
Defines functions tamaanify.tam.mml.3pl.designMatrices.TRAIT

## File Name: tamaanify.tam.mml.3pl.designMatrices.TRAIT.R
## File Version: 9.082

tamaanify.tam.mml.3pl.designMatrices.TRAIT <- function( res ){
    anlist <- res$ANALYSIS.list
    items <- colnames(res$resp)
    I <- length(items)
    itemtable <- res$items

    # gammaslope parameters
    # res$gammaslope.fixed <- NULL
    res$gammaslope.prior <- NULL
    res$gammaslope.des <- "2PL"

    # define appropriate E matrix
    # items x categories x dimensions x parameters

    # define also a B.fixed input option
    Q <- res$Q
    Q.fixed <- NULL
    B_fix <- res$B.fixed
    if ( ! is.null(B_fix) ){
        Q.fixed <- NA*Q
        colnames(B_fix) <- c("item_index", "cat", "dim", "value")
        B_fix <- B_fix[ B_fix[,"cat"]==2,, drop=FALSE ]
        h1 <-  B_fix[, c("item_index", "dim") ]
        Q.fixed[ h1 ] <- B_fix[, "value"]
    res$Q.fixed <- Q.fixed

    # calculate guessing parameters
    res$est.guess <- NULL
    res$guess <- NULL
    res$guess.prior <- NULL
    lavpartable <- res$lavpartable
    ind <- which( lavpartable$op=="?=" )
    lav1 <- lavpartable[ ind, ]

    if ( nrow(lav1) > 0){
        # include labels
        labs <- paste0( lav1$lhs, "_guess" )
        lav1$label <- ifelse( paste(lav1$label) !="",
                paste(lav1$label), labs )
        lavpartable[ind,] <- lav1
        res$lavpartable <- lavpartable
        I <- length(items)
        est.guess <- rep(0,I)
        names(est.guess) <- items
        lav1$item.index <- match( paste(lav1$lhs), items )
        lav1$ustart <- ifelse( is.na( lav1$ustart), .2, lav1$ustart )
        guess.labels <- unique(paste(lav1$label))

        est.guess[ lav1$item.index] <-
                match( paste(lav1$label), guess.labels )
        guess <- 0 * est.guess
        guess[ paste(lav1$lhs) ] <- lav1$ustart

        names(guess) <- names(est.guess) <- NULL

        res$guess <- guess
        res$est.guess <- est.guess
        res$method <- "tam.mml.3pl"



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