
Defines functions plot.IRT.informationCurves

Documented in plot.IRT.informationCurves

## File Name: plot.IRT.informationCurves.R
## File Version: 9.08

plot.IRT.informationCurves <- function(x, curve_type="test", ... )
    theta <- x$theta[,1]
    args <- list(...)
    xlim <- range(theta)
    # collect arguments for plot
    if ( sum( names(args)==c("xlim") )==1 ){
        xlim <- args$xlim
    if ( sum( names(args)==c("xlim") )==0 ){
        xlim -> args$xlim
    if ( sum( names(args)=="xlab")==0 ){
        args$xlab <- "theta"
    if ( sum( names(args)=="ylab")==0 ){
        args$ylab <- "y"

    #***** test information curve or se curve
    if ( curve_type %in% c("test", "se" ) ){

        if ( curve_type=="se" ){    y <- x$se_curve }
        if ( curve_type=="test" ){    y <- x$test_info_curve }

        y1 <- y[ ( theta > xlim[1] ) & ( theta < xlim[2] ) ]
        if ( is.null(args$ylim) ){
            ylim <- c( 0, max( y1, na.rm=TRUE ) )
            args$ylim <- ylim
        args$x <- theta
        args$y <- y
        args$type <- "l"
        do.call( graphics::plot, args )
    # add item information curves here ...


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