
Defines functions tam_mml_3pl_skillspace

## File Name: tam_mml_3pl_skillspace.R
## File Version: 0.12

# reduced skillspace estimation
tam_mml_3pl_skillspace <- function( Ngroup, pi.k,
            delta.designmatrix, G, delta, delta.fixed,
            eps=1E-10, hwt, resp.ind, pweights, pweightsM,
            group1.list, delta_acceleration, iter)
    Z <- delta.designmatrix
    delta0 <- delta
    ND <- nrow(delta)
    covdelta <- list(1:G)

    itemwt <- crossprod( hwt, resp.ind * pweightsM  )

    #-- group specific skill proportions
    for (gg in 1:G){
        ind.gg <- group1.list[[gg]]
        pi.k[,gg] <- colSums( ( pweights*hwt )[ind.gg,] )
        pi.k[,gg] <- pi.k[,gg] / sum( pi.k[,gg] )
    #-- skill space smoothing
    for (gg in 1:G){
        ntheta1 <- Ngroup[gg] * pi.k[,gg]
        ntheta1 <- ntheta1 / sum(ntheta1 )
        lntheta <- log(ntheta1+eps)
        mod <- stats::lm( lntheta ~ 0 + Z, weights=ntheta1 )
        covbeta <- stats::vcov(mod)
        beta <- stats::coef(mod)
        if ( ! is.null( delta.fixed ) ){
            # delta.fixed: 1st column: parameter index
            #              2nd column: group index
            #              3rd column: parameter value
            ind.gg <- which( delta.fixed[,2]==gg )
            if ( length(ind.gg) > 0 ){
                beta[ delta.fixed[ind.gg,1] ] <- delta.fixed[ind.gg,3]
        pi.k[,gg] <- exp( Z %*% beta ) / Ngroup[gg]
        pi.k[,gg] <- pi.k[,gg] / sum( pi.k[,gg] )
        delta[,gg] <- beta
        covdelta[[gg]] <- covbeta
    #----- delta acceleration
    if ( delta_acceleration$acceleration !="none" ){
        delta_acceleration <- tam_accelerate_parameters( xsi_acceleration=delta_acceleration,
                        xsi=delta, iter=iter, itermin=3)
        delta <- matrix( delta_acceleration$parm, nrow=nrow(delta), ncol=ncol(delta) )
    #---- delta parameter change
    delta_change <- tam_parameter_change( delta, delta0 )

    #---- OUTPUT
    res <- list( "pi.k"=pi.k, "delta"=delta,
            "covdelta"=covdelta, itemwt=itemwt, delta_acceleration=delta_acceleration,
            varConv=TRUE, betaConv=TRUE)

.mml.3pl.skillspace <- tam_mml_3pl_skillspace

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TAM documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:20 a.m.