
Defines functions tamaanify_proc_itemtype

## File Name: tamaanify_proc_itemtype.R
## File Version: 9.091

### process item type

tamaanify_proc_itemtype <- function( res )
    tam1 <- res$tammodel.dfr
    ind1 <- which( paste(tam1$syn)=="ITEMTYPE:" )
    if ( length(ind1) > 0 ){
        index1 <- tam1$part_begin[ ind1 ]
        ind2 <- which( tam1$part_begin==index1 )[-1]
        if ( length(ind2) > 0 ){
            m2 <- paste( tam1[ ind2, "syn" ] )
            res$ITEMTYPE <- m2
            #*** grep item types
            m2 <- data.frame( "index"=seq(1,length(m2) ), "syn"=m2 )
            m3 <- strsplit( paste( m2$syn), split="(", fixed=TRUE )
            m2$items <- unlist( lapply( m3, FUN=function(ll){ ll[1] } ) )
            m2$itemtype <- unlist( lapply( m3, FUN=function(ll){ ll[2] } ) )
            m2$itemtype <- gsub( ")", "", paste(m2$itemtype), fixed=TRUE )
            N2 <- nrow(m2)
            items0 <- res$items
            items00 <- paste( items0$item )
            for (ii in 1:N2){
                h1 <- unlist(strsplit( paste(m2$items[ii]), split="__" ))
                if ( h1[1]=="ALL" ){
                    h1 <- c( items00[1], items00[ length(items00) ] )
                if ( length(h1)==1 ){
                    h1 <- c( h1, h1 )
                ind1 <- which( items00==h1[1] )
                ind2 <- which( items00==h1[2] )
                items0[ seq(ind1,ind2), "itemtype"] <- paste(m2$itemtype[ii])
            res$items <- items0

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