
Defines functions buildmodel tidylists buildmodelmatrix checkident estimatepopulation.0 stepwisefit investigateAIC subsetsearch checkthetasubset ordercaptures count_triples estimatepopulation bcaconfvalues BICandbootstrapsim removenoninformativelists

Documented in bcaconfvalues BICandbootstrapsim buildmodel buildmodelmatrix checkident checkthetasubset count_triples estimatepopulation estimatepopulation.0 investigateAIC ordercaptures removenoninformativelists stepwisefit subsetsearch tidylists

#' Build model for multiple systems estimation
#' For multiple systems estimation model corresponding to a specified set of two-list effects,
#'    set up the GLM model formula and data matrix.
#'@param zdat  Data matrix with \eqn{t+1} columns. The first \eqn{t} columns, each corresponding to a particular list,
#' are 0s and 1s defining the capture histories
#' observed. The last column is the count of cases with that particular capture history.
#' List names A, B, ... are constructed if not supplied. Where a capture history is not explicitly listed,
#' it is assumed that it has zero counts.
#'@param mX A \eqn{2 \times k} matrix giving the \eqn{k} two-list effects to be included in the model.
#' Each column of \code{mX} contains the numbers of the corresponding pair of lists.
#' If \code{mX = 0}, then all two-list effects are included. If \code{mX = NULL}, no such effects are included and
#'  the main effects model is fitted.
#' @return A list with components as below.
#'  \code{datamatrix} A matrix with all possible capture histories, other than those equal to or containing non-overlapping pairs
#'      indexed by parameters
#'  that are within the model specified by \code{mX}.  A non-overlapping pair is a pair of lists \eqn{(i,j)} such that
#'  no case is observed in both lists,
#'  regardless of whether it is present on any other lists.   If \eqn{(i,j)} is within the model specified by \code{mX},
#'  all capture histories containing both \eqn{i} and \eqn{j} are
#'  then excluded.
#' \code{modelform} The model formula suitable to be called by the Generalized Linear Model function \code{glm}. Model terms corresponding to
#' non-overlapping pairs are not included, because they are handled by removing appropriate rows from the data matrix supplied to glm. The list
#' of non-overlapping pairs are provided in \code{emptyoverlaps}. See Chan, Silverman and Vincent (2019) for details.
#' \code{emptyoverlaps} A matrix with two rows, whose columns give the indices of non-overlapping pairs of lists where the parameter indexed by
#' the pair is within the specified model. The column names give the names of the lists
#' corresponding to each pair.
#' @references
#' Chan, L., Silverman, B. W., and Vincent, K. (2019).
#'  Multiple Systems Estimation for Sparse Capture Data: Inferential Challenges when there are Non-Overlapping Lists. Available from \url{https://arxiv.org/abs/1902.05156}.
#' @examples
#' data(NewOrl)
#' buildmodel(NewOrl, mX=NULL)
#' #Build a matrix that contains all two-list effects
#' m=dim(Artificial_3)[2]-1
#' mX = t(expand.grid(1:m, 1:m)); mX = mX[ , mX[1,]<mX[2,]]
#' # With one two-list effect
#' buildmodel(NewOrl, mX=mX[,1])
#' #With three two-list effects
#' buildmodel(NewOrl, mX=mX[,1:3])
#' @importFrom stats as.formula

buildmodel <- function(zdat, mX) {
  m = dim(zdat)[2] - 1
  #Recover the data matrix with combination of lists which have count zero
  zdfull = tidylists(zdat, includezerocounts = TRUE)
  vn = dimnames(zdfull)[[2]]
  cn = vn[m+1]
  #names of list excluding count
  vn = vn[ -(m+1)]
  modf = paste(cn, "~ .")
  if (is.null(mX)) return(list(datamatrix = zdfull, modelform = modf, emptyoverlaps = matrix(nrow=2,ncol=0)))
  if (sum(mX) == 0) {
    mX = t(expand.grid(1:m, 1:m))
    mX = mX[ , mX[1,]<mX[2,]]
  # ---  find if any of the overlaps specified within the model are empty
  neff = dim(mX)[2]
  effc = rep(TRUE,neff)
  for (j in (1:neff)) {
    i1 = mX[1,j]
    i2 = mX[2,j]
    joverlap = sum(zdfull[,i1]*zdfull[,i2]*zdfull[,m+1])
    if (joverlap == 0) {
      effc[j] = FALSE
      zdfull = zdfull[zdfull[,i1]*zdfull[,i2]==0, ]
  #----construct matrix of two-list parameters where overlap of the corresponding lists is empty
  mempty = as.matrix(mX[, !effc])
  dimnames(mempty)[[1]] = c("","")
  menames =  apply(matrix(vn[mempty],nrow=2),2, paste, collapse=":")
  dimnames(mempty)[[2]] = menames
  #----construct matrix of two-list parameters where overlap of the corresponding lists is not empty
  mX = as.matrix(mX[,effc])
  mXc = vn[mX]
  dim(mXc) = dim(mX)
  #----construct the model formula to include
  #      the two-list effects in the model for which the overlap is not empty
  mXmod = paste(apply(mXc,2, paste, collapse=":"), collapse=" + ")
  if (nchar(mXmod) > 0) modf = paste(modf, mXmod, sep= " + ")
  modf = as.formula(modf)
  return(list(datamatrix = zdfull, modelform = modf, emptyoverlaps = mempty))

#' Produce a data matrix with a unique row for each capture history
#' This routine finds rows with the same capture history and consolidates them into a single row whose count is the sum of counts of
#' the relevant rows.  If \code{includezerocounts = TRUE} then it also includes rows for all the capture histories with zero count; otherwise
#' these are all removed.
#' @param zdat Data matrix with \eqn{t+1} columns. The first \eqn{t} columns, each corresponding to a particular list,
#' are 0s and 1s defining the capture histories
#' observed. The last column is the count of cases with that particular capture history.
#' List names A, B, ... are constructed if not supplied. Where a capture history is not explicitly listed,
#' it is assumed that it has zero count.
#' @param includezerocounts  If \code{FALSE} then remove rows corresponding to capture histories with zero count.
#' If \code{TRUE} then include all possible capture histories including those with zero count,
#' excluding the all-zero row corresponding to the dark figure.
#' @return A data matrix in the form specified above, including all capture histories with zero counts if  \code{includezerocounts=TRUE}.
#' @examples
#' data(NewOrl)
#' zdat<-tidylists(NewOrl,includezerocounts=TRUE)
tidylists <- function(zdat, includezerocounts = FALSE) {
  zdat = as.matrix(zdat)
  m = dim(zdat)[2] - 1
  # ----construct full capture history matrix
  zm = NULL
  #-----produce an unordered matrix of all possible capture history including the one corresponds to dark figure
  for (j in (1:m)) zm = rbind(cbind(1, zm), cbind(0, zm))
  # ----calculate the number of 1s in each row of the unordered matrix
  ztot = apply(zm, 1, sum)
  #----order the rows of the matrix according to the number of 1s appearing on each row in ascending order
  zm = zm[order(ztot), ]
  #---remove the row that has 0s for all its entries and add a column of 0s
  zm = cbind(zm[-1, ], 0)
  #---supply column names if necessary
  vn = dimnames(zdat)[[2]]
  if(is.null(vn)) {
    vn = c(LETTERS[1:m], "count")
  dimnames(zm)[[2]] = vn
  # find row of zm corresponding to each row of zmse and update count
  bcode = zdat[, -(m + 1)] %*% (2^(1:m))
  bc = zm[, -(m + 1)] %*% (2^(1:m))
  for (j in (1:dim(zdat)[1])) {
    ij = (1:dim(zm)[1])[bc == bcode[j]]
    zm[ij, m + 1] = zm[ij, m + 1] + zdat[j, m + 1]
  # remove rows with zero counts if includezerocounts is F
  if (!includezerocounts)
    zm = zm[zm[, m + 1] > 0, ]
  zdatr = as.data.frame(zm)

#' Build the model matrix based on particular data, as required to check for identifiability and existence of the maximum likelihood estimate
#' This routine builds a model matrix as required by the linear program check \code{\link{checkident}} and checks if the matrix is of full rank.
#'  In addition, for each individual list, and for each pair of lists included in the model,
#'   it returns the total count of individuals appearing on the specific list or lists whether or not in combination with other lists.
#' @param zdat Data matrix with \eqn{t+1} columns. The first \eqn{t} columns, each corresponding to a particular list,
#' are 0s and 1s defining the capture histories
#' observed. The last column is the count of cases with that particular capture history.
#' List names A, B, ... are constructed if not supplied. Where a capture history is not explicitly listed,
#' it is assumed that it has zero count.
#' @param mX  A \eqn{2 \times k} matrix giving the \eqn{k} two-list parameters to be included in the model.
#' Each column of \code{mX} contains the numbers of the corresponding pair of lists.
#' If \code{mX = 0}, then all two-list parameters are included. If \code{mX = NULL}, no such parameters are included and
#'  the main effects model is fitted.
#' @return A list with components as below
#' \code{modmat} The matrix that maps the parameters in the model (excluding any corresponding to non-overlapping lists) to the log expected value
#'    of the counts of capture histories that do not contain non-overlapping pairs in the data.
#' \code{tvec} A vector indexed by the parameters in the model, excluding those corresponding to non-overlapping pairs of lists.  For each parameter
#'    the vector contains the total count of individuals in all the capture histories that include both the lists indexed by that parameter.
#' \code{rankdef} The column rank deficiency of the matrix \code{modmat}. If \code{rankdef = 0}, the matrix has full column rank.
#' data(NewOrl)
#' buildmodelmatrix(NewOrl, mX=NULL)
#' @export

buildmodelmatrix <- function(zdat, mX=NULL) {
  m = dim(zdat)[2] - 1
  #Recover the data matrix
  zdfull = tidylists(zdat, includezerocounts =TRUE)
  if (length(mX)==0) { mX= matrix(nrow=2,ncol=0)
  else {
    if (sum(mX) == 0) {
      mX = t(expand.grid(1:m, 1:m))
      mX = mX[ , mX[1,]<mX[2,]]
    # ---  find if any of the overlaps specified within the model are empty
    neff = dim(mX)[2]
    effc = rep(TRUE,neff)
    for (j in (1:neff)) {
      i1 = mX[1,j]
      i2 = mX[2,j]
      joverlap = sum(zdfull[,i1]*zdfull[,i2]*zdfull[,m+1])
      if (joverlap == 0) {
        effc[j] = FALSE
        zdfull = zdfull[zdfull[,i1]*zdfull[,i2]==0, ]
    #----construct matrix of two-list parameters where overlap of the corresponding lists is not empty
    mX = as.matrix(mX[,effc])
  counts = zdfull[,m+1]
  nobs = dim(zdfull)[1]
  vn = c(0,dimnames(zdfull)[[2]][-(m+1)])
  modmat = cbind(rep(1,nobs), zdfull[, -(m+1)])
  #----construct the model matrix to include
  #      the two-list parameters in the model for which the overlap of the corresponding lists is not empty
  neffs = dim(mX)[2]
  if (neffs > 0) {for ( j in (1:dim(mX)[2])) {
    i1 = mX[1,j]
    i2 = mX[2,j]
    modmat = cbind(modmat, zdfull[,i1]*zdfull[,i2])
    vn = c(vn, paste(vn[i1+1],vn[i2+1],sep=":"))
  dimnames(modmat)[[2]] =vn
  tvec = t(modmat)%*%counts
  rankdef = dim(modmat)[2] - qr(modmat)$rank
  return(list(modmat=modmat, tvec=tvec, rankdef=rankdef))

#' Check a model for the existence and identifiability of the maximum likelihood estimate
#' Apply the linear programming test as derived by Fienberg and Rinaldo (2012), and a calculation of the rank of the design
#' matrix, to check whether a particular model yields an identifiable maximum likelihood estimate
#' based on the given data.  The linear programming problem is as described on page 3 of Fienberg and Rinaldo (2012), with a typographical error corrected.
#' Further details are given by Chan, Silverman and Vincent (2019).
#' @param zdat Data matrix with \eqn{t+1} columns. The first \eqn{t} columns, each corresponding to a particular list,
#' are 0s and 1s defining the capture histories
#' observed. The last column is the count of cases with that particular capture history.
#' List names A, B, ... are constructed if not supplied. Where a capture history is not explicitly listed,
#' it is assumed that it has observed count zero.
#' @param mX  A \eqn{2 \times k} matrix giving the \eqn{k} two-list parameters to be included in the model.
#' Each column of \code{mX} contains the numbers of the corresponding pair of lists.
#' If \code{mX = 0}, then all two-list interactions are included. If \code{mX = NULL}, no two-list parameters are included and
#'  the main effects model is fitted.
#' @param verbose Specifies the output.   If \code{FALSE} then the error code is returned.  If \code{TRUE} then
#' in addition the routine prints an error message if the model/data fail either of the two tests, and also
#' returns both the error code and the \code{lp} object.
#' @return
#'If \code{verbose=FALSE}, then return the error code \code{ierr} which is 0 if there are no errors, 1 if the linear program test shows that the maximum likelihood
#'  estimate does not exist, 2 if it is not identifiable, and 3 if both tests are failed.
#'If \code{verbose=TRUE}, then return a list with components as below
#'\code{ierr} As described above.
#'\code{zlp} Linear programming object, in particular giving the value of the objective function at optimum.
#' @references
#'Chan, L., Silverman, B. W., and Vincent, K. (2019).
#'Multiple Systems Estimation for Sparse Capture Data: Inferential Challenges when there are Non-Overlapping Lists. Available from \url{https://arxiv.org/abs/1902.05156}.
#' @references Fienberg, S. E. and Rinaldo, A. (2012). Maximum likelihood estimation in log-linear
#' models. \emph{Ann. Statist.} \strong{40}, 996-1023.  Supplementary material: Technical report, Carnegie Mellon University. Available from \url{http://www.stat.cmu.edu/~arinaldo/Fienberg_Rinaldo_Supplementary_Material.pdf}.
#' @examples
#' data(Artificial_3)
#' #Build a matrix that contains all two-list effects
#' m=dim(Artificial_3)[2]-1
#' mX = t(expand.grid(1:m, 1:m)); mX = mX[ , mX[1,]<mX[2,]]
#' # When the model is not identifiable
#' checkident(Artificial_3,mX=mX, verbose=TRUE)
#' # When the maximum likelihood estimate does not exist
#' checkident(Artificial_3, mX=mX[,1],verbose=TRUE)
#' #Model passes both tests
#' checkident(Artificial_3, mX=mX[,2:3],verbose=TRUE)
#' @export

checkident <- function(zdat, mX=0, verbose=FALSE)
  #---use LP to check if ML estimate exists
  #--- construct model matrix
  zb = buildmodelmatrix(zdat, mX)
  amat = t(zb$modmat)
  tt = zb$tvec
  npar = dim(amat)[1]
  nobs = dim(amat)[2]
  #----construct objective and constraint matrix
  f.obj = c(rep(0,nobs),1)
  const.rhs = c( tt, rep(0,nobs))
  amat1 = cbind(amat, rep(0,npar))
  amat2 = cbind(diag(nobs), rep(-1, nobs))
  #amat3 = c(rep(0,nobs), 1)
  const.mat = rbind(amat1, amat2)
  const.dir = c( rep("=",npar), rep(">=",nobs))
  #--------------carry out the LP step
  zlp = lpSolve::lp("max",f.obj,const.mat,const.dir,const.rhs)
  ierr = (zlp$objval == 0) + 2*(zb$rankdef > 0 )
  if (!verbose) return(ierr)
  if (zlp$objval == 0) cat ("The estimate is not finite \n")
  if (zb$rankdef > 0 ) cat ("The estimate is not identifiable \n")
  return(list(ierr=ierr, lp= zlp))

#' Estimate the total population including the dark figure.
#'  If the user wishes to find bootstrap confidence intervals then the routine \code{\link{estimatepopulation}} should be used instead.
#' This routine estimates the total population size, which includes the dark figure, together with confidence intervals as specified.
#' It also returns the details of the fitted model.  The user can choose whether to fit main effects only,
#' to fit a particular model containing specified two-list parameters, or
#' to choose the model using the stepwise approach described by Chan, Silverman and Vincent (2019).
#' @param zdat  Data matrix with \eqn{t+1} columns. The first \eqn{t} columns, each corresponding to a particular list,
#' are 0s and 1s defining the capture histories
#' observed. The last column is the count of cases with that particular capture history.
#' List names A, B, ... are constructed if not supplied. Where a capture history is not explicitly listed,
#' it is assumed that it has zero count.
#' @param method If \code{method = "stepwise"} the stepwise method implemented in \code{\link{stepwisefit}} is used.  If \code{method = "fixed"} then a specified fixed model is used; the model is then given by \code{mX}.  If \code{method = "main"} then main effects only are fitted.
#' @param quantiles Quantiles of interest for confidence intervals.
#' @param mX  A \eqn{2 \times k} matrix giving the \eqn{k} two-list parameters to be included in the model if \code{method = "fixed"}.
#' Each column of \code{mX} contains the numbers of the corresponding pair of lists.
#' If \code{mX = 0}, then all two-list parameters are included. If \code{mX = NULL}, no two-list parameters are included and
#'  the main effects model is fitted.
#' If only one two-list parameter is to be fitted, it is sufficient to specify it as a vector of length 2, e.g \code{mX=c(1,3)}
#' for the parameter indexed by lists 1 and 3.   If \code{method} is equal to \code{"stepwise"} or \code{"main"}, then \code{mX} is ignored.
#' @param pthresh Threshold p-value used if \code{method = "stepwise"}.
#' @return A list with components as below
#' \code{estimate} Point estimate and confidence interval estimates corresponding to specified quantiles.
#' \code{MSEfit} The model fitted to the data in the format described in \code{\link{modelfit}}.
#'Chan, L., Silverman, B. W., and Vincent, K. (2019).
#'  Multiple Systems Estimation for Sparse Capture Data: Inferential Challenges when there are Non-Overlapping Lists.
#'   Available from \url{https://arxiv.org/abs/1902.05156}.
#' @examples
#' data(NewOrl)
#' data(NewOrl_5)
#' estimatepopulation.0(NewOrl, method="stepwise", quantiles=c(0.025,0.975))
#' estimatepopulation.0(NewOrl_5, method="main", quantiles=c(0.01, 0.05,0.95, 0.99))
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
estimatepopulation.0 <-function(zdat,method="stepwise", quantiles=c(0.025,0.975),mX=NULL, pthresh=0.02){
  if (method=="stepwise"){
    zMSE=stepwisefit(zdat, pthresh)
  else if (method=="fixed"){
  else if (method=="main") {
    zMSE=modelfit(zdat, mX=NULL)
  else {stop ("Unknown method")}
  totobs = sum(zzdat[, dim(zzdat)[2]])#summing all observed history
  estdarklogmean = zfit$coefficients[1]#intercept of the fit
  estdarklogsd   = sqrt(summary(zfit)$cov.unscaled[1,1])
  estdarkci = exp(qnorm(quantiles_with_pt.estimate, estdarklogmean, estdarklogsd))#estimated dark figure confidence interval
  totci = totobs + estdarkci
  names(totci)<-paste( quantiles_with_pt.estimate*100,"%",sep="")
  for (i in 1:length(totci)){
    if (names(totci)[i]=="50%"){
      names(totci)[i]<-"point est."}
  return(list(estimate=totci, MSEfit = zMSE))

#' Fit a specified model to multiple systems estimation data
#' This routine fits a specified model to multiple systems estimation data, taking account of the possibility of empty overlaps between
#'  pairs of observed lists.
#' @param zdat Data matrix with \eqn{t+1} columns. The first \eqn{t} columns, each corresponding to a particular list,
#' are 0s and 1s defining the capture histories
#' observed. The last column is the count of cases with that particular capture history.
#' List names A, B, ... are constructed if not supplied. Where a capture history is not explicitly listed,
#' it is assumed that it has zero count.

#' @param mX  A \eqn{2 \times k} matrix giving the \eqn{k} two-list parameters to be included in the model.
#' Each column of \code{mX} contains the numbers of the corresponding pair of lists.
#' If \code{mX = 0}, then all two-list parameters are included. If \code{mX = NULL}, no two-list parameters are included and
#'  the main effects model is fitted.
#' If only one two-list parameter is to be fitted, it may be specified as a vector of length 2, e.g \code{mX=c(1,3)}
#' for the parameter corresponding to lists 1 and 3.
#' @param check If \code{check = TRUE} check first of all if the maximum likelihood
#' estimate exists and is identifiable, using the routine \code{\link{checkident}}.  If either condition fails, print an appropriate error message
#' and return the error code.
#' @return A list with components as below
#' \code{fit} Details of the fit of the specified model as output by \code{glm}.  The Akaike information criterion is adjusted to take account
#'   of the number of parameters corresponding to non-overlapping pairs.
#' \code{emptyoverlaps} Matrix with two rows, giving the list pairs within the model for which no cases are observed in common.
#'   Each column gives the indices of a pair of lists, with the names of the lists in the column name.
#' \code{poisspempty} the Poisson p-values of the parameters corresponding to non-overlapping pairs.
#' @examples
#' data(NewOrl)
#' modelfit(NewOrl,mX= c(1,3), check=TRUE)
#' @importFrom stats glm poisson
#' @export

modelfit = function (zdat, mX = NULL, check = TRUE){
  if (check) {
    zcheck = checkident(zdat, mX, verbose = TRUE)
    if (zcheck$ierr > 0) 
  zz = buildmodel(zdat, mX)
  eo = zz$emptyoverlaps
  nover = dim(eo)[2]
  fit = glm(zz$modelform, family = poisson, data = zz$datamatrix, x = TRUE)
  fit$aic = fit$aic + 2 * nover
  # find the probabilities of each observed empty overlap in the model being empty, given a model excluding that parameter.
  probzero = NULL
  if (nover > 0) {
    probzero= vector("numeric", nover)
    m = dim(zdat)[2]-1
    if (sum(mX) == 0) {
      mX = t(expand.grid(1:m, 1:m))
      mX = mX[, mX[1, ] < mX[2, ]]
    if (is.vector(mX)) mX= as.matrix(mX, ncol=1)
    names(probzero) = dimnames(eo)[[2]]
    for (iover in (1:nover)) {
      # for each empty overlap, remove that parameter from the model and fit the model without it
      jeocol = (1:dim(mX)[2]) [ mX[1,]==eo[1,iover] & mX[2,]==eo[2,iover]]
      mX1 = mX[,-jeocol]
      if (length(mX1)==0) mX1=NULL
      zz1 = buildmodel(zdat, mX1)
      zfit = glm(zz1$modelform, family=poisson, data=zz1$datamatrix, x=TRUE)
      #  now calculate the estimated probability that the given overlap is empty, summing over all relevant cells
      pred0 = predict(zfit)
      dat0 = zfit$data
      lambdastar = sum(exp(pred0) * dat0[, eo[1,iover]] * dat0[, eo[2,iover]])
      probzero[iover] = exp(-lambdastar)
  return(list(fit = fit, emptyoverlaps = eo, poisspempty = probzero))

#'Stepwise fit using Poisson p-values.
#'Starting with a model with main effects only, two-list parameters are added one by one.
#'At each stage the parameter with the lowest p-value is added, provided that p-value is lower than \code{pthresh}, and provided that the resulting
#' model does not fail either of the tests in \code{\link{checkident}}.
#' For each candidate two-list parameter for possible addition to the model, the p-value is calculated as follows.
#' The total of cases occurring on both lists indexed by the parameter (regardless of
#' whether or not they are on any other lists) is calculated.
#' On the null hypothesis that the effect is not included in the model, this statistic has a Poisson
#' distribution whose mean depends on the parameters within the model.    The one-sided Poisson p-value of the observed statistic is calculated.
#'@param zdat Data matrix with \eqn{t+1} columns. The first \eqn{t} columns, each corresponding to a particular list,
#' are 0s and 1s defining the capture histories
#' observed. The last column is the count of cases with that particular capture history.
#' List names A, B, ... are constructed if not supplied. Where a capture history is not explicitly listed,
#' it is assumed that it has zero count.
#'@param pthresh this is the threshold below which the p-value of the newly added parameter needs to be in order to be included in the model.
#'  If \code{pthresh = 0} then the model with main effects only is returned.
#'@return A list with components as below
#'\code{fit} Details of the fit of the specified model as output by \code{glm}.  The Akaike information criterion is adjusted to take account
#'   of the number of parameters corresponding to non-overlapping pairs.
#' \code{emptyoverlaps} Matrix with two rows, giving the list pairs within the model for which no cases are observed in common.
#'   Each column gives the indices of a pair of lists, with the names of the lists in the column name.
#' \code{poisspempty} the Poisson p-values of the parameters corresponding to non-overlapping pairs.
#'stepwisefit(NewOrl, pthresh=0.02)
#'@importFrom stats ppois predict

stepwisefit<- function(zdat, pthresh=0.02) {
  m = dim(zdat)[2] - 1
  if (pthresh == 1){
    ierrfullmodel = checkident(zdat, mX=0)}
  if ((pthresh==1) & (ierrfullmodel==0)) {
    zfit=modelfit(zdat,mX=0, check=FALSE)
  } else if(pthresh == 0){
    zfit=modelfit(zdat,mX=NULL, check=FALSE)}
  else {
    # ------  Set up a list of two-list parameters to be included in the mode
    ints = NULL
    mX = NULL
    zfit = modelfit(zdat, mX=NULL, check=FALSE)
    for (i in (1:(m - 1))) for (j in ((i + 1):m)) {
      ints = cbind(ints,c(i, j))
    nints = dim(ints)[2]
    nstar = rep(0,nints)
    for (j in (1:nints)) {
      nstar[j] = sum( zdat[,ints[1,j]]*zdat[,ints[2,j]]*zdat[,m+1])
    #--------cycle through and find best parameter to add.
    intsincluded = rep(FALSE, nints)
    for (jcycle in (1:nints)) {
      pred0 = predict(zfit$fit)
      dat0 = zfit$fit$data
      pvalnew = rep(1, nints)
      for (j in (1:nints)) {
        if (!intsincluded[j]) {
          #----- find the predicted Poisson intensity of this overlap
          pstar = sum(exp(pred0) * dat0[,ints[1,j]]*dat0[,ints[2,j]] )
          pvalnew[j] = min( ppois(nstar[j],pstar), ppois(nstar[j]-1, pstar, FALSE) )
          #----- test the potential model and set the p-value to 1 if the model
          #---      would yield an infinite result or be non-identifiable
          ierr = checkident(zdat, cbind(mX, ints[,j]))
          if (ierr > 0) pvalnew[j] = 1
      #---------if none of them have p value below threshold, finish, otherwise incorporate and proceed
      pvmin = min(pvalnew)
      if (pvmin >= pthresh) return(zfit)
      jintmax = min((1:nints)[pvalnew == pvmin])
      mX1 = cbind(mX, ints[, jintmax])
      zf1 = modelfit(zdat, mX = mX1, check=FALSE)
      zfit = zf1
      mX = mX1
      intsincluded[jintmax] = TRUE

#' Plot of simulation study
#' This routine reproduces Figure 1 of Chan, Silverman and Vincent (2019).
#'   Simulations are carried out for two different three-list models.
#'   In one model, the probabilities of capture are 0.01, 0.04 and 0.2 for the three lists respectively, while in the other the probability
#'   is 0.3 on all three lists.  In both cases,
#'   captures on the lists occur independently of each other,
#'   so there are no two-list effects.
#'   The first model is chosen to be somewhat more typical of the sparse capture
#'   case, of the kind which often occurs in the human trafficking context,
#'   while the second, more reminiscent of a classical mark-recapture study.
#'   The probability of an individual having each possible capture history is first evaluated.
#'   Then these probabilities are multiplied by \code{Nsamp = 1000} and, for each simulation
#'   replicate, Poisson random values with expectations equal to these values are generated
#'   to give a full set of observed capture histories;
#'   together with the null capture history the expected number of counts
#'   (population size) is equal to \code{Nsamp}.
#' Inference was carried out both for the model with main effects only, and for the model with the addition of
#'   a correlation effect between the first two lists.
#' The reduction in deviance between the two models was determined. Ten thousand simulations were carried out.
#' Checking for compliance with the conditions for existence and identifiability of the
#' estimates shows that a very small number of the simulations for the sparse model (two out of
#' ten thousand) fail the checks for existence even within the extended maximum likelihood context.
#' Detailed investigation shows that in neither of these cases is the dark figure itself not estimable;
#' although the parameters themselves cannot all be estimated, there is a maximum likelihood estimate
#' of the expected capture frequencies, and hence the deviance can still be calculated.
#' The routine produces QQ-plots
#'   of the resulting deviance reductions against quantiles of the \eqn{\chi^2_1} distribution,
#'   for \code{nsim} simulation replications.
#' @param nsim The number of simulation replications
#' @param Nsamp The expected value of the total population size within each simulation
#' @param seed  The random number seed
#' @return
#'  An \code{nsim} \eqn{\times} 2 matrix giving the changes in deviance for each replication for each of the two models.
#' @references
#'Chan, L., Silverman, B. W., and Vincent, K. (2019).
#'  Multiple Systems Estimation for Sparse Capture Data: Inferential Challenges when there are Non-Overlapping Lists. Available from \url{https://arxiv.org/abs/1902.05156}.
#'@importFrom stats qchisq rpois ppoints
#'@importFrom graphics matplot abline
#' @export
investigateAIC <- function(nsim=10000, Nsamp= 1000, seed = 1001) {
  # ---- define functions to be called
  simulate_deviances <- function(N, plist=0.1, nsim=100, seed= NULL ) {
    if (length(plist)==1) plist= rep(plist, 3)
    devdiffs = rep(NA, nsim)
    for (j in (1:nsim)) {
      zdat1 = simulate_capture(N, plist)
      devdiffs[j] = deviance_compare(zdat1)
  simulate_capture <- function(N=1000, plist=rep(0.1,3)) {
    zdata = rbind(diag(3), 1-diag(3), rep(1,3))
    meancounts = N* exp( zdata %*% log(plist) + (1-zdata)%*% log(1-plist))
    simcounts = rpois(7, meancounts)
    zdata = cbind(zdata,simcounts)
    dimnames(zdata)[[2]] = c("A", "B", "C", "count")
  deviance_compare <- function(zdat) {
    if(sum(zdat[4:7,4])==0) return(0)
    devnull =  modelfit(zdat)$fit$deviance
    devalt =   modelfit(zdat, mX=c(1,2),check=FALSE)$fit$deviance
    devdiff = devnull - devalt
  # ----carry out the simulations and plot the results
  zdev0 = simulate_deviances(Nsamp, plist=c(0.01,0.04,0.2),nsim, seed=seed )
  zdev1 = simulate_deviances(Nsamp, plist=0.3,nsim, seed=seed )
  zdev= cbind(sort(zdev0), sort(zdev1))
  zchisq = qchisq(ppoints(nsim), df=1)
  matplot(zchisq, zdev, type="l", xlim=c(0,8), ylim=c(0,8), xaxs="i", yaxs="i",
          xlab="Chi-Squared distribution", ylab="Simulated deviances", main="QQ plot")
  abline( 0,1, lty=3)

#' Check all possible models for existence and identifiability
#'This routine efficiently checks whether every possible model
#'  satisfies the conditions for the existence and identifiability of an extended maximum likelihood estimate.
#'   For identifiability it
#' is only necessary to check the model containing all two-list effects.   For existence, the approach set out in Chan, Silverman and Vincent (2019)
#' is used. This uses the linear programming approach described in a more general and abstract context by Fienberg and Rinaldo (2012).
#' If the extended maximum likelihood estimator exists for a particular model, then it will still exist if one or more overlapping pairs are removed from the model.   This allows the search to be carried out efficiently, as follows:
#' 1. Search over `top-level' models which contain all overlapping pairs.  The number of such models is \eqn{2^k}, where \eqn{k} is the number of non-overlapping pairs, because there are \eqn{2^k} possible choices of the set of non-overlapping pairs to include in the model.
#' 2. For each top-level model, if the estimate exists there is no need to consider that model further.  If the estimate does not exist, then a branch search is carried out over the tree structure obtained by successively leaving out overlapping pairs.
#'@param zdat Data matrix with \eqn{t+1} columns. The first \eqn{t} columns, each corresponding to a particular list,
#' are 0s and 1s defining the capture histories
#' observed. The last column is the count of cases with that particular capture history.
#' List names A, B, ... are constructed if not supplied. Where a capture history is not explicitly listed,
#' it is assumed that it has zero count.
#'@param nreport A message is printed for every \code{nreport} models checked.
#'  It gives the number of top level models to be checked altogether, and also the number of models found so far for which the estimate does not exist.
#' The routine prints a message if the model with all two-list parameters is not identifiable.   As set out above, it gives regular progress reports in
#'  the case where there are a large number of models to be checked.
#' If all models give estimates which exist, then a message is printed to that effect.
#' If there are models for which the estimate does not exist, the routine reports the number of such models and returns a
#'   matrix whose rows give the parameters included in them.
#'Chan, L., Silverman, B. W., and Vincent, K. (2019).
#'  Multiple Systems Estimation for Sparse Capture Data: Inferential Challenges when there are Non-Overlapping Lists.
#'   Available from \url{https://arxiv.org/abs/1902.05156}.
#' Fienberg, S. E. and Rinaldo, A. (2012). Maximum likelihood estimation in log-linear
#' models. \emph{Ann. Statist.} \strong{40}, 996-1023.  Supplementary material: Technical report, Carnegie Mellon University. Available from \url{http://www.stat.cmu.edu/~arinaldo/Fienberg_Rinaldo_Supplementary_Material.pdf}.
#' @examples

checkallmodels <-function (zdat, nreport= 1024) {
  m = dim(zdat)[2] - 1
  if (count_triples(zdat) ==0) cat("The model including all two-list parameters is not identifiable. \n")
  varnames = dimnames(zdat)[[2]][1:m]
  zdfull = tidylists(zdat, includezerocounts = TRUE)
  Omegamat = zdfull[, 1:m]
  Countobserved = zdfull[, m+1]
  #--------construct parameter set as capture histories
  Thetamat = rbind(rep(0,m), diag(m), matrix(0, nrow=m*(m-1)/2, ncol=m))
  dimnames(Thetamat)[[1]] = rep("", 1 +m + m*(m-1)/2)
  dimnames(Thetamat)[[1]][2:(m+1)] =  varnames
  n1 = m+2
  for ( i1 in (1:(m-1))) for (i2 in ((i1+1):m)) {
    Thetamat[n1,i1] = 1
    Thetamat[n1,i2] = 1
    dimnames(Thetamat)[[1]][n1] = paste(varnames[c(i1,i2)], collapse=":")
    n1 = n1+1}
  #---- construct full A^T matrix
  Afull = matrix(0, nrow = dim(Thetamat)[1], ncol= dim(Omegamat)[1],
                 dimnames= list(dimnames(Thetamat)[[1]], NULL) )
  for (i in (1:dim(Thetamat)[1])) for (j in (1:dim(Omegamat)[1])) {
    Afull[i,j] = all(Thetamat[i,] <= Omegamat[j,])
  #---construct Nstar vector
  Nstar = Afull%*%Countobserved
  npairsempty = sum(Nstar==0)
  #---find parameters corresponding to non-overlapping pairs and keep the rest
  parkeep= (Nstar > 0)
  Athetadag = Afull[parkeep, ]
  Nstardag = Nstar[parkeep]
  if (npairsempty > 0) {
    Athetanonoverlap = Afull[Nstar==0,]
    if (npairsempty == 1)  Athetanonoverlap = as.matrix(Athetanonoverlap, nrow = 1)
    Namesnonoverlap = dimnames(Thetamat)[[1]][Nstar==0]
  Namesoverlap = dimnames(Thetamat)[[1]][parkeep][-(1:(m+1))]
  npairsnonempty = m*(m-1)/2 - npairsempty
  #----construct each possible subset of rows of Athetanonoverlap and remove corresponding columns
  #----- of Athetadag
  nmodels = 2^npairsempty
  ierr = rep(0, nmodels)
  #----formulate the LP for every possible model
  for (j in (1:nmodels)) {
    if (npairsempty==0) jkeep = 0 else jkeep = (intToBits(j)[1:npairsempty] == 1)
    if ( sum(jkeep) == 0 ) {
    } else {
      if (sum(jkeep) == 1) {
        Omegakeep = (Athetanonoverlap[jkeep, ] == 0)
      } else {
        Omegakeep = (apply( Athetanonoverlap[jkeep,],2,sum) ==0 )
      amat = Athetadag[, Omegakeep]
    #---set up LP
    if ( checkthetasubset(NULL, amat, Nstardag,m) ) {
      if (npairsempty==0) errmodel0=NULL else errmodel0 = Namesnonoverlap[jkeep]
      errmodel = c(errmodel0, Namesoverlap)
      errlist[[1+length(errlist)]] = errmodel
      errlist1 = subsetsearch(npairsnonempty, checkthetasubset,  testnull = FALSE, amat=amat ,tvec=Nstardag , nlists=m)
      if (length(errlist1)>0) for (k in (1:length(errlist1))) { jkeep1 = errlist1[[k]]
      errmodel = c( errmodel0, Namesoverlap[-jkeep1])
      errlist[[1+length(errlist)]] = errmodel}
    #if (ierr[j]>0) errmat = cbind(errmat, jkeep)
    if (j%%nreport == 0) cat(j, " of ", nmodels, " models.  Sum of errors so far ",length(errlist), "\n")
  if (length(errlist)==0) {
    cat("The extended maximum likelihood estimate exists for all models.", "\n")
  } else { cat(length(errlist), " models found for which the extended maximum likelihood estimate does not exist.","\n")
    errmat = matrix(0, nrow=length(errlist), ncol= m*(m-1)/2, dimnames= list(NULL, dimnames(Thetamat)[[1]][-(1:(m+1))]))
    for (j in (1:length(errlist))) {
      errmat[j,errlist[[j]]] = 1

#' Search subsets for a property which is inherited in a particular way
#' The following routine returns a list of all subsets of a given set for which a specified property is \code{TRUE}.
#'  It is assumed that if the property is \code{FALSE} for any particular subset, it is also \code{FALSE} for all supersets of that subset.
#'  This enables a branch search strategy to be used to obviate the need to search over supersets of subsets already eliminated from consideration.
#'  It is used within the hierarchical search step of \code{\link{checkallmodels}}.
#'@param n an integer such that the search is over all subsets of \eqn{\{1,...,n\}}
#'@param checkfun a function which takes arguments \code{zset}, a subset of \eqn{\{1,...,n\}} and ...
#'The function returns the value \code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE}. It needs to have the property that if it is \code{FALSE} for any
#'particular \code{zset}, it is also \code{FALSE} for all supersets of \code{zset}.
#'@param testnull If \code{TRUE}, then include the null subset in the search. If \code{FALSE}, do not test the
#'null subset.
#'@param ... other arguments
#'@return A list of all subsets for which the value is \code{TRUE}
subsetsearch <- function(n, checkfun, testnull = TRUE, ...) {

  #--- test the null set first
  if (n==0) return(truelist)
  if (testnull) {
    if (!checkfun(NULL, ...)) {return(truelist)} else {truelist = list(vector("numeric"))}
  #--- set up the initial candidates
  candidates = as.list(1:n)
  ntested = 0
  #--- as long as there are untested candidates, test them and act appropriately
  while (ntested < length(candidates))  {
    ntested = ntested + 1
    zs = candidates[[ntested]]
    if (checkfun(zs, ...))  {
      #---- if true, add zs to truelist and add new candidates obtained by adding one member to zs
      truelist[[1 + length(truelist)]] = zs
      if (max(zs) < n) {
        for (j in ((1+max(zs)):n)) {
          zs1 = c(zs, j)
          candidates[[ 1 + length(candidates)]] = zs1

#' Check a subset of the parameter set theta
#' This routine leaves out a particular set of parameters corresponding to the two-list effects from the parameter set theta.
#' For the resulting model, it constructs the linear programming
#' problem to check whether the extended maximum likelihood estimates of the parameters exists. It is called internally by \code{checkallmodels}.
#' @param zset set of indices that is not included, numbered among the two-list effects only
#' @param amat a design matrix
#' @param tvec vector of sufficient statistics
#' @param nlists number of lists in the original capture-recapture matrix
#' @return If the return result is \code{TRUE}, the linear program shows that the extended maximum likelihood estimate does not exist.
#' If the return result is \code{FALSE}, the estimate exists.

checkthetasubset <- function(zset, amat, tvec, nlists) {

  #---construct the subsetted a matrix and t vector
  if (length(zset) > 0) {
    zset = 1+nlists+zset
    amat = amat[-zset,]
    tvec = tvec[-zset]
  npar = dim(amat)[1]
  nobs = dim(amat)[2]
  #---construct and solve the LP problem
  f.obj = c(rep(0, nobs), 1)
  const.rhs = c(tvec, rep(0, nobs))
  const.mat = rbind(cbind(amat, rep(0, npar)), cbind(diag(nobs), rep(-1, nobs) ) )
  const.dir = c(rep("=", npar), rep(">=", nobs))
  zlp = lpSolve::lp("max", f.obj, const.mat, const.dir, const.rhs)

#' Order capture histories
#' Given a matrix with capture histories only, the routine orders the capture histories first by the number of
#' 1s in the capture history and then lexicographically by columns.
#' @param zmat Data matrix with \eqn{t} columns. The \eqn{t} columns, each corresponding to a particular list,
#' are 0s and 1s defining the capture histories observed. Where a capture history is not explicitly listed,
#' it is assumed that it has observed count zero.
#' @return A data matrix that is ordered first by the number of 1s in the capture history
#' and then lexicographically by columns.
#' @export

ordercaptures <- function(zmat){
  #  Given a matrix of capture histories order them first by the number of 1s and then lexicographically by columns
  zz = paste(rep(LETTERS[1:26], each=26), rep(LETTERS[1:26], times=26), sep="")
  zza = zz[1: dim(zmat)[2]]
  zo = character(dim(zmat)[1])
  for (j in (1:dim(zmat)[1])) {
    zo[j] = paste(zz[1+ sum(zmat[j,]) ], zza[(zmat[j,]==1)], collapse=":")
  zmat = zmat[order(zo),]

#' Count number of triples of overlapping lists
#' The routine counts the number of subsets of size three of lists such that every pair of
#' lists in the triple overlaps. If the number is zero, then the model with all two-list effects
#' is unidentifiable.
#' @param zdat Data matrix with \eqn{t+1} columns. The first \eqn{t} columns, each corresponding to a particular list,
#' are 0s and 1s defining the capture histories
#' observed. The last column is the count of cases with that particular capture history.
#' List names A, B, ... are constructed if not supplied. Where a capture history is not explicitly listed,
#' it is assumed that it has zero count.
#' @return a count of subsets of size three of lists such that every pair of lists in the triple overlaps.
#' @examples
#' data(Western)
#' data(Artificial_3)
#' count_triples(Western)
#' count_triples(Artificial_3)

count_triples <- function(zdat) {

  m = dim(zdat)[2] - 1
  zdat = as.matrix(zdat[zdat[,m+1]>0, -(m+1)])
  zadj = crossprod(zdat)
  zadj[zadj > 0] = 1
  diag(zadj) = 0
  ntriples = sum(zadj*crossprod(zadj))/6

#' Bootstrapping to evaluate confidence intervals using BCa methods
#' This routine implements the bootstrapping and jacknife approach as detailed in Section 3.3 of Chan, Silverman and Vincent (2019).
#'  It calls the routine \code{\link{estimatepopulation.0}} and so is the preferred routine to be called if a user wishes to estimate the
#'   population and obtain BCa confidence intervals.
#' @param zdat Data matrix with \eqn{t+1} columns. The first \eqn{t} columns, each corresponding to a particular list,
#' are 0s and 1s defining the capture histories
#' observed. The last column is the count of cases with that particular capture history.
#' List names A, B, ... are constructed if not supplied. Where a capture history is not explicitly listed,
#' it is assumed that it has zero count.
#' @param nboot Number of bootstrap replications.
#' @param pthresh p-value threshold used in \code{\link{estimatepopulation.0}}.
#' @param iseed seed for initialisation.
#' @param alpha Bootstrap quantiles of interests.
#' @param ... other arguments which will be passed to \code{\link{estimatepopulation.0}}
#' @return A list with components as below:
#'\code{popest}  point estimate of the total population of the original data set
#'\code{MSEfit} model fitted to the data, in the format described in \code{\link{modelfit}}
#'\code{bootreps} point estimates of total population sizes from each bootstrap sample
#'\code{ahat} the estimated acceleration factor
#'\code{BCaquantiles} BCa confidence intervals
#' @references
#'Chan, L., Silverman, B. W., and Vincent, K. (2019).
#'  Multiple Systems Estimation for Sparse Capture Data: Inferential Challenges when there are Non-Overlapping Lists.
#'   Available from \url{https://arxiv.org/abs/1902.05156}.
#' DiCiccio, T. J. and Efron, B. (1996). Bootstrap Confidence Intervals. \emph{Statistical Science}, \strong{40(3)}, 189-228.
#' @export

estimatepopulation <- function(zdat, nboot=1000, pthresh=0.02, iseed=1234, alpha= c(0.025, 0.05, 0.1, 0.16, 0.84, 0.9, 0.95, 0.975), ...) {
  #  find nboot bootstrap estimates of population size
  n1 = dim(zdat)[1]
  n2 = dim(zdat)[2]
  countsobserved = zdat[, n2]
  bootreps = rep(NA, nboot)
  #   find point estimate and corresponding model using given pthresh
  populationestimatefromdata = estimatepopulation.0(zdat, quantiles=NULL, pthresh=pthresh, ...)
  popest = populationestimatefromdata$estimate
  MSEfit = populationestimatefromdata$MSEfit
  #   set up bootstrap model
  #   generate nboot multinomial samples.
  #   Then use a multinomial distribution to find the actual realization.  Then set out synthetic data.
  for (j in (1:nboot)) {
    counts = rmultinom(1,nobs,countsobserved)
    zdatboot = cbind(zdat[,-n2], counts)
    #   for each sample, find estimated total population size
    bootreps[j] = estimatepopulation.0(zdatboot, quantiles=NULL, pthresh=pthresh,...)$estimate
  # use jackknife to find acceleration factor
  jackest = rep(0, n1)
  for (j in (1:n1)) {
    nj = zdat[j,n2]
    if (nj > 0) {
      zd1 = zdat
      zd1[j,n2] = nj - 1
      jackest[j] = estimatepopulation.0(zd1,quantiles=NULL, pthresh=pthresh, ...)$estimate
  jr = sum(countsobserved*jackest)/sum(countsobserved) - jackest
  # find estimated acceleration factor by counting each residual the number of times it would occur,
  #   via the count of the corresponding capture history
  ahat = sum(countsobserved*jr^3)/(6 * (sum(countsobserved*jr^2))^{3/2})
  #  find BCa conf limits
  confquantiles = bcaconfvalues(bootreps, popest,ahat, alpha)
  return(list(popest=popest, MSEfit=MSEfit, bootreps=bootreps, ahat=ahat, BCaquantiles=confquantiles))

#' BCa confidence intervals
#' The BCa confidence intervals use percentiles of the bootstrap distribution of the population size
#' , but adjust the percentile actually used. The adjusted percentiles depend on an
#' estimated bias parameter, and the quantile function of the estimated bias parameter is the proportion
#' of the bootstrap estimates that fall below the estimate from the original data, and an
#' estimated acceleration factor, which derivation depends on a jackknife approach. This routine is called internally
#' by \code{estimatepopulation}.
#' @param bootreps Point estimates of total population sizes from each bootstrap sample.
#' @param popest A point estimate of the total population of the original data set.
#'@param ahat the estimated acceleration factor
#'@param alpha Bootstrap quantiles of interests
#'@return BCa confidence intervals
#'Chan, L., Silverman, B. W., and Vincent, K. (2019).
#'  Multiple Systems Estimation for Sparse Capture Data: Inferential Challenges when there are Non-Overlapping Lists.
#'   Available from \url{https://arxiv.org/abs/1902.05156}.
#' DiCiccio, T. J. and Efron, B. (1996). Bootstrap Confidence Intervals. \emph{Statistical Science}, \strong{40(3)}, 189-228.
#' @export

bcaconfvalues<-function(bootreps, popest, ahat, alpha=c(0.025, 0.05, 0.1, 0.16, 0.84, 0.9, 0.95, 0.975) ) {
  # find BCA critical values
  z0 = qnorm(mean(bootreps < popest))
  za = qnorm(alpha)
  za0 = za+z0
  zq = pnorm( z0 + za0/(1-ahat*za0))
  bcac = quantile(bootreps, probs=zq, type=8)
  names(bcac) = alpha

#'Comparison of BIC approach and BCa approach
#' This routine carries out the simulation study as detailed in Section 3.4 of Chan, Silverman and Vincent (2019).
#'  If the original data set has low counts, so that there is a possibility of a simulated data set containing empty lists, then it
#'  may be advisable to use the option \code{noninformativelist=TRUE}.
#'@param zdat Data matrix with \eqn{t+1} columns. The first \eqn{t} columns, each corresponding to a particular list,
#' are 0s and 1s defining the capture histories
#' observed. The last column is the count of cases with that particular capture history.
#' List names A, B, ... are constructed if not supplied. Where a capture history is not explicitly listed,
#' it is assumed that it has zero count.
#' @param nsims Number of simulations to be carried out.
#' @param nboot Number of bootstrap replications for each simulation
#' @param pthresh p-value threshold used in \code{\link{estimatepopulation.0}}.
#' @param iseed seed for initialization.
#' @param alpha bootstrap quantiles of interests.
#' @param noninformativelist  if \code{noninformativelist=TRUE} then each generated data set in the simulation study (including all bootstrap replications)
#'     will be passed to \code{\link{removenoninformativelists}}.
#' @param verbose If \code{verbose=FALSE}, then the progress of the simulation will not show.
#' If \code{verbose=TRUE}, then the progress of the simulation will be shown.
#'@param ... other arguments.
#'@return A list with components as below
#'\code{popest} Total population point estimate from the original data using
#'\code{estimatepopulation.0} with default threshold.
#'\code{BICmodels} The best model chosen by the BIC at each simulation.
#'\code{BICvals} Point estimates of the total population and standard error of the best model chosen by the BIC at each simulation.
#'\code{simreps} Counts associated to each capture history at each simulation.
#'\code{modelmat} A full capture history matrix excluding the row corresponding to the dark figure.
#'\code{popestsim} Total population estimate given by the BCa method in each simulation.
#'\code{BCaquantiles} bootstrap confidence intervals given by the BCa method.
#'\code{BICconf} confidence interval given by the BIC method.
#'Chan, L., Silverman, B. W., and Vincent, K. (2019).
#'  Multiple Systems Estimation for Sparse Capture Data: Inferential Challenges when there are Non-Overlapping Lists.
#'   Available from \url{https://arxiv.org/abs/1902.05156}.
#' DiCiccio, T. J. and Efron, B. (1996). Bootstrap Confidence Intervals. \emph{Statistical Science}, \strong{40(3)}, 189-228.
#' Rivest, L-P. and Baillargeon, S. (2014) Rcapture. CRAN package. Available from Available from \url{https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=Rcapture}.
#'@importFrom stats pnorm quantile rbinom rmultinom

BICandbootstrapsim <- function(zdat, nsims=100,nboot=100,pthresh=0.02, iseed=1234, alpha=c(0.025, 0.05, 0.1, 0.16, 0.5, 0.84, 0.9, 0.95, 0.975),noninformativelist=F,verbose=F, ...){
  #  simulate data
  nobserved = sum(zdat[, dim(zdat)[2]])
  BICmods = vector("character", length=nsims)
  BICvals = matrix(nrow=nsims, ncol=2)
  BICconf = matrix(nrow=nsims, ncol=4, dimnames=list(NULL, c(0.025,0.1,0.9,0.975)))
  #   find point estimate using given pthresh
  fullestimate = estimatepopulation.0(zdat, quantiles=NULL, pthresh=pthresh, ...)
  #   find estimated cell frequencies for fitted model
  popest = fullestimate$estimate
  #   set up bootstrap model
  predfreq = exp(predict(fullestimate$MSEfit$fit))
  modelmat = fullestimate$MSEfit$fit$model[,-1]
  simreps = matrix(NA, nrow = dim(modelmat)[1], ncol=nsims)
  popestr = round(popest)
  #   generate nsims multinomial samples.  First use a binomial distribution to find the number of observations excluding the dark figure.
  #   Then use a multinomial distribution to find the actual realization.  Then set out synthetic data.
  for (j in (1:nsims)) {
    nobs = rbinom(1,popestr,sum(predfreq)/popest)
    simreps[,j] = rmultinom(1,nobs,predfreq)
    # find the BIC estimates at the same time
    zdatsim = cbind(modelmat, simreps[,j])
    if (noninformativelist) zdatsim=removenoninformativelists(zdatsim)
    zallres=Rcapture::closedpMS.t(zdatsim, dfreq=T,maxorder=2)
    zr = zallres$results
    indmin = (1:dim(zr)[1])[zr[,7]==min(zr[,7])]
    BICmods[j] = dimnames(zr)[[1]][indmin]
    BICvals[j,] = zr[indmin, 1:2]
    #  find multinomial 95% and 80% confidence intervals--probably not the most elegant way but it works
    BICconf[j,c(2,3)] = Rcapture::closedpCI.t(zdatsim, dfreq=T,mX=BICmods[j], alpha=0.2)$CI[2:3]
    BICconf[j,c(1,4)] = Rcapture::closedpCI.t(zdatsim, dfreq=T,mX=BICmods[j])$CI[2:3]
    if (verbose) cat(j)
  #  now do stepwise estimates and bootstrap CIs
  popests = rep(0,nsims)
  bootCIs = matrix(nrow=nsims, ncol=length(alpha))
  dimnames(bootCIs)[[2]] = alpha
  for (j in (1:nsims)) {
    count = simreps[,j]
    zdatsim = cbind(modelmat, count)
    if (noninformativelist) zdatsim=removenoninformativelists(zdatsim)
    bootoutput = estimatepopulation(zdatsim, nboot=nboot, alpha=alpha, pthresh=pthresh)
    bootCIs[j,] = bootoutput$BCaquantiles
    if (verbose)  cat(j)
  return(list(popest=popest, BICmodels = BICmods, BICvals=BICvals, simreps=simreps, modelmat=modelmat, popestsim=popests, BCaquantiles=bootCIs, BICconf=BICconf))

#' Remove non-informative list
#' The routine cleans up the data set by removing any lists that contain no data, any lists which contain all the observed data, and
#'  any list whose results duplicate those of another list.
#'   If as a result the original data set has no list left, it returns a matrix with the value of the total count.
#' @param zdat Data matrix with \eqn{t+1} columns. The first \eqn{t} columns, each corresponding to a particular list,
#' are 0s and 1s defining the capture histories
#' observed. The last column is the count of cases with that particular capture history.
#' @return data matrix that contains no duplicate lists, no lists with no data, and no lists that contain all the observed data.
#' If all lists are removed, the total count is returned.
#' @export

  #remove duplicate list
  #remove list that contain no or all data
  countname = dimnames(zdat)[[2]][m2]
  ltot = t( zdat[, -m2])%*% zdat[,m2]
  mtot= sum(zdat[,m2])
  jkeep = (ltot > 0) & (ltot < mtot)
  if (sum(jkeep) > 0 ) zdat = zdat[,c(jkeep, T)] else {
    #  if there are no lists left at all, just return the total count as a matrix
    zdat = matrix(mtot, nrow=1, ncol=1, dimnames= list(NULL, countname))

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