
Defines functions tam.linking

Documented in tam.linking

## File Name: tam.linking.R
## File Version: 0.349

tam.linking <- function( tamobj_list, type="Hae", method="joint",
    pow_rob_hae=1, eps_rob_hae=1e-4, theta=NULL, wgt=NULL, wgt_sd=2, fix.slope=FALSE,
    elim_items=NULL, par_init=NULL, verbose=TRUE)
    CALL <- match.call()
    s1 <- Sys.time()
    NM <- length(tamobj_list)
    #** theta specifications
    if (is.null(theta)){
        theta <- seq(-6,6,len=101)
    if (is.null(wgt)){
        wgt <- tam_normalize_vector( stats::dnorm(theta, sd=wgt_sd ) )
    theta <- matrix( theta, ncol=1)
    #--- extract parameters
    parameters_list <- list()
    for (mm in 1:NM){
        parameters_list[[mm]] <- tam_linking_extract_parameters(
                                        elim_items=elim_items[[mm]] )

    #**** LINKING
    entries <- c("linking_items", "B", "A", "AXsi", "guess", "M", "SD")
    linking_list <- list()
    linking_args <- list( theta=theta, wgt=wgt, type=type, fix.slope=fix.slope,
                            pow_rob_hae=pow_rob_hae, eps_rob_hae=eps_rob_hae,

    #--- subfunction chain linking
    if (method=="chain"){
        res <- tam_linking_chain( NM=NM, parameters_list=parameters_list,
                    entries=entries, verbose=verbose, linking_args=linking_args,

    #--- subfunction joint linking
    if (method=="joint"){
        res <- tam_linking_joint(NM=NM, parameters_list=parameters_list,
    # extract output values
    M_SD <- res$M_SD
    trafo_persons <- res$trafo_persons
    trafo_items <- res$trafo_items
    N_common <- res$N_common
    linking_list <- res$linking_list
    parameters_list <- res$parameters_list
    par <- res$par_optim

    #--- OUTPUT
    s2 <- Sys.time()
    time <- c(s1, s2)
    res <- list(parameters_list=parameters_list, linking_list=linking_list, M_SD=M_SD,
                    trafo_persons=trafo_persons, trafo_items=trafo_items,
                    N_common=N_common, theta=theta, wgt=wgt, NS=NM, type=type,
                    method=method, pow_rob_hae=pow_rob_hae, eps_rob_hae=eps_rob_hae,
                    par=par, CALL=CALL,time=time)
    class(res) <- "tam.linking"

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TAM documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:20 a.m.