
Defines functions tam_mml_create_nodes

## File Name: tam_mml_create_nodes.R
## File Version: 0.332

tam_mml_create_nodes <- function(snodes, nodes, ndim, QMC,
        skillspace="normal", theta.k=NULL)
    thetasamp.density <- NULL
    theta2 <- NULL
    thetawidth <- NULL
    theta0.samp <- NULL
    theta <- NULL
    do_numeric <- TRUE

    if ( is.null(theta.k) & ( skillspace=="discrete") ){
        snodes <- 0

    if ( skillspace=="discrete"){
        do_numeric <- FALSE

    if ( ( skillspace=="discrete") & ( ! is.null(theta.k) ) ){
        theta <- as.matrix( theta.k )
        nnodes <- nrow(theta)
        ntheta <- nnodes

    #--- numeric integration
    if ( ( snodes==0 ) & do_numeric ){
        theta <- tam_mml_create_nodes_multidim_nodes(nodes=nodes, ndim=ndim)
        if ( ( skillspace !="normal") & ( ! is.null(theta.k) ) ){
            theta <- as.matrix( theta.k )
            nnodes <- nrow(theta)
        #we need this to compute sumsig2 for the variance
        theta2 <- tam_theta_sq(theta=theta, is_matrix=TRUE )
        # grid width for calculating the deviance
        thetawidth <- diff(theta[,1] )
        thetawidth <- ( ( thetawidth[ thetawidth > 0 ])[1] )^ndim
        nnodes <- nrow(theta)
        ntheta <- nnodes
    #--- stochastic integration
    if ( snodes > 0 ){
        # sampled theta values
        if (QMC){
            fac <- 1
            r1 <- tam_import_sfsmisc_QUnif(n=snodes, min=0, max=1, n.min=1,
                            p=ndim, leap=409)
            theta0.samp <- fac * stats::qnorm(r1)
            if (ndim==1){
                theta0.samp <- theta0.samp[ order(theta0.samp[,1]), ]
        } else {
            theta0.samp <- matrix( CDM::CDM_rmvnorm( snodes, mean=rep(0,ndim),
                                sigma=diag(1,ndim)), nrow=snodes, ncol=ndim )
        nnodes <- snodes
        theta <- matrix( theta0.samp, nrow=snodes, ncol=ndim)
        ntheta <- snodes
    #---- OUTPUT
    res <- list( theta=theta, theta2=theta2, thetawidth=thetawidth,
                    theta0.samp=theta0.samp, thetasamp.density=thetasamp.density,
                    nodes=nodes, snodes=snodes, QMC=QMC, nnodes=nnodes,
                    theta.k=theta.k, ntheta=ntheta)

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TAM documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:20 a.m.