
Defines functions tdmRegress

Documented in tdmRegress

# require(randomForest);  # now via direct call 'randomForest::'
# require(e1071);         # svm()

# tdmRegress
#'       Core regression function of TDMR. 
#'  tdmRegress is called by \code{\link{tdmRegressLoop}} and returns an object of class \code{tdmRegre}. \cr
#'  It trains a model on training set \code{d_train} and evaluates it on test set \code{d_test}.
#'  If this function is used for tuning, the test set \code{d_test} plays the role of a validation set.
#' @param d_train     training set
#' @param d_test      test set, same columns as training set
#' @param d_preproc   data used for preprocessing. May be NULL, if no preprocessing is done 
#'                   (opts$PRE.SFA=="none" and opts$PRE.PCA=="none"). If preprocessing is done, 
#'                   then d_preproc is usually all non-validation data.
#' @param response.variables   name of column which carries the target variable - or - 
#'                   vector of names specifying multiple target columns
#'                   (these columns are not used during prediction, only for evaluation)
#' @param input.variables     vector with names of input columns 
#' @param opts        additional parameters [defaults in brackets]
#'     \describe{
#'     \item{\code{SRF.*}}{ several parameters for sorted_rf_importance (see tdmModelingUtils.r) }
#'     \item{\code{RF.*}}{ several parameters for RF (Random Forest, defaults are set, if omitted)  }
#'     \item{\code{SVM.*}}{ several parameters for SVM (Support Vector Machines, defaults are set, if omitted)}
#'     \item{\code{filename}}{ }
#'     \item{\code{data.title}}{ }
#'     \item{\code{MOD.method}}{ ["RF"] the main training method
#'                   ["RF"|"SVM"|"LM"]: use [Random forest|  SVM| linear model] for the main model}
#'     \item{\code{MOD.SEED}}{ =NULL: set the RNG to system time as seed (different RF trainings)
#'                   =any value: set the random number seed to this value (+i) to get reproducible random
#'                   numbers. In this way, the model training part (RF, NNET, ...) gets always a fixed seed.
#'                   (see also TST.SEED in tdmRegressLoop) }
#'     \item{\code{OUTTRAFO}}{ [NULL] string, apply a transformation to the output variable}
#'     \item{\code{fct.postproc}}{ [NULL] name of a user-def'd function for postprocessing of predicted output  }
#'     \item{\code{gr.log}}{ =FALSE (def): make scatter plot as-is, 
#'                           =TRUE: transform output x with log(x+1) (x should be nonnegative) }
#'     \item{\code{GD.DEVICE}}{ if !="non", then make a pairs-plot of the 5 most important variables
#'                   and make a true-false bar plot }
#'     \item{\code{VERBOSE}}{ [2] =2: most printed output, =1: less, =0: no output }
#'     }
#' @param tsetStr [c("Validation", "validation",".vali")] 
#' @return  \code{res}, an object of class \code{tdmRegre}, this is a list containing
#'       \item{\code{d_train}}{ training set + predicted class column(s) }
#'       \item{\code{d_test}}{ test set + predicted target output }
#       \item{\code{rmse}}{ ---deprecated--- root mean square error (on test + train set) + Theil's U (on test + train set) }
#       \item{\code{rmae}}{ ---deprecated--- relative mean absolute error (on test + train set) + Theil's U  (on test + train set).
#                   rmse and rmae are lists. If there is more than one response variable, then rmse and rmae 
#                   contain the *average* over response.variables for each list-entry. }
#'       \item{\code{allRMAE}}{ data frame with columns = (rmae.train, rmae.test, theil.train, theil.test, ...) 
#'                              and rows = response variables. Here Theil's U is based on RMAE (relative mean absolute errror).  }
#'       \item{\code{allRMSE}}{ data frame with columns = (rmse.train, rmse.test, theil.train, theil.test, ...) 
#'                              and rows = response variables. Here Theil's U is based on RMSE (root mean square error).  }
#'       \item{\code{lastModel}}{       the last model built (e.g. the last Random Forest in the case of MOD.method=="RF") }
#'       \item{\code{opts}}{ parameter list from input, some default values might have been added }
#'    The item \code{lastModel} is 
#'    specific for the *last* model (the one built for the last response variable in the last run and last fold) 
#' @seealso  \code{\link{print.tdmRegre}} \code{\link{tdmRegressLoop}} \code{\link{tdmClassifyLoop}}
#' @author Wolfgang Konen, FHK, Sep'2009 - Jun'2012
#' @examples
#' #*# This example shows a simple data mining process (phase 1 of TDMR) for regression on
#' #*# dataset iris.
#' #*# The data mining process in tdmRegress calls randomForest as the prediction model.
#' #*# It is called  for 2 response variables. Therefore, the data frames allRMAE and allRMSE 
#' #*# have 2 rows.
#' #*#
#' opts=tdmOptsDefaultsSet()                       # set all defaults for data mining process
#' gdObj <- tdmGraAndLogInitialize(opts);          # init graphics and log file
#' data(iris)
#' response.variables=c("Petal.Length","Petal.Width")                # names, not data (!)
#' input.variables=setdiff(names(iris),response.variables)
#' opts$rgain.type="rmae"
#' opts$NRUN=1
#' idx_train = sample(nrow(iris))[1:110]
#' d_train=iris[idx_train,]
#' d_vali=iris[-idx_train,]
#' res <- tdmRegress(d_train,d_vali,NULL,response.variables,input.variables,opts)
#' print(res$allRMAE)
#' print(res$allRMSE)
#' @export
tdmRegress <- function(d_train,d_test,d_preproc,response.variables,input.variables,opts,
                       tsetStr=c("Validation", "validation",".vali"))
    filename <- opts$filename;
    saved.input.variables <- input.variables;      # save copy for response.variable loop

    if (is.null(opts$RF.samp)) opts$RF.samp=3000;
    if (is.null(opts$SVM.gamma)) opts$SVM.gamma=0.01;
    if (is.null(opts$SVM.epsilon)) opts$SVM.epsilon=0.01;
    if (is.null(opts$SVM.tolerance)) opts$SVM.tolerance=0.001;
    if (is.null(opts$gr.log)) opts$gr.log=F;
    if (is.null(opts$PRE.SFA.numericV)) opts$PRE.SFA.numericV <- input.variables;
    allRMAE <- allRMSE <- allMADE <- NULL;    
    for (response.variable in response.variables) {    
        input.variables <- saved.input.variables;
        if (!is.null(opts$OUTTRAFO)) {
          if (opts$OUTTRAFO=="log") {
              cat1(opts,filename,": Applying log-transform to response.variable ...\n")
              d_train[,response.variable] <- log(d_train[,response.variable]+1)
              d_test[,response.variable] <- log(d_test[,response.variable]+1)
          if (opts$OUTTRAFO=="mean.shift") {
              cat1(opts,filename,": Applying mean.shift-transform to response.variable ...\n")
              response.mean = mean(d_train[,response.variable])
              d_train[,response.variable] <- d_train[,response.variable]-response.mean
              d_test[,response.variable] <- d_test[,response.variable]-response.mean
        # SFA preprocessing, if requested by opts$PRE.SFA, is done *inside* the response.variable-for-loop
        # because SFA training depends on the response variable
        if (opts$PRE.SFA!="none") {
          # a) do SFA on the numeric variables of d_train, if opts$PRE.SFA!="none"
          # b) add monomials of degree 2 for the first opts$PRE.SFA.npc numeric variables
          # c) apply this SFA and monomials to d_test and d_dis in the same way
          other.variables <- setdiff(input.variables,opts$PRE.SFA.numericV);
          sfa <- tdmPreSFA.train(d_preproc,response.variable,opts);                 # see tdmPreprocUtils.r                 
          d_train <- tdmPreSFA.apply(d_train,sfa$sfaList,opts,d_train)$dset;
          d_test <- tdmPreSFA.apply(d_test,sfa$sfaList,opts,d_train)$dset;

          input.variables <- union(sfa$numeric.variables,other.variables);
          if (length(setdiff(input.variables,names(d_train)))>0) 
              stop("Some elements of input.variables are not columns of d_train");

        # PART 4.1: SUMMARY OF DATA
        #cat1(opts,filename,": Summary of data ...\n")
        #cat1(opts,"Summary of d_train:\n")
        #print(summary(d_train))            # most columns are of numeric type
                                           # -> summary min,max,quantiles...

        # NEW (May 2012): if opts$MOD.SEED is set, also the importance selection 
        # starts with a deterministic seed
        if (is.null(opts$MOD.SEED)) {
          # NEW: when called via SPOT, the RNG might be at (different but) fixed seed in each call.
          #      But if MOD.SEED==NULL we want different seeds (for RF training) to see the variability       
        } else if (opts$MOD.SEED=="algSeed") {  # use the seed from SPOT
        } else {
          set.seed(newseed) # if you want reproducably the same model training,
        }                   # but different for each run i

        # determine the importance of all input var's by constructing a test RF
        # --- this step is skipped if SRF.kind=="none", then you use all     ---
        # --- input variables and you do not see the importance of variables ---
        if (opts$SRF.kind!="none") {
          cat1(opts,filename,": Importance check ...\n")
          opts$RF.sampsize <- tdmModAdjustSampsizeR(opts$SRF.samp, d_train, response.variable, opts);
          SRF <- tdmModSortedRFimport(d_train,response.variable,
          input.variables <- as.character(SRF$input.variables);
          opts <- SRF$opts;       # some defaults might have been added, some opts$SRF.* values or list opts$srf might be changed
          SRF$opts <- NULL;       # simplify list result, which will contain both, SRF and opts
        }  else {
          if (opts$i==1) {
            cat1(opts,filename,": Using all input variables: \n");
            if (opts$VERBOSE>=1) print(input.variables);

        # We set here the random number generator (RNG) seed again such that the subsequent RF training 
        # starts from the same seed, regardless whether opts$SRF.kind=="none" or !="none" (the latter
        # means extra calls to RNG in tdmModSortedRFimport)
        if (is.null(opts$MOD.SEED)) {
          # NEW: when called via SPOT, the RNG might be at (different but) fixed seed in each call.
          #      But if MOD.SEED==NULL we want different seeds (for RF training) to see the variability       
        } else if (opts$MOD.SEED=="algSeed") {  # use the seed from SPOT
        } else {
          set.seed(newseed) # if you want reproducably the same model training,
        }                   # but different for each run i

		    formula <- formula(paste(response.variable, "~ ."))   # use all possible input variables
        # estimate random forest based on previous step:
        to.model <- d_train[,c(input.variables,response.variable)]
        to.test <- d_test[,c(input.variables,response.variable)]
        train.rf <- function(formula,to.model,opts) {
            cat1(opts,opts$filename,": Train RF ...\n")
            formula <- formula(paste(response.variable, "~ ."))   # use all possible input variables
            opts$RF.sampsize <- tdmModAdjustSampsizeR(opts$RF.samp, to.model, response.variable, opts);
            # we work here with a command text string and eval(...) to allow for the presence or
            # absence of certain options like "mtry" which are not allowed to be NULL:
            rf.options = "ntree=opts$RF.ntree";
            rf.options = paste(rf.options,"sampsize=opts$RF.sampsize",sep=",")
            rf.options = paste(rf.options,"na.action=randomForest::na.roughfix","proximity=F",sep=",")
            if (!is.null(opts$RF.mtry)) rf.options = paste(rf.options,"mtry=opts$RF.mtry",sep=",")
            #if (!is.null(opts$CLS.cutoff)) rf.options = paste(rf.options,"cutoff=opts$CLS.cutoff",sep=",")
            #/WK/2014/05/ 'cutoff' makes no sense for regression!
            if (!is.null(opts$RF.nodesize)) rf.options = paste(rf.options,"nodesize=opts$RF.nodesize",sep=",")

            eval(parse(text=paste("res.rf <- randomForest::randomForest( formula, data=to.model,",rf.options,")"))) 
            res.rf$HasVotes = TRUE; 
        train.svm <- function(formula,to.model,opts) {
            kernelChoices = c("linear","polynomial","radial","sigmoid");
            kernelType = kernelChoices[opts$SVM.kernel];
            cat1(opts,filename,": Train SVM (kernel=",kernelType,") ...\n");
            #res.rf <- e1071::svm(formula, to.model, kernel="radial", gamma=0.02, epsilon=0.0001, tolerance=0.001, type="eps-regression", cachesize=512)
            res.rf <- e1071::svm(formula, to.model
                							, kernel=kernelType
                              , gamma=opts$SVM.gamma
                              , coef0=opts$SVM.coef0
                              , degree=opts$SVM.degree
                              , cost=opts$SVM.cost
                              , epsilon=opts$SVM.epsilon
                              , tolerance=opts$SVM.tolerance
                              , type="eps-regression")
        train.lm <- function(formula,to.model,opts) {
            cat1(opts,filename,": Train LM ...\n")
            res.rf <- lm( formula=formula, data=to.model)
        ptm <- proc.time()
        cat1(opts, "Run ",ifelse(opts$the.nfold>1,paste(opts$i,".",opts$k,sep="")           ,opts$i)    ,"/",
                          ifelse(opts$the.nfold>1,paste(opts$NRUN,".",opts$the.nfold,sep=""),opts$NRUN) ,":\n"); 
        res.rf = switch(opts$MOD.method
          ,"RF"  =  train.rf(formula,to.model,opts)
          ,"SVM" =  train.svm(formula,to.model,opts) 
          ,"LM" =  train.lm(formula,to.model,opts) 
        cat1(opts,"Proc time: ",(proc.time()-ptm)[1],"\n");

        apply.rf <- function(res.rf,to.model,to.test,opts) {
            cat1(opts,opts$filename,": Apply RF ...\n")
            #opts$RF.p.all = TRUE;          # TEST---------------
            app = list()
            app$test.predict <- predict(res.rf, newdata=to.test, predict.all=opts$RF.p.all)
            if (opts$RF.p.all) {
                train.p <- predict(res.rf, newdata=to.model, predict.all=opts$RF.p.all)
                app$train.indiv <- train.p$individual;
                app$train.predict <- train.p$aggregate;
                app$test.indiv <- app$test.predict$individual;
                app$test.predict <- app$test.predict$aggregate;
            } else {
                app$train.predict <- res.rf$predicted
                # (res.rf$predicted is the *OOB-prediction* on the training set)
                # Think about this! Why is it WRONG (or too optimistic) to use here
                #      app$train.predict <- predict(res.rf, newdata=d_train)   
                # as the prediction for the training set?
        apply.other <- function(res.rf,to.model,to.test,opts) {
            cat1(opts,opts$filename,": Apply",opts$MOD.method,"...\n")
            app = list()
            app$train.predict <- predict(res.rf, newdata=to.model)
            app$test.predict <- predict(res.rf, newdata=to.test)
        ptm <- proc.time()
        app = switch(opts$MOD.method
          ,"RF"  =  apply.rf(res.rf,to.model,to.test,opts)
          ,"SVM" =, "LM" =  apply.other(res.rf,to.model,to.test,opts) 
        train.predict <- app$train.predict;
        test.predict <- app$test.predict;
        cat1(opts,"Proc time: ",(proc.time()-ptm)[1],"\n");

        if (!is.null(opts$OUTTRAFO)) {
          if (opts$OUTTRAFO=="log") {        
              cat1(opts,filename,": Inverting log-transform to response.variable ...\n")
              d_train[,response.variable] <- exp(d_train[,response.variable])-1
              d_test[,response.variable] <- exp(d_test[,response.variable])-1
              train.predict <- exp(train.predict)-1
              test.predict <- exp(test.predict)-1
          if (opts$OUTTRAFO=="mean.shift") {        
              cat1(opts,filename,": Inverting mean.shift-transform to response.variable ...\n")
              d_train[,response.variable] <- d_train[,response.variable]+response.mean
              d_test[,response.variable] <- d_test[,response.variable]+response.mean
              train.predict <- train.predict+response.mean
              test.predict <- test.predict+response.mean
      	if (!is.null(opts$fct.postproc)) {
      		cat1(opts,filename,": User-defined postprocessing: Applying function",opts$fct.postproc,"...\n");
      		train.predict <- eval(parse(text=paste(opts$fct.postproc,"(train.predict,d_train,opts)",sep="")));
      		test.predict <- eval(parse(text=paste(opts$fct.postproc,"(test.predict,d_test,opts)",sep="")));
        # bind the predicted class pred_... as last column to the data frames
        name.of.prediction <- paste("pred_", response.variable, sep="")
        d_train <- tdmBindResponse(d_train, name.of.prediction, train.predict)
        d_test  <- tdmBindResponse(d_test, name.of.prediction, test.predict)

        cat1(opts,filename,": Calc RMSE ...\n")
        rmse$rmse.train <- sqrt(mean((train.predict-d_train[,response.variable])^2)) # this is the OOB-error in case of RF
        rmse$theil.train <- rmse$rmse.train/sqrt(mean((naive.predict-d_train[,response.variable])^2))
        if (opts$MOD.method=="RF") rmse$OOB <- sqrt(res.rf$mse[res.rf$ntree])
        else rmse$OOB <- 0;
        #rmse$Theil2.train <- rmse$rmse.train/sqrt(mean((naive.predict2-d_train[,response.variable])^2))
        rmae$made.tr <- mean(abs(train.predict-d_train[,response.variable]))
        rmae$ma.train <- mean(abs(d_train[,response.variable]))
        rmae$rmae.train <- rmae$made.tr/rmae$ma.train;
        rmae$theil.train <- rmae$rmae.train/(mean(abs(naive.predict-d_train[,response.variable]))/rmae$ma.train)

        cat1(opts,"\nTraining cases (",length(train.predict),"):\n")
        cat1(opts,"rmse.train", ifelse(opts$MOD.method=="RF","(OOB)",""),":", rmse$rmse.train, "\n")
        cat1(opts,"rmae.train", ifelse(opts$MOD.method=="RF","(OOB)",""),":", rmae$rmae.train,"\n")
        cat1(opts,"Theils U1 (train, RMSE):", rmse$theil.train,"\n")#, U2 (train):",rmse$Theil2.train,"\n")    # <1: better than naive forecast
        cat1(opts,"Theils U3 (train, RMAE):", rmae$theil.train,"\n")    # based on RMAE instead of RMSE

        rmse$rmse.test <- sqrt(mean((test.predict-d_test[,response.variable])^2))
        rmse$theil.test <- rmse$rmse.test/sqrt(mean((naive.predict-d_test[,response.variable])^2))
        #rmse$Theil2.test <- rmse$rmse.test/sqrt(mean((naive.predict2-d_test[,response.variable])^2))
        rmae$made.te <- mean(abs(test.predict-d_test[,response.variable]));
        rmae$ma.test <- mean(abs(d_test[,response.variable]))
        rmae$rmae.test <- rmae$made.te/rmae$ma.test
        rmae$theil.test <- rmae$rmae.test/(mean(abs(naive.predict-d_test[,response.variable]))/rmae$ma.test)
    		cat1(opts,paste0("\n",tsetStr[1]," cases (",length(test.predict),"):\n"));
      	cat1(opts,"rmse.test:", rmse$rmse.test, ", rmse.train", ifelse(opts$MOD.method=="RF","(OOB)",""),":", rmse$rmse.train,"\n")
        cat1(opts,"rmae.test:", rmae$rmae.test, "\n")
        cat1(opts,"Theils U1 (test, RMSE):", rmse$theil.test,"\n")#, U2 (test):",rmse$Theil2.test,"\n")    # <1: better than naive forecast
        cat1(opts,"Theils U3 (test, RMAE):", rmae$theil.test,"\n")    # based on RMAE instead of RMSE
        if (!is.na(match("SRF",ls()))) {
        	rmae$SRF.perc = SRF$perc;			               # just to report these
        	rmae$SRF.lsd = SRF$lsd;				               # three numbers below  
        	rmae$SRF.lsi = length(SRF$input.variables)   # in allRMAE

        # PART 4.7: GRAPHICS
        if (opts$GD.DEVICE!="non") {
          # point plot: true response (x) vs. predicted response (y)
          # helper functions for the plot:
          #   gr_trans(x,xmin): returns a vector of length which(!is.na(x))
          #   min_trans: returns a number
          # (TODO: can we make this simpler if we defer the optional log-transform with log="xy" to the plot? )
          if (opts$gr.log) {
            gr_trans <- function(x,xmin) { log(x[!is.na(x)]+1-xmin, base=10); }
            min_trans <- function(x) { min(min(x[!is.na(x)]),0); }            
          } else {
            gr_trans <- function(x,xmin) { x; }
            min_trans <- function(x) { 0; }          # not used  
          r = c(d_train[,response.variable],d_test[,response.variable]);
          if (any(is.na(r))) 
            warning(sprintf("Column %s in dset contains NA! Removing them for the purpose of the plot.",
          r = r[!is.na(r)];
          rmin = min_trans(r);
          if (is.null(opts$lim)) lim=c(min(r),max(r)) else lim=opts$lim;
          true_out = gr_trans(d_train[,response.variable],rmin)
          true_out = gr_trans(d_test[,response.variable],rmin)
          legend("topleft",legend=c("train", "test"),
                 col=c("blue","red"), lty=c(1,1), lwd=c(1,1),
                 pch=c(5,5), pt.bg=c("white","white"), pt.cex=1.0,
                 text.col="blue4", bg="gray95")
        } # if (opts$GD.DEVICE!="non")
        allRMAE <- rbind(allRMAE,as.data.frame(rmae));
        allRMSE <- rbind(allRMSE,as.data.frame(rmse));
        cat1(opts,sprintf("  %s: rmae%s =%8.3f, RMAE%s =%8.3f\n",response.variable,tsetStr[3],rmae$rmae.test,tsetStr[3],mean(allRMAE$rmae.test)));
        cat1(opts,sprintf("  %s: rmae.train=%8.3f, RMAE.train=%8.3f\n",response.variable,rmae$rmae.train,mean(allRMAE$rmae.train)));

    } # for (response.variable)
    RMAE <- as.list(mapply(mean,allRMAE));
    RMSE <- as.list(mapply(mean,allRMSE));
    dir.output <- paste(dirname(opts$dir.output),basename(opts$dir.output),sep="/")  # remove trailing "/", if it exists
    if (!file.exists(dir.output)) {
      success = dir.create(dir.output);     
      if (!success) stop(sprintf("Could not create dir.output=%s",dir.output));
    #outfile = paste(opts$dir.output,sub(".csv", "", filename), "_predictions.csv", sep="")
    #write.table(d_test, file=outfile, quote=F, sep=";", dec=".", row.names=F, col.names=TRUE)

    res =   list(allRMAE=allRMAE	 	# RMAE, Theil's U and mean abs deviation, separately for each response.variable 
                ,allRMSE=allRMSE   	# RMAE, Theil's U and mean abs deviation, separately for each response.variable 
                #,rmse=RMSE          # -- deprecated -- root mean square error, averaged over all response.variables
                #,rmae=RMAE          # -- deprecated -- relative mean absolute error, Theil's U and mean abs deviation, averaged over all response.variables
                ,lastModel = res.rf # model from last response.variable 
                ,SRF=SRF            # output from tdmModSortedRFimport or NULL
                ,opts=opts          # some defaults might have been added, list opts$srf might have been added
    if (opts$MOD.method=="RF" & opts$RF.p.all) res$train.indiv=app$train.indiv;
    class(res) <- c("tdmRegre","TDM")     # this causes > res; or > print(res);
                                          # NOT to print out the whole list (might be very long!!)
                                          # but to call instead the function  print.tdmRegre
} # tdmRegress

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TDMR documentation built on March 3, 2020, 1:06 a.m.