
Defines functions plot.RM print.RM PK_average RobbinsMonro

Documented in plot.RM print.RM RobbinsMonro

#' Robbins-Monro (1951) stochastic root-finding algorithm
#' Function performs stochastic root solving for the provided \code{f(x)}
#' using the Robbins-Monro (1951) algorithm. Differs from deterministic
#' cousins such as \code{\link{uniroot}} in that \code{f} may contain stochastic error
#' components, where the root is obtained through the running average method
#' provided by noise filter (see also \code{\link{PBA}}).
#' Assumes that \code{E[f(x)]} is non-decreasing in \code{x}.
#' @param f noisy function for which the root is sought
#' @param p vector of starting values to be passed as \code{f(p, ...)}
#' @param tol tolerance criteria for convergence on the changes in the
#'   updated \code{p} elements. Must be achieved on \code{k} (default 3)
#'   successive occasions
#' @param ... additional named arguments to be passed to \code{f}
#' @param Polyak_Juditsky logical; apply the Polyak and Juditsky (1992)
#'   running-average method? Returns the final running average estimate
#'   using the Robbins-Monro  updates (also applies to \code{plot}).
#'   Note that this should only be
#'   used when the step-sizes are sufficiently large so that the Robbins-Monro
#'   have the ability to stochastically explore around the root (not just
#'   approach it from one side, which occurs when using small steps)
#' @param maxiter the maximum number of iterations (default 500)
#' @param miniter minimum number of iterations (default 100)
#' @param k number of consecutive \code{tol} criteria required before terminating
#' @param fn.a function to create the \code{a} coefficient in the Robbins-Monro
#'   noise filter. Requires the first argument is the current iteration (\code{iter}),
#'   provide one or more arguments, and (optionally) the \code{...}. Sequence function
#'   is of the form recommended by Spall (2000).
#'   Note that if a different function is provided it must satisfy the property
#'   that \eqn{\sum^\infty_{i=1} a_i = \infty} and
#'   \eqn{\sum^\infty_{i=1} a_i^2 < \infty}
#' @param verbose logical; should the iterations and estimate be printed to the
#'   console?
#' @references
#' Polyak, B. T. and Juditsky, A. B. (1992). Acceleration of Stochastic
#'   Approximation by Averaging. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization,
#'   30(4):838.
#' Robbins, H. and Monro, S. (1951). A stochastic approximation method.
#'   Ann.Math.Statistics, 22:400-407.
#' Spall, J.C. (2000). Adaptive stochastic approximation by the simultaneous
#'   perturbation method. IEEE Trans. Autom. Control 45, 1839-1853.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{uniroot}}, \code{\link{PBA}}
#' @examples
#' # find x that solves f(x) - b = 0 for the following
#' f.root <- function(x, b = .6) 1 / (1 + exp(-x)) - b
#' f.root(.3)
#' xs <- seq(-3,3, length.out=1000)
#' plot(xs, f.root(xs), type = 'l', ylab = "f(x)", xlab='x')
#' abline(h=0, col='red')
#' retuni <- uniroot(f.root, c(0,1))
#' retuni
#' abline(v=retuni$root, col='blue', lty=2)
#' # Robbins-Monro without noisy root, start with p=.9
#' retrm <- RobbinsMonro(f.root, .9)
#' retrm
#' plot(retrm)
#' # Same problem, however root function is now noisy. Hence, need to solve
#' #  fhat(x) - b + e = 0, where E(e) = 0
#' f.root_noisy <- function(x) 1 / (1 + exp(-x)) - .6 + rnorm(1, sd=.02)
#' sapply(rep(.3, 10), f.root_noisy)
#' # uniroot "converges" unreliably
#' set.seed(123)
#' uniroot(f.root_noisy, c(0,1))$root
#' uniroot(f.root_noisy, c(0,1))$root
#' uniroot(f.root_noisy, c(0,1))$root
#' # Robbins-Monro provides better convergence
#' retrm.noise <- RobbinsMonro(f.root_noisy, .9)
#' retrm.noise
#' plot(retrm.noise)
#' # different power (b) for fn.a()
#' retrm.b2 <- RobbinsMonro(f.root_noisy, .9, b = .01)
#' retrm.b2
#' plot(retrm.b2)
#' # use Polyak-Juditsky averaging (b should be closer to 0 to work well)
#' retrm.PJ <- RobbinsMonro(f.root_noisy, .9, b = .01,
#'                          Polyak_Juditsky = TRUE)
#' retrm.PJ   # final Polyak_Juditsky estimate
#' plot(retrm.PJ) # Robbins-Monro history
#' plot(retrm.PJ, Polyak_Juditsky = TRUE) # Polyak_Juditsky history
RobbinsMonro <- function(f, p, ...,
                         Polyak_Juditsky = FALSE,
                         maxiter = 500L, miniter = 100L, k = 3L,
                         tol = .00001, verbose = TRUE,
                         fn.a = function(iter, a = 1, b = 1/2, c = 0, ...)
                             a / (iter + c)^b)
    if(maxiter < miniter) maxiter <- miniter
    history <- rbind(p, matrix(NA, nrow=maxiter, ncol=length(p)))
    k.succ <- 0
    pbar_last <- pbar <- p

    for(i in 1L:maxiter){
        a <- fn.a(iter=i, ...)
        fp <- f(p)
        p <- p - a * fp
        history[i + 1L, ] <- p
        change <- max(abs(history[i,]-p))
            pbar_last <- pbar
            pbar <- PK_average(history)
            change <- max(abs(pbar_last - pbar))
                cat(sprintf("\rIter: %i; Max change in E(p) = %.3f",
                             i, change))
                cat(sprintf("\rIter: %i; Max change in p = %.3f",
                            i, change))
        if(i > miniter && all(change < tol)){
            k.succ <- k.succ + 1L
            if(k.succ == k) break
        } else k.succ <- 0L

    converged <- i < maxiter
    history <- history[0L:i + 1L, , drop=FALSE]
    ret <- list(iter=i, root=if(Polyak_Juditsky) pbar else p,
                history=history, Polyak_Juditsky=Polyak_Juditsky)
    class(ret) <- 'RM'

PK_average <- function(history){
    t <- sum(rowSums(!is.na(history)) > 0L)
    ret <- colSums(history[1:(t - 1L), , drop=FALSE], na.rm=TRUE) / t
    matrix(ret, ncol=ncol(history))

#' @rdname RobbinsMonro
#' @param x an object of class \code{RM}
#' @export
print.RM <- function(x, ...)

#' @rdname RobbinsMonro
#' @param main plot title
#' @param par which parameter in the original vector \code{p} to include in the plot
#' @export
plot.RM <- function(x, par = 1, main = NULL,
                    Polyak_Juditsky = FALSE, ...)
        main <- if(Polyak_Juditsky)
                 paste0('Polyak-Juditsky history (p = ', par, ')')
            else paste0('Robbins-Monro history (p = ', par, ')')
    history <- x$history
        history <- do.call(rbind, lapply(2L:nrow(history), function(i){
            PK_average(history[1L:i, , drop=FALSE])
        history <- history[-1L, , drop=FALSE]
    plot(1L:nrow(history), history[,par],
                 main = main, type = 'b',
                 ylab = 'f(p)',
                 xlab = 'Iteration', pch = 16, ...)

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