
Defines functions compute_ICA_BinCont sample_deltas_BinCont sample_dvine estimate_ICA_BinCont estimate_mutual_information_BinCont compute_entropy

Documented in compute_ICA_BinCont estimate_ICA_BinCont sample_deltas_BinCont sample_dvine

compute_entropy = function(probs) {
  return(-1 * sum(probs * log(probs)))

estimate_mutual_information_BinCont = function(delta_S, delta_T) {
  # Estimate three conditional densities for the three possible values of delta
  # T.
  lower_S = min(delta_S)
  upper_S = max(delta_S)
  range_S = upper_S - lower_S
  lower_S = lower_S - 0.2 * range_S
  upper_S = upper_S + 0.2 * range_S

  dens_min1 = density(delta_S[delta_T == -1],
                      from = lower_S,
                      to = upper_S,
                      n = 1024)
  dens_0 = density(delta_S[delta_T == 0],
                   from = lower_S,
                   to = upper_S,
                   n = 1024)
  dens_plus1 = density(delta_S[delta_T == 1],
                       from = lower_S,
                       to = upper_S,
                       n = 1024)

  # Convert the estimated densities to R functions.
  densfun_min1 = approxfun(dens_min1$x, dens_min1$y)
  densfun_0 = approxfun(dens_0$x, dens_0$y)
  densfun_plus1 = approxfun(dens_plus1$x, dens_plus1$y)

  # Compute marginal probabilities for distribution of Delta T.
  pi_min1 = mean(delta_T == -1)
  pi_0 = mean(delta_T == 0)
  pi_plus1 = 1 - pi_min1 - pi_0

  # Construct marginal density function of S.
  densfun_marg = function(x) {
    pi_min1 * densfun_min1(x) +
      pi_0 * densfun_0(x) +
      pi_plus1 * densfun_plus1(x)

  # Compute integral for each conditional density using the trapezoidal rule.
  integral_min1 = pi_min1 * cubature::cubintegrate(
    f = function(x) {
      y = densfun_min1(x)
      ifelse(y == 0,
             y * log(y))
    lower = lower_S,
    upper = upper_S
  integral_0 = pi_0 * cubature::cubintegrate(
    f = function(x) {
      y = densfun_0(x)
      ifelse(y == 0,
             y * log(y))
    lower = lower_S,
    upper = upper_S
  integral_plus1 = pi_plus1 * cubature::cubintegrate(
    f = function(x) {
      y = densfun_plus1(x)
      ifelse(y == 0,
             y * log(y))
    lower = lower_S,
    upper = upper_S

  # Compute differential entropy of Delta S
  diff_entropy = cubature::cubintegrate(
    f = function(x) {
      y = densfun_marg(x)
      ifelse(y == 0,
             y * log(y))
    lower = lower_S,
    upper = upper_S

  mutual_information = integral_min1 + integral_0 + integral_plus1 - diff_entropy

#' Estimate ICA in Binary-Continuous Setting
#' `estimate_ICA_BinCont()` estimates the individual causal association (ICA)
#' for a sample of individual causal treatment effects with a continuous
#' surrogate and a binary true endpoint. The ICA in this setting is defined as
#' follows, \deqn{R^2_H = \frac{I(\Delta S; \Delta T)}{H(\Delta T)}} where
#' \eqn{I(\Delta S; \Delta T)} is the mutual information and \eqn{H(\Delta T)}
#' the entropy.
#' @param delta_S (numeric) Vector of individual causal treatment effects on the
#'   surrogate.
#' @param delta_T (integer) Vector of individual causal treatment effects on the true
#'   endpoint. Should take on one of the following values: `-1L`, `0L`, or `1L`.
#' @return (numeric) Estimated ICA

estimate_ICA_BinCont = function(delta_S, delta_T) {
  # Compute marginal probabilities for distribution of Delta T.
  pi_min1 = mean(delta_T == -1)
  pi_0 = mean(delta_T == 0)
  pi_plus1 = 1 - pi_min1 - pi_0
  # Compute ICA
  ICA = estimate_mutual_information_BinCont(delta_S, delta_T) /
    compute_entropy(c(pi_min1, pi_0, pi_plus1))

#' Sample copula data from a given four-dimensional D-vine copula
#' `sample_dvine()` is a helper function that samples copula data from a given
#' D-vine copula. See details for more information on the parameterization of
#' the D-vine copula.
#' @details
#' # D-vine Copula
#' Let \eqn{\boldsymbol{U} = (U_1, U_2, U_3, U_4)'} be a random vector with
#' uniform margins. The corresponding distribution function is then a
#' 4-dimensional copula. A D-vine copula as a family of \eqn{k}-dimensional
#' copulas. Indeed, a D-vine copula is a \eqn{k}-dimensional copula that is
#' constructed from a particular product of bivariate copula densities. In this
#' function, only 4-dimensional copula densities are considered. Under the
#' simplifying assumption, the 4-dimensional D-vine copula density is the
#' product of the following bivariate copula densities:
#' * \eqn{c_{12}}, \eqn{c_{23}}, and \eqn{c_{34}}
#' * \eqn{c_{13;2}} and \eqn{c_{24;3}}
#' * \eqn{c_{14;23}}
#' @param copula_par Parameter vector for the sequence of bivariate copulas that
#'   define the D-vine copula. The elements of `copula_par` correspond to
#'   \eqn{(c_{12}, c_{23}, c_{34}, c_{13;2}, c_{24;3}, c_{14;23})}.
#' @param rotation_par Vector of rotation parameters for the sequence of
#'   bivariate copulas that define the D-vine copula. The elements of
#'   `rotation_par` correspond to \eqn{(c_{12}, c_{23}, c_{34}, c_{13;2},
#'   c_{24;3}, c_{14;23})}.
#' @param copula_family1 Copula family of \eqn{c_{12}} and \eqn{c_{34}}. For the
#'   possible options, see `loglik_copula_scale()`.
#' @param copula_family2 Copula family of the other bivariate copulas. For the
#'   possible options, see `loglik_copula_scale()`.
#' @param n Number of samples to be taken from the D-vine copula.
#' @return A \eqn{n \times 4} matrix where each row corresponds to one sampled
#'   vector and the columns correspond to \eqn{U_1}, \eqn{U_2}, \eqn{U_3}, and
#'   \eqn{U_4}.
sample_dvine = function(copula_par,
                        copula_family2 = copula_family1,
                        n) {
  # D-vine copula parameters
  c12 = copula_par[1]
  c23 = copula_par[2]
  c34 = copula_par[3]
  c13_2 = copula_par[4]
  c24_3 = copula_par[5]
  c14_23 = copula_par[6]

  # D-vine copula rotations
  r12 = rotation_par[1]
  r23 = rotation_par[2]
  r34 = rotation_par[3]
  r13_2 = rotation_par[4]
  r24_3 = rotation_par[5]
  r14_23 = rotation_par[6]

  pair_copulas = list(
        family = copula_family1,
        rotation = r12,
        parameters = c12
        family = copula_family2,
        rotation = r23,
        parameters = c23
        family = copula_family1,
        rotation = r34,
        parameters = c34
        family = copula_family2,
        rotation = r13_2,
        parameters = c13_2
        family = copula_family2,
        rotation = r24_3,
        parameters = c24_3
        family = copula_family2,
        rotation = r14_23,
        parameters = c14_23
  copula_structure = rvinecopulib::dvine_structure(order = 1:4)
  vine_cop = rvinecopulib::vinecop_dist(pair_copulas = pair_copulas, structure = copula_structure)

  U = rvinecopulib::rvinecop(n = n, vinecop = vine_cop, cores = 1)


#' Sample individual casual treatment effects from given D-vine copula model in
#' binary continuous setting
#' @param q_S0 Quantile function for the distribution of \eqn{S_0}.
#' @param q_S1 Quantile function for the distribution of \eqn{S_1}.
#' @param q_T0 Quantile function for the distribution of \eqn{T_0}. This should be
#' `NULL` if \eqn{T_0} is binary.
#' @param q_T1 Quantile function for the distribution of \eqn{T_1}. This should be
#' `NULL` if \eqn{T_1} is binary.
#' @param marginal_sp_rho (boolean) Compute the sample Spearman correlation
#'   matrix? Defaults to `TRUE`.
#' @param composite (boolean)  If `composite` is `TRUE`, then the surrogate
#'    endpoint is a composite of both a "pure" surrogate endpoint and the true
#'    endpoint, e.g., progression-free survival is the minimum of time-to-progression
#'    and time-to-death.
#' @param setting Should be one of the following two:
#' * `"BinCont"`: for when \eqn{S} is continuous and \eqn{T} is binary.
#' * `"SurvSurv"`: for when both \eqn{S} and \eqn{T} are time-to-event variables.
#' @inheritParams sample_dvine
#' @return A list with two elements:
#' * `Delta_dataframe`: a dataframe containing the sampled individual causal
#'   treatment effects
#' * `marginal_sp_rho_matrix`: a matrix containing the marginal pairwise Spearman's rho
#'   parameters estimated from the sample. If `marginal_sp_rho = FALSE`, this
#'   matrix is not computed and `NULL` is returned for this element of the list.
sample_deltas_BinCont = function(copula_par,
                                 copula_family2 = copula_family1,
                                 q_S0 = NULL,
                                 q_S1 = NULL,
                                 q_T0 = NULL,
                                 q_T1 = NULL,
                                 marginal_sp_rho = TRUE,
                                 setting = "BinCont",
                                 composite = FALSE){
  # Sample data on the copula scale.
  U = sample_dvine(copula_par,
  # Convert copula data to the original scale. For the true endpoints, we
  # convert from to the copula scale to the latent standard normal scale to the
  # binary scale. For the surrogate endpoint, we convert from the copula scale
  # to the continuous scale, as defined by the corresponding marginal
  # distributions.
  if (setting == "BinCont") {
    T0 = ifelse(stats::qnorm(U[, 1]) < 0, 0L, 1L)
    T1 = ifelse(stats::qnorm(U[, 4]) < 0, 0L, 1L)
  else if (setting == "SurvSurv"){
    T0 = q_T0(U[, 1])
    T1 = q_T1(U[, 4])
  S0 = q_S0(U[, 2])
  S1 = q_S1(U[, 3])
  if (composite) {
    # If the composite argument is true, then the surrogate endpoint is a
    # composite of both a "pure" surrogate endpoint and the true endpoint, e.g.,
    # progression-free survival is the minimum of time-to-progression and
    # time-to-death.
    S0 = pmin(S0, T0)
    S1 = pmin(S1, T1)
  Delta_dataframe = data.frame(DeltaS = S1 - S0,
                               DeltaT = T1 - T0)
  # Compute the pairwise marginal Spearman's rho values from the sample.
  if (marginal_sp_rho) {
    sp_rho_matrix = NULL
    sp_rho_matrix = stats::cor(data.frame(T0, S0, S1, T1), method = "spearman")
    # If we're in the survival-survival setting, then the 2x2 survival
    # classification is also computed.
    survival_classification = NULL
    if (setting == "SurvSurv") {
      prop_harmed = mean((S0 == T0) &
                           (S1 < T1))
      prop_protected = mean((S0 < T0) &
                              (S1 == T1))
      prop_always = mean((S0 < T0) &
                           (S1 < T1))
      prop_never = 1 - prop_harmed - prop_protected - prop_always
      survival_classification = c(prop_harmed = prop_harmed,
                                  prop_protected = prop_protected,
                                  prop_always = prop_always,
                                  prop_never = prop_never)
    list(Delta_dataframe = Delta_dataframe,
         marginal_sp_rho_matrix = sp_rho_matrix,
         survival_classification = survival_classification)

#' Compute Individual Causal Association for a given D-vine copula model in the
#' Binary-Continuous Setting
#' The [compute_ICA_BinCont()] function computes the individual causal
#' association for a fully identified D-vine copula model in the setting with a
#' continuous surrogate endpoint and a binary true endpoint.
#' @param n_prec Number of Monte Carlo samples for the computation of the mutual
#'   information.
#' @param seed Seed for Monte Carlo sampling. This seed does not affect the global
#'   environment.
#' @inheritParams sample_deltas_BinCont
#' @return (numeric) A Named vector with the following elements:
#'  * ICA
#'  * Spearman's rho, \eqn{\rho_s (\Delta S, \Delta T)} (if asked)
#'  * Kendall's tau, \eqn{\tau (\Delta S, \Delta T)} (if asked)
#'  * Marginal association parameters in terms of Spearman's rho:
#'  \deqn{(\rho_s(S_0, S_1), \rho_s(S_0, T_0), \rho_s(S_0, T_1),
#'  \rho_s(S_1, T_0), \rho_s(S_0, S_1),
#'  \rho_s(T_0, T_1)}
compute_ICA_BinCont = function(copula_par,
                               copula_family2 = copula_family1,
                               marginal_sp_rho = TRUE,
                               seed = 1)
  # Sample individual causal treatment effects from the given model. If
  # marginal_sp_rho = TRUE, then the Spearman's correlation matrix is also
  # computed for the 4d joint distribution of potential outcomes.
  delta_list = sample_deltas_BinCont(
    copula_family2 = copula_family1,
    n = n_prec,
    marginal_sp_rho = marginal_sp_rho
  delta_df = delta_list$Delta_dataframe
  sp_rho_matrix = delta_list$marginal_sp_rho_matrix
  # Compute mutual information between Delta S and Delta T.
  mutual_information = estimate_mutual_information_BinCont(delta_df$DeltaS, delta_df$DeltaT)
  # Compute marginal probabilities for distribution of Delta T.
  pi_min1 = mean(delta_df$DeltaT == -1)
  pi_0 = mean(delta_df$DeltaT == 0)
  pi_plus1 = 1 - pi_min1 - pi_0
  entropy_DeltaT = compute_entropy(c(pi_min1, pi_0, pi_plus1))
  # Compute ICA
  ICA = mutual_information / entropy_DeltaT
  sp_rho = cor(delta_df$DeltaS, delta_df$DeltaT, method = "spearman")
  # kendall_tau = cor(delta_df$DeltaS, delta_df$DeltaT, method = "kendall")
  return(c(ICA = ICA, sp_rho = sp_rho,
           sp_rho_t0s0 = sp_rho_matrix[1, 2], sp_rho_t0s1 = sp_rho_matrix[1, 3], sp_rho_t0t1 = sp_rho_matrix[1, 4],
           sp_rho_s0s1 = sp_rho_matrix[2, 3], sp_rho_s0t1 = sp_rho_matrix[2, 4],
           sp_rho_s1t1 = sp_rho_matrix[3, 4]))

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