
Defines functions plot.somRes plotAdd plotProjGraph projectFactor plotObs plotPrototypes coords_polydist plot3d depth3d myTitle gg_color orderIndexes

Documented in plot.somRes

orderIndexes <- function(the.grid, type) {
  # Order of cluster to place them correctly on the grid
  # Used in plots
  match(paste(rep(1:the.grid$dim[1], the.grid$dim[2]),
              rep(the.grid$dim[2]:1, each = the.grid$dim[1]),
              sep = "-"),
        paste(rep(1:the.grid$dim[1], each = the.grid$dim[2]),
              rep(1:the.grid$dim[2], the.grid$dim[1]),
              sep = "-"))

# Produce default colors for non ggplot plots (dendro, dendro3d and igraph.pie)
gg_color <- function(n) {
  hues <- seq(15, 375, length = n + 1)
  return(hcl(h = hues, l = 65, c = 100)[1:n])

# Handle title for plots
myTitle <- function(args, what) {
  if (is.null(args$main)) {
    the.title <- switch(what,
                        "prototypes"="Prototypes overview",
                        "obs"="Observations overview",
                        "add"="Additional variable overview")
  } else the.title <- args$main

# depth calculation function (adapted from Duncan Murdoch at https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/2005-September/079241.html)
depth3d <- function(x, y, z, pmat, minsize = 0.2, maxsize = 2) {
  # determine depth of each point from xyz and transformation matrix pmat
  tr <- as.matrix(cbind(x, y, z, 1)) %*% pmat
  tr <- tr[,3]/tr[,4]
  # scale depth to point sizes between minsize and maxsize
  psize <- ((tr-min(tr) ) * (maxsize-minsize)) / (max(tr)-min(tr)) + minsize

plot3d <- function(x, the.grid, type, variable, args) {
  if (min(the.grid$dim) == 1) stop("Not meaningful with the dimensions")
  args$x <- sort(unique(the.grid$coord[ ,1]))
  args$y <- sort(unique(the.grid$coord[ ,2]))
  if (the.grid$topo == "hexagonal") {
    gridcoordsx <- rep(args$x, length(args$y))
    gridcoordsy <- rep(args$y, each=length(args$x))
    gridvalues <- interp::interp(the.grid$coord[ ,1], the.grid$coord[ ,2], 
                                 x[ ,variable], # real cordinates
                                 xo = gridcoordsx, yo = gridcoordsy, # new coordinates
                                 output = "points",
                                 method = "linear")
    gridvalues <- data.frame(gridvalues)
    colnames(gridvalues)[3] <- "z"
    origdata <- data.frame(the.grid$coord, "origz" = x[,variable])
    # Replace existing values (for corners)
    gridvalues <- merge(gridvalues, origdata, all.x = TRUE)
    gridvalues$z <- ifelse(is.na(gridvalues$z) & !is.na(gridvalues$origz),
                           gridvalues$origz, gridvalues$z)
    args$z <- t(matrix(data = gridvalues$z, ncol = length(args$x), 
                       nrow = length(args$y), byrow = FALSE))
  } else {
    args$z <- t(matrix(data = x[ ,variable], ncol = the.grid$dim[1], 
                       nrow = the.grid$dim[2], byrow = FALSE))
  # for points
  minsize <- 0.5
  maxsize <- 2
  if (!is.null(args$minsize)) {
    minsize <- args$minsize
    args$minsize <- NULL
  if (!is.null(args$maxsize)) {
    maxsize <- args$maxsize
    args$maxsize <- NULL
  if (is.null(args$theta)) args$theta <- -20 else args$theta <- args$theta
  if (is.null(args$phi)) args$phi <- 20 else args$phi <- args$phi
  if (is.null(args$expand)) args$expand <- 0.4 else args$expand <- args$expand
  if (is.null(args$xlab)) {
    args$xlab <- colnames(the.grid$coord)[1]
  } else args$xlab <- args$xlab
  if (is.null(args$ylab)) {
    args$ylab <- colnames(the.grid$coord)[2] 
  } else args$ylab <- args$ylab
  if (is.null(args$zlab) & is.character(variable)) args$zlab <- variable
  if (is.null(args$zlab)) {
    args$zlab <- colnames(x)[variable]
  } else args$zlab <- args$zlab
  if (is.null(args$lwd)) args$lwd <- 1.5 else args$lwd <- args$lwd
  if (is.null(args$col)) args$col <- gg_color(1)
  if (is.null(args$border)) args$border <- "grey"
  if (is.null(args$main)) {
    args$main <- paste0("Values of prototypes for ", args$varname)
  args$varname <- NULL
  if (the.grid$topo == "hexagonal") {
    args$sub <- "Hexagonal topography: linear interpolation between points"
  pmat <- do.call("persp", args)
  # Adding points to the map
  # The following taken from : 
  # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28062399/r-add-points-to-surface-plot-with-persp-having-the-appropriate-size
  xx <- the.grid$coord[,1]
  yy <- the.grid$coord[,2]
  zz <- x[,variable]
  # determine distance to eye
  psize <- depth3d(xx, yy, zz, pmat, minsize = minsize, maxsize = maxsize)
  # from 3D to 2D coordinates
  mypoints <- trans3d(xx, yy, zz, pmat = pmat)
  # plot in 2D space with pointsize related to distance
  points(mypoints, pch = 16, cex = psize, col = "black")

coords_polydist <- function(ind, values, the.grid) {
  cur.coords <- the.grid$coord[ind,]
  cur.values <- values[[ind]]
  neigh <- as.numeric(as.character(names(values[[ind]])))
  poly.coord <- matrix(nrow = length(neigh), ncol = 2)
  for (i in 1:length(neigh)) {
    n.coords <- the.grid$coord[neigh[i], ]
    poly.coord[i,] <- cur.coords + (n.coords - cur.coords) * cur.values[i]
  # For borders
  maxnbneigh <- 8
  if (the.grid$topo == "hexagonal") {
    maxnbneigh <- 6
  if (length(neigh) < maxnbneigh) {
    poly.coord <- rbind(poly.coord, cur.coords)
  poly.coord <- data.frame(poly.coord)
  colnames(poly.coord) <- c("x", "y")
  # Sort poly.coord in clockwise order. 
  # Code from https://github.com/skgrange/gissr
  x_centre <- mean(poly.coord$x)
  y_centre <- mean(poly.coord$y)
  # Calculate deltas
  poly.coord$x_delta <- poly.coord$x - x_centre
  poly.coord$y_delta <- poly.coord$y - y_centre
  # Resolve angle, in radians
  poly.coord$angle <- atan2(poly.coord$y_delta, poly.coord$x_delta)
  poly.coord <- poly.coord[order(poly.coord$angle, decreasing = TRUE), ]

  # Drop intermediate variables
  poly.coord[, c("x_delta", "y_delta", "angle")] <- NULL
  poly.coord$id <- ind
  rownames(poly.coord) <- paste0(ind, ".", 1:nrow(poly.coord))


### SOM algorithm graphics
plotPrototypes <- function(sommap, type, variable, my.palette, show.names,
                           names, is.scaled, view, args) {
  ## types : 3d, lines, barplot, color, smooth.dist, poly.dist, umatrix, mds
  authorizedtypes <- list("numeric" = c("3d","lines", "barplot", 
                                        "color", "poly.dist", "umatrix", 
                                        "smooth.dist", "mds", "grid.dist"),
                          "korresp" = c("3d","lines", "barplot",
                                        "color", "poly.dist", "umatrix", 
                                        "smooth.dist", "mds", "grid.dist"),
                          "relational" = c("lines", "barplot", "poly.dist",
                                           "umatrix", "smooth.dist", "mds",
  if (!is.element(type, authorizedtypes[[sommap$parameters$type]])) {
    stop(paste0("Incorrect type. For ", sommap$parameters$type,
                " SOM, prototypes plots can be '", 
                paste(authorizedtypes[[sommap$parameters$type]], collapse="', '"),
                "'"), call. = TRUE)
  if (type == "lines") type <- "meanline" # Correct type of plot
  # Handling variable(s) --> used in tmp.var
  if (type %in% c("3d", "color")) {
    if (length(variable)>1) {
      warning("length(variable)>1, only first element will be considered\n", 
              call. = TRUE, immediate. = TRUE)
      variable <- variable[1]
  tmp.var <- variable
  if (is.numeric(variable)) {
    if (sommap$parameters$type == "korresp" & (is.numeric(variable))) {
      if (view == "r") {
        tmp.var <- rownames(sommap$data)[variable]
      } else tmp.var <- colnames(sommap$data)[variable]
    } else {
      tmp.var <- colnames(sommap$data)[variable]

  # Switching between plot types
  if (type == "lines" || type == "barplot" || type == "meanline") {
    ggplotFacet("prototypes", type, sommap$prototypes[,tmp.var], 
                as.numeric(rownames(sommap$prototypes)), show.names, names, 
                is.scaled, sommap$parameters$the.grid, args)
  } else if (type == "color" | type == "3d") {
    args$varname <- tmp.var

    if (type == "color") {
      ggplotGrid("prototypes", "color", sommap$prototypes[, tmp.var], 
                 as.numeric(rownames(sommap$prototypes)), show.names, 
                 names, sommap$parameters$the.grid, args)

    } else if (type == "3d") {
      plot3d(sommap$prototypes, sommap$parameters$the.grid, type, tmp.var, args)

  } else if (type == "poly.dist") {
    radius <- ifelse(sommap$parameters$the.grid$topo == "square", sqrt(2), 1)
    values <- protoDist(sommap, "neighbors", radius)
    if (sommap$parameters$type == "relational") {
      if (sum(unlist(values)<0) > 0) {
        stop("Impossible to plot 'poly.dist'!", call. = TRUE)
      } else values <- lapply(values, sqrt)
    ggplotGrid("prototypes", type, values, sommap$clustering, show.names,
                   names, sommap$parameters$the.grid, args)
  } else if (type == "umatrix" || type == "smooth.dist") {
    radius <- ifelse(sommap$parameters$the.grid$topo == "square", sqrt(2), 1)
    values <- protoDist(sommap, "neighbors", radius)

    if (sommap$parameters$type == "relational") {
      if (sum(unlist(values)<0) > 0) {
        stop("Impossible to plot 'smooth.dist'!", call. = TRUE)
      } else values <- lapply(values,sqrt)
    values <- unlist(lapply(values,mean))
    if (type == "umatrix") {
      args$labelcolor <- "umatrix\nbetween\nprototypes"
      ggplotGrid("prototypes", "color", values,
                 show.names, names, sommap$parameters$the.grid, args)
    } else {
      # smooth.dist
      if (sommap$parameters$the.grid$topo == "hexagonal") {
        warning("Hexagonal topograpy: imputing missing values to make a full squared grid\n",
                call. = TRUE, immediate. = TRUE)
      dataplot <- data.frame(cbind("x" = sommap$parameters$the.grid$coord[ ,1],
                                   "y" = sommap$parameters$the.grid$coord[ ,2],
                                   "z" = values))
      ggplot(data = dataplot, aes(x = .data$x, y = .data$y, z = .data$z)) + 
        metR::geom_contour_fill(na.fill = TRUE) + 
        labs(title = "Distances between prototypes") + 
        scale_fill_distiller(palette = "PRGn")
  } else if (type == "mds") {
    if (sommap$parameters$type == "relational") {
      the.distances <- protoDist(sommap, "complete")
      if (sum(the.distances<0) > 0) {
        stop("Impossible to plot 'MDS'!", call. = TRUE)
      } else the.distances <- sqrt(the.distances)
    else the.distances <- dist(sommap$prototypes)
    proj.coord <- cmdscale(the.distances, 2)
    if (is.null(args$labels)) {
      args$labels <- as.character(1:nrow(sommap$prototypes))
    if (is.null(args$cex)) args$cex <- 4

    if (is.null(args$sc)) {  #### Super cluster case
      dataplot <- data.frame(x = proj.coord[ ,1], y = proj.coord[ ,2], 
                             "labels" = args$labels)
      ggplot(dataplot, aes(x = .data$x, y = .data$y)) + 
        geom_text(aes(label = .data$labels), alpha = 0.7, size = args$cex, 
                  fontface = "bold") +
        labs(x = "x", y = "y", title = "Prototypes visualization by MDS") +
    } else {  #### Regular case
      dataplot <- data.frame(x = proj.coord[,1], y = proj.coord[,2], 
                             "labels" = args$labels, 
                             "Super_Cluster" = as.factor(args$sc))
      ggplot(dataplot, aes(x = "x", y = "y")) + 
        geom_text(aes(label = .data$labels, col = .data$Super_Cluster), 
                  alpha = 0.7, size = args$cex, fontface = "bold") +
        labs(x = "x", y = "y", title = "Prototypes visualization by MDS") +
  } else if (type == "grid.dist") {
    if (sommap$parameters$type == "relational") {
      the.distances <- protoDist(sommap, "complete")
     if (any(the.distances < 0)) {
      stop("Impossible to plot 'grid.dist'!", call. = TRUE)
     } else {
       the.distances <- sqrt(the.distances)
       the.distances <- the.distances[lower.tri(the.distances)]
    } else the.distances <- dist(sommap$prototypes)
    dataplot <- data.frame("x" = as.vector(the.distances), 
                           "y" = as.vector(dist(sommap$parameters$the.grid$coord)))
    ggplot(dataplot, aes(x = .data$x, y = .data$y)) + 
      geom_point(shape = 19, alpha = 0.7, size = 1) +
      labs(x = "prototype distances", y = "grid distances", 
           title = "Distances between protoypes (input space vs. grid)") +
  } else stop("Sorry: this type is still to be implemented.", call. = TRUE)

plotObs <- function(sommap, type, variable, my.palette, show.names, names,
                    is.scaled, view, args) {
  authorizedtypes <- list("numeric" = c("hitmap", "lines", "names", "color",
                                        "barplot", "boxplot", "meanline"),
                          "korresp" = c("hitmap", "names"),
                          "relational" = c("hitmap", "names")) 
  if (!is.element(type, authorizedtypes[[sommap$parameters$type]])) {
    stop(paste0("Incorrect type. For ", sommap$parameters$type, 
                " SOM, observation plots can be '", 
                paste(authorizedtypes[[sommap$parameters$type]], collapse="', '"),
                "'"), call. = TRUE)
  # Handling variable(s) -> used in tmp.var
  if (type %in% c("names", "color")) {
    if (length(variable) > 1) {
      warning("length(variable)>1, only first element will be considered\n", 
              call. = TRUE, immediate. = TRUE)
      variable <- variable[1]
  tmp.var <- variable
  if (is.numeric(variable)) {
    if (sommap$parameters$type == "korresp" & (is.numeric(variable))) {
      if (view == "r") {
        tmp.var <- rownames(sommap$data)[variable]
      } else tmp.var <- colnames(sommap$data)[variable]
    } else {
      tmp.var <- colnames(sommap$data)[variable]
  # Switching between plot types
  if (type %in% c("lines", "barplot", "boxplot", "names", "meanline")) {
    # handling missing values
    if (any(is.na(sommap$data[, tmp.var])) && type == "lines") 
      sommap$data <- impute(sommap)
    if (type %in% c("lines", "barplot", "boxplot", "meanline")) {
      values <- sommap$data[, tmp.var]
    } else if (type == "names") {
      if (sommap$parameters$type %in% c("relational", "korresp")) {
        tmp.var <- "names"
        values <- names(sommap$clustering)
      if (sommap$parameters$type == "numeric") {
        if (is.null(variable)) tmp.var <- "row.names"
        if (tmp.var == "row.names"){
            values <- names(sommap$clustering)
        } else {
          values <- sommap$data[, tmp.var]
    args$varname <- tmp.var
    ggplotFacet("obs", type, values, sommap$clustering, show.names, names, 
                is.scaled, sommap$parameters$the.grid, args)
  } else if (type %in% c("color", "hitmap")) {
      if (type == "color") {
        args$varname <- tmp.var
        values <- sommap$data[, tmp.var]
      } else if (type == "hitmap") {
        values <- sommap$clustering
      ggplotGrid("obs", type, values, sommap$clustering, show.names, names, 
                 sommap$parameters$the.grid, args)

projectFactor <- function(the.graph, clustering, the.factor, pie.color = NULL) {

  if (!is.factor(the.factor)) the.factor <- as.factor(the.factor)
  vertex.pie <- lapply(split(the.factor, factor(clustering)), table)
  if (is.null(pie.color)) {
    pie.color <- gg_color(nlevels(the.factor))
  return(list("vertex.pie" = vertex.pie, "vertex.pie.color" = pie.color))

plotProjGraph <- function(proj.graph, show.names = FALSE, names = NULL, 
                          s.radius = 1, pie.graph = FALSE, pie.variable = NULL, 
                          ...) {
  args <- list(...)
  args$x <- proj.graph
  args$edge.width <- E(proj.graph)$weight / max(E(proj.graph)$weight) * 10
  if (is.null(s.radius)) s.radius <- 1
  args$vertex.size <- s.radius*20 * sqrt(V(proj.graph)$size) /
  if (is.null(args$vertex.label) & !show.names) args$vertex.label <- NA
  if (show.names) {
    if (is.null(args$vertex.label)) {
      if (is.null(names)) {
        args$vertex.label <- V(proj.graph)$name
      } else args$vertex.label <- names[as.numeric(V(proj.graph)$name)]
  if (args$vertex.shape != "pie") {
    if (is.null(args$vertex.color))
      args$vertex.color <- gg_color(1)
    if (is.null(args$vertex.frame.color))
      args$vertex.frame.color <- gg_color(1)

  par(bg = "white")
  do.call("plot.igraph", args)

plotAdd <- function(sommap, type, variable, proportional, my.palette,
                    show.names, names, is.scaled, s.radius, pie.graph,
                    pie.variable, args) {
  # korresp control
  if (sommap$parameters$type == "korresp") 
    stop("graphics of type 'add' do not exist for 'korresp'\n", call. = TRUE)
  authorizedtypes <- list("numeric" = c("pie", "color", "lines", "meanline", 
                                        "barplot", "words", "boxplot", "names", 
                          "relational" = c("pie", "color", "lines", "meanline", 
                                           "barplot", "words", "boxplot", 
                                           "names", "graph"))
  # handling missing values
  if (any(is.na(variable)) && type %in% c("lines", "graph"))
    stop("Cannot display 'lines' or 'graph' with missing entries.")
  if (!is.element(type, authorizedtypes[[sommap$parameters$type]])) {
    stop(paste0("Incorrect type. For ", sommap$parameters$type, 
                " SOM, plots for additional variables can be '", 
                paste(authorizedtypes[[sommap$parameters$type]], collapse="', '"),
                "'"), call. = TRUE)
  # Variable controls
  if (is.null(variable)) {
    stop("for what='add', the argument 'variable' must be supplied\n", 
         call. = TRUE)
  if (type != "graph" && nrow(variable) != nrow(sommap$data)) {
    stop("length of additional variable does not fit length of the original
         data", call. = TRUE)

  # Numerical variable control
  if (type %in% c("lines", "meanline", "barplot", "boxplot", "words", "color")) {
    nonum <- sapply(variable, is.numeric)
    nonum <- length(nonum[!nonum])
    if (nonum > 0) {
      stop(paste(type, "plots are for numerical variables only"), call. = TRUE)
  # switch between different types
  if (type %in% c("pie", "lines", "meanline", "barplot", "boxplot", "names", "words")){
    if (type == "pie") {
      variable <- as.factor(variable)
      args$proportional <- proportional
    if (type == "words") {
      if (is.null(colnames(variable))) {
        stop("no colnames for 'variable'", call. = TRUE)
    ggplotFacet("add", type, values=variable, sommap$clustering, show.names,
                names, is.scaled, sommap$parameters$the.grid, args)
  } else if (type == "color") {
    ggplotGrid("add", type, values = variable, sommap$clustering, show.names, 
               names, sommap$parameters$the.grid, args)
  } else if (type == "graph") {
    # controls
    if (!is_igraph(variable)) {
      stop("for type='graph', argument 'variable' must be an igraph object\n", 
           call. = TRUE)
    if (length(V(variable)) != nrow(sommap$data)) {
      stop("length of additional variable does not fit length of the original
         data", call. = TRUE)
    # case of pie
    if (pie.graph) {
      if (is.null(pie.variable)) 
        stop("pie.graph is TRUE, you must supply argument 'pie.variable'\n", 
             call. = TRUE)
      if (nrow(as.matrix(pie.variable)) != nrow(sommap$data)) {
        stop("length of argument 'pie.variable' does not fit length of the 
             original data", call. = TRUE)
      args$vertex.shape <- "pie"
      if (is.null(args$vertex.pie.color)) args$vertex.pie.color <- NULL
      proj.pie <- projectFactor(variable, sommap$clustering, pie.variable,
      args$vertex.pie <- proj.pie$vertex.pie
      args$vertex.pie.color <- proj.pie$vertex.pie.color
    } else if (is.null(args$vertex.shape)) args$vertex.shape <- "circle"
    # create projected graph and plot
    args$proj.graph <- projectGraph(variable, sommap$clustering, 
    args$show.names <- show.names
    args$names <- names
    args$s.radius <- s.radius
    args$pie.graph <- pie.graph
    args$pie.variable <- pie.variable
    do.call("plotProjGraph", args)

#' @title Plot a \code{somRes} class object
#' @name plot.somRes
#' @export
#' @description Produce graphics to help interpreting a \code{somRes} object.
#' @param x A \code{somRes} class object.
#' @param what What you want to plot. Either the observations (\code{obs}, 
#' default case), the evolution of energy (\code{energy}), the prototypes 
#' (\code{prototypes}) or an additional variable (\code{add}).
#' @param type Further argument indicating which type of chart you want to have.
#' Choices depend on the value of \code{what} (\code{what="energy"} has no
#' \code{type} argument). Default values are \code{"hitmap"} for \code{obs}, 
#' \code{"color"} for \code{prototypes} and \code{"pie"} for \code{add}. See
#' section ``Details'' below for further details.
#' @param variable Either the variable to be used for \code{what="add"} or the 
#' index of the variable of the data set to consider. For \code{type="boxplot"}, 
#' the default value is the sequence from 1 to the minimum between 5 and the 
#' number of columns of the data set. In all other cases, default value is 1. 
#' See \code{\link{somRes.plotting}} for further details.
#' @param my.palette A vector of colors. If omitted, predefined palettes are 
#' used, depending on the plot case. This argument is used for the following
#' combinations: all \code{"color"} types and \code{"prototypes"/"poly.dist"}.
#' @param is.scaled A boolean indicating whether values should be scaled prior 
#' to plotting or not. Default value is \code{TRUE} when \code{type="numeric"} 
#' and \code{FALSE} in the other cases.
#' @param show.names Boolean used to indicate whether each neuron should have a
#' title or not, if relevant. Default to \code{TRUE}. It is feasible on the 
#' following cases: all \code{"color"}, \code{"lines"}, \code{"meanline"}, 
#' \code{"barplot"}, \code{"boxplot"}, \code{"names"} types, \code{"add"/"pie"}, 
#' \code{"prototypes"/"umatrix"}, \code{"prototypes"/"poly.dist"} and 
#' \code{"add"/"words"}.
#' @param names The names to be printed for each neuron if 
#' \code{show.names=TRUE}. Default to a number which identifies the neuron.
#' @param proportional Boolean used when \code{what="add"} and 
#' \code{type="pie"}. It indicates if the pies should be proportional to the 
#' number of observations in the class. Default value is \code{TRUE}.
#' @param pie.graph Boolean used when \code{what="add"} and \code{type="graph"}. 
#' It indicates if the vertices should be pies or not.
#' @param pie.variable The variable needed to plot the pies when 
#' \code{what="add"}, \code{type="graph"} and argument \code{pie.graph=TRUE}.
#' @param s.radius The size of the pies to be plotted (maximum size when 
#' \code{proportional=TRUE}) for \code{what="add"}, \code{type="graph"} and 
#' \code{pie.graph=TRUE}. The default value is \code{0.9}.
#' @param view Used only when the algorithm's type is \code{"korresp"}. It
#' indicates whether rows (\code{"r"}) or columns (\code{"c"}) must be drawn.
#' @param \dots Further arguments to be passed to the underlined plot function
#' (which can be \code{\link{plot}}, \code{\link{barplot}}, \code{\link{pie}}...
#' depending on \code{type}; see \code{\link{somRes.plotting}} for further
#' details).
#' @details See \code{\link{somRes.plotting}} for further details and more 
#' examples.
#' @author Élise Maigné <elise.maigne@inrae.fr>\cr
#' Madalina Olteanu \email{olteanu@ceremade.dauphine.fr}\cr
#' Nathalie Vialaneix \email{nathalie.vialaneix@inrae.fr}
#' @seealso \code{\link{trainSOM}} to run the SOM algorithm, that returns a 
#' \code{somRes} class object.
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @examples
#' # run the SOM algorithm on the numerical data of 'iris' data set
#' iris.som <- trainSOM(x.data = iris[, 1:4], nb.save = 2)
#' # plots
#' # on energy
#' plot(iris.som, what = "energy") 
#' # on observations
#' plot(iris.som, what = "obs", type = "lines")
#' # on prototypes
#' plot(iris.som, what = "prototypes", type = "3d", variable = "Sepal.Length")
#' # on an additional variable: the flower species
#' plot(iris.som, what = "add", type = "pie", variable = iris$Species)

plot.somRes <- function(x, what=c("obs", "prototypes", "energy", "add"), 
                                    "obs" = "hitmap",
                                    "prototypes" = "color",
                                    "add" = "pie",
                                    "energy" = "energy"),
                        variable = NULL, my.palette=NULL, 
                        is.scaled = if (x$parameters$type == "numeric") TRUE else
                        show.names = TRUE, 
                        names = if (what!="energy")
                                 "graph" = 1:prod(x$parameters$the.grid$dim),
                                 1:prod(x$parameters$the.grid$dim)) else NULL,
                        proportional = TRUE, pie.graph = FALSE, 
                        pie.variable = NULL, s.radius = 1, 
                        view = if (x$parameters$type=="korresp") "r" else NULL,
                        ...) {
  args <- list(...)
  what <- match.arg(what)

  # To deprecate 
  calls <- names(sapply(match.call(), deparse))[-1]
  if (any("print.title" %in% calls)) {
    warning("'print.title' will be deprecated, please use 'show.names' instead",
            call. = TRUE, immediate. = TRUE)
    show.names <- args$print.title
  if (any("the.titles" %in% calls)) {
    warning("'the.titles' will be deprecated, please use 'names' instead", 
            call. = TRUE, immediate. = TRUE)
    names <- args$the.titles
  # Korresp control
  if ((x$parameters$type == "korresp") && !(view %in% c("r", "c")))
    stop("view must be one of 'r'/'c'", call. = TRUE)
  # Variable control
  if (!is.null(variable)) {
    if (is.null(args$varname)) args$varname <- deparse(substitute(variable))
  if (is.null(variable)) {
    if (what != "add" & !(type %in% c("names", "umatrix", "smooth.dist", 
                                      "mds", "grid.dist", "poly.dist"))) {
      if (x$parameters$type %in% c("numeric", "relational")) {
        variable <- colnames(x$data)[1:ncol(x$data)]
      } else if (x$parameters$type == "korresp") {
        variable <- switch(view, "c" = 1:ncol(x$data), "r" = 1:nrow(x$data))

  # Names control
  if (length(names) != prod(x$parameters$the.grid$dim) & what != "energy") {
    names <- switch(type,
                    "graph" = 1:prod(x$parameters$the.grid$dim),
    warning("unadequate length for 'names'; replaced by default",
            call. = TRUE, immediate. = TRUE)
         "prototypes" = plotPrototypes(x, type, variable, my.palette,
                                       show.names, names, is.scaled, view, args),
         "energy" = ggplotEnergy(x),
         "add" = plotAdd(x, type, 
                         if (type!="graph") as.matrix(variable) else variable,
                         proportional, my.palette, show.names, names, is.scaled,
                         s.radius, pie.graph, pie.variable, args),
         "obs" = plotObs(x, type, variable, my.palette, show.names, names,
                         is.scaled, view, args))

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SOMbrero documentation built on May 29, 2024, 1:27 a.m.