#' Multivariate Outlier Detection
#' Outlier detection in high dimensional time series by using projections as in Galeano, Peña and Tsay (2006).
#' @param x T by k data matrix: T data points in rows with each row being data at a given time point,
#' and k time series in columns.
#' @param r.max The maximum number of factors including stationary and non-stationary.
#' @param type The type of series, i.e., 1 if stationary or 2 if nonstationary.
#' @return A list containing:
#' \itemize{
#' \item x.clean - The time series cleaned at the end of the procedure (n x m).
#' \item P.clean - The estimate of the loading matrix if the number of factors is positive.
#' \item Ft.clean - The estimated dynamic factors if the number of factors is positive.
#' \item Nt.clean - The idiosyncratic residuals if the number of factors is positive.
#' \item times.idi.out - The times of the idiosyncratic outliers.
#' \item comps.idi.out - The components of the noise affected by the idiosyncratic outliers.
#' \item sizes.idi.out - The sizes of the idiosyncratic outliers.
#' \item stats.idi.out - The statistics of the idiosyncratic outliers.
#' \item times.fac.out - The times of the factor outliers.
#' \item comps.fac.out - The dynamic factors affected by the factor outliers.
#' \item sizes.fac.out - The sizes of the factor outliers.
#' \item stats.fac.out - The statistics of the factor outliers.
#' \item x.kurt - The time series cleaned in the kurtosis sub-step (n x m).
#' \item times.kurt - The outliers detected in the kurtosis sub-step.
#' \item pro.kurt - The projection number of the detected outliers in the kurtosis sub-step.
#' \item - The number of projections leading to outliers in the kurtosis sub-step.
#' \item x.rand - The time series cleaned in the random projections sub-step (n x m).
#' \item times.rand - The outliers detected in the random projections sub-step.
#' \item x.uni - The time series cleaned after the univariate substep (n x m).
#' \item times.uni - The vector of outliers detected with the univariate substep.
#' \item comps.uni - The components affected by the outliers detected with the univariate substep.
#' \item r.rob - The number of factors estimated (1 x 1).
#' \item P.rob - The estimate of the loading matrix (m x r.rob).
#' \item V.rob - The estimate of the orthonormal complement to P (m x (m - r.rob)).
#' \item I.cov.rob - The matrix (V'GnV)^{-1} used to compute the statistics to detect the idiosyncratic outliers.
#' \item IC.1 - The values of the information criterion of Bai and Ng.
#' }
#' @importFrom corpcor cov.shrink
#' @import forecast
#' @importFrom gsarima arrep
#' @importFrom imputeTS na_ma
#' @import methods
#' @importFrom matrixcalc is.singular.matrix
#' @importFrom Matrix rowSums
#' @importClassesFrom Matrix CsparseMatrix
#' @export
#' @references Galeano, P., Peña, D., and Tsay, R. S. (2006). Outlier detection in
#' multivariate time series by projection pursuit. \emph{Journal of the American Statistical Association}, 101(474), 654-669.
#' @examples
#' data(TaiwanAirBox032017)
#' output <- outliers.hdts(as.matrix(TaiwanAirBox032017[1:100,1:3]), r.max = 1, type =2)
outliers.hdts <- function(x, r.max, type){
Yt <- x
# Check that type is well specified
if (!type%in%c(1,2)){stop("type can be only 1 or 2")}
# Obtain sample size and dimension of the observed time series
n <- nrow(Yt)
m <- ncol(Yt)
# First step: Initial cleaning
# First sub-step: Projections of maximum kurtosis <- pro.kurt(Yt,n,m,type)
Yt.kurt <-$Yt.kurt
times.kurt <-$times.kurt
pro.kurt <-$pro.kurt <-$
# Second sub-step: Random projections <- pro.rand(Yt.kurt,,n,m,type)
Yt.rand <-$Yt.rand
times.rand <-$times.rand
# Third sub-step: Univariate search <-,n,m,type)
Yt.uni <-$Yt.uni
times.uni <-$times.uni
comps.uni <-$comps.uni
# Second step: Robust estimation
out.rob.est <- rob.est(Yt.uni,r.max,n,m,type)
r.rob <- out.rob.est$r.rob
P.rob <- out.rob.est$P.rob
V.rob <- out.rob.est$V.rob
I.cov.rob <- out.rob.est$I.cov.rob
IC.1 <- out.rob.est$IC.1
# Third, fourth and fifth steps: Outlier detection in a loop
out.loop.det <- loop.det(Yt,Yt.uni,n,m,r.rob,P.rob,V.rob,I.cov.rob,type)
Yt.clean <- out.loop.det$Yt.clean
P.clean <- out.loop.det$P.clean
Ft.clean <- out.loop.det$Ft.clean
Nt.clean <- out.loop.det$Nt.clean
times.idi.out <- out.loop.det$times.idi.out
comps.idi.out <- out.loop.det$comps.idi.out
sizes.idi.out <- out.loop.det$sizes.idi.out
stats.idi.out <- out.loop.det$stats.idi.out
times.fac.out <- out.loop.det$times.fac.out
comps.fac.out <- out.loop.det$comps.fac.out
sizes.fac.out <- out.loop.det$sizes.fac.out
stats.fac.out <- out.loop.det$stats.fac.out
# Return results
pro.kurt <- function(Yt,n,m,type){
# Print that the procedure is running
message("First step - Running the first substep: projections of maximum kurtosis")
# Initilize objects
Yt.kurt <- Yt
do.iter <- "Yes" # Does the procedure continue iterating? <- "No" # Too many projections?
many.out <- "No" # Too many outliers?
times.kurt <- vector(mode="numeric") # The outliers detected
pro.kurt <- vector(mode="numeric") # The projections in which the outliers have been detected <- 0 # Number of projections leading to outliers
# Run the first substep of step 1: projections of maximum kurtosis
while (do.iter=="Yes"){
# Project and find outliers <- + 1 # A new projections is going to be generated
c.val <- sqrt(qchisq(.95^(1/(n*,df=1)) # Critical value to use in this iteration
if (type == 1){ # Obtain the projected time series
Yt.max <- ts.max.kurt(Yt.kurt,n,m)$Yt.max
} else if (type == 2){
Yt.max <- ts.max.kurt(diff(Yt.kurt),n-1,m)$Yt.max
Yt.max <- ts(c(0,apply(Yt.max,2,cumsum)))
out.Yt.max <- ao.uts(Yt.max,n,c.val,type) # Look for outliers in the projected series
out.times <- sort(out.Yt.max$out.time)
n.out.times <- length(out.times)
message("Maximum kurtosis: ", "Direction number = ",, "Number of outliers = ", n.out.times, "\n")
# Clean the series if outliers are found
if (n.out.times==0){
do.iter <- "No"
} else {
Yt.kurt[out.times,] <- NA
for (j in 1:m){Yt.kurt[,j] <- imputeTS::na_ma(Yt.kurt[,j],k=4,weighting="exponential")}
times.kurt <- c(times.kurt,out.times)
pro.kurt <- c(pro.kurt,rep(,n.out.times))
# If the total number of outliers is large, stop the process
n.times.kurt <- length(times.kurt)
if ((n.times.kurt > floor(0.2*n)||(>(0.2*m)))){
do.iter <- "No"
many.out <- "Yes" <- "Yes"
# Consider only the number of directions with outliers
if (many.out=="No"){ <- - 1}
# Return results
ts.max.kurt <- function(Yt,n,m){
# When n <= m, consider the PCs
if (n > m){
S <- corpcor::cov.shrink(Yt,lambda=0,lambda.var=0,verbose=FALSE) # Estimate the covariance matrix <- t(solve(t(chol(S)),t(scale(Yt,scale=FALSE)))) # Standardize the time series
V.max <- MaxKur($v # Obtain the direction of maximum kurtosis
Yt.max <- ts(Yt %*% V.max) # Obtain the projected time series
} else {
q.1 <- sum(n/(2*(1:m))>1)
q.2 <- sum(floor(n/(2*(1:m)))>(1:m))
n.pcs <- min(q.1,q.2)
Zt <- prcomp(Yt)$x[,1:n.pcs] # Obtain the PCs
S <- corpcor::cov.shrink(Zt,lambda=0,lambda.var=0,verbose=FALSE) # Estimate the covariance matrix <- t(solve(t(chol(S)),t(scale(Zt,scale=FALSE)))) # Standardize the PCs
V.max <- MaxKur($v # Obtain the direction of maximum kurtosis
Yt.max <- ts(Zt %*% V.max) # Obtain the projected time series
# Return results
MaxKur <- function(x,maxit = 30) {
# Compute direction maximizing the kurtosis of the projections
# Observations passed to the routine should be standardized
# Uses Newton's method and an augmented Lagrangian merit function
# To be used as a subroutine of KurNwm
# Inputs: x, observations (by rows)
# maxit, a limit to the number of Newton iterations
# Outputs: v, max. kurtosis direction (local optimizer)
# f, max. kurtosis value
# Initialization
## Tolerances
maxitini = 1
mxitbl = 20
tol = 1.0e-4
tol1 = 1.0e-7
tol2 = 1.0e-2
tol3 = 1.0e-12
beta = 1.0e-4
rho0 = 0.1
dx = dim(x)
n = dx[1]
p = dx[2]
ep = matrix(1,p,1)
## Initial estimate of the direction
uv = matrix(apply(x*x,1,sum),n,1)
uw = 1/(tol3 + sqrt(uv))
uu = x*(uw %*% t(ep))
Su = cov(uu)
Sue = eigen(Su)
V = Sue$vectors
D = Sue$values
for (i in 1:p) {
if (i == 1) r = ValKur(x,V[,i]) else r = cbind(r,ValKur(x,V[,i]))
ik = which.max(r)
v = r[ik]
a = V[,ik[1]]
itini = 1
difa = 1
while ((itini <= maxitini)&&(difa > tol2)) {
z = x %*% a
zaux = z^2
xaux = t(x)*(ep %*% t(zaux))
H = 12*xaux %*% x
He = eigen(H)
V = He$vectors
E = He$values
iv = which.max(E)
vv = E[iv]
aa = V[,iv[1]]
difa = norm(as.matrix(a - aa),type = "F")
a = aa
itini = itini + 1
## Values at iteration 0 for the optimization algorithm
z = x %*% a
sk = sum(z^4)
lam = 2*sk
f = sk
g = t(4*t(z^3) %*% x)
zaux = z^2
xaux = t(x)*(ep %*% t(zaux))
H = 12*xaux %*% x
al = 0
it = 0
diff = 1
rho = rho0
clkr = 0
cc = 0
# Newton method starting from the initial direction
while (1) {
## Check termination conditions
gl = g - 2*c(lam)*a
A = 2*t(a)
aqr = qr(a)
Q = qr.Q(aqr, complete = T)
Z = Q[,(2:p)]
crit = norm(gl,type = "F") + abs(cc)
if ((crit <= tol)||(it >= maxit)) break
## Compute search direction
Hl = H - 2*lam[1]*diag(p)
Hr = t(Z) %*% Hl %*% Z
Hre = eigen(Hr)
V = Hre$vectors
E = Hre$values
if (length(E) > 1) {
Es1 = pmin(-abs(E),-tol)
Hs = V %*% diag(Es1) %*% t(V)
} else {
Es1 = min(-abs(E),-tol)
Hs = Es1 * V %*% t(V)
py = - cc/(A %*% t(A))
rhs = t(Z) %*% (g + H %*% t(A) %*% py)
pz = -solve(Hs,rhs)
pp = Z %*% pz + t(A) %*% py
dlam = (t(a) %*% (gl + H %*% pp))/(2*t(a) %*% a)
## Adjust penalty parameter
f0d = t(gl) %*% pp - 2*rho*cc*t(a) %*% pp - dlam*cc
crit1 = beta*norm(pp,type = "F")^2
if (f0d < crit1) {
rho1 = 2*(crit1 - f0d)/(tol3 + cc^2)
rho = max(c(2*rho1,1.5*rho,rho0))
f = sk - lam*cc - 0.5*rho*cc^2
f0d = t(gl) %*% pp - 2*rho*cc*t(a) %*% pp - dlam*cc
clkr = 0
} else if ((f0d > 1000*crit1)&&(rho > rho0)) {
rho1 = 2*(crit1 - t(gl) %*% pp + dlam*cc)/(tol3 + cc^2)
if ((clkr == 4)&&(rho > 2*rho1)) {
rho = 0.5*rho
f = sk - lam*cc - 0.5*rho*cc^2
f0d = t(gl) %*% pp - 2*rho*cc*t(a) %*% pp - dlam*cc
clkr = 0
} else clkr = clkr + 1
if (abs(f0d/(norm(g-2*rho*a*c(cc),type = "F")+abs(cc))) < tol1) break
## Line search
al = 1
itbl = 0
while (itbl < mxitbl) {
aa = a + al*pp
lama = lam + al*dlam
zz = x %*% aa
cc = t(aa) %*% aa - 1
sk = sum(zz^4)
ff = sk - lama*cc - 0.5*rho*cc^2
if (ff > f + 0.0001*al*f0d) break
al = al/2
itbl = itbl + 1
if (itbl >= mxitbl) break
## Update values for the next iteration
a = aa
lam = lama
z = zz
nmd2 = t(a) %*% a
cc = nmd2 - 1
f = sk - lam*cc - 0.5*rho*cc^2
g = t(4*t(z^3) %*% x)
zaux = z^2
xaux = t(x)*(ep %*% t(zaux))
H = 12*xaux %*% x
it = it + 1
# Values to be returned
a = matrix(c(a),p,1)
v = a/norm(a,type = "F")
xa = x %*% v
f = sum(xa^4)/n
rval = list(v = v, f = f)
ValKur <- function(x,d) {
# Evaluate the moment coefficient of order k
# for the univariate projection of multivariate data
# ValKur(x,d)
# Daniel Pena/Francisco J Prieto 11/25/15
km = 4
dimx = dim(x)
n = dimx[1]
t = x %*% d
tm = mean(t)
tt = abs(t - tm)
vr = sum(tt^2)/(n-1)
kr = sum(tt^km)/n
mcv = kr/(vr^(km/2))
## Return values
ao.uts <- function(yt,n,c.val,type){
# Convert yt object into a single vector
yt <- as.vector(yt)
# First step: Fit an initial model, obtain residuals and estimate the mad of the residuals
if (type == 1){
fit.arima.0 <- auto.arima(yt,d=0,D=0,max.p=3,max.q=3,
} else if (type == 2){
fit.arima.0 <- auto.arima(yt,d=1,D=0,max.p=3,max.q=3,
} else if (type == 3){
fit.arima.0 <- auto.arima(yt,max.d=1,D=0,max.p=3,max.q=3,
res.0 <- fit.arima.0$residuals # Residuals of the initial fit
mad.0 <- mad(res.0) # Estimate the mad of residuals
# Second step: Label suspicious outliers and estimate jointly model parameters and outlier effects
# Label suspicious outliers
out.0 <- which(abs(res.0/mad.0) > c.val) # Suspicious outliers
# Estimate model parameters and suspicious outliers jointly, if any
n.out.0 <- length(out.0) # Number of suspicious outliers
if (n.out.0 > 0){
out.xreg <- matrix(0,nrow=n,ncol=n.out.0)
for (i in 1 : n.out.0){out.xreg[out.0[i],i] <- 1}
if (type == 1){
fit.arima.r <- auto.arima(yt,d=0,D=0,max.p=3,max.q=3,
} else if (type == 2){
fit.arima.r <- auto.arima(yt,d=1,D=0,max.p=3,max.q=3,
} else if (type == 3){
fit.arima.r <- auto.arima(yt,max.d=1,D=0,max.p=3,max.q=3,
p.r <- fit.arima.r$arma[1] # Order p after robust estimation
q.r <- fit.arima.r$arma[2] # Order q after robust estimation
d.r <- fit.arima.r$arma[6] # Order d after robust estimation
# Obtain the filtered residuals of the original series with the estimated ARIMA parameters and estimate
# the mad of such residuals
fit.arima.aux <- fit.arima.r # Define auxiliarity model
n.aux <- length(coef(fit.arima.aux)) - n.out.0 # Number of estimated parameters
fit.arima.aux$coef <- coef(fit.arima.aux)[1:n.aux] # Keep only the estimated parameters
fit.arima.aux$var.coef <- as.matrix(fit.arima.aux$var.coef[1:n.aux,1:n.aux]) # Covariance matrix of estimated parameters
fit.arima.aux$mask <- fit.arima.aux$mask[1:n.aux] # I do not know exactly what is this. Just copy
fit.arima.aux$call <- arima(x=yt,order=c(p.r,d.r,q.r)) # Call
fit.arima.aux$xreg <- fit.arima.0$xreg # Skip the outlier effects
if ((p.r+q.r)==0){ # Filtered residuals with robust parameters
if (d.r==0){
res.r <- yt - mean(yt)
} else if (d.r==1){
res.r <- ts(c(0,diff(yt)-mean(diff(yt))))
} else {
res.r <- residuals(Arima(yt,model=fit.arima.aux))
mad.r <- mad(res.r) # Estimate the mad of residuals
fit.arima.r <- fit.arima.0
res.r <- res.0
mad.r <- mad.0
d.r <- fit.arima.0$arma[6]
# Third step: Search for outliers with robust estimates
# Obtain the autoregressive representation of the model parameters and the associated vector
pi.r <- gsarima::arrep(notation="arima",phi=fit.arima.r$model$phi,d=d.r,theta=fit.arima.r$model$theta,Phi=0,D=0,Theta=0,frequency=1)
n.pi.r <- length(pi.r) # Length of autoregressive representation
if (n.pi.r < (n - 1)){ # Fill with zeros
out.pi.r <- c(-1,pi.r,rep(0,n-1-n.pi.r))
out.pi.r <- c(-1,pi.r[1:(n-1)])
# Search for outliers
out.look <- "Yes" # Look for outliers
out.time <- out.size <- out.stat <- vector(mode="numeric",length=0) # Initialize vectors
out.E <- as.numeric(res.r) # Initialize residuals vector
mat.pi.r <- toeplitz(out.pi.r) # Define the Toeplitz matrix
mat.pi.r[lower.tri(mat.pi.r)] <- 0 # Put 0s in the lower diagonal
mat.pi.r <- as(mat.pi.r,"CsparseMatrix") # Define the matrix as sparse
mat.pi.r.2 <- Matrix::rowSums(mat.pi.r^2)
while (out.look=="Yes"){
out.w <- - (mat.pi.r %*% out.E / mat.pi.r.2)
out.w <- as(out.w,"matrix") <- mad.r / sqrt(mat.pi.r.2)
out.lrt <- out.w /
out.can <- which.max(abs(out.lrt)) # Candidate to be an outlier
if (abs(out.lrt[out.can]) > c.val){
out.time <- c(out.time,out.can)
out.E[out.can:n] <- out.E[out.can:n] + out.pi.r[1:(n-out.can+1)] * out.w[out.can]
out.look <- "No"
out.time <- unique(out.time)
# Fourth step: Joint estimation of parameters and outlier effects
n.out.time <- length(out.time) # Number of detected outliers
if (n.out.time > 0){
out.est <- "Yes"
while (out.est=="Yes"){
out.xreg <- matrix(0,nrow=n,ncol=n.out.time)
for (i in 1 : n.out.time){out.xreg[out.time[i],i] <- 1}
if (type == 1){
fit.arima.end <- auto.arima(yt,d=0,D=0,max.p=3,max.q=3,
} else if (type == 2){
fit.arima.end <- auto.arima(yt,d=1,D=0,max.p=3,max.q=3,
} else if (type == 3){
fit.arima.end <- auto.arima(yt,max.d=1,D=0,max.p=3,max.q=3,
n.end <- length(coef(fit.arima.end)) - n.out.time # Number of estimated parameters
out.w.est <- as.numeric(coef(fit.arima.end)[(n.end+1):(n.end+n.out.time)]) # Size estimates <- sqrt(as.numeric(diag(vcov(fit.arima.end)))[(n.end+1):(n.end+n.out.time)]) # Standard deviations
out.t <- out.w.est / # t-statistics
out.del <- which.min(abs(out.t)) # Find the minimum t-statistic in absolute value
if (abs(out.t[out.del]) > c.val){
out.est <- "No"
out.size <- out.w.est
out.stat <- out.t
} else {
out.time <- out.time[-out.del]
n.out.time <- length(out.time)
if (n.out.time==0){
out.est <- "No"
out.time <- out.size <- out.stat <- vector(mode="numeric",length=0)
} else {
out.time <- out.size <- out.stat <- vector(mode="numeric",length=0)
# Obtain the cleaned series
yt.clean <- yt
yt.clean[out.time] <- yt.clean[out.time] - out.size
# Return results
} <- function(Yt.rand,n,m,type){
# Print that the procedure is running
message("First step - Running the third substep: univariate cleaning")
# Initilize objects
Yt.uni <- Yt.rand
times.uni <- vector(mode="numeric") # The outliers detected
comps.uni <- vector(mode="numeric") # The components affected by the outliers detected
# Find outliers in each time series component
c.val <- sqrt(qchisq(.95^(1/(m*n)),df=1)) # Critical value to use
for (i in 1:m){
out.Yt.univ <- ao.uts(Yt.uni[,i],n,c.val,type) # Look for outliers in the projected series
out.times <- sort(out.Yt.univ$out.time)
n.out.times <- length(out.times)
if (n.out.times > 0){
times.uni <- c(times.uni,out.times)
comps.uni <- c(comps.uni,rep(i,n.out.times))
Yt.uni[,i] <- out.Yt.univ$yt.clean
message("Univariate cleaning: ", "Number = ", i, "Number of outliers = ", n.out.times, "\n")
# Return results
rob.est <- function(Yt.uni,r.max,n,m,type){
# Print that the procedure is running
message("Running the second step: Robust estimation")
# Compute covariance matrix of the time series and their eigenvectors
if (n > m){
S.Yt <- corpcor::cov.shrink(Yt.uni,lambda=0,lambda.var=0,verbose=FALSE)
} else {
S.Yt <- corpcor::cov.shrink(Yt.uni,verbose=FALSE)
vec.S.Yt <- eigen(S.Yt)$vectors
# If the time series is stationary, we center the data first
if (type == 1){
Yt.uni.cen <- scale(Yt.uni,center=TRUE,scale=FALSE)
} else {
Yt.uni.cen <- Yt.uni
# Compute the values of the IC1 criteria and select the number of factors
IC.1 <- numeric(length=r.max+1)
for (r in 0 : r.max){
if (r == 0){
V.r <- 1 / (n*m) * sum(Yt.uni.cen^2)
} else {
P.est <- vec.S.Yt[,1:r]
Ft.est <- Yt.uni.cen %*% P.est
Nt.est <- Yt.uni.cen - Ft.est %*% t(P.est)
V.r <- 1 / (n*m) * sum(Nt.est^2)
IC.1[r+1] <- log(V.r) + r * ((n+m)/(n*m)) * log((n*m)/(n+m))
r.rob <- which.min(IC.1) - 1
message("The number of factors is: ", r.rob, "\n")
# Obtain the robust estimates of P, V and (V'GnV)^{-1} if there are factors
# Otherwise, we do not need such estimates
if (r.rob > 0){
P.rob <- vec.S.Yt[,1:r.rob]
V.rob <- vec.S.Yt[,(r.rob+1):m]
Ft.rob <- Yt.uni.cen %*% P.rob
Nt.rob <- Yt.uni.cen - Ft.rob %*% t(P.rob)
if (n > m){
S.Nt.rob <- corpcor::cov.shrink(Nt.rob,lambda=0,lambda.var=0,verbose=FALSE)
} else {
S.Nt.rob <- corpcor::cov.shrink(Nt.rob,verbose=FALSE)
I.cov.rob <- chol2inv(chol(t(V.rob) %*% S.Nt.rob %*% V.rob))
} else {
P.rob <- V.rob <- I.cov.rob <- numeric(length=0)
# Return results
loop.det <- function(Yt,Yt.uni,n,m,r.rob,P.rob,V.rob,I.cov.rob,type){
# Print that the procedure is running
message("Running the third, fourth and fifth steps: Outlier detection in a loop")
# Initialize information for factor and idiosyncratic outliers: times, components, sizes and statistics
times.fac.out <- vector(mode="numeric",length=0)
comps.fac.out <- vector(mode="numeric",length=0)
sizes.fac.out <- vector(mode="numeric",length=0)
stats.fac.out <- vector(mode="numeric",length=0)
times.idi.out <- vector(mode="numeric",length=0)
comps.idi.out <- vector(mode="numeric",length=0)
sizes.idi.out <- vector(mode="numeric",length=0)
stats.idi.out <- vector(mode="numeric",length=0)
# Distinguish whether the number of factors is 0 or larger than 0
if (r.rob > 0){
# Initialize the time series to be cleaned and the number of iteration
Yt.out <- Yt
iter.num <- 0
iter.num.idi <- vector(mode="numeric",length=0)
iter.num.fac <- vector(mode="numeric",length=0)
iterate <- "Yes"
# Initialize the estimates of the matrices P, V and the I.cov that are re-estimated in each iteration
P.est <- P.rob
V.est <- V.rob
I.cov.est <- I.cov.rob
# Run the loop: detect idiosyncratic outliers, then factor outliers and repeat
while ((iterate == "Yes") && (iter.num <= 10)){
# A new iteration
iter.num <- iter.num + 1
# Third step: Idiosyncratic outliers
out.idi.det <- idi.det(Yt.out,n,m,V.est,I.cov.est,type)
n.times.idi.out <- length(out.idi.det$times.idi.out)
if (n.times.idi.out > 0){
times.idi.out <- c(times.idi.out,out.idi.det$times.idi.out)
comps.idi.out <- c(comps.idi.out,out.idi.det$comps.idi.out)
sizes.idi.out <- c(sizes.idi.out,out.idi.det$sizes.idi.out)
stats.idi.out <- c(stats.idi.out,out.idi.det$stats.idi.out)
Yt.out <- out.idi.det$Yt.clean
iter.num.idi <- c(iter.num.idi,rep(iter.num,n.times.idi.out))
# Fourth step: Factor outliers
out.fac.det <- fac.det(Yt.out,n,m,r.rob,P.est,type)
n.times.fac.out <- length(out.fac.det$times.fac.out)
if (n.times.fac.out > 0){
times.fac.out <- c(times.fac.out,out.fac.det$times.fac.out)
comps.fac.out <- c(comps.fac.out,out.fac.det$comps.fac.out)
sizes.fac.out <- c(sizes.fac.out,out.fac.det$sizes.fac.out)
stats.fac.out <- c(stats.fac.out,out.fac.det$stats.fac.out)
Yt.out <- out.fac.det$Yt.clean
iter.num.fac <- c(iter.num.fac,rep(iter.num,n.times.fac.out))
# Print the results of the search
message("Third and fourth steps - Iteration number: ", iter.num,"Number of idiosyncratic outliers: ", n.times.idi.out,
"Number of factor outliers: ", n.times.fac.out, "\n")
# If some outliers have been found, re-estimate P, V, and I.cov
# Otherwise, re-estimate the factors and leave the loop
if ((n.times.idi.out > 0) || (n.times.fac.out > 0)){
if (n > m){
S.Yt.out <- corpcor::cov.shrink(Yt.out,lambda=0,lambda.var=0,verbose=FALSE)
} else {
S.Yt.out <- corpcor::cov.shrink(Yt.out,verbose=FALSE)
vec.S.Yt.out <- eigen(S.Yt.out)$vectors
P.est <- vec.S.Yt.out[,1:r.rob]
V.est <- vec.S.Yt.out[,(r.rob+1):ncol(vec.S.Yt.out)]
if (type == 1){
Yt.out.cen <- scale(Yt.out,center=TRUE,scale=FALSE)
Ft.est <- Yt.out.cen %*% P.est
Nt.est <- Yt.out.cen - Ft.est %*% t(P.est)
} else {
Ft.est <- Yt.out %*% P.est
Nt.est <- Yt.out - Ft.est %*% t(P.est)
if (n > m){
S.Nt.est <- corpcor::cov.shrink(Nt.est,lambda=0,lambda.var=0,verbose=FALSE)
} else {
S.Nt.est <- corpcor::cov.shrink(Nt.est,verbose=FALSE)
I.cov.est <- chol2inv(chol(t(V.est) %*% S.Nt.est %*% V.est))
} else {
Yt.clean <- Yt.out
P.clean <- P.est
if (type == 1){
Yt.clean.cen <- scale(Yt.clean,center=TRUE,scale=FALSE)
Ft.clean <- Yt.clean.cen %*% P.clean
Nt.clean <- Yt.clean.cen - Ft.clean %*% t(P.clean)
} else {
Ft.clean <- Yt.clean %*% P.clean
Nt.clean <- Yt.clean - Ft.clean %*% t(P.clean)
iterate <- "No"
# If the number of iterations is very large, the procedure also stops
if (iter.num == 10){
Yt.clean <- Yt.out
P.clean <- P.est
if (type == 1){
Yt.clean.cen <- scale(Yt.clean,center=TRUE,scale=FALSE)
Ft.clean <- Yt.clean.cen %*% P.clean
Nt.clean <- Yt.clean.cen - Ft.clean %*% t(P.clean)
} else {
Ft.clean <- Yt.clean %*% P.clean
Nt.clean <- Yt.clean - Ft.clean %*% t(P.clean)
} else {
# Print that there are no factors and then these steps are not needed
message("There are no factors, thus the procedure ends")
Yt.clean <- Yt.uni
P.clean <- Ft.clean <- Nt.clean <- numeric(length=0)
# Return results
idi.det <- function(Yt.out,n,m,V.est,I.cov.est,type){
# If the time series is stationary, obtain the mean vector and the centered time series
if (type == 1){
Yt.out.mean <- colMeans(Yt.out)
Yt.out <- scale(Yt.out,center=TRUE,scale=FALSE)
# Obtain the transformed time series
Yt.tran <- Yt.out %*% V.est
# Initial computation of size estimates, their standard errors and the resulting statistics
w.est <- se.w.est <- matrix(NA,nrow=n,ncol=m)
for (j in 1 : m){
se.w.est[,j] <- as.numeric(V.est[j,] %*% I.cov.est %*% V.est[j,])^(-1/2)
w.est[,j] <- se.w.est[1,j]^2 * V.est[j,] %*% I.cov.est %*% t(Yt.tran)
lamb.est <- abs(w.est / se.w.est)
# Initialize the search
Yt.clean <- Yt.out
times.idi.out <- vector(mode="numeric",length=0)
comps.idi.out <- vector(mode="numeric",length=0)
sizes.idi.out <- vector(mode="numeric",length=0)
stats.idi.out <- vector(mode="numeric",length=0)
iterate <- "Yes"
while (iterate == "Yes"){
ind.max.lamb <- which(lamb.est==max(lamb.est),arr.ind=TRUE)
lamb.est.max <- lamb.est[ind.max.lamb[1],ind.max.lamb[2]]
if (lamb.est.max > sqrt(qchisq(.95^(1/(m*n)),df=1))){
times.idi.out <- c(times.idi.out,ind.max.lamb[1])
comps.idi.out <- c(comps.idi.out,ind.max.lamb[2])
sizes.idi.out <- c(sizes.idi.out,w.est[ind.max.lamb[1],ind.max.lamb[2]])
stats.idi.out <- c(stats.idi.out,lamb.est[ind.max.lamb[1],ind.max.lamb[2]])
Yt.clean[ind.max.lamb[1],ind.max.lamb[2]] <- Yt.clean[ind.max.lamb[1],ind.max.lamb[2]] - w.est[ind.max.lamb[1],ind.max.lamb[2]]
Yt.clean.tran <- Yt.clean %*% V.est
for (j in 1 : m){
w.est[ind.max.lamb[1],j] <- as.numeric(se.w.est[1,j]^2 * V.est[j,] %*% I.cov.est %*% Yt.clean.tran[ind.max.lamb[1],])
lamb.est[ind.max.lamb[1],j] <- abs(w.est[ind.max.lamb[1],j] / se.w.est[ind.max.lamb[1],j])
iterate <- "No"
# If we find outliers, then refine the size estimation for those at the same time
n.times.idi.out <- length(times.idi.out)
if (n.times.idi.out > 1){
uniq.times.idi.out <- sort(unique(times.idi.out))
n.uniq.times.idi.out <- length(uniq.times.idi.out)
if (n.times.idi.out > n.uniq.times.idi.out){ <- Yt.out <- Yt.out %*% V.est <- vector(mode="numeric",length=0) <- vector(mode="numeric",length=0) <- vector(mode="numeric",length=0) <- vector(mode="numeric",length=0)
for (j in 1 : n.uniq.times.idi.out){
out.locs.num <- which(times.idi.out==uniq.times.idi.out[j]) # Location of the affected components
n.out.locs.num <- length(out.locs.num) # Number of affected components
if (n.out.locs.num == 1){ <- c(,times.idi.out[out.locs.num]) # Add time <- c(,comps.idi.out[out.locs.num]) # Add component <- c(,sizes.idi.out[out.locs.num]) # Add size <- c(,stats.idi.out[out.locs.num]) # Add statistic[times.idi.out[out.locs.num],comps.idi.out[out.locs.num]] <-[times.idi.out[out.locs.num],comps.idi.out[out.locs.num]] - sizes.idi.out[out.locs.num] <- %*% V.est
times.idi <- unique(times.idi.out[out.locs.num])
comps.idi <- comps.idi.out[out.locs.num]
sizes.idi <- sizes.idi.out[out.locs.num]
stats.idi <- stats.idi.out[out.locs.num]
n.comps.idi <- length(comps.idi)
iterate <- "Yes"
while (iterate == "Yes"){
if (n.comps.idi == 1){ <- c(,times.idi) # Add time <- c(,comps.idi) # Add component <- c(,sizes.idi) # Add size <- c(,stats.idi) # Add statistic[times.idi,comps.idi] <-[times.idi,comps.idi] - sizes.idi <- %*% V.est
iterate <- "No"
V.I.cov.est.V <- V.est[comps.idi,] %*% I.cov.est %*% t(V.est[comps.idi,])
V.I.cov.est.V.singular <- matrixcalc::is.singular.matrix(V.I.cov.est.V)
if (V.I.cov.est.V.singular == TRUE){
cov.sizes.idi <- chol2inv(chol(V.I.cov.est.V + 1e-10 * diag(n.comps.idi)))
cov.sizes.idi <- chol2inv(chol(V.I.cov.est.V))
sizes.idi <- as.vector(cov.sizes.idi %*% V.est[comps.idi,] %*% I.cov.est %*%[times.idi,])
stats.idi <- abs(sizes.idi / diag(cov.sizes.idi)^{1/2})
min.stats.idi <- min(stats.idi)
if (min.stats.idi > sqrt(qchisq(.95^(1/(m*n)),df=1))){ <- c(,rep(times.idi,n.comps.idi)) # Add times <- c(,comps.idi) # Add components <- c(,sizes.idi) # Add sizes <- c(,stats.idi) # Add statistics[times.idi,comps.idi] <-[times.idi,comps.idi] - sizes.idi <- %*% V.est
iterate <- "No"
comps.idi <- comps.idi[-which.min(stats.idi)]
sizes.idi <- sizes.idi[-which.min(stats.idi)]
stats.idi <- stats.idi[-which.min(stats.idi)]
n.comps.idi <- length(comps.idi)
times.idi.out <-
comps.idi.out <-
sizes.idi.out <-
stats.idi.out <-
Yt.clean <-
# If the time series is stationary, add the mean vector that was substracted at the beginning
if (type == 1){Yt.clean <- Yt.clean + as.matrix(rep(1,n),nrow=3,ncol=1) %*% Yt.out.mean}
# Return results
fac.det <- function(Yt.out,n,m,r.rob,P.est,type){
# Estimate the factors
Ft.est <- Yt.out %*% P.est
# Initialize vectors of times, components, locations, sizes and statistics
times.fac.out <- vector(mode="numeric",length=0)
comps.fac.out <- vector(mode="numeric",length=0)
sizes.fac.out <- vector(mode="numeric",length=0)
stats.fac.out <- vector(mode="numeric",length=0)
# Search for factor outliers
for (j in 1 : r.rob){
# Look for outliers in each factor
ft.est <- as.ts(Ft.est[,j])
c.val <- sqrt(qchisq(.95^(1/(r.rob*n)),df=1))
if (type == 1){ <- ao.uts(ft.est,n,c.val,1)
} else { <- ao.uts(ft.est,n,c.val,3)
# Save the new outliers detected, if any
n.out.time <- length($out.time)
if (n.out.time > 0){
times.fac.out <- c(times.fac.out,$out.time)
comps.fac.out <- c(comps.fac.out,rep(j,n.out.time))
sizes.fac.out <- c(sizes.fac.out,$out.size)
stats.fac.out <- c(stats.fac.out,$out.stat)
# Remove the effect of factor outliers, if any
Yt.clean <- Yt.out
n.times.fac.out <- length(times.fac.out)
if (n.times.fac.out > 0){
for (i in 1 : n.times.fac.out){
if (r.rob == 1){Yt.clean[times.fac.out[i],] <- Yt.clean[times.fac.out[i],] - P.est * sizes.fac.out[i]}
if (r.rob > 1){Yt.clean[times.fac.out[i],] <- Yt.clean[times.fac.out[i],] - P.est[,comps.fac.out[i]] * sizes.fac.out[i]}
# Return results
ts.rand <- function(Yt,n,m){
# Compute the number of PCs and then the PCs to obtain the random directions
q.1 <- sum(n/(2*(1:m))>1)
q.2 <- sum(floor(n/(2*(1:m)))>(1:m))
n.pcs <- min(q.1,q.2)
Zt <- prcomp(Yt)$x[,1:n.pcs]
# When n <= n.pcs, use the shrinkage estimator of the covariance matrix
if (n > n.pcs){
S <- corpcor::cov.shrink(Zt,lambda=0,lambda.var=0,verbose=FALSE) # Estimate the covariance matrix
} else {
S <- corpcor::cov.shrink(Zt,verbose=FALSE)
} <- t(solve(t(chol(S)),t(scale(Zt,scale=FALSE)))) # Standardize the PCs
V.rand <- SdwDir(,1) # Obtain the random direction
Yt.rand <- ts(Zt %*% V.rand) # Obtain the projected time series
# Return results
pro.rand <- function(Yt.kurt,,n,m,type){
# Print that the procedure is running
message("First step - Running the second substep: random projections")
# Initilize objects
Yt.rand <- Yt.kurt
times.rand <- vector(mode="numeric") # The outliers detected
# Run the procedure only when the number of directions generated in the kurtosis substeps is positive
c.val <- sqrt(qchisq(.95^(1/(*n)),df=1)) # Critical value to use
if ( > 0){
for (i in 1 :{
# Project and find outliers
if (type == 1){ # Obtain the projected time series <- ts.rand(Yt.kurt,n,m)$Yt.rand
} else if (type == 2){ <- ts.rand(diff(Yt.kurt),n-1,m)$Yt.rand <- ts(c(0,apply(,2,cumsum)))
} <- ao.uts(,n,c.val,type) # Look for outliers in the projected series
out.times <- sort($out.time)
n.out.times <- length(out.times)
message("Random projections: ", "Number = ", i, "Number of outliers = ", n.out.times, "\n")
# Clean the series if outliers are found
if (n.out.times > 0){
Yt.rand[out.times,] <- NA
for (j in 1:m){Yt.rand[,j] <- imputeTS::na_ma(Yt.rand[,j],k=4,weighting="exponential")}
times.rand <- c(times.rand,out.times)
# Return results
SdwDir <- function(x,nd) {
# Directions computed in a manner similar to Stahel-Donoho subsampling
# Pairs of observations are chosen, and weights are assigned based on
# the projections, by grouping the projected observations
# Inputs: x, observations by rows
# nd, number of directions to generate
# Outputs: V, directions generated by the procedure
use_rnd = 1
# if (use_rnd == 0) {
# k_rnd = 1
# load("lstunif.RData") # Load data defined as a variable (list) lstunif
# n_rnd = 100
# }
sx = dim(x)
n = sx[1]
p = sx[2]
ep = matrix(1,p,1)
ep5 = 1.0e-07
mdi = floor((n+1)/2)
k1 = p-1+floor((n+1)/2)
k2 = p-1+floor((n+2)/2)
fct = qnorm((k1/n + 1)/2)
## Number of groups to consider in the projections for any weight set
s_grp = 2*p
n_grp = floor(n/s_grp)
# Generating the directions
ndir = 0
V = matrix(0,p,0)
while (ndir < nd) {
## Sampling to obtain initial projections and weights
# if (use_rnd == 1) {
nn1 = min(1 + floor(runif(1)*n),n)
# } else {
# nn1 = min(1 + floor(lstunif[k_rnd]*n),n)
# k_rnd = k_rnd + 1
# if (k_rnd > n_rnd) k_rnd = 1
# }
nn2 = nn1
while ((nn2 == nn1)||(norm(as.matrix(x[nn1,1:p] - x[nn2,1:p]),type = "F") < ep5)) {
# if (use_rnd == 1) {
nn2 = min(1 + floor(runif(1)*n),n)
# } else {
# nn2 = min(1 + floor(lstunif[k_rnd]*n),n)
# k_rnd = k_rnd + 1
# if (k_rnd > n_rnd) k_rnd = 1
# }
dd = as.matrix(x[nn1,1:p] - x[nn2,1:p])
dd = dd/norm(dd,type = "F")
pr = x %*% dd
prs =, index.return = T)
ww = prs$x
lbl = prs$ix
## Stahel-Donoho directions
j = 1
while ((j <= n_grp)&&(ndir < nd)) {
# if (use_rnd == 1) {
auxs =, index.return = T)
# } else {
# auxs =[k_rnd:(k_rnd+s_grp-1)], index.return = T)
# k_rnd = k_rnd + s_grp
# if (k_rnd > n_rnd) k_rnd = 1
# }
bb = auxs$ix
nn = bb[1:p]
idr = lbl[(1+(j-1)*s_grp):(j*s_grp)]
y1 = x[idr[nn],]
qry1 = qr(y1)
if (qry1$rank >= p) {
dd = solve(qry1,ep)
if (norm(dd,type = "F") > ep5) dd = dd/norm(dd,type = "F")
if (dim(V)[2] > 0) V = cbind(V,dd) else V = dd
ndir = ndir + 1
j = j + 1
## Return values
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