
Defines functions tam.ctt

Documented in tam.ctt

## File Name: tam.ctt.R
## File Version: 9.09

tam.ctt <- function( resp, wlescore=NULL, pvscores=NULL, group=NULL, progress=TRUE)
    I <- ncol(resp)
    resp0 <- resp
    wlescore0 <- wlescore
    pvscores0 <- pvscores
    # define progress bar
    if ( is.null(wlescore) & is.null(pvscores) ){
        stop("Provide WLEs or Plausible Values!")
    if ( is.null(group) ){ group=rep(1, nrow(resp) ) }
    groups <- sort( unique( group )    )
    G <- length(groups)
    dfr <- NULL
    for (gg in 1:G){
        if (progress){
            cat( paste( rep("*", 10 ), collapse="") )
            cat("| Group", groups[gg], "\n|")
            prg <- round( seq( 1, I, len=10 ) )
            prg[ prg==I ] <- I-1
        ind.gg <- which( group==groups[gg] )
        resp <- resp0[ ind.gg, ]
        wlescore <- wlescore0[ ind.gg ]
        if ( ! is.null(pvscores0) ){
            pvscores <- pvscores0[ ind.gg, ]
        for (ii in 1:I){
            categ.ii <- table( resp0[,ii] )
            categ.ii <- names(categ.ii)
            CCI <- length(categ.ii)
            dfr.ii <- data.frame( "group"=groups[gg], "itemno"=ii, "item"=colnames(resp)[ii],
                "N"=sum(1-is.na( resp[,ii] ) ), "Categ"=categ.ii)
            for (cc in 1:CCI){
                dfr.ii$AbsFreq[cc]    <- sum( 1 * ( paste(resp[, ii ] )==categ.ii[cc]  )    , na.rm=TRUE )
            dfr.ii$RelFreq <- dfr.ii$AbsFreq / dfr.ii$N
            dfr.ii$rpb.WLE <- NA
            dfr.ii$M.WLE <- NA
            dfr.ii$SD.WLE <- NA
            if ( ! is.null( pvscores ) ){
                dfr.ii$rpb.PV <- NA
                dfr.ii$M.PV <- NA
                dfr.ii$SD.PV <- NA
            for (cc in 1:CCI){
                categ.cc <- categ.ii[cc]
                dat.cc <- 1 * ( resp[, ii ]==categ.cc  )
                ind.cc <- which( paste(dat.cc)==1 )
                if ( ! is.null( wlescore ) ){
                    dfr.ii[cc, "rpb.WLE"] <- stats::cor( dat.cc, wlescore, use="pairwise.complete.obs")
                    dfr.ii[cc, "M.WLE" ] <- mean( wlescore[ ind.cc], na.rm=TRUE )
                    dfr.ii[cc, "SD.WLE" ] <- stats::sd( wlescore[ ind.cc], na.rm=TRUE )
                if ( ! is.null( pvscores ) ){
                    dfr.ii[cc, "rpb.PV"] <- rowMeans( stats::cor( dat.cc, pvscores, use="pairwise.complete.obs") )
                    dfr.ii[cc, "M.PV" ] <- mean( apply( pvscores[ ind.cc,], 2,mean, na.rm=TRUE ) )
                    dfr.ii[cc, "SD.PV" ] <- mean( apply( pvscores[ ind.cc,], 2, stats::sd, na.rm=TRUE ) )
            dfr <- rbind( dfr, dfr.ii )
            if (progress){ if ( ii %in% prg ){ cat("-" ) } ; flush.console() }
        } # end items within group
        if (progress){ cat("|\n") }
    } # end group
    dfr <- dfr[ order( paste0( 10000+ dfr$itemno, dfr$group, dfr$Categ ) ), ]
    dfr <- data.frame( "index"=seq(1,nrow(dfr) ), dfr )

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TAM documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:20 a.m.