
#' @section Parallelization with \pkg{future}:
#' This function uses
#' \href{}{\pkg{future}} to enable
#' parallelization. Parallelization strategies can be set using
#' \code{\link[future]{plan}}. Common plans include \dQuote{\code{sequential}}
#' for non-parallelized processing or \dQuote{\code{multisession}} for parallel
#' evaluation using multiple \R sessions; for other plans, see the
#' \dQuote{Implemented evaluation strategies} section of
#' \code{\link[future:plan]{?future::plan}}. For a more thorough introduction
#' to \pkg{future}, see
#' \href{}{\code{vignette("future-1-overview")}}
#' @concept future

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Seurat documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:20 a.m.