#' Plot the elicited cumulative probabilities
#' Plots the elicited cumulative probabilities and, optionally,
#' a fitted CDF. Elicited are shown as filled circles, and
#' limits are shown as clear circles.
#' @param lower lower limit for the uncertain quantity
#' @param v vector of values, for each value x in Pr(X<=x) = p
#' in the set of elicited probabilities
#' @param p vector of probabilities, for each value p in Pr(X<=x) = p
#' in the set of elicited probabilities
#' @param upper upper limit for the uncertain quantity
#' @param fontsize font size to be used in the plot
#' @param fit object of class \code{elicitation}
#' @param dist the fitted distribution to be plotted. Options are
#' \code{"normal"}, \code{"t"}, \code{"skewnormal"}, \code{"gamma"}, \code{"lognormal"},
#' \code{"logt"},\code{"beta"}, \code{"mirrorgamma"},
#' \code{"mirrorlognormal"}, \code{"mirrorlogt"} \code{"hist"} (for a histogram fit)
#' @param showFittedCDF logical. Should a fitted distribution function
#' be displayed?
#' @param showQuantiles logical. Should quantiles from the fitted distribution function
#' be displayed?
#' @param ql a lower quantile to be displayed.
#' @param qu an upper quantile to be displayed.
#' @param ex if the object \code{fit} contains judgements from multiple experts,
#' which (single) expert's judgements to show.
#' @param sf number of significant figures to be displayed.
#' @param xaxisLower lower limit for the x-axis.
#' @param xaxisUpper upper limit for the x-axis.
#' @param xlab x-axis label.
#' @param ylab y-axis label.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' vQuartiles <- c(30, 35, 45)
#' pQuartiles<- c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75)
#' myfit <- fitdist(vals = vQuartiles, probs = pQuartiles, lower = 0)
#' makeCDFPlot(lower = 0, v = vQuartiles, p = pQuartiles,
#' upper = 100, fit = myfit, dist = "gamma",
#' showFittedCDF = TRUE, showQuantiles = TRUE)
#' }
#' @export
makeCDFPlot <- function(lower, v, p, upper, fontsize = 12,
fit = NULL,
dist = NULL,
showFittedCDF = FALSE,
showQuantiles = FALSE,
ql = 0.05,
qu = 0.95,
ex = 1,
sf = 3,
xaxisLower = lower,
xaxisUpper = upper,
xlab = "x",
ylab = expression(P(X<=x))){
# Hack to avoid CRAN check NOTE
x <- NULL
p1 <- ggplot(data.frame(x = c(xaxisLower, xaxisUpper)), aes(x = x)) +
annotate("point", x = v, y = p, size = 5) +
annotate("point", x = c(lower, upper), y = c(0, 1), size = 5, shape = 1)+
labs(y = ylab, x = xlab) +
scale_x_continuous(breaks = c(xaxisLower, xaxisUpper, v),
minor_breaks = NULL,
limits = c(xaxisLower, xaxisUpper)) +
scale_y_continuous(breaks = c(0, 1, p),
minor_breaks = NULL) +
theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5),
text = element_text(size = fontsize))
# Add in CDF
if(dist == "best"){
dist <- fit$best.fitting[ex, 1]
if(dist == "hist"){
dist.title <- "Histogram fit"
p1 <- p1 + annotate("segment", x = c(lower, v),
y = c(0, p),
xend = c(v, upper),
yend = c(p, 1))
xl <- qhist(ql, c(lower, v, upper), c(0, p, 1))
xu <- qhist(qu, c(lower, v, upper), c(0, p, 1))
p1 <- p1 +
addQuantileCDF(xaxisLower, xl, ql, xaxisUpper) +
addQuantileCDF(xaxisLower, xu, qu, xaxisUpper)
if(dist == "normal"){
if($ssq[ex, "normal"])){
dist.title <- "Normal distribution not fitted"
dist.title <- paste("Normal (mean = ",
signif(fit$Normal[ex,1], sf),
", sd = ",
signif(fit$Normal[ex,2], sf), ")",
p1 <- p1 + stat_function(fun = pnorm,
args = list(mean = fit$Normal[1, 1],
sd = fit$Normal[1, 2])
xl <- qnorm(ql, mean = fit$Normal[1, 1], sd = fit$Normal[1, 2])
xu <- qnorm(qu, mean = fit$Normal[1, 1], sd = fit$Normal[1, 2])
p1 <- p1 +
addQuantileCDF(xaxisLower, xl, ql, xaxisUpper) +
addQuantileCDF(xaxisLower, xu, qu, xaxisUpper)
if(dist == "t"){
if($ssq[ex, "t"])){
dist.title <- "Student-t distribution not fitted"
signif(fit$Student.t[ex,1], sf),
", ",
signif(fit$Student.t[ex,2], sf),
tcdf <- function(x){pt((x - fit$Student.t[1, 1]) /
fit$Student.t[1, 2], fit$Student.t[1, 3])}
p1 <- p1 + stat_function(fun = tcdf)
xl <- fit$Student.t[1, 1] +
fit$Student.t[1, 2] * qt(ql, fit$Student.t[1, 3])
xu <- fit$Student.t[1, 1] +
fit$Student.t[1, 2] * qt(qu, fit$Student.t[1, 3])
p1 <- p1 +
addQuantileCDF(xaxisLower, xl, ql, xaxisUpper) +
addQuantileCDF(xaxisLower, xu, qu, xaxisUpper)
if(dist == "skewnormal"){
if($ssq[ex, "skewnormal"])){
dist.title <- "Skew normal distribution not fitted"
dist.title <- paste("Skew normal\n(location = ",
signif(fit$Skewnormal[ex,1], sf),
", scale = ",
signif(fit$Skewnormal[ex,2], sf),
", slant = ",
signif(fit$Skewnormal[ex,3], sf),")",
p1 <- p1 + stat_function(fun = sn::psn,
args = list(xi = fit$Skewnormal[1, 1],
omega = fit$Skewnormal[1, 2],
alpha = fit$Skewnormal[1, 3])
xl <- sn::qsn(ql, xi = fit$Skewnormal[1, 1],
omega = fit$Skewnormal[1, 2],
alpha = fit$Skewnormal[1, 3])
xu <- sn::qsn(qu, xi = fit$Skewnormal[1, 1],
omega = fit$Skewnormal[1, 2],
alpha = fit$Skewnormal[1, 3])
p1 <- p1 +
addQuantileCDF(xaxisLower, xl, ql, xaxisUpper) +
addQuantileCDF(xaxisLower, xu, qu, xaxisUpper)
if(dist == "lognormal"){
if($ssq[ex, "lognormal"])){
dist.title <- "Log normal distribution not fitted"
dist.title = paste("Log normal(",
signif(fit$Log.normal[ex,1], sf),
", ",
signif(fit$Log.normal[ex,2], sf), ")",
lncdf <- function(x){
plnorm(x - lower,
meanlog = fit$Log.normal[1, 1],
sdlog = fit$Log.normal[1, 2])
p1 <- p1 + stat_function(fun = lncdf)
xl <- lower + qlnorm(ql, meanlog = fit$Log.normal[1, 1],
sdlog = fit$Log.normal[1, 2])
xu <- lower + qlnorm(qu, meanlog = fit$Log.normal[1, 1],
sdlog = fit$Log.normal[1, 2])
p1 <- p1 +
addQuantileCDF(xaxisLower, xl, ql, xaxisUpper) +
addQuantileCDF(xaxisLower, xu, qu, xaxisUpper)
if(dist == "mirrorlognormal"){
if($ssq[ex, "mirrorlognormal"])){
dist.title <- "Mirror log normal distribution not fitted"
dist.title = paste("Mirror log normal(",
signif(fit$mirrorlognormal[ex,1], sf),
", ",
signif(fit$mirrorlognormal[ex,2], sf), ")",
mirrorlncdf <- function(x){
1- plnorm(upper - x,
meanlog = fit$mirrorlognormal[1, 1],
sdlog = fit$mirrorlognormal[1, 2])
p1 <- p1 + stat_function(fun = mirrorlncdf)
xl <- upper - qlnorm(1 - ql, meanlog = fit$mirrorlognormal[1, 1],
sdlog = fit$mirrorlognormal[1, 2])
xu <- upper - qlnorm(1 - qu, meanlog = fit$mirrorlognormal[1, 1],
sdlog = fit$mirrorlognormal[1, 2])
p1 <- p1 +
addQuantileCDF(xaxisLower, xl, ql, xaxisUpper) +
addQuantileCDF(xaxisLower, xu, qu, xaxisUpper)
if(dist == "gamma"){
if($ssq[ex, "gamma"])){
dist.title <- "Gamma distribution not fitted"
dist.title = paste("Gamma(",
signif(fit$Gamma[ex,1], sf),
", ",
signif(fit$Gamma[ex,2], sf),
")", sep="")
gcdf <- function(x){pgamma(x - lower,
shape = fit$Gamma[1, 1],
rate = fit$Gamma[1, 2])}
p1 <- p1 + stat_function(fun = gcdf)
xl <- lower + qgamma(ql,
shape = fit$Gamma[1, 1],
rate = fit$Gamma[1, 2])
xu <- lower + qgamma(qu,
shape = fit$Gamma[1, 1],
rate = fit$Gamma[1, 2])
p1 <- p1 +
addQuantileCDF(xaxisLower, xl, ql, xaxisUpper) +
addQuantileCDF(xaxisLower, xu, qu, xaxisUpper)
if(dist == "mirrorgamma"){
if($ssq[ex, "mirrorgamma"])){
dist.title <- "Mirror gamma distribution not fitted"
dist.title = paste("Mirror gamma(",
signif(fit$mirrorgamma[ex,1], sf),
", ",
signif(fit$mirrorgamma[ex,2], sf),
")", sep="")
mirrorgcdf <- function(x){1 - pgamma(upper - x,
shape = fit$mirrorgamma[1, 1],
rate = fit$mirrorgamma[1, 2])}
p1 <- p1 + stat_function(fun = mirrorgcdf)
xl <- upper - qgamma(1 - ql,
shape = fit$mirrorgamma[1, 1],
rate = fit$mirrorgamma[1, 2])
xu <- upper - qgamma(1 - qu,
shape = fit$mirrorgamma[1, 1],
rate = fit$mirrorgamma[1, 2])
p1 <- p1 +
addQuantileCDF(xaxisLower, xl, ql, xaxisUpper) +
addQuantileCDF(xaxisLower, xu, qu, xaxisUpper)
if(dist == "logt"){
if($ssq[ex, "logt"])){
dist.title <- "Log Student-t distribution not fitted"
dist.title = paste("Log T(",
signif(fit$Log.Student.t[ex,1], sf),
", ",
signif(fit$Log.Student.t[ex,2], sf),
")", sep="")
lntcdf <- function(x){
# Need to handle case of x < lower
p <- pt((log(abs(x - lower)) - fit$Log.Student.t[1, 1]) /
fit$Log.Student.t[1, 2],
fit$Log.Student.t[1, 3])
p[x <= lower] <- 0
p1 <- p1 + stat_function(fun = lntcdf)
xl <- lower + exp(fit$Log.Student.t[1, 1] +
fit$Log.Student.t[1, 2] *
qt(ql, fit$Log.Student.t[1, 3]))
xu <- lower + exp(fit$Log.Student.t[1, 1] +
fit$Log.Student.t[1, 2] *
qt(qu, fit$Log.Student.t[1, 3]))
p1 <- p1 +
addQuantileCDF(xaxisLower, xl, ql, xaxisUpper) +
addQuantileCDF(xaxisLower, xu, qu, xaxisUpper)
if(dist == "mirrorlogt"){
if($ssq[ex, "mirrorlogt"])){
dist.title <- "Mirror log Student-t distribution not fitted"
dist.title = paste("Mirror log T(",
signif(fit$mirrorlogt[ex,1], sf),
", ",
signif(fit$mirrorlogt[ex,2], sf),
")", sep="")
mirrorlntcdf <- function(x){
# Need to handle case of x > upper
p <- 1 - pt((log(abs(upper - x)) - fit$mirrorlogt[1, 1]) /
fit$mirrorlogt[1, 2],
fit$mirrorlogt[1, 3])
p[x >= upper] <- 1
p1 <- p1 + stat_function(fun = mirrorlntcdf)
xl <- upper - exp(fit$mirrorlogt[1, 1] +
fit$mirrorlogt[1, 2] *
qt(1-ql, fit$mirrorlogt[1, 3]))
xu <- upper - exp(fit$mirrorlogt[1, 1] +
fit$mirrorlogt[1, 2] *
qt(1 - qu, fit$mirrorlogt[1, 3]))
p1 <- p1 +
addQuantileCDF(xaxisLower, xl, ql, xaxisUpper) +
addQuantileCDF(xaxisLower, xu, qu, xaxisUpper)
if(dist == "beta"){
if($ssq[ex, "beta"])){
dist.title <- "Beta distribution not fitted"
dist.title =paste("Beta(",
signif(fit$Beta[ex,1], sf),
", ", signif(fit$Beta[ex,2], sf),
")", sep="")
bcdf <- function(x){pbeta((x - lower) / (upper - lower),
shape1 = fit$Beta[1, 1],
shape2 = fit$Beta[1, 2])}
p1 <- p1 + stat_function(fun = bcdf)
xl <- lower + (upper - lower) * qbeta(ql,
shape1 = fit$Beta[1, 1],
shape2 = fit$Beta[1, 2])
xu <- lower + (upper - lower) * qbeta(qu,
shape1 = fit$Beta[1, 1],
shape2 = fit$Beta[1, 2])
p1 <- p1 +
addQuantileCDF(xaxisLower, xl, ql, xaxisUpper) +
addQuantileCDF(xaxisLower, xu, qu, xaxisUpper)
p1 <- p1 + labs(title = dist.title)
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