
Defines functions WrightMap.sim.PV IRT.WrightMap.tamaan IRT.WrightMap.tam.mml IRT.WrightMap.IRT.threshold IRT.WrightMap

Documented in IRT.WrightMap IRT.WrightMap IRT.WrightMap.IRT.threshold IRT.WrightMap.tamaan IRT.WrightMap.tam.mml

## File Name: IRT.WrightMap.R
## File Version: 9.14

# S3 method WrightMap
# IRT.WrightMap <- function(object, prob.lvl=.5, type="PV", ...) {
IRT.WrightMap <- function(object, ...) {

IRT.WrightMap.IRT.threshold <- function( object, label.items=NULL, ... )
    #--- create trait distribution
    N1 <- 20000
    thresh1 <- object
    theta <- attr(thresh1, "theta")
    ind <- N1 * attr(thresh1, "prob.theta")
    TP <- nrow(theta)
    ind <- round( ind[,1] )
    theta <- theta[ rep( 1:TP, ind ), ]
    #--- input for WrightMap function
    thresh0 <- as.matrix(thresh1)
    class(thresh0) <- NULL
    attr(thresh0,"prob.theta") <- attr(thresh0,"theta") <- NULL
    if ( is.null(label.items)){
        label.items <- rownames(thresh1)
    #--- create WrightMap
    res <- WrightMap::wrightMap( thetas=theta, thresholds=thresh0,
                    label.items=label.items, ...)

#-- Wright map for TAM models
IRT.WrightMap.tam.mml <- function( object, prob.lvl=.5, type="PV", ... )
    #-- extract dimensionality
    ndim <- object$ndim

    #-- compute thresholds
    thresh <- tam.threshold( object, prob.lvl=prob.lvl )

    #--- person parameter estimates

    #--- WLE
    if (type=="WLE"){
        pers.estimates <- tam.wle( object )
        if (ndim==1){
            pers.estimates <- pers.estimates$theta
        if (ndim>1){
            pers.estimates <- pers.estimates[, paste0("theta.Dim0", 1:ndim) ]
    #--- PV
    if (type=="PV"){
        pers.estimates <- WrightMap.sim.PV( object, ndim=ndim )
    #--- Population
    if (type=="Pop"){
        N1 <- 10000
        if (ndim==1){
            pers.estimates <- rep( object$theta[,1], round( object$pi.k * N1 ) )
        if (ndim>1){
            x1 <- round( object$pi.k * N1)
            theta <- object$theta
            TP <- nrow(theta)
            pers.estimates <- theta[ rep( 1:TP, x1 ), ]

    #--- draw Wright Map
    res <- WrightMap::wrightMap( thetas=pers.estimates, thresholds=thresh, ... )

#---- Wright maps for objects of class tamaan
IRT.WrightMap.tamaan <- function( object, prob.lvl=.5, type="PV", ... )
    method <- object$tamaanify$method
    plot_wm <- 1 * ( method %in% c("tam.mml", "tam.mml.2pl" ) )
    if ( plot_wm==0){
        stop("Wright Map cannot be automatically created for this model!")
    res <- IRT.WrightMap.tam.mml( object, prob.lvl=prob.lvl, type=type, ... )

#**** simulate person parameter estimates according PVs
WrightMap.sim.PV <- function( object, ndim )
    person <- object$person
    N <- nrow(person)
    if (ndim==1){
        pers.est <- stats::rnorm( N, mean=person$EAP, sd=person$SD.EAP )
    if (ndim>1){
        pers.est <- matrix( 0, nrow=N, ncol=ndim)
        for (dd in 1:ndim){
            pers.est[,dd] <- stats::rnorm( N, mean=person[,paste0("EAP.Dim",dd)],
                            sd=person[,paste0("SD.EAP.Dim",dd)] )

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TAM documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:20 a.m.