$run),min,na.rm=T)
  names(z2) <- c("run","error")
  mres <- list(cobra=cobraRun
} # multiCOBRA

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SACOBRA documentation built on March 26, 2020, 7:15 p.m.