
test_that("simulation runs with simInit and spades with set.seed; events arg", {
  skip_on_cran() # too long


  times <- list(start = 0.0, end = 1, timeunit = "year")
  params <- list(
    .globals = list(burnStats = "npixelsburned", stackName = "landscape"),
    randomLandscapes = list(.plotInitialTime = NA, .plotInterval = NA, .seed = list("init" = 321)),
    caribouMovement = list(.plotInitialTime = NA, .plotInterval = NA, torus = TRUE),
    fireSpread = list(.plotInitialTime = NA, .plotInterval = NA)
  modules <- list("randomLandscapes", #"caribouMovement",
  paths <- list(modulePath = getSampleModules(tmpdir))

  mySim <- simInit(times, params, modules, objects = list(), paths) %>%
    spades(debug = FALSE, .plotInitialTime = NA)
  mySim2 <- simInit(times, params, modules, objects = list(), paths) %>%
    spades(debug = FALSE, .plotInitialTime = NA)

  ## simtime
  expect_equivalent(time(mySim), 1.0)
  expect_equivalent(start(mySim), 0.0)
  expect_equivalent(end(mySim), 1.0)
  expect_true(all.equal(mySim2, mySim))

  # Test events argument in spades call
  expect_true(!all("init" == completed(mySim)$eventType))
  expect_true(max(events(mySim)$eventTime) > end(mySim)) # didn't schedule next event
  expect_true(all("stats" %in% completed(mySim)$eventType))

  mySimEvent <- simInit(times, params, modules, objects = list(), paths) %>%
    spades(debug = FALSE, .plotInitialTime = NA, events = "init")
  expect_true(all("init" == completed(mySimEvent)$eventType))
  expect_true(max(events(mySimEvent)$eventTime) <= end(mySimEvent)) # didn't schedule next event

  eventTypes <- c("init", "burn")
  mySimEvent2 <- simInit(times, params, modules, objects = list(), paths) %>%
    spades(debug = FALSE, .plotInitialTime = NA, events = eventTypes)
  expect_true(all(eventTypes %in% completed(mySimEvent2)$eventType))

  eventTypes <- c()
  mySimEvent3 <- simInit(times, params, modules, objects = list(), paths) %>%
    spades(debug = FALSE, .plotInitialTime = NA, events = eventTypes)
  expect_true(all(eventTypes %in% completed(mySimEvent3)$eventType))
  expect_true(identical(completed(mySimEvent3)[,1:4], completed(mySim)[,1:4]))

  eventTypes <- c("nothing")
  mySimEvent4 <- simInit(times, params, modules, objects = list(), paths) %>%
    spades(debug = FALSE, .plotInitialTime = NA, events = eventTypes)
  expect_true(NROW(completed(mySimEvent4)) == 0) # nothing completed
  expect_true(all("init" == events(mySimEvent4)$eventType)) # nothing happened; only inits in queue

  eventTypes <- list(randomLandscapes = c("init"),
                     fireSpread = c("init", "burn")
  mySimEvent5 <- simInit(times, params, modules, objects = list(), paths) %>%
    spades(debug = FALSE, .plotInitialTime = NA, events = eventTypes)
  expect_true(all(unique(unlist(eventTypes)) %in% completed(mySimEvent5)$eventType))
  expect_true(!all("stats" %in% completed(mySimEvent5)$eventType))

  # Typo or "run events that aren't there"
  eventTypes <- list(randomLandscapes = c("init"),
                     fireSpread = c("initial", "burn")
  mySimEvent6 <- simInit(times, params, modules, objects = list(), paths) %>%
    spades(debug = FALSE, .plotInitialTime = NA, events = eventTypes)
  expect_true(all("randomLandscapes" %in% completed(mySimEvent6)$moduleName))
  expect_true(!all("fireSpread" %in% completed(mySimEvent6)$moduleName)) # didn't run any fireSpread events b/c misspelled
  expect_true(all("fireSpread" %in% events(mySimEvent6)$moduleName)) # didn't run any fireSpread events b/c misspelled

  mySimEvent7 <- simInit(times, params, modules, objects = list(), paths) %>%
    spades(debug = FALSE, .plotInitialTime = NA, events = eventTypes, cache = TRUE)
  expect_true(all("randomLandscapes" %in% completed(mySimEvent7)$moduleName))
  expect_true(!all("fireSpread" %in% completed(mySimEvent7)$moduleName)) # didn't run any fireSpread events b/c misspelled
  expect_true(all("fireSpread" %in% events(mySimEvent7)$moduleName)) # didn't run any fireSpread events b/c misspelled

  mySimEvent8 <- simInit(times, params, modules, objects = list(), paths) %>%
    spades(debug = FALSE, .plotInitialTime = NA, events = eventTypes, cache = TRUE)
  expect_true(all("randomLandscapes" %in% completed(mySimEvent8)$moduleName))
  expect_true(!all("fireSpread" %in% completed(mySimEvent8)$moduleName)) # didn't run any fireSpread events b/c misspelled
  expect_true(all("fireSpread" %in% events(mySimEvent8)$moduleName)) # didn't run any fireSpread events b/c misspelled

  mySimEvent9 <- simInitAndSpades(times, params, modules, objects = list(), paths,
                        debug = FALSE, .plotInitialTime = NA, events = "init")
  expect_true(all("init" == completed(mySimEvent9)$eventType))
  expect_true(max(events(mySimEvent9)$eventTime) <= end(mySimEvent9)) # didn't schedule next event

  # Test times
  #  Set end time to WAY after the init events
  mySimEvent10 <- simInitAndSpades(times = list(start = 0, end = 10), params, modules, objects = list(), paths,
                                  debug = FALSE, .plotInitialTime = NA, events = "init")
  expect_true(time(mySimEvent10) == end(mySimEvent10)) # it is at 10, the end
  expect_true(all("init" == completed(mySimEvent10)$eventType))
  expect_true(max(completed(mySimEvent10)$eventTime) == start(mySimEvent10)) # didn't go past start time because init are all at start
  simOut <- spades(mySimEvent10)
  expect_true(time(simOut) == end(simOut)) # it is at 10, the end
  expect_true(!all("init" == completed(simOut)$eventType))
  expect_true(max(completed(simOut)$eventTime) == end(simOut)) # got to end time

  mySimEvent11 <- simInit(times = list(start = 2000, end = 2010), params, modules,
                          objects = list(), paths,
                          # events = "init",
                          outputs = data.frame(objectName = "landscape", saveTime = 2000:2010,
                                               eventPriority = 1))
  mess <- capture_messages({
    mySimEvent11Out <- spades(Copy(mySimEvent11), event = list(randomLandscapes = "init"))
  expect_true(any(grepl("not specified", mess)))

  # Now with data.table
  mySimEvent12 <- simInit(times = list(start = 2000, end = 2010), params, modules,
                          objects = list(), paths,
                          # events = "init",
                          outputs = data.table(objectName = "landscape", saveTime = 2000:2010,
                                               eventPriority = 1))
  mess <- capture_messages({
    mySimEvent12Out <- spades(Copy(mySimEvent12), event = list(randomLandscapes = "init"))
  expect_true(any(grepl("not specified", mess)))



test_that("spades calls - diff't signatures", {

  testInit(sampleModReqdPkgs, verbose = TRUE)

  a <- simInit()
  a1 <- Copy(a)
  opts <- options(spades.saveSimOnExit = FALSE)
  expect_message(spades(a, debug = TRUE), "eventTime")
  expect_silent(expect_message(spades(a, debug = FALSE), "DTthreads"))
  expect_silent(expect_message(spades(a, debug = FALSE, .plotInitialTime = NA), "DTthreads"))
  expect_silent(expect_message(spades(a, debug = FALSE, .saveInitialTime = NA), "DTthreads"))
  opts <- options(opts)
  expect_message(spades(a, debug = TRUE, .plotInitialTime = NA), "eventTime")
  expect_message(spades(a, debug = TRUE, .saveInitialTime = NA), "eventTime")
  expect_equivalent(capture_output(spades(a, debug = "current", .plotInitialTime = NA)),
                    capture_output(spades(a, debug = TRUE, .plotInitialTime = NA)))

  if (requireNamespace("logging", quietly = TRUE)) {
    expect_message(spades(Copy(a), debug = list(debug = list("current", "events")), .plotInitialTime = NA),
        "eventTime *moduleName *eventType *eventPriority")
  } else {
    expect_message(spades(Copy(a), debug = list(debug = list("current", "events")), .plotInitialTime = NA),
                   "eventTime *moduleName *eventType *eventPriority")
  expect_message(spades(a, debug = c("current", "events"), .plotInitialTime = NA), "moduleName")
  expect_message(spades(a, debug = "simList", .plotInitialTime = NA), "Completed Events")

  if (interactive()) {
    # warnings occur on Rstudio-server related to can't use display 0:, when using devtools::test() interactively
    suppressWarnings(expect_output(spades(a, progress = "text", debug = TRUE), "10%"))
    suppressWarnings(expect_output(spades(a, progress = "text", debug = TRUE), "20%"))
    suppressWarnings(expect_output(spades(a, progress = "text"), "..........| 100%"))
  opts <- options(spades.saveSimOnExit = FALSE)
  expect_silent(expect_message(spades(a, debug = FALSE, progress = FALSE), "DTthreads"))
  expect_silent(expect_message(spades(a, debug = FALSE, progress = "rr"), "DTthreads"))
  opts <- options(opts)

  paths(a)$cachePath <- file.path(tempdir(), "cache") %>% checkPath(create = TRUE)
  a <- Copy(a1)
  expect_message(spades(a, cache = TRUE, debug = TRUE, notOlderThan = Sys.time()), "eventTime")
  expect_true(all(basename2(c(CacheDBFile(paths(a)$cachePath), CacheStorageDir(paths(a)$cachePath))) %in%
  file.remove(dir(paths(a)$cachePath, full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE))

  # test for system time ... in this case, the first time through loop is slow
  #   because of writing cache to disk, not because of spades being slow.
  #   simList is empty.


  times <- list(start = 0.0, end = 0, timeunit = "year")
  params <- list(
    .globals = list(burnStats = "npixelsburned", stackName = "landscape"),
    randomLandscapes = list(nx = 20, ny = 20)
  modules <- list("randomLandscapes", "fireSpread")
  paths <- list(modulePath = getSampleModules(tmpdir))

  for (i in 1:2) {
    a <- simInit(times, params, modules, paths = paths)
    paths(a)$cachePath <- file.path(tempdir(), "cache") %>% checkPath(create = TRUE)
    assign(paste0("st", i), system.time(spades(a, cache = TRUE, .plotInitialTime = NA)))
  params1 <- list(
    .globals = list(burnStats = "npixelsburned", stackName = "landscape"),
    randomLandscapes = c(nx = 20, ny = 20)
  expect_error({ a <- simInit(times, params1, modules, paths = paths) })
  expect_error({ a <- simInit(list(3, "a", "s"), params, modules, paths = paths) })
  err <- capture_error({
    a <- simInit(list(3, "years", start = 1), params, modules, paths = paths)

  #expect_gt(st1[1], st2[1]) ## no longer true on R >= 3.5.1 ??
  file.remove(dir(paths(a)$cachePath, full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE))

test_that("simInit with R subfolder scripts", {


  newModule("child1", ".", open = FALSE)
  cat(file = file.path("child1", "R", "script.R"),
      "a <- function(poiuoiu) {
      poiuoiu + 1
  }", sep = "\n")
  mySim <- simInit(modules = "child1", paths = list(modulePath = tmpdir))
  expect_true(sum(grepl(unlist(lapply(ls(mySim@.xData$.mods, all.names = TRUE), function(x) {
    if (is.environment(mySim@.xData$.mods[[x]])) ls(envir = mySim@.xData$.mods[[x]], all.names = TRUE)
  })), pattern = "^a$")) == 1)
  expect_true(mySim@.xData$.mods$child1$a(2) == 3) # Fns

test_that("simulation runs with simInit with duplicate modules named", {


  times <- list(start = 0.0, end = 10, timeunit = "year")
  params <- list(
    randomLandscapes = list(.plotInitialTime = NA, .plotInterval = NA),
    caribouMovement = list(.plotInitialTime = NA, .plotInterval = NA, torus = TRUE)
  modules <- list("randomLandscapes", "randomLandscapes", "caribouMovement")
  paths <- list(modulePath = getSampleModules(tmpdir))

    mySim <- simInit(times, params, modules, objects = list(), paths)
  }), pattern = "Duplicate module")))
  expect_true(length(modules(mySim)) != length(modules))
  expect_true(length(modules(mySim)) == length(unique(modules)))

test_that("simulation runs with simInit with duplicate modules named", {
  skip("benchmarking DES")


  newModule("test", tmpdir, open = FALSE)
  newModule("test2", tmpdir, open = FALSE)

  sim <- simInit()

  # Sept 18 2018 -- Changed to use "seconds" -- better comparison with simple loop
  cat(file = file.path(tmpdir, "test", "test.R"),'
      defineModule(sim, list(
      name = "test",
      description = "insert module description here",
      keywords = c("insert key words here"),
      authors = person(c("Eliot", "J", "B"), "McIntire", email = "eliot.mcintire@nrcan-rncan.gc.ca", role = c("aut", "cre")),
      childModules = character(0),
      version = list(SpaDES.core = "0.1.0", test = "0.0.1"),
      spatialExtent = terra::ext(rep(0, 4)),
      timeframe = as.POSIXlt(c(NA, NA)),
      timeunit = "second",
      citation = list("citation.bib"),
      documentation = list("README.md", "test.Rmd"),
      reqdPkgs = list(),
      parameters = rbind(
      inputObjects = bindrows(
      outputObjects = bindrows(

      doEvent.test = function(sim, eventTime, eventType, debug = FALSE) {
      init = {
      sim <- scheduleEvent(sim, sim@simtimes[["current"]] + 1, "test", "event1", .skipChecks = TRUE)
      event1 = {
      sim <- scheduleEvent(sim, sim@simtimes[["current"]] + 1, "test", "event1", .skipChecks = TRUE)
      ', fill = TRUE)

  cat(file = file.path(tmpdir, "test2", "test2.R"),'
      defineModule(sim, list(
      name = "test2",
      description = "insert module description here",
      keywords = c("insert key words here"),
      authors = person(c("Eliot", "J", "B"), "McIntire", email = "eliot.mcintire@nrcan-rncan.gc.ca", role = c("aut", "cre")),
      childModules = character(0),
      version = list(SpaDES.core = "0.1.0", test2 = "0.0.1"),
      spatialExtent = terra::ext(rep(0, 4)),
      timeframe = as.POSIXlt(c(NA, NA)),
      timeunit = "second",
      citation = list("citation.bib"),
      documentation = list("README.md", "test2.Rmd"),
      reqdPkgs = list(),
      parameters = rbind(
      inputObjects = bindrows(
      outputObjects = bindrows(

      doEvent.test2 = function(sim, eventTime, eventType, debug = FALSE) {
      init = {
      sim <- scheduleEvent(sim, sim@simtimes[["current"]] + 2, "test2", "event1", .skipChecks = TRUE)
      event1 = {
      sim <- scheduleEvent(sim, sim@simtimes[["current"]] + 2, "test2", "event1", .skipChecks = TRUE)
      ', fill = TRUE)

  N <- 5000

  moduleDir <- file.path(tmpdir)
  inputDir <- file.path(moduleDir, "inputs") %>% checkPath(create = TRUE)
  outputDir <- file.path(moduleDir, "outputs")
  cacheDir <- file.path(outputDir, "cache")
  times <- list(start = 0, end = N)
  parameters <- list(
  modules <- list("test")
  objects <- list()
  paths <- list(
    cachePath = cacheDir,
    modulePath = moduleDir,
    inputPath = inputDir,
    outputPath = outputDir

  #options("spades.nCompleted" = 500)
  mySim <- simInit(times = times, params = parameters, modules = modules,
                   objects = objects, paths = paths)

  nTimes <- 20

  # Tested on laptop
  # laptop was 10.2 seconds -- currently 4.2 seconds or so --> June 29, 2018 is 1.06 seconds
  # laptop New with "seconds" -- Sept 21, 2018 is 0.492 seconds --> 98 microseconds/event
  # laptop New with "seconds" -- Nov 26, 2018 is 0.458 seconds --> 92 microseconds/event!
  # Windows Desktop -- slower -- Nov 26, 2018 0.730 Seconds --> 148 microseconds/event!
  # Linux Server -- slower -- Nov 26, 2018 0.795 Seconds --> 159 microseconds/event!
  # BorealCloud Server -- slower -- Nov 26, 2018 0.972 Seconds --> 194 microseconds/event!
  # laptop -- May 25, 2019 0.603 Seconds --> 120 microseconds/event!
  # laptop with new completed as environment -- May 25, 2019 0.357 Seconds --> 71 microseconds/event!
  options("spades.keepCompleted" = TRUE)
  # microbenchmark::microbenchmark(times = nTimes, {spades(mySim, debug = FALSE)})
  # # Turn off completed list
  # #  Changed to use "seconds" -- better comparison with simple loop
  # # Old times using "year"  -- June 29, 2018 is 0.775 seconds, Sept 19, 2018 0.809 seconds
  # #                         -- This is 161 microseconds per event
  # # New times using "second" -- Sept 19, 2018 0.244 Seconds --> 49 microseconds/event
  # # New times using "second" -- Nov 26, 2018 0.192 Seconds --> 38 microseconds/event!
  # # Windows Desktop -- slower -- Nov 26, 2018 0.348 Seconds --> 70 microseconds/event!
  # # Linux Server -- slower -- Nov 26, 2018 0.461 Seconds --> 92 microseconds/event!
  # # BorealCloud Server -- slower -- Nov 26, 2018 0.282 Seconds --> 56 microseconds/event!
  # # With many new "exists"
  # # laptop -- May 25, 2019 0.264 Seconds --> 53 microseconds/event!
  # options("spades.keepCompleted" = FALSE)
  # (a2 <- microbenchmark::microbenchmark(times = nTimes, {spades(mySim, debug = FALSE)}))
  # #profvis::profvis({for (i in 1:10) spades(mySim, debug = FALSE)})
  # a <- 0
  # a3 <- microbenchmark::microbenchmark(
  #   for (i in 1:N) {
  #     a <- a + 1
  #   }
  # )
  # summary(a2)[, "median"]/summary(a3)[, "median"]
  # ########################################
  # # With 2 modules, therefore sorting
  # ########################################
  # modules <- list("test", "test2")
  # mySim <- simInit(times = times, params = parameters, modules = modules,
  #                  objects = objects, paths = paths)
  # nTimes <- 10
  # # Turn off completed list
  # # New times using "second" -- Nov 26, 2018 0.443 Seconds --> 59 microseconds/event, even with sorting
  # options("spades.keepCompleted" = FALSE)
  # (a2 <- microbenchmark::microbenchmark(times = nTimes, {spades(mySim, debug = FALSE)}))
  # #profvis::profvis({for (i in 1:10) spades(mySim, debug = FALSE)})
  # # New times using "second" -- Nov 26, 2018 0.443 Seconds --> 130 microseconds/event, even with sorting
  # options("spades.keepCompleted" = TRUE)
  # (a2 <- microbenchmark::microbenchmark(times = nTimes, {spades(mySim, debug = FALSE)}))

test_that("conflicting function types", {
  testInit(sampleModReqdPkgs, smcc = TRUE)

  m <- "child4"
  newModule(m, tmpdir, open = FALSE)
  fileName <- file.path(m, paste0(m, ".R")) # child4/child4.R"
  xxx <- readLines(fileName)
  lineWithInit <- grep(xxx, pattern = "^Init")

  xxx1 <- gsub(xxx, pattern = 'plotFun', replacement = 'Plot') # nolint
  cat(xxx1, file = fileName, sep = "\n")
  expect_message(simInit(paths = list(modulePath = tmpdir), modules = m), "Plot is defined")

  # do functions like raster::levels
  cat(xxx[1:lineWithInit], "
      poiuoiu <- raster(extent(0,10,0,10), vals = rep(1:2, length.out = 100))
      poiuoiu <- poiuoiu
      poiuoiu <- scale(poiuoiu)
      poiuoiu <- ratify(poiuoiu)
      rat <- raster::levels(poiuoiu)[[1]]

      levels(poiuoiu) <- rat
      xxx[(lineWithInit + 1):length(xxx)], sep = "\n", fill = FALSE, file = fileName)

  mm <- capture_messages(simInit(paths = list(modulePath = tmpdir), modules = m))

  fullMessage <- c("the following function\\(s\\) is used that", "raster::scale", "scale")
  expect_true(all(unlist(lapply(fullMessage, function(x) any(grepl(mm, pattern = x))))))
  nonMessage <- c("raster::levels", "levels")
  expect_false(all(unlist(lapply(nonMessage, function(x) any(grepl(mm, pattern = x))))))

  cat(xxx[1:lineWithInit], "
      poiuoiu <- raster(extent(0,10,0,10), vals = rep(1:2, length.out = 100))
      poiuoiu <- scale(poiuoiu)
      xxx[(lineWithInit + 1):length(xxx)], sep = "\n", fill = FALSE, file = fileName)

  expect_message(simInit(paths = list(modulePath = tmpdir), modules = m), "raster::scale")

  cat(xxx[1:lineWithInit], "
      poiuoiu <- raster(extent(0,10,0,10), vals = rep(1:2, length.out = 100))
      poiuoiu <- raster::scale(poiuoiu)
      sim$poiuoiu <- poiuoiu
      xxx[(lineWithInit + 1):length(xxx)], sep = "\n", fill = FALSE, file = fileName)

  expect_message(simInit(paths = list(modulePath = tmpdir), modules = m), "poiuoiu is assigned")

  cat(xxx[1:(lineWithInit - 1)], "
      a <- function(x) {
      b <- b + 1
      xxx[(lineWithInit):length(xxx)], sep = "\n", fill = FALSE, file = fileName)

  expect_message(simInit(paths = list(modulePath = tmpdir), modules = m), "a: parameter")

  xxx1 <- gsub(xxx, pattern = "\\.plotInitialTime", replacement = "value")
  xxx1 <- gsub(xxx1, pattern = "NA, NA, NA", replacement = "'hi', NA, NA")

  cat(xxx1[1:lineWithInit], "
      a <- sim$b
      d <- sim$d
      f <- sim[['f']]
      f <- sim[[P(sim)$value]]
      poiuoiu <- sim@.xData$d1
      qwerqwer <- sim@.xData[['test']]
      sim$g <- f
      sim@.xData$g1 <- f
      return(list(a, d, f, sim))
      xxx1[(lineWithInit + 1):length(xxx1)], sep = "\n", fill = FALSE, file = fileName)

  mm <- capture_messages(simInit(paths = list(modulePath = tmpdir), modules = m))

  fullMessage <- c(# "defineParameter: 'value' is not of specified type 'numeric'",
                   "defineParameter: 'plotInterval' is not of specified type 'numeric'",
                   "defineParameter: 'saveInitialTime' is not of specified type 'numeric'",
                   "defineParameter: 'saveInterval' is not of specified type 'numeric'",
                   "child4: module code: Init: local variable.*qwerqwer.*assigned but may not be used",
                   "Running .inputObjects for child4",
                   "child4: module code: Init: local variable.*poiuoiu.*assigned but may not be used",
                   "child4: outputObjects: g, g1 are assigned to sim inside Init, but are not declared in metadata outputObjects",
                   "child4: inputObjects: b, d, f, d1, test are used from sim inside Init, but are not declared in metadata inputObjects"

  mm <- cleanMessage(mm)
  expect_true(all(unlist(lapply(fullMessage, function(x) any(grepl(mm, pattern = x))))))

  cat(xxx[1:lineWithInit], "
      sim$child4 <- 1
      xxx[(lineWithInit + 1):length(xxx)], sep = "\n", fill = FALSE, file = fileName)

  expect_error(simInit(paths = list(modulePath = tmpdir), modules = m),
               c(paste0(m, ": You have created an object")))

  # declared in metadata inputObjects
  lineWithInputObjects <- grep(xxx, pattern = " expectsInput")
  cat(xxx[1:(lineWithInputObjects - 1)], "
      expectsInput('a', 'numeric', '', '')
      xxx[(lineWithInputObjects + 1):length(xxx)], sep = "\n", fill = FALSE, file = fileName)

  expect_message(simInit(paths = list(modulePath = tmpdir), modules = m),
                 c(paste0(m, ": module code: a is declared in metadata inputObjects")))

  # declared in metadata outputObjects
  lineWithOutputObjects <- grep(xxx, pattern = " createsOutput")
  cat(xxx[1:(lineWithOutputObjects - 1)], "
      createsOutput('b', 'numeric', '')
      xxx[(lineWithInputObjects + 1):length(xxx)], sep = "\n", fill = FALSE, file = fileName)

  expect_message(simInit(paths = list(modulePath = tmpdir), modules = m),
                 c(paste0(m, ": module code: b is declared in metadata outputObjects")))

  cat(xxx[1:(lineWithInputObjects - 1)], "
      expectsInput('a', 'numeric', '', '')
      xxx[(lineWithInputObjects + 1):(lineWithOutputObjects - 1)],
      createsOutput('b', 'numeric', '')
      xxx[(lineWithInputObjects + 1):length(xxx)], sep = "\n", fill = FALSE, file = fileName)

  mm <- capture_messages(simInit(paths = list(modulePath = tmpdir), modules = m))
                        pattern = c(paste0(m, ": module code: b is declared in metadata outputObjects|",
                                           "so not checking minimum package|",
                                           m, ": module code: a is declared in metadata inputObjects|",
                                           "Running .inputObjects|",
                                           "Setting:|Paths set to:|",
                                           "Using setDTthreads|",
                                           m, ": using dataPath|", "Elpsed")))))

  # assign to sim for functions like scheduleEvent
  lineWithScheduleEvent <- grep(xxx, pattern = "scheduleEvent")[1]
  xxx1 <- xxx
  xxx1[lineWithScheduleEvent] <- sub(xxx[lineWithScheduleEvent], pattern = "sim <- scheduleEvent",
                                     replacement = "scheduleEvent")
  cat(xxx1, sep = "\n", fill = FALSE, file = fileName)

  expect_message(simInit(paths = list(modulePath = tmpdir), modules = m),
                 c(paste0(m, ": module code: scheduleEvent inside doEvent.child4 must")))

  # Return sim in doEvent
  patt <- "return\\(invisible\\(sim\\)\\)"
  lineWithReturnSim <- grep(xxx, pattern = patt)[1]
  xxx1 <- xxx
  xxx1[lineWithReturnSim] <- sub(xxx[lineWithReturnSim], pattern = patt,
                                 replacement = "return(invisible())")
  cat(xxx1, sep = "\n", fill = FALSE, file = fileName)

  expect_message(simInit(paths = list(modulePath = tmpdir), modules = m),
                 c(paste0(m, ": module code: doEvent.",m," must return")))

  lineWithInputObjects <- grep(xxx, pattern = " expectsInput")
  lineWithOutputObjects <- grep(xxx, pattern = " createsOutput")
  lineWithDotInputObjects <- grep(xxx, pattern = "\\.inputObjects")[1]
  cat(xxx[1:(lineWithInputObjects - 1)], "
      expectsInput('ei1', 'numeric', desc = 'This is a test with    spaces
                    and EOL', ''),
      expectsInput('ei2', 'numeric', '', ''),
      expectsInput('ei3', 'numeric', '', ''),
      expectsInput('ei4', 'numeric', '', 'test.com')
      xxx[(lineWithInputObjects + 1):(lineWithOutputObjects - 1)], "
      createsOutput('co1', 'numeric', ''),
      createsOutput('co2', 'numeric', desc = 'This is a test with    spaces
                    and EOL on the      createsOutputs'),
      createsOutput('co3', 'numeric', ''),
      createsOutput('co4', 'numeric', '')
      xxx[(lineWithOutputObjects + 1):lineWithInit], "
      a <- sim$b
      sim$g <- f
      holy(sim$co4) <- f
      moly(sim$aaa) <- f
      fff <- sim$ei2
      fff <- sim$co3
      sim$co1 <- 123
      xx <- c(1,2)
      xx[sim$ei4] <- NA
      xxx[(lineWithInit + 1):lineWithDotInputObjects], "
      a <- sim$b
      url1 <- extractURL('ei4')
      if (!identical(url1, 'test.com'))
        stop('extractURL without sim or module fails')
      url1 <- extractURL('ei4', sim = sim)
      if (!identical(url1, 'test.com'))
        stop('extractURL without module fails')",
paste0("      url1 <- extractURL('ei4', sim = sim, module = \"",m,"\")"),"
      if (!identical(url1, 'test.com'))
        stop('extractURL fails')
      sim$g <- 1
      sim$ei1 <- 4
      fff <- sim$ei1
      fff <- sim$co3
      sim$co1 <- 123
      aaa <- sim$.userSuppliedObjNames # in the ignoreObjects
      xxx[(lineWithDotInputObjects + 1):length(xxx)],
      sep = "\n", fill = FALSE, file = fileName)

  fullMessage <- c(
    "Running .inputObjects for child4",
    "child4: module code: co2, co3 are declared in metadata outputObjects, but are not assigned in the module",
    "child4: module code: ei2, ei3, ei4 are declared in metadata inputObjects, but no default\\(s\\) are provided in .inputObjects",
    "child4: module code: ei3 is declared in metadata inputObjects, but is not used in the module",
    "child4: module code: .inputObjects: local variable.*a.*assigned but may not be used",
    "child4: module code: .inputObjects: local variable.*fff.*assigned but may not be used",
    "child4: module code: Init: local variable.*a.*assigned but may not be used",
    "child4: module code: Init: local variable.*fff.*assigned but may not be used",
    "child4: outputObjects: g, aaa are assigned to sim inside Init, but are not declared in metadata outputObjects",
    "child4: inputObjects: g, co1 are assigned to sim inside .inputObjects, but are not declared in metadata inputObjects",
    "child4: inputObjects: b, aaa are used from sim inside Init, but are not declared in metadata inputObjects",
    "child4: inputObjects: b, co3 are used from sim inside .inputObjects, but are not declared in metadata inputObjects"

  # Test moduleMetadata without `sim` and where there is a `sim` in the module metadata,
  #   so needs to load it. A non-error is good enough for now.
  md1 <- moduleMetadata(module = m, path = tmpdir) # no sim in metadata
  md2 <- moduleMetadata(path = getSampleModules(tmpdir),
                        module = "randomLandscapes")

  mm <- capture_messages({
    mySim <- simInit(paths = list(modulePath = tmpdir), modules = m)
  mm <- cleanMessage(mm)
  expect_true(all(unlist(lapply(fullMessage, function(x) any(grepl(mm, pattern = x))))))

  x1 <- moduleMetadata(mySim)
  sns <- slotNames(mySim@depends@dependencies[[m]])
  names(sns) <- sns
  x2 <- lapply(sns, function(sn) {
    slot(mySim@depends@dependencies[[m]], sn)

  # Now extra spaces are removed automatically on load ########################

  # When there are more than a certain number of characters, a hidden \n gets inserted
  #   Our metadata in tests is close to that, and some push past. No point diagnosing further. Accept 1 "TRUE"
  expect_true(sum(unlist(lapply(x2, function(v) grepl("  |\n", v)))) <= 1)
  x2 <- rmExtraSpacesEOLList(x2)
  expect_true(sum(unlist(lapply(x1, function(v) grepl("  |\n", v)))) <= 1)
  expect_true(sum(unlist(lapply(x2, function(v) grepl("  |\n", v)))) <= 1)

  x1 <- moduleParams(m, dirname(dirname(fileName)))
  expect_false(any(unlist(lapply(x1, function(v) grepl("  |\n", v)))))
  x1 <- moduleInputs(m, dirname(dirname(fileName)))
  expect_false(any(unlist(lapply(x1, function(v) grepl("  |\n", v)))))
  x1 <- moduleOutputs(m, dirname(dirname(fileName)))
  expect_false(any(unlist(lapply(x1, function(v) grepl("  |\n", v)))))

test_that("scheduleEvent with NA logical in a non-standard parameter", {
  testInit("ggplot2", smcc = TRUE)
  m <- "test"
  newModule(m, tmpdir, open = FALSE)
  fileName <- file.path(m, paste0(m, ".R"))#child4/child4.R"
  xxx <- readLines(fileName)
  #lineWithInit <- grep(xxx, pattern = "^Init")

  xxx1 <- gsub(xxx, pattern = '.plotInitialTime', replacement = '.plotInitialTim') # nolint
  xxx2a <- grep(".plotInitialTim\\>", xxx1, value = TRUE)[1]
  xxx2b <- gsub(",$", grep("time interval between plot", xxx1, value = TRUE), replacement = "")
  xxx3 <- parse(text = paste(xxx2a, xxx2b))
  # show that it is logical
  sim <- simInit(times = list(start = 0, end = 2))

  mm <- capture_messages(simInit(paths = list(modulePath = tmpdir), modules = m))
  expect_true(all(unlist(lapply(c("Running .inputObjects", "module code appears clean"),
                                function(x) any(grepl(mm, pattern = x))))))

test_that("messaging with multiple modules", {
  testInit("ggplot2", smcc = TRUE)

  m1 <- "test"
  m2 <- "test2"
  m3 <- "test3"
  m4 <- "test4"
  m <- c(m1, m2, m3, m4)
  newModule(m1, tmpdir, open = FALSE)
  newModule(m2, tmpdir, open = FALSE)
  newModule(m3, tmpdir, open = FALSE)
  newModule(m4, tmpdir, open = FALSE)
  #lapply(m, newModule, tmpdir, open = FALSE)
  fileNames <- file.path(tmpdir, m, paste0(m,".R"))
  xxx <- lapply(fileNames, readLines)

  lineWithInit <- grep(xxx[[1]], pattern = "^Init")
  lineWithInputObjects <- grep(xxx[[1]], pattern = " expectsInput")
  lineWithOutputObjects <- grep(xxx[[1]], pattern = " createsOutput")
  lineWithDotInputObjects <- grep(xxx[[1]], pattern = "\\.inputObjects")[1]

  xxx1 <- list()
  #lapply(seq(m), function(yy) sample(c("character", "numeric", "logical"), size = 3, replace = TRUE))
  xxx1[[1]] <- gsub("\\.plotInitialTime\", \"numeric\", NA",
                    "\\.plotInitialTime\", \"character\", 1", xxx[[1]])
  xxx1[[1]] <- gsub("\\.saveInitialTime\", \"numeric\", NA",
                    "\\.saveInitialTime\", \"character\", FALSE", xxx1[[1]])
  xxx1[[1]] <- gsub("\\.saveInterval\", \"numeric\", NA",
                    "\\testtime\", \"logical\", NA_real_", xxx1[[1]])

  xxx1[[2]] <- gsub("\\.plotInitialTime\", \"numeric\", NA",
                    "\\.plotInitialTime\", \"character\", TRUE", xxx[[2]])
  xxx1[[2]] <- gsub("\\.saveInitialTime\", \"numeric\", NA",
                    "\\.saveInitialTime\", \"character\", 'c'", xxx1[[2]])
  xxx1[[2]] <- gsub("\\.saveInterval\", \"numeric\", NA",
                    "\\testtime\", \"character\", NA_real_", xxx1[[2]])

  xxx1[[3]] <- gsub("\\.plotInitialTime\", \"numeric\", NA",
                    "\\.plotInitialTime\", \"character\", 1", xxx[[3]])
  xxx1[[3]] <- gsub("\\.saveInitialTime\", \"numeric\", NA",
                    "\\hello\", \"character\", 1", xxx1[[3]])
  xxx1[[3]] <- gsub("\\.saveInterval\", \"numeric\", NA",
                    "\\testtime\", \"logical\", NA_real_", xxx1[[3]])
  xxx1[[4]] <- xxx[[4]] # clean one

  cat(xxx1[[1]][1:(lineWithInputObjects - 1)], "
      expectsInput('ei1', 'numeric', '', ''),
      expectsInput('ei2', 'numeric', '', ''),
      expectsInput('ei3', 'numeric', '', ''),
      expectsInput('ei4', 'numeric', '', '')
      xxx1[[1]][(lineWithInputObjects + 1):(lineWithOutputObjects - 1)], "
      createsOutput('co1', 'numeric', ''),
      createsOutput('co2', 'numeric', ''),
      createsOutput('co3', 'numeric', ''),
      createsOutput('co4', 'numeric', '')
      xxx1[[1]][(lineWithInputObjects + 1):lineWithInit], "
      a <- sim$b
      sim$g <- f
      holy(sim$co4) <- f
      moly(sim$aaa) <- f
      fff <- sim$ei2
      fff <- sim$co3
      sim$co1 <- 123
      xx <- c(1,2)
      xx[sim$ei4] <- NA
      xxx1[[1]][(lineWithInit + 1):lineWithDotInputObjects], "
      a <- sim$b
      sim$g <- 1
      sim$ei1 <- 4
      fff <- sim$ei1
      fff <- sim$co3
      sim$co1 <- 123
      xxx1[[1]][(lineWithDotInputObjects + 1):length(xxx1[[1]])],
      sep = "\n", fill = FALSE, file = fileNames[1])

  cat(xxx1[[2]][1:(lineWithInputObjects - 1)], "
      expectsInput('ei1', 'numeric', '', ''),
      expectsInput('ei4', 'numeric', '', '')
      xxx1[[2]][(lineWithInputObjects + 1):(lineWithOutputObjects - 1)], "
      createsOutput('co1', 'numeric', ''),
      createsOutput('co4', 'numeric', '')
      xxx1[[2]][(lineWithInputObjects + 1):lineWithInit], "
      a <- sim$b
      xx <- c(1,2)
      xx[sim$ei4] <- NA
      xxx1[[2]][(lineWithInit + 1):lineWithDotInputObjects], "
      a <- sim$b
      sim$co1 <- 123
      xxx1[[2]][(lineWithDotInputObjects + 1):length(xxx1[[2]])],
      sep = "\n", fill = FALSE, file = fileNames[2])

  fullMessage <- c(
    # "defineParameter: 'plotInitialTime' is not of specified type 'character'",
    "defineParameter: 'saveInitialTime' is not of specified type 'character'",
    "Running .inputObjects for test",
    "test: module code: co2, co3 are declared in metadata outputObjects, but are not assigned in the module",
    "test: module code: ei2, ei3, ei4 are declared in metadata inputObjects, but no default\\(s\\) are provided in .inputObjects",
    "test: module code: ei3 is declared in metadata inputObjects, but is not used in the module",
    "test: module code: .inputObjects: local variable.*a.*assigned but may not be used",
    "test: module code: .inputObjects: local variable.*fff.*assigned but may not be used",
    "test: module code: Init: local variable.*a.*assigned but may not be used",
    "test: module code: Init: local variable.*fff.*assigned but may not be used",
    "test: outputObjects: g, aaa are assigned to sim inside Init, but are not declared in metadata outputObjects",
    "test: inputObjects: g, co1 are assigned to sim inside .inputObjects, but are not declared in metadata inputObjects",
    "test: inputObjects: b, aaa are used from sim inside Init, but are not declared in metadata inputObjects",
    "test: inputObjects: b, co3 are used from sim inside .inputObjects, but are not declared in metadata inputObjects",
    # "defineParameter: 'plotInitialTime' is not of specified type 'character'",
    "Running .inputObjects for test2",
    "test2: module code: co1, co4 are declared in metadata outputObjects, but are not assigned in the module",
    "test2: module code: ei1, ei4 are declared in metadata inputObjects, but no default\\(s\\) are provided in .inputObjects",
    "test2: module code: ei1 is declared in metadata inputObjects, but is not used in the module",
    "test2: module code: .inputObjects: local variable.*a.*assigned but may not be used",
    "test2: module code: Init: local variable.*a.*assigned but may not be used",
    "test2: inputObjects: co1 is assigned to sim inside .inputObjects, but is not declared in metadata inputObjects",
    "test2: inputObjects: b is used from sim inside Init, but is not declared in metadata inputObjects",
    "test2: inputObjects: b is used from sim inside .inputObjects, but is not declared in metadata inputObjects",
    # "defineParameter: 'plotInitialTime' is not of specified type 'character'",
    "defineParameter: 'hello' is not of specified type 'character'",
    "Running .inputObjects for test3",
    "test3: module code appears clean",
    "Running .inputObjects for test4",
    "test4: module code appears clean"

  for (y in 3:4) {
    cat(xxx1[[y]], sep = "\n", fill = FALSE, file = fileNames[y])
  opts <- options("spades.allowInitDuringSimInit" = FALSE)
  on.exit(options(opts), add = TRUE)
  mm1 <- capture_messages(simInit(paths = list(modulePath = tmpdir), modules = as.list(m)))
  mm1 <- cleanMessage(mm1)
                                function(x) any(grepl(mm1, pattern = x))))))
  mm <- capture_messages(simInit(paths = list(modulePath = tmpdir), modules = as.list(m)))
  mm <- cleanMessage(mm)

test_that("Module code checking -- pipe with matrix product with backtick & data.table", {
  testInit("ggplot2", smcc = TRUE)

  m <- "child4"
  newModule(m, tmpdir, open = FALSE)
  fileName <- file.path(m, paste0(m, ".R"))#child4/child4.R"
  xxx <- readLines(fileName)
  lineWithInit <- grep(xxx, pattern = "^Init")
  xxx1 <- xxx
  cat(xxx[1:lineWithInit], "
      checksums1 <- structure(list(result = c('OK', 'OK'),
      expectedFile = c('Land_Cover_2010_TIFF.zip','NA_LandCover_2010_25haMMU.tif'),
      actualFile = c('Land_Cover_2010_TIFF.zip', 'NA_LandCover_2010_25haMMU.tif'),
      checksum.x = c('f4f647d11f5ce109', '6b74878f59de5ea9'),
      checksum.y = c('f4f647d11f5ce109', '6b74878f59de5ea9'),
      algorithm.x = c('xxhash64', 'xxhash64'),
      algorithm.y = c('xxhash64', 'xxhash64'),
      renamed = c(NA, NA),
      module = c('simplifyLCCVeg',  'simplifyLCCVeg')),
      .Names = c('result', 'expectedFile', 'actualFile',
      'checksum.x', 'checksum.y', 'algorithm.x', 'algorithm.y', 'renamed',
      row.names = c(NA, -2L),
      class = c('grouped_df', 'tbl_df', 'tbl', 'data.frame'),
      vars = 'expectedFile',
      indices = list(0L, 1L),
      group_sizes = c(1L, 1L),
      biggest_group_size = 1L,
      labels = structure(list(expectedFile = c('Land_Cover_2010_TIFF.zip', 'NA_LandCover_2010_25haMMU.tif')),
      .Names = 'expectedFile',
      row.names = c(NA, -2L),
      class = 'data.frame', vars = 'expectedFile'))

      result1 <- checksums1[checksums1$expectedFile == 'NA_LandCover_2010_25haMMU.tif',]$result

      sim$bvcx <- matrix(1:2) %>% `%*%` (2:3)
      sim$bvcx2 <- matrix(1:2) %>% \"%*%\" (2:3)
      sim$b <- matrix(1:2) %>% t()

      sim$a <- 1
      xxx[(lineWithInit + 1):length(xxx)], sep = "\n", fill = FALSE, file = fileName)

  mm <- capture_messages(simInit(paths = list(modulePath = tmpdir), modules = m))
  mm <- cleanMessage(mm)

  fullMessage1 <- c(
    "Running .inputObjects for child4",
    "child4: module code: Init: local variable.*result1.*assigned but may not be used ",
    "child4: outputObjects: bvcx, bvcx2, b, a are assigned to sim inside Init, but are not declared in metadata outputObjects")
  fullMessageNonInteractive <- c(
    "Running .inputObjects for child4",
    "child4: module code: Init", cantCodeCheckMessage, "'sim\\$bvcx <- matrix.*",#possibly at .*147",
    "child4: module code: Init", cantCodeCheckMessage, "'sim\\$bvcx2 <- matrix.*",#possibly at .*148",
    "child4: module code: Init: local variable.*result1.*assigned but may not be used",
    "child4: outputObjects: b, a are assigned to sim inside Init, but are not declared in metadata outputObjects"
  test1 <- all(unlist(lapply(fullMessage1, function(x) any(grepl(mm, pattern = x)))))
  test2 <- all(unlist(lapply(fullMessageNonInteractive, function(x) any(grepl(mm, pattern = x)))))
  # if (grepl( "emcintir", Sys.info()["user"])) {
  #   tmpFilename = "c:/Eliot/tmp/test1.txt"
  #   cat("################### test1\n", file = tmpFilename, append = FALSE)
  #   cat(paste(collapse = " ", lapply(fullMessage1, function(x) any(grepl(mm, pattern = x)))), file = tmpFilename, append = TRUE)
  #   cat("\n################### test2\n", file = tmpFilename, append = TRUE)
  #   cat(paste(collapse = " ", lapply(fullMessageNonInteractive, function(x) any(grepl(mm, pattern = x)))), file = tmpFilename, append = TRUE)
  #   cat("\n################### fullMessage1\n", file = tmpFilename, append = TRUE)
  #   cat(paste(collapse = "\n", fullMessage1), file = tmpFilename, append = TRUE)
  #   cat("\n################### fullMessageNonInteractive\n", file = tmpFilename, append = TRUE)
  #   cat(paste(collapse = "\n", fullMessageNonInteractive), file = tmpFilename, append = TRUE)
  #   cat("\n###################  mm\n", file = tmpFilename, append = TRUE)
  #   cat(paste(collapse = "\n", mm), file = tmpFilename, append = TRUE)
  # }
  expect_true(test1 || test2)

test_that("simInitAndSpades", {



  times <- list(start = 0.0, end = 0, timeunit = "year")
  params <- list(
    .globals = list(burnStats = "npixelsburned", stackName = "landscape"),
    randomLandscapes = list(.plotInitialTime = NA, .plotInterval = NA),
    caribouMovement = list(.plotInitialTime = NA, .plotInterval = NA, torus = TRUE),
    fireSpread = list(.plotInitialTime = NA, .plotInterval = NA)
  modules <- list("randomLandscapes", "caribouMovement", "fireSpread")
  paths <- list(modulePath = getSampleModules(tmpdir))
  mySim <- simInitAndSpades(times = times, params = params,
                            modules = modules, objects = list(), paths = paths, debug = FALSE)

  mySim2 <- simInit(times = times, params = params,
                    modules = modules, objects = list(), paths = paths) %>%
    spades(debug = FALSE)

  expect_true(all.equal(mySim, mySim2))

test_that("scheduleEvent with invalid values for eventTime", {
  s <- simInit(times = list(start = 1, end = 10))
    s <- scheduleEvent(s, eventTime = -1, eventType = "test1", moduleName = "test")
    s <- scheduleEvent(s, eventTime = numeric(), eventType = "test1", moduleName = "test")
    s <- scheduleEvent(s, eventTime = 0, eventType = "test1", moduleName = "test")

test_that("debug using logging", {

  testInit(c(sampleModReqdPkgs, "logging"), tmpFileExt = "log")


  times <- list(start = 0.0, end = 1, timeunit = "year")
  params <- list(
    .globals = list(burnStats = "npixelsburned", stackName = "landscape"),
    randomLandscapes = list(.plotInitialTime = NA, .plotInterval = NA, .useCache = "init"),
    caribouMovement = list(.plotInitialTime = NA, .plotInterval = NA, torus = TRUE),
    fireSpread = list(.plotInitialTime = NA, .plotInterval = NA)
  modules <- list("randomLandscapes")
  paths <- list(modulePath = getSampleModules(tmpdir))

  mySim <- simInit(times, params, modules, objects = list(), paths) #%>%
  mess1 <- capture_messages({
    mess2 <- capture.output(type = "output", {
      mySim2 <- spades(Copy(mySim),
                       debug = list("console" = list(level = 10), debug = 1),
                       .plotInitialTime = NA)
  expect_false(any(grepl("total elpsd", mess1))) # using new mechanism console
  expect_true(any(grepl("total elpsd", mess2)))
  expect_true(any(grepl(Sys.Date(), mess2))) # the loginfo does have date
  expect_false(any(grepl(Sys.Date(), mess1))) # original debug has date added

  mess1 <- capture_messages({
    mess2 <- capture.output(type = "output", {
      mySim2 <- spades(Copy(mySim),
                       debug = list("console" = list(level = 5),
                                    "file" = list(file = tmpfile),
                                    debug = 1),
                       .plotInitialTime = NA)

  log1 <- readLines(tmpfile)
  expect_true(any(grepl("total elpsd", log1)))
  expect_true(any(grepl(Sys.Date(), log1)))
  expect_false(any(grepl("total elpsd", mess1)))  # messages not produced with debug as list

  mess1 <- capture_messages({
    mess2 <- capture.output(type = "output", {
      mySim2 <- spades(Copy(mySim), debug = 1, .plotInitialTime = NA)
  expect_true(length(mess2) == 0)
  expect_true(any(grepl("total elpsd", mess1)))
  expect_true(any(grepl(format(Sys.Date(), "%h%d"), mess1))) # the straight messages don't have date

  # Test whether suppressMessages works
  mess1 <- capture_messages({
    mess2 <- capture.output(type = "output", {
        mySim2 <- spades(Copy(mySim),
                         debug = list("console" = list(level = "INFO"), debug = 1),
                         .plotInitialTime = NA)
  expect_true(length(mess1) == 0)

  # Test whether suppressMessages works
  mess1 <- capture_messages({
    mess2 <- capture.output(type = "output", {
        mySim2 <- spades(Copy(mySim), debug = 1, .plotInitialTime = NA)
  expect_true(length(mess1) == 0)

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